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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0bbc2239_Bralynn_rpn_resize70.jpg.17f3aeca9945ed5bb67ca3df653fd3f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0bbc2239_Bralynn_rpn_resize70.jpg.17f3aeca9945ed5bb67ca3df653fd3f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Bralynn watched with mild amusement the as the crowd slowly grew within the Oakes Lodge. The more affluent patrons reminded her of her past and haunted her with the nostalgia of it all. She absently ran a finger around the lip of the cup of herbal tea that had long since cooled on the table in front of her. The server scoffed at her request, and Bralynn guessed that he had hoped she would have ordered something significantly more expensive from the bar. Festival prices ran higher here, even if the Lodge was well removed from the riff-raff of the more common, base masses that undulated throughout the lower sides of the city.

In all honesty, Bralynn was being cognizant of her limited funds. She needed to find some ... worthwhile endeavor ... and soon. Besides, alcohol in any form would only have served to cloud her judgement and unsteady her hands, neither of which were favorable conditions for her legerdemain talents.

Many more wealthy citizens traversed the part of town wherein the Oakes Lodge prospered, and with them came the additional security of Peacekeepers and their lackies to watch and protect those who were more fortunate than most. It was easy for her to spot them, even the ones not in full dress uniform; she easily recognized the signs and mannerisms from her youth when her family would tour about town. The pickings would be greater here for someone with Bralynn's talent, but the risks associated would also be greater. So, she sipped lightly at her herbal tea, watched the patterns of the crowd and waited.

Soon, Bralynn recognized several of those who had been at the underground fight-club event. She slowly shook her head and suppressed a wry grin as many of them arrived in a cluster, rather than individually so as not to attract undue attention. Bralynn was glad that she had come directly to the Lodge as it allowed her to get a seat and already be settled into the customers before the others started to arrive. Patient observation was one of her strengths which had allowed her to score several well-paying jobs in the past.

Bralynn caught the dancer's eye and gave her a short nod of acknowledgement. The rest of the assembly that had accompanied the other woman ignored Bralynn's presence for which she was mostly grateful. If too much attention were called her way, then others might believe that Bralynn was more fully associated with the mini-throng that had suddenly intruded upon their blissfully ignorant sanctuary.

She finished her tea and waited for the server to return that she might order another. Casually, Bralynn sat back in her chair and continued her silent vigil. Perhaps the mild chaos that surrounded the newcomers would give her enough cover wherein she might relieve the love-struck young man several tables to her left who was enraptured of his paramour seated close to his side?

Brown eyes narrowed as Bralynn studied her mark and waited for just the right opportunity.



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Rani set her half full glass of Cider on the counter as she was approached brushing some of the hair she had been toying with over her shoulder to join the rest. "Good evening to you as well Mr. Blacksmith." She smirked playfully a bit of sarcasm seeping into the title had given himself. "Ah returning to the pit again? I wish you luck then. As intriguing as the invitation might be I've never been particularly fond of threats and traps. I'm sure you'll fair just fine though." She chuckled softly "Perhaps you can share your wondrous tales of battle once you've returned? Who knows, if you return from your bout with out a scratch as you did before I might buy you a drink" She offered having no intention of returning to the underground tomb of a fighting ring. Not when there wasn't anything to be gained from it. She might have gained some coin earlier but betting was never a sure way of gaining money, and the risk of an ambush or another mass fight was too high for her to volunteer to attend the event.

She took another sip of her cider glancing over to catch the eye of the dark clad woman from the pit earlier and smirked slightly before returning her gaze to the Rouge a spark of mischievous charm shining brightly. She had no intention of letting go of her one point over him this early on. Not for a simple question. "Hmmm there are many questions on my mind but I have a feeling the truth of your response may be questionable. Though I may need a favor before the festival is over." She mused aloud "I'll see. In the mean time you have a legend to find. Correct?"

@SkyGinge @Kharmin
"Oh princess, that's quite the tall order," Kri'tro smirked, "I mean, a date with the No. 1 Evilest dood, and you expect me to come back unscathed? Seems you've higher expectations for me than I thought. But I'll try my hardest, just for you. Might want something a little more than a drink though if I do manage something so spectacular." No surprise that she doesn't want to join us. Probably a good thing, too; she might well distract me from paying attention to the danger.

"Anyhow, I can assure you my answer will be truthful. On my blacksmith's honour, I swear it," He feigned an overdramatic bow, "What my answer won't be, however, is permanently available. I can't promise that we'll ever meet up again, as I'm planning to be out of town by tomorrow evening. So I'll ask once more; what would you like me to answer?"


Blimey, what an entaurage of questions! Apos' head rocked forwards a few times, his long eyebrows in an aggressive frown as he tried to compute all that she was asking of him. Has she lived in a cave all her life, or what? Blist must be a very weird place, with none of our commonities. Well, at least she wasn't offended by the state of the house; she even said she loved it. Mind you, it's probably just manners. You don't call yourselves the species of light if you don't have simple household etiquette.

"No-no, don't you worry, it wasn't an assault of any sort!" Apos exclaimed, though his manner sadly suggested otherwise, "Well, starting from the beginning I guess, surfacer abodes vary from location to location, town to town, state to state, class to class. So there's no norm as such, but for this city, I guess this house would be considered the norm. Apart from, well, all the mess." He indicated, a little embarressed, to the scattered cutlery behind them, to the hastily dispatched clothes he had thrown out of the way to make room. "That's just because your host is terribly untidy and got too caught up in literature to tidy away properly. Eheh. So yeah, we eat three times a day normally, and sleep every night."

A pause. "Pardon me for asking," he started, "but as an angel officer, did you never encounter a surfacer before to ask them these kind of questions? After all, this kind of knowledge is... common, to say the least. Not to offend your intelligence, of course!" he added quickly, "I'm sure life was rather different up there, hey?" He pointed skywards a little uneasily, and offered a small smile.

Rani just smirked before taking another sip of her Cider. “Ah well you’re act was so convincing before perhaps you can perform an encore and escape once more.” She shrugged “Regardless I’m sure you’ll figure something out s and who knows where the end of the night will lead.” The dancer chuckled. There was a playful spark in her eyes as she turned her body slightly to face the rouge more. Swearing on the honor of being a blacksmith when he might not be one did not do much to enhance her confidence in the rouge. Either way she wasn’t going to spoil her one question or favor now. “I perfectly fine with holding off for now. There a whole additional day to enjoy the town and all it has to offer. And even if I don’t get my question now there’s a chance our path’s may cross again. It can be a very small world at times.” She pointed out before finishing off the last of her cider.

A small world it might be, princess, but a public man I am not, Kri'tro thought, a little agitated. You know I'm not just a blacksmith; the fight club and everything else would have deposed of that garbage even without you seeing through me before. I need to stick to the shadows unless I want to enjoy the rest of my life locked up in some damned cell someplace barren and horrible. You know that full well, but either through some petty belief in fate and circumstance, or just the stupid need to hold some influence over me, you continue to constrict me like the snake you are.

Well, on your own head be it. Kri'tro merely continued to smile for a long pause, saying none of this, though his slight agitation was visible through his features. "A shame," he sighed, "I though you were more eager to continue our game than that. Ah well." The rogue turned to Chimera, catchign the eyes of the other girl in the process, a girl who hadn't spoken the entire time they were there. Their conversation would have been bizarre and cryptic to say the least, but he didn't care. The girl could follow them if she wanted to, or she could choose to ignore them. It made no difference to him, as she was nothing more than a nobody to him. She didn't even have Rani's beauty to be worth purssuing in his travels.

"Well, we aught to be going then," he slipped from his chair with a little more genuine reluctance than he would have liked to show, "Come on then, lion-girl. I'd hate to keep the old man waiting."



A wide grin curved the dancers lips as she leaned back from the counter. "Ah but you see this is just round one." She chuckled a light of mischief dancing in her eyes. "A game doesn't end upon parting ways, it is simply postponed." She pointed out before motioning to the bartender for a refill on her cider. Rani was no full and knew full well that there was no guarantee to meet up with the rouge again but it was amusing to see the irritation Max tried to hide. She knew it was bothering him, perhaps not a lot, but it was still a small thorn that would continue to irritate him. She glanced past him to Chime who had simply been watching their exchange and smirked slightly very tempted to show her how a really seductress works her magic. But it would have to wait until later as the rogue seemed to be set on heading off to his meeting."If you make it back I'll still be around if you want to have a drink." She offered brushing the hair from her shoulder to join as a fresh glass of Cider was set before her. She nodded in thanks to the bartender and took a sip enjoying the spiced drink very much despite other finding it not to their taste. Her warm sapphire gaze shifted back to the rogue a mysterious glint to her eyes "I wish you luck in your meeting. Try not to cause too much of a mess." she smirked.

@SkyGinge @Goddess
Chimera glanced over all who were beside her though her focus was more on Max and Rani. Their conversation had seemed to have gotten off to a good start though she could see that it was declining slowly. From what she gathered, Max wanted more praise from Rani or at least for her to attempt a few more jabs at their game before he had to depart. Rani on the other end seemed more preoccupied with other things, caring less of what Max had to do or want. Hearing Max talk mad Chimera roll her eyes to and fro. But I'll try my hardest, just for you. Might want something a little more than a drink though if I do manage something so spectacular. Chimera nearly puked her drink out, such a sappy line made her think less of Max. For a split second Chimera looked away toward the door and the bark keep who stared at their group with curiosity. Waving a sweet little hello she turned around just in time to catch the expression on his face. This was more spectacular , seeing aggravation on his face. She cackled a little, quickly holding her hand to her mouth so the sound would be muffled.

Chimera made a note in the back of her head from their conversation. Max must surly hold some sort of "feeling" toward her if not infatuated with her. Rani probably could care less about him, more so interested in what his adventures had to offer or his money. He did say she was a snake. As he called for her she perked up a bit, hey eyes wide as ever as she glanced from Rani to him as if she was lost in thought. "Hm!..Alright, ready when you are."


"You all know." Sandy said slowly, regarding her whiskey with a smooth gaze," It's kinda rude to walk up to a girls table start babbling about games princesses and ledgends." She took a long sip of her whiskey and slammed her glass against the table, "I'll forgive you though, because all this talk of legends is making me insanely curious. I'll buy the drinks when we get back if you take me with you!" She sat back in her seat and eyed the two. The muscled man seemed to be the default leader with a smaller blonde girl following. They seemed a little uncomfortable around each other, which told Sandria that they were new partners. Either way the two seemed interesting and she wanted to meet this " Legend"



It was hard trying to find Inquisitor Whytelaw within the crowd, especially after she threw on that cloak of hers. Her normally noticeable armor and her mop of unruly hair were now hidden by the plain, brown cloak, making her appear as no more than some traveller who shunned the sunlight. Ethis lifted his helmet's visor in exasperation and ran another eye over the crowd again. Sarah Whytelaw had a natural slouching posture that no other Inquisitor had. The others were proud, stood tall, and were almost imposing just by presence alone. Inquisitor Whytelaw Jr., however, didn't try at all, and was often given no more than an aside glance by many others were she outside of her uniform. Try as he might, Sarah was now pretty much incognito, even to her fellow Peacemakers. As he scoured the slowly thinning crowd under the blood red sun of the evening, he had not noticed a rather inconspicuous figure draped in a cloak that looked more like a sack slide on up behind him. When it took his shoulder in a vice grip, he gave a shriek of horror, spinning around to face his assailant with nothing more than a rapidly paling face, which was immediately hidden by his visor clanging down over it.

He found himself looking at the face of the one he was looking for, except with dirty-blonde locks spilling over her shoulders. It was clear, however, having stared at her for almost every briefing, that this was none other than Sarah Whytelaw. No other person had such ability to convey so much disdain and how fed up she was with nothing more than just a look. "You...uh...you look different, sir."

"It's not 'sir', any more, I'm just some random civvie." She hissed and glared hotly at Ethis. It was definitely Sarah. Nothing short of pissed off retorts told Ethis that this woman who pulled irritably at the ends of her hair was his Inquisitor. "I got this at some novelty store, and it's killing me. It itches like hell, and don't even dare sympathise with me. I won't have any of your pity." She sighed, and gave a rather far-off dejected look that betrayed her words. Of course, orders being orders, Ethis did not show any sympathy. "Anyway, I heard the guys saying something like you were looking for me?"

"That's right, si-- regular civilian that I have no idea about." Sarah made a mental note to sign her cohort up for acting classes right then. "We've spotted some suspicious individuals, namely the ones our Inquisitor Whytelaw insisted we keep our eye out for. They were seen heading towards the Oakes Lodge. We're still waiting on further instructions, otherwise, we'll be going on as planned for tonight."

Sarah tugged at yet another lock of hair of hers. It was turning out to become a rather annoying habit that she probably couldn't get rid of any time soon. She probably should investigate them, but honestly, she couldn't really be bothered. It wasn't as if following them was going to turn up anything important. She groaned and scratched her neck under the black-gold locks of her wig. After a while of decision-making, she turned back to Ethis. "Right, proceed as planned. No use worrying over the bunch at Oakes."

Sarah detached herself from Ethis' company and began milling around with the crowd, with no exact destination in mind. Other than looking for the Crow again to bother him, she wasn't really interested in anything else. Guess she would have to waste more time doing nothing.
All this talk of drinks, and I'm not even thirsty, Kri'tro brushed his shoulder down, as if brushing off their little offers and their little promises. As if the 'Blacksmith Extraudinare can be bribed with the liquid of meagre thugs. Ah well, only a few more days of this, then I can go back to somewhere with a little more worth, back to people of proper respect. "With all these drinks you're all promising me, I'll be off my face within a few minutes," he sighed fairly jovially, though remained strangel distant, "But alright. See ya later then."

Then the other girl, Chimera's look-a-like, chirped up requesting to join them. Kri'tro tried to stifle a giggle. Though she had some kind of roguish aura, did she really just want to tag along with people heading straight to an effective death wish? Then again, why not have her along, Kri'tro wondered? She could have some kind of hidden talent. And in the likely circumstance that she wasn't up to scratch, it was always good to surround yourself with cannon fodder. "If you want," he shrugged, amused, glancing over at Chimera, whose cattish eyes had been wide and smug throughout the entire conversation. Aekra forbid, did she find every damn thing hilarious?

"Come on then!" he repeated as he head for the door, his motley crew of two cattish girls following in his wake. What a funny crowd.


Having pretty much seen the Crow (whose respect levels had gone majorly down in Kri'tro's books) sell out the underground fighting club earlier that afternoon, Kri'tro had half-expected the tavern to be completely co-ordined off. But though the law was just, it was equally slow, and it seemed they were yet to process the order through their ridiculously complex layers of rule and regulation. Dressed in a new cloak, Kri'tro and his companions entered the bar as before, and Kri'tro spoke the same codewords to the barman.

"I'm sorry, sir," the man said, a layer of sweat that had been absent earlier now acting as a shining cap to his balding forehead, "but we're all out of that."

"Oh, we're not here for
that," he chuckled. So they've closed down as a precaution. "Rather we're here on ruitine stock supply. A little young, I know, but we do match your target audience, hmm?" The barman froze up for a brief moment, potentially going over any alternate codewords in his head. Realising he was taking far too long, the flustered man gave up and lead them silently to the back door as before.

Once they were behind closed doors and down the cracked steps, the barman spoke up again. "Suppose you're here for that meeting milarky," he grumbled, "Bolemio must've agreed it beforehands. Well, I'll be better prepared now. Y'have to be hareful, sirs and ma'ams, with all these whities about. Good evening." He scuttled away back upstairs, looked ever more like a rabbit with every passing moment.
Another animal reference? You're going barmy.

Sighing to himself, Kri'tro glanced around the cellar they had been abandoned in. The corridor to the Pit was now simply not there; it was as if it had never been there, and the wall where it had once been was now made up of the same bland brick tilign as everything else. The other passageway, however, was unblocked. "This'll be our destination, ladies," Kri'tro nodded towards the doorway, and began the descent down into the darkness.

But what was waiting for them?


@theunderwolf (and sorry to somebody called Chimera, who I accidentally tagged instead xD )
"Can a place become any more dull? I'd rather crochet Peacemakers some armour than sit here bored."

Alistair was muttering to himself with his deep voice as he was walking back to the tavern, more bored than a plain brick. There isn't much else more boring than bricks, even if there are museums just about bricks. Maybe about the history of bricks, the different combinations of brick material and the like.

There were some men outside, peacemakers to be exact. Some were quite well hidden, others...less so. Some were still there keeping a public presence, because a sudden disappearance of them would he rather suspicious. Not that a large group of cloaked men surrounding a place already was...

He looked around, walking to one of the alleyways so he could avoid the outside rowdy crowds. It was around the tavern, so he walked by a side wall of it, easily within earshot of anyone by the tavern. Just there were a group of some of the peacemakers, still cloaked.

"What are you pretentious lawgivers doing, looking like you're going to feast with the rats? Let me past." His voice was lined with sarcasm, as though being intentionally irritating. Alistair was just being irritable himself, so it reflected.

The peacemakers panicked. No one was meant to see them, as it could blow their cover for the operation. Going for the fastest way in an attempt to silence him, they withdrew their swords.

"Meet your justice foul criminal!" They shouted as they charged at Alistair.

He merely gave a slight lopsided smile, amused that these lowly bunch thought they could even put a scratch on him.

"In that case, I'll just let myself walk through."

The men ran at him, swords swinging as Alistair walked. It looked as though they kept going, and passed straight by Alistair, then fell to the ground. The group were in a messy pile on the floor as Alistair was visibly withdrawing the last few inches of his sword. He withdrew and sheathed faster before their bodies could react, only when he walked a metre did the bodies split apart into pieces and blood and blood curdling screams.

They were no target of his, so no feather was left for them. They were merely trash that required disposing of.

With the noise of fresh screams still in peoples ears, Alistair walked back to the tavern to get a drink, hoping to find something more interesting. Some people looked at him in fear, being the clear perpetrator of the murder, but dared not approach him because of that. His stance was calm and relaxed as he walked, though his reactive instincts never rested.

As Chimera walked away she glanced back at Rani. Was their conversation nothing but a run around, a futile one that got no answers but only agitation. Chimera thought why doesn't everyone just be blunt about everything, its less tiring and easy on everyone else. Never the less watching the coversation was amusing and it had seemed that they had aquired another compainino. Chimera was thrown off though, she didn't expect Max to be so welcoming, throwing out inventions without analyzing the person properly. With that thought in mind Chimera looked over toward the new female who seemed to have similar features to her own. Underneath her breath she hissed a little as she looked toward the back of Max's head. Chimera didn't like looking like someone, no having someone look like her. She was supposed to be different, hince the horrid name her mother had given her. Her being cat like can be easily be done by others. The only thing that separates her from others is her way of thinking and playing around, but in this situation that is not enough.

Before she new it they had arrived at the bar. It seemed while lost in her thoughts she was mentally changing herself to fit the needs of her desire. To be different from the rest she needed to act like what Max perceived of her, but do it more ...seriously as if it was a part of her. Never had she reall,y considered beign a lion, not till now. While most of her mind was focusing on changing what she already was, "incorporating" the lion persona , the other half was listening to Max and the Barkeep. Chimera had laughed from here to there as he responded to the barkeep, the sweat and uneasyness on the bark keep was amusing too. As they walked a little more and soon returned to where they were before , the door had shut behind them and Chimera's eyes lit up an emerald green. Looking around the the cellar the pit was no longer there. These people are fast to clean up their messes, Chimera had thought.

"Exciting. Oh Watch your step Max, I can't have you falling."

Chimera chuckled as she lowered her eyes, a slight curve in them showing. By the time she too descended into the darkness the lion persona had already been fixated to merge with her original playful one. Chimera wondered if this was getting all to her head and why would she change over a small factor of the other one looking like her. She shrugged off the thought , discarding it to the back of her mind.


Jinta stopped mid drink as he heard the cries of injured men, and one-sided fighting, both things that he enjoyed. He knew it was a one- fight because, while there were multiple cries coming from outside, there were no grunts of struggle or continuous noises of sword against sword, the metal on metal noise would have been easily noticeable to someone this close to the outside. Putting his wine down, and ignoring the way his mouth longed to taste more, Jinta turned his head to see what kind for person could beat down what sounded like a good group of men.

Jinta whistled as he saw the white haired swordsman walk in, his cold face and his fluid movements giving off a deadly aura that seemed to permeate the air around him, his entire look displaying the fact that he cared no such thing of what he slew, as long as they stayed out of his way. A normal person would cower at the pressuring demeanor of the swordsman, and make themselves scarce so that he didn't notice them. Yet, coupled with all this information known, there was also the fact that Jinta, in all of his wisdom, and general lack of care when it came to safety, his own or others, did not care about the aura, and merely was fixated with the way the man seemed to be able to fight off those men.

Jinta waved over the swordsman, his hand in the air as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Hello, swordsman! Come over here, you seem interesting!" Jinta's intense vocals pierced the rumbly silence that was present in the Bar, his voice gaining the attention of most of the patrons and customers in the Bar. Laughing at his sudden attention, Jinta stood up and continued with his loud voice, asking, or more like demanding, "I would love some more wine! Bring me some! And some for him!"

Pointing to the swordsman at the last demand, Jinta started laughing uproariously as he sat down, his presence definitely becoming the elephant in the room, Jinta placed his elbow on the table as he waited for the swordsman to come over. While the demeanor would scare of most, he was interested in it, and there was also the strange gut feeling he was getting, a byproduct of his heavy reliance of his refined instinct over the years. Meeting this person was going to be very important apparently, and hey, even if it wasn't, Jinta never refused having new friends.

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Sandy followed the two with a confident smile and smooth strode. The pair was interesting she thought. The man seemed to have entirely too many secrets and was overburdened with the mistique of it all, she reckoned and the other woman, who had a passing resemblance to her seemed feral in an odd way. Catty almost. She walked into the tavern with the two and rolled her eyes If this legend is just a drink, I will leave and go back to that other tavern and stuff a cider down that gypsies throat. Horrible or no. She watched quietly as the man delivered what she assumed to be a long stream of code words. Seems a little odd. She thought, "Why not just say what you mean and be done with it? the barkeep looks really flustered and well I don't blame him. Who has time to memorize all this stuff? She continued to think this as they were shepherded into a cellar.

'So what are we doing here?" She asked slowly, wondering why she hadn't earlier then chalking it up to pure curiosity, "And who are you two exactly?" She had followed them because she wanted to know what was up but curiosity killed the cat, her father always said. But the other girls going down first if that's the case. She thought with a small smile.

@SkyGinge @Goddess
"We're your worst nightmares," Kri'tro chirped without turning around, the grin instead seaped into his voice, "The Dandy and The Lion. As for what we're doing here, didn't you say you were interested in meeting a legend? Because if that's not the case, you're going to get a rather horrible surprise..."

The tunnel didn't decend as much as the other one did, and it felt twice as long. It was darker for one thing, and seemed peculiarly fresh, as if it had only been dug out within the last few days. This, of course, was impossible. And also illogical; why built a long, dark, damp, disgusting tunnel to the middle of knowhere? If Kri'tro wasn't so confident, he'd have began to feel uneasy.

After what felt like a lifetime and a half, they eventually arrived in a spherical chamber. Almost perfectly carved out, it was layered with various different levels of white brickwork, like some kind of lurid Peacemaker Court.
Can't have been Bolemio, it's far too snazzy for that old creep. So it seems like he's not the only one exploiting our fear of the sacred ground. In the centre was a small podium, and around it a miniature ampitheatre of rounded white pews. Another piece of impossible architecture. But he is a man of legend; none of this should surprise.

The legend himself was currently nowhere to be seen. Presumably preparing a speech, or whatever you do when you're the worlds worst criminal. Hells, if he's anything like me, he's probably planning something fantastic and evil. This could well be a trap. But do I really care? All I want to do is see the master in action. If he impresses me enough, I probably won't even mind being swindled out of everything I own. Should'a brought a notebook. In his place were a number of different hooded figures, their itchy-looking cloaks etched with the mastermind's infamous insigna to prove their genuinity. And in the centre, already sitting down, a number of different criminals, all glaring shifty eyes, tattoos, odd scars and eccentric fashion sense. Some he recognised from The Pit earlier, some from wanted posters and criminal cliques. It was like some weird farming festival, only a whole less friendlier.

"Well, ladies," Kri'tro turned to his companions, "this is it. Anything can happen now. Are you excited, or are you petrified?"


Chimera chuckled, worst nightmare...please more like a comedy show. "What he said The Dandy and the Lion..though I wouldn't use the word Dandy for him." Once Chimera entered the chamber she looked around toward the vast group of criminals who all came to attend this special meeting. Some looked down right scary while others had the air of a casual on looker. A few men toward the right looked like old men, hunched back and hacking up the air. Another who had locked eyes with Chimera gave her a nasty glare but all she could do was laugh. The man had a nose like a pig, it was stiff, pushed up and wrinkled all over. The man began to rise , so Chimera looked away. "I thought there would be tall scary men here, you know ones with massive biceps , a missing eye...possibly a few guys with mustaches. When I look at them all I see are kids coming to see a magic show, this scene is laughable. I'm not petrified but the excitement lies when the man of the hour appears. " Chimera gave Max a playful smile, before looking over toward the female.

Walking around her she looked her up and down. Unlike Max she was more of an open book , readable , but there were a few things that lied mysterious about her. Chimera finished her little walk around , stopping near Max as she stood on his right. From the female's previous comments she could tell she was one of those people who attempted the game but never accomplished much from it nor won at it. Laughing to herself she hid behind Max, her back nearly touching his own as she scanned the room. "Some of these were on the wanted poster. This Legend must be highly well known and respected. Is that why your here to see him?"


Sandy walked into the room behind the quite rude dandy and uncouth lion. it reminded her of trianpolis almost, she noticed. One of the meeting rooms designed for secure meetings or gatherings that her parents thought she didn't know about. She would bet money that it was for a similar purpose. the people were definitely not the calm reserved earth mages she was used too though. Half of them looked like they'd strangle a mole. The other looked like they'd laugh while they did. None of them looked to tough though. She'd fought bigger and meaner. She smirked as the lion girl seemed to express a similar sentiment. "Hmph," she said,"I'm a little underwhelmed. I was honestly expecting more weird colored flames and blood by the way you built this place up, this legend is going to have to be very interesting." She couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement? Fear? Anticipation She reckoned. Something big was going to happen, she could feel it in her bones.


Alistair raised as the possibly drunken fish called him over. He walked slowly towards them and regarded the Merman, though basically a walking fish, much to the annoyance of any Merpeople he talked to when he called them that. The was the same one that made a shish-kebab out of a unlucky victim in the fight club he was at earlier too, which for some reason didn't surprise them with their build, along with a height close to his.

Much like Jinta though, Alistair had little regard to personal safety, be it more out of personal arrogance beyond anything else. He had effectively lost all sense of fear with being near burnt to death, so was not afraid of his life not carried any value on his own. It also meant though if he ever accomplished his life goal, he would end up a wandering empty shell unless something occurred that changed that situation.

Alistair sat down and took the tankard of wine, drinking on it. He then regarded the large man with his cold eyes. His deep but emotionless voice then spoke out, as though exerting no more effort than was required.

"What do you want then Fish?"

Lor smiled softly, watching the good librarian flitter about. Her reminded her of a bird plucking its own feathers out of stress. The angel felt sorry for the man, and wondered how to help the lesser being. Was he like an animal truly and could be consoled with petting? She did not want to encroach on his personal space. With her relying on him so heavily, it may be the only thing he had left to him self.

"I really do not mind the mess, truly. It only means the space is well used. Dirty and messy are two different things and this home is not the first," Palorradon assured him, bobbing her head lightly in a nod. Her long silver hair spilled over her shoulder as she moved, partially moving in front of her face to hide one violet eye. Then, as he looked to her old home, she too looked up, removing the hair again from her face. A pained expression crossed her features briefly but faded as she released a sigh.

"As an Officer, I got the privilege to travel frequently from Blist. However, the travel mostly consisted of approaching Demon territory and forcing their retreat or granting them death," Lor replied with nonchalance. "I am quite fond of other creatures, lesser beings, but I do not know much of them. We Angels are very different, it seems, aside from our superiority, of course. We do not sleep or eat as often and our architecture is much more... Well, beautiful, neat, and just simply... more..." She spoke to the librarian, though her words were arrogant in words, as though she was speaking of something as mundane as shoes.

Jinta grinned in success as the swordsman sat down, his yelling and boisterous tone working exactly how he had wanted it too. However, as the swordsman greeted him, quite curtly, Jinta frowned as the rather disrespectful term for his species. His happy eyes sharpening into daggers, their dullness wasting away as the introduction of irritation grinded into them, driving away the unused look, Jinta set down his tankard of wine, and placed his elbow on the table, absently wondering if he had just heard right. The effects of the emotionless voice the man used, which Jinta had heard on countless others who were either a part of some traumatic event, or had been abused in some way, bounced off of Jinta's experienced head, as the Merman started to tap the wooden table.

Grinning, his shark-like teeth glint from the dim light of the Bar, Jinta asked lowly, "I'm sorry, I think you just stomped on my hospitality. Did you just call me 'Fish'? I'm a Merman."

Jinta had been nice when he had bought this man a mug of wine, and now he was being insulted? No, this was not going turn out how his first few years of sea life began. When the captain had first captured Jinta, and taken him aboard the ship as a cabin boy, he had been the only Merman there, among countless humans who were braving the high and low seas. Yet, since he was the first Merman on the ship, people started calling him Fish or Fishboy, some using it as a "cute" nickname, some as an insult, and others just because they were ignorants who followed the crowd.

No one wanted their race to be insulted as a whole in their face, yet that was what happened for most of his beginnings of Pirateering. So now, it was banned on his ship to call Merman Fish or degrade other species with derogatory terms. No matter what others would say about it, Jinta was content that his crew was a respectful one to the multiple races, and had a fair insight into equality.

Now, he was going to most likely teach this guy a lesson if didn't apologise, but he really didn't want to do that. While he enjoyed fighting, he also had some common sense, and getting all blown up and tired before whatever went down in the fight group downstairs did not sound like a good idea.

Kri'tro snorted at Chimera's retort. It was absolutely ridiculous, the kind of self pep-talk a foolish thug would convince himself of, or the kind of thing an elephant must feel when sneaking into a lion's den. No matter what she said, the company was far from friendly, and far from comical. She's trying to mimic me, bless her. The cat's eyes widen to get what she wants. Or she's just insane. Kri'tro shrugged it off. Of course he wasn't scared; he knew he were far more talented and crafty than most, if not all of them.

The other girl's equally snooty comment was also equally stupid.
But that's ok. We don't pick our cannon-fodder for its brains; an intelligent scapegoat is a wasted scapegoat. He eyed them both playfully, his perhaps sinisted intentions masked beneath his handsome flirting. "My dear friend," he chuckled, "if you were paying attention you'd have notice I've barely built up anything, let alone this very room we speak of. Which of course, I did not know about; I'm only a humble carpenter, not your regular Mystic Meg, o mighty seer of underground conference lairs. If you're unimpressed, feel free to leave. Of course, we'll miss your valuable contribution, but ah well, life's tough, eh?"

Gradually, the room began to fill up, and Kri'tro lead Cannon Fodder 1 and Cannon Fodder 2 to one of pews. The man to the left of him was at least 6 foot tall. His biceps were the size of tree trunks, his skin tanned as bark, and his occasional grunts were like crunching wood.
Evidentally the big man himself is a tolerant gentleman, Kri'tro noted the presense of both Mermen and Shalrak in the company (Saladrin were generally too cowardly to reach such heights of criminality). Amongst so many giants, a man the size of Kri'tro would normally feel crushed. But Kri'tro was fine; if heights were based on egos, he'd be amongst the tallest there.




Even Apos couldn't resist a smile (albeit a small one) at the woman's first compliment. He'd always been a sucker for intelligent compliments, and Lor put a whole new spin on his state of abode. He almost at once slackened marginally, and put to rest fears of his messy house disappointing. He sunk into his chair like a person three times his age, his eyes glossing over slightly with some strange emotion. Maybe even he wasn't aware of what it was.

It wasn't long before he was all wide eyes and tense long limbs again however, as the question seemed to strike quite the unfortunate chord. Blist above, why could he never manage a simple conversation without something falling apart? His tongue was like an untrained puppy, wild and without tact. None of her following arrogance missed him, however, and he was reminded of the Angel's often frustrating superiority complex. It was an awkward topic to breach to, as he certainly didn't want to offend her by pointing out to her that it was a bunch of 'lesser beings' who had just saved her life, and that she aught to be more thankful. A small growl flittered across his eyes, but his weak smile caged his puppy-tongue.

There was a long pause as Apos Meatman failed to find something to say.

Knock-knock-knock! The door, the door! The sudden burst of rhythm sent the librarian lurching to his feet in surprised, caught off guard as ever. His legs flailed like a puppets legs for a moment, and then he dashed haphazardly to the door. Who in all damnation makes a house call this late into the evening? I'd better answer fast; I don't want to be rude!

The late night visiter was a brutish man with eyes like a smouldering fire. Without a word he walked into the house, straight past Apos and without the slightly care about him. Apos felt his pulse rise. This was no friendly visiter.

"Librarian, ain't you?" Beattie grunted. At once Apos realised he'd seen the man very briefly at the end of his shift, though he certainly seemed a lot more powerful now than then.

"That's correct, yes," Apos chimed nervously, "With due respect, what are-"

"You're gonna answer my questions," the man suddenly turned, and walked straight towards Apos, his aggression extended a pair of metaphorical arms to push him back down into the living room seat. He offered no alternative, and although he had surprisingly little authority, he was undoubtedly a dangerous man. He regarded Apos and his room with an absense of interest. That was maybe what made him even scarier. There was no sign of excitement, no sign of villainous enthusiasm. Breaking into people's houses and forcing things out of them was as normal for him as eating a sandwich was for others. He was used to it, and it almost bored him.

"I s-s-suppose I will," Apos managed.

"Patrixe. Y'know, the noble here. He keep any documents about?"

"D-documents?" Apos glanced over at Lor, who Beattie had completely ignored, "Erm... what... w-what kind of-"

"Anything that'd detail personal activity. Any operations or some't he'd keep to himself."

"Erm... erm-erm-erm..." Apos racked his brains. Did the Baron do anything like that? Or did he not? "Yes, I do believe he-he would. However, it would be top secret to say the least. It'd be out of the question to-"

"Don't care," Beattie had strolled over to the mantlepiece and picked up a vase, which he was scanning over. "You're going to get those documents for me. 'cause if you don't..." Quite suddenly, the thug span and threw the vase against the wall. It shattered instantly into a thousand shimmering shards and pitter-pattered against the floor like hail in a thunderstorm. Apos flinched violently. Beattie's eyere were suddenly alight like blue flames, though his anger was general, aimed at everything and everyone. "That'll be you," he growled, clenching his fists together. "I'll be around. Hope you value your life, or I'll be damn disappointed."

Chimera made sure to stay close to Max, he was her best shot of getting out of whatever mess to come alive. Chimera knew she was capable of sneaking away, quick movements and avoiding any injury, she was keeping Max for good insurance. Keeping Max in her sight she seated leaned up against one of the nearby pillars. If Max happened to turn around to scan the room once more he would see little Chimera staring at him with her lite up emerald eyes. Her hands would be shoved in her small little short pockets, her tool belt hanging off her hip. Chimera wasn't sure why she tagged along, why she accepted the offer and why she even decided to talk to the man. Maybe it was because he oozed of adventure or had the air of danger. Smiling she turned away from him to see a bulk man approach her. Chimera glared a little as she saw the man had two knifes at his waist , a smaller one inside his boot thanks tot he little handle that was showing, and to top it all of was a sword right on his back. Sighing she looked away form him ,hoping he would just walk on. "Miss, a bit late out tonight for you to be here...I highly doubt a woman of your class could be a criminal."

Chimera looked over once more, her eyes looking up as he towered over her. He was so close she could smell the booze , her nose scrunching up as she covered her nose.

"I don't belong in a class so how would you know. Isn't a bad to approach a woman without giving your name." The man chuckled as he placed his forearm against the pillar and leaned in close to her. "Did my words offend you?" Chimera ducked, moving around the pillar , ending up on the other side. "Not really." The man gave a raised brow before he walked closer. "When I look at you from a far , I see a cat lurking in the shadows watching. Chimera crossed her arms as she looked away. "Cat no, Lion yes, but not just a Lion, I'm a snake and a goat as well." The man laughed a hearty laughed before stepping closer to her, brushing her cheek with his thumb. "A Chimera then." Chimera hissed at him as she pushed his hand away and backed up further. "I don't like being touched, nor do I like being approached. Good day sir." Walking away she quickly hurried toward Max,who was standing beside to large men. Coming to a stop she grabbed at his jacket , not letting go. "Men are such beast its annoying. " With her sarcastic girl in help tone she squirmed around like jello. "All we do is stand by a wittle pillar and there comes a big bad man wanting more than just a hello." Chimera chuckled as she let go of his jacket ,squeezing her way through so she could stand at his side. Pushing the other man away , the man gave her a glare as she gave one bag. Crossing her arms as she deepened her voice.

"Whats up man, you come here often. You got guns but have you seen these."


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