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Fantasy The Harpy Village

"They very well could get killed here," She said simply, as if everyone knew that. "My people are not fond of your kind. You're lucky I don't generally kill people," She said with a grin.
"Your lucky I don't just capture you now and sell you off the slave market." He replied back smirking. If she wanted to play that game I guess he would too. He just didn't bother to make a movement though he wasn't a threat right now.
"Wha? Why would you even think of doing that?" She asked, sounding a little hurt, and scared again. She wasn't sure if he were joking, or if he had honestly been thinking about doing so.
She was suddenly confused. "Where are you going?" She called after him, hesitantly stepping after him.
"Back to my house, it's getting dark out so I'm gonna just get some sleep and maybe if your lucky you will see me tomorrow." He told her as he left the forest and soon arrived at his house and unlocked the door and want into his bedroom.
She quit following him then. The young harpy watched him a few moments, and then turn and flew off back to her village. It only took her a few minutes to crawl into her sheltered nest and fall asleep.
He soon fell asleep on his bed and rested the best he ever has for a long time, he didn't mind sleeping through the day long as he wasn't interrupted but he just sighed and kept sleeping dreaming about the harpy.
Ava crawled out of her nest the following morning and did what she and others normally did in the morning, eat, talk, and most worked in some way or another. Ava usually went into the forest, so she figured she'd go again. Maybe she's see the human again. She was curious for her own good it seemed.
Justin decided he wanted her for a pet so he went back there and he seemed like the same person she was talking to yesterday. He set up a few traps that would capture her because he would know she would back up if he got close.
Ava landed in the forest, near the spot they had met yesterday. She lowered her wings to her sides and looked around, and slowly began to near the spot where they had actually met.
Justin leaned near a tree waiting for her he didn't know if she would even come back but he hope she did so he could attempt to capture her.
When she entered the small clearing, she saw him. "Hello..." Ava greeted, her eyes on him.
"Yea, Ava. Why?" She asked, glancing at his feet warily. Why was he coming closer to her? They could talk perfectly fine from where he had been before....
He just looked at her from a close view "oh I'm not good with remembering names " he wanted her to step back about five steps so she can fall in his trap but he didn't know how he could make her move back those steps.
"Oh. That's ok," She spoke, very slowly taking a step back to get more space between them. She was still a little uncertain and wary about this guy.
Ava shifted the weight on her feet, wondering why he was asking such a thing. "Fruit, meat.. Anything I suppose... Why?"
She warily took another couple steps back, but they were a little small. She didn't realize this of course, but she was only two feet away from stepping into the traps.
He then leaned against a tree the traps were well hidden but only a harpy could set them off. "Could you do me a favor and step back twice, I would like to give you some distance away from me." He asked her hoping she would fall for his lie. The first time he lied to her was now but when he said he wouldn't hurt her you could qualify that as a lie but he also told her no promises on that reason either.

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