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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Name:Cyrus Mcreary

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)


Power: The ability to create and manipulate string that is practically invisible. This string can be as sharp as razors and cut through trees or have a higher tensile strength than spider web as well as are capable of being thrown through the air. The strings can also be attached to creatures via the nervous system and make them move like puppets or at the least stop movement for even the strongest of beings. These strings are basically unbreakable and can be used as medical sutures. The strings also are not always sharp and could be used like normal rope. The string can be set on fire but this just softens it like metal also they becomes brittle if frozen. Finally, he is blind in his left eye giving his left side a natural blind or weak spot. (Reference:Doflamingo from One Piece- if Doffy can do it with his string so can Cyrus)


Gender: Male

Bio: He forget much except for the loss of his family after growing up with a CEO as a father. Cyrus loved the rich life and hated poor and dirty.

Personality: Cyrus is very charismatic and pompous. He needs to either be shown you are powerful enough to sit by him or you are of high enough status. He hates getting sappy and seeing people cry because it makes him angry and reminds him of his family. He sees those who cry as weak.

Likes: Fruit, Sugar, Sun bathing, flowers, and snakes.

Dislikes: Weak, poor, low class, sadness and bees.

Crush: None

His favorite color is pink and white.


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Seraph said:
Name:Cyrus Mcreary
Appearance:(Realistic or anime)


Power: The ability to create and manipulate string that is practically invisible. This string can be as sharp as razors and cut through trees or have a higher tensile strength than spider web. The strings can also be attacked to creatures via the nervous system and make them move like puppets or at the least stop movement for even the strongest. These strings are basically unbreakable and can be used as medical sutures. The strings also are not always sharp and could be used like normal rope. The string can be burned and becomes brittle if frozen.


Gender: Male

Bio: He forget much except for the loss of his family after growing up with a CEO as a father. Cyrus loved the rich life and hated poor and dirty.

Personality: Cyrus is very charismatic and pompous. He needs to either be shown you are powerful enough to sit by him or you are of high enough status. He hates getting sappy and seeing people cry because it makes him angry and reminds him of his family. He sees those who cry as weak.

Likes: Fruit, Sugar, Sun bathing, flowers, and snakes.

Dislikes: Weak, poor, low class, sadness and bees.

Crush: None

His favorite color is pink and white.


Isune is having some technical difficulties... The guy who accepts now is The Master
Read the OCC. Anyone who is ever going to post ever, Read the OCC and on one of the more recent pages I put up a post about how things are going to be done.
I know you haven't read all of it. Read ALL of it.

KEEP OCC IN OCC. I want to keep the CS tab clean so that means no more asking questions here. If you have questions or concerns then ask in the OCC and tag me or whoever you wish to talk to. I will repost the post occasionally so that no one has to look too far back. I don't want a reply to this, that would just take up more room. Just like my OCC message so that I know you (anyone reading this) has an understanding as to how things work now.
Name: Alex Kurami

Appearance: Wiry but muscular with a large scar running down the right side of his face. About 6"1 and has long straight black hair. (the picture is basically him. I can't draw so i googled something that looks like him. Add a scar on his face and that's him.)

Power: Can move at extremely high speeds. The longer the power is used however, the more worn out he is, going as far as physical injuries after periods of use that last more than a few seconds. He has been able to push himself to about 10 seconds moving at about 70 MPH before passing out.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Bio: Alex lived an unpleasant life before the island. He was forced into fights with other kids and abused by his parents after they discovered his "sickness" as they came to call it going as far as attacking him with a knife causing a large, noticeable scar on his face . After years of being on a downward spiral, Alex decided to learn to master his powers and began to show true potential before being taken away. He was sedated by the men who his parents called on him and eventually woke up on an island in the middle of nowhere, alone and confused.

Personality: Alex prefers solitude and is distrusting of strangers. He has been hurt before and wears the pain like a mask that he rarely lets people see beneath. In reality however, he is scared and confused and secretly yearns for acceptance.

Likes: Fresh air, freedom, space to think, acceptance, music.

Dislikes: confrontation, crowded spaces, heights.

Crush: None (He liked a girl at his school but she is back in his old town.)

Other(?): Alex is normally hostile towards others at first because he is wary of people after what he has been through. He tends to come around after a little while. He wears a grey hoodie and black jeans which cover the marks on his body from pushing his power and from past fights.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dude.jpg.acdfabe4dfdb2841b2d8d41b194756b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dude.jpg.acdfabe4dfdb2841b2d8d41b194756b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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name: Dusk Wolf

age: 15

apearance he dousn't actualy have the sword

:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Dusk.jpg.6832db38c882209eaf7421167adf3040.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Dusk.jpg.6832db38c882209eaf7421167adf3040.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

hight 5"11

gender: male

power: telekinesis

personality: kind but shy and care free

likes: moon lit walks, cherry soda, sleeping under the stars

dislikes: smelly cheese, hunting, war, and talking about his parents

crush: none

other: gets amisia every time he uses his powers and both his parents died when he was young

Name: Marko

age: 25


real world

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c400d0bd7_thelost.jpg.af5e5c854542a0b0d667e23a40bae681.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c400d0bd7_thelost.jpg.af5e5c854542a0b0d667e23a40bae681.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

inside of dreams

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Dust.jpg.0c400167c95eaea3d271cb242c0e971e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Dust.jpg.0c400167c95eaea3d271cb242c0e971e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

hight: 6"3

gender: male

power:dream walking

personality: withdrawn, unfeeling, likes to be alone

likes: Fear from others, knives, killing in dreams, rain

dislikes: other people, light, waking up, love

crush: none

other: was sent to the island two years before everyone else, can slowly drain another persons life force throgh there dreams, must know a persons first name and there worst fear before he can enter there dreams. can only 'eat' someones life force once a week.

@The Master



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Name:Jin Mikou

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

Power: Electricity and able to transport by traveling through electricity in the air

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): does not remember

Personality: Friendly, outgoing

Likes: building, Electricity

Dislikes: Water, Fighting too much

Crush: N/A

Other(?): Jin becomes more tired as he uses his power. The more tired he is, the weaker his attacks. His weakness is water
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]
Name:Jin Mikou
Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

Power: Electricity and able to transport by traveling through electricity in the air

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): does not remember

Personality: Friendly, outgoing

Likes: building, Electricity

Dislikes: Water, fighting

Crush: N/A

Other(?): Jin does not know when to shut up

he sounds like the perfect target for marko... but you might want to add a drawback of his powers if you want him to be acsepted
Name: Faraday Grey

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-18_21-14-39.png.433a5206d74623cbba0e0babdfac8578.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-18_21-14-39.png.433a5206d74623cbba0e0babdfac8578.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Has brown eyes)

Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)

Controlling water in all of its states

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): Occasional flash backs. Only remembers her sister, who she is, and her powers, but has a difficult time remembering any other people or events before waking up on the island.

Personality: Appears to not like strangers

Likes: Swimming and solitude, with the exceptions of spending time with her sister.

Dislikes: Closed spaces



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