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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles~


Rani chuckled as she crossed her right leg over her left. “Noble parties are always so… boring.” She shrugged taking another sip from her glass “Soft spoken rich people showing of their wealth to the tune of a slow lazy melody. As much as it is a good place to gain a bit of coin they tend to look down on sailor and gypsies.” She shrugged. “I might be wrong about this one considering this is a unity festival, however that has been my experience with them.” She added finishing the last of her wine. She had more fun looting the fools on the way to their fancy parties rather than being at the party. If so much a fork went missing at one of those gathering everyone looked at her as the cuprite. Granted they aren’t completely wrong but table wear wasn’t what she usually went for first.

The dancer tilted her head at the notion of going to see the Sailors boat “Your ship?” She questioned “So you are the captain of your own ship, very nice.” She grinned figuring she had indeed lucked out with this one. Should she need a quick escape or way off the country she had found her ticket. Being stuck on a ship was not her Idea of a good time and would only be able to stand it for a few days but it was harder to be tracked down out in the wide expanses of the ocean. She contemplated his offer figuring it would be smart to see what ship he owned before making any real escape plans. At the same time she would have to be careful not to fall into some sort of trap of an admirer. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to ‘steal her away’ and give her a ‘better life’. “The Lucky Duckling?” She repeated finding the name of the ship strange but nodded regardless. “Alright, should be interesting. I’ve only been on a handful of ships before.”

"Uuuuuuurgh." She gave an unearthly moan as she let All My Stars' hand escape hers as she started ruffling at her own hair, now with both hands and more agitation. There were so many names to remember. First there was Bohn Jovishop, Barista Caviar, and now some guy named Ki Throw? How do those guys at the documenting department even keep up with these names? Maybe she should start bringing a notebook around like her mother. But that would mean she had to stop every now and then to write something down. Too much trouble, she thought. Sarah slammed her unarmored arm on the counter. A hairline crack appeared on the surface, and she was treated to a dirty look by the bartend. Sadly for the bartend, she didn't notice. It took a lot more than just a look to draw her attention now.

"So you're saying, Lannister Blue Veil...that there's a club. A FIGHT club. A club specifically made for fights?" This guy was a great guy, even if he looked a little shady. Not a lot of people talked about a fight club. It was the first rule and the second rule of fight clubs, most of the time. "A club constructed to house underground fights, and no official ever heard of it. That's just bloody great." She raised her arm, and was about to slam it down on the table again, but thought better of it. She lowered it slowly, and instead pulled at her corset's neckline, blatantly ignoring the last part of Magister Yomiel's speech where he indicted her of participating in the fights. "Gah, this is pissing me off." She was supposed to be sitting at her office chair by now, twiddling her thumbs looking at the picture of the Head Inquisitor's ugly mug, playing with one of those metal puzzle rods, sleeping on her desk, or generally doing nothing important. But noooooo, she had to discover a fight club by way of one of the most threatening vigilante-cum-assassin to ever exist, the demons be buggered. If she ever found out that one of the idiots under her supervision today had sneaked out of his break to join some fight club without her permission and knowledge, he'd better watch out for his next salary "bonus".

Maybe she should leave this to another Inquisitor. Drop a message to the office and tell them everything, go home, feign illness, and not come back to work for about a month and a half. Maybe by then, it would blow over. Of course, though, her mother would have none of that. Even if she was terminally ill, Whytelaw Sr. would probably personally drag her out of her bed and put her in charge of the investigation.

Her shoulders slumped and her face fell more than it already had. "I'm sorry." She gave a rather dejected apology, almost like a child having been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and bowed her head. "Er...you wouldn't mind, uh...telling me where this club's situated...would you?" His stance looked hostile. He was going for a fight if she said or did the wrong thing now. One false move, and she would have to put up her fists. She really didn't want to waste him. There had been a bottle of liquor beside her before she sat down, and she hoped to one of the Titans that the bartend hadn't cleared it away. It looks like she had to lighten up the mood with a joke or two. It could go either way from here. "I mean, I totally understand if you're not going to go...crow about it." She gave a half-hearted grin, and laughed in a strange manner than sounded like a hyena being strangled. Her shoulders fell again, and she gave a sheepish look towards Janitor Marvel. "So, uh, yes or no?"

Jinta smiled as she nodded her consent to be taken to his ship, it was always great to show off his amazing ship to people, and it was only made better with how the person was a beautiful woman. Actually, now that he thought about it, Rani would be the first woman that he brought to his ship in years, or, more specifically, a woman that he held as a romantic interest. He didn't have many women on his crew, but the ones he did were either, not his type, or already taken. Dusting off his clothes, not that any dust would have accumulated in the short time he had been sitting down, Jinta started to walk off towards the door at a brisk pace, his excitement at showing yet another person his ship showing in how his grin seemed just a bit bigger than before.

As he reached the door, Jinta looked over his shoulders and looked at Rani, Calling out, "Well, if you're ready, I'm ready. The Lucky Duckling awaits!" Jinta didn't even flinch as the sound of his voice rang out through the bar, alerting others of their departure. A lot of the men glared at him after taking a few longing glances at Rani, something that Jinta did notice, but decided not to halt his travels with Rani just for some drunk old scum that he wouldn't even hire to wash his ship's toilets. Shooting a quick glare at the closest to him, Jinta continued on observing Rani as she made her final decision on whether or not to come.

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Having lost himself in a miniature realm of speculation, Kri'tro suddenly snapped out to find himself alone in the cellar. Must've looked like quite the fool, he sniggered to himself with an absent sigh to the empty room. With a graceful flick of the wrist, he disgarded his torn and bloodied cloak. He was, after all, a master criminal, and nobody, unless they were extremely stupid, walked out of an illegal fighting actually looking like they'd just been to an illegal fighting arena.

As he entered back into the tavern, the barmen exited beside him. Kri'tro couldn't help but notice him break into a run down the stairs behind them, and very soon the reason for his panic presented itself, or rather themselves; a peacemaker officer, sat at the bar with The Crow.
Probably going to tell Bolemio and his crones about the new arrival. They'll probably have some kind of defence plan; after all, you don't survive running a place like that in such a big city without any fallbacks. Being very much a man of his own honour, Kri'tro wouldn't have put it past the other man to betray the underground goings on. Ah, birdbrain. No respect for your criminal kin. Reckon you're all important and stuff just because you've got more of a reason for your illegalities than most. He felt a sneer rise to his smile. A shame. Some strange part of me was hoping we could make friends.

Ignoring the peacemaker, he noticed Rani accompanying Fishface out of the tavern. He sighed and tutted to himself. The sight of the two of them there, so artificial yet so real, made him feel... well, weird. He didn't know quite how to describe it. Disappointed? Uh-uh. He didn't know. But it made him thirsty, thirsty for something rich. Seeing as the barman had disappeared, he crossed behind the bar and poured himself a drink, leaving the right amount of money on the table just in case the peacemaker were watching. Then, he sat himself down next to a wide-eyed blonde girl,a peculiar frown on his face. She was one of the ones from the cellar, he remembered. What was her name now? It hadn't seemed important at the time. He wished he'd remembered now; she too was quite the pretty one. She was occupying herself with reading some kind of documents, sketchily scrawled, with a cat-like grin on her.

To Aekra with it, he thought to himself, resentfully, I can't be bothered to do anything meaningful today. I'll turn up to whatever rubbish is going on down here, if it isn't crawling with government scum, and in the mean time I'll take it easy with this chick.

He waited for a long moment; he was handsome, and that normally caught him enough attention. Then he spoke up: "Sorry to intrude, but would you mind explaining what it is you're reading?"

@Goddess (so sorry for the delay)

Chimera had already noticed a man had taken a seat at the same table as her but she had no interest to look up. It was until he had spoken up that her eyes moves away from the paper in her hand toward him. "Oh , your that man, the other victor that they were talking about." She said as the female had brought her order to her. Setting each plate down one by one, her big mug of ale being the last. Chimera put her hand on her chin, her fingers resting on her cheek as she got a good look at him. He was rather fetching, good hair , cute looking eyes, rather refined and from what she heard quite strong. However she was not the girl to be swayed by looks or skill but rather the personality and drive that one would have. Naive of her right? "I'm reading a diary my Uncle wrote in his younger years. It explains his hardships and his career in being a thief. " She averted her eyes from the man to look back down at the paper before she slid it over to him. "Thanks to him I learned much when I was growing up, sad to say hes not in this world anymore but he lived his life to his fullest."

She said as she picked up the turkey leg. Readjusting her mouth she chomped down on the leg , getting a good enough bite. Pulling away from the leg she chewed slowly as she looked around, eyeing a peacemaker and the other who she was with before. "You'r pretty calm in situations. When Rani insulted you, I was surprised you didn't attack. You'r good with your words too. " She finished her turkey leg with four more bites. Grabbing the ale to wash it down she looked back at him. "You seem like one of those individuals who like playing games. " Chimera wasn't much of a gamer but if it came down to it she was able to play. She didn't like how intense the game would get, and how hurt some might feel afterwards. It was a hassle if anything and probably her last resort if she was ever bored.

More importantly something else was on her mind. That symbol on the paper in the pouch bothered her. Chimera hated knowing part of something but not knowing the rest. "You got one of those money pouches right? I know you did , because you were one of the fighters. I know that in each pouch is a letter with a symbol on it. " She lowered her gaze as she leaned in. "Do you know who that symbol belongs to, what it means, what it's for?"

@SkyGinge (its ok, hope this post is ok)
The thing was, Alistair didn't consider himself over other criminals when it came to his causes. He just honestly couldn't give two when it came to theirs. He had his causes, they had theirs. That's deviating from the topic though.

He raised an eyebrow at her surprise of a fight club. Weren't these common knowledge in this area. At least he thought they were. Nearly every pub had one of some sort, of the more shady ones that is. He himself was quite known in them, since they were a hive for more fighting hungry demons to fight, which was a perfect place to find them.

"I'm surprised you didn't know they existed. Have you not done your research in your time here? Also you need a new way to learn names, because you are frankly terrible at it."

Alistair sighed as she had what looked to be her own personal monologue. It looks like she did this often, which left him very little with what to make of her. He sighed even harder at her horrendous joke.

"At the back, like any shady place in a pub. Where else would it be?" The sarcasm was strong at the end of the sentence. "Also never do attempts at like that again. Flowers will wilt at the sound of them."

"I am indeed that man," Kri'tro nodded with a small smile and a slurp of his drink. Red wine; not the finest ever, but enough to suitably douse his sorrows. She mustn't have been here for the start of the riot, Kri'tro thought, so she must've came in late and only heard of me through the others. Kri'tro chuckled at her next statement. "I do apologise," he said between little spurts of gentlemanly laughter, "it's just the idea of a thief keeping a diary is brilliantly sentimental. Still, a thief, hey? Guess that explains what a pretty girl like you was doing wondering around in the shadows." He sounded reasonably resolute, as if this were a new revelation, but inside it was of no importance to him. Of course you'd have some kind of criminal interest to hang around in a criminal area. Duh!

Kri'tro allowed her to speak. It seemed she was as cat-like as her appearance suggested; she seemed to take great joy in exhibiting her observation skills to him, like offering up the gift of a caught mouse. Yet, her fatal mistake was asking about the symbol in such an outright fashion. She made it fully clear that she didn't recognise it, and that gave Kri'tro a powerful advantage. He could now make up any old lie about its meaning and, unless she was totally bluffing, she'd believe him. And even if she were bluffing, it would be of no consequence. But what to tell her? What could she be useful for?

It was rather a hard choice to make, so Kri'tro decided to delay for now. "Well, I've always thought there's no point in losing your head," Kri'tro shrugged, "Besides, like you say, I'm one who likes to play games. There's no fun in a game which regresses to shouting at each other. With that in mind," he grinned, "yes, I do know that symbol. But you're going to have to do something a little more impressive than recite facts about me if you want to know." He smiled teasingly. True, he was feeling carefree, and he knew he would shrug it off if she were to simply turn around and ask The Crow or one of the other folk. But it was something to do. Something to distract him from whatever weird feeling he was harbouring.

She gave a smile before she took the sheets of paper back, rolling them like they were before and slipping them back into her holster. "I laughed as well when he gave it to me, but it gave me useful information so I keep it by me at all cost. As for me, I am no longer a thief but an unemployed pirate. " Chimera eyed him for a second. Such sweet words, she had trouble believing that what he was spewing from his mouth was genuine or just folly so he could pass the time. With the peacemaker a few tables behind him and the others toward his right, the only thought came into mind was she was nothing but an object to waste time away. The thought burned her but she didn't show it, instead she smiled happily and laughed alongside with him. "Pretty me? No , I'm your average girl around these parts I'm sure of it. Honestly I just happened to walk int the area, despite my occupation. I stayed for a while only because people were fighting. "

Chimera pushed her plate aside before downing a few more gulps from her drink. Chimera watched his body language , his facial features and the muscles that would tense up when he spoke or when he found something interesting. Chimera wanted to burn this man into her brain, why though was the question in the back of her head. She had no reason ,no drive. This man though was interesting, he had something that Chimera wanted to figure out. Slowly as she picked up her mug to bring it to her mouth, a sly smirk crossed her face. Maybe she found a new play mate to stalk, to learn from, to dive into its web of secrets. Either way it went, it would be fun for her and something to kill time with while she was jobless.

"Perfect, I'm jobless anyways. Hire me for something, personally I could care less. I can be your thief if you so desire. Explaining what I can do would probably be of no use to you unless you see it for your own eyes. Sad to say I can't just do something out of the blue to amaze you." Chimera seemed to have found herself in the very game she tried to stray away from, however this one didn't seem tiring. Chimera could have asked the others, Rina or perhaps the peacemaker but that would ruin it. She'll play his little game. "My name is Chimera, though most call me Chime. "

"Well, excuuuuse me for not being in the criminal activities division." Augh! This was frustrating, being chewed...perhaps pecked on by the Crow himself. Sarah made a mental note to write an impassioned letter to the High Inquisitor, demanding to know what exactly were the responsibilities of the Inquisitor under criminal activities, and what exactly he was doing. Under any other circumstances, she wouldn't have minded being questioned about her ability, but this was not 'any other circumstances'. There was the fact she was being told off by the Crow, and the fact she hadn't received any information with regards to a fight club being in the vicinity. She will not have her ability questioned by an assassin...even though it was true. She really hadn't given much of a care for other illegal dealings, and often sat around waiting for something to happen first before she dived in. At this point, she would really like to back away, go back to watching the festival, and never look back. Of course, once the club was unravelled, she would be in a whole world of hurt once the Board gets hold that she was within the vicinity and did nothing about it. She and all the other idiots before and after her. She turned pale at the thought: her mother was part of the Board, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"At the back, huh?" She turned her attention back to the Crow, once more ignoring part of his speech, namely his plea for her to start remembering his name. Perhaps she hadn't heard it, but that was highly unlikely. Her indignant refusal to use his real name was also probably deliberate, but with her...it really wasn't far from the truth if she really decided to push the name aside. "It could have been worse." She switched the topic to her joke, or what amounts to a horrible attempt at one. You could have leapt out of the fourth storey, hurtling yourself to your death just like that one guy. she stopped herself from saying. A second of hesitation passed, then she added lamely "Yeah, the joke could have been worse."

Night time was probably her best bet. Get a cloak from one of the scouts, cover herself up, waltz right in, and then do whatever works from there. All Peacemakers stationed here would be ordered to be on high alert status, and to surround the bar from every possible angle. She wondered, though, if the line would hold. If she screwed this up, there would be hell for her when she got back. Then again, it would be worse if she didn't do anything. During the conversation, a muscled man, hair shaven to just a patch of light brown fuzz on his head. Muscles tensed, beads of sweat, slightly heightened breathing from the rise and fall of his chest and the slight flaring of his nostrils. He had been in a fight too. Was she surrounded by contenders or something? She couldn't possibly take them by herself. Maybe she should back off a bit, get a breather and probably a disguise? She settled for a wig at one of the nearby shops and a cloak. It would have to do. She gave a sigh. "Thanks, I guess." She nodded slowly towards the Crow, before slumping her head onto the table, her hands placed over her head. She was underprepared, underequipped and under the weather. Today was not getting any easier. No one said the work of a Peacemaker was a dull one, but this was getting ridiculous. She was surrounded by vagabonds, and she expected to be lynched at any second. Take me home to your arms, Titans above. I don't deserve any of this. I didn't do anything wrong my whole life. she moaned internally.

Unable to find any other way to continue the conversation, she quietly, her shoulders still slumped, made her way out of the bar. Almost at once, she was greeted by a small squad of Peacemakers, each of them holding a man or woman with an Oriental weapon of sorts. She opened her mouth to say something, but was immediately drowned out by a cacophony of voices, demanding to know why they had been arrested. Sarah gave another long sigh, pulled up one of the crowd, extracted his sword from his sheathe, and then returned it without as much as a glance. "Congratulations, you've been selected for a random security check. You've passed. All of you may go. Bye." She waved them off, much to the bemusement of both Peacemakers and their detained. "What? I said go." She pointed at the Peacemakers, "You lot, let them go." She shifted her finger to the confused detained populace, "You lot, go. Or do you want me to arrange a month-stay check in for you at the Dungeon Hotel starting tomorrow? I hear the rooms are CELL-ing out fast, BAR-ring the executive suites. Trust me, it's at a PRISON-able price."

Whether it was the horrible jokes or her threat, the crowd dispersed, muttering darkly as they went. Sarah held her hand up, silencing the Peacemakers before they could even begin. "Matter's been settled. Halt with the detainment. I want each and all of you to gather alibis from the others for the whole day. If one of you even stepped into that fight club back there in that bar without reporting to me first, I swear on your mother's grave, I'll make sure you'll pay to work by the next salary 'increment' you get. Moving on. You, over there, give me your cloak." She snatched up the brown leather adornment from one of the Peacemaker scouts and walked down the street, pushing past the crowd, her posse following her as she went. Once out of earshot of anyone remotely related to the bar, she turned on her heels and halted. "Alright. Tonight, I want all available hands on duty. Shut off all exits, and don't let a single soul through. Weapons free. Do not hesitate, cut any soul that looks like trouble down. I'll deal with the paperwork. Those not holding out the exits, I want you positioned at every alleyway and main street. Keep out of sight, or at least look like you're minding your own business, but keep an eye on the bar. For you, non-lethal tactics are preferable, but if anyone shows any sign of attacking, return the favour tenfold."

"What's going on, sir?" one of the Peacemakers queried.

"I'm going to make the second biggest mistake in my life." She threw the cloak over her shoulders, and flipped the hood over her head, shrouding her golden-brown hair and her eyes. "Now get back on patrol duty, and inform the others. I have some preparations to do."

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Aaru's mind stumbled over the angels offering. He couldn't be so crazy to ask her to accompany him. That would be the epitome of insanity, he would do it alone if anything. Though desperation did things to people, even peaceful folk such as himself. He wasn't in a position to be selfless. For the sake of Louie, he needed this information.

"You telling me such things is priceless. If you could please enlighten me on this demons whereabouts, I will travel there myself. Even if I must go to hell and back." He responded instinctively. There was still apart of him that hurt from asking her, but he knew this would be for the greater good. Soon anyone infested with dark magic could be cured. His heart would finally be at rest and him and Louie would be reunited and travel the lands once again, healing those in need. He just needed the opportunities and he would show results.

As the angel asked him why he studied such a subject, he stuttered to answer and changed his look to a more saddened one. "I do this for the greater good of the people. I search for a cure to Dark magic infestation." He replied, trying to keep the thought of his dear friend out of his mind.



Rani chuckled softly under her breath at the captains enthusiasm. He certainly seemed prideful of his ship she just hope it held up to the hype. It would be fairly anticlimactic for his ship to be nothing more than a dingy, it would also put a damper on any escape plans. She left a few coins on the table to cover he drink before getting up to follow the loud mouth merman. The dancer spied the mysterious ‘blacksmith’ finally emerge from the cellar and head over to sit with Chime. A new game to play perhaps? Oh well perhaps he wanted an easier challenge? Either way it wasn’t much of her concern, for now. She left the small tavern and grateful for the fresh air that greeted her. The crowds were thick and crowded making it slightly difficult to navigate.

Rani made sure to keep her bag close since this was the kind of environment thieves thrived in. Her eyes wandered the crowds taking in the sights and sounds of all the merriment. Catching the glint of armor the guards wore as they made their rounds. Music mixed into the air from various bands moving her body on a subconscious level as she weaved through the crowd. A coin or two earned from a carless few.


Sorry for the delay have been caught up with Fight or Flight lately
Jinta walked through the crowds with ease, his sharp eyes looking out for any pickpockets, while his size instinctively made the people of the crowd move away from him, making a little bubble of protection. It was funny how the normal people of the street could be easily intimidated by his rather abnormal stature, or maybe it was the harpoon on his back. He shook his head and turned his attention to Rani, who seemed to be keeping up. He couldn't help, but notice how she was cautiously looking around, probably looking out for thieves as well.

Jinta turned back and pointed in the general direction of his ship, smiling, "My Ship is kind of out of town. We really couldn't anchor in the regular spots."

Kri'tro smiled as she spoke, but it was not an inclusive smile. Suit yourself; I won't bother complimenting you if you're just going to contradict what I say. She was like a light, this girl. Evidentally bright, proud to show off her abilities, but almost glaringly so, like one of those new devices in Unity City. Light-bulbs, that was it. Powered by electricity, or something needlessly scientific like that. A good candle had never done any harm, thought the rogue, but hey ho. Guess they've got to do something to keep their brains working.

Her following request caught him completely off guard. At once, he couldn't help breaking out into stifled laughter. He'd barely ever done as much as work with someone for longer than, say, a day before, let alone employ somebody to wokr for him. Why would he need that? With the exception of very specialist cases, he was perfectly well equiped himself. There was no point in relying on anybody else when they could so easily let him down.

However, like a mouse to mouse-bait, she had walked right into his clutches. She's pretty much presented herself aa a pawn to him for whatever use he had for her. Suits me. Don't know quite what I can use her for yet, but I'm not one to turn down such a good opportunity. "Chimera," he mused, "That's a bit of a peculiar name, if you don't mind me saying. Some kind of mythical beast, right? Teztran, if I do recall correctly. Part lion, part snake, part goat." Sums her up rather well, actually. "Well then, mythical girl, I'll take you up on that offer. If you didn't already hear, I'm Max."

"As for the offer," he rose from his seat and began to head to the door, hands in pockets, "let's just say the gamemaster is still crafting the game. But if you're still interested, head to Oakes Lodge this evening like I offered Rani. And don't blame me for anything that happens. I'll see you there, lion-girl." With that, the rogue shut the door on the girl and, noting the sudden increase in Peacemake officers, made his subtle way to the darker alleyways. Something made him doubt the meeting would take place as planned in the tavern underground, but seeing as it was being organised by the lord of all crime, he imagined some alternative would present itself. The thought of meeting such a well established villain made his blood boil with excitement. Yes, this was the chance to meet a true master, somebody he could truly respect. Unlike that wet-blanket, The Crow.

As he disappeared, he took one last look at the tavern, and smiled. Girls do love a mystery.



When the magic performance was over, Whiskey's loud, clumsy clapping caught the glaring eyes of some of the other onlookers. You're embarressing yourself, his daughter would've said. Maybe that Teztran lass would've said the same had she stayed long enough to see things out. Sadly they'd had to part ways a little earlier, but Whiskey had the sneaking suspician they would meet again. She had that buzz about her, a buzz Whiskey had always interpretted as 'ethereal importance'. He didn't know what in Aekra that meant, but from his years of experience, people like that had always turned out important, somehow.

As the crowds faded away, Whiskey found himself following after the elderly 'conductor' of the performance. Arts of any variety had always piqued his interest, though normally only enough to occupy him before he robbed them silly and left in a hurry. That was one of his favourite kinds of pillaging, besides beseiging snobby governmental vessels. Anyhow, he hadn't the time for such illegal bravado now. In fact, it was only in pure appreciation that he tailed her, although it would take a lot more than fancy magic to make him part ways with his precious money.

That were quite the performance ye had there," he grinned, taking in the pitiful contents of their workers tent. Out of the limelight, their sparce ensamble looked skeletal, weak, downtrodden. The failed magicians of this world, those of mighty talent reduced to mere show-work. He almost pitied them enough to shed a coin. Almost.

"Thank you, friend," the old woman said, shaking his hand warmly, though her gaze felt a lot heavier than one of simple thankfulness. Her hands felt like the twigs of a pine tree. "It's nice to hear compliments such as yours. Most people stop, stare for a bit, occupy their busy minds, and then hurry off back to reality. But we can't live on temporary attention alone. We need money. My friend, I tell you, this is not a job you do for enjoyment alone."

"Arr, that be a shame," he sighed a little begrudgingly, "Well, I'll be honest with you, I be hardly a man who likes to share in his dubloons. Yet, if there be anythin' of the non-monetry department that I can be helpin' ya with, I s'pose I can volunteer meself." And why not? Do me good deed for the week, make Khalen proud. Maybe she'll even give me a gold star, once I can find her. In any case, Whiskey wasn't a malicious pirate. Outside of his dirty-work, he was actually quite willing to provide a helping hand. Especially when money was involved, but regardless, it was always a good way to gather information.

"Well," the woman looked around a little sheepishly, "If you're offering, there is something, actually. Something very big, very important to us. A little adventure of sorts regarding an artifact we require." All around them, the frail magicians were staring, puppy-eyed, like sheep in the pen. Trust me to stumble into something bigger than I intended to.

"Ah hells, fine," the pirate shrugged, as a carefree grin blossom in his beard, "What do I do?"



Early Evening

In hindsight, 'Oakes Lodge' was a bittersweet place to choose to stay in. Being in the northern sector of town, it was surounded by larger, more authentic houses, the kind of housing that stunk of wealth and flashiness. The streets, also far less tattered, were quieter, unfriendlier, with less cover and more inate suspician around them. Kri'tro had chosen an area that was occupied almost solely with the upper classes, which riled him to no end. He sat at the window of his room watching them go by, in their glittering drawn by Teztran mules, or in waddling pairs, each adorned with some kind of ridiculous hat. They were the perfect targets to steal from, but with his plans for finding Dae, they were more of an unneccessary temptation than a handy source of money.

Still, whilst his lodgings had proved more expensive than he'd have liked to admit, they were comfortable and roomy. An older lodge, presumably from years far before the great wars, it was made of an old, white stone, but sturdily built, with soothing candlelit corridors and wooden supports in each ceiling. The walls were either plain or adorned with some kind of prized game long since felled, but despite some of its unneccessary bravado, it was a pleasant enough place.

In the sky, darkness was beginning to seap upwards from Aekra below; evening was drawing in, and the light had just started to dim. In the centre of town, there was some kind of showy festivity planned, but Kri'tro had better ideas. But for now, all he had to do was wait about for Chime, and maybe even Rani.





Apos's house was a small, terraced affair in one of the cramped streets of lower-class Kael. It was compact, with only a sitting room, a kitchen area of sorts, and a single bedroom and bathroom upstairs, but that was fine for him; any more rooms and there's be too much space to stress over cleaning. Thankfully, he was situated in the eastern side of the city, to be fairly close to the castle, his workplace, so the streets around him weren't filling up with eager party-goers, but he had no doubt he'd be kept awake long into the night by the screams and shreaks of the nearby festivities. Hells, didn't they care that some people had work to do?

Still, now that he had a visitor, no less than an old angel officer, he felt self concious for the state of his house. The lonely table of his living room was covered in books in various states of half-openedness and tattiness; cuttlery decorated the surfaces of the kitchen shelves, like the mish-mash pattern of stones at a beach; his bed was covered in messy long clothes. What was most annoying was that he normally strove to keep his house as clean as possible, even to the extent of being a neat-freak, just so that there'd be one less stress to worry about should something as tiringly exciting as this ever pop up. And the one time it did, he wasn't ready! Typical!

"So sorry for the state of things," he offered a sheepish grin to Lor, his new companion, his hyperactive brain already fussing over what to feed her, where she could sleep, hells, the state of everything. Why today? Why not any other day? After the pair of them had had a brief chat about dark magic, most of which seemed to noble and purposeful to Apos that it made him wish he wasn't so cowardly and made him feel guilty for his tame little life, Doctor Lampshade had taken one more look at her and then, after an hour or so, gone on his way. Apos had forced himself away from her, giving her some time to comprehend what she had been through whilst he returned to his library job. Thankfully nothing else quite as crazy happened, and he was able to return to her in a relatively unflustered state to lead her home to his.

"Sit down, if you want," he said, half-muttering, as almost immediately he began a vain attempt at brushing away the sheet of mess from everything it covered, scurrying around like a mouse sniffing the scent of some queer fungi. He couldn't help but worry over what she'd think of everything, as he flung book after book off of the seats. He'd read and heard allsorts about Blist, the angels abode, although being so elusive and self-rightious they barely shared many details. What was universal in their comments was the beauty of their homeland. To fall, then, from that light, and into the dirty home of a nervous, scattish librarian was certainly a fall from grace.

When finally a suitable place was cleared, he stood away from the seat, awkwardly indicating for her to take a seat. "It's not much, but this is where I live. Yeah, my house." He grinned sheepishly and gave a clumsy half-spin, complete with complimentary jazz-hands, to lighten the mood. "I hope I can provide for you where needed. If you need anything at all, then don't hesitate to ask."

Cripes, why do I put myself through this?


@Black Masquerade
Chimera watched him as she took more sips from her drink. It seemed he had found a small interest in her name. Chimera smiled as she nodded her head. From stories she's heard from her mother, a Chimera was a grotesque beat , three creatures fused into one to create a weapon of death. Ever since then she wondered why her mother would name her such a horrid thing, why couldn't it be Susan or Beth. The name grew on her though , accepting her horrid yet stylish name. Chimera would always say it loud and proud, making the children run from fear. Chimera let out a laugh as he gave his description of what a Chimera was. When he has asked if he was right she nodded her head. Chimera was about to ask a question but instead her eyes followed the man rising from his seat and exiting out the door with a few parting words and invitation. As the door closed behind him Chimera stared at the frame for a few before smiling from ear to ear. Was it burning curiosity or something else that made her want to jump with such glee. She stayed calm ordering yet another plate as she thought it over. He , Max hadn't given her a direct answer to the employee idea but he gave her an invitation to see if she was still interested. With much thought she stuffed the bread and cheese into her mouth before leaving a few coins on the table.

Before leaving the Tavern she walked up to the bar keep. "Which way to Oakes Lodge?" The man gave her raised brow, looking her over before clearing his throat. "Northern part of this town." Chimera nodded her head before doing her two finger salute. Exciting the Tavern she made her way to the north part of town, of course stopping by nearly every tool shop to collect more items.

By the time she had gotten to the Oakes lodge darkness was creeping in slowly. Early evening she assumed as she fiddled with her new pick locket key. As her eyes ran over the many signs she stumbled upon a man with a top hat and rather eccentric clothing. Chimera then looked to her right and left before slapping her forehead. It seemed that the north part of town was filled with nothing but stuck up wealthy citizens who likes to flaunt their riches. Chimera felt a small hate run through her core as she walked past a few. Most gave her a nasty glare while others stopped to whisper. Chimera couldn't but help to look down at her clothing and its lack of complex style. Hissing at those who dared dart eyes at her , she found the sign that read Oakes Lodge. Smiling she had found her destination and her sanctuary. The more they stare the more Chimera would take action, which would only lead to a few deaths, a few broken bones, and her on the floor being taken away.

Entering the Lodge she walked up toward the man behind a desk. Taking out her pouch of money she picked out the correct amount. "Room if you don't mind." The man gave her a smug look before tossing her key and snatching away her money. Scowling at the man she took her key and resumed walking up the steps. "Rude much." Soon Chimera found her room, opening and closing the door behind her, she had plopped down on the bed, purring as she growled into the soft pillows that embraced her face.

The afternoon passed by all too quickly for Ranis taste, the time spend in the pit had cut into a lot of her wandering time but she managed to make the best of it. She has been apprehensive about following Jinta out to his ship but the venture had been worth it for the information she gathered. His ship was impressive as was he crew. A definite escape route should she need one but she also realized that with such a hardy, and numerous, crew at hand stealing from him was not very smart. Well stealing in the conventional sense, the captain was very much a push over and easy to manipulate. So she wasn't bothered much by the fact she couldn't pilfer and riches. All she really had to do was ask which was nice, but boring. Still Captain Jinta was a good ally to keep in good graces making it onto a short but growing list of people she hadn't crossed in her travels.

Not really wanting to spend the whole day no a ship Rani parted way with the sailor in order to enjoy what was left of the festival. Something she took full advantage of. She wandered through the over crowded streets, easily pilfering unattended pouches and unguarded treasures. She did ear a fair bit of coins doing what she did best, performing. The thick crowds were easily entertained to say the least. As the sun set and evening fell she showed off a bit of her other talents, fire spinning. Which earned her quite a few coins and the annoyance of some fire mages who took it upon them selves to provide a better show. However while their talents were greater than anything she could pull off she did have her natural charms and talent to keep a crowd entertained.

Rani remembered the name of the in the rouge had spoke of and debated whether or not to actually meet up with him. Hm If anything a drink might be nice and if the place was nice enough a night in high class in might be nice. Definitely a step up from the old tavern ins or forest floors she had slept in previously. When she realized it was in an upper class part of town she changed her gabs to match the population. She kept her own style more or less but more modest with much finer material in exchange for her normal traveling attire. She carried herself high and her sensual side kept to a more subtle degree but still possessed all of her natural grace. She came off as more of a gypsy princess now more than ever.

The gypsy blended in more with the crowd as she wandered the streets coming across the Oakes Lodge, very nice place and possibly worth a stay. She didn't spy the rouge anywhere upon entering and just shrugged it off whether or not he was actually staying there or not mattered little. She strolled up to the front counter with a warm but polite smile and requested a room, working a bit off an innocent helpless maiden act along with some mild flirting to get something of a discount on her stay. It wasn't free but any less coin she had to spend the better. Humming softly in her good mood she made her way up to the assigned room setting her heavy pack down as soon as she was safely inside. A wide grin crossed her face as she started going over her spoils of the festival, she was defiantly set for quite a while.
Jinta's expression was blank and neutral as he looked up at the familiar sign of the Drunken Stag, his eyes squinting as the sun cast shadows over most of the buildings from its setting position. Absently patting the rather large amount of gold in his pocket, a rather small amount of what he possessed in his life-savings that were safely back in his ship, Jinta walked up to the front entrance of the establishment. As he opened the door, Jinta sneered as the smell of alcohol flooded his slightly more attuned senses, allowing him to fully appreciate the lack of clean, unsoaked air the bar possessed.

There were less people in the bar at the moment, but he could somewhat recognize the more unruly spirit of the ones who had made up the Fight Club's crowds. They obviously were lacking entertainment, and most likely money as well, so they were squandering what they had or didn't have on ale, making a cesspool of filth even stronger than the one he had walked into earlier. Not having the urge to drink any wine, finding the atmosphere rather off-putting, Jinta sat down on a chair close to the door and waited for something to happen. Placing his elbow on the table and his hand on his cheek, Jinta looked around the room as he went over the events leading up to his arrival.

He smiled absently as he remembered the time he had with the Gypsy, her beauty having burned into his memory. The way her silky, tannish skin promoted such sinful feelings of love and romance, dulling his common sense to the point he almost started to feel as the guest. When they had arrived at his ship, she had been pleasantly surprised at the workings of it, Jinta happily explaining the engineering of such works at the slightest hint of interest. He had shown her around, not withholding any informations, not even where his own captains room was! She wouldn't be able to get into it, obviously, he had the only key, but that hadn't stopped him from letting her in and, basically just assuming the role of a overzealous tour guide. He had also shown her his crew! Although, she seemed to be a bit intimidated at the amount of muscle all the men, and some women, had gained from their years of working alongside him, and the previous captain.

Speaking of his crew, the profit he had made from the goods they had pillaged from the rich lady's ship was huge. It seemed that all nobles had a lighter pocket as they desperately paid twice as much for simple things like bread and wine for their parties, the local source having dried up very quickly with all the celebration going around. Due to that, Jinta was exuberant with the plethora of gold they had brought in. The crew had gotten their individual cuts, and Jinta had gotten his larger cut successfully with no underhandedness of all. After Rani had unfortunately left, Jinta had decided that he was going to capitalize on the warm invite he had received by way of secret money note, and go and meet this fine fellow who thought it was appropriate to send him such a nice letter.
Sure enough, it wasn't too long before, surprise-surprise, Chimera the lion-girl arrived at the lodge. Kri'tro watched with a smile as she bounded up to the doors and disappeared from view. He continued to peer out at the light stream of rich-clad money-targets for a short while, but saw no sign of the Gypsy Princess. Might've lost her in the crowds, he hoped, After all, she is a thief, damnit. She knows how to conceal herself. Or alternatively, she could have just elected not to turn up. It was likely, even, that that was the case, given how chummy she was getting with fish-face earlier.

Kri'tro trotted down the lodge's compact corridors and tried to tell himself he wasn't disappointed. And that he wasn't thinking of her face, of the subtle sway of her hips.
Fall for a vixen, and you can kiss your chickens goodbye. One of Grandpa's, that. About as clear as tavern bog-water. But his point is right. Don't be a fool, Kri'tro.

Arriving in the lobby, the rogue was a little surprised to find there was no sign of Chimera anywhere. She had definitely walked in, but must now have gone off somewhere else. But she'll return. After telling the innkeep to point her in his direction, he sat himself down at the bar section just off of the main lobby. He'd already had a few drinks back at the Pit, and didn't want to turn up to a meeting with the worlds most infamous criminal half-concious and brain-dead. And so he waited, statuesque, for the lion or the princess to appear.


With a loud growl , Chimera woke up from her short nap , looking down toward her stomach. Growling again she got up from the bed, walking over toward the window. Still the rich lingered from corner to corner, staggering men who had to much to drink and buckling woman who persisted on wearing high heeled shoes that were a size to small for their feet. Laughing she found a blonde with a rather tight fitted dressed had nearly fallen off the curb, young gentlemen grabbing at her breast to make sure she had a soft landing on to his shoulder. Chimera's stomach growled once more, louder than the last two. Patting her small stomach she moved toward the mirror to fix herself. Smoothing down her hair she reassembled the clips in a line to make sure the top part of her hair staid down, the ending spiking out like a lions mane. Putting back on her forest green jacket , she grabbed her holster then walked out the door. Strapping it on she walked down the stairs slowly to make sure she didn't trip and fall. Even if she did she had another 8 lives to go.

Finishing up the latch on her holster she walked past the man behind the counter, shooting him a glare with several hisses. Turning her head from him she noticed Max at the bar. Thinking she decided to approach him in a way that Rani would. Without a doubt Rani had either swayed him or caught his fancy. Chimera noticed this while they were at the fight club on the stairs. The way the communicated seemed a bit flirtatious and at time she could hear the tone in their voice change. Chimera thought approaching in that manner would be a bit troubling, probably upsetting , but she wouldn't know unless she tried. With that in mind she approached the bar swaying like a cat who holds enough pride for those to bow their head. Nearing him she placed the tip of her finger on his shoulder, letting it slowly slide down his arm. Walking toward his side so she could be in view, she moved her finger over toward his chest and up his neck. "Hey there Max." She said with a soft tone , trailing her finger up and under his chin before leaning in. "Fancy meeting you here."

Chimera stared at him for a few but to the best of her abilities she could not hold it in. Pulling away quickly she laughed as she held her stomach, leaning back on the bar stool as she slapped her knee. "Sorry sorry, I couldn't help myself ,but that was a good laugh." Chimera wiped away a fake tear before looking toward the bar keep. "Drink please." The bark keep nodded his head , leaving Chimera to look back at Max. "So how are you?"


After stowing away her belonging in safe nooks with in the room and a bit if freshening up Rani felt better. Carrying around her pack all day had left her shoulders feeling fairly stiff so being free of it was a relief. She had also shed a layer or two from her skirt along with a few hip wraps. Carrying all of her posessions could be exhausting sometimes but thus was the curse of a wanderer. A small price to pay for freedom in her opinion. She let down her hair allowing it to tumble down to her hips and sighed. the night was still young but she was looking forward to a few drinks and a warm meal, if the rouge was in fact a no show perhaps she could a bit of fun toying with a rich fool or two. Starting up trouble between well off couples was always amusing. The dander was curious as to what game he had moved onto with the weapon obsessed Chime. She didn't exactly seem the type to give much of a challenge or much of a chase, though she could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time she had made a rash move and chases away a few play mates but such was the way of the world.

Shrugging it off Rani brushed out her long wavy auburn hair leaving it loose to spill down her back and over her shoulders. She kept on the finer garbs of a rich crimson to blend in easier with the crowd below. It was slight more covered than what she had worn before but only because of the shear fabric that draped down from her bust and over her mid drift.Her skirt was shorter than before only reach her knees this time but in a similar fashion an outer layer of shear fabric reached down nearly reaching the floor. Showing off with a bit of modesty. If she was going to get looks rather it be from jealousy and surprise instead of being looked down upon for not spending her life tied to one place. She might not be rich possessions but she had her own form of riches in her ventures wandering the world. She plucked a shall from the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders before leaving the room

Rani hummed a soft tune she had heard earlier in the day recounting her small ventures. All in all it had been a fairly successful day. Meeting a mysterious rogue, escaping a pit brawl with out a scratch and making a good bit of coin in the process, gaining an ally and potential escape route in Jinta, plus making a small fortune off of the oblivious fools of the festival. There was a small bounce to her step in reflection of her good spirits as she sauntered down to the lobby where a bar laid beside the check in desk. She offered the desk clerk a flirty grin and a wave as she passed. Upon reaching the bar she noticed the mysterious Max at the bar which did raise her spirits a bit more, however Chimes approach on the rogue did peek her curiosity. Execution was fine in it self lacking a few key body movements but it was enough to get the point across. Still... the interaction seems off slightly. She wondered what happened after she left until the blond burst into a fit of giggles.

Rani could only smirk and shake her head slightly as she took a seat a few chairs down interested in observing the two until she was noticed. She smiled warmly to the bartender as he took notice of her, eyeing her with the same look she had probably gotten a hundred times that day alone. She was used to it by this point though. "Anything I can help you with?" "Hmm a glass of cider will do nicely to start." She replied with subtle purr to her voice as she rested her fore arms on the counter and leaned forward ever so slightly. She couldn't help a small smirk at the bit of flustered it caused in the bartender as he moved to pour the drink. She glanced over to other two curious as to how max would respond.

@SkyGinge @Goddess
Sandria left the show a little early, reluctant to leave Whiskey behind, but staring at acrobats wasn't her cup of tea. the big pirate seemed to be the right sort though, she thought and decided to meet him again if at all possible. She smiled as she walked through the rest of the festival. it was quite the sight(s). She saw so many different people as she walked and was amazed at the variety. She was also tempted to buy the mole statue for the second time. So she walked away from the festival ground dejectedly, until her foot steps took her into the city proper. Only then did her eyes gleam as her wanderlust grabbed her once again. Who cared about some stupid festival? She had a whole city to explore! So she did. She wandered the streets. Did some favors, an old man having trouble with his cart gave her some kind of deep fried doughy food which she ate gladly. After a while she realized it was evening and she didn't have any drink in her hand, so she strode into a inn she recognized from her first night in the city, the oakes lodge. She pulled up a stool at the bar when a girl next to her ordered a cider. "I wouldn't hope to like that miss." She said as she turned to the women, who was dressed like a gypsy, "Cider here's terrible!" She turned to the barkeep and asked the still flustered man for some Irrea whiskey. Then turned away from the gypsy to wait for her glass.

This race victory goes to the lion, Kri'tro the rogue noted as, sure enough, here she was, Chimera the lion girl, quite literally prowling her way up to his seat. For the love of the titans, the poor girl's taken it to the head. She's literally acting like a cat now, all because I gave her a nickname. He watched her with a perturbed grin, struggling to keep his stary eyebrow from raising up. Guess I should expect it from someone as erratic as her. It was probably her idea of a joke. Well, there's always some. He was gonna have a nightmare keeping tabs on her though, that was for certain.

She ran her fingers up his chest, up his neck, 'til she leaned in, spoke softly and stared, like one of those paid-for-seducers that hide in the shadow parts of more corrupt cities. Blist above, what was she doing?! Not that he minded of course; he wasn't one to turn down a pretty girl's flirtations, especially if they came free and with relatively little explanation. He kept a straight face the entire time, though it was very hard to know how to react to someone so damned erratic. In the confusion of Chime's bizarre bravado, the rogue completely missed both Rani and Sandy's entrances.

"I'm not too bad, not too bad," he rocked his head from side to side jovially, remembering that the other girl still didn't really know what she was letting herself in for. In all the time of the afternoon, he'd been able to construct a plan of how to use her. "Perhaps the slight bit better after that little display. Though that was rather more starving tabby cat than conquering lion. Feel free to try again, of course. I could do rankings and things." Man, that annoying erraticism was making it really hard to know what to say.

The fallen angel gave a half-smile as she watched the librarian flitter around and try to clear a spot for her. It was amusing to see him so disheveled and though cluttered, the house was quaint and had an adorable lived in feeling. She awkwardly lowered herself into the chair, out of habit trying to make room for her now stumps of the former magnificent wings. She gently folded her hands in her lap, her smile growing.

“I love it here. Is this the norm for most of Surfacer abodes?” Lor asked, a grin on her lips and curiosity in her violet eyes. “How often do Surfacers eat? Your table is cluttered and seems of little use so I would surmise every few days or so. Is this correct? Also, is this some sort of furniture for slumber?” She gestured to the bed covered with clothes. “Or a container for clothing? If it is a bed, it seems largely unused and it would seem Surfacers also do not regularly sleep, yes? If for clothing, how does it operate?” Lor paused, realizing her excess of questions. Her smile fell and she bit her lip as she bowed her head.

“Apologies. I do not wish to assault you with silly questions. I am quite fond of studying other species and have not had much opportunity to do so.”


The sinking sun at his back, Econ walked past the vendors in almost an aimless manner, though the small form on his head controlled his every move. The metallic scent of blood filled his nostrils as a food vendor nicked his finger. But the small hands rapping on the top of his head and pointing out a petting zoo kept him from his primal desires. He walked on and removed the toddler from his shoulders when they reached the penned animals. He paid the owner and watched the little brunette bounce off to terrorize a goat.

Crossing his muscular arms across his chest, he leaned back on his dominate foot and watched the girl play. For a brief moment, a hint of smile flickered across his face but disappeared before it could properly manifest. Soon, the little girl grew tired of the animals and waddled back toward her demon guardian, a helpless stuffed blue rabbit being dragged mercilessly behind her.

“Let’s go, con-man!” The little girl announced cheerfully , bouncing happily. Econ sighed and shook his head at the nickname.

“I told you not to call me that, Emmy,” He said in his deep almost monotone. Emmy nodded happily as Econ scooped her up and replaced her on his shoulders.

“Okay, con-man!” Emmy replied, eliciting a sigh from her ride.

Picking up her drink after the bar keep had set it down she had gave a slight nod , sipping the sweet liquid before she licked her lips. "Its good, that your good." She said with a sly tone before looking around ,spotting Rani from the corner of her eye. Half of her seemed tempted to tell Max of her arrival while the other wanted to keep this mysterious man to herself, giving her all the time to unravel his secrets. Chimera figured after that was done she could have her seconds, finishing off their little tongue twisted game. Chimera finished off the small little glassed drink, pushing it aside and toward the far side of the counter. Chimera laughed when he claimed he had gotten better from her display. "To tell you the truth I had no clue what I was doing. I only copied the moves from what I have seen. Moving like that was rather uncomfortable but none the less it was a good laugh."

Chimera wasn't much of a petite gal who strutted her stuff, swinging her hips and every time she could , would buck out her chest. She wasn't the dancer who had widened hips and moved like water, their wrist flicking about and the air of mystery and grace to them. When it came down to the core of her being , she realized she was more like a cat than she had originally thought. Chimera did not need the wide hips or the air of mystery and grace. She didn't need the extra bust size , though hers were already of average size. What makes her stand out more is the curiosity she gives off when looking into something, how she moves and the devious smiles she would give. Even her eyes pulled any onlookers in. "Tabby cat...I think not, nor was I striving to be a conquering lion. I fit the alley cat or the lion that watches from the sidelines. " Chimera placed her arm down, leaning toward him as she titled her head upwards. Slowly strands of brown and blonde hair fell over her eyes, covering the emerald green hues that stared at him.

"If I were to give it my all, I highly doubt you'd be able to withstand such strong intense feelings."
With that Chimera turned her head , pointing toward Rani who had walked in. It was time for yet another hour of collecting data. "Rani walked in." Hopefully Max would take the small little bait, walking over to her to engage in yet another conversation that would soon have either turned into another word game or another flirtatious encounter. Lucky for Chimera either way it went she would have gathered useful information.


Rani thanked the bartender for her drink before taking a long drink enjoying the spiced drink. The appearance of another brunet woman took up one of the empty seats beside her spouting off something about the cider. While it while it wasn’t the strongest cider she’d ever had it defiantly wasn’t bad. She Just shook her head slightly taking along ship before glancing down the bar at the other two as they chatted. They seemed to be on friendly terms though she could they both had their own alternate agendas. Possibly the same game of question and answers they had going on previously. Though the rogue didn’t seem to be nearly as curious but rather smug. Perhaps he had already figured her out. She didn’t seem like a tough nut to crack.

While they banter Rani thought about what would need to be done once the sun rose, spending another day in town would be a bit of a risk especially when the multitude of people realized their wallets were gone. Granted there wasn’t anything to directly link her, and she had discarded all of the wallets keeping only the coins. There would be no proof. Though, one never really needed proof when they could simply go on her appearance as a Gypsy. Next question was where to go. She had ventured far and wide but still had so much of the world left to see north perhaps? North always seemed like a good direction. She took another sip of her cider. “Then again she could just take Jinta up on his offer and see what laid across the see away from any dogs trying to sniff her out. Decisions, decisions. While lost in a bit of her own thoughts she absently twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers a habit she’d developed over time.

She glanced over at the other two down the bar noticing Chime nod in her direction bring attention to the dancer. Rani smirked behind her glass wondering how Max would react to seeing her again.

@SkyGinge @theunderwolf @Goddess
Kri'tro couldn't help but grin. She may be a madwoman, but at least she gives good conversation. "My my, we are taking this lion remark rather deep now, aren't we?" he chuckled at her modification of his likening, watching her feline movements, "Well, continuing the theme, I reckon your more of a lioness than any of that. Probably not tabby though; you know the tricks too well. Those widened eyes of yours are far too tamed for a tabby." He pointed playfully to her eyes with one hand, leaning back on his chair and allowing his sizeable bicep a rest on the table.

Cattish she may be, this kitty wants more than just milk and play, Kri'tro mused, There's that glint in her eyes; she's enjoying this far too much not to have some kind of greater motive. Inspired by mine and Gypsy-Princess' earlier game, I wonder. Titans, now there's a fun way to mess her about. The rogue grinned to himself, charming as ever even in that. Well, Lion-girl, if you're asking for a game, I can happily oblige. Now if only I can find out exactly what you want.

"My dear, I'm insulted you think me to have such weak self-control!" the rogue feigned offended at her follow up comment. Then she bared her metaphorical fangs a little and unveiled that Rani had already arrived.
Wonder how long she's been there. They've probably set each other up for this, the damned snakes. "Hey look, here's the half-snake girl, come to complete the Chimera." he nudged Chime, rising to his feet. "Well, come along. Let's see what it is she wants."

Kri'tro strode over to the dancer, a subtle smile adorning his features. She'd changed her outfit into something more appropriate for a snobs hang out, but none the less looked just as fetching as before.
After all, snakes do shed their skin for a purpose, he reminded himself. For the love of Aekra, it's like I'm keeping a mental zoo together. He tactfully ignored his rising heartbeat; a natural reaction to seeing someone so attractive, he assured himself. And exactly what she wants you to feel, probably. They're a cunning sort, this breed of women.

"Evening, Princess," he nodded, still wondering exactly where he stood with her after her less than impressed reaction to the organised chaos he had instigated earlier that afternoon. She was sat at the table with another youngish girl, a girl who could well have been Chimera's sister but barring that sadly lacked any immediate traits for him to liken to animals.
What a bizarre hobby, he told himself, stick to mass criminality. In any case, she surely couldn't be thinking too badly of him seeing she'd bothered to turn up as he suggested. "Sorry to cut past formal greetings, but me and Lion-girl here have a rather important date with the worlds most wanted man. Feel free to join us if you want; maybe you'll finally find what you were looking for to be impressed. If risking your life in an unhealthily reckless way doesn't appeal to you, and I'd recommend you don't risk spoiling that beauty of yours in such a nasty place, then now's the time to ask that burning question I owe you."




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