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Fantasy The Labyrinth OOC

haha, same.
and aren’t you quite sadistic, ian ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

oh dear.
i feel i got the concept down .. but, at the same time, u g h.
if math was a person, i’d make sure they’d never be born for the sake of my brain.
we all give into the temptations of angst.
like, the more our ocs suffer .. the better story they’ll tell, just pulling onto our heart strings .. one by one.

and sAME.
the thing with math is, if you stop doing it && don’t review the old stuff frequently .. you’re gonna forget it && when you need it again, you’re gonna struggle to get it. sOBS
i am not brave enough to come near birds.
their beaks, quite honestly, scare me half to death .. when i was little ( like around six ) i dreamt of one biting my finger off && hence, become fingerless.
my mind likes to taunt me with horrific scenarios, at times. smh.
I stuck her back in her cage so she could finish going to the bathroom,
and now she's attacking the cage and staring at me like I betrayed her
omg .. my dumb brain thought a ferret was a bird. smh.

i just searched what it was && it’s freakin adorable !! give that little a-hole to me, ian. i’ll take care of it for you !!
XD it's okay, it's not, like, a super common pet
and she's usually a sweetheart. she's just being
an asshole tonight for some reason. she was
sleeping on my chest earlier and i was like,
this is how i do, stuck here, unable to
disturb this adorable ball of fur
im only able to recall what ferret was bc im such a potterhead.
draco malfoy got turned into one. LMAO

and perhaps. maybe she had a nightmare ??
ah, okay.
imma head to bed now.
probably 4 a.m. over @ your place, so you should probably do the same, ian. i’ll ttyl.
have you guys heard this song before? I was just randomly puttering around on youtube when I came across it

so question, when are we allowed to start introducing our characters in the thread? Just wondering
Fae13 Fae13 i think either when this group reach enough members or when ian finally finishes their oc, then we can commence the rp .. however, it’s just me guessing here, though.
so, don’t take my words for it.
hello Shog Shog ! welcome to the chat room .. im angel .. what should i call you by ?

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