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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

I don't mean to be a bother, but was my character all good or do I need to change anything? I was just curious. ^_^

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

like this expect coyote instead of wolf

Power: change into animals that he sees only for a short time 30 or 40 mins but not animals that are not a part of nature( James form,etc) and can turn into coyote forever

Age: 12

Gender: male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): can not remember much

Personality: Trister

Likes: playing tricks and people who like animals

Dislikes: spiders and and people who are to serious


Other(?): can be half human half coyote

first character ever created hope i was good
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[QUOTE="fma fan]
Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

like this expect coyote instead of wolf

Power: change into animals that he sees only for a short time 30 or 40 mins but not animals that or not a part of nature( James form,etc) and can turn into coyote forever

Age: 12

Gender: male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): can not remember much

Personality: Trister

Likes: playing tricks and people who like animals

Dislikes: spiders and and people who are to serious


Other(?): can be half human half coyote

first character ever created hope i was good

Cool Jennifer was my first character creation too.
[QUOTE="fma fan]do you like my character

Yes how old are u in real life I turned 13 in May.

I'm not really 15 xD
july was birthday

already have read all of them and the rping

i am a nerd
OMG me too! Now u just need to wait until isune approves your character he might want u to make a few changes though did u read our compromise it took forever for approval (:3)
insune is rping on loins gate right now

also the dragon thing i can not transform into either

(:3) cant what till i am accepted cause i know I will meet james

Lukas Warren


Male - 17 - Bisexual

"If I'm lucky, I'll be able to light this thing, if not - someone's walking away with their head on fire"

Tall, around 5'9"

Pale blonde hair with large almond-shaped amber eyes

a little on the skinny side

a large burn on his lower back

Fire manipulation

(able to create fire with his bare hands, as well as create a whip made of fire)

He cannot recollect too much of his past, but sees only small memories in flashes. Knows he is from somewhere in the desert (most likely southwestern United States), and has a strong memory of burning houses and screams. Lukas has a photograph of what he believes to be of him, his parents, and his little sister, but cannot remember them at all.

Cheeky and sarcastic to the max, Lukas tends to hide all of his pain through sarcasm. He has a a large heart and (despite whatever he says) cares deeply about his loved ones. He also tends to be a little reckless at times, and isn't one to think anything through.

Chocolate, people who don't take his jokes too seriously, warm summer days

People who he deems 'too serious", being alone for a long time, rain

Not at the moment

i hope that's okay omg!! i'm super new at this
Name: Zane Carthage

Appearance: Add a pair of sunglasses and a white t-shirt also that sword gtfo

Warrior Abs Scar Bicolor Weapon Male Anime HD Wallpaper Backgrounds Photo Image Picture.jpg

Power: Able to bend light to his will but causes great pain to him and causes his body to change. If Zane is in an open area he can't drain the power of light around him, unless it's dark and he has a for or a flashlight, because if he does it causes so much pain it feels like his muscles are drowning in energy so his power is limited to his environment. If he is in a cave or a makeshift house he feed off the energy that is coming into the place, but again he will be limited because if he tries draining it too fast it can cause great pain. His favorite use of energy is a prism, surrounding his prey in light causing them to forget where to go or how to see where left is. Keep in mind using his powers usually causes great pain. Another trick he learned is light smithing, using the tightly packed atoms that spreads light he can make almost anything, but he has to see what he's smithing or it won't work and that's why he has a blind fold duck taped on when he gets to the island, though light smithing is useful it is also very hard for Zane to comprehend, he can only make small objects and to add to it being extremely painf his mind can barely understand it so he only has a few seconds with the object. He has a few one more average priority power his shadow blending he's able to pull the light off his body but only can do this during the night or dark places. The rest of his powers are passive and he has now direct use for them, so if he uses anymore then don't worry they aren't important or he's bluffing.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and

other basic things): Zane was born to a poor family from some European country and was sold into the underground slave markets. He know little about his family and could care less. From a young age he was said to have control of the lighting in his box, even when it was completely dark. Being bought the first time by some rich man he was used as a servant until he 'accidentally' blinded the man. After that he was sold to a team of scientists in Canada and for the last decade has been weaponized and experimented on like an animal. Before he could use his power to light up a room or darken a corridor, now he can use it to blind people and roast them alive. He never wanted to hurt anyone, he was always forced to test his abilities on others, unlike before every time he uses his power it is very very painful, even for the littlest of things. And even though he uses it rarely his body is scarred by the past. He can't remember how he got here, all he knows is that he's free from torture and pain.

Personality: Zane is a deeply nice person with a get it done attitude, he's very open and very likeable but everyone has their darkside. During the night he becomes mean, uncaring, and cruel, though during the day he is nice as can be and very caring.

Likes: Fish, Solitude, helping, the light.

Dislikes: Too many people, needles or knives, ignorant people, the darkness.


Other: He hates when people stare at him, he doesn't believe in hurting people.
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Name: Mark Evans


Able to grow dragon-like wings to fly as well as pure black claws that can cut through almost anything. It tires him out quickly however.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things):
He doesn't know much about his life before the helicopter, but he did discover that he had a talent for engineering.

A bit egotistical and Narcissistic, but very light-hearted. He's kind and can't help but assist his allies. 'Leave no man behind' are the words he lives by. As proud as he is, he feels terrible if even one of his friends gets hurt, whether he could've done something about it or not. A bit of a flirt, but it's mostly him teasing. He's hot-tempered, and doesn't hesitate to start a fight or take a challenge, this gets him into more trouble than he'd like to admit.

Building, meeting potential allies, practicing his flying.

Being made fun of, personal failure, allowing friends to be hurt.

None, but free to change.

He's very resourceful, and can use almost anything to build a contraption.
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N A M E :

Selena Ray

N I C K N A M E :


G E N D E R :


A G E :


S E X U A L I T Y:


P O W E R :

Selena's body has an unusually large and powerful magnetic field, making her a lightning rod. She can redirect electric currents that are in her field and can control metal objects near her (( Like magneto )) She also has Photokinesis and can bend and control light.

W E A K N E S S E S / D R A W B A C K S :

Despite having an abnormal magnetic field its roughly 6 and half feet in diameter and cannot produce its own electricity, on the electrons that pass inside the field are affected, including metals. She can fire metals quickly from inside the field but has no way to retrieve or control them once they leave her space. Selena can be in dimly lit environments long, she will weaken and die if she is in the dark for prolonged periods of time.

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

L I K E S :

Being around others, sleeping,

D I S L I K E S :

Humans, being in wide open areas, cold

B I O :

No memory before her departure.

C R U S H :


A P P E A R A N C E :

W E I G H T :

125 lb

H E I G H T :


Code by KaoriMei

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jole875 said:
Name: Zane Carthage
Appearance: Add a pair of sunglasses and a white t-shirt also that sword gtfo

Warrior Abs Scar Bicolor Weapon Male Anime HD Wallpaper Backgrounds Photo Image Picture.jpg

Power: Able to bend light to his will but causes great pain to him and causes his body to change.

(Probably wont use it for more than little tasks.)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and

other basic things): Zane was born to a poor family from some European country and was sold into the underground slave markets. He know little about his family and could care less. From a young age he was said to have control of the lighting in his box, even when it was completely dark. Being bought the first time by some rich man he was used as a servant until he 'accidentally' blinded the man. After that he was sold to a team of scientists in Canada and for the last decade has been weaponized and experimented on like an animal. Before he could use his power to light up a room or darken a corridor, now he can use it to blind people and roast them alive. He never wanted to hurt anyone, he was always forced to test his abilities on others, unlike before every time he uses his power it is very very painful, even for the littlest of things. And even though he uses it rarely his body is scarred by the past. He can't remember how he got here, all he knows is that he's free from torture and pain.

Personality: Zane is a deeply nice person with a get it done attitude, he's very open and very likeable but everyone has their darkside. During the night he becomes mean, uncaring, and cruel, though during the day he is nice as can be and very caring.

Likes: Fish, Solitude, helping, the light.

Dislikes: Too many people, needles or knives, ignorant people, the darkness.


Other: He hates when people stare at him, he doesn't believe in hurting people.
If you could go into a bit more detail into the power then you're all set! @jole875

TerrinX said:




N A M E :

Selena Ray

N I C K N A M E :


G E N D E R :


A G E :


S E X U A L I T Y:


P O W E R :

Selena's body has an unsually large and powerful magnetic field, making her a lightning rod. She can redirect electric currents that are in her field can control metal objects near here (( Like magneto )) She also has Photokinesis and can bend and control light.

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

L I K E S :

Being around others, sleeping,

D I S L I K E S :

Humans, being in wide open areas, cold

B I O :

No memory before her departure.

C R U S H :


A P P E A R A N C E :

W E I G H T :

125 lb

H E I G H T :


Code by KaoriMei

@TerrinX your character has way too many powers and no weaknesses. I'd like to ask for you to give her one/two powers, but also give her some form of weakness.
Isune said:
If you could go into a bit more detail into the power then you're all set! @jole875
@TerrinX your character has way too many powers and no weaknesses. I'd like to ask for you to give her one/two powers, but also give her some form of weakness.
I cleaned it up the best I could.
I not judging you are anything i am just confused about how you say you dislike humans but likes being with others
[QUOTE="fma fan]I not judging you are anything i am just confused about how you say you dislike humans but likes being with others

She doesn't like humans but she hates being alone.

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