[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

to be fair, the only thing done so far was a temporary blind. And I'm using completely non-lethal tactics as well, now that we have orders. Stefan's a soldier, he responds well to good leadership ^_^ my post will be finished when I complete my rolls, lol

EDIT: Went ahead with my first round because I'm a little confident I moved first, lol. I have Interpose and can protect Trevor from the first attack aimed at him in the round. The save DC against RIOT is only 12, but it forces all three saves. Reflex to avoid the Dazzle (Fort to shrug it off in later rounds), Fort to avoid the Fatigue, and Will to prevent the Calm.
Some one popped in front of a predator thats been wound up tighter then a rats ass since he was born....... Their will now be blood shed... it might be my own, but blood is gonna get shed.
In Vlad's defence, he was right. There are some situations where the whole 'shoot first, ask questions...we have questions?' attitude won't be a great idea. And because it's my playstyle both as a player and as a GM there will be a lot of times where a situation is resolved much better by using your words.

On the other hand... They have been identified as a threat by those who seem to somehow know exactly what these things are. Goblins wasn't a bad guess, actually, and not entirely inaccurate. As far as this setting goes, these things are where the mythology surrounding goblins comes from.

On another note, hubby and I are going out for his birthday today, so I probably won't have much time for posting until tomorrow, but I'll see what I can do.
Plus, as a ST, I have sometimes introduced a new culture/gang by having one of the new gang attack someone the PCs protect while the rest of the gang try to hold them back. If the PCs go total aggro, they make a new and powerful enemy, if the PCs stay restrained, they might get a new and powerful ally.

I chose to go with goblins, because I didn't want to delay the game with knowledge checks that might not be appropriate or even succeed. GP has good checks in several areas, but a bad roll or an area of knowledge that doesn't apply could just slow the game down too much. The fact that I was close makes me feel better that I picked up on the ST's clues.
well from vlads standpoint hes thinking just because some random mythos or study says its bad and eventually going to try and kill or harm you doesnt mean it necessarily will. It may just be trying to get by with its life and not give a fuck about us, sure it might be a baby eater but its not eating my baby. I mean he is a vampire, he survives off of draining blood, he doesnt have to drain all your blood but some times he likes to indulge, that being said he isn't actively looking to eat any one in the group despite his random quips he just likes making people uncomfortable. If we just go around agressivly interacting with supernaturals and meta humans because they have a bad stigma attached to them what makes us better then the hunters, i mean by this logic they are going to attack me soon because bitch I eat people. So this hole interaction probably is going to do so me shaping on vlads opinion of you people.
also ALL powers can be surpessed unless you put the always on flaw. Even if its an imunity thats technically active it is still a power and if she wants to lower the cost then she can take the flaw, however if she doesn't have it then she is in full control of her power and can surpress it at will unless the power specifically states otherwise. Remember the power descriptor is VERY specific about what it can do the way your describing it your giving her a flaw she didnt get credit for.

That being said before anything happened she would notice a push into her mind and as it doesnt say she can tell the difference between hostile and non hostile actions she would most probably do what is most natural and shut it out, plus on top of witch he just said these are psychic creatures so she probably thinks its one of them knocking. Now if she were to let her defenses down id say its fair to assume its down for the effect so if she let it down thinking it was a non aggressive effect and it turned out to be an attack she would have to save as normal.
[QUOTE="MnM Core pg 70]Permanent: The power is always active and cannot be turned off, even if you want to.

Immunity is permanent... unless you can lose the power somehow (Nullify, the power being part of an Array that you switch away from, the power being in a Device you lose, etc) you can't normally turn it off. GP's is also Innate, meaning it's a part of how she is, not a power she manifested - to her, it's as natural as having skin or breathing air. It can't be Nullified away from her, just like a child can't have their Innate Shrinking Nullified to make them snap to adult size. (It would be kind of cool, though, to have a world where Innate didn't apply.... you throw an area Nullify and elephants and ants all both pop to normal human adult size ^_^ )

Although, it might be kind of cool if GP had an exception built into her immunity for, say, maybe the parent she inherited it from? Maybe her own children, down the line, if they inherit her powers? I dunno, I'm reading the Sword of Truth saga right now and it makes you think a lot about inherited powers and how they interact.
There's a difference between suppression and control. Superman can control his strength so he's not caving Lois Lane's ribs every time he goes to give her a hug, but that's not suppression. Also, one wouldn't expect his Impervious (which the book does say to have a permanent duration) to be suppressed, not so much because it would be unwise (imagine Lex talking him into it, because he so could), but because he actually can't.

In this particular case, I believe GP (don't you love how we're all talking about you as if you weren't here? ;) ) developed her innate ability to shut out mental effects because of her telepathic parents. After all, really, what kid wants grownups in their head? To me it's like developing an accent from growing up in a particular region. People talk to me for five minutes and they know I'm Canadian.

Anyway, my two cents.

On the topic of the other thing, Vlad's still correct. Had the circumstances been different, your first contact with the Fae could have been radically different. However, presumably your opinion is being colored by the reactions and interactions by the major NPCs.
hehe, we have been leaving poor GP out of the conversation so far, haven't we? Well, I mean, anyone can post :P I'm a bit of a rules lawyer at times, I try to restrain it, but sometimes it gets loose. Sorry. Stefan prefers to use RIOT mode over asking questions, but would ask questions before using lethal tactics except in certain situations. Unfortunately for the creatures, this fits at least two of the situations where he will shoot first and ask questions later - when someone who knows more than him is screaming "kill it with fire", and when he's in bodyguard mode and his principal is endangered.
In all those cases though it would have the negative add of Always on, witch would refund her points is what im saying, Im sure ive seen instances where some ones had some kind of immunity that he could shut down if he chose to do so im just going to have to look them up.

But in sutch a case an immunity could become a hinderence in its own for the simple reason that no one will ever be able communicate with her telepathicly, that being said she may not give a fuck.

But in cases like these Ive seen in other systems, for instance World of darkness, where an inate psionic mind block is always on and always active but the person has to actively exert effort to lower his defenses in order to allow some one to affect their mind in some case they want to.

If you find The Neumena system (probably spelled it wrong) in one of the hunter books there is a power that is functionally simular to the power, and as stated it is always on unless the person actively tries to lower the effect.

Elves in Tolkien are imune to aging unless they finally get bored with life in witch point they lay down and decide to die.

And no where in the 2nd eddition description does it say the power can not be turned off it just says its permanent, and inate just says that drain, boost, and nulify cant be used on it. However Innate can only be added to powers that are Innate to your species, so a vampires Imunity to shit like aiging or my regeneration, or my drain, all vampires can do those things, that is something that they have to take.
It says it in the power, in the Duration line. All powers with Duration: Permanent follow the rules from the start of the chapter, which I quoted earlier, which means none of them can be turned off unless modified. The exact explanation of Permanent duration is on page 70 of the main rulebook, in Chapter 5: Powers, in the third section: How Powers Work, under the sub-heading DURATION, and is the 6th and last bullet point under that sub-heading. It's a few sentences long, but the important one is the one I quoted above: "The power is always active and cannot be turned off, even if you want to."

I wrote a post before but deleted it because I'm not trying to "win" this discussion, but I don't want to leave you with a misunderstanding of the rules, I like to teach and help people understand. So I recovered my original post and put it in a spoiler at the end here (it's really long, because I don't seem to be able to write short posts). I don't want to argue with you, but I do want us all to agree on the rules.

Immunity's default duration is Permanent, it doesn't need a Flaw or an Extra applied to make it so, like many powers. I go into more detail in the spoiler, if you care to read it.

To be able to turn off Immunity, you need to apply the Flaw: Duration (Permanent to Continuous) to it, which will give you points back. You can then turn it on and off as a free action, and it will keep that state until you next toggle it. However, most GMs won't let you make a non-permanent power Innate, and so you have to drop the Innate extra (more points back, at least), meaning people with Nullify or other "your powers stop working" abilities can now turn your Immunity off for you. Also, if you're convinced to turn it off, well... you're stuck. Worse, if you get knocked out while it's off, it stays off until you can wake up and turn it back on. (You could apply the Duration flaw again to make it Sustained, which means it ONLY ever works while you're awake and maintaining it - that's a cool way to handle it if it takes concentration, especially if you're going to affect an area / your friends with it.)

Also, in comic books, Immunity traditionally can't be turned off, and is occasionally exploited as a flaw of sorts. If you're immune to magic, you can't voluntarily submit to the Lasso of Truth or be magically healed, etc. It's more interesting that way. "Oh I'm immune to that unless I want it to affect me" is kinda Mary-Sue-ish...

Permanent can be a flaw, depending on what power you're putting it on, but for Immunity it's considered to be the default state. For example, a Damage Aura that is Permanent is bad, because you can't touch anyone or anything without hurting them. A Perception-range sight-dependent Petrify effect made Permanent would give you a "medusa's gaze" that turns anyone that looks into your eyes to stone, which you might be able to talk a reasonable GM into letting that count as multiple flaws/drawbacks/complications. But Regeneration or Protection or Enhanced Fortitude Save is almost never bad to be permanent, and so doesn't count as a flaw if it is.

(Other means of turning off Immunity include it being in a Device and you putting away the device, it being in an Array that gets switched to an Alternate Power or a Container that is turned off, like Alternate Form, or it not being Innate and having an appropriately tagged Nullify applied to you.)
Immunity is a permanent power. The definition of permanent in M&M is: The power is always active and cannot be turned off, even if you want to. (italics supplied by the rule book)

In RP wise, I assume that she is not really even aware that such effects are going off unless they have an obvious feature added to the power. She is simply beyond their effect, much like a blind person wouldn't be aware that someone just put up a darkness effect, or that a person in a sealed spacesuit was in a room without oxygen.

The reason her power is innate is that her mind adapted to her father's psychic presence early on, and re-arranged itself to store memories and connect thought patterns differently. Her mind is simply built completely differently from every other human's, so anyone trying to read it just can't find anything to work on. Its a perfectly sealed system with no way in.

The reason I did this was because I like characters that are much more powerful then what the point values are. I like playing Jean Grey with the power of the Phoenix, or Illyana Rasputin, or Raven of Teen Titans. For Grace, she grew up in a super-hero community and she wants to fit into that community and be respected as a member of that community. So she has placed limits on her powers (subconsciously) so that she doesn't appear as a god who can make things happen with just a thought. She uses gadgets, that only work because she wills them to work, but no one really knows that, unless they are very techno-savvy and check them out when she isn't around.

That is also why I have a complication that she has an evil villain after her. She is immune to his mental powers, but his goal isn't to defeat GP, but to get her to release her preconceptions of super-powers and to become the goddess that she could be. Which would probably put her well outside the range of super-hero, and completely undermine the goal of GP to just fit in as a normal super-powered hero. Sometimes the best villains just make it so a PC can't make their goal.

The other thing is that GP having unlimited power is it provides the Story-teller the fiat, that should anything go wrong on an adventure and the ST needs to scrap it, GP could just burst through her limits for an instant and reset things. How things could get so messed up are crazy, but happen when 6-8 people try to think together. I have seen just a series of bad dice rolls put the PCs into an unwinnable situation. I have seen PCs make a bad assumption that would get them all killed. I have seen a ST over-power the villain just enough that what the ST thought was a tough fight become unbeatable. And I have seen PCs just "go stupid" and screw things so completely that there is no recovery.
Occasionally how things can work in a less number-based situation and how the book says they will work are two totally different things. There are definitely pros and cons to having a system at all when you're trying to create a story. In this case, the way the book describes immunity and the way it's portrayed lines up just fine.

And keep in mind that playing a character with untapped potential can also have the completely opposite effect as well--as Jean Grey has shown on multiple occasions.
Yes, I am hoping that the untapped potential part provides a bit of RP intensity. That is partly why I have the villain that I do. Partly why I have the notes at the front of the bio about this warning about this potentiality. It is a tension between 'ultimate power demands ultimate responsibility' and 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to fit in, you just can't fit in. That is part of the question she has to figure out. It already happened in someone's post when they commented about how she bends the laws of reality on a daily basis, and she introduced herself to the boy as just a normal person. Should get interesting.
I need to know who all is in the car and how big is the car, right now I know of Vlad, Stefan, the kid, the Fae and now apparently Jacob, who else is in the car? also what is the car made out of how strong is it, what can it withstand that sort of thing.
Oh, I must not have been very clear, sorry. There's no way Jay was going to voluntarily put you in the car with the kid. Providing you followed his orders (obviously undeath hasn't taken your free will), you're in the car with the decoy, along with Charity and John. It's not so they can keep an eye on you. Not at all. *shifty eyes* It's open-top, and for some reason, I picture it much like the car that drove John F. Kennedy. It's made of your average metal alloy, which, given your strength stat, you could probably crush with your little finger. The other is roughly the same size, occupied by Stefan, Kevin, Jacob, and now a very dazed and confused and possibly dead Fae.
Well they could try to keep an eye on VLad but he spends most of his time invisible, but is the other car with in vlads standing jump distance, witch is like 125 feet if i remember correctly
well as gatherer hasnt posted yet Im going make may post and just assume you'll do everything in order of initiative.
Duplicates follow minion rules (unless you have the power feat that states otherwise), which means they are independent characters, each with their own attack. So, Jacob's fine there. By the way, every round he has a cumulative bonus of +4 to resist the Fae's illusions. As of right now, with Jay's Inspire, he has a total of +11 plus whatever his Will Save is to the roll. Feel free to make the roll and edit your post to that effect. Considering initiative, I'm going to assume he makes the attack just as Vlad jumps on the car and makes his threats.

Desmond, however, can't make two attacks as part of one standard action for his turn. Also, you add your attack stat to the blast, not your Dex. You have a +9 to that roll. Even then, it's not like the first one hit anyway. I'll be nice and allow you to take the second attack roll.

On a random note.... this team is so dysfunctional. I love it. This is going to be fun.
yea vlads about to loose his shit and start eating fay if they keep antagonizing him ROFLMAO...

Its so fun playing the angry old guy
I posted... in the same post I rolled my initiative, I said I assumed I was going first owing to my Seize Initiative activation and started taking actions. I also said what Nicky was doing for that turn in the same post, even though his initiative hasn't come up yet. So you don't need to wait for me until the start of next round.
The little guys know how to push buttons, don't they? :P I'll take that attack into count after GP takes her action and it goes back to the top for Stefan.

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