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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Name: Elina Grey

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-18_21-11-56.png.8e5269e5323c088671ad0b83356130b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-18_21-11-56.png.8e5269e5323c088671ad0b83356130b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Note: Elina has green-blue eyes… the color the eyes and markings of her golems glow)

Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)

  • Vivid Imagination: Although she tends to believe it has something to do with her past (as it partly does due to the techniques she learned), Elina has an uncanny gift for crafting and art. Be it sculptures, structures or tools and traps, Elina can make them all in top-notch quality- so long as she can imagine or has seen the final product. (ex. she does not know what the inside of a gun or other advanced machinery looks like or how it works so she couldn't make one... but she has seen many drawings of swords, shields and creatures from her books.)

  • Material Guidance: If she decides to use some of her "energy" into her crafting, she can also guide the material and tool into making a more delicate or finer cut than what would otherwise be impossible with the tool she was using (Note: she needs a tool for this unless the material is clay or sand.) An example of this would be if she was to take a chisel and hammer to a stone and strike it while picturing a face, the stone would crack in the pattern of a face. Another example would be quickening the hardening of clay. This is nice and sometimes convenient, but the amount of energy needed to do such things is drained from her as if she took the time to do the whole procedure. (I can explain it more if you don't understand. I hope this wasn't too confusing)

  • Animation: Perhaps the most interesting of her gifts is that of animation. To begin, there are two types of objects: those that had been altered by humans (art) and natural, untouched objects. With her "gifts", Elina has the power to bring to life objects that she or another has altered in a way that makes it differ in appearance than its original form, also known as art (ex. Between a pile of sand and a sand sculpture, she can animate the latter. ). In order to bring a sculpture to life, Elina must transfer some of her energy into her creation. The amount of energy needed for a particular sculpture depends on the size of it; bigger projects may take many days of storing energy to animate (a paper butterfly will take less energy than a stone snake). Once a “golem” has been animated it will become self-sufficient and loyal to Elina until it is destroyed or she chooses to release the energy. The more detail and work she has spent working on a sculpture, as well as the material used to make it, determines how intelligent and strong the golem will be. (in order of most powerful to least… gems, metal, bones, stone, clay=wood, sand, plant fiber etc)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): Elina and her sister ------ both arrived on the island at the same time. She remembers little about her past… save her sister, who she is, her powers, and a couple fragments of her past.

Personality: creative/imaginative, thinks things through before acting, peaceful, not afraid to get messy, stubborn, can be tough when her back is against the wall (but normally very easy-going), cautious, her imagination can lead her to be afraid of certain things…ex; the dark or fellow “outcasts”.

Likes: Art, exotic cultures, ancient history, fictional stories (almost every genre…except romance *blah*), animals, building stuff, humor.

Dislikes: the dark, loud things and people, ominous people

Crush: none

Other(?): she has not tried “animating” objects like swords, traps or living wood. Nor has she attempted to use another person’s energy to help give life to her creations.


@The Master



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Bael Julius Lake

The Lighthouse Poltergeist

“I am fear in the dark.”



Name: Bael Julius Lake

Age: Physically 17 | DOB: January 17, 1898 - Date of Death: Between May and June, 1915

Race: Human/Poltergeist

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic Asexual

Occupation: Died as Assistant Keeper at a lighthouse

  • Appearance
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Name: Lilliana (Lilly)

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)


Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)

She has an affinity for plants, being able to grow and control them at will, if her emotions are out of control thorny vines will grow rapidly and lash out at anyone too close to her

Age: 17

Gender: female

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): She doesnt remember her life before the helicopter

Personality: She is a shy girl, very loving and genuine in her actions. She is sensitive and trusting.

Likes: reading, drawing, writing, sweets, animals, water, most people

Dislikes: mean people, vegetables, liars, spiders

Crush: undetermined

Other(?): always has her journal with her
Name: Hikori Tetsuro



Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)

She can only move and "bend" water and its relations, though having to have a decent amount of it present to be able to. She cannot create drastic changes to the oceans, though she can help school fish together, mostly to a certain extent since it takes energy to bend the water.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): All that Hikori can remember is that she had a family, a kind mother, and an over protective father. She knew she was talented with water, but she couldn't remember much else, only a sharp pain, a blur, and then the beach.

Personality: Hikori is a kind, and tends to be a quiet person if confused or angry, though normally able to keep up normal conversations. She is a very intellectual person, often thinking of the logical side than emotional unless it is someone close to her. She is like her father when it comes to protectiveness, even if her power is mostly a defensive and passive power. Mostly trying to keep the person safe by taking them away from the situation, or quietly finding a way to calm it.


- Water

- Cool Breezes

- Night

- The Color Green, Orange, and Red

- Nature

- Calm and relaxing conversations

- Kind people

- herbal teas (honestly anything herbal)


- loud people

- rude remarks

Crush: N/A

I was going to say since she is arriving late, to have her wash up onto the shore.
Name:zen kraxen

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/9659aed14f52d93a72295d3a744852f4.jpg.0dc3393d55feced7afdab3135de8b6db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/9659aed14f52d93a72295d3a744852f4.jpg.0dc3393d55feced7afdab3135de8b6db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)

manipulation of shadows and ice



Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things):

Personality:insane,cold hearted,level headed

Likes:gore,darkness,sleeping, killing things

Dislikes:supper happy things(rainbows,butterflies,etc.)


hates being called by his full name,hates seeing coupes act cute,loves watching couples fight




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Hey @zenreaper you mind going in a bit detail about the shadow powers? There's different ways it can be seen as and I just want to make sure I know what your character can do.
he can manipulate shadows like using them to cloak himself in a place called the shadow realm and travers quickly he can also shape the shadows into weapons and other objects if need be

Indigo Black

(Really hoping he is okay.. I have a thing for Dinosaurs)



Has the ability to morph into a Velociraptor. With this ability he can see in the dark but however, once in his raptor state, he only half remembers who he is, making his ability even more dangerous.. If he loses concentration he can easily be sucked into the raptor instinct and harm someone he never meant to.

Raptors are pack dinosaurs and often travel in groups. They also have an alpha. Where Indigo is on his own, he classifies himself as the "Alpha" However if he is in his Raptor form and finds someone who may have an influence on him, he will choose an alpha, as long as they are fit to lead him and he will follow that person until the end of time, or he will die for that person.






Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things):

Indigo cannot remember anything besides his name and his ability


Indigo is a very outgoing man, he enjoys to poke fun at people and is hard headed, stubborn but he has the heart of a thousand people, he would die for someone he did not know, but knew was innocent. Indigo has a very short temper and often lashes out. Along with his temper, that can trigger his ability as well. He's often ashamed of his ability, being able to only half remember who he is still frustrates him.


+ Being Active

+ The night

+ Fighting

+ Eating

+ Silence


- Noise

- Being Told what to do

- Obnoxious people

- Crowds

- Tight spaces





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Name: Shawn Hardlends


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/black-and-white-boy-cute-dork-glasses-Favim.com-209281.jpg.48be1b0d4584607807bb18523303e26b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/black-and-white-boy-cute-dork-glasses-Favim.com-209281.jpg.48be1b0d4584607807bb18523303e26b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His eyes are a startling but kind blue.

Power: invisibility

Age: 17

Gender: male

Bio: (is TBR OK?)

Personality: Shawn is a kind boy, very silly and jovial. He does his best to help those in need and is always willing to comfort a friend. He is very fierce when defending those close to him and is not hesitant to get physical if you hurt them.

Likes: music, reading, making friends, making people laugh, sketching

Dislikes: bullies, conceited people, know it alls, sushi

Crush: None ATM




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