~The Hexosphere Chronicles~


Sad Shroom
~OOC Chat~

Here is the place to discuss all things related to the RP! I'll be posting any notifcations in here, so it might be a good idea to watch this thread even if you're not much of a talky person. Other than that, please try to keep things on topic, and have fun!


Naturally, there are things out there that I have either forgotten to mention, or were left vague and this needed clarification. Thus I shall keep here a list of all the answers I have given to questions asked here, aka: a bunch of helpful info not found elsewhere. I highly recommend you check out this sections first if you have a question irking you, as you might well find the answer here.

Q: What are the technological limits of this RP?

A: Technologically, it is at a standard steampunk level. Electricity has recently been discovered and is out into wide use in Unity and some of the more prominent nobles houses, though it is still a luxury for the rich. The Angels have managed to do some more complex stuff using electricity, but again it is hardly widespread. In terms of guns and the like, there are cannons at use on military Skyships and old town defences, and very basic guns (flintlock I think they're called, although my knowledge of weaponry is abysmal), but a lot of people still stick to more traditional weapons. Gunpowder and such would be around though, and therefore people can create primitive explosions

I was just thinking, actually, that said artillery would have been used en mass in the Great War and all proceeding conflicts, but when the White Guardians took over, they'd likely have banned public and general use of such weapons, branding them under their extreme-peace regime. Thus most of the remaining guns would either be kept in a big secret store somewhere, or as safety in Peacekeeper Skyships. They would have gone through a great purge of removing such weapons from the public, though several of them would have slipped through the hook.

Q: Are the lifespans of the Adapted Species relative or not to human lives?

A: In terms of relative lifespan, both the Shalrak and Saladrin would reach adulthood about at about 15, though they would begin to get old and weary about aged 40. Cloudwalkers, nobody has any idea, and Mermen would probably be identical to human development trends, only that they wouldn't get frail quite so quickly. As for Angels and Demons, they reach adulthood at about 30, and old age at 110, but then take ages to get to a period of frailty. They grow up and develop as human children would, although without recollection of their first five years of life.

Q: What is Blist like?

A: As for Blist, I was purposely vague to try and show how different Angel society is, but I guess think a more beautiful white void with intricate, archaic-ish architecture around the place. On a slightly related side note, have you ever read the Tripod's trilogy? I was kind of going for something like that in that Blist is so different it's almost incomprehensible to describe to humans. After all, everything is still made of light of various kinds, and it's so bright up there that things would be seen differently to standard perception.

Q: Are the Peacekeepers going to frisk everybody for weapons and such?

A: I was thinking about this, actually, and came to the conclusion that carrying around weapons in public would probably be illegal, due to there essentially being no point in doing so. In entering ports and such there would be a frisk, and people would be detained if they were seen carrying a weapon around. However, I doubt they would ever routinely check houses or anything, and a lot of criminals would probably find sneaky ways of hiding weaponry and other destructive materials about themselves.
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Just to note, I didn't get notified from that tag. However you posted in both the PM and interest thread though so it shouldn't be an issue :)
That's all fair enough (and makes me very curious as to where you live (not in a creepy way (WEE BRACKETCEPTION))). Don't worry, the RP itself won't be opening until about this time next week to allow for people to join, and also to accomidate for the fact I'm going to be away and likely offsite Friday-Saturday-Sunday morning. So yeah, don't be pressured into a fast character form. I'd rather have something done properly than something rushed at ridiculous 0'clock at night.

Sleep well! 
Also, to save this thread from crazy exponential growth, people needn't point out that they got the notification now as it seems to be working :')
Mini update: my requested tabs were added and so there's been a few little updates and tweaks around the place! :')
I already read the stuff when they were published lol, some 'extra pages' section. I should be done with appearance and most stuff in a moment. After I've done their abilities, I'll post a WIP and then edit in backstory over time, so that the char is visible to look at beforehand.
I`ll put my CS up sometime within the, like, next 24 hours.. I`m really busy irl so i`ll be working on it when i have time. --Just lettin y`all know--
That's fine: as I said above, you've plenty of time to fill out forms before it starts, so don't worry. I'll eagerly await your characters!
A quick question: for those species that have different lifespans, will we have to adjust their ages accordingly? Like angels and demons age about half as fast as humans and a 30 year old human is as mature as a 60 year old angel?
Ooh, that depends on the species. I'm currently out and with limited Internet so am unable to do elaborate explanations, but PM me about the specific race you have in mind and I can help out. :)
What are the technological limits in this RP? Are there firearms or explosives and such?

I am currently working on a CS and it will be up by tomorrow.
Technologically, it is at a standard steampunk level. Electricity has recently been discovered and is out into wide use in Unity and some of the more prominent nobles houses, though it is still a luxury for the rich. The Angels have managed to do some more complex stuff using electricity, but again it is hardly widespread. In terms of guns and the like, there are cannons at use on military Skyships and old town defences, and very basic guns (flintlock I think they're called, although my knowledge of weaponry is abysmal), but a lot of people still stick to more traditional weapons. Gunpowder and such would be around though, and therefore people can create primitive explosions. Anyhow, looking forward to it, loved your work in FoF! :D
After a minimum of research, I have found that flintlock level firearm technology is more than enough to suit my needs. Thank you for your clarification.
No need for thanks: it something I definitely should have included somewhere, although I guess it can be excused given the excess of detail I've provided elsewhere xD I was just thinking, actually, that said artillery would have been used en mass in the Great War and all proceeding conflicts, but when the White Guardians took over, they'd likely have banned public and general use of such weapons, branding them under their extreme-peace regime. Thus most of the remaining guns would either be kept in a big secret store somewhere, or as safety in Peacekeeper Skyships. They would have gone through a great purge of removing such weapons from the public, though several of them would have slipped through the hook.

Also, I'm going to return to and publicly answer Cookie's question to help you guys out. In terms of relative lifespan, both the Shalrak and Saladrin would reach adulthood about at about 15, though they would begin to get old and weary about aged 40. Cloudwalkers, nobody has any idea, and Mermen would probably be identical to human development trends, only that they wouldn't get frail quite so quickly. As for Angels and Demons, they reach adulthood at about 30, and old age at 110, but then take ages to get to a period of frailty.

Good questions, both of them, keep 'em coming I guess! xD
xD I do apologise, can never resist a pun no matter how mortifying it is :')

Anyhow, I'll be heading off to sleep shortly, but don't worry, I'll tend to any characters posted overnight here when I wake up :)
Oh boy, looks like her armour is going to be put to good use.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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