The God inside [Inactive]

She turned to look at Kayleigh and shot her a look. "We'll the Romans did have the bigger empire. While the Greeks civilization lasted... Who knows." She then turns back and looks at the water again then she shrugs. "We'll Kayleigh I grabbed chips and I don't really want then why don't you take then and join us? I mean us war goddesses need to stick together correct?" She then looks to Rich and leans down and splashes him.
"Tv, books and then I got into several different gyms and plus the fights people picked with me were good practice," Faythe answered him easily.

"Jack, I think I have just approved of you as my first official friend.... do you feel proud?" She spoke in a jokingly manner as she finished her the little water in her water bottle.
Kayleigh laughed. "The Roman civilization was established by a Greek who escaped the war in Troy. So there's that." She smirked. "And how do you know I'm a war goddess?" She asked Rich.
Rich chewed on his sandwich, listening intently to Kat telling him about her being the Roman Goddess of war Bellona. He chuckled as Kat looked at her red painted toenails. He accepted the water bottle and unscrewed the lid. "Cool!" was all Rich could really add. For a Goddess of war she seams very peaceful Rich thought.

When Kayleigh walked up and joined them, Rich gave her a smile while he had a mouthful of water, he swallowed it down and was about to speak. Before, Rich could get his words out, Kayleigh said something about Romans vs Greeks. Rich didn't know much about the subject so he just shrugged, and took the last bite of his sandwich. It was kind of funny watching Kat and Kay banter back and forth. Talk of empires and a place called Troy, it was actually very interesting. "They seem kind of similar to me" Rich added hoping he didn't sound dumb.

Jocelyn walked up and greeted the group, Rich gave her a wave and gestured for her to add her feet into the water.

"I have no idea" Rich said with a laugh, looking at Kay's inquisitive eyes. "But sometimes you seem feisty?" Rich picked his voice up at the end of his statement, accidentally making it sound more like a question.
"They are, Rich. Romans are just the more disciplined version of the Greeks, you could say." Kayleigh grinned at the boy. "And I seem feisty? Really?" She chuckled. In the two times she had spoken to him, she had been anything but feisty. She probably came off as really clumsy, and kind of an airhead. But that didn't really matter to her.
She watches Kay and smirks. " we probably shouldn't... Argue about which version is better" she looks to rich and smiles then back to kay. "So lay tell me your background? I grew up in chicago." She was trying hard to keep her temper in check this time, she remember her father's warning.
"Yeah" Rich laughed nervously trying to recover from his previous blunder of the mouth. This was the first time Rich actually looked forward to classes, everyone else seemed to know a lot more than he did. Rich looked at his feet in the water. When Kat started to ask about backgrounds, Rich had the bad feeling they were going to ask him. Rich believed that if people knew who he was they would change. Rich's eyes focused past his feet into the blue of the water. They won't ask me questions when I'm in the water, besides I'm supposed to be the water god! Rich liked his plan. He got up with haste and pulled off his shirt and pants as quickly as possible so his body was exposed to the girls eyes as little as possible. Rich then jumped in head first without saying a word.
Isa shrugged. "I guess it's bound to happen. We can't just stay here and not get to know each other. That'd be weird." she said. She decided that would be a nice place to end the conversation, as she had noticed some people walking out. She assumed it would be best for her to leave as well. "I'll be off, I assume we'll talk again sometime?" she said as she began to walk towards the gym doors. She planned to walk around the halls, figure her way around this place, or maybe check out her door. She remembered faintly being told she was a Greek goddess, so she'd go to the Greek dorms first. She was a bit skeptical about the co-ed dorms, but this school was weird in the first place, so why not?
Jocelyn slipped her feet into the water, rolling the knee length shirt up a little bit so it doesn't get wet. She smiles at Rich, "not swimming?" She asks curiously, "you know, there might be a store on campus that you guy buy trunks at..."
She laughs when he jumps in the water and places her hands in front of face to protect from any unwanted splashing. Then she looks over to Jocelyn and nods to her then smiles and offers her hand. "Hey, I'm Katerina. You can call me Kat for short, everyone else does."
She looks to Jocelyn and smiles "if your going to flirt I would jump in the pool with him." She pulls her feet out of the water and grabs her gold gladiator sandals. And walks towards the dorm areas she looks for the roman side and begins to walk upstairs. She stops half way and unrolls her jeans down her legs then she continues to walk up the stairs. She smiles when she opens her room and finds her things lying on a bed. She sets her gladiator sandals down by the end of the bed. She leaves the door open and looks into the hallway.
Isa walks into the Greek dorm part of the building, scanning the names on the doors, looking for her own. She walked down the hall until she found the door saying, "Isabella Snow / Jonathan Thane" on it. She pushed the door open, walking in. She raised an eyebrow. These dorms were pretty impressive. She flopped onto the bed with her bags on it, not going to bother and unpack just yet.
The plan worked and Rich's identity was safe from being discovered. He dove in the water inspecting the bottom, until something dark against the stone caught his eye. Rich couldn't quite make it before he had to catch his breath. He surfaced just long enough to look over to see that Kat had left. Rich took an extra deep breath and dove, he swam right for the dark patch on the bottom. As he swam closer he made it out to be markings, ornately carved lines through the marble, colored dark blue. The markings were of a strong bearded man wearing a crown, etched out sea life swam all around him. Rich inspected the pictures and saw a trident in the mans hand. Poseidon Rich thought, Is that was he looked like?. Rich looked around for more markings and couldn't see any more.

Needing air again Rich kicked off the bottom surfaced with a splash. Rich wished Kat was here, she would be able to tell him if that was poseidon or not. Jocelyn was giggling after making a joke about not having a bathing suite. "It didn't stop me." Rich said smiling back. Before diving back down to look for more clues Rich remembered Jocelyn talked about writing about the gods.

"Do you know what Poseidon looks like?" Rich asked as he tread the water around him, "I think I might have found a picture of him on the bottom."
"Kinda.... I dream about the gods a lot...." She shrugged and looked around, she hopped in and giggled swimming around contently, "like Aphrodite. I kinda look like her in a small way, I think you'll look like Poseidon in a small way or have a trait. Aphrodite is the goddess of love" She smiled.
Now it all made sense, being the goddess of love would make a person extremely approachable. Jocelyn jumped in the water and Rich kept his distance, as the girl swam.

"If Poseidon is the guy in the picture I found, he has an epic beard." Rich laughed "I can't grow anything on my face, you should dive down and take a look at it." Rich dove back down to look for more markings. He stopped by the apparent Poseidon and waited for Jocelyn. Looking at it again the god of the sea looked confident and strong. Wisdom looked out from the markings eyes. Could that be me? Rich looked again for more. All he could see was the dark blue coming from the deep end of the pool, Rich had the urge to explore.
"I'm sorry about weirding you guys out." Kay told Rich and Jocelyn. "It's sort of who I am. I think I'm Eris, goddess of arguments. Since that seems to be the only thing I'm ever successful at." She said, drawing her legs closer to herself.
Jocelyn swam down and looked at the picture, she nodded and quickly swam back up for air, she looked at Kay and smiled (Hey now, just because Aphrodite is the goddess of love dont mean she a ho xD )
Rich watched Jocelyn nod, confirming his belief. Rich liked what he'd learned so far about the god he was supposed to be. Rich followed Jocelyn back up to the surface and looked over to Kay.

"You're not weirding my out" Rich said with a reaffirming smile. Rich swam over to the Kay, with each stroke he tried to think of something to say that might lift her spirits. "At least Aris is a cool name." Rich said, after it came it out Rich realized it sounded a lot better in his head.

"So what do you think of this place?" Rich asked as he leaned his chin against the side of the pool. Maybe changing the subject will help he thought.
Jocelyn frowned a bit jealous then went and sap up on the ledge, her clothes soaked, she looked around to see if there's anything she can change into, she sees a robe and goes over to it "Hey rich, cover your eyes" she quickly takes the skirt and tank top off, only in her bra and undies. She pulls the robe on and ties it sitting back down beside the ledge. "Hey, I heard Eris is pretty" She smiles
She stretches and changes her clothes to a comfy pair of work out pants and a black and green tank top. Then she leans down and pulls her socks and tennis shoes on. Nothing calmed her down more then training or working out. She leaves her dorm room and walks down to the gym she grabs her iPod and places the buds in her ears. Then she walks over to the body punching bag. She wraps her hands looking over the bag.
"Well, it seems kinda cool." Kay admitted. "Although, I rushed in late and have no idea what all of this is about." She admitted sheepishly.

"Thanks, you guys." She grinned at Jocelyn and Rich when they said that Eris is a pretty name. "I'd hate to be stuck with some weird-a*s name." She laughed, not naming names in order to maintain the peace. She was trying so hard not to laugh at all the names of the gods.

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Helena had just started to walk casually around again, this time heading back to the library. She felt more at ease there, than with all of the fighting. It wasn't like Hera, who she believed she could possibly be, didn't ever fight, but she prefered words. That was after all what she used whenever she was in fights with Zeus in the legends. Words to humiliate him. To make him look like a fool.

Though, she wouldn't dare to make him too much out of a fool, human or not. He might as well zap her with his lightning if she did so.
Dawid was still a bit overwhelmed about all the information he had got from his new school. Mostly the fact, that getting out from campus was tricky, bothered him: he could always call his family but he has been used to meet them face to face usually. It sort of.. Paralyzed his social skills for a while. All he was managed to do was to try to forget the fact by doing what he likes to do alone, such as playing his acoustic guitar which he brought with him and reading poems from the library.

The thinking of it took pretty much resources from him and he has merely even thought what god he could me. However, now he saw a good opportunity to think about it when he found out the library nice and quiet as there was no other people but Dawid in there. As he rubbed his fingers a bit, he sat on one of the chairs and pulled also his legs on the chair, crossing his fingers a bit and leaning them against his forehead, closing eyes and starting to think intensively. He really liked history but was usually more sceptical than others.. His passion is to find the truth, but he wasn't also scared of guessing things. When he came to think about it, his prophecies have usually been right. Oh wow... Could I be..., was the words what echoed in his head.

His concentration however broke as he heard the door opening. Hastily dropping his legs down as he wasn't sure did the staff of library appreciate legs on their chairs, he nailed his brown eyes to the woman who came in.

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