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Futuristic The Hunted [open]



Sci-fi Nerd

Marquis Pharmaceuticals, Victoria's private office.
March 25th​

"Are you absolutely insane!?" Adrian yelled.

Victoria rose an eyebrow at him, "your point?"

"Victoria, you can't just pick and chose willing...humans," Adrian spat harshly, "and other idiots to start some sort of...what was it, a good-natured revolution?"

Victoria closed her eyes and sighed deeply, in her usual dramatic fashion. She gazed up at her brother, who was pacing back and forth like a lunatic in front of her desk. "Pause, pluck your panties out of your ass crack, and back up."

Adrian scoffed and shook his head. He absolutely despised his twin's inability to remain serious when she needed to be.

"They have declared war on vampires," Victoria's tone shifted, unusually deliberate and sincere. "They have forced servitude on everyone, starting in the Slums. This is not a revolution, this is me protecting my city."

"Oh, your city?" Adrian laughed humourlessly. "Could you be anymore conceited?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I can try, but you already seem a little on edge so..." the woman shrugged with a satisfied smirk when her twin simply growled in response.

After a long minute of tense silence, Adrian walked up to her desk and appeared much calmer than he was a moment ago. "Just tell me what you're hoping to achieve by doing this."

Okay, maybe we're getting somewhere. Victoria leaned forward on her desk, both of her hand clasped together. "If people see that humans and vampires can work together, even those dirty Hunters, then we can take the city back. We'll have greater numbers." This is how war is usually won, overwhelming the enemy, though that was just the first part of the plan. No war is won with sheer numbers alone. She knew that, Adrian knew that.

"And you think everyone will just be happy to play along?" Adrian asked, skeptical that bourgeoisie vampires would even lift a finger to help, much less care about humans being enslaved to some mysterious military organization.

"If they're scared enough they will." Just last week the CEO of Omega Technologies, and his whole family, were murdered. His building brought down and his penthouse raided. Some speculated it was the work of the Hunters, but Victoria knew better. Hunters didn't have the firepower to do that kind of damage.

With a sigh, Adrian sat down in one of the empty chairs facing his sister's desk. "What do you need me for?" Was uttered in a completely defeated tone.

Victoria smirked, though she grew suspicious of his loyalty. She had never seen Adrian agree to help her without attempting to strangle her at least twice. "Now you're talking."

Marquis Pharmaceutical, conference room.
March 30th​

Victoria entered the room and walked up to the front of the large, oval table where a few others were already seated alongside her assistant. The vampire wore a crisp jet black suit with a deep red blouse that was buttoned down to reveal a slender neck. Her blond hair was pulled back into a tight bun, as was usually the case. Glass pannels made up the entire back wall of the room and overlooked the city. Neon lights flashed in an array of different colors enough to give anyone a headache if they stared too long. The rest of the room was sparsely decorated, apart from the table and chairs, there was nothing else in there.

Victoria cleared her throat dramatically to get everyone's attention. Their warry yet hopeful eyes that peered at her would mean something if they didn't know as well as she did that they were sheep getting thrown to the wolves. "Here's the dealio: S.O.L has been riding this city hard, but in trying to piss off every single vampire they also, very stupidly, made enemies out of everyone. Now, all you fine humans, halflings, and other undesirables have expressed your displeasure of having these assholes move into our city and act like it's theirs. They've forced weapons in the hands of children, and I may be a cold bitch, but that's just fucked up," the woman admitted with a chuckle.

"So," Victoria moved slowly around the table, both of her hands comfortably hiding in the pockets of her freshly pressed dress pants. Deep green eyes jumped from face to face, wondering which one of them was going to crack first. "Time is of the essence, we have a military organization to dismantle and piss on and all that jazz," she said with a nonchalant dismissive wave of her hand. "Tell me what you can do for me and what you can bring to this team. The survival of everyone doesn't just rest on us, it rests on every single person living in Zedhan. We have to show them that this cause is worth fighting for and that we can take S.O.L down, because let's face it, we ain't doing it on our own. So, no pressure," she added in a tone that was sarcastic yet sweet.

Tyler Fayol

When I received the invitation to work on Marquis Pharma, I was expecting some heavy work or working with machines. When I arrived at the main building, I was expecting to talk to the HR department. When I entered the conference room, I was expecting to watch an introduction video about the values of the company and how lovely is to work here. When I saw the lady walking in, all serious, professional and empowered, I was expecting to be a meal.

Did I new who she is? Of course! Everyone that hasn't been living under a rock knew who the CEO of Marquis Pharma was, the queen of Zedhan, trigger happy, ruthless businesswoman and always on the top of the "Ranking of females who you'll be glad to be stepped on", Victoria "Deadly beauty" Marquis.

When she explained what this was for, my mind made a shortcircuit (maybe was the device on my temple). Did she said S.O.L? I heard about them from some friends I have that work with The Hunter gang, they were some kind of revolution against vampires mainly. So this woman called us to make a force to fight against that organization and was including humans.

I looked around and saw who we were: A short, skinny and shy girl with dark hair and a long dress. Her opposite, a blonde girl, still short and somewhat skinny, but way more athletic, using a black shirt and pants (nice) and piercings on her ears. And then me, some dude from the slums that the only thing I wanted was a stable job to provide to my family. Okay, we can do it...

We're doomed.

I am a very positive person, to be honest, but dude, we are so doomed. Today I discovered that Victoria Marquis is not only a ruthless businesswoman, but she's also a crazy-ass businesswoman. If I don't want to be eaten by this woman or her maid at her house, I better give a good response. Good vibes, keep it cool and everything will go alright!

"Hey, yo, what's up. My name is Tyler, I came from the bay area and I can provide..." Okay, Tyler, think quickly. "food" No, no, not that! "I mean, I know how to cook, I'm also very good at martial arts and I consider myself very strong, I haven't lost one single sparring in three years, ya' know?" Better. I laid back in the chair and gave a smile, getting some confidence. "I know you're a vampire and all, but if you need someone with muscle at the front or a tasty ceviche, I'm your man."
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ezgif-3-95369c6d978d.gif Razan silently stood next to Miss Victoria, shifting her weight from leg to leg. She made it her mission to cover herself using Victoria, slowly backing up. Being in a room with this, many people made her extremely uncomfortable. That was a problem in itself. What made it worse was they all looked intimidating...and good looking. Shaking her head, she managed to focus on Victoria's words. Eyeing her boss, she nodded her head. In all seriousness, if anyone can get rid S.O.L for good, it was Victoria. Razan, lost in her thoughts, jumped at the unfamiliar voice. Turning her gaze to the male who struggled to speak, especially when the subject of food came up. His panicked expression caused Razan to chuckle. Covering her mouth, she turned to the next person.

Razan couldn't stop staring. She was stunning even when she spoke; her voice was also charming. Despite that, she seemed professional. Razan realized she was the only one who didn't introduce herself. Would it be alright? It wouldn't matter it wasn't pertinent that they know who she was. Sighing, she turned her head to the door. If only she could walk out. Maybe she can finally stop by that new bakery that opened up. Razan ultimately saved enough to buy a whole cake. Victoria was very generous with Razan's paycheck. Smiling to herself at the thought of a chocolate cake

"Cook for me?" Victoria asked with a chuckle, taking slow and deliberate steps forward as she approached the man in question. "I don't know if you got the memo," she leaned her head in close to him, her voice barely above a whisper, "but you are my food." She flashed him a toothy smile, gave his large shoulder a pat, and stood up straight again.

Perhaps these intimidation tactics weren't necessary, but she did love toying with people, especially humans.

"Tyler Fayol, you'll be our brawler, our defender. And, since S.O.L soldiers have tactical gear we'll outfit you with Daytech equipment to give you a little edge in combat." She topped it off with a wink - for a human he certainly looked delicious in more ways than one.

Victoria moved on to the woman sitting next to Tyler, "Alicia Wong, former Crimson Crow. Or is it, current member?" As Victoria walked behind the seated woman, she picked up a few strands of brightly-colored hair, twirling them absently around her fingers.

"Don't worry, we might need your friends later. For now, you'll be in charge of our infiltration operation. I'll put you in contact with Natalia when she comes back." Victoria hadn't heard from her in quite some time and hoped her recon mission was going smoothly.

The vampire cast her gaze on the fidgetting assistant she had hired a few months prior. "Oh right, how rude of me," with a chuckle, Victoria moved over to stand by Razan, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder as she introduced her to the group. "This wonderful lady is my assistant. If you need anything don't be shy, she's a bit of a tech nerd so have at it."

"Now, does anybody have any questions?" introductions were but a waste formality if you asked Victoria, especially since they had more pressing matters to discuss before officially starting their operation. If everything went as planned on Natalia's end then everything should be ready.
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Tyler Fayol

I'd say that I'm a tough guy. Living in the Slums and fighting on local tournaments where it wasn't any specific rule, makes you have a thick skin. But when I saw the smile on that woman I felt the alarms in my head screaming "GTFO!". Survival skills were one of the first things my father taught me, the second was that every man's weakness is a woman. Is this what he meant? Probably.

I saw her assistant, the shy girl with the dress. Poor girl, it has to be hard to keep up with this vampire. Does Victoria use her as blood supply too? I gave the girl a pitying look.

When Victoria explained my role and the gear I would use, I felt better. Fighting against people with special equipment was similar to fight against vampires. I had some experience dealing with vampires when I was working with The Hunters, let's say things went wrong and we had it hard. Some of the members used some kind of super-suit that made them able to match the vampires in terms of strength and resistance.

Then Victoria winked and the alarms screamed again.

The moment Victoria mentioned Alicia as a member of Crimson Crow, another kind of alarm sounded. Was my head some kind of ambulance? Anyway. The fact that Alicia was a member of Crimson and me a non-official member of The Hunters was something to take in mind. Was this part of the Victorias' plan? Having two rivals gangs working together? I better keep an eye on her. She's hot, so no complaints.

"Now, does anybody have any questions?" Victoria asked.

"Well, like a lot, but right now those can wait. And I see there's no returning point here," I crossed my arms and looked at her. Maybe she got me at first, but I won't back down from now on. "so what our first mission would be?"
Alicia Wong

Alicia didn't particularly like that Victoria outed her like that. She didn't want the whole world to know that she was apart of the Crimson Crows. She wouldn't be able to do her job if they did. Even with that being said Alicia was not willing to cross the vampire in front of her. She got the chills just from watching her interaction with the big one. Victoria came over to her and she froze, not even flinching when the woman went and twirled part of her hair. When she walked away from her Alicia finally released a breath of air. At least she placing me in an area I'm good at.

When Victoria introduced her assistant, Alicia couldn't hide her concern for the woman. A human working for a vampire? That was rough. And probably scary. The girl didn't look to be anything special with her plain brown hair and long dress. But looks could be very deceiving. "Now does anyone have any questions?" Of course she had questions. One of them being how the hell did she find them? Why them? Sure, Alicia wanted out of this life at some point but it was hard living in this world. With both the vampires and humans dwindling.

"So I understand we are supposed to be doing this rebellion thing but how are we doing that with just us?" Alicia knew Victoria had to have minions but how where they going to be enough?
ezgif-3-95369c6d978d.gifStanding up straight appeared to be a difficult task at this point as her legs slowly began to fall out. Which only seemed reasonable yesterday she spent the whole day trying to catch up with Victoria. Razan always wondered how that woman could walk so fast. At this point, she believes it isn't the ability associated with being a vampire. Realizing the boss had moved from her usual position, Razan decided it was best to start listening-the cake could wait. Victoria's joke, despite being harsh, it was pertinent. It made it clear that we aren't here to play, and Victoria wasn't their friend. Despite that Razan was relieved, she was a great cook. She didn't want Tyler to take her place. Speaking of Tyler, the assistant couldn't help but hold back a laugh at the faces he was making. More so Tyler than Alicia, who seemed like Veronica's tactics didn't faze her.

Veronica had mentioned that Alicia is in the Crismon Crows despite what she is-a half. Why would anyone put themselves in that situation? What if the Crows found out? Would they be so lenient to let her go? Razan was surprised to have a hand placed on her shoulder, looking up to see that it was none other than Veronica. 6 months ago, this used to be a problem, but over the weeks, Razan has gotten used to Vericonia breaking her personal space. Although from time to time, Victoria will catch her off guard.

That is what happens when you doze off, unsure if she wanted something, "What?"

When the boss finished her sentence, the assistant realized what she was doing out of reflex that or she didn't know what to do- she gave a quick wave.

"Nice to meet you." Not wanting to take up off of Victoria's time, she decided it's best to keep introductions for after. It seemed like Tyler and Alicia were very concerned and answered Veronica's question two folds. Remembering her first-day, Razan didn't ask any questions. With her parents going through the same ordeal, she thought maybe they said something wrong and got eaten.

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