The General Discussion Thread


That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Here is where we will chat and discuss all things related to the RP to keep the rest of the threads clear of unneeded chit chat. 

Thank you!
I got it to work. I think I was the picture it's self that was doing it, so I changed it.

Yeah. If it doesn't work one way, another one always will. Sometimes when an image link doesn't work, I save the image to my desktop and use the "Insert Other Media" dropdown menu to add the image file so that I don't have to rely on a link at all.
@MasterOfPuppets, @Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure.

I have updated the "Sword Skills" Page.

After a bit of consideration, I decided not to create a pre-set list of Skills. MasterOfPuppets informed me that it might be better to make the Skills based on real moves, but I took it in a slightly different though similar direction: Sword Skills are player created.

Yes. As a player, you must create your own Skills to use in the game. This makes it easier on all of us to create Skills we know we'll use and remember without having to refer to some kind of list which may break our workflow.

Hopefully you all enjoy this mechanic! I know I will!

Anyway, since we have four people I will ask now when everyone thinks they'll be ready to begin. I know everyone has lives and routines they need to adhere to during the day, so please do let me know when you will likely be available for posting so I know how often to expect your involvement.

I myself am working two part time jobs and going to college, yet surprisingly I will have most Mondays and Wednesdays to post as well as weekends (in most cases). So I usually will be posting once every other day.

How bout ya'll?
I'm mostly free any time. My sleeping schedule changes some times. For now I post around 8 pm central time to 7 am
@Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, good to know. Thank you.

Anyway, do either of you have any input on the RP's mechanics at this point in time?

I'm open to discussion and reorganization if you think something could use some adjustment to make it easier and more intuitive. SAO is complex by nature, so if you guys think something could be adjusted to make the RP a bit smoother please do let me know.

I value your input.
Thanks for accepting my request, @ChoShadow. I'm here during workdays so that's Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 4pm EST. I can pop in outside that time frame but I'm limited to browsing since the connection back home is close to nonexistent (I'm sorry for myself, too).

I do have a question about the sword skills. From what I understand, we still have the basic skill groups such as Thrust. For the more advanced skills, will we be required to submit them for approval first (with the technicalities and all)? And would it be possible to "adapt" a player-created skill? How about the skill tree and possible hidden skills? And I do remember there were skills associated with certain items in-game. Will we be dealing about them, too?

Sorry about the questions. ^^" Overall, I'm really excited on how this will unfold.
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Thanks for accepting my request, @ChoShadow. I'm here during workdays so that's Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 4pm EST. I can pop in outside that time frame but I'm limited to browsing since the connection back home is close to nonexistent (I'm sorry for myself, too).

I do have a question about the sword skills. From what I understand, we still have the basic skill groups such as Thrust. For the more advanced skills, will we be required to submit them for approval first (with the technicalities and all)? And would it be possible to "adapt" a player-created skill? How about the skill tree and possible hidden skills? And I do remember there were skills associated with certain items in-game. Will we be dealing about them, too?

Sorry about the questions. ^^" Overall, I'm really excited on how this will unfold.

No worries about the connection, and never apologize for asking a lot of questions. It demonstrates your curiosity and eagerness to understand the RP which is always appreciated by GM's (or at least those who know how to appreciate the dedication it takes to ask a lot of questions).

Anyway, when it comes to skills I won't require you to have the advanced Skills approved of before hand. Right now I'm still thinking about how to properly set everything up, but this is what I was thinking of adding to the Skills page:

(If you think one option is better or have any other ideas, please say so)

* Basic Skills - Available for player creation from the start

* Advanced Skills - (one of the following, haven't decided which one yet) Requires the player to either be part of a Guild, achieve a certain level (probably 50+), or to complete a difficult group-based quest

* Hidden Skills - I was planning on collaborating with you guys to figure out what kinds of "Hidden" Skills could be available and what the requirements for them would be.

* I wasn't planning on having any Skills associated with items in-game. I know the original had them, but for the sake of simplicity I was planning on removing them.
About my connection time, I pretty much log in at random times, since im not in any rp and I just come to check. Once a rp starts, I will connect almost anytime excepting the mornings (gtm, watch out) that I will be at school. But posting should not be a problem.

Now about hidden skills, I think it could be player related, like a speed buff for a few seconds, a higher healing rate... things like that, BUT, with you choosing a requirement to fulfill in order to activate it, that we may or may not know.

(For example, if you see a friend in danger, your Hidden Skill "Bodyguard" will activate, allowing you to move at twice your normal speed for five seconds. That would be the skill, that you could tell the player the requirement once they "learn" about it.)

Im not sure I am explaining this propperly, but you should get the general idea of what I mean xD
About my connection time, I pretty much log in at random times, since im not in any rp and I just come to check. Once a rp starts, I will connect almost anytime excepting the mornings (gtm, watch out) that I will be at school. But posting should not be a problem.

Now about hidden skills, I think it could be player related, like a speed buff for a few seconds, a higher healing rate... things like that, BUT, with you choosing a requirement to fulfill in order to activate it, that we may or may not know.

(For example, if you see a friend in danger, your Hidden Skill "Bodyguard" will activate, allowing you to move at twice your normal speed for five seconds. That would be the skill, that you could tell the player the requirement once they "learn" about it.)

Im not sure I am explaining this propperly, but you should get the general idea of what I mean xD

I understand what you mean, and all examples were definitely good to consider.

I'll do what I can to come up with a fairly comprehensive list of such Hidden Skill possibilities by tomorrow evening when I get home from work, and if you guys have further suggestions for Hidden Skills and such please do share.
Told ya, rand times. Its 5:21 am here atm xD

Anothe hidden skill that could work. Remember how Kirito has a sword, and then gets the skill to dual wield? There could be a special skill of silent kill or double wield too BUT once you have adquired some xp with short blades, like knifes or daggers.

Also looking at how Kirito threw the stone with the skill effect, I guess you can apply it to them too right? Throwing a dagger? (and being screwed when the enemy deflects it xD)
Told ya, rand times. Its 5:21 am here atm xD

Anothe hidden skill that could work. Remember how Kirito has a sword, and then gets the skill to dual wield? There could be a special skill of silent kill or double wield too BUT once you have adquired some xp with short blades, like knifes or daggers.

Also looking at how Kirito threw the stone with the skill effect, I guess you can apply it to them too right? Throwing a dagger? (and being screwed when the enemy deflects it xD)


I'm almost done coming up with a list of possible hidden skills that I'd like your and everyone else's opinions on. I'll post it later tonight when I get home from work (or if I manage to finish before work I'll post it then).
@Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @MasterOfPuppets

I have added in a page for Hidden/Extra Skills. The list is very short right now because it's all I had time to write this morning before work, but it will be added to as you guys help me continue to come up with ideas. If you think any of the Skills need adjustment as they exist now, please do speak up!

Talk to you later!
I took a look, and I think that Hide and Detection skills are not compensated. For example, lets say you just took part in a robery, and you decide to flee in a motorbike. Then from the hide and detection example, I would need to be able to drive a motorbike and a car to be able to use my car to go after you.

What about this. From those two, the higher skill defeats the other, so a lv 50 hide could hide from detect and vice versa. But in case they are both the same lv, detect will always detect the hidden player IF he is directly in front of the player. Example, if I am against a wall, you can detect me, but if there is a box or something else between us then hiding wins over detect (not needed to be a huge box, just an object around knee high would do).

Also, Monster Taming. Remember Silica? You could leave it as the skill is, BUT for tamer players (those that use monsters to fight instead of weapons) the skill could be learned at lv 1, letting the player tame 1 monster each time as long as the player is at least 5 lvs higher than the monster to tame.

(That is so the tamer player can have as limit the monster they get when they start plus a tamed monster. They cant make an army of them xD)
I took a look, and I think that Hide and Detection skills are not compensated. For example, lets say you just took part in a robery, and you decide to flee in a motorbike. Then from the hide and detection example, I would need to be able to drive a motorbike and a car to be able to use my car to go after you.

What about this. From those two, the higher skill defeats the other, so a lv 50 hide could hide from detect and vice versa. But in case they are both the same lv, detect will always detect the hidden player IF he is directly in front of the player. Example, if I am against a wall, you can detect me, but if there is a box or something else between us then hiding wins over detect (not needed to be a huge box, just an object around knee high would do).

Also, Monster Taming. Remember Silica? You could leave it as the skill is, BUT for tamer players (those that use monsters to fight instead of weapons) the skill could be learned at lv 1, letting the player tame 1 monster each time as long as the player is at least 5 lvs higher than the monster to tame.

(That is so the tamer player can have as limit the monster they get when they start plus a tamed monster. They cant make an army of them xD)

Duly noted. I'll think on it and see what I can do with them to make them a bit more compensated and balanced. But I'll do that tomorrow. I'm beat.
@Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @MasterOfPuppets, I would like to encourage you guys to start coming up with your own Skills to add to the Skills List I'm working on. I am only so creative, after all. So please do try to come up with at least 5 skills on your own and send them and their details such as unlock requirements and such to me via a private message.

Thanks guys!
@Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @MasterOfPuppets.

MasterOfPuppets presented me with five Skills for the Two Handed Sword Skill list, and they have been added to the Sword Skills Topic for your convenience. Please read up on them so you know what they are.

Once everyone has made a character for the RP, we will begin and the RP will be continually updated (both IC and OOC) as we come up with more Skills, Quests, and more.

Thank you!
@Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @MasterOfPuppets

By the looks of things, YanaAi still needs to post a character. YanaAi, if you're still keeping tabs on the RP please do give me a status update on your character as soon as you can. The sooner your character is submitted, the sooner the RP can start.

And MasterOfPuppets, your character remains incomplete at this time so please complete it at your earliest convenience. The length request for 2 paragraphs for the Personality and 3 paragraphs for the Bio are in fact requirements which your character must meet before they will be considered complete. Until those sections are 2 and 3 paragraphs with between 5-7 sentence, I cannot permit you to post in the RP. So please finish it as soon as you can.

Thank you!
@A Mysterious Figure, @Brokenbri

I have decided that now is as good a time as any to get us started on our adventure! I will make an Intro Post and have it up by later on tonight, and you can react to it however you wish and start your characters in SAO. But please wait to post until my Intro has gone up.

Thank you!

@YanaAi, @MasterOfPuppets

I still need to see a character from YanaAi. Master, you still haven't updated your character so until I see that it has been updated I cannot permit you to post yet. Please let me know when you have updated your character profile, and once I take a look and confirm everything is a-okay, I'll let you know that you can post.

Thank you!

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