The Kingdom of Kirria {Sign-ups/OOC}

Everyone can rest at ease. The entire conflict following the marriage has already been thought out, including the reasoning. Xen is officially the coolest character ever in my imagination.
And next... Drake! Fletch next. ugh. These all take so long...

Name: Drake Dehiras Elucia Deynair

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Drake is the epitome of a rebel without a cause. His whole life he's wanted to overthrow something, he's just never quite gotten around to the what or the how of it. When he was young it was his parents, and thin his tutors, though the war has at least given him some direction for all of that loose chaotic energy. Given that he was born into a major ruling family this isn't exactly the best trait he could have been born with, but it's the way he's formed - probably thanks to being one of the older siblings of the Deynair family but not the oldest. It left him with a lot of time on his hand - being not-quite-first-in-line has just made him… rebellious. He's never going to have the level of responsibility his elder brother will and so he kinda met all that open space of expectations with nowhere to go and made his own explosive path through it. An unrealized anarchist at heart he has a great distaste for all forms of governance and control, he'd rather live in a world of disorganized freedom then one of tightly controlled welfare. Freedom, he decided a long time ago, was too high a price for any sort of protection. He can be flat out self destructive with his need to be outspoken. He'll denounce whatever he sees as wrong and he doesn't care who hears it. He really doesn't see the point of this stupid war - as much as he's related to the ruling family (and is, in fact, part of said ruling family) he can't help but feel that it's all kinda messed up - after all this war wouldn't be going on if they weren't so set on being in control, now would it? Maybe it'd be best to just drop the whole attempted farce of governance at all, even if that wouldn’t turn out so well for him and his family.

He's a very snarky young man who seems to find more sustenance in fights (both physical and verbal) and arguments then he does in actual food. He's the sort to create and argument for arguments sake, and nothing endears someone to him more then the ability to keep up with his antagonistic nature. Despite being royalty he's no stranger to fist fights - and sometimes will actively seek them out if he hasn't gotten enough of a rush in the last few weeks.

He has a strong distrust of most people and doesn't like to get attached to anyone if he can help it. Growing up in the royal family led to his being a very emotionally guarded person - after all everything is posturing to some degree, who knows what's a true, genuine reaction? For the majority of his life he's had the idea that people simply weren't made for getting close to. One of many children in the Deynair family the only way to get attention was by acting out, and he did that well. He'd regularly get himself transported from teacher to teacher when he'd pushed them so far that they refused to keep him under their tutelage. He's made rather a practise of testing people out - pushing them further and further until they finally aren't willing to put up with them any more. At this point he's sure that no ones ever going to be willing to stay through all the shit he throws at them - after all, he makes himself very hard to love - and each time someone new turns him away he just files it away as further proof that people only put up with him due to his blood status and that pretty much everyone is full of hogwash.

History: Drake has been a troublemaker from day one. He's always felt cloistered and clammed up with his highly plush upbringing and has thrown fits from his earliest years to present day. He's super irresponsible and has taken little to no interest in the position of his family, or his own position within said family. While it's impossible to escape the war that has been raging between the two factions that is finally coming to an end he hasn't been very politically involved, and was only minorly involved in the war effort (insomuch as a child of his rank could be, after all) given that he was supposed to stay safe just in case something offed his brother and he was put up higher in the running for the throne. As such he's kinda been left to his own devices most of his life and he hasn't done much but cause trouble for all of that.

Skills/Specialties: Drake is best with hand to hand combat, something he's always been interest in and which he studied with some gusto. He honestly has never been that interested in shadowmancing and is only minorly talented in it, though he can work some nasty wonders with a blade formed of shadows he'd prefer to work with real iron and steel any day.

Faction: ShadowMancer

Social Class: Prince

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1737efe_0340d3bef081a673b2b3de0e57fcb521-d5k2fzu-Copy.jpg.6cf983d725df50f331770659b98c8020.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1737efe_0340d3bef081a673b2b3de0e57fcb521-d5k2fzu-Copy.jpg.6cf983d725df50f331770659b98c8020.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hah. I know you do. I had a feeling you'd be happy to see him.

Fletch is almost done for you dear so you'd better get me an Xavier for him to patch up. 
....deeply regretting not being able to keep the "If Xavier is the brain and backbone and soul of the flock, Fletcher is the heart and hands of it" line in his personality section. *sigh sigh sigh*
UnholyRedemption said:
:3 Hehe, I like this role-play. Pai, this is probably my favourite of your characters.
I like her to. :) When I look back at my past characters *shudders* I can see that I've improved from the last time I started RPing (which was just a month ago). So, yeah. Thank you. :)

(I will finish later, because I gtg now Bye.)


Name: Queen Ezmeralda (Ezzy for short, but only the king calls her that)

Gender: Female


Personality: Ezmeralda is a confident woman. Who believes in the traditions of being a lady and is always proper, neat and gentle, just a loving person. Right? WRONG! underneath all this fake gentleness there live a ball of pure passion and

implosion. Which reminds one of a child. Her temper like the fires from hell, so the in truth you must never anger the



Faction: (Arua Manipulator or ShadowMancer)

Social Class: (King, queen, prince, princess, guard, commoner, ect.)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Ezzy.jpg.56a05491bdcb8460f435a4e6fdfe4e0a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Ezzy.jpg.56a05491bdcb8460f435a4e6fdfe4e0a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Plume - for Xavier and Fletch... ages?

And which side did we want them on? 
I was kinda assuming Aura Manipulators for no reason at all but...

...and I figure we'll have them the same age-ish?
We don't have many non-royal Arua Manipulators, so it'd be good to have them on that side. Hmm, considering they're fairly new recruits, 18-20 maybe? Yes, yes exactly~
Perfect~ I'll tend to some posts and then get Xavier's sheet cracking. 
@UnholyRedemption Haha~ And I was on a different site for a few months before this one xD Yep, and I don't even have to check to remember her name, Ms. Rogue.~ ^^
Sometimes I forget to like people's posts, luckily paipai is here to remind me now xD All hail the queen of likes~ 
@UnholyRedemption H-hey, I blame her, she should've woken him up. *pouts*

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