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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Normally in occasions like this, Aaru would follow the young angelic woman, but he had a book in hand and did not want to infringe on the stealing law. So instead of following, he stayed put and began to browse through the books. It almost felt like yesterday that he was just a little boy reading about magic and happily skidding his eyes across a good fiction novel. But so much has happened that time just felt so fast... Before he could loose thought for any longer, he heard a shriek come his way.

Quickly he made his way over to the sound, not wasting anytime. Perhaps if he was another person and not a medic he would take his time and walk there, but he always had an urge to help people and usually screams meant wounds, minor or major. As he grew closer to the sound he heard, a salty scent filled the air, followed by a slight scent of iron. Either their were dead mermen here, or something had brought their presence.

As Aaru turned the corner he saw a girl, laid upon a wooden table, bleeding. Almost as if it was a instinct, Aaru dropped his book about dark magic, even though it could break, and made his way over to the girl, Apos already there. They seemed to be in a office, so he had to make his way there quickly.

"Please, give me space, I am a doctor!" Aaru called out and made his way to the end of the table, where he could more closely observe the wound.

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Screams. Cortana heard screams. With a flash, her eyes opened and she looked around. She couldn't tell where the screams where coming from, until she hear another one. Quickly leaning off the post, she looked around the group of people, frightened. She had heard the screams, she just couldn't tell from which person. Turning towards the directions they had come from, she moved her way though the crowd with ease, seeing as she was a foot taller than everyone.

Moving briskly, she made her way though the crowd, looking for the source of the screams. Finally, she came across a table, a wood table to be exact. The two guys from earlier where there, along with a fallen angel who was spread across the table. She placed a hand over her mouth, looking away. At the least se was getting treatment, which was better than what she had. She was take in by one random kid, and then dumped on the sidewalk. She stood at the edge of the group, not making a move to get closer and disturb anyone else, though it was hard to make herself invisible at 7 feet tall.



@Black Masquerade
Vanessa liked this man. Yes, she liked him a lot. He seemed like a quiet fellow, the kind of person Vanessa enjoyed being around. And yet, at the same time, she could tell that there was something dangerous about this man. That likely every second and minute she spent in his presence made her more likely to get into that same danger. That, however, didn't scare her. It excited her. It intrigued her. Forget the festival with all its crowds. This was far more exciting and new to her. Still, she gave no sign of her liking of this man. She continued to act in a reserved manner, rarely looking at the man.

When he began to speak of leaders and the ways of the world, Vanessa simply nodded in agreement. She didn't understand anything that he was talking about. She knew nothing of politics, ambition or war. And how would she, being a slave to pirates for so many years? Thinking about that caused her to subconsciously grab her collar and tug it.

Lost in her thoughts about her past, she jumped visibly when she heard the doors to tavern swing open. Shit! She had become so distracted she forgot to watch the entrance. Panicking for a moment, she turned to see who had entered the tavern. She relaxed as she saw it neither the couple she ran into earlier nor the man who eyed her. Instead, it was a tanned woman dressed rather provocatively and stout hooded man. Her panic gone, she turned back towards the table, assuming her normal position.


Apos was flung out of the way as the door opened wide and lampshade-man entered. He flailed for a little, then managed to steady himself, straightening up to full height as he composed himself. "You are a doctor, are you?" he cried, a little hysterically, "And I'm the damned governer of the middle reaches! Oh, hells, why does everything always happen to me!" Then he realised he was almost certainly not helping in any way, shape or form, so he promptly shut up.

At least it's lampshade-man who came in here, he consoled himself, not that perculiar fish-lady from outside. Hells, she was terrifying! The librarian scattishly watched the other man make his examinations, unable to keep still throughout: he adjust his glasses at least three times, moved his arms into a tange of various different crosses and stances, and shifted positions so many times it almost looked like he was performing a very stilted dance. Calm, control. Deep breath, in, out, repeat. Deep breath, in, out, repeat.

It's going to be ok, he told himself again, beginning to twitch a lot less, This fellow is a doctor, and he can save her. It's not a vital injury; from the bleeding spot it has to be only a flesh wound. He smiled to himself, a little proud that he had remembered that fact. After all, with all the books he had read, he was a lot more intelligent than he ever made out. In fact, had he calmed down sooner, he might have been able to treat her a little himself.

Still, that's an awful lot of blood for a flesh wound. And she awfully tall for a normal woman. Maybe... she was an angel and something happened to her wings? He speculated quietly to himself whilst Dr Lampshade went about his business; he had no reason to throw anything out there in case it offended the doctor by trying to advise on his own practice. And in reality, the action wasn't the only reason he had felt so stressed before. It was that he cared for this unknown woman, like he cared inexplicably for everybody, regardless of the pain it always brought him. And he dearly hoped the patient would be alright.

"Good, you brought a doctor in," came the slippery voice of the eccentric merlady from before as she and her assistant entered the room, also making Apos notice that the woman who'd stormed off earlier had returned, "Amaya can help you cleanse the wound if you want: she's a water magician after all. As for the rapscallions outside, we shan't be troubled by them again. Consider them dealt with." The younger girl giggled rapidly, like the sound of a stream of trickling water only raised several annoying decibals in pitch.

"What do you mean, dealt with?" Apos asked, cursing his curiosity once more.

"Oh, well, I tried to speak to them, but like all humans, they were stubbornly drawn to the site of disaster," the merlady explained jovially, "So I had Amaya form a bubble around them and blow them away. They'll land somewhere in the city, but they shan't be troubling us again." She spoke casually, as if that kind of reckless behaviour was perfectly normal. Hells, she really was terrifying! "Now, my dear boy," she hobbled over and gave Dr Lampshade a surprisingly hefty pat on the back, "You tell us right away if there's anything we can do to help out."

Rani couldn’t help a small chuckle at his reply to her query. Well played and it kept the game interesting. Where was the fun if all secrets were just told out right? “Very well, we’ll keep things simple. For now. Though the quirk of blood thirsty black smith is a new one.” She pointed out with a slight smirk. She could see it in his eyes as she had many other men. She wasn’t sure if it was just all males which shared the need to fight and show their worth or just the ones who had secrets. Either way didn’t do much to sway her interests. She preferred men who could take a punch over the soft and squishy kind.

She quirked a brow as he slung his arm around her and was quite tempted to push it off but the game had already begun as they entered the tavern. There was no tell who had eyes where so she let it be. “Aw, my Hero.” She cooed while batting her sapphire eyes coming of as slightly condescending but overall still fairly playful. She scanned the tavern as they entered taking not that it wasn’t particularly full, the day was still too young it seemed. She glanced over to the bar. “A drink would be lovely.” She grinned starting to make her way over.

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He listened to the proposition the man had offered them. Several questions came into his mind. One, why would anyone in their right mind approach a Sharlak and a Merman all on their own volition? He doesn't even know if they will accept it, but it seemed to him that everything had already been planned. Two, who is this "boss" that he speaks of? Is it him? His superior? A rival? He had no clue who this boss is, but it seemed that his name truly did carry a huge weight. And lastly, who o what will they be fighting? He loves a good fight, what self respecting Sharlak doesn't love a good fight? But it is still better that he knew what he was dealing with. But, his curiosity got the best of him, and hearing the name of the tavern, a huge grin showed on his face. "Count me in." He said to the departing man.

He looked at his companion, who would seem to be his partner now, and assessed him. He was a large man, not as big as him, but bigger by human standards. It is obvious that he knows how to fight and that he fights good. That thing on his back, he saw one before but he could never remember the name, looked really intimidating and well used. "Do not worry, I know where it is." he said to the Merman, leading the way. "I am Al'thuzar Kraan, and you are?" He asked him, his eyes on the road. They look peculiar together, one from the fiery pits of Irrea and the other from the vast ocean city of Licia. On their own, both man looked intimidating enough to face a whole militia, but together, no matter how mismatched they may seem, it could not be denied that they are truly intimidating and frightening. "That is a nice weapon you have, what is it?" He asked him, truly curious.
"I try, I try," he smirked back, not without a melodramatically vailiant wink. She really was interesting, this dancer girl, and the challenge she gave him was unlike anything he'd encountered in his adventures so far. He liked how fabricated their conversations were, how careless and flirty they could be whilst remaining sceptical and cold underneath. Yes, she was a good girl, a good find. He couldn't help but wonder if he'd feel sad when he eventually won and left her.

"I do hope that princess carries her own money," he warned with a grin as they approached the bar, "cause I worked very hard in my blacksmithing to earn these coins, let me tell you. Even a gentlemen can only be gentle to a certain extent. Sorry, m'dear." A sudden idea popped into his head, and he stopped suddenly, their interlocking arms holding her in place. "Actually, I've just had a brilliant idea. Now that certain things are out in the open, I think we can agree that between the pair of us, we're not really such bigs fans of paying for things, are we? So here's a challenge for you. Use whatever you can to get a drink off of that man for free. Think of it as a dare, if that's not too much of a ghastly thing for a princess to think of. If you win my little game, you can ask one question, or make one request, anything you'd like, and I'll do it for you. Sound like a fun deal?"

He smiled genuinely back at her, eager to see her in action again. Then something caught his eye. From this angle, he could see the face of the seated man, and at once he broke out into a much sharped grin. Of course, he should have expected other famous criminals to be in the area, and the sight of somebody as prestigious in their crimes as him brought him out in awe and respect. 'The Crow', perhaps the middle reaches' most infamous hunter, somebody who Kri'tro was familiar with from his experience in criminal circles. He would have to speak with him, perhaps give him a bit of a friendly toying with if he were trying to remain inconspicious, but right now he had to focus himself on watching Rani at work.

Jinta felt himself automatically move and position himself behind the winged lizard, his head down, and his eyes sharply watched the grooves of his harpoon's blade to make sure he doesn't miss a spot. He also needed to make sure that he didn't over oil the blade as that would harm it as much as not enough oil. He flinched, almost cutting off on his fingers, when the sudden sound of the Sharlak speaking interrupted his calm upkeep. His grin betraying his slight irritation, Jinta looked up at the Sharlak, again noticing just how large the creature was, and said, "Jinta, Jinta Haxsaw." Continuing to walk, Jinta looked at his weapon and said, "A Harpoon, built sturdy and right."

Now walking in silence, Jinta looked around, noticing the countless people who were staring at them, which he found amusing, but momentarily faltered when he remembered a question he had thought of while following the steps of the Sharlak.

"So, how did a creature 'o ye intimidation find himself a invitation fer Nobles?" Jinta has assumed it was because the beast, no, Al'thuzar was one of those "Tamed" Sharlak, but he had seen plenty enough to know that that description of Sharlak wouldn't get you his pleasure. No, he had that quiet intensity all Sharlaks seemed to have, a roaring pit of flame just waiting for the right moment. For a second, Jinta understood a hint of why his old, twisted captain had been so obsessed with the scaled giants.

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Rani paused as she felt a tug on her arm and looked over to the rouge. She glanced over to the bartender. An older fellow who looks like he had his fair share of experience, sensible and wise, not exactly the type to be easily fooled but she had dealt with harder cases before. Though she saw the issue as two fold. Sure she could try to win over the bartender to gain her information but also give away a trick or two. Perhaps that was the gander goal in the mystery man’s game. A sly smile crossed her lips as she looked up to the man “Anything at all? Sounds like a fair deal, though you have to answer honestly.” She smirked before slipping out of the rogues arms and made her way over to the bar.

There was subtle sway to her hip as she crossed the small distance. Nothing over sensualized, just enough to be noticed, her motions were more fluid and subtle in nature giving hints of sensuality while not coming off as a trolup. Last thing she wanted to do was make it obvious. The bartender looked up as he approached a slight brow raised in suspicion as he recognized the woman for what she was. “What’ll it be.” He questioned as the gypsy took a seat at the bar. Rani smiled slightly, straight to the point as expected. “A simple drink of water.” She grinned. “Hot as the Irrea out there and the crowds aren’t helping.” She sighed fanning herself. The bartender nodded grabbing a glass to fill with water.

“Enjoying the festival?” “Very much so, wonderful music all around and it only seems to be growing.” She replied making polite conversation, her tone was kept bubbly and friendly. “All the better if you ask me.” The man grumbled setting the glass in front of her. “Thank you very much.” She sighed reaching over and taking a long drink from it. “So how much?” She questioned innocently. The man just waved of the question. “Don’t worry about it. Can’t have petty girl passing out from heat exhaustion.” The dancer smiled brightly “Thank you, you're too kind.” She chirped before getting up from the stool and sauntering over to the rouge with her drink in hand. “You never specified what kind of drink.” She giggled before taking another sip of her water.

Aaru looked down at the injured woman. There had been lots of saving he had to do today. But he should've expected that, he was in a busy city after all. But still, two bloody incidents in a matter of thirty minutes was quite a bit. He would certainly be feeling weak in the morning. But he enjoyed healing people, healthy looking people made him healthy, because he, himself, was always quite well. However there was something off about this person, she wasn't like other people, for starters she was taller, plus the wound was oozing out too much blood and he doubt that an artery had been broken. Perhaps, with his luck, he had stumbled across a wingless angel?

He smiled as Apos began to freak out and lightly put his hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm the terrified man down. "Your screaming won't help, do not worry, I have healed many patients, this will not take long." Aaru assured the man and let go of his shoulder.

It soon became evident that the incident was bringing in quite the crowd. Now a Merlady and her assistant were here, plus that angel from before. He gazed back at the group and shook his head towards the woman. "No, do not worry, I have this on my own. Now please, I would like you all to stand outside, I cannot work with so many people in one space." He requested politely as he began to face the woman and problem at hand. He needed to act quickly, he did not want her to loose too much blood.

He put his hands over the wound and lightly closed his eyes, uttering a couple of prayers, which he needed for such a grave wound. As the prayers were spoken his hands began to illuminate and the wounds began to close slowly.



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Stein placed his shopping materials on a table within Raksana's skyship. The interior was unlit and cool, indicating that Raksana had gone off to do something. She had also closed shop, but had forgotten to lock the ship down. Sighing, Stein closed the skyship door behind him and applied the lock, which was a simple padlock welding the door shut. The retractable wall where Raksana sold her goods had been shut and firmly locked though, which was a relief as theft was pretty common during festivals. Stein sat down and carefully counted the supplies and eyed their contents, making sure he had not missed anything and checking the materials' authenticity. Everything seemed to be fine and dandy, which was a relief. Stein began cleaning up the shop. He moved down the containers of spices and corked them shut to prevent contamination. He carefully gathered and placed the powders, metals, and chemical liquids on the table into the specialized air-tight container where he and Raksana kept the chemical goods. Stein pulled off a rag from the skyship's kitchen area, drenched it and strained it, and began cleaning the place up. Although Stein's appearance made him out to be a brute, he was rather peaceful inside not due to disposition but simply due to having greater understanding of details and therefore removing himself from anything that might cause him unnecessary emotion.

Regarding Raksana, Stein suspected that she had gone out to explore and have her own fun as she had seemed to be in a jubilant mood during the day due to booming business. He did not worry about her safety, as Stein could freely admit that Raksana was the more dangerous combatant between the two. It was quite frightening how Raksana had begged Stein to teach her where to strike a human to kill them, and even more frightening that she was an apt learner in this field. She had never killed before, and Stein doubted that she had a killer's heart. He did not doubt that she could beat someone to near- death, but she would not be willing to cross the line so to speak. A fundamental difference between Stein and Raksana, as Stein could kill without feeling anything at all due to his ability to detach himself from anything. Stein reasoned that she had just now learn such things were to ensure her safety as she was delving more and more into dealing with illegal businessmen. Soon enough, she would reach a point where if she broke the wrong contacts, then trained killers would follow. While thinking of these things, Stein happened upon a note pinned up on the wall. The scraggly but ordered handwriting indicated Raksana's work, and Stein read it with interest.

"I've gone out to broker a deal with Black to establish a trade relation with our gunpowder. After that, I'll be out in town amusing myself so keep the shop so I'll leave the shop in your hands for now. I'll be back sometime tomorrow, depending on how the deal works out. Last note: Don't worry about me and relax, oh, and while your relaxing, go ahead and clean up the shop though I suspect you've already done that. Good night"

Stein crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash casually. Another one of her night outs. Black was a pretty big name underground, and he was famous for being able to smuggle in weapons of any kind. Raksana was probably making out a deal where he would get a share of the gunpowder the shop produced in exchange for safe passage of chemicals and mechanical parts deemed too dangerous by Peacemakers. Stein wondered whether or not to search around for Raksana, but decided against it after some thought. She was more than capable of defending herself, had good common sense, and probably would not get into any sort of trouble. Trusting in her, Stein lay down on a couch beside the door of the skyship and slept.


Raksana huffed in irritation. The deal had not gone well at all. She had proposed the terms of the deal, which were pretty good and actually favored Black in the agreement if he knew how to make money out of the gunpowder he would receive, but Black had been too cocky and had attempted to intimidate Raksana into force the deal even more in his favor. As per basic courtesy, Raksana had met Black in an isolated room in a shady inn, where they talked alone. However, Black called in two of his henchmen in during the meeting and had them stand guard outside the door to attempt to fray Raksana's nerves. When Black saw this was utterly futile, he waved his hand, following which the two henchmen walked up to Raksana and drew two daggers, followed by Black threatening Raksana. Instead of feeling fear, Raksanaa at that moment felt an extreme amount of anger and irritation. She had kept a level head and attempted to negotiate fair terms, but the idiot crook in front of her thought that she was some sort of helpless and weak willed damsel. Raksana then spat in Black's face, refused the terms, and proceeded to beat the two henchmen into the ground under thirty seconds. When Black saw his henchmen rolling on the ground in pain, groaning and moaning about their twisted arms, fractured noses, and shattered jawbones, he immediately turned pale and apologized profusely. Raksan simply walked out at that point, as her interest in the deal was pretty much gone. Stein would have rebuked her and told her to get on Black's good side even then since he would send thugs after her if she walked out, but Raksana didn't quite care.

Her temper still irritable, Raksana sought out the nearest tavern to drink her aggravated mental state and stumbled upon a little ramshackle placed called the Drunken Stag. Shrugging at the poor name of the tavern, Raksana opened the door and waltzed in, finding the place pretty occupied already. All the occupants seemed pretty shady and suspicious, with most of them being armed or having trained bodies. Raksana considered turning back, but pushed her suspicions away and sat down on a table resting on the left corner of the tavern where she could see everyone while at the same time being relatively inconspicuous after buying some traditional Teztran ale. She gulped down the ale in one go, and exhaled powerfully and contentedly, slamming down the glass cup with dangerous force on the table.​
Her sly smile was the first small warning that perhaps he shouldn't have made such a challenge. With a similarly sly smile, he watched her walk up to the barman, preparing for some subtle act of thievery. To his surprise, and equal shock, she ordered a simple glass of tap water and swiftly returned.

For a moment, he looked extremely angry. But that moment faded as soon as it had appeared, and he grinned again, perhaps even wider than before. "Very sneaky, very sneaky," he admitted. On the one hand, it was very annoying to have been robbed of the opportunity to gain any valuable information, or even less than that another sensual display from the woman. But on the other, she had beaten him fairly and intelligently, and shown just how sky and cunning she was. He admired that, and was willing to accept defeat.

"Though you can't really have a wild night out drinking tap water, which is why the streets aren't littered with hungover toddler the whole time. But never mind." He sighed with mock reluctance, and returned his arm to its position in hers. "Ask away, I'm ready to answer."
And equally ready to counter attack. You won't get it so easy next time, princess!

Rani couldn't help the tickle of satisfaction she got in seeing The mans reactions to her small victory. She remained humble as she simply finished her glass of water and set it aside on an empty table. Now it was her turn what to ask. She could ask what his real name was or what he really did for a living. There was always the question of what he was wanted for. So many questions and chances were he had some sort of planned reply for everyone of them. This was no simple thief or criminal, he was smart and well practiced, probably having a dozen different Allies ready to use at a moments notice. Then again it didn't need to be a question, he did say she could request him to do something in which case could come in extremely useful later on. Plus, it would be fun holding something over his head. And when the time came to honor the deal she would get a true sense as to what kind of man he was. "Hm I think I'll ponder that for a while. I mean their so many thing I could ask of you but I'll wait." She grinned. "Besides don't you have a fight to get to?" She reminded innocently.

Upon hearing that woman she helped was a fallen angel, he did not know how to feel. It was almost as if he was helping the enemy, she was a fallen angel, she had done something to disobey heaven's order and he was a man of God. But yet, upon looking at her healing face, he knew he had done the right thing. He did not need his religion to hold him back from helping people. As long as he could see good in the person, he was more than happy. And the more he looked into her face, he knew she was not a bad person, she was just like the other angels.

When the Merlady asked him how the patient was doing, he began to realize how pale he had become, he felt sicker than usual even. But he breathed in slowly and turned around to face the Merlady. "I think it is best if I can keep an eye on her for the time being. I am worried about her organs, if only I could've seen the incident that would've caused this injury." He informed her, followed by a sickly cough. But then he thought a moment, perhaps the Merlady knew what happened? He turned back to her, with a serious face. "You were there during the incident right? What had happened, what did she land on?" He added weakly.

Despite the fact he was not feeling well, he returned to the patient, now setting his head up against her chest to check for any sign of a heart beat.


It was vague, but he could definitely feel it. It also gave him a chance to feel her ribs and while they were in bad shape, they did not feel broken at all. He was sure there was something broken, he'd just need to inspect for a while longer.


While Vanessa was visibly surprised by the sudden entry of two people, Alistair appeared non-fazed. Conversely however he recognised one of the people who entered. He noticed the stereotypical image, who played the model entirely straight, of the rogue named Kri'tro. He internally sighed to himself, as this man was quite an extrovert and while not personally well acquainted, knew of their reputation and fame. Then again, most among the criminal circle did.

The man did however get on his nerves with his mannerisms, who were a polar opposite to how Alistair acted. This man was the extrovert where he was an introvert, flirting with girls while he kept alone with his own grief. If you wanted someone to be the opposite of him, it was this guy. Even their body proportions differed. Alistair was tall and leanly built, while Kri'tro was stocky and short. There were times he thought about cutting the man down, but saw it not worth his efforts, until the man inevitable becomes his target. A man like him had many enemies and many fights to fight, possibly the only thing they had in common.

Alistair watched his tirade with the dancer, presumably another target for his earthly desires. It wasn't beyond the man, having the rugged charm of the rogue, known for his wit sharper than most. The girl seemed to be of a level above him though, haggling herself a drink far less detrimental to ones own health than was suggested by Kri'tro.

He turned back to the girl who was opposite him, who still looked like they were having an interview.

"What is your name girl? You speak as much as try to be a wall."




Vanessa slowly lifted her head up to look at the man. She hated being called a girl. She was a woman, not a girl and probably only a few younger than him. Yet, she did not rebuke him. She stored up her frustration inside as she always did. For rebuking a superior only caused more frustration, more anger, and more punishment.

She nervously answered, "Va-Vanessa, sir. Apologies," she said as she humbly bowed her head, "if it would please you sir I can speak more?" She put a mark of uncertainty there, a bit uncomfortable with if she should have suggested such a thing or not. Her throat felt a bit sore so she took another sip of tea to hopefully clear the throat and her nerves.

Al'thuzar chuckled as he heard Jinta's question, and what amused him the more is how ridiculous it all sounded. Why would anyone in their right mind invite a Sharlak in a party? And it would appear that it was also a party, or rather, a gathering of the elite and noble citizens of Kael and other prestigious individuals from other towns and cities. "Frankly, I haven't got an inkling as to why someone would invite me. All I know is that a courier came up to me and handed me a letter, along with a pouch filled with gold. With a payment like that, and it was only half, how could I refuse?" He said to him, spreading his arms out.

After quite awhile, they have finally arrived at their destination, the racist and discriminating tavern, The Drunk Stag. Well actually, all taverns here are racist and discriminating, but whatever he doesn't care. A person, the bouncer of the tavern if you will, came up to him. He was a big man, 6'5 ft tall, stocky and muscular body. He was big, compared to an average man of course. But you got to hand it to him, despite Al'thuzar being larger and more intimidating than him, he didn't even flinch. "Well well, it would seem that your puny little brain is too dull to understand that we do not serve freak shows like you two. Now get the f*ck out of this tavern!" He bellowed, his voice deep and husky. Al'thuzar started to laugh. It all began as a small chuckle, suddenly intensifying, his shoulders started shaking as he started to laugh. "Oh boy, you don't want to mess with us. You see, the boss sent us and we would like to have a word with the barman." He said to him.

To the others who were present, they didn't have a clue on what was happening, but judging the bouncer's pale face, he knew what they were talking about. "O-Of course sir, r-right this way." He said, his voice stuttering and polite, his hands trembling. He led them to the bar, where the barman was waiting for them. "We would like to inquire about your wine stock. We are looking for a specific one, namely, Bolemio's favourite." He said to him, looking the barman in the eye. 
Alistair raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of tea a similar time as she did herself. The girl called Vanessa really did act as though they were close to a slave, if they weren't one in their past. Asking someone if they were or are a slave isn't exactly the best of ice breakers after all. He put the cup down and thought it necessary to get a few things straight.

"I do not know what preconceptions you have, however the ones that I see should be cast aside. I am of no higher position than you. As someone whose wellbeing hinges on bloodshed, these dirty hands have no right to point fingers at people."

He drank another sip of his tea, still unable to shake this innerving feeling, and that wasn't Kri'tro, who was far too busy with the dancer that was clearly occupying his interests. He decided not to think about it though, and decided to break the ice in possibly a better way than the aforementioned was.

"So what are you even doing in this festival? You don't seem like someone who would usually be here."

Vanessa didn't consider herself a dim or dumb woman. However, the words that the man said to her made little sense. She had no idea what "preconceptions" was and his words made little sense to her. However, she guessed that the man was looking for her to respond positively to his statement. So she said "Yes, sir," in a friendly way.

She decided to take another drink of tea as the man opened conversation with her, feeling a more at ease in his presence. At the same time, the man seemed slightly uneasy in the room. She noticed he was looking out of the corner of his at the new arrivals to the room. She wasn't sure what a man of his stature would be concerned about though. There was no doubt in her mind that he could handle himself very well. Vanessa had observed the adventures and warriors who occasionally came through the tavern she worked at. They had the same posture and positioning. It was the same posture and positioning the man had.

"My mast...boss," she said catching her word choice, "told me to come to the festival and find myself a mate." She stated seriously. "He ordered me to take time off to come here."

Jinta glowered at the man, putting his harpoon back into its place on his back. He let the Al'thuzar answer the man, which he found amusing since the bouncer froze up at the mention of the "Boss". He was curious about this boss now, heck, he would be curious about anyone who could grow the seeds that bloom into that kind of reaction from anybody. It took a special man to do that, one who had a lot of time and money, but and unhealthy lack of morals. Just the kind of person Jinta could get along with! Jinta just kept out of eyesight of people, not wanting to bother with any of their stares, and beside, he wouldn't find much fun here, just a few stupid bar fights that would get him in trouble. What he needed was an arena full of screaming fans, yelling out his name , showering him with coinage as he beat in the skull of his vict-opponent. His Harpoon, if they allowed it, soaring through the air and lodging it inside his opponents arm, disabling his ability to move it, before tugging on it and throwing him to the side of the room.

Jinta felt his muscles tense just thinking about exerting his upper body that way, it had been so long. The excursion to that Rich Lady's ship had been a breeze and unfortunately most of the guards one board were already taken down one he had gotten there, courtesy of his crew. That had left him rather bittersweet. His half-shark grin turned into a full one as he thought of fighting Al'thuzar. There relative elements didn't spell out a very good end for Jinta, but he knew that he was more than able to match a Sharlak, no matter how scary they looked. He just hoped his magically enchanted damp gills would keep him oxygenated during the intense battle, but he had faith. He had seen a great many of impossible things performed by his assistant so he would place his faith in him at any point.

Jinta calmed himself as he heard Al'thuzar ask for some of the wine. He smiled a serene smile as he smelled the wine being put in front of him in a fanciful wooden chalice cup. He took a sip of it and sighed as his enhanced taste buds were soaked with the sweet, yet strong alcohol. He continued sipping the wine, momentarily content.

@CrimsonEclipse @SkyGinge
Alistair came close to spitting out his tea to the last part. He didn't though and didn't show it either. However it was surprising nonetheless. While it was true people were often told to get married as part of the societal norm, it was still a bit confusing when they suddenly say that they seek a hand in marriage. Alistair never had felt an interest in such matters himself. For him, there was his vengeance. While there was the possibility of development to more positive emotions, right now he harboured only contempt and hatred (for demons).

"And what kind of boss sends their workers to get married? That's usually a request made by families, such as doting mothers and expectant fathers. Also call me Alistair, I am not of gentry."

Alistair had a flashback to his parents, who were nice enough people. His mother often spent time at home either working on the house or spending time with the children, an almost idyllic scenario. That was until that part of his life was ripped out of him.

He sipped on his tea to sooth his nerves, noticing he had nearly finished his drink.

The first thing the angel became aware of was a pressure on her chest. Her violet eyes snapped open and instinctively, she went into defense mode. She snaked an arm around the doctor's neck and jerked him backward against her. She scurried backwards, unaware she was on a table and fell hard on the floor. Unfazed, Lor scrambled backwards until her back was against a wall. The pathetic nubs that were once her wings hit the wall and she gave a soft cry as the area was still sensitive. She ripped one scimitar out of its scabbard and held it against the doctor's ribs.

Her chest heaved as her adrenaline rushed, causing her to look like a lunatic with her wild, blood crusted hair and wide, alert eyes. They darted about the room, taking in the inhabitants. An angel, three humans, and a merman. An overall bizarre gathering indeed, and in any other circumstance, she would be asking these adorable species questions about their culture and mating rituals.

"Where am I?!?" Lor demanded, her eyes flitting from one surfacer to another. "What happened to me? Answer me or I will kill this man! I am an Angel officer! Holding an officer without reason is against the law and you can be punished!"

Then, her memory came flooding back and her face and weapon fell. She slowly released the doctor, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I... I fell..." She whispered in horrific realization. Her body slumped and she fell against the wall for support. The tears fell over and ran down her cheeks, though she did not sob. Then, her eyes widened as she remember what had happened before she fell through the sky. She twisted her head around, but could no longer see her wings. A sob finally escaped her lips and she broke down in a crumbled mess, burying her head into her hands. Her whole world was gone and her beautiful wings along with it.


@Black Masquerade

Vanessa frowned slightly. She didn't understand why the man seemed surprised and questioning her statement. Didn't all bosses do the same thing?

She still had problems understanding all of the man's words. She had no idea what doting nor expectant meant, but she knew the words mother and father. The words gave her considerable pause. Her memories of her parents were vague, to say the least. Since she had been freed, she had learned more about what it meant to have parents. She had seen many young girls walking with father and mother swinging between their arms and the love the parents had for their child. It made her sad, knowing that she would never have someone who loved her like that.

Downtrodden, she replied, "I never had a family. No family nor mother nor father, si-Alistair." She had to catch herself to say Alistair's name instead of sir. It was an unusual request for her. She had grown accustomed to saying sir to almost everyone.

At long last, Cerise was in Vequa once again for the Kael Festival. She stepped off the Skyship, feeling the crisp upper-atmosphere Vequan air in her lungs. A slight welcoming wind pulled the her obsidian hair and the hem of her silken green dress towards the general festival area. This year looked as promising as any so far to Cerise's fluorite eyes. Typically, the entrances of the festival were the most beautifully decorated. She noticed this year was no different as she took in the cheerful banners and flowers that lined the Kael streets.

"Disgusting." Cerise muttered to herself. It was all too organized and well-wishing, the adorned arches and cheery security personnel serving the illusion that nothing bad could possibly happen beyond these gates. "Ah, well." She consoled herself with the knowledge that this was not the case. What with all the questionable types that tended to gather at these events, it was more likely than not that something would break out. Cerise spied a few seedy-looking types amongst the crowd. Nobody was dumb enough to try anything right near the entrance security, but just their presence was enough to indicate a higher number within the city. Always a good sign.

Cerise wandered up near the security station for the mandatory frisk, one among many things she hated about public Skyship transportation. She thought about what this year's excuse would be to get through with her rondel. Last year's was fun, she remembered. A lot of angry yelling about how a high-class woman like her had no business carrying weapons, a few remarks about how the system was a violation of her personal rights, a flustered security guard that awkwardly allowed her to pass without checking, and one rondel safely past the flowered archway; all followed by a mass of similar ladies of status trying to bypass security. Cerise smirked, recalling the unintentional but delightful side effect of her actions. This year's ruse would have to be a bit more subtle, though, as security would probably hope to avoid last year's episode.

She stood a while, thinking through a few more plain options. The man in front of her was taking ages; he was discussing alchemy with the guard as though they were old buddies catching up at a tavern. Cerise rolled her head backwards in boredom and stared at the sky for a few seconds. She snapped it forward again, taking a second look at the crowd. The other security members were busy patting down visitors or staring wistfully into the festival grounds. The crowds were thick with anticipating festival-goers waiting to pass under the adorned archway. Nobody of any particular importance was paying her any mind.

Cerise stepped out from the security line and casually strolled up with the ones who'd been through the frisk already. If this is what passes for security nowadays, then I'm...actually very glad, she grinned to herself. Looks like another year without the pat-down for me. The archway cast a brief shadow over her as she headed into the general festival area.

The walkways were lined with stalls of vendors and unattended children with an allowance to buy whatever they'd like. Cerise, however, did not have time to stop and ponder over cheap souvenirs. Her Skyship voyage had taken over two hours. Plus the waiting time before and after boarding the ship and that unforseen delay involving pirates (not to mention the second unforseen delay involving White Guardians questioning which direction the pirates had gone), she now had slightly more than half an hour before her human shift wore off. Cerise was never in any mood to expose her coal-black skin and crimson eyes to the public. Might cause some problems later on. She would have to find an inn to rest for a while.

But I'll be damned if I don't get some Kael cake first. She straightened her posture and walked with a purpose. One among very few reasons Cerise attended the Kael festival every year were the cakes at her favorite bakery in the inner city. This is the only time all year they'll be half price and Aekrius forbid I miss that.
"Ah, that's quite the tease, princess," he grinned wryly, "but well played. Colour me impressed. As for the fight, sure, but first I have a little something to do." He would have to be patient in studying her for a weakness he could exploit, but for now he had to wait.

Squeezing her arm bashfully, he disentangled himself and swaggered over to where The Crow was sat. He was with a young, leather clad girl who, judging from her nervous composure, was nothing more than an acquaintance to him. The Crow was known for how seriously he took things, and how his violent cause was fuelled by a hatred of demons. The kind of quiet, straight talking bore who was excellent to toy with.

"Good day, lovebirds," he swung himself down on a chair beside the two of them, casually leaning back and stretching his arms, grinning. The Crow was about the same age as him, but Kri'tro's size and youthful looks made him seem much younger than the taller man. He brushed the light mop of his hair aside and smirked charmingly. "And a happy Festival of Unity to the pair of you."

Without warning, he leant forwards and spoke quietly in the hunter's ear. "Must be a lot of worms for a bird like you to catch in a busy place like this, hey? I would hate to interrupt this little bonding session of yours, but let's just say I know a place where there'll probably be demons. Watch what I do, and I'll see you there." He gave the taller man a patronising hair ruffle, and then he lurched back to his feet with a cheery wink to his female companion, and before the man could do anything to stop him, he was already flouncing his way back to Rani's company.

"Sorry to abandon you, princess," he grinned, retaking her arm, "Saw an old friend and thought it polite to catch up with him, you know, share a bit of gos and all that. Now let's go to this fight, before I smash something here." His grin now more aggressive, he pressed on towards the bar, where a Shalrak was asking the same question. Accompanying him was the pathetic fish-face from earlier.
Good; somebody I'd really like to punch already.

"Certainly, follow me, sirs," the barman nodded, gesticulating for the four of them to follow him. Kri'tro shrugged over at Rani, surprised that they had been admitted so easily.

"We are checking the stocks for Bolemio's favourite, correct?" he enquirer loudly with a glance and a wink to the Crow.

"That is correct," the barman nodded begrudgingly, "though I recognise your face well enough to know why you're here, sir." He took them through a dark door at the back of the room, leading them down a long, precarious staircase into a dim cellar. It was almost as spacious as the main bar itself, though it seemed far more claustrophobic as not a single wall was devoid of a tankard of some form of alcoholic beverage. Together, their sickly scents mingled into an overpoweringly rich taste. "If you wouldn't mind, sirs, just wait a few seconds whilst I call your escorts." The barman bowed slightly, then disappeared down a hidden corridor between the tankards.

The four of them now left alone, Kri'tro turned to examine the new duo. It was very rare to see a Shalrak, never mind one covered in something a technical as the rocky armour he wore. "You'd better be careful, princess," he warned Rani, "looks like there are dangerous people about."



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