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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Ran smiled slightly as he spoke with great excitement about past escapades a fiery aura about him different than the one worn before. Then just like that it faded, another mask to the puzzling man or a glimpse into his true self? Possibly a question that would never have an answer. She tilted her head slightly as he addressed her as ‘princess’ and couldn’t help a small giggle “Princess am I now?” She arched an eyebrow curiously. “What would that make you? The cunning thief who come to steal her away?” She laughed briefly.

She kept a warm smile as he spoke of his belief and nodded slightly “T’is a wise way to live your live. In a world like today one get lost in the complexities of life. Over complicate things unnecessarily when thing could be simplified so easily.” She shrugged. She lived her life fairly simple but in doing so could take advantage of those lost in their own complexities, blinded by what can be instead of paying attention to the present.

“Hmm.” She hummed softly as she looked around the market various venders selling a myriad of items. A hand full had delicious smells rising above the crowds that gathered around making it difficult to pick what to actually eat. Then a wondrous smell of something citrus and savory caught her nose and she wandered over in that direction. The vender was selling some sort of shredded meat roasted in in spices and citrus juices then wrapped in some kind of pastry bread to make a rather large meat bun. “That looks like it could be an interesting meal.”

"Ah, ok, yes, that's fine, ahem, yes, please do that!" Apos nodded repeatedly like one of the bobble-headed wooden figures that were in at the moment. The atmosphere had grown noticibly thicker and tenser as the girl's bright face dimmed. He cursed that moments curiosity. Curiosity was a dangerous trait to wear, the kind of trait that got peaceful men like him into trouble. Hence why he had avoided asking for more when both lampshade-guy and the cheerful angel were reluctant to give a definitive responce. He'd always figured people would reply as they liked, and respected people's decisions to reserve certain facts. After all, if he were seen for more than just his occupation, and if people asked him of his own background, if being a tanned Irrean was a particularly notable thing like it would have been some thirty years earlier, he knew he'd be exactly the same.

The girl looked away, perhaps frustrated at him, and he bared his teeth frustratedly. Now he'd gone and done it! "Eh-rm..." he said with an apologetic smile, a smile that trickled into his voice, "if it's any consolation, that is a very noble reason to do anything. I mean... you know. Friends are cool. And good, yes, important too!" He floundered a little, digging himself deeper into the pit of awkwardness. After a short while he decided it best to leaver the girl, and turned to find the twinkling eyes of the children from earlier, like blazing candles or an army of glittering swords, eagerly caught on the slight-drama of his awkwardness. He gesticulated at them in comedic warning, then dashed off with flailing legs back to his previous customer.

Outside, there was probably a good number of criminals among the crowd. Thieves, explorers, hunters, adventurers, all people who wish for an exciting life. But even the life of a librarian was stress enough for a man like Apos Meatman.

Soon he was out of breath and panting, drawing level to the lampshade man, who instantaniously asked him a question.
Maybe, there'll be a point when I can return to my book, he thought grumblingly. "I'm glad you were successful," he nodded, "though I am sorry to say I'm not sure if there is any more on dark magic. After all, it is extremely rare, and only the demons understand it properly, who, Irrea forgive, have never written a book about it to my knowledge. In addition, the Peacemakers burnt a number of books regarding extremely aggressive uses of magic when they started the unification. I'm sorry. I can still help you search though." And, although it was presently half as a question, he proceeded to immediately start his search, returning to running his finger across the streams of books, mumbling quietly to himself along the way.




"Well, I was thinking more along the lines of Prince Charming," Kri'tro smirked, "but whatever. Thieves tend to steal riches, not people, but I guess with all that beauty you count as both, so I'll be the cunning thief if you want. After all, I've got the cloak for it." He slung the cloak that was drapsed across his shoulder over his head, where it hung lazily for a long moment before, grinning, he removed it once more. "But yes, I'm glad you agree."

Rani had stopped, sniffing at the air like a wolverine sensing its prey. The stand she mentioned did indeed look nice, although to Kri'tro it was all just food. Other than the seafood he had so loved as a child, food was all the same to him. With his wild lifestyle, he had long since adjusted to eating whatever scraps he could get his hands on. It was all part of the masterful control he had built up.

"Why only let it look like an interesting meal, when you can taste it and find out?" he teased with a rough smirk, before striding forward to the stand. He soon returned with the food she desired, along with an identical item for himself. "Well then, what is it like? A meal fit for a princess?" They walked onwards through the crowds, now looping around the middle section of town. Kri'tro was looking at the building subtly as they went, mind awhirr as always.

Aaru looked to the wrecked book for a moment and then looked back to the librarian, shaking his head. "No, do not worry yourself. I shall not get greedy, it's among the sins, so I will be happy with what I was able to obtain." Aaru replied and lightly bowed in courtesy, which was a habit of his. "I thank you for your help, now I must sign out this book it seems. You may return to the children, I am most dearly sorry to take up your time. I'll just be browsing for old times sake now." Aaru said in a mellowed tone and turned his head to the fallen angel. There was just a aura of familiarity to her, as if he had seen her before. He had seen a couple of angels in his time, heck, they taught him everything he knows and more.

Taking advantage of this rare coincidence he decided to approach the young looking girl. Before he could sort of hear what the two were talking about, she seemed to be looking for books about friends. He slowly approached the angel slowly and gestured her a 'hello'.

"You are looking for a book about... friendship?" Aaru inquired and began to think for a moment. "Hmmm, well I would be happy to help, I have read many books in my life, especially books about friendship." Aaru offered and walked up to the shelves, running his fingers across the spines, looking for any books of promise to please the young lass.

Cortana sighed, reading a bit of her book. She looked around the page, the words mottling together into a big blob. She sighed and slowly shut the book, looking around the room. She heard a voice, and she looked down, spotting a pale and frail man. "That's fine." She said, squatting down so she was on eye level with him and the books on the lower shelves.

She really didn't feel like reading anymore, she had lost her curiosity. The smell was becoming a bit nauseating, bringing back not only the good memories, but the totally awful ones too. She shook her head. "Sorry." She mumbled, turning away from him and running down the isle of book cases. She passed rows upon rows of books, maneuvering the twists and turns. The as she kept turning, her walk turned into run, panicking slightly. Finally she found a spot of light, rushing towards it, seeing that it was the door.

Shoving open the mahogany wood, she took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stood outside the door for a few seconds, taking in the air outside. She rubbed her face free of everything, even the small tears that had come while she was running. She sighed, walking over to a small lamppost to her left, sighing.

Rani hung back from the crowd around the booth watching as Max went off. He was a mystery for sure, but the kind she like to figure out. There were very few people who were honest to a fault or didn’t have something to hide. It gave her something interesting to do aside from wander around and pick pocket the whole festival. As for what she would do with him later was anyone’s guess. Handsome as he may be she knew fire when she saw it. Sapphire eyes wandered around the crowd as it grew bigger and bigger with each passing hour. It seemed the later in the day it got the more people arrived to enjoy the festivities. She wondered just how many there would be by the time night fell.

She turned her attention back as the mysterious Max returned with warm pastries in hand. She paused to look at it a moment since something like this could cause a mess sometimes. “Hm it certainly smells very good.” She muttered before taking a bite and it didn’t disappoint. The dance closed her eyes a moment savoring the savory tender meat and subtly sweat breading, the hints of citrus was just the cherry on top in her opinion. “Oh wow this is delicious.” She chimed before taking another bite. She had gotten used to eating anything that came her way and had eaten many foods exotic in nature. However this was possibly one of the better dishes she’s sampled in a while. Even if it was just a simple street food sometimes those were the best compared to the high priced dishes served at noble events, portions were much better typically as well.

Alistair did not visually respond to the girl crashing through the door and retreating to the wall, close to where he was sitting. He had enough surprises in his life that a girl falling through things was nothing new. He once as an assassination threw a man out the top window of their mansion. Well, to be more exact, he held them by their throat out the window, then let go and had gravity do their business.

Alistair sipped on his tea as he looked over to the girl, who was plastered against the wall, as though they were a chameleon and would blend into the wall. Their brightly colourful dyed hair served to if anything, make them stand out. Looking closer, her body appeared quite frail, not like a combatant of any sort at all. Maybe she was just a simple girl who did stereotypical things such as cooking or crochet.

He turned his head to the girl close to her. Alistair spoke in a calm, albeit pessimistic voice to the girl.

"So do plan on staying there long enough until you are mistaken for colourful wallpaper?"

Vanessa stood against the wall, still back trying to shrink away. As everyone else turned away from the minor occurrence, one man continued to look at her. He was a tall man, much taller than she was. And muscular. He was very muscular, she could tell, from the way his clothes were filled out. He looked like he was probably half a decade older than she was. He's got a very pretty face, she thought to herself. All of these things and more made her both intimidated and nervous at the same time. Thus, she simply looked down and shook her head no when he asked her a question.

Then, slowly, like a cat sneaking across a field, she moved from the safety of the wall and tip-toed her way to the stranger, sitting down at the seat across from him. She didn't look him in the eyes, for years for training had taught her that looking at your superior was rude and often led to punishment. So she cast her eyes at the table and floor in front of her, unsure of what to do next.

In the quieter northern streets where a fish and a dragon were in violent debate, a queer hooded figure hobbled out of the darkness. Hunched over, frail and only about 5 feet tall, his frayed brown cloak hung about him like a beggar's quilt. Approaching the pair, he stood extremely close behind them, unnoticed in their quarrel, until finally he said:

"You two are criminals of some sort, aren't you?" His voice was a whimpering sneer, almost melodramatic in its trills and quivers, "Yes you are. You have an air of inconspicuousness about you, yes, a common criminal trait. Don't worry, I'm not going to hand you in."

"Instead, I have an offer for you!" There was a twinkle in his voice now, like a salesman's advertising cries, or the way a marketeer tries to wrangle away your final pennies. "I own a place of exciting and thoroughly illegal activity. Nothing too illicit, yes, but a battleground of sorts, a place where you can enjoy the thrill of fighting and get payed at the same time. You are very welcome to disagree, but we are looking for willing fighters. Would you care to join us, yes?"


Alistair sipped on his tea, studying the girl as he drank. He put down the cup and ordered two more cups of tea from the barmaid. The girl slinked into the chair and looked down, as though waiting for orders and to be told what to do, like someone on duty, or at worst a slave.

When the tea came he set a cup in front of her and held his, sipping it. His tone was low and pessimistic as usual, showing little hint of emotion.

"So what reason is there for your stumbling into the tavern? People don't usually run, its too crowded for it to be safe."


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Jinta looked at the small man, momentarily forgetting the presence of the Sharlak and considered the strange and sudden offer. He was slightly surprised that even with his attempts at hiding his criminal activity, he had been found out so easily.

He couldn't be gone for long, he had a party to attend of course, but this fighting business sounded even more thrilling. Grinning a full shark-like grin, Jinta had to stop himself from immediately agreeing and instead asked, "When be it happenin'?"

If it wasn't immediately right now, he could probably go, heck, even if it was right now he might go. The party might be fun, but it was sure thing that fighting would always be enjoyable, no matter the consequence or reward.

He looked at the man, studying his face and trying to gauge his breathing. He was trying to discern if the man was lying or if he was indeed telling the truth, but alas, it is quite difficult, if not down right impossible, for him. This is because the Sharlak has no concept of lying. They are proud warriors and they found no need in back stabbing and lying, believing that only inferior races did that.

Hw grunted knowing he had no choice but to take his word for it. "Fine, but if you do something wrong, I'm ripping your head off and roast it, understood?" He said to him. He didn't want to be too harsh on him, but is sure that he doesn't trust him next.

He was about to leave when a hooded man, whether he be old or young is hard to figure out, came up to them and offered them a job. He considered it, as long as he gets out of this annoying town. "Fine, I'm in as well. What is it that you need us to do?" He asked him, his hands near his axes just in case either of his acquaintances decides to betray any of them. 
@SkyGinge @DamagedGlasses
Vanessa hesitates for a moment before deciding to grab the cup of tea. She slowly raises it to her mouth and takes a small sip of it. The man spoke with a very dry voice. He seemed to take himself very seriously. How anyone could be that way Vanessa could never understand. What was the point of living life if you couldn't have fun and excitement?

When the man asked her what she was doing she grew uncomfortable again. It felt like she was being interrogated. She nervously rubbed her left arm with her right hand. Finally, she answered, "I was scared," in a very sweet and melodic voice. She had considered lying, but as Armenil used to tell her, "Lying is only good for dying."

She tried to keep an eye on the door. She felt unsure around this stranger. And if she was unsure, she wanted to have a fast escape if needed.

"She's a wind mage then?" Sandy said with a mix of curiosity and a shade of contempt,"Wind users always seem better moving themselves then moving other people. Nothing like a good earthquake. My experience with "vanishing into the night" Has taught me that boulers tend to move them even faster though. hehehehe." She ended with a giggle," wouldn't be too jealous though. its a lot of power at your finger tips and theres a lot of control that goes with that. Something I have yet to learn completely. And hey your a sailor, you sail a ship nothing wrong with that! i've met plenty of magicians who wouldn't know a galleon from a piece of driftwood and your fighting your way through storms!"

Ragya listened to the slaughter that took place just a few feet from her. Her efforts in tracking down the Crow had finally been successful, and she had even found him in the act of murder. Ragya was hidden away, her back pressed against a wall perpendicular from where the Crow was performing his slaughter. She could not see anything, and since she was behind the entire group, they could not see or sense her, but what she heard was quite informative. The Crow, it seemed, was quite powerful, much too powerful to be a regular swordsman. He was able to quickly dispatch several grown men in mere instants, and his cruelty and merciless nature in his killings pronounced itself sharply. Ragya contemplated whether the Crow was a demon or not as it would explain his beyond human strength, but her long investigation of him had yielded the fact that he harbored some sort of contempt for demonkind. Of course this did not rule out the fact that he might have been a demon, but it made it highly unlikely. Ragya's best guess as of now was that he was a fallen angel. In terms of combat, the way his blade whistled as it slew the leader of the goons begging for his life indicated that the Crow felt no remorse, no trouble or ripple in the conscience. These traits indicated that whatever dived the Crow was a powerful force, most likely a hate or a vengeance, and the way each dispatched goon fell upon the ground after one single and precise strike indicated that the Crow was a skilled swordsman. He wielded with two hands, and his blade length, which Ragya could roughly guess, was quite lengthy. The way a rasping sound softly screeched from his upper body area whenever he swung his blade also hinted to Ragya that he covered most of his vitals with at least some form of metal protection. All of this would prove the Crow to be a challenging foe should Ragya face him in combat, but Ragya estimated that she and him were around equal in terms of strength.

When the Crow had finished his work, Ragya had contemplated stepping out and engaging him in combat, but decided against it as she could not deny the possibility of either Peacemakers or perhaps some remaining goons appearing. Thus she had let the Crow make his way out and fade into the crowd. She had followed him of course, and tailed him with practiced skill. Whenever his vision range happened to include Ragya, she would just happen to be looking elsewhere or be immersed in a group of people, completely inconspicuous. One thing her unassuming physical bulk granted Ragya was facilitated tracking and stalking capacities, and these she had refined over many years.

The Crow entered a tavern, and Ragya followed suit, careful to not incite his attention. When the Crow seated himself at a table, Ragya seated herself calmly on a separate table behind the Crow. To her surprise, a woman had joined the Crow in conversation, and Ragya strongly suspected that perhaps this woman was a criminal associate, but dispelled the suspicions when she glanced over the woman. She had no traces of physical conditioning or the hardened look of a murderer. With her back to the Crow, Ragya eavesdropped on his conversation with the woman, fiddling with several coins she laid out on the table to make it seem that she was counting money. When the Crow isolated himself, Ragya would strike him down. Her mind was already formulating battle plans and strategies, and her ears were always attentive to any details or useful information the Crow might slip out of his mouth. She considered the Crow to be no more than a target, and for targets she stocked no emotion or care. They were simply there to be erased, and any sentiments would only hamper the execution. Ragya developed this philosophy to both efficiently dispatch her targets and to remove any fear of having to suffer a break of conscience. But still, she could not knock out a nagging feeling that killing the Crow was not exactly the best thing to do. It seemed that he only targeted those affiliated in criminal business, but it was too late to ruminate over anything now. She had struck a deal and the relatives of the people the Crow slew seemed to feel that the Crow was no better than a petty murderer living for the thrill of slaughter, though something in her gut told her that this was not true. A tinge of guilt pervaded Ragya as she judged the Crow based on his murders, as she knew in heart that she was worse than he was. She, though she would always deny it, killed for pleasure and masked this over by claiming it was all necessary for survival and that it was the right thing to do. Exhaling a deep and frustrated breath, Ragya calmed herself down and cleared her mind. There was no use in thinking about herself, nothing she could change in any case. All she needed to do now was focus on the Crow, and so she did.
"Oh, it's not greed to look for a second book, I'm sorry to have implied that," said Apos quickly, wishing he wasn't so often misunderstood. Then the lampshade man spoke of taking out the book, which was of course Apos' job, but before he could suggest anything, the man was walking over to the angel from earlier. Apos threw his arms out in the air with a sigh, and grabbed a random book from the shelves to comfort him, aware that the children like livestock were still watching his every work.

But he didn't really start reading. At every opportunity he got, he peered over the rim of the book and tried to watch their conversation. And, sure enough, the angel walked off in dismay. Not walked, fled, ran, took flight, and left the nest of books with Apos feeling incredibly guilty. After all, it was his stupid question that had shattered the glass of her happiness. How he wished he wasn't so awkward! But he could only watch her go. And she would likely never return, so he'd have no way to make her feel better, ever.

There goes my chance of having a happy day. Typical.

"Excuse me, sir?" came the chalk-on-whiteboard screech of the same girl from earlier, "why are you reading a book called 'Fresh Irrean Beauties'?"

Apos gurgled a contorted screech and spasmodically flung the magazine to the floor. Of all the things to pick up as cover, he would grab a smutty magazine for the lower classes. It was a fresh print, and highly illegal; the kind of inappropriate content the Peacemakers had long since banned. Which meant it must have slipped under the Head Librarians nose. Or, worse still, he had imported it himself. The thought of the old man grinning, salivated as he flicked through pages of hand-drawn smut provided another mind-jolt of terror just as Apos was picking up the magazine, and once again his arm twitched and launched the magazine across the room, the lanky man scurrying across the floor like an elongated rat to collect it.

When finally it was all sorted out, he glared down at the child who had started it all, who like her accomplices was struggling to suppress her laughter. Keep calm, compose yourself. Eye twitching maniacally, he straightened himself up, adjusted his glasses, and then began to shuffle off into the main corridor. Once he was sure he was out of sight, he gathered speed until he was stumbling rapidly through the main doors of the castle.

Apos screamed out to the deaf city.
I must have the worst luck in the entire middle reaches. 
"Good, I'm glad you like it," he chimed back with a smile, a smile that was genuine in spite of everything else. After all, criminal intentions or not, he was still spending time with a beautiful girl, and that was pleasure enough, even without the excitement of carrying out a plan. Following her lead, he took a hefty chomp out of his own pastry, figuring he might as well try to enjoy it seeing as he'd bothered to pay for it. Thus he concentrated on the exact taste and fought against the mental conditioning he had given himself. Sadly, he wasn't much of a fan of it; there were far too many flavours going on in one go. But never mind, now he could just tell himself not to taste it and the problem would be solved.

"So then, what do you so for a living?" he asked jovially, "I mean, from your sudden arrival and departure from those musicians I'm guessing you aren't a part of their group. Also, anything else you want? I'm still willing to do anything you'd like as reward for your efforts." He was half expecting a lie in response, a lie in the stead that he would give should she ask back, but that was what made this girl especially interesting. For she too was trying to play him, and thus it was all like a game of chess. Chess was a bad allegory for him personally though, as he disliked it. So some kind of war game, then. And he would be victorious!

Rani enjoyed the pastry greatly though she could tell her current companion didn't quite enjoy it as much. To each his own as they say. She tilted her head at his sudden question and smiled slightly. A fair question all around but a difficult one to answer since she didn't have any kind of specific trade. At least none that she could boast about. Question was now to lie or tell the truth in this little game they played. "I wander for a living." She answered honestly, a few truths amiss the lies always made it fun, kept them guessing as to what was real and what wasn't. "I suppose you could consider my a gypsy princess." She joked with a small chuckle. "Don't need a whole lot of coin when the world is your home but I have various trades, performing seems to gain the most coin though." She finished what was left of the pastry and licked her lips, satisfied with the small meal. "Hm Something else? My your the generous admirer. A last there's not much at the moment I long for, though your company is nice. Saves a girl the issue of wandering around on her lonesome." She grinned. It was true the presence of this mysterious rouge was keeping away some other admirers where were quite as interesting as this one. "So what do you do for a living?"

"There is no specific time, though obviously it would be polite to arrive as soon a possible," explained the mysterious man, his teeth in a curved crescent glittering in the shroud of his hood, "Our customers find it more convenient for us to run events in a more freeform state, due to their line of work. So, my dear sailor, you are welcome to join us later if you wish."

"As for you, most noble Shalrak, that is an excellent question," the man continued, pacing about now in an ecstatic half-hobble. "There is a tavern in the city, a place that goes by the name of 'The Drunk Stag'. Go to the tavern, and ask the barman to see the wine stocks. He will then ask you which stock you wish to check, yes, and you must answer 'Bolemio's favourite'. Once you have done that, he will take you to the location of the fighting and everything will be explained to you. Under all intents and purposes, the tavern is nothing but a normal tavern, yes, so I am aware there might be a spot of racism against the pair of you. Simply tell whoever tries to throw you out that the boss invited you, and then they will let you in."

"I do hope to see you later gentleman," the man shuffled away slightly, "You must find your way there on your own; I have more talent to scout. Like I said, yes, you are free to head there whenever you want, but let me warn you this. We will know if you betray us, and if you do, you can trust that you will meet a tragic accidental death. Good day." He bowed slightly, and then scuttled away back to the shadows, the weirdly persuasive beggar now completely vanished.




"She's no wind mage; she be a healer, actually. What irony the titans set 'er up for; she helps to mend whilst her pa helps to destroy." Whiskey chuckled to himself, listening to Sandy's tale. How little she knows of control, he sniggered. For to her, and to everybody, he just appeared as a simple, flamboyant and charismatic sailor, or an epitomious pirate to those who knew of his trade. He half expected those with any sense of perception would guess what he was anyhow and not care, simply because of this exuberance. Yet it was his quieter, more technical side that he kept hidden so well, the technical side that required pin-point accuracy and precision. It made him miss his mechanics once more; after all, two of his limbs were now fake from the joint upwards, and in public he was forced to wear more traditional wooden replacements. He was used to them now from all his disguises, but they itched slightly, like the clothes of somebody who isn't you.

"Still, I 'preciate yer compliments," he beamed aggressively, "'tis rare to have somebody learn of me trade and not descend into some form o' nervous hysterics. You have very strong self-control. 'tis a valuable trait, and you should be proud of it."

At the moment, an earthquake like rumble erupted from Whiskey's sizeable chest, stopping him wide eyed in his tracks. Then, after a short moments silence, he began to laugh again, for an even greater length than before. It was almost a full minute before finally he composed himself, having sought after the edge of a stall to lean against in support, much to the disapproval of the Saladin who were skittishly running it. "
Did'ya hear that?" he exclaimed with a wheeze, "Sounds like it's time fer some grub o' sorts! What'dya fancy, me dear?" He began to lead through the crowds once more, on the look out for food salesmen. There were so many aromas, both of edibles and perfumes, that they all mixed together and were hard to track down. But they'd find something eventually and, since Whiskey had no intention of actually paying for his meal, he didn't mind what they had.

"A gypsy! I knew that was what I felt in you, princess." He grinned resolutely and gave her an exclamatory poke in emphasis of his point. Kri'tro, even not under the disguise of Max, had always liked gypsies and what they were like, travellers untroubled by most of society's qualms. In many ways, his own style of living reflected theirs, albeit in a much more illegal way. "I saw it in the way you danced. There was a sense of freedom to it all, like you had no troubles at all. It's a common gypsy thing from my experience, but when manifested in dance, proves quite the spectacle. No wonder you drew in the crowds."

"Well, that answer's a relief for my pocket," he chuckled, unsure whether she had turned him down out of suspicion or from not wanting anything else, like she said. "Every princess needs a guard, or knight, or whatever. I'd like to think I'm opportunistic, so here I am." The fictitious tale of the Max DaeRekkron was a tale he'd spent countless hours perfecting, so he could rattle of any detail of his supposed life whenever needed, and was just about to do so when he was interrupted.

"Help, please!" came a croaking voice from a side alley. Frowning, Kri'tro turned to find its source: a scrawny man in a frayed cloak lying against the wall in the darkness. A beggar, probably trying to rob them of their money. A pain, but something he could probably dismiss with a single coin and then return to his plans.

"Hey look, princess, looks like somebody else has a use for me wallet," he grinned, walking with a little swagger over to the figure. But when he held out the coin, the man's voice changed its tone.

"No need to pay me," the slumped down figure whispered loudly, "I recognise you and your kin: you're both criminals, the pair of you. Him more than her, but that fact is irrelevant." Kri'tro's brow fell, and he contemplated trying to cover himself up and rubbish the man, but something in the man's surprisingly knowing tone told him it would be unwise. He felt the man's scanning eyes running over him, running through him, measuring him up, even though he could not seen them.

"No, I do not accept pay from criminals," the beggar continued, the beggar probably being as much of a beggar as he was Max DaeRekkron, "Instead, I pay them."

"There is a place where you can fight. I know you both want to, yes, I can feel it in my bones." The man unnerved Kri'tro. Evidentially he was very cunning and very intelligent, and very much not who he seemed to be. The beggar then explained what they had to do; go to some pub or something and interrogate the barman. He'd been planning on going to a tavern at some stage anyway, although not quite so promptly. The whole thing was throwing a skewer in his plans, which annoyed him quite a lot, though in reality all that did was make him want to fight more, and thus egged him on to do what the man said.

"My friends, I do hope to see you later," he finished, and with that, scurried away back into the deeper shadows. Kri'tro imagined the writhing tail flicking about behind him as he went.
What a sneaky little rat.

"Well then, princess," he grinned to the girl, wondering what she thought of him now, "Shall we humour the fool and take up his offer?"

The carriage stopped as the cheering of crowds and laughter of children running along the street. The festival was already in full swing even before the night performances. Fredrick wanted to enjoy the sights and smells but that was soon broke when his mother spoke "Oh finally lets do enjoy this party remember many of your father's trade partners are here so try to impress them!" as the coachman let them both out. The manor was splendid with white stone slabs and black lacquer wood trimmings. From their he could see behind him other carriages and patrons approaching the manor for its wonderful party. "Lets not dally Fredrick." she spoke breaking him from his observations. As both reached the entrance a small stature of a man spoke out "Lady Flora Reiss and Sir Fredrick Reiss of the Isles!" his booming voice not matching his size. Still with the announcement the small gathering looked to the new guests sizing up their worth.

As they walked up the stair way two young women curtsied in front of the young man "An honor to meet you Sir Reiss." their voice in unison as they giggled. His mother simply shooing them away as his face flushed red. An old man had bowed toward his mother "Ah Lady Reiss a pleasure to have met you in person how is your husband these days." his mother lowered herself in the same respect "Ah very good Lord Satchel I hope the new trade routes for your spice has been profitable." as she grinned "That they have been your family always do me great favor both in health and my pockets." he laughed wildly as he stomped his crane upon the stone floor. "Oh this must be the heir Sir Reiss..." as he provided his skinny boney hands towards the boy. Fredrick was reluctant but knew it wouldn't be right to deny the gesture. Shaking the man's hand he bowed his head "A pleasure Lord Satchel." as he raised his head up slowly. "My my so grown up perhaps I should let you meet my daughters someday." as he winked in cackled once more. The young man's face was flushed once more as he tried to ignore the comment.

His mother laughed a bit before turning back "Oh don't you dare you know very well Fredrick is here for a performance not a marriage proposal." as she directed him to enjoy the party till the show "Go enjoy something to eat then return to me in ten minutes okay son?" as she patted his back. Feeling he was being corralled he followed his mother's words if only to get away from the old man. The table across the wall stretched several feet across and was sorted with all types of delicious treats and drinks. His stomach and eyes both agreed as he took a bit from a few plates enjoying the sweet and savory delicacies. The course of the time was between him greeting others and sneaking a treat before others took note. For awhile he felt he would be suffocated from the growing crowd and stiffening air.

The stout man who introduced them from before had tugged on the boy bowing in respect "Sir Reiss it is time for your show if you do not mind." as he directed his palm to the courtyard where the fountain and several chairs where prepared. The group started to smile and clap in excitement as Fredrick followed the small individual to the make shift stage and stool. His mother was still with the old man and though he could not hear it wasn't hard to tell her bragging and manipulation was working for favor of the family's business. Removing his violin from the case the rose colored wood glistened in the sunlight as the crowd gathered in anticipation. Testing the strings with his finger he tightened a few pegs before lifting his bow taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it. The group went silent and though the festival outside the manor was roaring all the courtyard could hear was the steady flow of water from the fountain. Their eyes watched as he began to play his bow falling to the

Slowly at first he started and the waters started to form large droplets no longer falling in a stream they seemed to bounce on and off the water pool below. The music started to echo as more droplets formed and started to dance with each other then hoping from each guest of the party. With each tug of his strings a new echo and reverberation came from the droplets till finally a full musical orchestration had emerged and the party members started to dance and clap to his show. Soon his voice could be heard as his words matched the beat and humming of the strings. The orbs of water started to rise higher spreading wide above the heads of the group, with a smile Fredrick squelched his strings causing the baubles to bend the light within them. Colors shined and split from each droplet like jewels. Then as he reached the finale of his performance the waters started to recede back to the fountain standing still till finally flowing once more down towards the pools his bow lifting from the strings and his eyes opened to the applause of the crowd.

A small blush as he rose bowing and respect to the nobles and guests who came to see him. His only joy was his music and even in this crowded stiffen party it was nice to escape with his violin. The performance for tonight finally gave Fredrick a smile as his anticipation for this festival rose.
Rani gave a genuine smile "It's good to hear your a fan of my people. Usually other run away or hold onto their purse a little tighter." She chuckled. Whether it be and act or not she found Max to be good company for the time being. The appearance of the so called beggar did throw her off slightly. She wasn't expecting him to call them out on being criminals, though it did confirm a few suspicions she had. The gypsy crossed her arms just under her bust taking offence to being refereed to as a criminal. She thought of her self as more of an opportunist or teacher instead. Someone who wandered the land teaching valuable lessons for those foolish enough to fall for simple tricks. That point was mute however, it seemed this man was looking for criminals something that did not bold well in her opinion. There are only two people who sought out outlaws those who wanted to hire them and those who wanted to catch them. She couldn't be sure which this strange man was at this point. It was obvious he was a bottle of mystery's just the same as Max.

She arched an eye brow slightly to the rough as he turned to her once more. Brawling. Not exactly something she liked to do since she wasn't exactly the best fighter. Sure she was nimble and new how to move but in terms of fighter she saw it as a unnecessary pain. Her friend on the other hand was different he had the body of a fighter. She noticed the spark of interest in his eye, a fire that burned to meet such a challenge. This is the way of men, she shrugged slightly. "I dance, not fight. Though I wouldn't mind watching. Could be fun." She smirked slightly

Alistair offered no response as he drank a small amount of his tea. He felt slightly unnerved by something behind him, but let it slide. What was important is that he noticed anyone attacking him, something his instincts were honed for. People just watching however....not so great.

His face passive, calm like stone. When not angry, he was incredibly calm as a person. It only changed when his anger boiled and the dark magic amplified that hate. The sword felt comfortable inside the grip of his other hand, where he usually held it.

"Consider yourself lucky then, for I have a penchant against liars."

He spoke as he sipped on the tea.

The tavern itself was still at modest activity, with nothing too raucous going on inside, something he very much appreciated. It wasn't eerily quiet, however it wasn't too loud either. He could probably end up spending quite some time here.

Some people shouted barging in, drunken already in festivity, only to be kicked back out for being too drunk. Alistair frowned in response to their interruption of the atmosphere.

"Tch, I don't see what there is so great about this festival. It's just a unnecessary distraction. We have the leaders of our land being weirdly quiet and all they can think about is festivals. I suppose it satisfies the more simple-minded of folk."



Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

She was falling.

Wind snapped at her, whipping her hair in her face angrily, no longer wanting her to be in its territory. Silver tendrils caught in her mouth and eyelashes and she did not bother to do anything to stop them. After all, that was not her concern. Her concern was to stop her descent. It did not even matter why she was falling, though fuzzy memories of a black form knocking her from the grasp of her fellow officers pierced through her mind.

She closed her eyes and tried to stretch out her beautiful violet wings. However, instead of meeting resistance, she found intense pain. A strangled cry escaped her cracking lips and she hesitantly reached behind her back. Nothing but pathetic nubs and blood were left of her magnificent wings. This was it; this was the end. She no longer possessed control of the skies. She was going to hit the ground and then it would be all over. All for helping someone. Not someone, really. A Demon. Her enemy. Yet, she had felt sympathy for him and his cause. She had let him go. And this agonizing demise was her reward.

Her stomach rolled as her body did and she opened her purple eyes to watch the quickly approaching ground. The surface could be no more than one hundred feet away.

Palorradon closed her eyes and waited for death to take her. However, instead of feeling the unforgiving surface, she instead felt a sharp tug on the back of her blouse. A gasp escaped her lips as she was jerked out of her descent and slowly lowered safely to the ground. She crumbled on the concrete, her weak body unable to hold her up. She slowly lifted her head and turned, but her savior was nowhere to be seen. However, that was no longer her concern. The falling was over. Now, there was a new problem. She was going to bleed to death. She needed to get what is left of her wings tended to.

Lor struggled to a wobbly stand and weakly lifted her head, her hair clinging to her face and obscuring most of her sight. Her eyes scanned the nearby buildings, searching for something at least somewhat medical related. Instead, she found what she would have once considered paradise: a library. A small shadow of a smile twitched at her lips as she hobbled forward, awkwardly stepping on the hem of her skirt as she moved. This library could be her sanctuary.

Spots danced in her vision as she trudged on, her head growing lighter and lighter. She stumbled and fell, catching herself on the wall of her destination. She drew back only to find the bloody handprints she had created. With a grimace, she tried to continue on, using the wall now as support and drawing a long line of blood in her wake. She was almost to the doors. There were mere feet away. Then, her knees gave out and she fell, her head and vision swimming. A weak smirk flittered on her lips. She wouldn’t even be able to die how she wanted.

Her body slid down the wall until she laid against the cool concrete, creating a small pool of crimson beneath her back. Her eyes went toward Blist before she closed them, hoping in the back of her mind that this was all worth it and the Demon she had spared found his love’s little girl.

Jinta looked at the invitation in his hand, his mind deep in thought as he considered the possibilities. If he were anyone else he would be biting his lip in indecision, but with his teeth that wasn't his best option. Sighing, Jinta roughly stored the invitation back into his bag looked at the remaining Sharlak. The party could wait, fighting was something he hadn't done a long while and that bothered him. His muscles were soaked in a latent energy called restlessness that was influencing his decision, but he didn't care. Tilting his head, Jinta asked the Sharlak, "Bucko, could I follow ye? Me navigational skills on land ain't exactly...up to par."

As the Sharlak answered, Jinta, in preparation for his fight, took off his harpoon and took out a raggedy handkerchief that had smudges of different shades of brown on it. Jinta always liked to take care of his things, and his harpoon, one of his most relied on weapons, needed to have a lot of proper care, such as proper oils and good nice surroundings to keep it in tip top shape. Making sure to not cut himself on the sharp edge, Jinta started to slowly rub the end of his harpoon, before slowly going faster until he was at a fast paced tempo.

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"Fair enough," Kri'tro grunted, sub-consciously pumping his right bicep in frustration. If there was one thing he hated, save for size jokes, it was having a plan ruined, especially at the hands of a miserable scheming rat. He had a different aura about him now. His aura had turned solemn and his lip was curled into an angry frown.

For now he had to improvise. Did he pretend to be a lesser criminal, or admit exactly who he was? He punched a wooden ladder that leant against the alley wall, knocking it over in anger. Yet somehow his anger still retained the same handsome charm from before. "I need to fight now, but I'd still appreciate the company," he admitted, stalking past her with a small smile, "I mean, a beautiful girl is a beautiful girl, never mind what activities she may get up to in her spare time." He smile grew more genuine and he turned back to her. At least this girl was clever, he thought. She'd probably guessed he wasn't all he seemed to be from the off, which was good as it meant she wouldn't run off screaming and telling guards or whatever as she'd stuck around from her own initiative. "Come along then, princess, let's go smash something. I know where that damn tavern is, so I'll lead."

With that, Kri'tro began to walk, frowning slightly as he realised he would now lose money from having to buy the food from earlier. Whatever. He was the best rogue in the world, so he'd find a way to steal it back. Maybe, things would work out as he had planned after all. He smiled once more. It was all another little twist in their game of chess, and he still intended to win.



Eyes closed. Deep breath. In, out. Repeat. Eyes closed. Deep breath. In, out. Repeat.

Apos sighed in relief as finally his heart rate began to drop. It was always quiet around the castle. Unlike what many other lords would do, Baron Patrixe had always been reserved and likes his privacy, so even at the prime time to show off his exquisite art supples, or hold banquets or tours, or whatever it was that lords did, the castle remained out of bounds save the library, which was understandably quiet given its tame was in comparison to the wild festivities. The sound of pleasant birdsong echoed from the nearby castle gardens, and the sound of the festival was only a distance buzz. Ah, peace. He opened his eyes, and smiled.

And screamed again.

Lying against the wall nearby was a body in a pool of fresh blood. For one great panicked moment he thought it was the girl from earlier, but thankfully it wasn't. Yet why did they have to collapse here, of all places? Apos was half tempted to jump alongside her and pretend he too had injured himself. Then maybe he'd be able to avoid the terrifying stress of trying to deal with it all.

Pull yourself together, he sighed as, eyes twitching again, he shuffled tentatively to the girl's body, piteously wondering what had happened to her. She had fallen face first, but the blood seemed to be coming from a wound on her back, and an icky browned crust was beginning to form on her soaking flesh. Apos was completely clueless as to what to do; he was no medic, and anyhow, this was the kind of thing he would usually try to fervently avoid.

"Stand aside!" came a new voice, sharp but frail. Striding forward from the castle gates was an elderly merlady, thin and gaunt and dressed in a loose fitting white dress that swayed like seaweed with each step she took, aided by a thin black cane. She brought with her that peculiar salty scent all mermen seemed to carry. He did not liken it to the sea because the sea he was familiar with was more like ashes and smouldering rock than tangy salt. Her thin, faint scales were like a sea of wrinkles across her neck and face, fluctuating in size and markings, like indentations in a beach. Bending beside the bloodied girl, her dulled pearl eyes gently regarding it from behind her large, dry clamshell eyelids. Her long silvery hair cascaded down past her thin shoulders as he examined the girl. She had a peculiar aura of power and intelligence, and Apos simply stood back and watched.

"Well, she's not dead," the woman nodded genially.

"No offence, but that's rather an obvious observation to make!" Apos exclaimed, as another, younger girl flounced in, all bright innocent eyes. She wore a frilly emerald-coloured dress and had her hair in three jet black bobs. "Aren't you a doctor?"


"Oh." Apos silently fumed. Drama like this always left him clueless and quietly erratic. A small crowd had started to gather around the body, nervously chattering amongst themselves. The merlady turned to address him.

"Get the body inside, if you will." she ordered.

"Me?" Apos spluttered. What was he supposed to do to help? The body was all coated in blood, and stuff! Though he cared immensely for this poor girl's wellbeing, he wasn't sure he could put his arms in... that.

"Of course you. Do I look strong enough to carry her?" the merlady exclaimed.

"No you don't!" said the younger girl.

"Thank you Amaya. Now come along, chip-chop. There's a life at stake!" Leaving him with no alternative, Apos sighed and knelt down to pick up the body. She was heavier than he expected, and he almost dropped her straight away; at full extension she was possibly as tall as he was. Another angel perhaps? It was unlikely: there was no sign of wings anywhere. Stumbling slightly, he waddled his way away from the crowds, where the merlady was no giving an address, and wobbled his way back to the library. There was a small office near the opening, and he took her in there for privacy. When she was safely down on the table, Apos too collapsed against the door, ruing even further his terrible luck.


@Black Masquerade
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Rani observed her puzzle as an arrangement of emotions fluttered past, most of them surrounding anger or frustration. Hard to tell which. He had a tempter but at least her knew hot to rein it in, for now. She felt bad for what ever poor sap was going to be fighting him. Who ever the beggar was he had struck a nerve or put a kink in what ever he had planned which didn't but her once bit. She would just follow along as she had done before, thus the benefit of not having any hard set plan. Sure she would have an escape plan or two laid out but she always played off of her opponent. "Hm, To the tavern it is then. Perhaps we can get a drink while were there." Rani followed along no less bubbly or interested than before as she walked along side him. "So.... before we were interrupted I believe you were going to tell me what you did for a living." A small sly grin crossed her lips.

"Given we're going to an underground battleground of sorts, a place not at all legal, I'd imagine they have drinks there and probably for a cheaper price than any tavern," he mused as they walked. "But I'm with you. I could kill for a drink. And maybe I will." His eyes blazed with intent; had it not been for having to stick around to find out about Dae'rn, he'd have done something chaotic a while back.

"Ah, princess," he sighed, hoping she would forget her question after the sudden revelation, "Well, I did have an answer planned but it is so full of lies it's unfitting for a princess like yourself. Your tale struck me as largely true, though you missed out certain details, I imagine." He grinned and turned to face the front, ploughing on through the crowds. "Let's just agree to keep who we are a secret for now, and enjoy a good drink as Rain Solaris the humble dancing princess, and her humble protector and 'blacksmith' Max DaeRekkron. We agreed that staying simplistic is better, and I can assure you my life and occupation are far from simple."

They had reached the entrance to the pub, and Kri'tro slung his arm around hers with another grin on his face. "Better be careful, princess. All sorts of nasty folk inhabit these places. You're lucky you've got a nice strong man like me to help you out," He teased bashfully. He was fairly confident she would be able to take care of herself anyhow, but why waste the perfect opportunity for a little flirtation? They walked through the wide doors and into the tavern. There were three people sat at the tables, two at one table, and another loner behind them.

"Well then, princess, are we getting a drink before we head down, or what?" Kri'tro smirked.




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