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Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

Any more of the reporter’s theories would have to wait, as several medics swarmed their makeshift infirmary. Immediately stepping back, she reached a bloody hand into her bag to procure the soap once more. Tossing it to Kildi, she got water as well when the airhead returned it. With her hands clean, and her duties claimed by the others, she turned and found a large boulder to lay upon.

She was tired. The pain had been pushed back, ignored while she bent over people and pulled bodies closer. But stopping seemed to signal her body to flood her system with the warnings of more damage done. Or perhaps the report.

She’d had pain before, usually from most of her dealings with pirates. She knew her mind was her best defense to deal with it. And it would be so easy to fall into it, to lose her sense of time and space, but Dart…reaching into her bag she cradled the hummingbird. Already, broken feathers were replaced by glowing ones, filling in the fragile bird. Dart was in no condition to keep watch.

There was so much to think about. The mystery of Kilderkin’s act. What was that orb? What message did the group want to send beyond fear? And what should she do next? Should she leave now? Use the chaos to escape to the Bolt and flee into the wilds? Or stay and solve these mysteries?

One here,” a nearby voice drew her attention, warning her before a hand was on her neck. Her eyes snapped open, and she tried to sit up quickly, but hissed clutching her stomach in pain.

I’m alive,” she snapped, irritated to have zoned out in such an open place. There was a man standing over her, though he moved when she went to stand up. “It’s just bruising. I was checked after the fights. They said there was not more they could do.” Looking down at Dart, still laying in her hand asleep, she added her tone softer, “The explosion crushed my familiar, but I’m fine.

Meeting the man’s gaze she nodded toward his partner. “Go help those you can.” Then she walked away, ignoring his insult, to where others were gathering. As much as she hated people, crowds tended to encircle oddities. And she wanted to know what. Her height was a benefit, as she looked over heads to make out one man shackling another. Why, was a passing thought, the comments of the palace intriguing her.

Esther took exception to the invitation. Why make the survivors trudge across Nye when one man could have had his speech here? Did they really believe the palace was so much safer? With technology like that orb, Lord Vincent was probably as safe as they wanted.

Still, the scientist followed the group. Like a wildebeest, it was the anonymity of a crowd that would protect her now. Keeping pace to stay surrounded, Esther pushed through her fatigue, eating a piece of candy for a burst of energy. A vial of sugar water went to Dart, who was awake, if still weak. Though familiars did not need to eat, she believed food could still provide energy. Hummingbirds, or at least him, burned quickly through their reserves. She carried the mixture to replenish them. Though she too ate whenever she could.

They reached the throne room, so ostentatious that Esther have expected the demand to kneel. Vincent was comfortable in his power, leaving his throne to stand in front of them, a parody of equality. He offered compensation, and her mind latched on the chance. Centurion was not as enthralling as permission to study in the Americas. She could see a hummingbird in the wild.

Would she let herself be exploited for that? She was no soldier, she was a scientist and when the chance for questions came, she input her own. "I want to look at the information you have. Especially on that orb, but everything. We can't help with incomplete data." And then scowled as he completely refused her. Politicians. They needed to keep their hands off of science. They could come up with the wrong conclusions without all of the information. She would have to befriend his scientists and see if she could work with them. They wouldn’t be as useless.


Esther had to eat her words; there was more they could do for her. Or at least Elise Toussaint could. The infinitely competent woman provided a clean discussion on the mechanics of healing. She enjoyed it, having learned something. So she left the infirmary content and pain-free and perhaps, having gained a friend.

She spent her week collecting information. Starting in medical, she joined a few autopsies of the orb victims, trying to learn anything from them. Each of them came back clean. Clean as in, if she did not see their familiars ripped from their sides, she would not have known their cause of death. There were some signs of diabetes or inflammation of the heart, but nothing that should have killed. Some compared it to those in comas who have lost their familiars, but then there was usually damage in the brain.

Her questions led her to other researchers and discussions on possibilities of how the orb could affect. What magic could reach out into souls? Everyone knew their magic came from the soul, but no one heard of it affecting another’s magic. She lost herself in science, trying to learn as much as they knew. Some of it was likely irrelevant, like children without familiars affecting plant growth, but all knowledge was worth having.

~Post Advancement~

Perhaps it was the connections she’d cultivated, perhaps it was chance, but Esther managed to procure an assignment into the Americas. Climbing aboard the ship, she was surprised how free she felt up on the deck. She glanced over to her comrades, hoping they would at least be smarter than Kildi pretended to be. Leaning against the railing, she listened to the boy speaking to their centurion. “Yes,” she agreed, “Knowledge lost is always regrettable. But the knowledge we could regain on this trip…Ma’am,” she addressed Tessia directly, “Will we be able to bring back artifacts and other historical evidence?
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Faraji knew the guards would arrive at the Colosseum, but he did not know when. Given how fast word travelled in Nye, it was quick, though, the damage had already been done. His group were forced out of the hole and relived of their rescue mission. Fine by him. He was never quite so fond of tight spaces, especially when trying to crowd control.

Much of Lord Vincent’s spiel circulated in his head. They were all gathered up like cattle and expected to follow orders, given their special status. Promises were doled out for complying. Gold, titles, status. Had Faraji known he would have been in such a position years ago, he would not have worked so hard to become an appraiser in the first instance. But then he wouldn’t be standing there, would he?

He did not want to be part of this, not really. He wished to be selfish, to hide himself away and forget about the tragedy he felt he invited onto Nye’s doorsteps. Was it easier to do that? But Faraji was not so heartless. Seeing the children left behind, the younger ones in the throne room, he felt he was obligated to at least…help other than cower away. Was he much better than the nobles and their underlings he had been so desperate to charm and stand among?

Faraji would walk out of that throne room then, not quite full of vigour and determination. He would accept it as just another task, just another job. A right to his wrongs.


The Under City. A den of vipers, debauchery, a place where most people in even the worst of minds wouldn’t think of stepping into. The higher-ups were trying to smother him, silence him. He put Taust through after the appraisals, and the God forbid that knowledge came about that anyone working with Nye let this man come in.

Faraji was not even blessed with helping to discover anything about the man, to help directly with that. He would be left to the will of the Under City. They wanted to get rid of him, and the dwellers in the dark let Nye’s authorities get away without dirtying their hands.

Or so he theorised. But he could not gauge any other reason for him being put with this group.

Faraji stood and flicked through the file that was left on the table and eventually threw them back down. He didn’t choose to make himself comfortable, not with how grim their mission seemed. Two missing centurions assigned to find the son of a high noble family. ‘They’re long gone,’ Faraji thought with absolute certainty. People did not come out from the Under City, whether they started at the bottom or the top, at least in his view.

During the briefing, he took in the group that would be going down under. Nyaall, he recognised him, because who wouldn’t, given his insane popularity? A redhead with two blades that screamed seasoned fighter. Thank all the deities in the world. A child, whose voice he recognised who asked if she could see her parents. He tried not to think of somebody sending Casimir into this mess. He then focused on a larger man, experienced, clearly, who was so obviously disgusted by the make-up of this team, remarking this mission was a no-go.

Faraji was not offended. In fact, he agreed with him. He was here after all. He could have laughed. Nye must have scraped together the bottom of the heap and put two capable fighters to balance it out.

Eventually, their ship landed, and Faraji followed along, comparing their trek like a funeral march through Nye. They were practically walking to their deaths after all, and it was even worse with arriving in an isolated, dark pathway. He did look behind him at one point, as if to predetermine how fast he’d run, if he would get lost on his way out. He sighed, turning his gaze back forward. There really was no turning back.

“The oldest line in the book,” Faraji mumbled to himself with Nyaall’s , but he still smiled at it. He found it quite silly.

“Faraji Aguta. Ice,” he threw his name out into open. He answered Goliath, “I’ve watched a few battles, though, I don’t suppose that counts?” Faraji joked. It definitely did not, but always worth a shot. “I’m not the most prolific of fighters, but I can hold my own.” He needed some form of self-defence to fall back on, after all.
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He could feel Narzas fuming like an engine leaking smoke, and he understood exactly why. They'd been forced into a deal with no clear reward at the end, only a vouch from Lord Vincent in court. He wasn't sure what that meant but there was no other choice. They'd have to take whatever scraps Vincent gave them.

But Johan wasn't angry about it. He knew how the game went and the council wanted him dead, simply because he worked for Vincent instead of them. If he were the council's man he'd get the same treatment with the roles reversed, protected by the council and persecuted by the man on the throne. That was just how Nye worked; everyone was a pawn in someone's game no matter who they were. Even leaders controlling one game were pawns in other games, and Johan was no exception. His only choice was to distinguish himself beyond the shadow of a doubt; only then could Vincent make a good case in court.

Narzas was in the same boat but Johan wasn't worried. He'd seen her do the incredible time and time again, and her training was immaculate. Her mind was sharp and she was always thinking, watching and learning when she could. Which was exactly what they needed on the mission.

The others weren't trained but were capable nonetheless, and thoroughly proved themselves at the games — with only one exception.

"Well met Ava, and welcome to our well oiled machine." He looked around at the others. "We already stopped two of the bombers and we'll handle the rest in time. I'll proudly say, this is a fine unit to be a part of." He sincerely smiled and stole a glance at Narzas, feeling a swell of pride in his chest. He was impressed with what they accomplished at the games, and fully trusted them all as comrades.

"You're right though." He returned Ren's bow in traditional Nye fashion, with a small nod of respect. "We never truly met during the games, but you did well back there." He figured the young man could use a dose of confidence, and there was no shame in it. He was no different as a boy on his first mission.

"You know," he said with a smile. "I wondered which Ren we'd have when Gust told me the teams." He smiled and was about to tell a stupid joke, but then Anya stabbed him in the heart him with a sword made of words. "How many?" He blinked several times as he processed what she said, easily reading between the lines.

Anya doubted him like the council did.

He could already hear the question in court as onlookers cursed his tarnished name, reminding him of his massive failure. "It depends on how you ask it."

His smile faded as he pictured his security unit; most of whom were dead or laying in a gurney. "I had ten men directly under my command, each supervising another ten. There were a hundred total but only ten reported to me."

"There were centurions among them, but now only a few remain." He paused for a long awkward moment, running his hands through his hair. "But it's good to see you again." He walked towards the ship's wooden railing, peering over as she drifted through the sky. The wind ruffled his hair and he exchanged a glance with Narzas, remembering their time together with a mix of fondness and relief, for now they were finally free together, even if it was a twisted form of freedom.

"I know the island we're going to," he said to the group. "It's filled with factories and warehouses, poorly paid workers and exiles. They won't take kindly to us, so be ready."

rozukitsune rozukitsune Lost Echo Lost Echo ZackStop ZackStop Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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Baryn stood in the stands looking at the lifeless bodies of his band, his family, the only people that mattered to him after having fled Zuànshí. It was strange, it was like the gunshots they had fled in the tyrannical country had finally reached them. He was the only one left standing, the only one left to carry on their legacies. He picked up their instruments and put them inside his backpack and strapped the drums to his side. He had practiced some with their instruments when they had passed them around before for everyone to try while they hid underground from the police but he would need to spend more time practicing them to honor their legacies.

Still it was strange, while he felt pain at their loss it was just like the tightening of a rope around his neck instead of the waves of grief he expected to feel... no perhaps it was because they had already died once in Zuànshí as far as they were concerned they should have died during the day of the revolt. Still the dull throb within pushed him forward to honor them and that he was still alive and could feel their loss. Normally he was cheerful and the noisy youngster of the group, but now he was dead silent as he picked up his friend's bodies with the help of Khan. He would hold a funeral for them later considering everyone was called into the presence of the lord of these lands. Normally for something like this their sponsor would be present to aid them in the posh dealings... but he too was dead, but Baryn didn't really know him well.

As he walked into the meeting with the warriors and people involved with the games, he felt out of place looking at the noble warriors and savage beasts that killed for a living, he was but a musician who knew how to survive either by choice or dumb luck through it all. It was also weird considering Khan was waiting outside with four corpses of his closest companions and he was supposed to sit here and pay attention to the task given to them by the lord... as much as he try he couldn't listen and blindly agreed to help out when tracking down the people who caused this... little did he know it was some ruin exploration.

Still he had things to take care of as he got transportation to a flying island with a mountain with vultures present, while he knew his friends cultures they all abandoned them for the most part, while he too was distant from his he still remembered the way to put people to rest in his culture... he couldn't afford to pay for a silly burial practice from a western country that likely cost an arm and a leg... so he would perform a sky burial so their spirits could rest easy in the wind once released by the vultures. He thanked the ship pilot and made the trek up the mountainside carrying his best friend Shah's body while Khan carried the others.

Upon reaching the peak he laid them all down and took out a bottle of Valencian wine, taking a drink from the bottle before pouring out the rest for his friends before sitting down and playing their favorite songs for them as best he could, using his power of wind to mimic their instruments. After he played the final song and said his goodbyes he left them on the mountain top for the vultures to consume the housings of their souls and release them. Whether or not it was true he didn't know but he took some solace knowing they would be pleased at such a funeral. As for the rest of his week, it was spent gathering basic supplies for his journey, whatever it was, and ruminating on memories and alcohol turning a week into an eternity as he practiced with his friends instruments.

Baryn had spent the last day sobering up and as he made his way to the ship he glanced at it, but didn't think much of it as his mind was still distracted, still on other things. With the help of the sailors he placed his things in his lodgings and went on deck where he spent most of it on the front of the ship where he played his Didgeridoo, it's low rumbling tones contrasted with his manipulation of the wind inside to produce higher tones for a somber song. Questions of civilizations, centurions, and many different things washed over him like the flowing wind leaving him to continue playing.

A female knight and a Researcher stood out thus far, he found out they were part of the group he would be heading inland with specifically. The knight didn't seem used to the ship, other than that she clearly seemed to be a noble of some sort considering she had an entire retinue. She didn't seem like she was from Valencia so his next guess was Albion considering her looks and the nobles of Albion he'd performed for during their visits to Valencia. Though he could be wrong, but he didn't really care so long as it wasn't Zuànshí.

The researcher seemed to be all interested in the mission, after he found out it was ruin exploration he understood why. He honestly should have checked what he was signing up for but at the time he had more pressing matters on his mind, so as they say 'it is how it is' and there was no point worrying about it either considering he was already here. So he merely continued to play his somber tone into the wind as they hovered over the jungle.

Jet Jet Arcanist Arcanist Lost Echo Lost Echo Monbon Monbon ZackStop ZackStop
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Mischa was about to answer Ilana when Rat did it instead, showing his genius as he echoed her amazing, scientifically accurate opinions. That it was about the adventure instead of the destination at the end, and there was no point in playing it cool. Not when they soared over the west in a ship with every bell, whistle and weapon she could imagine, and were doing something good for the world.

It wasn't every day she could say that.

"Well said Rat! You snatched the words outta my brain." Mischa leaned over the side until she was barely on the ship, standing on the very tips of her toes. "We've got work to do when we make port, so we better make the most of our leisure time." Her eyes widened at the craters dotting the landscape; ones big enough to swallow cities whole.

"I know you're trying to take this seriously, but you don't think that's cool?" She glanced at Ilana. "Not even a little?

"Just baffles me is all, cause there's no place I'd rather be." Mischa felt an electric current of excitement in her chest; a sense of adventure pushing her pain to the back of her mind, and she wasn't going to ease up. Instead she focused on everything that was good about the mission, from the awesome ship to the views and even the group around her.

But more than anything, she was excited to be around Rat. He'd been a source of calm in the constant madness that surrounded her, and was more than a contestant at this point. He wasn't a mere teammate or a passing acquaintance she barely knew. He was a friend and when she looked his way, her eyes softened for a brief, fleeting moment.

She hoped Ilana would become another true friend, but it wasn't going to be easy, not when she was so committed to putting up a wall.

"Maybe we got off on the wrong foot? I'm not even chipper." She knowingly shook her head. "Just demented; not even the asylum would take me."

"You seem a bit mad yourself, so I think we'll get on just fine."

Emphoa Emphoa ZackStop ZackStop
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Narzas smiled at Anya as they were finally officially introduced, her ears picking up on the incongruous gear noises that seemed to originate from her but the Zuanshin woman wasn't the type to pry into other people's personal affairs.

Her question regarding the detail at Nye seemed to be making some assumptions that may as well be corrected though. "I am from Zuànshí and never met Johan before the games. My ex-employers were my commanding officers - lending me out as security detail." She looked annoyed briefly, but Johan's flitting glance of approval and affection made it hard to hold a grudge. If not for the Hana... she'd never have met him. Regrets were a waste of time.

As Johan began to talk about where they were going she accordingly grew more serious. "Any idea what we're supposed to be doing there?" She asked curiously. "Will these prisoners and exiles somehow know of our missing corpse?" The tone was sarcastic, but she needed to be abreast of the situation they were walking into, and their youngish compatriots would need to be braces for whatever was coming.

Jet Jet , Lost Echo Lost Echo ZackStop ZackStop Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Renn shook her head at the question, her mouth too full of sweet as she worked out the best way to position it in her mouth - a happy glint sparking in her eyes as Charlie offered her another. She reached out to snatch it, years of lessons on poise and patience rapidly erroding as she caught just the smallest glimpse of all she had been missing out on being a perfect little songbird for the entirety of her life.

When Charlie explained what they were for, however; she wilted and gave the woman a wounded look, trying to give back the sweet almost immediately. She couldn't take something so important!
"I can't take something so important! That wouldn't be right!" She argued unhappy that she couldn't also give back the one in her mouth - though that feeling was struggling to survive alongside the happiness of the flavor on her tongue. She resolved not to be guilty about munching on a gift freely given... but two such gifts were right out!

Fred Colon Fred Colon , EldridSmith EldridSmith , ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Charlie Redding
Charlie was content to sit there in relative silence, not one to rush a conversation. Honestly, she wouldn't even be having this chat if it wasn't for the fuckin familiar of hers encouraging her to be social. Though as Renn reached out and snatched the sweet out of her grasp with the same eagerness a kid might, Charlie couldn't help but give a little chuckle. It was a muted and simple little noise, something that didn't get an actual smile out of her, but the amusement was present all the same. Though as Renn put two and two together that the gruff woman beside her used them for her smoking habit she tried to hand the thing back...what the hell!? She just handed her the candy for heavens sake. "Oh take the damn lolly, will ya? I don't offer shite without meaning it. I told you, I have too many of em." In order to prove her point she reached into her jacket again, pulling out a few from one pocket...a few more from another...a few from the inside pocket, before she had an entire fist of the cavity causing confectionary. "I got sunflower seeds 'sides these. I'm not going to be hurtin' in any meaningful way. So take the damn lolly or I swear on me mum I'll freeze it to yer hand." There were more...creative threats she could have given, but that was probably the most lighthearted she could offer. Songbird over there was on the edge of depression, she didn't need to make it worse. "So's," she started, the candy shifting her her mouth for a moment to the other cheek, "what's yer skillset, then? 'Sides being a bleeding heart. What's yer story that's got you so wound up that ya were trying to put yer knees through yer cranium?"

Interacting: rozukitsune rozukitsune
Same scene: Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith
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The strawberry-blond songstress stared at the candy in her hand, Charlie, and then the pop again before she finally gave in and with a shy smile of gratitude tucked it to her chest. She'd need to get some proper pockets...

Oh, wait... She swiveled her head to herself and remembered she'd been dressed in 'adventuring' attire. A light white polo and board shorts. These definitely had pockets! She stuffed the sweet in her breast pocket and then returned to peering at Charlie as the woman asked her a new question about herself. She frowned, but somehow having the question put on her by a friendly outsider didn't make it any worse. In fact, Charlie's curiosity seemed to lighten the weight of the darkness just that little bit.

Sighing, she ran a hand through her long auburn hair. "I was born and bred to be my folks's ticket to the good life." She switched occasionally between looking at Charlie, at Pitohui, and over their shoulders at Noel who was slowly hopping back over to them from her perch on the upper deck as Renn spoke. "I had everything. Life coaches, food specialists, teachers, mentors, vocalist tutors, dance instructors... you name it." It was odd talking about her life like it was someone else's, like she was telling a story of a pretty princess from a far away land and not about herself.

"But not freedom. I want on talk shows and did magazine covers and was spotlighted everywhere my parents and eventual fame and favors could afford to place me. I sort of made a friend - you ever hear of Nyall?" She interjected her story conversationally, though kept right on talking now that she'd started as though it had been a rhetorical question. "Won some kind of competition when he was a kid and we became fast frenemies." She giggled a little. "Never really met him though except under carefully controlled circumstances. Anyway... my biggest fan... my best friend... was my handler, Gareth." Her face fell and she curled into herself once more, though not as intently as before. "He was everything to me. Mom and Dad were always off trying to expand their empire so he was parent, friend, confidant. He kept my schedule and was the one always helping me get my foot into places it hadn't been before. Acting, dancing, singing... pretty much all of it was his doing. My parents gave him a list of things to do and he got them done."

She fell quiet for several moments and tears began beading in her eyes. "Then... everything ended. I never liked my life much as it was but that didn't mean I wanted hundreds of thousands of people to die. I was on stage with the contestants when that guy just ... I dunno snapped his fingers and poof. A big chunk of everyone over the age of 6 was just dead and then more became vulture food in the kaboom." Her voice was shaking now as she fought to retain some semblance of the ennui she had built over the weeks before this adventure. She imagined it hadn't been a hard sell for Lord Vincent to talk her remaining entourage to drop her into the arms of this little army. She was a broken doll now. No one cared about broken things.

"I saw him... the stands underneath where he'd been standing just erupted in light and sound. And he was gone."

Interacting: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Same scene: Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith
Mentions: Anne Boolean Anne Boolean
a2e946aa82971421f4f461c1b369f785.jpgSuddenly Rat appeared, same as he was the first time and just as talkative, only now it was aimed at Ilana. She immediately began to regret opening her mouth since now both Rat and Mischa were talking to her. She didn't hate them and she didn't hate talking sometimes, she only began to worry she will get overwhelmed with all this ill placed enthusiasm.

"I don't find the world all that fascinating," She said while narrowing her eyes. "and if the 'simple things' is crawling around like a rat I think I'll pass." Her tail swayed back and forth as the three conversed. She still had her palm placed firmly on her chin, her fingers curling into it, but one of Rat's comments forced her to look away. She took offense to his belief that she may be a mute, or perhaps too barbaric to speak. Ilana scoffed a bit, but tried hiding her feelings by looking away. She spoke up again in response to his question. Were they that annoying? "...Yes." She mumbled through a pout, but the lines of questioning weren't over, though she was never given a clear chance to answer them.

Ilana huffed as Mischa went on about this and that, reiterating Rat about taking it easy and enjoying the breeze, then something about being crazy. It's not like she didn't want to lighten up, but she was a woman on a constant mission. She got this far strictly by taking things seriously, and her goals couldn't be complete by letting her guard down for some leisure time. Similarly in that locker room where Ilana stayed laser focused on an explosive assault, something she proved to excel at, in this instance she was all about the task they were given. She desperately wanted that grand prize promised to them by Vincent, and she wanted it as quick as possible.

She turned back again to look at Mischa when it seemed she was done talking. "Tell you what, I'll start enjoying my life when I have one of those nice, shiny badges in my hand. Then maybe I'll lighten up, k?" She said with a big smile plastered on her face, but it wasn't exactly a nice one. It was even less like a courtesy and rather came off menacing.

Once that was said, Ilana looked back off the edge of the ship after readjusting her hat to cover her eyes some. As she looked down at what was essentially barren wasteland, something about it totally gave her the creeps. It could almost tear deep into her subconscious as it was all too familiar, so Ilana chose to leave the railing she was glued to the whole trip and fled to a nearby seat away from the others.

Emphoa Emphoa Jet Jet
Charlie Redding
Charlie was silent as Renn recounted her life story, not one to interrupt this sort of thing. Honestly, it was interesting to hear all about it, life in a gilded cage. She couldn't even fathom what'd that have been like. She should be envious of 'the good life'? Would that have been easier than Macragge? Did she crave any of it?...Nope. After a full search of her heart and soul, to hell with that bull. Sure it'd have been nice for her old man to not be an abusive sonuvabitch, and it'd have been nice to have her mom around still, so she had to give Renn that upper hand. But who the hell wanted to be center stage, under the magnifying glass at all given moments of their life? Still, she did feel a little bad to see the poor songbird on the edge of tears already. Heavens above, last thing she needed was the girl to go sobbing on her. Sobbing turned to clinging, and clinging would turn into her crying into her shoulder. Fuck that.

"Well hell. For reference, never heard of Nyall. The hell kinda name's that? Tell me that's a stage name, otherwise their parents musta fucken disliked em at birth. Can't imagine having yer kinda life, really. A handler, a trainer, singin' lessons? Hell, the best I can do is whistle a tune..." Charlie's confectionary rolled between two molars, a crunch of her jaws to grind it up and swallow, the stick spit out on the floor of the airship away from Renn without a hint of grace or regard for her surroundings. Meanwhile, the Pitohui on her shoulder had started to stare at Noel with the kind of hyperfixation only a bird was capable of. "Even if I can't relate to yer situation...sorry to hear about it. Whoever the sonuvabitch who did the whole mass genocide thing was, fuck em. Not only did they mess up my trail and it's gone cold, the body count of...ah whatever the hell it was, thousands? That's right fucked, even by my standards."

The blonde beside her paused before, awkwardly, lifting a hand and patting Renn on the shoulder. "Tell you's what. Like it or not, we're in this crap together now. Sound's like you got a lackin' in life lessons, so I'll make a deal with ya. I'll watch yer back, make sure no one pulls the wool over your eyes. And you's can give me some advice on how to do the whole fuckin 'acting personal' crap. Can't imagine my sunny disposition and gorgeous looks'll be doing us any favors if we gotta be...polite. Euch, gut me." That seemed like a fair trade to her. The girl had someone watch her back for the hellhole they were travelling into, and she learned how to fake being nice, cause heavens above fucken knew she had the social grace of a brick you'd use to brain somebody with. Besides...a prison colony may be her kinda people, but the girl beside her was practically beggin' to be tricked and have good graces takin' advantage of. She made her living getting even for shit happenin', she may as well try her hand at preventing shit from happening.

Despite Renn giving her life story, Charlie offered no such details. If she was asked, sure, she'd give the rundown and the whole shpiel, but she wasn't going to just offer that freely. Who the hell gave a damn about her life story anyway? At best Renn would ask out of social obligation, and then Charlie would have to answer for trustbuilding or whateverthefuck one wanted to call it. Wouldn't really look good if she dodged the questions, and she didn't have nothin' to hide. "So's? Got ourselves a deal?"
rozukitsune rozukitsune
Same scene: Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith
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Zulan nods to Kilderkin, it seems they were unaware of many of the atrocities that occurred in Africa, but he wasn't surprised when Nahzir actively suppressed all the information on it. Aside few people survived or had the chance to leave their conscription to speak of being turned into a soldier so that the rest of their tribe could survive. "I'm not out yet, and unless I become a citizen of Nye or a centurion I will be considered a deserter and hunted down once this mission is over... but yes Nye seems free compared to Nahzir." He then stayed silent after responding as he had no informatio non Zuanshi it felt like many things were left unsaid, as few large cities were so friendly, still they didn't seem malicious in leaving the information out.

"Should I achieve my freedom and live past this mission; I will surely visit at some point. I want to see the world once all this is over, fugitive or not." He says before finishing his tea and offering to take the cup she had finished before bathing them in fire to clean them and putting them back into his backpack. "I have no good expectations of the given mission considering it is something involved in the death of so many... and I fear your optimism is overly optimistic at that. Few things in life are ever so simple. As for combat talents, I do, I was forced to be a soldier for four years and had learned combat before to survive and hunt for my tribe... even if I was considered a lost cause as the runt of the tribe. My specialty is hand to hand combat... it helps that my familiar gives me a coat of armor to contend with swords and the like." He remarks as he rubs Crispy's shell. "I think it high time we join the others however." He says rising from his spot at the front of the ship.

Fred Colon Fred Colon (Same group as: rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles )
hair (3) (1).pngJust like Narzas, Ren too could hear the whirring sound that emanated from Anya, however wasn't perceptive enough to know where it came from. He glanced around before his eyes landed back on Johan. He looked like he just thought of something funny, and began to mention something about Ren which naturally caught the boy's interest. "Which Ren?" Ren asked himself. "Am a different Ren when I'm not looking or something?" Ren continued to think to himself as the rest spoke to each other. "Am I a werewolf or something!?- No, no that's stupid. Those aren't real." He placed a few fingers under his chin while he pondered Johan's unknown meaning.

His train of thought was then broken by the feeling of the airship beginning to move beneath his feet. He wobbled for a moment, but got his 'air legs' fairly quick. "Woah." he said under his breath. He could notice a low hum coming from beneath the deck, but more as a feeling than a sound. It was his first time on an airship before and began to get excited.

Ren turned to the side of the ship and walked over to the edge, while Phalanx followed behind. He placed both hands on the railing and leaned forward, staring down at the clouds and the Atlantic, though he was warry of falling off and decided to back up. He began to follow the conversation they were having again, overhearing how similar the island they were headed for was to home.

Gem city was industrial, with plenty of factories and manufacturing plants much like what Johan was describing. The place was covered with long metal pipes that snaked over buildings and streets then lead up and down through concrete. Some carried exhaust while others provided the water. There were practically towers comprised mostly of smoke stacks. It wasn't the luxurious place the name 'Gem City' would suggest, but it was home. Key difference though, was unlike where Ren grew up surrounded mostly by a proud elderly working class, these people he described seemed more like a bitter sort, perhaps even petty criminals. It would make sense if that were the case from what Johan's warning would suggest.

Ren looked out on the horizon and with a squint and a hand over his eyes could see the faintest twinkle in the clouds. He knew it to be Gem city glistening in the sunlight. He longed to be there again and he would be soon enough, but there was work that had to be done first. When Ren heard of Tefra's body mysteriously disappearing, he felt he had to act. If it was anything else he might have turned them down, but he felt in part responsible for what happened at the games, even Tefra's untimely demise. Even if there was nothing he could have done in that moment, Ren felt obligated to at least do this much. He had a drive to see this through and help out any way he can.

He found himself a vacant corner to set down his leather bag for now. The contents of it weren't exactly light and he didn't want to be lugging it around the whole trip. Until the arrived, Ren was mostly interested in seeing the airships inner workings in person. He had seen plenty of diagrams and even brought a books on the subject along to Nye. It was something he was always deeply fascinated by but never once imagined he would have the opportunity to board one. He figured if he wanted to take a look at the engine, it would be most effective to strike up a conversation with the captain. Then again, the man appeared quite disgruntled.

Ren slowly climbed up the stairs, not wanting to draw too much attention. The man was steering after all. "Okay." Ren thought to himself. "How to I approach this? If I compliment the ship, maybe he'll take a liking to me!" Ren cleared his throat, and approached from the side. He was really trying not to come off too sheepish. "H- Hi there! Quite a nice ship you got here." A nervous laugh escaped his mouth. The man was kinda intimidating, but after an awkward moment Ren followed up with a question. "Have you been sailing airships for long?" Ren knew that was a dumb question immediately after saying it. You could take one look at the man and tell he's done this his whole life. Ren closed his eyes and tensed like he just stubbed his toe. He was prepared to get chewed out, he practically felt it coming like a 6th sense.

Jet Jet rozukitsune rozukitsune Lost Echo Lost Echo Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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As did everyone else aboard, Spivey claimed a spot under the deck amongst the crew. It was a bit more crowded than was to be expected, but with a Leatherback guarding their stuff, Spivey wasn't at all concerned things would be messed with. When no one was looking, Spivey removed that gasmask that's usually plastered on just to make a few adjustments. Slipping it back on with a nice snug fit, Spivey was ready to mosey on up to the deck. The familiar meanwhile stayed put to guard their trinkets.

Spivey had a fair bit of alcohol sloshing around in their system from the night prior. Getting hammered wasn't exactly the idea, but counting beers and shots wasn't easy when the Sphinx is having fun. "Unlike half of the damn city," Spivey mumbled through the mask's voice modulator. "I'm fortunate enough not to give two shit about... The great..." Taking a wobbly step on the stairs, they continued. "Games..." Another step. "Of Nye." A short hop, enough to get to the top of the staircase. With a few waves of the arms, balance was restored before continuing to walk ahead.

Spivey wasn't present for the chaos a week ago, but instead was nearby doing a job. Close enough in fact to be roped into all this. Fortunately what at first was a huge inconvenience soon became a serious opportunity to make a massive stack of cash.

Wobbling around on deck, Spivey promptly noticed how bright it was compared to the living quarters, and so decided to throw their hood up over the visor to block it out. Spivey looked around at all the people walking back and forth preforming tasks in preparation, when a small group talking amongst themselves caught the eye, a group mostly comprising of women. "Well now, what do we have here?" Spivey began walking over, about to make their presence known, only to be distracted by something else, some much less pleasant of the senses. "Looks like we got ourselves a crowd of fine lookin- huh?"

"Oh god! what-" They paused, looking for the source of the harsh sound. Whatever it was did not mix well with Spivey's half drunk hung over brain. "What the fuck! is that sound?" Their voice roared an unnaturally low tone through the gasmask. "Sounds like a swarm of angry wasps playing jazz... Feels like my eardrums are being stung to shit!"

The metal boots clanked against the wood floor as Spivey approached the bow, putting forth great effort to stay balanced. There, was a man who had been playing a low droning instrument that Spivey was far from familiar with, but it didn't matter. It felt like a bell was ringing, and not only that, but was smacking up against Spivey's head every time it rung. "Aye, Trumpet Blower, would you cut that out?!" Spivey came up to them in their stupor with a less than friendly demeanor. "Fuck's sake, you planning to smoke the worlds largest blunt with that thing after you're done vibing?" Spivey tilted their head to the side for a moment and squatted down. "You listening Tonto? Quit it with the African shit! You're not attracting any elephants up here!"

EldridSmith EldridSmith Arcanist Arcanist Lost Echo Lost Echo
Zulan was in trouble if he didn't become a Centurion or a Citizen of Nye. That was useful information to know. As was the fact that he was a close combat fighter and had a shell that would be difficult to penetrate with a normal sword. Kilderkin had no ill will towards Zulan, but information was power, as they say. A more likely use for the information was that if they were going to work together, it would be nice to know what he could do, so she could plan accordingly. She was sure he had other tricks and abilities up his sleeve, but it wouldn't be 'in character' to press. She already suspected the man knew something was off. Perhaps she'd said something that didn't add up, or he had been more perceptive than most watching her fight. But either way.

"Well, I have a skyship of my own, back in Nye! We could go sailing when we're both Centurions." She handed him back the tea cup, after finishing it herself. "And hey, its good to be optimistic! Life's happier that way." She shook her head at the 'runt' comment.

"Well, you are certainly plenty formidable from what I've seen, even if you've been called a runt. Certainly no lost cause. No one is, unless they've lost faith in themselves."

She nodded when he decided it was time to join the others. "Awright!" She whistled sharply. "C'mon Joshua!" And the ephemeral blue eel that had been slowly swimming, twisting and turning, in the air above them came down and followed Kilderkin as she headed towards the other two.

Kilderkin, followed by Zulan (I assume, correct me if I'm wrong) approach the other two, who seemed to be having a conversation of their own.

"A deal? What kinda deal we making? And hullo, Renn. How're ya feeling?" Kilderkin said, voice softening.

EldridSmith EldridSmith ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles rozukitsune rozukitsune
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"Wait!" Adrian said as he scurried up a mountain; an apprentice of fourteen with sweat on his weary brow. "You're too fast Detleaf!"

"Really?" His mentor stopped on a rock high above him. "You should see me when I run!"

"You run up mountains?" Adrian grunted as he reached a span of scattered rocks. "You have problems old man."

"Indeed, but losing to you isn't one of them." Detleaf spun around and bounded from rock to rock, placing his steps with the precision of a mountain goat. "Onwards and upwards! Lose and you're running twenty laps around the fort!"

"Fuck," Adrian groaned as he tried copying his mentor, planting his feet and launching to one rock and another after that, but he didn't have the strength. His jumps were short and soon ran out of steam, leaning against a tree as he gasped for air. "Wait—

"Wait up!" He bent over with hands on his knees, sweat dripping from every pore on his body. "Are you trying to kill me!"

"What?" Detleaf stopped and looked down the mountain, a curious spark in his old eyes. "I'm doing this so you don't die."

"What's the point if my heart explodes?"

"Ehh." The veteran shrugged his shoulders. "Isn't meant to be in that case."

"Isn't meant to be?"


There was an awkward pause as the two locked eyes, punctuated by chirping birds and rustling leaves. There was a chill on the wind and Adrian felt his spine shiver, reminding him of the dangers night would bring. "It'll be dark soon," he said. "We should go before the stalkers come."

"Oh?" The veteran raised a brow. "You worried about them?"

"Who wouldn't be?"

"That's good." Detleaf stopped at a small clearing on level ground. "Because we've got work to do."

"Wait what?" Adrian said as he slowly, painfully approached his mentor. "You said my first contract would be threshers?"

"I lied."

"That's just stupid."

The veteran smiled in response. "You think I'd give you months to prepare? Like that's how the world works?"

"No, but I didn't think you'd prank me either." Adrian reached the clearing and found himself on level ground, surrounded by tall, swaying grass below a cliff. "Aren't you too old for that?"

Detleaf knowingly shook his head. "Every man has an inner child, but the opposite isn't true. You only become a man when you've earned it." He pointed at a small cave at the base of the cliff. "You'll start by killing a moletooth."

"That's it? A moletooth?" Adrian smirked and looked confident as could be, but the cave deeply bothered him. Its darkness called like a siren in seas of pitched blackness, and its walls seemed to narrow at the edges. "That's no problem but..."

"The tunnel." He was suddenly in the present and before him, like the mouth of a monstrous beast, was a void like the one on the mountain. "I hate tunnels."

"Fucking hate them." He waited until everyone else was inside, entering behind them as he grunted below his breath. He spent a moment looking for stalker teeth and trapmaws, monster prints and scratches on the walls, but the tunnel looked clean to him. "It's safe," he said as the others got acquainted, but much to his dismay, they seemed like a bunch of fools.

"Hitting on each other?" He glanced at the thirsting singer. "I know people have strange ways of coping, but could we at least attempt to be serious?" His gaze shifted to the aggressive prick he was forced to work with, gripping his blades ever so slightly. "And demeaning people only makes them less effective, anyone with experience knows that."

"Indeed!" Bean drifted to Goliath and his familiar, a small pistol shrimp, hopped on the man's shoulder. "Don't be a downer friend! Let's all be positive and friendly, yeah?"

Bean grandly gestured at the stone walls. "And how can you be mad when surrounded by such natural beauty! But if that's not enough." There was a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Remember that I'm the same age as her."

Adrian noted the centurion's mania. It was impressive how insane the group was from top to bottom, and he wondered if Vincent put the craziest people with the craziest centurion, almost like a quarantine. "I was the same, took my first contract at fourteen; moletooths in a cave." He uncomfortably glanced at the walls around him. They seemed to narrow like a vice but he knew it was a phobia, having delved into many caves and tunnels over the years.

That didn't make it any better though.

"Watch for Trapmaws just in case," he said to distract himself. "They lurk below the ground and hinge their jaws like a bear trap, one wrong step and you're going home early." He tapped the ground with his sword. "Don't step in rippling circles of dirt." He covered his sword in a layer of weak fire, helping to illuminate the dusty ground.

It would also answer the question of his element, but of his name? He would introduce himself when it mattered.

"About that ask," Bean suddenly said, clasping Vixie's shoulder as he smiled. "We centurions are pretty strong see? So any deaths are weird, but we lost oh..."

"Seven before the games? Chances are that some of them are connected to the attack."

Goliath Goliath Lost Echo Lost Echo Arcanist Arcanist Anne Boolean Anne Boolean
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Noel.jpgThe firebird stared right back at the Corvid almost like there was a little mental sizing up contest going on between the two avians. Expressive and curious violet eyes blinked as Noel tilted her head this way and that but otherwise seemed content to study the other bird for as long as the staring contest lasted for.

Renn sniffled a little as Charlie tried to be comforting. She smiled, a tiny little thing. She twirled the sweet in her mouth around and let it and the blonde's words lift her spirits. Maybe a new friend was exactly what she needed. A real friend. "I have no way of knowing if you aren't just secretly planning to stab me in the back later you know." She giggled, pointing out that Charlie's pitch had involved mentioning a lot of nefarious things that Renn would probably absolutely get bamboozled by... she knew how to dance socially with other nobles but not regular people. Everything a noble wanted was fairly predictable, the pathways they took to gain those things mostly uninspired.

She lifted her head slightly then, as who should suddenly walk into view but Kilderkin and - some other guy who seemed to be slightly on fire. Or were those just glowing tattoos? She considered the pirate with interest. She hadn't known they'd be on the same flight. Smiling a little bigger, she nodded to Kilderkin's question. "Charlie here wants to exchange protection from liars, cheaters and thieves for social lessons. As for how I'm feeling... I guess a little better." She explained, summarizing the long list of things she'd been told, then turned her head back toward her new friend and pulled the lollipop briefly out of her mouth like she was using it for a toast, a swish of her wrist and arm drawing the thing up in the exact same motion before putting it back in her mouth again. "Sounds like a good deal to me."

Then she unfolded herself to give the woman beside her a warm hug. "Thanks."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles EldridSmith EldridSmith Fred Colon Fred Colon
Wait, only 100?” Anya leaned forward in her seat, hands flat against the table. “They weren’t even pretending to not screw you over. There were what, a hundred thousand in those stands? More?” She heaved a great sigh, falling back in the chair. “Well, that’s proof enough some of his cult’s higher up. Either that or Nye’s incompetent, but I doubt we’re that lucky. One hundred people, fucking Faraday.” She ran a hand through her short hair, fluffing the silver strands.

She stayed silent as Johan walked away, probably thinking of the friends he had lost within those hundred. He might have been a terrible choice for head of security of the Great Games (seriously, shouldn’t have they chosen someone with experience? Not an assassin?) but he cared. She felt that mattered a lot. Maybe not to the dead people, but to Anya, who’d seen what indifference could allow to happen to others, it mattered.

Glad the woman seemed less tense than when they’d met, she returned Narzas’ smile. It faltered when she explained she’d just met Johan too. The change seemed for the better, but if it was because of a guy? She took in the centurion’s form. He definitely didn’t look too impressive. Hopefully, she knew she had options beyond him. Anya made a note to mention it sometime.

For now, “How do we know this isn’t just as rigged? It’s the same people up top, right?” she questioned aloud. Shuffling the papers in front of her, she tried to explain “I mean, take this poison they found, says nothing about the timing--how he died when he was going to speak. What triggered it? Unless he killed himself in some spy novel poison tooth, how did he get poisoned? If this shit’s so potent, it wouldn’t have just ‘hung out’ inside him.” She glanced at the two assassins, then added awkwardly, “I mean, unless that is a thing.” They would know.

There was also why they were headed to the company to look at the records--something some paper pusher would be less conspicuous in checking. Why not send them to the Undercity, where Tefra had claimed his cult grew? His fervor in describing the atrocities Nye had committed there, that history he talked about--she doubted that was fake. He’d considered himself above the riffraff of the slum but still felt a connection to those ancient (Bohr if she knew how long ago it was) oppressed people.

Anya laughed at the warning of the island. “Of course, they won’t. Not with this fancy ship and a centurion. I--they’d figure you’ve never given a damn about them before and are only trying to use them now.” It was what she’d figured whenever a centurion came sniffing around.

Opening her mouth, and then shutting it immediately, she wondered how to say, let the normal folk do the talking. Though Ren looked a bit more…comfortable, his earnestness would help with some people. Ava could probably even find a forge to work, while Anya knew her skill in fixing things would come in handy. Maybe suggest the spooks go off and do spy stuff?

She snorted at the question Narzas asked while she was thinking. Probably not. It’s why she doubted this would help their ‘mission.’ But it could help hers…she watched Ren leave, heading up to get to know the captain. Smart, make friends to prevent enemies. But he didn't need to hear her question.

Biting at the skin of her lips, she coughed a little to get their attention. “There was one thing…I wanted to ask, even before. Have you heard anything about missing kids?” She didn’t blame Nye outright, though she felt it was the funder if nothing else. Still, best to have plausible deniability.
Charlie Redding
The blonde would've been content to just sit there and have the absolute bare minimum of social interaction she could with the starlet beside her. That'd have been nice, not having to deal with anyone else. Unfortunately, the universal was a fickle bitch, and Charlie was reminded of that. That minimum turned into the feasible maximum, the rest of their little 'squad' assembling in the room. A woman who was too fucking peppy for Charlie's taste, and a man built like a brick shithouse...sure, a brick shithouse for children, but bricks all the same. The corvid, for her part, didn't seem to notice the new arrivals. No, Pitt was more interested in slowly hopping towards the phoenix, as if prepared to get beak to beak and stare into its eyes...she swore her fucking familiar alternated between a moral compass, and having the intellect of the average wombat. Though not like she had to talk, Charlie leveling a cool and irritable gaze on the new arrivals. "Eh?" She looked over to Renn as she commented on there was no certainty Charlie wasn't going to stab her in the back later. "Stab ya in the back? Nah, that's poor form. I'd stab ya in the front, gives ya a chance to spit in my face, savvy?"

The blonde's attention went back to the new arrivals, judgemental eyes leveled on the both of them. It was perhaps an uncomfortable sort of stare, like Charlie was trying to cause them to combust off looks alone, or peel them apart layer by layer. Past the flesh, past the muscle...past the bone and organs, as if she was trying to stare straight into the soul of her new arrivals. She hadn't done such a look to Renn, yet...after all, depression might be a killer, but it sure as hell wasn't usually a threat to anyone who wasn't the person with it. She didn't really need to give her the ol' once over when the songbird seemed like she was too lost in her own melancholy thoughts to be of use, or threat, to anybody yet. Be that as it may, she'd have to keep an eye on everyone. Stabbing in the back wasn't her sort of thing, but there was no telling she might find a blade between the fifth and sixth rib by the end of this. Been there, done that.

Fuck me runnin', can't even introduce myself anymore, she internally grumbled as Renn took the liberty to introduce her in passing and then proceeded to give the rundown of the entire deal. Fuckin' 'ell, open book this one. "'Sup," she simply offered in greeting, a hand raised passively before it lowered back down to rest her arms across the tops of her curled up knees. Looking over to Renn out of the corner of her eyes she gave a firm nod, the deal accepted. Happy yet, birdbrain? I made a friend, can we leave now? Such internal grumblings were interrupted by Renn wrapping her in a hug, Charlie suddenly sporting a deep frown and having to stop the instinct to bend Renn's arm in an awful angle. "Oi, oi, oi! Fuckin' consent, ever hear of 'er!?" She gave a grumble, not bothering to try to untangle herself from Renn, a halfhearted pat on her forearm. "Yeah, yeah, I'm a fuckin' angel, now wouldja let me go?"

The blonde made no effort to keep her disapproval at sudden contact subtle, the heavy accented voice raising in tone just as she spoke, the same sort of tone one might get from an aggravated parent. Whether Renn released her or not, Charlie kept her eyes on the two individuals in front of her now, the disapproving scowl stuck on her features. "So's what's yer story then? How'd you end up on this cheery lil' quest? Civvies, members of the amazing games of whateverthefuck...feel like I've seen ya both a bit, somewhere. Granted, we were all crammed into his royal highness gracious presence for a few infernal minutes, so could be that alone....nah, feel like I saw ya somewhere else."
rozukitsune rozukitsune Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith


The villagers snapped their heads at the newcomers, staring at them like patrons at a zoo. They weren't sure what to make of the woman and her strangely dressed butler; his clothes unheard of in the harsh western lands. Instead they wore tunics of wool and roughly spun cotton, sandals made from wrapped bark and twine rope. They didn't have sabers like the one on the man's waist, and in fact, none of them carried weapons at all. There weren't towers and walls nor guards meant to man them, only a few hundred farmers and kids.

"Be polite will you!" Isaac scowled at the farmers. "This is no way to greet guests!"

He approached the pair and appraised them from head to toe, raising a brow as he stroked his long beard. "Knew a man such as you long ago."

"He donned a fancy white bow."

"He had a white cap."

"And liked taking naps."

"I wonder just where did he go?"

Isaac grinned as the villagers, even small children, let out a miserable groan. "Please please, hold your applause!" He nodded at the newcomers. "We've guests from a distant land, thousands of leagues away it seems."

"My name is Isaac and I'm doing quite well. The weather is beautiful and the crops are strong this year. The winds blow favorably and there is peace in the region." His gaze grew serious and sharp for the first time, staring into their eyes to measure them. "You plan to uphold this peace I pray?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Zulan was still rather sure something was up with Kilderkin but he didn't feel like pressing one of his teammates especially before a big mission. Should it become an issue then would be the time to address it. "Should that be how things end up, I will gladly accept your offer. As for being optimistic, perhaps, but I like to consider as many scenarios as possible and be a realist. It just happens in life most scenarios are seldom as nice as we expect... like thinking of what one's future is as a child." He remarks as they head over to meet the others. He made no comment on being formidable or being a lost cause, he hadn't given up on himself but to redeem himself somehow... that was the question. He was surprised by how quickly Kilderkin butted into the conversation of their teammates, though it was odd how naturally they did so. Regardless, he was now surrounded by women and was still the shortest of the group or at least second shortest, Renn seemed to be of similar height at least. He recognized her from the festivities.

He seemed to have been glossed over by Renn as her interest was drawn to Kilderkin, which was fine as it let him watch the situation and understand the others more. Renn seemed too keen on chatting sharing what seemed to be the entirety of her conversation with Charlie. Zulan listened and put the information into the back of his head to parse through at his leisure at a later time. It was good to know not to share anything he wanted hidden with her considering it would become public knowledge within the hour... at the latest. At least he wasn't going to chance it thus far.

The second woman, built like an athlete and much taller to himself seemed displeased by the expanding of the group and the fact their entire conversation with Renn was shared... and the fact she was hugged without permission. Considering she stared them down with a stare keen on trying to bore into his soul he figured she also had a storied past, though likely one she wasn't interesting in sharing anytime soon. He stared back inspecting the woman similarly with his eyes that looked like an ocean of lava. What stood out to him most was the tall blond woman's hands as she raised them in greeting, they were the hands of a hand to hand fighter like himself.

"My story is a long one but easily summarized, I'm trying to flee Nahzir by gaining my freedom by becoming a centurion or citizen of Nye as I'm not keen on being a slave used in Nahzir's wars. As for where we met, likley the games." He summarized as he looked at Charlie. "I have to ask you the same considering your hands." He says raising up his own, while not as scarred as hers the marks were easily seen. Perhaps they would end up fighting, as the saying goes for fighters talking with one's hands was the fastest, still he would rather avoid conflicts with his new teammate as much as possible. Though their team seemed to be composed of three melee fighters and... what he could only hope wasn't dead weight.
Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Internally, Kilderkin sighed. Charlie seemed like another suspicious bastard. She wasn't sure she could keep up the charade for much longer. Perhaps if Renn didn't already know it was a charade she could, but as they say, 'Two people can keep a secret only if one of them is dead'. So she should probably resign herself to being found out sooner rather than later. But that was ok.

She'd hold onto the act for as long as she could, but being found out wasn't the end of the world. Even her original plans, upended and in dissaray as they now were, had included people finding out eventually.

Externally she grinned at Renn. She seemed to be doing much better than she had been, which was genuinly good to see. She was glad at least she was on the ship. It was sad that Esther wouldn't be going with them, as she had taken a liking to the sharp edged woman, but things were as they were.

The scowling Charlie, by comparison, rather than seeming sharp, looked like a blunt and heavy object coming towards you at high speeds. Her suspicious eyes, aggravated voice and murderous expression were belied, however, by the obviously affecctionate Renn, who gave her a hug and obviously felt very warmly towards the woman who, by her accent, Kilderkin guessed was from Macragge. That was certainly interesting.

"Hey! That does sound like a good deal! I'll watch your back, too. But I don't think you'll need to waste your time helpin' me socialize. I'm a lost cause!" Kilderkin laughed, "And I got your backs too, Zulan, Charlie! Hopefully things don't turn out too bad on this prison island, though."

It was darkly amusing, and perhaps a touch sad, to hear about the 'deal'. Protection from liars, cheats and thieves. Kilderkin had been all of those things at one time or another, and the argument could be made that she was *still* a cheat and a liar. She hoped Charlie was up to the task.

Kilderkin boxed up and put the bit of sadness away in the recesses of her mind, stored away for when she needed to pretend to be sad, and turned to Charlie.

"Names Kilderkin, as the lovelly Renn here said. Some call me 'Kildi'! From Albion originally, but I was a sailor most of my life, so I don't really feel like I'm 'from' anywhere. Spent a lot of time in Zuanshi and Byzantine, though. Thats my story, more or less. Got lots of funny tales from my time in the skies, but I'll need to be a little drunk to start telling those!"

At the talk of hands, Kilderkin lifted hers, and stared at them, as if she'd find some sort of secret there.

"Yea. I was in the games too. Maybe thats where you saw me? Can you tell by *my* hands Zulan?" She held them up to the short mans face. He would see hands scarred by cuts and rope burns, amongst many other things, with thick callouses that indicated their owners frequently handled a blade. Exactly the sort a sailor would have, albeit a sailor that made runs through the dangerous sky routes where pirates lurked. That, or the hands of an actual sky pirate.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles EldridSmith EldridSmith rozukitsune rozukitsune
Mentions: Lost Echo Lost Echo
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Yua Smith

As both heiress and butler approached the old man, the latter began to approach in his own easy and measured step. It wasn't too difficult to put two and two together to realize that this older gentlemen was the leader of this township, Yua had to suspect. After all, everyone seemed to be following his requests and commentary to a T. Or maybe not a leader, just a town elder? What was the appropriate term here!? Her internal commentary came to a halt as she stopped right in front of Isaac, Felix falling in right beside her then. Isaac seemed like a cheery if...unique gentleman, full of energy that wasn't fit for one his age. Then again, so was Felix, so who was she to judge? Where were all these fit old men coming from?

She'd expected a hello, maybe a handshake...a hug depending on the culture. But was...wait, was that a limerick? How did she respond to that? She was awful at those sorts of things, was this a cultural greeting!? Oh no, she just got here, she didn't want to offend! What to do, what to d-

Felix cleared his throat a bit, offering a polite and well trained smile that only a butler could hone,

"And I once knew an old man so wise,

with wrinkles that reached to the skies.

He'd lived a long life,

free of trouble and strife,

and now he has no time for lies."

Yua had to do a double take as she looked over to Felix, her mind short circuiting for a moment. Did he just have that one loaded in the chamber, or was that on the spot!? Then again, Felix was a knight once upon a time she supposed...they had to be good at poetry, didn't they? That made sense, she supposed. Leave it to her to be terrible at words, but knowing how to maintain a prosthetic and do medical studies... Her internal doubts were quickly silenced by the old man's cheerful eyes suddenly turning quite harsh, Yua visibly shrinking just a bit under his gaze. While Felix was stoic and unflinching in life, the young woman didn't need much to turn into a wallflower again. "N-no sir! I mean yes sir! I mean....I don't want to break any peace, sir."

"Ah-ahem...I'm Yua Smith, and my sharp dressed friend is Felix. I'm...trained in the medical field,"
she started, not wanting to act so high and mighty as to say 'I'm an heiress' or anything stupid like that, that wouldn't mean anything to a man like Isaac! The west had no time for boardrooms and business politics, surely! "I'd heard that your township was growing and thriving out here...I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help? I don't want to assume or presume anything, but being out in the West, I felt...like it wouldn't hurt to offer any aid I could give? It's dangerous out here, was my understanding...and many hands make light work."

The poor blonde felt like she was screwing this up the gates. What did she do if they said they didn't have need for a doctor, dangers or not? Her hands came to rest right in front of her before her waist, nervously twiddling her thumbs. "Mister Isaac, if I may? My young friend here wanted to put her skills to good use. She has training and understanding that is better put to use for a people who would properly benefit and appreciate it, rather than those who would take it for granted."

Jet Jet
Renn flinched at Charlie's rebuff and retracted herself back into her ball in spite of the fact the woman only sounded like she was angry. Renn had been taught to cower and be meek when people shouted at her to get their way as a youth. It hadn't happened in a while- granted, but nowadays people did other things to make one feel like they were only good for performing certain tasks.

Her cheer evaporated as the others started talking to her. She wasn't a complete idiot, she could tell from the way Zulan was looking at her he thought her useless. Even if it was true it wasn't very nice.

And then there was Kilderkin, still playing that weird role she'd been playing in front of that one reporter. Perhaps to both her and Zulan's surprise; Renn did know how to keep secrets. Instead of reacting to it at all she simply buried her face in her legs again and sucked petulantly on the sweet rather than make any sign one way or the other anything with Kilderkin was amiss. It was much easier right now to be selfish than it was to be nosy. Maybe later she would ask about it... right now she really didn't care.

She wanted to cry again, but no longer felt like she could. That cloud had passed for now. Instead she peered at the unknown Zulan from between her knees and tried to avoid chewing on her lolipop so that it would last all that much longer. Her expression went from kicked puppy to mild curiosity. She'd never seen a real savage like him up close before. As far as savages went, he seemed well mannered and his stated goals she could certainly understand if not entirely relate to. She wondered if she would though... now she'd been recruited for the army all because she'd apparently been immune to some kind of super weapon.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Fred Colon Fred Colon EldridSmith EldridSmith

Tessia was meant to be a duchess when she was born. Her parents were nobles from the wealthy upper ring, a district of morons with more money than sense. They wanted her to follow tradition like a princess in a pretty little dress, and even though it would never happen, she was trained in classical pursuits and etiquette.

The classes made her want to swim with alligators and sleep in quicksand, but painting was an exception to the rule. There was nothing like breathing life into the nonsense she imagined, and even aboad a rocking airship, tucked away in her small room, she had an easel beside her.

Her brush swept across a canvass with the deftness of a gazelle, almost dancing as she added colors to a ship. Its deep browns mixed with light blues and white cotton clouds, misshapen and surreal but somehow, despite what you'd think, it seemed more real than anything.

"Another touch here!" Her brush dashed across the canvas. "Missed a spot th—

Tessia stopped when a strange sound filled her room. "Music again?" Her head snapped to the door and a smile — small and curious — crossed her narrow face.

"What is that instrument anyway?" She tossed her paintbrush like she was littering on the ground, rushing from her room and down a corridor to the deck, barging through one of the doors. "I hate being left out the loop!"

Tessia stomped to the musician with a grumpy frown on her face. "I should've been told you play before I packed!"

"Because I'm quite good with a flute!" Her frown disappeared as she rocked her shoulders to his song, thinly smiling at the curious sound of his instrument. "What is that thing anyway?"

Her gaze shifted to the sassy man from up north. His hangover was palpable from several feet away, and her nose wrinkled at his boozey stench. "At ease soldier, music is essential for improving morale." She pulled a small flask from her pocket. "So kill your hangover like a man."

She opened the container and drank some of the smooth, well filtered contents within, only the best vodka from up north. It burned her tongue but was clean enough to go down — not that he would care about taste. He seemed like a man who could drink engine grease with a smile.

"Here, have the rest." She tossed him the flask and looked around at the others. It was a small group but they were competent nonetheless, save the boy who was in above his head. Tessia smiled his way thinking 'Oh you're so dead, you precious little thing' but he took it as a damn invitation! It would've been fine if he did the classic "Hey how are you!" and moved on, but no, that would've been too simple.

Instead he trapped her with questions like stakes on a cross, each pinning another spot on her body. It was an avalanche and after answering several questions, she forced a smile and said, "You know..."

"You're so..."


"About everything!" Her enthusiasm was palpable. "Last question okay? I want to talk to everyone, even if you're so charming."

He countered with a question about Old Umbria which, much to her annoyance, she actually knew about. "Five hundred years give or take," the centurion groaned. "Around the time of the western fall. It's said they collapsed due to infighting and turned their weapons against themselves, leaving the continent in ruins."

Her smile faded into a distant, somber frown. "Umbria was the capital of their southern province, supposedly a beautiful place, but who knows now?"

"At any rate!" She strutted across the deck with a sigh. "I hate history! So no more questions." She leaned against the railing and basked in the sunlight, closing her eyes as another question...

Another question

Was asked by the scientist. "Oh um..." Her heart cracked into a thousand little pieces. "You uh... can take what you want. Just um... submit acquisition forms when we return... or uh... you know... you'll get in trouble."

Arcanist Arcanist EldridSmith EldridSmith Lost Echo Lost Echo ZackStop ZackStop
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