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Fandom The Hall Pass

Akuma was a little lost as he watched the intensity build more and more between his classmates, this really wasn't the kind of interaction he wanted right now, he was hoping Benjiro would help lighten the mood, tended to be what he did despite being overly-excitable at times. Looking to Kazu, he was usually unbothered by Benjiro for the most part, I mean, not even Rosen was getting all up an arms with anyone right now.

Looking to the blond classmate, he seemed to be sitting in a bit of a daze. Bandaged and stitched up, the exhaustion of getting what healing he could from Recovery Girl and the fight catching up to him. His eyes were lightly closed as he sat with a slouched posture, leaning on his spread knees on some random bench just by himself. It was rare to see him just sitting alone, it was a bit out of the ordinary. It seemed even the ones that were the first to jump into the fray were having some coping issues.

Akuma looked Back to Bejiro as he uttered, "Man, what a bitch, right guys?" He gave a short chuckle with a bit of a shrug to go with his Kurt nod. Not sure how else to respond, about to open his mouth to speak regardless, was when elizabeth spoke up. Raising a brow to her, he looked curiously in the direction, Benjiro running past. Akuma looking to the blonde wolf girl, Akuma rose a brow to her and gave a little flirty smirk in her direction. Looking like he wanted to say something flirty before she stood up and announced she'd be going too, despite Benjiro's request. There goes his opportunity.

Looking awkwardly to Kazu as he seemed a bit emotionally constipated, he watched him run off with some random intense thought. Watching him run toward the phones, he let out a little sigh, and there goes his party because he was too slow to interact. Biting the inside of his cheek slightly, he let out a sigh and returned to wandering the halls for awhile, interacting was hard right now, harder than usual. His tail a bit slumped as he began to be consumed again with what more he could have done during that alteraction. If he made the right call to focus all on bystanders. He had almost no injury, while everyone else... then again, that was usually the case with his resistance quirk, right? It probably would have ended up like this either way.... but not if he took the damage instead of them... they wouldn't be as injured. He let's out another deep sigh, nearly running into the bug girl who sat up front in class with him, just by the window while he was closer to the door.

"Ah, Ak-ki-kiyama" He had some trouble getting the name out for a moment as he met her gaze, his eyes always straying to look at the big bug eyes on the top of her head rather than her regular eyes. He wasn't sure if that was rude or not, but he couldn't really help it. The other eyes just gained more attention, "Uh, what are you doing here? I thought you were in the lobby? " He pointed behind himself to where he came from, "N-not that I mind bumping into you here." He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck as he blushed slightly, his tail swaying behind him with a slow rhythm. There were so many cute girls in his class, if anyone could cheer him up it was one of these ladies, if they would give him the time of day.

Back At The Hospital.

Taking one last look at the boy peacefully sleeping in his hospital bed, Akiyama gently shuts the door behind her, turning her head only to run into the big, red wall that had appeared in front of her.
Like Shin, he was also someone she could easily recognize, although the red skin, horns, and general demonic appearance reminded her of someone else who was three times his size, and ten times as angry. Akiyama frequently wondered if they were distant relatives.
Even though Akuma had been sitting behind her since the beginning of school, she'd hardly said a word to him, though her wandering bug eyes did make contact with his on quite a few occasions.
Purin had once told her that she would do well to be careful around him. What she meant by that, Akiyama still did not know.
He looks redder then usual today...I wonder if that's just my eye acting up? She noted to herself, brushing her fingers gently over her upper eye to inspect it's condition.

Nervously, he had asked what she was doing wandering the hospital halls, instead of sitting in the lobby with the others, to which she explains,"I went to go visit Purin."
After opening the box at her side, she adds, "She wanted me to give out these candies to everyone."
Fishing out one the numerous candies, she holds her hand out towards her ruby-skinned classmate, a wrapped chocolate nestled in the center of her palm.
"Here, want one? If you don't, that's fine. I'll just eat it."

Kaleb Baelztorm Kaleb Baelztorm
Akuma opened his palm to accept the treat, looking down at it when Akiyama pulled her hand away. Chocolate? He got chocolate from a girl? This makes up for every valentines day he didn't get chocolate from a girl. Her offer that she would eat it instead sent Akuma to straighten his post as he exclaimed, "N-no! Of course I want it!" He then unwrapped the candy and tossed it in his mouth, enjoying the sweet taste of the treat as he grinned to her, "It's really good! Thank you!" He gave a slight bow of his head to say thank you. Seeming to be at a loss for what to do next racked with awkward realization that a girl gave him chocolate. Embarrassment keeping him in place as he was worried about ruining the moment.
"You're welcome," Akiyama replied, stoic in comparison to the beaming, red imp before her.
With nothing else she could think to really say to him, and Akuma seeming to be at a complete loss after devouring his chocolate, an awkward silence descended upon the hallway.

"...Bye." Akiyama says abruptly, giving Akuma a short bow, and taking her leave.

He seemed really happy for some reason. she notes to herself, glancing over her shoulder.
Marveling at the fanciful box in her hands, Purin's parting words once again resound through her mind.

Is this the power of chocolate?

Kaleb Baelztorm Kaleb Baelztorm

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