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Fantasy The Knights and the Dragon Brothers OOC

May I add this character:
A girl who dresses like guys, pretending to be a knight, because she wishes to bring honor to her family but doesn't like to do it like other girls which means getting married to an old rich man. Also, as she is not pretty, she has no chances to find a husband from upper class families therefore she has decided to win respect like a boy; by showing bravery as a knight. Once, while resting in an inn after a mission, she hears about the cursed princess and wonders if she saves them they can help her to reach her wish, that is joining the noble class, by marrying one of them or getting promoted. Thus, she begins the journey to save some pitiful princes.
I read other character shits now and Ugh! if you put mine there the three of them are almost the same. If I'm right then I can change my character. It can even be a guy or a wizard... or something inhuman. Which do you prefer?
MJ ._. MJ ._.

Actually I really like your character idea! It's cute. You can go ahead and make the character sheet if you want and I'll approve it as soon as I can.
MJ ._. MJ ._.
If you're concerned about making your character unique, you can make her an elf? As long as she isn't blonde, since there's later a plot point that's important for that xD
MJ ._. MJ ._.
If you're concerned about making your character unique, you can make her an elf? As long as she isn't blonde, since there's later a plot point that's important for that xD
Thanks! I don't want to give her special powers. Elves without power are just like humans, right? I'll let her be the way she is.
I'm thinking of a stoic and stout crocodilian knight type of guy but haven't figured out backstory. Maybe he has extremly bad luck when it comes to his exploits, like being the second warrior to come and save a princess. All my first draft ideas are kinda sucky so eh.
Serf Ember Serf Ember
Well, it is a fairytale land so a crocodilian knight wouldn't be out of place! Maybe he was cursed as well? If you want, maybe the same witch that cursed the princes also cursed him, and since they have the same goal in mind, that starts off his motivation to go on the quest with the knights.

I'll definitely implement luck as a factor in the roleplay.
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Osthavula Osthavula animegirl20 animegirl20 Cinnabunny Cinnabunny MJ ._. MJ ._.

Everyone starts off with 15 "skill points", and with every successful quest where an item is acquired or any other side quest is completed (if they chose to go on the quest since staying and leveling up a relationship with a prince is an option as well), they will acquire 2 extra skill points.

The higher your skill is, the higher your chance of inflicting significant damage/defending yourself/casting a spell/brewing a potion.

There is a maximum of 10 points for each skill.

Brute Strength (physical ability to inflict harm):
Ironclad Defense (physical ability to take hits):
Run AWAAAAY! (physical ability to run and dodge):
Spell Caster (magical ability to chant spells):
Potion Brewer (magical ability to create potions and enchant items):
Weapon Knowledge (on a rating of knowing how to hold it to actually slaying some monster butt):

NOTE: Magic abilities are ONLY for the witch starting off-- later down the road they may acquire some magic abilities by training with said witch or practicing on their own.
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For befriending a prince (Acquaintance->Mate->Friend->Kindred Spirits/Crush-> Soul Brother/Soul Mate), you will get 2 extra points for Social Skills for each tier you manage to reach. You may have multiple relationships with each of the princes, but only one prince for your knight can acquire the Soul Brother/Soul Mate status. No other knights may unlock that specific prince's 'Soul Brother/Soul Mate' status either.

Note: "Soul Brother" is "best friend", and it's on the same exact tier as "Soul Mate", which is a romantic interest. Once your character acquires "Soul Brother/Mate", it unlocks a specific subplot for your knight and the prince.

You start off with 15 points, and each has a maximum of 8 points.

Charm (attractiveness to other characters):
Persuasion (silver-tongue your way out of a situation):
Thoroughness (attention to detail):
Creativity (thinking outside the box):
Luck (how well your character will do in an unfamiliar situation):
Endurance (mental capacity and dealing with stress):
Do we put this on our cs?
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Osthavula Osthavula animegirl20 animegirl20 Cinnabunny Cinnabunny MJ ._. MJ ._.

Everyone starts off with 15 "skill points", and with every successful quest where an item is acquired or any other side quest is completed (if they chose to go on the quest since staying and leveling up a relationship with a prince is an option as well), they will acquire 2 extra skill points.

The higher your skill is, the higher your chance of inflicting significant damage/defending yourself/casting a spell/brewing a potion.

There is a maximum of 10 points for each skill.

Brute Strength (physical ability to inflict harm):
Ironclad Defense (physical ability to take hits):
Run AWAAAAY! (physical ability to run and dodge):
Spell Caster (magical ability to chant spells):
Potion Brewer (magical ability to create potions and enchant items):
Weapon Knowledge (on a rating of knowing how to hold it to actually slaying some monster butt):

NOTE: Magic abilities are ONLY for the witch starting off-- later down the road they may acquire some magic abilities by training with said witch or practicing on their own.
For befriending a prince (Acquaintance->Mate->Friend->Kindred Spirits/Crush-> Soul Brother/Soul Mate), you will get 2 extra points for Social Skills for each tier you manage to reach. You may have multiple relationships with each of the princes, but only one prince for your knight can acquire the Soul Brother/Soul Mate status. No other knights may unlock that specific prince's 'Soul Brother/Soul Mate' status either.

Note: "Soul Brother" is "best friend", and it's on the same exact tier as "Soul Mate", which is a romantic interest. Once your character acquires "Soul Brother/Mate", it unlocks a specific subplot for your knight and the prince.

You start off with 15 points, and each has a maximum of 8 points.

Charm (attractiveness to other characters):
Persuasion (silver-tongue your way out of a situation):
Thoroughness (attention to detail):
Creativity (thinking outside the box):
Luck (how well your character will do in an unfamiliar situation):
Endurance (mental capacity and dealing with stress):

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