The Kingdom of Kirria {Sign-ups/OOC}

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]At least they have somewhere to call home... *Points to Xen The Drifter*

I'll take you in, Xen! But, if you live in my house... *evil look* Mwahahahahahaha! > :D  
Wait. @Xynia1998 if that happens, then we all have to edit our posts. QAQ but, whatever. I'll just make something up for why everyone is gathered, maybe it could be a family meeting of some sort...?

Okay, first of the two twins (other one on their way), finally finished... Niobe!

Name: Niobe Lucia Zabat Deynair

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: If the fact that she's nearly twenty and hasn't been married off to a suitable partner yet hasn't given you warning enough, allow me to clue you in. Niobe, while not quite to shrew levels is… headstrong, to say the least. She's a firecracker, and incredibly hard to handle on her good days - she's highly outspoken, and very sure of herself. Really the only reason she gets away with this is because she's not quite as bad as her twin brother (see below for details, of course). Being infertile and therefore not really viable when it comes to continuing the bloodline probably helps as well (after all it's hard to tell her she has to settle down when she has no biological reason to do so - and no one wants a barren wife so it's not like there were people champing at the bit to try and tame her fire when they wouldn’t even get any offspring for their trouble), and is certainly part of the reason that she acts out the way she does. Useless at the one thing women are supposed to do and too female to carry the duties and burdens of a man it was really the only option that she felt was left to her. It's really her way of coping with the shafting life gave her when she never had her first bleeding - and found out she was never going to have it, either.

She can be very sharp of tongue and doesn't bother to check her verbal blows - she speaks her mind readily, especially when she's displeased. She values her wit above every other talent other than her Shadowmancing and she's usually pretty proud of her comebacks, and happy to share them out. A tongue sparring is one of her favourite past times - similarly to Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, she has time only for those who can keep up with her mouth. After all, words are the only weapon a woman has, at the end of the day. She's very stubborn and doesn’t care to back down to anyone, sometimes even after she's seen that they have the right of it. In terms of romantic preferences she likes to say that she's waiting for "a worthy adversary" - someone who can match her in wit and skill. It's the excuse she's used to turn down what suitors she's had up to this point (not that there have been as many as there should have been, for a princess of her age - after all she is a 'flawed' woman).

What she lacks in the way of reproductive ability, however, she makes up for in talent with her shadow work. Niobe is an incredibly driven ShadowMancer, and has always been dutiful in her studies - especially so in these past few years. She's very dedicated to the art -you could say she's married to her studies rather than to any man.

Despite her intense interest in shadow manipulation and her push to become very talented in it's arts Niobe has never taken any interest in any other more traditionally masculine ventures. She has no interest in the sword and has never bothered to take one into her hand - she's never trained in any form of combat beyond Shadowmancing and the most dangerous 'weapon' she's ever held would probably be a letter opener. This is, of course, discounting any use of quills and ink which she firmly believes are at least as dangerous as any sword, if not more so. She's a firm believer in war of words over a war of fists - "politics are as much of a war as the one we fight on the battlefield, it simply requires more subtle and intricate tactics" is a much loved saying of hers. When it comes to the finer political points of the war that has torn across Kirria's land she's taken quite an interest and works hard to stay fully informed with all goings on, going so far as to have formed her own network of informants to make sure nothing slips her by. She is very much an intellectual, and acts quite above the place that being not only female but unable to reproduce originally put her in.

She is also quite ambitious and often dares to speak up at what meetings she is privy to, and can be quite a mover when it comes to political speeches and the sort.

History: While not first born, Niobe is one of the elder Deynair children and as such had more attention at her disposal during her earliest years of development. She was originally groomed to be a proper princess, ripe for the marrying off. She was taught how to run a large holding, proper etiquette, how to organize and the many required social events, the works. Born fair of face it was generally assumed that she would do well socially and be easily married off to the most prosperous match quite early on. By the time it became apparent that she wasn't going to be anyones first choice of a bride thanks to her physical failings she was already very well educated and expected to have as much power as a woman of royal blood could be expected to have. So the sudden realisation that that probably wasn’t going to be the case hit her rather harshly.

Really this left her with two (primary) options - she could accept her fate and live demurely under the financial protection of her family before they could ship her off with someone… or she could take her life into her own hands and try to further herself politically as much as possible for a woman in her position, which is what she decided to do. Since then she's been very politically active and even more aware - she makes a point to know whats going on, as quickly to when it happened as possible.

Skills/Specialties: As mentioned Niobe works very hard at her Shadowmancing and is pretty talented at it. Shadow walking is her specialty (particularly because it's a more defensive tactic) and she can go great distances with it. She's also highly intelligent and politically aware.

Faction: ShadowMancer, though she's more on her own side than anything else

Social Class: Princess

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be172e201_starina__commission__by_shricka-d60appl-Copy-Copy.png.f5f02f1092fd3ffd214e8faac79e488c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be172e201_starina__commission__by_shricka-d60appl-Copy-Copy.png.f5f02f1092fd3ffd214e8faac79e488c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/tumblr_mi6vbe7kiu1s407o1o1_500.jpg.3b75a803a30be8218e6268df7f5551f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/tumblr_mi6vbe7kiu1s407o1o1_500.jpg.3b75a803a30be8218e6268df7f5551f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Renn Skye Very much accepted, can't wait to see her in action~ ^^

@Gray I don't think so. . .Did Xynia say he was going to die? He was saved by Kalin, so he should be all good.
No Axis doesn't die he gets set free in the return for one of the princess hands in marriage 
~Goes to my corner and builds up my fort of spoons~ If I am needed I shall be here feeling like an Idiot!
I understand that. Is he currently being kept captive somewhere? Or was he set free?(So I can write an intro for him as well)
@Gray if you read Izazia's background (which most of you probably didn't) it says that Axis was allowed to wander around the castle, just put under constant secret supervision. :3 I said:

"After taking Prince Axis capture, Izazia actually treated the Shadowmancer prince rather well, even giving the man his own room and letting him wander around the castle, with trained guards of course. The guards wouldn't be directly following Prince Axis around, just keeping an eye on him, alerting the queen when he did something out of hand. They never actually interacted with the prince, their job was to get the queen to handle it, not manhandling the Shadowmancer prince down and knocking him out wiht a club of cheese." 
Unless Plume or Xynia say otherwise, I guess. ^^"
@Lucem Tenebris Haha!~ xD That's a great idea, are you looking for inspiration from Sazaku or Lelouch? (or another character)

@Xynia1998 No worries~

@paipai900 I did indeed read your wonderfully extensive sheet, and think it's a great idea~

*goes off to type up character sheets and responses that I have due, will be distracted*
Sounds good, I'll think of an interesting introduction for both Axis and Ellian. It'll be mischievous...
@Lucem Tenebris The conflict is coming to an end after the marriage, bringing the two factions together, but that's where your character comes in. It's also fine to see where the rp goes, for all we know Soulicy might decide she's not willing to stay married, or something like that. . .
We should fill out the details for the after marriage conflict, if that even happens... :3 
Izazia: Do not take it out on my people! I was the one who thought of the idea. *tries to be a good queen* lol
I have now formed an idea. It will be put into action after the wedding or when Xen can meet his half-siblings alone. 
Also, does anyone else realize how weird this looks from Xen's point of view? His half-sister and his half-brother are getting married...
Don't forget these kingdoms have been at war for years they aren't gonna just merge do a rain dance of happiness. I see rebellion in the future mawahahahaha!

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