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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

"30 pints of rum eh."Sandy shot back at whiskey,"Not exactly my drink but one day we'll have to try a liquor end up expedition! Discover new lands of intoxication unfounded by any before!" She fell silent then, listening as the man described his daughter. "She sounds lovely." She started to say as she rammed into a passer-by and failed to bite down a curse. The streets were busy and she could barely take a step without relying on her earth sense. The mass of pedestrians seemed ready to swallow her up if she took the slightest misstep. Whiskey didn't seem to have the same problem though, she observed. The mans stature let him sail through the crowd like a hot knife through butter. That wasn't it though. He had an aura, sandy noticed like... She was reminded of the maw. A large geographical anomaly in tetra that master Gritt said the titans left behind. It was a structure of huge rock spires, steep falls and frequent rockfalls. All three made merchants and travelers gave it a wide berth, thinking it to be bad luck. It was an imposing form associated with fear and, depending on who saw it, majesty. That, the young magician decide, was the feeling people got from Whiskey. She stopped though, when they ended up in front of a large notice board. Wondering why the big man was laughing so hard she looked at the board in vain. "What's so funny?" She asked, bewildered.

"Ye right on th' dot wit' that thar assumption."

When he got a good look at her, Jinta couldn't help, but be struck by the beauty of the woman in front of him, the dancing and intricately moving figure from earlier not preparing him for the soft and mischievous face the dancer possessed. However, Jinta steeled his heart, and only let his preexisting gratitude for the performance become prominent.

He grinned as he rummaged through the side-bag he carried, which usually held his spices, but currently contained the small amount of gold coins he had decided to bring onto the land. From his bag, he pulled out two gold coins and held them out in his palm. He was tempted to give her more, a lot more, but one of the lessons he had learned from his years of being bamboozled by bodacious babes was that the more you gave, the more you were tempted to give.

Holding the money out, Jinta said with an amiable tone, "I really enjoyed th' performance, ye truly do be knowin' how to make a man smile darlin'." That wasn't a lie either, even if he was taking an extra effort to be courteous, like his mother always taught him to be toward women. The way the woman moved on the corner reminded him of a unchained bird, and that was something he could respect. Her movements were free from limits, but controlled with the fine tuning of a master.

@Shura @SkyGinge
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Rani tensed ever so slightly as the stranger reached for his pack more often than not it was never a good thing. However they were in a very public place with Guards around every corner so she had some faith that he wouldn't do anything foolish. No... his eyes held the wisdom of a well ventured man rather than a rutting fool. She was slightly surprised when he offer her the coins though. She glanced from the coins back up to the man sensing sincerity behind his words. Enough to believe the offer not to be some kind of trick or trap. There were many men who thought a gold coin or two would be enough to get a girl to come close only to grab them once they were with in reach. She had fallen pray to such thing when she was much younger though the out come was very different than the man expected.

The dancer smiled warmly and accepted the offered coins. "That's very kind of you, thank you. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. If you're around later I'll most likely dance again, probably take requests to sing a song or two." She offered with a slight chuckle. "So what is your name, sailor?" She questioned with a curious tilt of her head.

@DamagedGlasses @SkyGinge



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"Well, 'tis not my favourite drink either," Whiskey had chuckled as they walked, "but for fluency's sake I decided to avoid mentioning me namesake once again. Maybe I's afraid I'd accidentally introduce me self for a third time and drive you bananas." She was an interesting one, this girl. Calm and free and worry-less. She had a stillness about her in spite of her energy, something sturdy and rocky about her. If man and all species were objects, she'd be a crystal, methinks. Just as I'd be a vat 'o alcohol. This be getting far too philosophical for me.

Aye, she is," he had nodded happily, leading on like a beaching boat barging tides of sand aside, "A great little bird she was, a good mix of bad ol' dad and somit' soothingly less quirky, probably from the missus. But every bird has to leave the nest, and since then I ain't seen her for a good year or so. Even dangerous weathered fools like me self have some kinda sentiment, or maybe I'm just itching to see what she's been up to in me name." He let his tongue run fairly freely, aware of the several hints he imbedded about a potentially unlawful past, but at this point e didn't care. He liked this girl; she felt several years older than she actually was. Unlike many other people her age, she wasn't needlessly pompous and arrogant, but she held a good free-spirit with a strong wisdom. She probably wasn't the kind who'd suddenly betray him to the officials.

With that in mind, he was rather more lax as he came to explain his bout of laughter. "
You'd think in this so called 'artistic nation' they'd employ artists who can actually do art," he bellowed between hearty bursts of laughter. He began to wheeze and cough slightly, but his laughter ploughed on as if it had a mind of its own. Several passerby's gave him peculiar glares, but he ignored them. Taking several nourishing breaths, he walked over to the sign and turned back to face her. "See the likeness?" he grinned, crouching slightly in line with the poster and pulling an identical expression.



Ears pricked, wolflike, Kri'tro continued to listen in from his stall side slouch. Right next to him, he could feel the stubby salesman getting more and agitated by his presence, but nobody spoke to him or asked him to move. He was the kind of handsome figure who the young admire and idolise, and the old uneasy themselves with. Both things gave him little interruption, which he would have been thankful for had he not gotten used to it a long time ago. To start off with, his good looks had been a thrilling gift. But after years of the same reactions, he now knew how to use it; like another weapon in his arsenal, he would use his body to fight off attention and disagreement.

The merman was struggling very hard not to give in to temptation, his obnoxiously bright green hair a pain to have to see. Kri'tro had never liked mermen. Their fishy smell made him hungry, reminded him of his happy home, took him out of his focus and back on an unnecessary journey to the past. And they'd always seemed a little to self-righteous to him, contented either in their underwater realm of wisdom and excruciating boredom, or instead flaunting themselves about in a vain attempt to avoid that stereotype. Rebellious mermen were quite funny, actually. But that was just another distraction.

The merman was struggling to control himself, like a fish dancing its insecure dance around a baiting hook. But strangely enough, he was being genuinely courteous, or at least as far as the youngster could tell.. How
boring! Yet as much as he wanted to push fish-face aside and take control as ever, he was curious to see how things played out first, to decipher the man's intentions, or more importantly whether he would carry them out. So statuesque, he remained in the shadows, enjoying their familiar embrace.

@theunderwolf @Shura @DamagedGlasses
Jinta chuckled with a smile at the warm return the woman gave. It was a nice, but most likely false, venture that he may very well wind up accepting. He really wouldn't mind going off with the woman, but that was his problem. In the presence of a fair-skinned lady, not unalike to the one presently in front of him, Jinta would slowly forget the wisdom he had gained over the years. Mentally shaking the thoughts of going anywhere with this woman, Jinta pleasantly answered, "Me name be Jinta, me lady. Could I get ye own, me darlin'?" He scratched the top of his abnormal green hair and grinned at the woman, only just realizing how badly he dwarfed her.

In the recesses of his mind he wondered if his stature was intimidating the poor lady, which was something he did not want to do. A pirate he may be, but this conversation was fun, and he was in a place where killing someone wouldn't be looked on as a "good" thing to do. There was also the saying his mother always told him, "Don't hunt when you're hungerless, as it may make you hungry when you're huntless." Jinta's eyes lit up as she remembered something important. Digging in his side-bag again, Jinta pulled his invitation to the fun party they were having and held it up the lady, "Could ye please be tellin' me whar I might find 'tis party? I be not from around these parts."

@Shura @SkyGinge
"Jinta? interesting." She smirked slightly "I am Rani. Please to meet you." She replied with a slight nod. She leaned forward ever so slightly bending at the hips to get a good luck at the paper that was being show to her. She quirked a brow slightly noticing the quality of the invitation and the formalities written on it. Defiantly something high class, possibly too high for a sailor unless he was into trade of some sort. Such events never really interested her, they were always stuck up and stuffy. Everyone always stared at her with up turned noses as if they were some how better. "Ah well... I'm not from around here ether to be honest. It seems to be a noble high class event." She replied leaning back once more. "I would guess the Northern side of town where those who are well of reside." She suggested

@SkyGinge @DamagedGlasses
Jinta looked on in thought as he gazed in the direction she had pointed out, considering his options. He could very well go to the party, actually, going to the party was a must, but from what he had read, he still had about an hour before he would need to head that way. Sighing, Jinta looked at the beaming blue eyes of the lady, and said his farewell, "Well, it was nice talkin' to ye, darlin', but thar be a lot 'o sights to spy wit' ye eye, 'n I don't have much the hour to be wastin'."

Jinta gave the woman one more smile and walked off, his hands placing the invitation back into his side-bag, simultaneously checking his money to make sure he still had the right amount. The woman, Rani as he was told, hadn't had much time or opportunity to get to his riches, but he wouldn't put it past her, or any person who called the street their livelihood. When it was for money and your continued survival, you got amazingly good at things, others would find impossible.

@Shura @SkyGinge
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Sandy didn't fail to notice his hacks and coughs, but chose to ignore them. Whiskey didn't want to draw attention to it, so she wouldn't. For now. She looked as ordered at the wanted poster and slowly drew comparisons between the two. "Your daughter sounds nice." She said slowly as she stroked her chin like she had a beard,"'Besides she's gone just a year? I left home three years ago and I'm doing fine, and from what you say about your daughter she sounds like the type who could make quite a name for herself." She smiled then, remembering what leaving home was like, that great first breath of night air, however..."I might not be the best person to ask that though," She said solemnly," I did run away from home myself and I can't pretend to understand what a parent must feel like after a year." She smirked then, "But hey, I figure if she looks more like you over your artistic representation, she'll be fine."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/note_zps46c09f0d.jpg.3177806ae08645dcbc45d99ca04e94a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/note_zps46c09f0d.jpg.3177806ae08645dcbc45d99ca04e94a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rani nodded slightly "Ah then enjoy your event." She wished the sailor well watching as he made his departure. Well that went better than anticipated. She thought to her self as she slipped the coins into one of the pockets of her bag before continuing her travels into the festival. So far the festival was turning out to be very well she pocketed some purses and got in a good dance. Now all she could just wander around the festival and see if there was anything interested her. She could always use a new hair piece or some new fabric to add to her growing collection, food was always nice as well. She started to hum once more as she strolled through the crowd hips swaying to a silent beat that only she knew.

As she walked she felt more of the prickling sensation and lanced around but saw no one specifically looking her way. It unnerved her slightly. It was one thing to have some angry merchant or a love sick dog following her. She had a few run in with other thieves and pirates, non were very friendly. By some good grace she managed to charm and lie her way out of their little webs. It was always amusing to think about afterwards even if at the time it was terrifying. Still she kept her leisurely pace sapphire eyes wandering around the festival staying with in the courtyard since that seemed to be where most of the action was.




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"Never heard of a bearded woman, but thanks," he chuckled, fishing out a large quill from the inside of his overalls. "She never was the dependable sort, so don't worry, I'm not worried. Though I'm proud, I know she be fine whatever she's doin' out there. If anything, the whole milarky gives me a good excuse to hold off of chaos, least for a wee while." As he spoke, he began to draw a crude pair of messy glasses around his likeness' beady eyes, scrawling and messy like those of a roguish child. In time he replaced those eyes and then covered over the rest of the face with his scrawl. By the time he was finished, it was naught but a messy black scribble, a few vague obscenities visible through the scribbling cloud. An improvement, he thought.

"Well, enough of this," the big man shrugged emphatically, now excitable, like a schoolboy sharing his secret crush. He lead on into the centre of the town, hopefully with Sandy in tow. Sandy of Teztra, nation of sand. Parent's musta had hell-of-a bad sense of humour. "Well then, Sandy Ranjas, no you know about me and me trade, how's about you tell me about yerself?"



It wasn't long before the merman cracked and evacuated his attempts. About time too, Kri'tro growled, straightening up and heading off after her. He followed the pendulum swing of her hips for a short while until he upped his pace to catch her. His wide steps of confidence, he drew level with a roguish smile.

"You drew quite the crowd," he grinned earnestly, eyes bright and twinkling like the jeweled eyepieces of a rugged clay statue. There was not a single trace of deception in his voice, as if even he was not aware right now of his elicit end-goal. And for now at least he had no intention of doing anything questionable. Ever the hopeful school boy, he was half hoping that something remarkable would happen, like love or something else similarly rare. An under skin desire hidden so deep even he wasn't aware of it.

"That must've been one of the best dances I've ever seen, although I hope you'll excuse me when I say I have very little musical ability." He extended a brawny hand, his admirable muscles shifting like clockwork. "The name's Max DaeRekkron," he lied skilfully with a lovably cheeky smile; unlike Whiskey, he had lost the luxury of privacy after a reckless action at the start of his criminal stint, "Care to grace me with yours?"

Rani eyed a well dressed man, possibly noble and debated whether or not to relieve him from the burden of caring around such a heavy purse when someone matched her steps drawing her attention immediately. She looked over to the fellow as he spoke up shifting away slightly out of habit as she paused in her walk to address the man. First thing that caught her eye was a of bright emerald eyes. Her eyes quickly glanced him over for a quick assessment, most of him was clad in a black cloak but his frame showed that he was on the shorter side but very built. He was quite handsome though, impossibly so. Despite the bright eyes and fairly cheery disposition there was something more than just a school boys charm. Warning signs went up in the back of her head to proceed with cautions as she caught small hints of something dangerous. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing though.

The dancer returned his enthusiasm with a warm smile "Ah well thank you very much. I've been dancing for a very long time so I'm kind of use to the crowds." She chuckled before extending her hand with her usual natural grace to shake his. Rough, not in the way of a sailor or a man of hard labor but perhaps an adventurer? "Nice to meet you Max, I'm Rani Solaris." She informed in a cheery tone to match his ernest one.

"Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he smiled without the faintest trace of blush or insecurity. He took her in; her soft tanned flesh, the youthful charm of her face. "Sorry, you probably hear that quite a lot," he chuckled. His voice was deep and earthy and masculine and didn't really suit him, but added somewhat to his rougish charm, as if there were something deeper and more interesting behind his own youthful skin. Which there was, although the surprise was something much nastier than anybody would expect.

"Rani Solaris. Rani, Rani." He repeated it a few times, digesting it thoroughly. "Solaris meaning from the stars, or from the titans. A gift from the gods." He smiled chirpily. "Hey, seems I'm smarter than I looks. As are you, I imagine." His sparkling eyes boored through her, like a pickaze seeking a precious crystal. "I could sense it in the way you danced, there was purpose, intellect. Some of you are simple and oblivious, but you understand yourself, you are aware. I like that, it's an admirable traits. Shows you're not just a pretty face."

"Come with me," he smiled, brushing her arm slightly with his, "I want to get you something. I really appreciated your dance, so I think you deserve a special reward. What would you like? Jewelry? Some food?" He patted the pockets of his baggy shorts with an audible copper clink. There was a certified stubborness about his manner, an unaggressive pressure to follow his words.

Sandy raised her eyebrows at the defacing of such a precious work of art. It was a definite improvement though. And she smiled at that and the mans complete faith in his daughter. She paused for a moment when he asked about her life, it had a long time sine she talked about her childhood."Well, I dunno how interesting a Corsair of the Seven Seas would find it," She said as she turned to follow him, scurrying a little to keep apace with him, "I grew up in the Trianpolis, you know the earth magic temple and I've bee doing magic since I could lift pebbles. My moms a big hot shot teacher there and my dad was a old soldier. So you can imagine how that ended up, a lot of work." She rubbed her arms like they were still sore after three years.

"I had a lot of fun though." he said with a wicked gleam in her eyes, "I believe I was, am, the best prankster in the temples history. Probably by the virtue of being the only one." She paused for a moment thoughtfully. "And well after 18 years of work and trying to keep the stiff upper lip, I got tired of it and vanished into the night." She looked over at Whiskey then, seeking a reaction.

“Ah well I’ve heard it said once or twice but the compliment is much appreciated.” Rani chimed. She would be lying if she did admit to fancying his voice it was the kind most thought was romantic but she just saw it as trouble. But trouble kept life interesting. She smiled over to the mystery man as he tried to break down her name, something she found slightly amusing since it wasn’t her actual name but he did get most of it right. “Hm smart and handsome, a rare find now a days.” She complimented as mischievous glint to her eyes as she shifted her weight from her right foot to the left.

“Some would say that life is a dance.” She teased with a slight shimmy to her shoulder unable to really help herself then chuckled. “Awareness is key to survival is it not?” her slender shoulder shrugged slightly. “Those who are oblivious tend to pay the price early on. Those who pretend to be oblivious but remain aware gain valuable insight at time.” She smirked “I’m sure it’s something you understand as well.” She arched an eye brow slightly.

Her head tilted ever to slightly in curiosity as he made an offer to get her something. It was less of a request and more of a demand in a way. Something she would scoff at thinking him to be an arrogant fool to try and tell her what to do. Then again she was getting something out of it so she could humor his game a while longer. She followed along hands clasped behind her back as she bounced along in a bubbly manner. “Hm. Jewelry is nice but food much better.” She replied. Dancing was always fun but it worked up such an apatite from burning off so much energy. The day was still young and there was much more to do so food was the best option, especially if she wasn’t the one paying.

Aaru set his eyes on the town of Kael, he had been travelling for so long and finally, after months of cramps and thirst, he bestowed his eyes upon his objective. Perhaps in a city like this, there was a place where he could find a cure for the corruption of dark magic, through the awe of books. He didn't know how long he would be here, but he had just enough money for a place to stay for about 2 months, thanks to his angel parents. After admiring the sight, he began to make his way down the path, he heard there was a festival of some sort going on, but he wasn't there to have fun, that would occur after he succeeded his life goal and saved Louie.

Finally he stepped onto city ground, after being checked of course by the guards. Upon entering he was amazed by all the building in which his eyes had not seen for many weeks. Only the occasional town was what he ran into for civilization. It was good to be around people again, especially after being alone for long. So walking amongst the crowd felt nice for once. However, he could hear a light crying noise coming out, from the crowd.

He slowly made his way towards the sound, almost drawn to it now, after all his years of healing. As the noise got louder and louder he soon found it to be a small child, a girl about the age of 6. She had cut her self across the pavement and was bleeding pretty badly. To her right was probably her mother who was a middle aged woman, trying to settle her down. And to her left was a couple of other young girls, all confused on what to do.

Almost as if drawn to the situation, Aaru knelt down by the girl. Only to be told away by the mother.

"Can you leave please?" The woman cried out, shielding her daughter.

"Wait... Madam, set the girl down." Aaru responded.

"What?!" The woman shrieked back, shuffling a little distance.

"Please, I can help your daughter." Aaru replied.

The woman stared at Aaru for a moment, but soon set the sobbing girl down, the wound facing Aaru. Slowly Aaru set his palm on the wound of the young girl, causing the mother to jolt forward to stop Aaru, but he grabbed her by the arm as his hand illuminated. Slowly the wound began to heal, like a footstep in the sand getting covered by the salty ocean. The pain was soon all gone and the girl began to sniffle up her tears, and soon she was giggling.

"Thanks mister! That's super cool!" The girl gleefully replied and began to move her arm as if it was never scarred. The mother look minor surprised but she couldn't help but smile.


Aaru continued his look for a library until he finally came across one. He didn't bother to look at the name, it was not amongst his priorities. Finally he could begin his research. He opened the door and peered his eyes in, looking for a libarian who could help him.

For a moment he was distracted by all the books, but he knew he was not the greatest finder in the world. He probably needed someone with full knowledge of the place. Luckily there was a libarian reading a book. As much as he disliked to interrupt people, he need the information.

"Um..." Aaru stuttered. "Might I inquire something? Do you happen to have any books on the topic of Dark magic? Fiction or Non-fiction, anything will do." He asked the librarian.

@SkyGinge (if Apos is in the library)
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"That be a mighty stately title for a man who bludgeons and burgled for a living," Whiskey chuckled his resounding bass drum chuckle, "but don't mind me. An exciting life it may be, but if I didn't want to know, I'd not have asked you, me bucko." He listened vacantly to her description, grinning like a crocodile throughout. Sandy the earth mage? Oh, how the titan's love their irony. Magic was one of the things Whiskey knew relatively little about. Having developed his reckless streak in his teenage years where all budding mages were already off training, he had never been surrounded by too much magic, and before he had time to pay it heed he was arrested and then escaped to piracy. And with magicians normally in demand for shops, one of the gifted few had never joined his crew. So he knew nothing of the practicalities of magic. However, what he did know was how to fight it; the governmental vessels he'd pillaged over the years had often liked to use magic against him.

"Vanishin' into the night, hey?" he smiled to her glance, "And then out of the night you emerged at the Kael Festival of Unity, as it seems. Well, 'twas an interesting story, I thought. Not many people live their entire lives in the temples. Me daughter is a magician," he was musing now, although that did nothing to his steady stride, "though due to ship conditions she didn't know 'til she too, like all girls, disappeared into the night. She be still learnin', but 'tis expected after only a single year in training. Lucky wench. Can't imagine what fun it is, to have the elements at your fingertips. Wind, fer example. Could move me enemies around like giant chess-pieces!" He began to laugh properly again, his mind now lost amid dramatically chaotic dreams of the destruction he would reap.


Cortana looked around, sighing as she saw no shops with explosives. "I wanted to make something blow up." She mumbled sadly, her smile drooping into a frown. She sighed and shook her head, reminding herself to stay positive. She was not stuck being happy to other people, but it was hard to diminish habits that she had used for years.

Cortana continued walking, ignoring the stares she was getting for her features. It was true, angels were naturally pretty, but she had gotten used to it over the years. After all, here angels where depicted in many stories most think to be fiction. Some are, some are not. However, Cortana didn't mind at all, the stares not affecting her negatively or positively. They where just there. Neither good nor bad. Eventually, on her walk, she spotted something that pulled her out of her daze.

It was a library, full of all sorts of books and different types of adventures, many of which had explosions. Her expression went from a dull and bored frown to a excited smile, her eyes getting a happy twinkle as she skipped towards the door, flinging it open. Her nose was hit by the powerful smell of parchment, ink, and candle wax, sighing audibly at the familiar smell. She had slept in a library for a month as she got to earth, speed reading all the books she could get her hands on to understand even more about the language and culture here. She smiled and skipped strait up to a man with shaggy hair, who was talking to someone else, not that she care to much. "Excuse me?" She asked the man quietly, peaking over the shoulder of the guy he was talking to. "Do you know where all of the stories are? Or books with explosions?"

Aaru stood back and watched as the Librarian browsed through the shelf of books, the thought not occurring that he should assist the man. However when he asked for his assistance he broke out of his day dreaming state and nodded hesitantly. "Oh, my bad. I should've been helping in the first place, forgive me. I just came here from a long journey." Aaru replied and began to stand next to the librarian and skidded his eyes across the spines of the books for anything that might be worth his time. That's when the man asked what his purpose was. It was hard for him to answer, his reasoning was rather personal, but if he said anything else he could be viewed as a criminal with the desire to cause havoc.

Aaru paused a moment, but then turned to the man as the valid reason occurred. "Oh, I am a scholar you see, curiosity is my thing. I just wanted to study all the magics and Dark Magic was next on my list you see. Do not fret, the only purpose I have for it is to further my knowledge of the magical worled." Aaru stuttered, but there was truth in his words, what he said was not a complete lie, it was just a vague answer.

After searching for a couple of moments he noticed a woman come their way, he decided to let the Librarian deal with the task she had for him, while he would continue to search for anything worth reading. He saw many books with fire magic, or wind magic as their theme, but he struggled to find any related to what he was looking for, but then his eyes met with an old looking book. Its spine was slightly torn off and the letters were distorted, but he could still read it as 'Dark Magic'. He slowly reached for the book, slowly, trying not to damage it any further. Almost instinctively he flipped it open, only to discover no Author had claimed it and it seemed to have some parts in a strange, relic language. The book was severely damaged, some pages were even torn out. Aaru decided to take it and kept it underneath his arm, visible to the Librarian or anybody really.

Realizing the Librarian wasn't there, he decided to look for him, too purchase or borrow the book. He was actually quite ecstatic, he had yet to find anything during his journey's and now he held a promising book in the grasps of his hands. When he found the man, he seemed to talking to what seemed to be a fallen angel and as much as the perplexed him, he decided not to question it. "Hm, it seems I have found something. Do you think there would be anything else? I'll even read a children's book about it, I am running out of time you see." Aaru asked.

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"Oh nononono, no," Apos spluttered defencively, "It is my job, after all, no need to apologise." The loosely clad visitor, his dark robes hanging about him like a huge pair of curtains, looked pale and weak, which put the librarian at ease a little; after all, it seemed unlike that this newcomer would be much trouble. He continued to scour the rows of bookcases, running a long finger over the various different covers.

Dark magic was something that Apos had heard very little about, save for a passionate rumours about demons and their various different sparce attacks. To his knowledge, all it caused was destruction, and he'd certainly never heard of humans capable of using it.
I guess that's probably why this fellow wants to look it up, seeing as there is so little on it. The man was in the right place; the head librarian was far more protective of his books than most, and his good upkeep had allowed several older texts to remain, texts that might have either been destroyed by the Peacemakers, or alternatively just fallen into disuse.

Before he had the chance to find anything though, an absolute giant of a girl approached him. From her size and her prim beauty he gathered she was an angel, which unnerved him slightly as the lack of standard Angel officer insigna showed her up as a Fallen Angel of some decree, and therefore meant she being persued by said angels. He wasn't used to having people taller than him, and haing to look up at her to speak to her felt unusual and uncomfortable.

"All of the stories?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
She's got the naive ambiguity of a child. "Do pardon me, but this is a library. Pretty much everything in here is a story of some description." He adjusted his glasses with an irritable sigh. "Well, if it's explosions you're looking for then I suppose you should follow me." He nodded courteously to lampshade-man, and then rapidly started off down the corridors of books. Asking simply for 'explosions' was similarly vague, but luckily for her Apos knew the whereabouts of the books like the hairs on his head. The subject matter was hardly a great comfort though, and matched with the girl's wide inquisitive eyes he figured she was dangerous. Apos did not like danger. He liked the safety of his books, and so was rather prompt in his manner in a sub-concious attempt to be away from the girl as soon as he possibly could be.

"Here we are, ma'am," he said, stopping abruptly next to a smaller shelf of much more colourfully decorated books. "Though we don't have a section dedicated to the genre of explosives ("and that would be dumb," he mumbled under his breath), I'm sure you can find something of use here. Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I am going to return to the previous man." He nodded once more, and then rapidly walked off again.

He hadn't gone very far however before he turned back, looking reluctantly perplexed. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to become a Fallen Angel?" It was a question that would probably unveil a number of worryingly dangerous traits to him, but he knew he'd have regretted not asking when he had the chance.
With a scowl on his face, Al'thuzar left yet another tavern, that had been the fifth tavern to deny him of entrance, saying that they do not serve "his kind". "What an insult! We are the Sharlaks, we are warriors since birth. We have survived the trials of childhood, we lived against all odds, some of us survived The Maw, I have conquered The Maw, for what? To be denied a drink?!" He ranted at the fifth tavern, who's name was the Drunk Stag, when he almost lost his patience. But the patrons just stared at him, none of them understanding what he was saying. There were others that stood for his defense, but they were few compared to those who wanted him gone. He begrudgingly left, his body becoming hotter because of his anger. "Some festival this had been." He said to himself.

He had also tried to go to the plaza to join the festivities, but most, if not all, stayed away from him. The only ones who seemed to enjoy his presence are those who recognized him and little children. They flocked him, although none went near him. They giggled and laughed, amused to see him. He would have also talked to them, maybe even play with them if he could, but their parents hastily grabbed them, fearful that he might eat their children. Not wanting to lose his temper completely, he decided to just go to his original destination.

"I didn't come here for the festivities anyway." He grumbled, heading to his destination. Even though he sounded like a wolf calling the grapes sour just because he can't reach it, he was actually saying the truth. A courier, a truly frightened courier, had handed him a letter a week ago. It was not signed by anyone, but it told him to go to Kael and meet him, he even received a invitation, a fireproof one, for the party where they were to meet.

He headed towards the northern part of the town, and he noticed a peculiar fellow. He looked like a man, but not really. He had fins on his arms and back, gills on his neck, and a weird hair. He knew nothing about the merman, so he thought that perhaps he was just deformed. Ignoring the man, he continued his pace, but it seems that every turn he makes, that man follows him. Unable to handle it any more, he confronted the man. "Why are you following me?!" He snarled, his hands on the handle of his axes. He knew it might be coincidence, but he felt that there is something, dare he say it, fishy going on here.


The view of the sea was lost in the dark night sky still you could hear it's welcoming sound as it crashed among the shore. Servants where still loading bags unto the air ship as Fredrick was staring out the window. His mother walked up to him with her hands slowly patting his head "We'll be leaving soon son you have everything you need?" as the boy looked over his bags once more. "Yes mother I don't think I'll need an entire wardrobe for a few nights of a festival." laughing a bit as he teased his mom for her over baring luggage that seemed to tower higher each minute. She smiled then laughed with him "This is nothing like the parties here son we are going to a grand gathering its best to be prepared for such events!" as she turned to look over her dresses being loaded "Oh to think of the lights and wonders of the grand city it makes me excited." as she rushed back out to finish the preparation.

"Excited..." he thought to himself as his smile dropped a little his gaze going back to the dark skies. "If only I could feel like my parent's...this feels more a hassle then an enjoyable trip." as he stood up from the windowsill and reached for his violin case. The servants where busy running up and down the halls taking only a moment to bow their heads to the boy. Putting up his best smile he acknowledged them all as he snuck out of his room to the dock of the ship. Two massive balloons held like clouds on strings where the first to catch the young man's eyes. The great Licia crest laid on each side like a banner for all to see, the ship itself like a crescent moon curved wide and long in its dark wooden form. Pressed and polished maple with golden trims of brass entranced anyone to its splendor. Two white marble sister statues stood proud and tall upon its bow their hands holding tightly as they look to the world ahead.

The crew where formally dressed all in uniform of blue and silver linings. Was then while feeling drawn by the ship his father's hand upon his shoulder broke him from his gaze. "Impressive is it not?" Fredrick could not say anything feeling the over bearing weight of his father's hand "...You'll arrive in a style befitting our family my son..." as he turned the boy towards him "...go make us proud and show the world!" as he patted the boy once more. Fredrick bowed his head "Yes father." before dashing off towards the ships loading bridge. He felt a deep responsibility towards his father, but still it gave the boy a feeling of being trapped. Reaching the bridge he found his mother looking over her list one final time her smile was warm as she looked towards her son "Well I think that's it shall we check out our rooms?" Fredrick's smile and nodding head was all the answer she needed.

The two waved to his father as they boarded. The crew bowing and directing them to their quarters. Per instructions Fredrick was placed in a room without a large window. It wasn't too odd of a request for the boy had a natural fear of heights and considering the rate of travel it was best not to spoil his mood over such a trivial matter. His mother waved to him as she walked to her room across the hall her face showing the joys and splendor she'll be expecting in the grand city. Little smile broke from Fredrick when thinking how quickly she would be spending father's money and swooning over the noble families that meet her. Still while father was a man of great business it was not without the aiding social skills of their mother that his trades where pulled off. The two seemed natural in this type of affair it from the signs of the luxury they experienced it was of course working well for them.

Fredrick looked over his room, it had all the comforts a young noble could need from the warm stone fire place that was already prepared and a large bed arranged with an assortment of pillows and drapes. Putting his violin down near the side table his first act was to jump upon such a neat and organized comfort. Soon as he did he was engulfed by the soft fabrics, the blanket seemingly entangling him as the pillows fell towards the boy. It was warm and the temptation to sleep soon took over the young man his mind slowly wandering to that dream world beyond forgetting all the worries of the events tomorrow. His mother crept in to check on him a smile rising from her blushed cheeks. The sight of her son lost in the bed seemed amusing as she slowly moved him to a more proper form of sleeping. His occasional snort and groan gave her a reminder of how far deep he had fallen into sleep. Adjusting the pillows she turned to his shoes removing them setting them near his violin. It always was odd to see him in such a pair their simple leather and old fashion design wasn't exactly the best quality still her son cherished them never seeking for them to buy new ones.

Giving him a kiss upon his forehead she whispered softly "Rest well my son for tomorrow is a big day." then slowly walked out to sleep in her bed. The ship rose high from the dock as their father watched it carry his precious cargo "Be strong family and be safe...may you return soon with wonderful stories." his figure slowly shrinking as the air ship rose high above the sky. The once grand island no more then a dot upon an endless sea. The ship sailed smoothly through the night leaving the passengers aboard to enjoy their dreams upon its travel.



Fredrick awoke to a knock upon his door. The small embers of the now dying fire cracked and hissed in response. Clearing his eyes he heard the knock once more. "Yes?" he acknowledged as an old maid had entered bowing her head lightly "We'll be making port soon young master would you care for anything to eat before then?" as the boy tumbled through the blankets "...ah yes something light if you would please." trying his best to stay formal though his yawns broke between his words. The woman smiled and bowed "Right away" before letting the heavy door latch close once more. His eyes where still adjusting to the light and when he remembered what she had said he jumped quickly awake. Moving a chair to the small port window he peered out to see nothing but clouds and an overbearing sun to greet him. Unsure how far they where he felt a bit anxious to see the grand city that his parents where so eager to travel to. Cleaning his face and lacing up his garments he felt the cold boards below and searched for his shoes. Quickly tying them up he was about to rush to the deck when his mother entered "Oh great your awake now lets make sure we go over the schedule..." she started on and on while Fredrick slouched back unto the bed. "...and then theirs the meeting with the Sultars before the event..." her words seemed to flow from one ear and out the other for the boy. He felt it was never going to end, but soon the old maid had come in to serve him his meal.

Taking this chance he quickly grabbed two slices of toasted bread and rushed out the door "Thanks madam!" he smiled winking back to his mother who looked confused. His mad dash to the deck left his heart racing as he broke through the door. The sun's rays bathed the green haired boy as a rush of cool morning wind surrounded him. Taking a moment to regain his senses he slowly approached the railing holding tightly to its wooden mass. One of the sailors came to support him pointing him to the direction they where heading. His eyes lit up as the grand pillars and floating islands broke from the clouds. All around him where the sights of people and ships each heading to the center of this floating city. He could hear the rustle of whistles and gong of bells as the captain of their air ship signaled "Vequan Port Ahead! Prepare for landing!" his cheeks flushed red as the grand palace and port came into view.

Holding tightly to a rope he felt the ship descended towards the welcoming group below. Cheers could be heard and for a moment he could make out the carriages and northern manors. As they got closer Fredrick felt a bit embarrassed as he could see posters of his face being held by some of the young women who screamed when he met their eyes. Waving lightly he tried to do what his parents had taught him, the group swooning over the young man where being corralled back behind the fenced off area. As the ship made its final approach ropes where tossed to the crew below. Anchoring quickly it was pulled in till finally a bridge was raised to its entrance. His mother was distracted with the sights and sounds preparing quickly to indulge herself. "Quickly Fredrick we mustn't keep the people waiting now remember our first duty is to appear at a welcome party in the northern district, be sure to be on your utmost behavior here." as she handed him his violin and straightened his hair and glasses "...and have fun!" she winked as she quickly but gracefully walked down the bridge waving to the folks in respect. Bowing slowly to the fellow nobles who came to welcome them.

Fredrick's heart was racing for a moment as he gripped his handle of the violin case. As he approached the bridge the screams from the group before rose quickly, he waved and smiled trying not to draw to much attention still it wasn't hard to do for someone who was famous in performances. His green hair was always a dead give away and trying to gracefully rush to the carriages he was stopped by his mother to introduce himself to the fellow nobles as well. Bowing and shaking hands one after another they each praised him and patted the boy for his wonderful talent. Their excitement for his show seemed to be both an eagerness and mauling display of Fredrick. Still he held up his best smile and formalities till finally reaching their coachman. Once inside of the carriage he took a deep breath of relief the sound of the stone pebble road below quickly gaining distance from the crowd. "OOOh how exciting this is! Now remember for the party we'll only be doing one song so choose carefully, we'll give them a little taste of whats to come for the grand performance!" she smiled and laughed a bit as if to tease the nobility of her son's talent.

Now reaching the party Fredrick would prepare for a new stage of his performance and life...
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Alistair walked past the crowds, utterly disinterested in the tirade that was the festival. Why should he have to care for this frivolity, where people celebrated simply to distract themselves from the pains of today, only to feel the burden tomorrow, most likely doubled over due to a hangover. He certainly was not one of these people. However they did serve a practical purpose in that even a rainbow coloured bear dancing would be ignored as part of the festival. It meant he could hide away into the crowd with considerable ease.

As he walked by, a large brute in armour got excluded from a pub, the Drunk Stag. In a place where racism was still very much prevalent, it was nothing new or newsworthy. He himself when travelling experienced the very same thing from other races, so as such felt no sympathy. Alistair did however take the opportunity to refresh himself post-assassination. Killing was big business after all. And what more to a big business than a tea break?

As Alistair entered the tavern, the doors swung and rang a bell, which signalled of someone coming in. The place was modestly occupied, many people keeping their festivities outside where it looked as though peacocks were having a display. His Odachi bound to him with a sling and holding it with his right hand as usual, he walked to a chair and sat down on table which at most could hold two. His weapon was always by his side out of paranoia that someone would go for him. A sensible option when you weren't exactly the most well received of folk.

A barmaid came over with a professional smile inquiring on what he would be wanting.

"Just a cup of tea." Alistair spoke calmly as he handed them the coin needed for it. Nothing more, nothing less.

As tea was already on the boil, it came promptly to his seat. He would proceed to sip on the tea by his lonesome as he held still the sword in his other hand.

@Anyone who wants to interact with him
The festival was enormous. The constant rabble of conversation. The cries of peddlers selling their goods. Drinking. Eating. Tents and stands of all kinds of colors and sizes. It seemed like everyone was having a wonderful time. Everyone that is except for Vanessa.

Shortly after arriving to the festival, Vanessa had been extremely overwhelmed by the size of the crowds. She felt lost among the crowd of people. Meeting new people had never been her strong suit, and she certainly had no desire to disturb anyone. It only became worse when a man noticed her. He was a big man, standing at perhaps 6'1" with the nastiest teeth and a wicked smile. Vanessa's heart skipped a beat in fear. Could he be a pirate? He took a step towards Vanessa as if to approach her and that was the more motivation Vanessa needed.

Without turning behind her, Vanessa took off running. Running through the streets, paranoia clouding her scenes, she quickly became lost in the maze of the festival. She anxiously looked around to see where she could go and then attempted to start running again. Unfortunately, she happened to slam right into a couple that were pursuing the festival, knocking them to the ground. A crowd naturally formed around them, inquiring what was going on. As Vanessa got to her feet along with the others she was about to try and say a soft apology. However, it seemed in the collision she had picked up the woman's bag. Realizing what she had done, she dropped the bag in a panic and darted out of the crowd as quickly as possible.

She turned a corner of the festival, looking to get off the streets when she spotted a building, a tavern called the Drunk Stag. With a second of hesitation she bounded up the stairs to the building and ran full speed into the building. Now, off the streets, she gasped for air, trying to calm herself down now that she was out of the crowds. Then, she made the mistake of looking up and seeing that everyone in the tavern was looking at her. She could feel her face go red as she backed up against the wall of the tavern trying to make herself smaller, wishing she could simply melt into nothingness.

Jinta's eyes widened in alarm and interest as the hot breath of the giant lizard surrounded him, leaving no room to escape. The winged lizard certainly was big, bigger than himself even, but that wasn't what gave Jinta hesitance. No, what made him think things twice before saying them was the giant claws and the gaping mouth, completed with rows of sharp teeth, that the Sharlak possessed.

When people looked at Jinta, most would see a well-muscled buffoon, which in some cases wasn't far from the truth, and they probably would have never guessed that he knew anything about the Sharlak, but he was actually quite familiar with their ways, even the heavy accent most of the winged beings possessed.

He owed it to his early years in the Academy that had it as a requirement to know the minimum amount towards all races. Now for some species, like Demons, the most anybody, even the teachers, knew was considered the minimum, but still, he wasn't ignorant. His knowledge of the Sharlaks had increased during his years of being a pirate, since his old captain loved to talk about them.

The twisted maniac looked up to the destruction and ferocious nature of the lizard-like species and he would even start bawling while drunk in his cabin, sobbing and screaming into the night, and lamenting over his inability to get one for his crew. Jinta, as a child, obviously wasn't supposed to hear these shameful things that would lessen any respect the captain had gathered from his crew, but he stayed many nights nursing his anger and those sobs was a source of sustenance for him. They gave him a reason to keep moving.

Jinta grunted as he blink, finally realizing that his thoughts has a taken a rather darker turn and his constant teeth showing half-grin had lessened to a displeasurable degree. Reinforcing the grin as he moved onto better thoughts, like the party he was going to, Jinta exclaimed to the Sharlak in an easy going manner, his hands up in a show of non-offense, "I be sorry, me bucko. I saw that ye had an invitation similar to mine."

Jinta wasn't the best with directions on land, his forte was with sea travel, so even with the very vague directions the women had given him that would most likely help very little, he would need to "piggy-back" onto someone else as they traveled. He had picked the Sharlak mostly because of how awesome he looked, but he had refrained from getting to close, as he looked might frustrated over something.

Cortana smiled at him, glad that there was someone at the least trying to be nice and not catching the part he mumbled. But only then did she realize that she towered a foot or two above most people. She smiled when he brought her to the bookcase, taking one of the books off the shelf that was way above her head.

But one thing made her freeze in this action. His question was so commonly asked, but she hated it. She drew the book closer to her chest, her usually bright smile fading into a frown. "Uh, I guess I came for friendship. I will spare you the sob story though." She said, turning away with her book. She didn't want to bother someone like that, especially since she could feel his stares burning into the back of her neck from here.

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