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Fantasy The Great Games of Nye


Elriel gave an annoyed sigh, not even trying to hide his dislike of the stupid nickname that had been coined for them. He agreed with their Centurion, but vulgar speech was all this guy knew.

Staring slightly, he found himself curious about his upbringing to use such language so..freely. Still, he’d take the nickname over the male looting dead bodies. He had been called worse, after all.

Fine, nicknames then? Freckles? Pain in my neck? Oh I know, Komondor?” Elriel spoke. He smirked slightly, appreciating Ada’s reassurance. They were right, their was a chance the other wouldn’t be as insufferable as he was in the hole. That was a stressful day. But him help both of them? He couldn’t see it.

The cot creaked under him as he turned to watch Zak go to the button to ask what would happen. Elriel was thankful it was just a light switch unless Mavior lied to get him to leave it alone. Regardless, he chimed in, “We all know he just wants to cause havoc. But I hope he has more brains than to commit suicide and bring us all with him.” Elriel’s head turned again.

His expression couldn’t help but soften as his friend said they looked forward to working with everyone. Their optimism gave him hope. Elriel kept his opinion of the ship to himself, waving his hand at Ivan to dismiss why he wouldn’t stand. He didn’t need such formality anyway. But Elriel had to fight the urge to grit his teeth at the mention of politics.

If Ivan felt he needed to explain or defend his stance, Elriel didn’t want to hear it. He was trying to separate his judgment, not find ways to deepen them. He already had tension with one member of their team. That was plenty.

Someone who knows the terrain is good,” he agreed. His posture was perfect as he sat with his hands folded in his lap. With Ivan wearing such armor, he found himself hoping that they wouldn’t go west. If he recognized the designs, the resistance of the Scandinavian West would as well. It would only cause problems for them all.

He didn’t care what the others may have thought about their whispering. Elriel was thankful he and Adamaris were on the same page; nothing had changed since childhood. Confident they could finish his sentences as well. Regardless, their crystal, these people knew nothing. And keeping it that way, at least for now, was for the best.

Elriel's head snapped up, hearing the crutch hit the floor. The thud as Ivan hit his head, followed by profanity just in another language, he felt a little bad for their Centurion for a moment. But his attention was on Adamaris, who had gotten up to grab the crutch for the women without hesitation. They had such a good heart.

He smiled softly and nodded to Ace who had answered him moments earlier, noticing the burns over her body and the same goggles in her hand. His question about Mavior had never held any malice. “You’re right. Some people are just ‘busy bees’ by nature. I agree with Ada. I’ll look to you if I find myself worrying needlessly.

Elriel glanced over at the bags of sunflower seeds. “No, thank you,” he spoke plainly. Instead, he sat there, an ice ball sitting in his palm. With a little focus, it started to take the form of different shapes. A flower. A swan. It was a habit of his, a simple activity that also served to strengthen his control since he couldn’t train on the ship.

If they had taken his family's aircraft or one from Nye, they almost all had dedicated rooms with a gym. “Is anyone much of a cook? If not, I guess we will have to survive on Ivan’s sunflower seeds,” He asked, looking at the kitchen.

Elriel glanced around again, his eyes settling on Mavior and Zak’s direction. “Also, where are you both from?” He asked. Elriel was curious, but he wouldn’t pry that deeply. To him, it just felt right to try to get to know his team with all the free time they would be spending together on this ship.

Emphoa Emphoa (Adamaris) Jet Jet (Zak)
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles (Mavior) EldridSmith EldridSmith (Ivan)

Goliath sighed, watching the girl skitter away to the centurion’s side. “No, the dark is better for my line of work,” he spoke not going into any details. But the corner of his mouth raised at Nyaall’s comment about liking to be told what to do. He was an interesting character, though definitely a person for bars and fun times, not someone who knew the first thing about fighting.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at Faraji making fun of the pickup line, nodding in agreement. It was indeed pretty bad. His expression didn’t change as he heard the introduction, “that’s better than nothing, I guess,” he spoke.

At least ice was a decent element, a jack-of-all-trades with offensive and defensive capabilities. Faraji could have benefits on this mission if they could work together, but ice underfoot would only lead to a mess.

Goliath’s eyes twinkled slightly, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the redhead who reprimanded Nyaall and then turned to him. “Come on. I couldn’t have already hurt your feelings, could I? There is a difference between demeaning and speaking the truth.” He spoke, kicking a rock that clattered as it bounced down the stairs loudly.

Don’t worry about my experience, bud. But if you’re so passionate about her, feel free to make sure she doesn’t die yourself,” he spoke with a shrug.

He looked at the centurion they’d been assigned. And the familiar, that was now on Goliath's shoulder, making his eyebrows furrow as he stared at Bean’s shrimp. ‘Get you’re stupid familiar away from me,’ he thought to himself, fighting the urge to flick it off.

Positive and friendly?” He hummed like he was considering it before laughing and shaking his head. He had no intention of doing either. “Oh yes, this is the best tunnel I’ve ever seen,” he mocked.

Goliath smirked, noticing the dangerous glint and standing a little straighter. He’d fought enough people during his lifetime to know the guy standing before him would take his head. He didn’t mind crazy, though. Goliath blinked slowly, Bean didn’t look to be the same age, maybe because he wasn’t cowering, but he wouldn’t question the words.

That is impressive, but that would only make you an outlier. I’m sure you’ve heard that before considering your position.” He spoke, letting it go. It didn’t change the fact the girl was useless. Maybe it wasn’t age, maybe it was simply everything about her.

He rolled his eyes as Adrian spoke again. “I’m not saying starting young is a bad thing. Fighting mole-tooths is a more reasonable mission than investigating an underground crime city. Someone could grab her, sell her off into a .. well, you get the point.” Goliath noticed him staring at the walls before speaking about some monster as he illuminated the ground with fire.

Minus the girl. Ice, Light, Fire, Lightening. Not the worst combination of elements he’d ever seen.

Goliath did hear to the words though he didn’t acknowledge them. Watching his step as he walked and listening to Bean answer the question. Seven was a high number of deaths. He agreed, he was almost positive this was connected in one way or another.

The Undercity, outcasts of society hidden from the laws, would be a perfect place for the people who caused the attack to call home. “How deep is the Undercity beneath Nye? Have you been here before?” Goliath asked to Bean. Looking back unable to see the door behind them anymore.

He turned to Nyaall remembering his question to Lord Vincent. “So how does it feel to be free of your contract?” He asked.

Jet Jet (Adrian) Arcanist Arcanist (Faraji)
Anne Boolean Anne Boolean (Nyaall) Lost Echo Lost Echo (Vixie)
The day was going well. The fight may have been lost after she took a blow to the head but that didn’t stop Euclaire from having a good time watching the games once it was all said and done. She had taken a seat by a group of shifty looking men. They couldn’t possibly be too bright seeing as how they were openly gambling amongst themselves, using only code words to disguise what they were up to. Granted, she wasn’t too bright herself as she joined them in their activities.

Before any of them could get caught and possibly end up on some list, it all went to shit. An explosion, chaos, and confusion followed the relatively peaceful day.

Euclaire had seen death before but it had never once been so gruesome. Bodies crushed under rubble, people wailing for their loved ones; Cries for help blending with screams of horror and many reaching for friends they’d never once hold in their arms again. For the longest time she stood frozen, finding herself unable to comprehend the gravity of it all.

After taking a moment to calm herself, she moved to help those she could. With nimble hands, Euclaire helped herself to some compensation along the way, snatching from people more focused on things that took higher priority than what was in their pockets. She wasn’t completely shameless, only taking enough to half fill her pockets or jewelry that matched her outfit; no more, no less. She didn’t need to get caught walking out with pockets full of more than what she could afford.

With Gugu’s assistance, she was able to carry those that couldn’t move to a safer area. The moment she found herself a task to focus on, everything beyond it was a blur.

At some point she was asked or rather forced to attend a meeting with other participants. As much as she wanted to head out, the moment they brought up money, her feet were cemented into place. She was no mercenary but cash was cash. There couldn’t possibly be anyone out there uninterested in living without a care.

Euclaire mostly kept to herself for the following week, only going out to look around and get something to eat. There were familiar faces here or there but she doubted anyone was in the mood to play around with her. At some points she would hear music from another room and dance to the sound alone in her room. At other points, she’d sneak out and play card games with those simply needing a distraction along the way. As anxiety inducing as the situation was, Euclaire found the week to be relatively peaceful. There were no needs that she’d have to go without, no one to fight with, no having to haggle down prices to afford something to eat.

She was content.

The ship itself was a marvel to behold. Though Euclaire couldn’t read very well, she’d seen pictures of ships just like the one they stood on in books workers left at the brothel. It was a tactic for younger women to pretend to be shy and well read. It painted a picture of innocence their patrons seemed to naturally gravitate to.

With every new experience, anxiety, excitement, bubbled up within her wanting any excuse to burst out. it was all shown in her wide eyes and childish smile and how she practically bounced with every movement.

The excuse came in the somber sound of an instrument she’d never heard of. With a smooth sway of her hips, she relished the reverberations in the air, feeling the song for just a moment and gracefully dancing towards the deck to express emotions she never felt the need to vocalize. Honest as she was, vulnerability wasn’t her strong suit.

Once she had finished venting to herself, she made her way to the source of the sound to find the others already there.

Truthfully, the sight of the group she’d be working with perplexed her. They all looked very mismatched. Sweeping her gaze from one to another, she attached names to faces solely based off of the few matches she watched. There were some she didn’t recall seeing, possibly people she missed out on learning about when she went to clean up after her own match but she was sure she’d get the chance to learn more about them soon enough.

The one who pulled most of her attention was the musician. Like a piper it had seemed he even managed to lure in the Centurion that was assigned to them. “Seems like everyone’s finally gathered in one spot.” She commented, her finger gently rubbing Gugu who remained perched on her ear. “Don’t tell me it's time for show and tell.”​
Vixie’s smile at Nihal’s comeback fell as she facepalmed. Literally, one hand covering half her face before sliding off exaggeratedly pulling at her skin. Here too? She hadn’t known Nihal would flirt with every guy that breathed (though to be honest, it would have broken her little teen heart if she had--even now it occasionally twinged, even though she promised she wouldn’t be like that.) But this was getting out of hand. She’d lost track of the number of guys he’d ‘talked to,’ and had been too scared to ask what he did at night. If she caught him at the wrong time, he might try teaching her how to flirt again.

She let her hand fall with a snort as the long-haired person quipped back under his breath. His name had not helped her dilemma; she’d never heard of Faraji before. To her ears, it didn’t sound masculine or feminine. Still, his voice, accented with something that sent a shiver down her spine, was low enough it had to be a man’s right? She was not going to ask.

She turned to the older redhead, surprised he’d admitted his fear. Lingering in the back, she murmured, “Thanks” to his assessment, not wanting to draw more attention to him. Especially after he defended her as well.

She watched Bean’s familiar climb onto this stranger’s shoulder and shuddered, freaked out by the violation. The fact that he had a soul was clear, but there was something wrong with that boy. Still, she was surprised to hear him stand up for her. When Goliath mocked him in turn, she added on, “Well, the steps are a lot less slimy than I’d expected. Practically clean.” She kicked her foot out, a puff of dust following her movements.

But the man continued. With a disgusted sigh, she spoke up. “Sure, there’s speaking the truth. Except everyone here knows that already. Do you honestly think I haven’t grown up on horror stories of the Undercity? That I’m not aware even in Nye proper that being taken could mean being sold to a life worse than death?” She shook her long red hair like a mane down her back. “So you see, repeating the obvious, just to make me more scared, is demeaning. And absolutely unnecessary.” With a scoff, she added, “But since you’re soooo concerned, you can call me Vixie, when you think of me in your nightly regrets.

She went her fellow redhead’s route, summoning her fire into a snake, reminiscent of Bean’s previous attack, and wrapped it around her arm. She’d spent her nights away from Nihal trying to figure out what the centurion had done. She could raise the temperature around her high, without harming herself, but that took a lot of concentration. Summoning the snake, and keeping it wrapped around her like she usually did Philos-o-fur, was much easier. It’d burn anyone else--she hadn’t figured out how to tell who was friendly or not, but she’d reached the point she was perfectly safe. Even if at first she’d taken quite a few trips to the infirmary. Raising her hand, she used the snake as a flashlight, scanning the ceiling, since the other fire user was checking the floor. Turning slightly to the boy, she asked, “Anything to worry about on the ceiling?

Then Bean answered her question. Seven. She hadn’t even heard of that many retiring in her lifetime. Let alone dying. All of a sudden, she was grateful he was the one accompanying them. She’d never really been around Centurions using their power, but surely he had to be one of the strongest. And though she wanted to keep it in reserve, there was always that favor…

Anne Boolean Anne Boolean (Nihal) Arcanist Arcanist (Faraji) Jet Jet (Adrian/Bean) Goliath Goliath (Goliath)
Charlie Redding
Charlie glanced out the corner of her eye towards Renn, the ornery woman unable to feel but a bit of sympathy towards her, even if it didn't show. Afterall, Charlie may have been a cold-hearted bitch, but she wasn't a heartless bitch. Fine difference, there. And with how easy it was to make Renn curl up into a ball...ouch, reminded her of Rose and her mum. Note to self, songbird doesn't like loud noises. As the other two introduced herself, Charlie unceremoniously unwrapped another lolly that she freed from the pocket of a leather jacket, popping the sugary treat into her cheek and working it silently, her glare never leaving...did this woman even know the concept of how to smile? Even when Renn made her give a soft laugh, it didn't even earn a small grin. Charlie wasn't sure what to make of everyone, not yet. Renn probably had some sort of skillset, but it sure as hell wasn't confrontation. Zulan over there was probably good for a scuffle, she'd have to be mindful of that. Kilderkin though...she seemed too damn happy, like her brain cells had all gone to the gallows and all that remained was an empty room. She didn't like it. People who were too damn happy all the time were the one's who had a history of stabbing her or throwing the first punch. Macragge was flooded with those sorts, people who said they had a puppy to show ya before clubbing you with some rebar they found. Or maybe she was being too judgemental, maybe she was the sociopath here...Nahhh. She'd lived her entire life on gut instinct, and her gut was telling her three things. One, Renn was not the sort who'd do well near or in prison. But...she no doubt had something there, she just didn't know what it was yet. Two, Zulan had some serious baggage to unpack and she wasn't getting paid to be a mover, but she could probably count on him in a fight. Three, watch the hell out for 'Kildi' over there. She was a bit of an enigma and hard to read, but if she had the time she could probably crack that puzzle box...she just wasn't sure she'd like what she found.

Zulan over there, he seemed a unique sort for a number of reasons, and as he brought up the country of Nihzar one could swear Charlie's scowl ever deepened, but not a flinch beyond that. Her own eyes, red as they may be, had nothing on the shorter male, pools of magma that looked far too peaceful for any reason. As Zulan examined her hands, even from this distance, there were a few noticeable things. Firstly, they were of course a woman's hands, fair and slender, sure. However, they were covered in cuts and callouses, bruises and scars that would never fade away, like she had shoved her hands in a wood chipper on a bet. Charlie didn't just fight with her hands, she spoke with her hands, she answered with her hands, and if she had to she'd kill with her hands. If one had an X-Ray option in their sight, there was a strong chance one would find fingers were broken and healed over time...not enough to rob her of a true range of motion, but enough that the bones of her digits were harder than they should've been.

"Nahzir, eh? Buncha pissants, that bunch. Always wanting to start a new war, never wanting to fix the crap they break. Can't blame ya fer runnin' out on a bunch like that." She paused as he addressed her hands directly, glancing at them for a moment and then back to him. "Eh? Nah, couldn't give a shit about the fantastical games," she started. There was no way she didn't know the proper name for them by now, it was as if she was actively trying to be disrespectful to the title it held...perhaps not the people before her, maybe someone or something else. "I work fer a livin', if it matters much ta ya. Probably saw ya down in the arena then, was lookin' for a friend o' mine. Dumbass went and got lost, near as I can tell. Was tryin' to get em back home. Fuckin'-" her favored c-lettered word was cut off by the cawing corvid, who saw fit to interrupt her, "-has the attention span of a drunken rodent. Probably saw a cute dame for all I fuckin' know." Charlie's tone, gruff as ever, did nothing to betray her real reason for being there. Sure, she was lookin' for a 'friend'. And sure, she planned to bring em back home. But that was more so the widow the maniac had left behind wanted a good look at the body to confirm the living nightmare wasn't so living anymore. But was it really a lie, when she was still honest about her intentions? Sure, she wasn't the least bit sociopathic, just a product of her life and region.

The bundle of ager that was the blonde turned her attention to 'Kildi' then, shifting the lolly in her mouth to the other cheek. "Charlie. Macragge, in the outback, born 'n raised." As she confirmed a lifelong affiliation with a hive of scum, villainy, and death around every corner...slowly, ever so slowly, one of her hands moved to gently poke Renn in the ribs...poke...poke poke. Sure it might annoy her, but it'd at least get her to stop the damn sulking if just to tell her to knock it the hell off. She couldn't stand the fuckin' sulking. Pitt, for her part, had ceased the staring contest to fly back towards Charlie with aflutter of wings, landing on her shoulder and poking her in the temple now as if to extend the chain of prodding, only to cease when she glared at the corvid. "Startin' to think I saw ya both down in the arena when I was lookin' around. Figures I have the most piss-poor timing to wind up in a blast site. If ya' need ta' know anythin' else 'bout me, go ahead 'n ask. I'm just a bundle 'o sunshine, promise." she said in a very not-so-bundle 'o sunshine way.
rozukitsune rozukitsune Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith

Zak examined the nerd like a scientist watching an experiment, head cocked as he turned from the terminal. He looked down at his hands and slowly blinked as a small, creeping annoyance wormed through his mind, because no-one ever stonewalled him. "Really?" He leaned back and yawned like a house cat, rubbing his eyes as he scowled at the captain. "Nothing? No worry at all? Not even if I smashed it like a chimp?"

He waved his hands around the button like a caveman, but it seemed the nerd cared little for his antics. He was completely unbothered even by the highest forms of stupidity, greatly disappointing the macragge lad. "Well then," he said, lowering his hands in disappointment.

"You're checked out mate." He skulked over and smirked at the wealthy nobles, looking back at Mavior one last time. "I was messing about but you shouldn't trust strangers mate, what if I'm working for the other side yeah?"

He knowingly nodded with a slanted half-smile, before facing the nobles who despised him. He could feel their gaze burning like sun through a looking glass, and he was honestly surprised. Yeah he'd given them a nickname but it wasn't even a bad one! Fuckstick beat ones like fuckwit, fuckwad, fuckhead and mother-fucker, among others of the non-fuck variety. It was the best name he could give based on their gracious personalities, because they were certainly fuckers to begin with.

The comebacks were certainly not up to par though, his skin was too thick for insults like freckles, pain in the neck or... Komondor? Kimono? Kamodo Dragon? He wasn't sure what Elriel was on about; maybe he was brain damaged from the attack?

"Those meant to hurt my feelings?" For the first time he was thankful to come from nothing, because if that's what nobles took offense to, it must've been a dreadfully boring experience. "Ladies like freckles you know, and Kamodo Dragons? Mate, you realize those things are bloody monsters?" He chuckled and paced the room back and forth like a trapped beast, clearly bored by the cramped quarters. He'd flown plenty but never on such a small, restrictive little craft.

"This place is fucking hell innit." He tapped the wall of the ship. "When I die I'm gonna wake up in one of these bloody things." He summoned a hollow ball of paper thin, light stone from the air, about the same size as a soccer ball. It wouldn't bounce but it beat than having nothing at all. "How're ya managing it ya big slab?" He glanced at the innocently pure giant, smirking at his hatred of cursing.

Zak could already see how close they'd become, like fire and water or rocks in his shoes. Two opposites who'd likely hate each other. "Might need to dangle ya from the ship at this rate, but keep from the politics and I won't grab a rope." He smiled and tapped his ball into the air, gently kicking it to keep it from falling.

After all, he needed to keep his sanity somehow, and his rigid teammates weren't helping the cause.

Goliath Goliath Emphoa Emphoa ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles EldridSmith EldridSmith
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Zulan watched his party carefully. Kilderkin's seemed to focus most of her attention on Charlie at first, in his mind Charlie was less suspicious than Kilderkin but it was quite possible there would be some friction between the two. Her attention was then directed at Renn with a large grin, seemed the two had met before as there was recognition between the two for some reason. The overly chipper Kilderkin then piped up and started talking, both he and Charlie seemed to think her TOO upbeat from what he could tell. "I will once again advise caution with your optimism. Keep plans for if things go sour on hand. As for your hands they look like those of a sailor and swordswoman, but not the hands of a practitioner of hand to hand combat." He remarked as he pointed to his knuckles which were heavily calloused just like Charlie's.

Zulan kept his expression neutral after his first glance, even stilling his eye's expression as he looked at Renn... they seemed like an emotional mess so far, he found it hard to sympathize with her thus far considering she was someone who had almost everything in Nye compared to him who had been the runt of the tribe and was forced into slavery to fight people like himself. Still he could understand in his own right, she had been ripped away from everything she knew and held dear, now straying out of her gilded cage into the cruel world like he had when he was made a sacrifice for his tribe. Everyone had their own struggles.

Zulan did notice her peeking through her knees and looked her in the eyes before turning his attention to Charlie. He would try and help out the emotional songbird later, now they had to be realistic and look at what everyone could do. It seemed Charlie was on a similar page as she looked at the party with assessing eyes. When it came to him her scowl deepened in response to his mention of Nahzir. Seems she too disliked them as she talked. She didn't share her reasons for being here aside a friend, though Zulan understood she too may have some cards to keep close to the chest. She then addressed Kilderkin before returning to Renn... by poking her a bunch before addressing everyone that they were free to ask questions. Zulan had several but decided to hold off on big questions as most of his were personal. "Well I figure we should keep personal questions for when we know one another better, so let's start with something practical. We have two brawlers, a swordswoman, and... may I inquire if you have any combat training Renn? If not I'm sure we can try and give you some basic lessons for self defense considering how rowdy criminals can be. Aside from combat, what skills do you all have?" He said as he squatted down to get on the same level as Renn with a friendly smile. "I can go first, I can make simple things like baskets, jewelry, and whatever you would need to survive outside, but I also was one of the best cooks in my village. I can sing some but likely nowhere as well as you Ms. Renn." He said in cheerful tone before looking to the others. Ideally they would be honest and cooperate considering their lives may depend on it.

Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
“Best not to get too hung up on those details for now… it probably make it harder to think later“ Ava commented to Johan as it seemed Anya had brought up more bad memories of it for others there wasn't going to be any ignoring it was it? No matter what stuff would circle back to the arena... tho that was something she wanted to avoid as much as possible.

"If anything the lot there might know how it went missing I assume stealing a corps is like robbing a place soo you know they might have some insight unless its a political prisoner deal could be that too" ava once again commented her halfway nonsense halfway sensable answer spoken with untmost confidence that it was probably somewhat correct maybe?

"hmm damn it if... you know who was here he'd probably know more about the poison I'm guessing shit well.. anyway Anya maybe this is a big distraction too? You know like in tha- nevermind maccrag game don't wanna explain the whole thing but distracting the opponent important poisoning some guy and hiding the body is a perfect distraction unless it not hmm yeah I got nothing"
Rat glanced towards Mischa, smirking as he gave her a two fingered salute at her compliment towards him and his brown eyes flitted back towards the other woman of the hour. "Very true, well said, I have a lot on my mind- things I want to make and adjust, especially for the trip ahead- we don't know what we're going to run into, yeah?" He snorted out a little bit at the thought, and Remy poked his head out- as if in agreement with the magitech engineer as he brushed himself off and perked up at the sound of Ilana's voice and he puffed- pouting ever so slightly at what she had to say.

"You know, life is much more interesting than some badge- I get... wanting it, but not enough where you'd let the world fly around behind you, and miss the chance to make some real meaningful connections." The engineer gave a little shrug before he glanced away. "Some badge won't make a difference if you're alone at the end, or you don't have anyone you can turn to." He admitted and he scrunched his nose at the thought before he decided it would have been better to just leave the woman be and he walked towards the edge where he could look off the ship, his eyes twinkling lightly as he glanced back towards Mischa.

"Mad! Come on, give yourself a little more credit." He laughed a little bit at the thought, before he shook his head and he looked back out, his expression softening at the sights passing them by. "We're just trying to enjoy what we can, we're all going through a lot- we survived something... unsurvivable. I'd think it would let you appreciate life a little more for what it is. It could have... really been any of us that lost our lives, so it's best to keep living to the fullest- especially for those we've lost." His eyes flitted back towards the red head, and he offered her a kind smile with that statement. "You should look more at this view- take it all in because we'll probably never get to see it like this again!"

He chuckled once more, brightening up again as the engineer straightened up, Remy crawling up onto his head to also get a better look as his nose twitched.

Jet Jet ZackStop ZackStop
Kilderkin looked down at Renn, who had retreated again. She smiled at the other woman, but Kilderkin didn't think it would be particularly comforting, as Renn knew 'Kildi' was just an act. But Kilderkin really did wish her the best. Kilderkin had a feeling that everyone here would be surprised by the singers resilience, come the end of it all, what ever that looked like. Even if she wasn't confident and strong now, who was that way all of the time? Kilderkin had seen her determination in the arena. Besides, she was still finding her feet in a new place. No one was a warrior from birth.

And even as she thought that, Renn seemed to recover. Observing Zulan curiously from between her legs.

"Yea. I was in the arena, bandaging the wounded. Me and Renn." Kilderkin nodded. "I hope your buddy is alright. Honestly, hopefully you were wrong, and he wasn't in the arena at all. Would be safer for em." Kilderkin cocked an eyebrow at Charlie as she began poking Renn for, apparently, no reason.

Charlie was a bundle of sunshine indeed. At least the sort of sunlight that caused burns.

"Ask you anything? Sure! What's your favorite food---" She said, just as Zulan made the comment about keeping personal questions for when they knew each other better. "Oh. Yea. Never mind. Maybe later. And you know, Zulan. I can't really help but be me. Optimism might come back to bite me in the ass," She shrugged, grinning, "But I'll deal with that when it happens. As for my skills, I'm a sailor as you can tell by my hands! I can fill any position on a sky ship or ocean going vessel, and I know every knot known to man. I know how to read the wind and tides, the ocean and the sky, orient myself without tools, and, uh, I can cook too. But its more... survival cooking. I've been stranded more than once, so I know how to make a stew taste alright even if the only things on hand are old boots and water! Nothing fancy though. I can certainly sing, as well, but nobody would want to hear it!" She laughed.

EldridSmith EldridSmith rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Renn 2.png
Renn seemed impetuously determined to continue to be upset as Charlie poked her in the ribs, but she couldn't stay down when even Zulan was now trying his best to be friendly.

With all of them ganging up on her, she couldn't help but smile back, looking a bit like a kid with Charlie's lolipop still sticking out of her mouth. "Combat training?" She pulled the mostly-evaporated sweet from her mouth and made a figure eight in the air with surprisingly deft fingers. "No... I wouldn't say that." She popped the rest of the sweet back into her mouth and sighed while Noel hopped off her perch at last to settle herself on the young woman's amber locks. "I had some really basic self defense courses... and fencing, but I never faced off against anyone actually you know... trying to kill me." She admitted with a quirk of the lips that said quite clearly she knew she was the weak link in this party of four.

"Look... I'm not a total idiot ok?" Her smile grew patient, some of her social training kicking in as she found the strength to roast herself before her new friends. "I can tell you guys are from tough places or have histories where you had to fight to survive. I'm not trying to hide the fact I don't belong here. I dunno whose idea it was to throw me on a ship going to deal with folks who will take one look at me and my soft noble self and probably have no issue throwing me over their shoulder and holding me for ransom or something." She shrugged as though bored by the concept she was totally out of her element. "And if they realize what I am and they have some kind of personal beef with Nye like mostly everyone? I'm probably as good as shark food." She looked briefly annoyed, then shrugged and smiled crookedly. "My skillset is singing, dancing and looking pretty. I was raised to be someone's trophy wife. All fluff and no substance. I can barely even control my element... no one thought it very important to show me how to use it."

She settled her legs down, cross-legged onto the deck and splayed her hands. "What you see right now is basically what you get. Sorry to disappoint."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles EldridSmith EldridSmith Fred Colon Fred Colon
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Charlie Redding
Charlie was silent for a time, careful to read the room between lulls of conversation, the stick of her sweet shifting this way and that in her maw, endlessly harassed by the muscular organ that routinely stayed hidden behind surprisingly pearly whites. "Aye, if he's not I'll find em eventually. That might have to be on hold though, I guess. 'Less he did something to end up in prison when I wasn't looking." How dreadfully convenient that'd be, to find the killer she was hunting in a nest of them. Well, if that ended up being the case, this may not be a total waste of her time in the end. As Kilderkin started in with the 'favorite food' question, Charlie raised a brow, deciding to answer even if she cut herself off. "Homefries 'n gravy." She shifted the lolly in her maw again, placing it between two molars and...crunch. She crushed the hard candy between two teeth, spitting the stick out on the ground with a tilt of her head away from Renn once again. She usually savored the damn things, but trying to hold a conversation and have a hard candy in her mouth was something she could do, but preferred not to. Attention drifted from Zulan, to Kilderkin, to Renn again finally, the blonde having since ceased her prodding of the woman's ribs.

"Aye. They'd eat you alive, if not do something else unsavory first," she started, giving no soothing words to such an opinion. There was no point in lying about it, people didn't usually end up in prison for being good folks. "But I promised ta keep 'n eye on ya, yeah? And Charlie's good as her word. Besides, bit hard to learn social graces from ya when you're talking through a broken jaw." Charlie offered what comforting words she could offer, but comforting people wasn't her innate skillset. And hell, by Macragge standards, she'd said some very kind nonsense! Her brow furrowed as she realized it was her turn, Pitt once again going to peck at her temple in an effort to annoy her, once again only stopped by a glare from it's human companion. "Let's see...what can I do beyond fightin'? I can do house keepin'. Cookin' and sewin' namely. Between tha two of us, the sailor and I can probably make food last a while, even if we're low on options. I'm good with kids, not sure how the 'ell that'd help us where we're going. I'm good at trackin'...people, animal, monster on occasion. I've got what ya'd call a 'detective skillset', good at findin' answers and people. 'Course, makes me chronically allergic to bullshit as well," the last statement, of course, was a joke...though Charlie did have a lack of patience for quote 'bullshit'. "Can't sing nor dance fer shit, don't bother askin' me to...I can play the harmonica. And, though it's useless lest ya get creative with it,I can do this." Charlie cleared her throat a bit before pressing her lips together and rather flawlessly mimicking a robin...then a finch, and even a young hawk. The final trick did require her to open her mouth a bit wider in a pose she new damn well looked rather stupid, sounded exactly like a corvid, the likes of which caused Pitt to stare at her as if she'd just insulted it's entire bloodline.

Ending her little show and tell she purse her lips, raising a finger to gently flick a finger in front of her familiar, not close enough to touch it, but enough to make it back off. "Can't say it's terribly handy, though it's got uses on occasion. Usually just easier on me to show 'n tell than say it. I can mimic bout twenty-five or thirty of the feathered c-" caw, "'n countin'."
Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune EldridSmith EldridSmith
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"A man of culture with a limerick on his tongue, and a revolutionary girl I'd say!" Isaac grinned with the warmth of a loving grandad, spreading his arms as he said, "It's quite nice to meet you!" He turned to the village and walked down the street, waving the foreigners after him. His townsfolk were reluctant to part ways and some, mostly young men, muttered suspicions below their breaths. Talk of centurions and spies floated through the crowd, and others questioned Isaac as he parted them.

"Quiet! Quiet please!" He tapped the ground with his walking stick. "I've always been a keen judge of character, have I not?"

The crowd begrudgingly murmured in agreement. "Was I not correct when taking in the Ferangeer boys?"

"Was I not correct when I turned away the Nocktin?" They muttered in agreement once more, and slowly, like Moses parting the red sea, Issac walked through the suspicious crowd. He looked back as sandy gravel crunched below his feet, an apologetic smile on the edge of his mouth. "Ten thousand apologies, please forgive their suspicions."

"We rarely have visitors, especially ones from so far away — but I digress!" His eyes widened by a hair. "We could certainly use a few check ups, medical care in these lands is underwhelming to say the least! Certainly not up to par with other places."

"We've got many parents with snot nosed little brats, I'm sure they could use your help. And the farmhands could too, always coming home with nasty cuts and bruises from the field.... and from getting drunk."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Nyaall was at least sober enough to recognize the disconnect between Faraji's words and his expression. He matched the man's smile with one of his own, although certainly more confident and mischievous.

"Don't worry. I can keep things new and exciting too," he responded. He brushed off Adrian's criticism to his advances, but somehow the bit about the trapmaws managed to stay between his ears. His eyes shifted to the ground as he tried to discern any of the signs the redhead mentioned as his blade illuminated the ground beneath them.

"You cook in the dark?" Nyaall questioned Goliath with feigned surprise after his response, giving a nod to the previous conversion that no one else was here for. "Good work not over-spicing things!" He gave the kind of grin someone who enjoyed the groans of their peers after the made a pun would give. Only after the man's next question did he become serious for the first time since they started on this expedition.

"It's... amazing..." he responded. "It's beyond anything I could have imagined. It's something that I never thought I'd be able to attain for myself..." Perhaps it was the alcohol and other substances still in his system, perhaps he was being willfully ignorant to it, or perhaps he was just dumb, but he seemed to not realize that he was in fact still contracted to work for another. Either way, the lack of that realization made the current line of thought pure bliss for the performer.

Another moment of seriousness came when Vixie responded to Goliath. He wouldn't be able to back her up on standing up for herself. He had learned early on that as long as it was words, it was best to just grin and bear it. Sometimes even for things beyond that, as long as they were not lethal. He wouldn't have made it this far in life if it wasn't for that lesson. But he could empathize with her fear of being taken and sold into a terrible life.

"Don't worry," he said, seemingly finding sobriety for one moment in his demeanor. "No one's snatching any of us. We have a Centurion with us, and I'm sure we'll be able to fend off any threats as long a we work together." He gave the girl a reassuring smile.

And the tender moment was gone as he tripped and almost fell forward with his next step. Thankfully it wasn't into the jaws of a trapmaw or anything. His carefree demeanor continued, not at all phased by the large number of Centurion deaths mentioned.

Goliath Goliath Jet Jet Arcanist Arcanist Lost Echo Lost Echo
Zulan figured most of Kilderkin's skills would be ship related, and he was right, neither the cooking nor singing were far outside of his expectations either, considering both were often employed by the military sailors in Nahzir.

When it was moved on to Charlie, it was odd that they all shared the cooking skill save Renn, though the other two never claimed to be great at it, leaving himself to be the cook most likely, which was fine he enjoyed sharing his cuisine with others and wanted to learn more about foreign food. Charlie's mention of sewing was odd to him, considering it was a common skill everyone in his tribe had. It was likely his assumption again that was distorted, but it was unimportant now. What he didn't expect however was her being good with kids. She then mimicked birds he was unfamiliar with though a few similar to birds of his home. "Ah, tracking, I am trained in it as well in the wilds but I am unsure how universally it can be applied as the savanna is different from many places... I have many minor skills from doing a little of everything in the village." He said with a smile, considering most of them too minor to mention though many of them adjacent to what Charlie and Kildierkin could do.

As for Renn thankfully she started to cheer up as she went to answer their questions. She had no combat training aside what was likely the most basic of basic self defense courses and some fencing. He didn't know fencing but as far as he saw it was loosely similar to one handed spear fighting, though it couldn't be thrown, so they both likely had very different styles beyond the basics as some things remained constant with all martial weapon martial arts, and even to some extent hand to hand martial arts. She then went to say she wasn't an idiot, and Zulan looked around before looking back at Renn.

"Yes, the three of us are from tough places, some of our own choice, others forced into it, but from what I can tell from your social abilities you were as well, just in an environment with safety nets that most of us didn't have. The only reason I'm still alive is due to a deceased friend on the battlefield that could talk us out of a lot of trouble so don't discount that as I'm inept at dealing with the high and mighty. Now I will say, I don't belive anyone said you were an idiot." He remarked with a grin as he looked at her. "As for fighting the three of us can take care of that as long as you can keep away from danger, but you're likely going to be doing most of the talking with the stuck up while the rest of us... may need to talk with our hands." He remarked being familiar with interrogation to a degree from proximity. "As for singing at least you can keep up morale and look good doing so." He said with a playful grin, nothing lecherous or malicious, perhaps it was a hint of childlike innocence buried under all his life experiences, but it was clear he meant well. When she sat down he felt the urge to pat her on the head like many of the elders of his village did with the children, but it was likely too out of place in this culture, also he wasn't sure how old she was either.
Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Kilderkin clapped her hands together. "A skilled bunch, huh? I like it. I don't mind sharing my skills, either. Skyships and the like are important to get around on. If you ever want a tutorial on being a sailor, I'm open! I can promise you, knowing your port and starboard, how to tie a few knots and how to take down a sail will make anyone crewing a vessel change their mind about you. It'll take you from 'annoying passenger getting in the way of my work' to 'potential drinking buddy' in to time flat." She grinned,

Kilderkin appreciated this exercise. Zulan's training as a soldier was certainly making itself apparent. Know the skills of your team. It was sound strategy, and it truly did seem they had a wide range of capabilities. Not everything was covered, it would have been nice to have some sort of ranged fighter, or a healer, but Kilderkin could fulfill both of those roles in a pinch, albeit not nearly as well as someone who was dedicated to either skill.

"Hey. By the way, weren't we supposed to have a Centurion? Why haven't they come out yet? I'd like to hear what they're good at too! I bet they're good at loads of stuff."

'Kildi' stood on her tip toes, looking around, as if the Centurion was hiding behind a door, or might pop out of the floor boards at any moment.

Kilderkin hoped that they'd been given someone strong but not too perceptive. That would be ideal. Either that, or.... but no. She shouldn't expect to be that lucky. Or unlucky? She wasn't sure which.

He had certainly seen her during the match, though... Would he make contact? Or had he ratted her out to Lord Vincent? If he had, why hadn't she seen any trace of recognition in Lord Vincents face when he spoke to her during the meeting?

It was no use wondering.

She stopped her search, and turned to the others again. "I could help you with your sword play, Renn. Its not fancy like fencing, but my sword aint too heavy." She said, motioning to her long cutlass with its ornate hilt and beautifully gold embroidered scabbard. "It's light, like a rapier would be. Might be better for you to learn than punching." She shrugged, but smiled at the two brawlers, "But only if you're interested. You might want to focus on learning something else. Not everybody in this world needs to be able to fight."
EldridSmith EldridSmith ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles rozukitsune rozukitsune
Renn 2.png
Renn was feeling more and more bolstered as each of the others in turn revealed their abilities and offered to teach her or told her that just being who she was was good enough. She offered them all a warm little smile to show her appreciation for their efforts, then held up an arm for Noel to perch on top of. "Well... I can do those things. Talking and singing are definitely strong suits." She nods her head to the Phoenix on her arm. "Also Noel can heal."

The firebird eyes the trio around it and coos softly. "Since I'm not very good with my magic, her healing isn't all that strong but... minor scrapes and bruises are no problem for her."

She smiled up at the trio and finally pulled the sweet-free stick from her mouth, carefully re-wrapping it in its wrapper so she could stick it back in a pocket to toss later when she got the opportunity. For the first time since she'd gotten recruited, she was actually starting to see this new assignment as an opportunity to reinvent herself. Well... reinvent herself the way she'd always wanted to be, instead of the ways her handlers had demanded.

No more handlers... aside from the loss of Gareth that was most definitely an improvement!

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles EldridSmith EldridSmith Fred Colon Fred Colon
𝓜𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓻 '𝓜𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴' 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓻

Ace gave an appreciative smile to Adamaris as the crutch was lifted from the ground and offered over to her. There was a moment of fussing, then, as she worked to affix the goggles over her eyes again, emerald green once again hidden behind the opaque abyss that stared back at the world. After all, she could only use one hand, it'd be rather difficult to hold onto those goggles and the rung of her crutch to support herself. She glanced toward the rest of the ground, not even a jolt as the giant of the party stood upright and bonked his heard, an exclamative remark that she certainly didn't understand escaping him. Getting a firm grasp on the crutch she stood upright, having to support all of her weight on the single good leg she had and the wooden support she had. "Thank you, sir," she remarked simply to Adamaris. She felt like a damn dead weight, having to rely on just about everyone to get her something if it was out of reach. Looking towards Elriel she sported a wide grin, the likes of which didn't match the dark stormcloud that weighed heavy on her mind. "It's fine, I understand. Trust is earned, it's a commodity in the day and age we have, right? He's...weird, I won't deny. But I'll let you know if it's not his usual brand of weird." Her attention turned towards the ice formations Elriel had formed, a bright grin on her lips before she posed her mouth in a soft 'o', blowing softly to cause a few sparkling ice crystals to materialize in the air before her. "Hey, if bonding helps trust, similar magic sets helps, doesn't it?"

Ace seemed much more extroverted than Mav, she had been the moment one had met her. Even if she couldn't do anything she wanted, or would have liked, she still had a bright disposition to her, full of life and energy. Though how much of that she was currently using as a mask, only Mav would know. "If...someone's willing to help me in the kitchen, I can cook. I can make just about anything edible, and taste great." An odd specification, the edibility of food, but she at least seemed eager to be good for something.

As Zak tested the waters, pressing metaphorical buttons by threatening to press actual buttons, doing anything he could to get a reaction out of the goggled male, the best he earned was a slight cant of the head, a somewhat cat-like motion from Mavior. "A chimp? You seem more intelligent than a chimp. A chimp wouldn't have made the effort to boast or joke, it'd have simply attempted to smash the console if it desired to." Even with a barb tossed his way, he remained unbothered. Instead he simply reached over to the panel box, the metal door gently closed with a soft click of the lowered bar to lock it in place over a latch. Though as Elriel posed the question of where everyone was from, at once both Mavior and Acacia's faces looked towards each other, the silent snap to attention as some sort of unspoken understanding was passed between the two of them. "From the west. I am sure we all learn more of each other as time goes on. Simply know I have no desire to cause issues, nor does Acacia. Trust has to be earned, it is a commodity. I am aware it is both ways and that my answer may not be satisfying to you. It is, unfortunately, the most efficient one I can give you," the pale younger sibling explained. Mav drifted around, wandering aimlessly for a few moments as his mind tried to find the largest priority at hand...trust building. That seemed sufficient. Ace for her part was trying to get what few steps in she could, the awkward gait of crutch to limb, and limb to crutch. "Do you have any further questions I might be able to give a sufficient answer for? You may ask anything, I will do my best to respond." Ace, slowly as it may be, started towards Ivan, a nod of her head. "If I make it over there without looking like a dumbass and snapping my neck, that offer for sunflower seeds still good? I haven't eaten much of anything since I got roasted like a sunflower seed, and I'm finally started to feel hungry."


Emphoa Emphoa Jet Jet EldridSmith EldridSmith Goliath Goliath
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Johan narrowly smiled at Narzas' sarcasm, taking a moment to enjoy the picture of it. "That would be convenient eh?" He chuckled at the thought. "Back in time for tea with the bad guys in chains... if only."

"They'll be even more confused than we are, might think we're insane if we tell them what happened." He walked down the deck with his hand on the railing, turning around as he said, "But the place that makes the poison should have records, any sales they've made for the last few years, and that should lead us to the mole."

His gaze shifted to the young nervous man, cocking his head as Ren scurried off without a word. He was clearly a strange one — a little detached and overwhelmed by the situation, but he'd proven himself once already. Johan didn't take his departure personally either. They were coworkers not best friends.

"Don't get lost kid!" He casually waved and faced Anya as she fired questions like a cannon. He could really use a notepad for her, otherwise his brain would implode after a couple days. "You're uh... rather opinionated aren't you?"

"Not that I disagree." The words were like acid on his tongue. He wasn't used to criticizing Nye after years in the upper ring, surrounded by nobles who'd report his dissent. Hearing a real opinion was strange and a little suspicious these days, like he was being tricked into incriminating himself.

"Nye is an arrogant place; security was light because who'd ever attack us?" He chuckled at the dumb thought. "It's even more uncaring than it is arrogant, the islanders have a good reason to hate us."

"But there's little anyone can do. If anyone takes power from the nobles running the outlands, they'll band together and depose them."

"It's happened before." He glanced back at the shining metropolis of Nye. The prettiest hell in the history of the world. "In any case, the poison is fast acting and he didn't seem suicidal to me? And what's this about kids?"

Johan curiously raised a brow and glanced at the towering woman, narrowly smiling at her words. He wished everyone was so easy to please, but he understood why Anya asked so many questions. "It's more than alright with me, even if it's not the most pleasant thing to think about."

"And you should all know the same things as me, in case anything happens to me on the mission. Can't ever be too careful."

Meanwhile, Ren stood before an old man with a long white beard. The kind of cliche who'd been around the world a dozen times over, smelling of spiced rum and salty water. "No this is my first time actually!" He spun the wheel back and forth like a little kid, making the ship zig zag through the air. "How do I work this thing again?"

He centered the wheel and suddenly leered at the boy, leaning forward as he said, "Of course I've been doing this a long time! Do you think rookies are given captain commissions!"

"I've sailed forty years on both sea and air, under three different flags and seven kings! You won't find a more experienced captain anywhere in the world!"

rozukitsune rozukitsune Lost Echo Lost Echo ZackStop ZackStop Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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Charlie Redding
The blonde gave a nod towards Zulan as he affirmed he also had a skillset for tracking, though apparently, it was best for wide-open plains...not like they had a lot of those to look forward to. Charlie was quiet outside of her turn to speak, even if she seemed the sort who was just as likely to interject as storm off. But right now, it was more productive to hold this discussion, even if she would much rather not have to interact with any of them frankly. They hadn't earned her trust, and he sure as hell didn't hand it out like a free sample. Charlie's gaze didn't warm throughout the conversation, if anything it was just as cold as ever. It wasn't a question of how did they all succeed together, for her...it was a question of if she should expect to be clubbed over the back of the head by any of them. Once she got past that thought process, then she'd let it be a thought process of how best to succeed together...but rule number one, always make sure your own survival wasn't in question. Or potentially in question. At the mention of the centurion though, Charlie snapped her attention to the seemingly overeager Kilderkin. If she had been glaring earlier, what was this new look she had? If looks could kill, Kilderkin would be dead thrice over.

"Right, right. The centurion. Ya mean our fuckin' babysitter? Because draggin' somebody like that to a prison island sure is shit ain't gonna draw any sort of attention. While we're at it, let's paint ourselves pink, eh? Don't think we'll stand out enough as is. Far as I'm concerned, fuckem. Less we've gotta hang around 'em on a leash, the better. Or you just eager to get told how to breathe properly?" It wasn't readily apparent why Charlie had such a poor attitude, but could just be the old Macragge mindset of having issues with authority, perhaps? She glanced over towards the phoenix as she was brought up and her ability to heal, an eyebrow quirking just a bit. "Piss off, y'mean she can actually heal? Ain't that handy. Safe to guess yer' a fire mage then? Be pretty fuckin' ironic if you were water and your other half was a firebird."
Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune EldridSmith EldridSmith and now Emphoa Emphoa
Yua Smith

Yua breathed an internal sigh of relief as Isaac proved to be the friendly sort, boasting a smile that could light up a room it'd seem. As he made an about-face and started into the township, Yua and Felix quickly began to fall in behind him, the butler dragging luggage cases tugged right behind him. Neither voiced a single thought as Isaac spoke on their behalf, the blonde shifting from one foot to the other whenever there was a case she had to come to a halt. She shouldn't have felt nervous, but she couldn't help it, she was worried this was going to backfire on them somehow. Though, slowly, the crowd began to part and the duo could follow the old man once again.

"No no, it's perfectly fine, sir! They're well within their rights, we're strangers that have showed up on your doorstep, after all! You have my word, though! We're not here to cause any troubles, Felix and I travel alone!" Yua certainly perked up, then, at the affirmation that her trip hadn't been in vain and that what humanitarian aid she could offer would be readily accepted. "I'll do my best to help! That's all exactly the reason I wanted to come out this way...people take medical aid for granted. But I thought if I wanted to make a difference, people who needed it most is who should have the attention, right? If...it's not too much of an inconvenience to you, sir? Might I be able to send Felix off once we get somewhere we can stop? We arrived with a personal craft, and I don't want to imagine what could happen if it's just left behind for long, and it'd ensure we're not taking up any lodging from your own?"
Jet Jet
Brynwyr Protheroe


Monbon Monbon

Most of the mission's denizens started to file on deck. A rather mixed bag, people plucked from the arena and meshed for a mission into the great unknown of Umbria. That was what Lord Vincent and his subordinates were given to fight this crisis. There was no time to mobilise and fine-craft the perfect army, and it wasn't as if they were the perfect set of uniform knights or soldiers. Some were children and unlucky bystanders, contestants who were by no means experienced fighters, but those there to try out their luck.

Whatever low, vibrating noise came from that man's instrument, she grimaced at how it seemed to make her very teeth shake. She could appreciate how interesting it was until she had to listen to it. At least the woman who joined them onboard enjoyed it. She watched her, wondering how she found a beat to move her body to the noise, how on earth she made it seem so pretty. She moved her eyes back to the jungle below again. Brynwyr preferred something lighter, or better yet, silence. The kind of silence you found in green pastures or the light work of serfs and farmers she listened to everyday. She loathed that she missed it, when she was so desperate to be rid of it.

While she would have quietly thanked the odd masked man who came wobbling onto the deck for his intervention of that instrument, she scowled at the pass to herself and the other women on deck. The stench of him was enough to tell him of his sobriety – that he lacked a lick of it. So, when he started ranting to the musician, as much as she was not so fond of his instrument, she pushed herself from the side of the ship, ready to interfere.

The Centurion, however, tossed the man a drink to placate him. She made a face.

“As if drink will resolve that temperament of his,” Brynwyr murmured, but it had stopped the ranting. A temporary fix, nothing more.

Rhys smiled widely the entire span of his conversation with Tessia, enthused by the attention his questions received. There were few who wished to speak of such scholarly matters, of history and its potential. History was a lesson for what not to do in the future. The damage folded in between parchments was devastating, and most didn’t even know the power of its potential, and perhaps this was someone who…!

…hated history. Rhys felt his stomach drop before he sighed, leaning against the side railing of the ship’s deck, defeated. He supposed there was one interested in that sort of thing, Esther. He was not entirely alone, but he doubted he could speak of such things in the others’ company.

Perhaps he could recover some things of his own too. Just to keep the memory of Old Umbria alive.

Brynwyr turned to business, addressing Tessia, as many had before. “So, how exactly will this mission be carried out? And what exactly is it that we’re seeking out in Old Umbria?” She understood that Tefra was seeking something important this far out, though, she herself sought as much detail as she could to plan ahead. They were here for a mission after all, not some sight-seeing history trip. Well, perhaps her cousin was, and she was just the tour guide who fought off anything in their way.
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Adamaris dipped their head to Ace with a small smile on their features, eyes flitted back up after a moment as they waved off her thanks. "Of course, I would only want someone to help me if I were you, too." they puffed a moment after, and their eyes briefly flitted over towards the rest of the group's commotion with a little sigh leaving them, but a small smile resting on their expression nonetheless. Then the conversation of cooking and Ivan's offer rang out around them and they finally puffed out a little bit, shutting their eyes before they raised up a hand with a small smile.

"I've got a fine amount of experience with cooking under my belt." They finally stated, dipping their head soon enough as they looked towards Ivan. "However, I thank you for your fine offer, anyhow." They stated with a kind dip of their head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, as well, I'm sure we will have plenty of time to get to know one another while we're on this venture." They stated before they lifted their head and they looked briefly at Zak, finally sighing out a little bit as they rubbed the back of their neck and gave a little frown.

"Do you say things to garner a sort of reaction?" They finally asked the odd man, placing their hands on their hips and they searched his expression. "You should be taking this time to know you team mates- become friendly with them, after all we are going to be working with each other a lot from here forward." They pointed out, but paused and decided not to waste their breath as they looked back at Ace. "We could work together making meals then, I can make something tasty." They gave a gentle smile before they finally focused on Elriel.

"Perhaps you could even join us, although I'm sure the kitchen would get a bit crowded at that point." They couldn't help but chuckle, but they wanted to make sure their friend wouldn't be left to the onslaught of Zak trying to push their friend's buttons. He wasn't sure how much patience Elriel would stand to give the odd man, and they werren't sure they wanted to test the waters so early in their journey.

Jet Jet Goliath Goliath EldridSmith EldridSmith ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
1686415411328.pngA whistle rang out from the woman as she seemed to find the rest of the lot that were on this airship. What a crew it seemed to be from the looks of it- and already chatty with one another as well. Maybe that was a good thing as she brushed her hair back and stepped into the quarters with a little wave of her hands. "Seems I've missed the introductions." Evaline spoke up, her eyes lightly twinkling as she slipped her hands into her pockets, her familiar perched carefully onto her shoulders as she got a better look at the group.

She didn't know what to think of them, of course, as first impressions. But she supposed it was nice to come into a room that lacked tension, and she could call herself lucky for it- most groups didn't fare well as strangers and she cocked her head to the side. "I was wondering where everyone might have been lurking, but I think I took too much time admiring the ship for what it is, such fine work, isn't it." She stepped more towards the group, but she knew it would be hard to meld with a gathering that seemed to have established themselves well enough in her absence and she cocked her head to the side.

"I think I recognize a few of you, but only observing the games." She stated, as she knew she had not been an actual participant and never would have planned to be. She viewed the games as almost an act of suicide for some- considering there were a fair few who never returned home, and going into them has a high chance of going against some she could even call animals. Worse than the ones back at home, that she was sure her parents were having a hell of a time taking care of- at least she hoped the others in town would be helping out in her and... Leon's absence.

She puffed out, slipping her hands onto her hips soon enough and lifting her head up. "I don't think I've caught sight of our supposed Centurion, but I'm sure they'll greet us soon enough, unless they're already at our destination for some reason or another." She paused, pursing her lips together before she finally rubbed the back of her neck and glanced back to everyone. "I'm Evaline, hope you all don't mind giving your names out for the thousandth time?"

EldridSmith EldridSmith ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles rozukitsune rozukitsune Fred Colon Fred Colon
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A deep note, held until it twisted into another. It reverberated through her body, covering the sounds of the engine, her breathing and even interfering with the words from the young boy. It was strange. Ugly to her ears by how unused to the pulsing tone she was. She turned, to scold the man--for surely it wasn’t necessary--but then she stopped, frowning at the long tube he was playing. It was crudely made, obviously by hand instead of the sleak design of manufacturing. It’s length explained the deep tone, but it’s handmade structure implied it was historical, perhaps even ancient. She didn’t want to listen to it, but she had questions.

As did the centurion. Stomping over to the man’s side, she asked about the instrument. Before Esther could contribute her own question, a drunk man stumbled up the stairs. His condition was obviously worsened by the low bass. Spewing nonsense--to which she couldn’t help muttering a correction, “wasps are usually higher pitched,”--he stormed over to the musician and demanded he stop playing. In his harangue, he claimed the instrument African. She knew better than to trust someone who managed to still be drunk this early in the morning, but she wondered. Was it? The deep sound would be very different echoing in the distance, covering the open plains of much of the continent. Was it a warning? Territorial? She’d never heard of such a thing in her studies, which admittedly did not cover any of the arts. Still, none of the tribes she had stayed with, as she searched for her quarry, had anything of the sort.

As if you are adding anything positive to the atmosphere.” She spoke, breaking his diatribe. Then she turned away from him, dismissing him as useless, even as the centurion offered the drunk man more booze, and asked the seated player. “Where is your instrument from? It seems like a traditional one.” They were going to an ancient civilization. If this man cared enough about his culture to want to preserve it, perhaps he will not elephant his way through the ruins. A redhead emerged from below deck, swaying in a way that drew the eye to her beauty. Her movements enhanced the sound, turning the deep resonance into a pulse that throbbed inside her. She smirked, impressed by the show, but turned her attention back to Tessia.

The centurion finally answered some of the questions of the boy, followed by her own. “You’re saying there is no protocol to protect the ruins?” Esther knew jackshit about archeology. But the idea of storming into the ruins, destroying the potential knowledge hurt. “Then we’ll do our best to leave it as we found it.” She stated, her tone stern and following Tessia’s no-question rule. She leaned back against the railing, relaxing as the redhead suggested a show and tell.

The knight directed the conversation to the mission. Yes, as the centurion made obvious, this was not to explore the ruins, or not merely. Instead, they had a goal to reach. “Do you have the journal?” That was referenced in the material provided, but Esther would be interested in examining it herself.
EldridSmith EldridSmith ZackStop ZackStop Jet Jet Monbon Monbon Arcanist Arcanist

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