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Fantasy The Great Games of Nye


Not bad firefly,” Goliath spoke, laying back on his portion of the tent once they were done. He pat around him for a moment before deciding to forgo finding his shirt which had been thrown off somewhere in the dark. Sure, Nyall could have lit up the tent with his powers easily enough. But he didn’t need it to sleep. Nor did he want to risk anyone who was still awake outside seeing the light through the fabric.

He knew there would be enough questions, or thoughts, from the rest of their team about their sleeping arrangements. Which was why Goliath wouldn’t be the one to confirm what they’d done tonight. Not because he was ashamed, but because it was none of their business. Nyall deserved as much privacy as he wanted, even if he didn't believe it. Regardless of whether he was used to living in the spotlight or not.

Goliath was lying on his side, with his arm folded under his head, facing away. His eyes shut. Compared to most of his hookups, Nyall had satisfied him. He remembered back to when he realized he was into men. Draven would hire all these pretty girls to come to the house and take care of them, like before a big fight. But Goliath never accepted. At first, it was the joke that he was a prude. But their leader was too smart for that. And then one day there were a few guys added to the mix as well. No questions asked.

But normally — they would be leaving his room with money in hand by now. It felt odd to have someone stay and sleep next to him. But that was what he’d agreed upon, so he needed to get used to it. In the silence, he was left alone with his thoughts. Was the cat boy a cuddler? Probably. He seemed like the type to want to be held after intimacy. But Goliath had no desire to do such unnecessary things. And the space between them made that pretty obvious.

He blinked slowly when he suddenly heard Nyall’s voice from beside him, half expecting the cat boy to have already fallen into a deep sleep. But no. And instead, he was rambling on about the repayment not being fair. It was almost funny. Goliath was quiet for a moment, knowing he could just act like he wasn’t awake, before deciding to speak.

There is .. nothing you can give me that I want.” He sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at the dark silhouette beside him. “But so be it. Promise that when the fighting breaks out, you won’t do something stupid like run to the front lines. That you will protect your life above everything else.

Maybe it was too much for him to ask, but Goliath didn’t care. His gaze lingered in the darkness, watching Nyall’s faint outline. The thought of him getting hurt because of some misplaced sense of duty. Nyall didn’t belong in the middle of a warzone. "Promise me," Goliath repeated, his voice low but firm, the weight of his words filling the tent. He didn’t look away this time, his eyes locked on the cat boy, waiting for the answer that he needed to hear.

Anne Boolean Anne Boolean (Nyall)

A soft smile appeared on Nihal's face. It had been his job to satisfy. He was trained for it. The same could even be said for his musical career. Perhaps he was also trained to enjoy praise, as even after all these years, regardless of what it was for, it brought about a small sense of euphoria. Like Goliath, he also hadn't planned on kissing and telling. His reputation was of the utmost importance as a public figure, but right now, he could care less about that. Plus, he could have done much worse than the soldier. Right behind client satisfaction, confidentiality had always been top priority in his former line of work. Aside from a business standpoint, he understood it from a moral and ethical one as he grew older. Although, going back, if the rules had been a little more lax, he might have leaked word to the partners of committed men and women. It wasn't worth risking his life though, he told himself, and he tried his best to convince himself that their partnership was an open arrangement.

An almost involuntary chuckle left his lips when Goliath said he didn't have anything he wanted. That was certainly a first, and honestly, it was somewhat refreshing. So many people would have been so disappointed to find out that, despite what it seemed, he actually didn't have access to the means to grant their wishes. Or at least he hadn't in the past. How ironic that when he did did he find someone who wanted for nothing.

The actual request the other gave caused him to blink. "... I figured most people would be upset if someone fled their side on the battlefield," he said, unsure if it meant to be taken as a joke. He didn't think the other was stupid enough to assume he was all that capable of fighting. The best way for him to protect his life would be to desert. He swallowed, thinking back to Vixie. He wasn't so sure the others would take care of her if he left. He would have to take her along, or...

"Luckily, we have you to command us! Besides, you know how good at taking orders I am." He looked at the other's silhouette with a smirk on his face, but it soon faded after a moment of not being able to read the other's reaction. "... I promise," he finally said. He let his eyes linger on Goliath for a moment longer before turning over. Someone who wanted him alive yet wanted nothing from him... it was... certainly strange to think about.

Goliath Goliath

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