[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Sez the guy who's determined to dine on Fae tonight.

And to be fair, she only pointed them out to everyone.

Besides, seems to me the biggest threat to their mortal existence is the vampire with the hurt feelings.
On another note... since I only pretend to understand how military ranks work, and Sam refers to people as (title)(lastname), what would said title for James be? Also, what's Stefan's rank, and is it relevant in that case?
It all depends on which military you are talking about. French, British, American, etc.

US Army you would go General -> Colonel -> Major -> Captain -> Lieutenant -> Sergeant -> Corporal -> Private

She may not need a military ranking system. For instance, businesses go CEO -> President -> Division Head -> Department Head -> Manager -> Assistant -> Employee

Of course, she could create her own ranks and structure. Chief -> Coordinator -> Leader -> Commander -> Field Assistant -> Hero

All that said, when she called out about goblins, she called for people to be on alert. She suspected trouble, but she wasn't sure if they were a real threat. Now that the fight is on, she realizes the threat isn't to anyone on the team or the person they were protecting, but to their own reputation.
Stefan's not ~exactly~ military, because his nation has no official military - they've conquered all opposition. Agent probably works better than a rank, although the "police units" that hunt mutants, dissenters, and other unwanted use ranks. He'd have been a Sergeant in one of those prior to joining the Chronokeepers. Joining the Chronokeepers is also when he shed his old name and now uses a rather generic first name only, and an ID number specific to him.... harder to erase him from time if his family history is all deleted.

You can read that "not exactly" as "they just don't CALL it a military", in case that wasn't clear enough ^_^

EDIT: I should mention that I seem to have lost track of initiative. Let me know when I'm supposed to post so you're not waiting on me? I'm checking the site at least daily, usually 3 or 4 times daily ^_^
Sorry, I was at work for the majority of the day. His rank in the Corps was Gunnery Sergeant, and that is the correct way to address someone as such. But like Solyrflair pointed out, I'd assume Delta would have their own chain-of-command established..but I dunno where he'd be on there. That's your call.
Military ranks don't necessarily have a bearing on the pecking order in Delta. They represent experience and capabilities, and of course that's taken into account when assigning leads on missions, but that's about it. Most people around her are happy with the informalities. The best title you're gonna get is 'buddy', 'pal' and the occasional 'hey, you!' Jay's even made a point of saying that "Mr. Allison is my father" and prefers to be addressed by his first name. Sam's the only one that gets away with it. Ironic, considering they all address her informally to the point of shortening her name.

Mostly I was asking cause I was all ready to post with Sam greeting James and I wasn't sure if he'd get a 'Mr.' or 'Sergent'. These are the things that happen when I write people that know more about...well, just about everything than I do.

Oh, and it's Stefan's action now. Then I'm going to take into account Vlad's action, then whoever's after him in initiative can go.

And vlad was pretty mutch at the point he was don dealing with these guys, hes going to show them just how capable he realy is... Probably should have made one of his drawbacks ego...
I just took Vlad's previously posted action as the turn he took immediately after Stefan, since that's the initiative order. After that is Jacob, then Desmond again.

And you probably didn't want to know what I had in mind for a Critical Failure-fueled illusion in the head of a centuries-old vampire.
Damn. A 28 Knowledge[all] check turned up nothing on the creatures? A 30's my max, and that's a key skill for me...

I can't imagine it's likely I'll be hanging onto that hero point, as Stefan is not very happy. I'm just glad this happened now, before we gained some power points... he doesn't have lethal area-attacks yet, though he shall eventually :P this city would have been MUCH less happy about Stefan's rage if he had his gravy gun ready to create mini-singularities in the streets to wipe out these Fae, or his laser ready to fire in swathes instead of single bursts. :P
To be fair, he turned up a lot..... an awful lot. Fae have been obscuring themselves behind myths and misinformation for years. You plug those words into a search engine and you get all kinds of stuff. For shits and giggles, I actually plugged magic powers, goblins, and gremlins into Google and got 1,030,000 results. In other words, what specifically do you want to know about them?

You know, besides wanting to kill their asses. And then the standard salt and silver may or may not actually apply here.

EDIT: It's also worth noting what may be recorded in his information may or may not be the truth of the matter.
I didn't expect their every secret to fall out of the sky, of course, but usually you can get some basics from a Knowledge check. Well-Informed specifically replaces the Knowledge check you make you see what you already know about a creature or organization when you encounter it - the basic "what is it, do I know what it can do, do I know a weakness" check that Dungeons and Dragons players have making for decades at the start of every encounter.

The Inter-Temporal Database is just a cool fluff justification for him having the feat. He hates fighting blind, more so in terms of knowledge than actual visibility (he also learned Blind-fight for a reason). Not being able to identify them after having some of their powers pointed out (they use mind-powers and move through - and possibly are made - shadow, and are commonly known as Shadow Fae) will irritate him to no end. Afterward, if there's time, he'll attempt a more in-depth search, but in the meantime, he'll just have to deal with his frustration ^_^ If ITD gives him nothing, he'll learn, and he'll add to ITD so the next Chronokeeper will be forewarned and forearmed - even if they've already met and died to the creatures, ITD will update retroactively to help them.

If the Chronokeepers have never found records of these things before, then no roll will turn up stuff on them, it's all cool. I entirely understand - Stefan won't, but angry!Stefan is more fun to play than polite!Stefan anyway ^_^ ready to see his flaws come out now that he's not carefully controlling himself to avoid alienating anyone? <3 I just expected, since the NPCs seem to have plenty of experience with them, that someone with access to basically every major library in every (known) alternate dimension would be able to find something on them with a good roll, that's all my "Damn." was about :P I hate seeing an awesome roll to go waste, and it's been a long time since I've played a character likely to be able to find something on anyone he meets... and then hitting a 28 (31, if Leadership was working) on a Knowledge check and getting nothing was sad. T_T
Well, there's also specific reasons why anything about them besides what specific NPCs have encountered is either a mystery or hidden behind misinformation. But that would be telling ;)
Oh, you will be. I imagine you're gonna get a little twitchy if you're stuck in board meetings for the rest of your natural life. :D

Also, I'm beginning to think it's a good thing I've got Superman hanging around to pin someone's arms to their sides if they start killafying the streets of Saint Petersburg. :P
Also vlad is able to attack any fey within 15 feet, and it uses the one attack roll.

Superman..... Ugh.... I had to get superman involved......
I see Rapid Fire on your character sheet, but where-- *flips through the entire Ultimate Power book* Oh....there it is.

This is where actually bothering to have the books on PDF would be helpful. That would have taken me thirty seconds with a Ctrl+f.

Right. I'm gonna change things accordingly.
It's a godsend if I need to find anything in any of my Exalted books. I'd prefer to have actual paperback or hardcover copies, but god knows I'd need a bigger apartment if I had every single book from Exalted.

Lucky for me I speed-read, so paging through both the core book and the Ultimate Power book actually only took a few minutes, as much as a whinge about it.
I guess the holiday weekend slowed things down for people? We'll give Jacob another day, then the initiative will pass to Desmond.
Okay, we'll skip Jacob for now. Initiative will move on to Desmond, then Nicky (who is obviously unaware of what's going on in Stefan's head until he reacts), then GP. After that it's a new round as we go back to the top with how well Stefan takes being brain invaded.
Imma gonna need an attack roll for Desmond :)

And I need to think of an appropriate mishap for Nicky's fumble xD
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]Imma gonna need an attack roll for Desmond :)
And I need to think of an appropriate mishap for Nicky's fumble xD

Yeah sorry, my computer dropped out.

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