The General Discussion Thread

@ChoShadow @VeiledPariah @A Mysterious Figure just wanted to let you guys know my posting times have changed. I'm now available from 1pm to 3 am central time. Also I was wondering since it's just a few of us right now should we post in an order? If not then ok.

I'm open to a posting order if enough people want it. Otherwise I think for now you're fine posting whenever you have the time since we aren't grouped together.
I'm open to a posting order if enough people want it. Otherwise I think for now you're fine posting whenever you have the time since we aren't grouped together.

I don't know if it's just me but the pictures in the monster list aren't working. 
I'm open to a posting order if enough people want it. Otherwise I think for now you're fine posting whenever you have the time since we aren't grouped together.

I have a very unusual timetable right now, so this might not work for me at least right now. I would like to, but at the moment my schedule is highly irregular, and it's possible you all could be waiting a while for me to post.
Hey @ChoShadow, I'm here. I'm really sorry I've been out sick for more than a week. I'll have my CS posted in a few. Sorry for missing out.  (シ_ _)シ

EDIT: CS posted. Let me know if I need to revise anything.
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I personally enjoy turn based systems to prevent everyone from getting lost in the rp from the ammount of posts if someone is gone for a day or two but also its smart to keep savvy on the post in case someone vanishes wihtout notice for a few days. in other words its still not up to me but i use my best posting judgement before flooding the story with posts
Hey @ChoShadow, I'm here. I'm really sorry I've been out sick for more than a week. I'll have my CS posted in a few. Sorry for missing out.  (シ_ _)シ

EDIT: CS posted. Let me know if I need to revise anything.

Please double check your sentence count in the Personality and Biography sections. If you need to refresh, the RP's main page has the requirements you must meet. Once you're finished, let me know and I'll check it over once more. If it fulfills the requirements, then I'll let you know that you're good to go and that you may begin posting.
Please double check your sentence count in the Personality and Biography sections. If you need to refresh, the RP's main page has the requirements you must meet. Once you're finished, let me know and I'll check it over once more. If it fulfills the requirements, then I'll let you know that you're good to go and that you may begin posting.

All done.
@Brokenbri, @YanaAi, @VeiledPariah, @A Mysterious Figure


Hey everyone.

After thinking it over, I have devised a system which I think will work out for all of us fairly well. So here it is:

There will not be a strict posting order, but there will be an expected post order. It is as follows:

1) Myself

2) Brokenbri

3) VeiledPariah

4) A Mysterious Figure

5) YanaAi

6) tammynorthland

This list is meant only to demonstrate that there is an understood posting order, however as I mentioned it is not going to be strictly enforced. I ask only that you stick to it as much as possible.

Here are a few guidelines I have in mind, though I'm open to fine tuning them:

1. If your post directly involves another player owned character(s), tag that player(s).

2. Tags supersede the posting order. The player who was tagged may respond immediately to whomever tagged them so that their interactions are smooth and uninterrupted by non-related material.

3. If multiple persons are tagged in a post due to a group environment having developed, the order of posting goes in accordance with the tagging order of the original poster.

- For example: If I posted and tagged Brokenbri, A Mysterius Figure, and YanaAi in that order, that would be our little personal group posting order. Bri would respond first, then AMF, and then YanaAi. We would maintain that specific order unless some in-game circumstances negated it such as the party taking separate paths, a player logged out, or something else happened which brought that specific grouping to an end.

- In the event of the post order being interrupted or done away with, but the group environment remains, a new post order will be determined based on the circumstances present at that time. The first player with an opening to reply in accordance with the previous order would then dictate the new post order via the order of whomever they tagged that remained. Let's say in my previous example Brokenbri's character left the group because their character logged out of SAO. A Mysterious Figure would be next in accordance with our original order. They could then change the order if they wished, or keep it the same by tagging YanaAi, and then me. But it's up to them.

4. In the event of a group environment breaking in its entirety, the original posting order provided above will retake precedence.

- Also, outside of group or paired responses, the original posting order is still in effect for those not directly involved. Whomever is interacting directly generates a posting order between themselves based on who is tagged (if there are multiple), and the rest of us will continue posting in accordance with the posting order listed above unless we create a secondary group environment, in which case all the same group posting rules apply.

That's about it for my post order idea.

If you guys are okay with this, we'll implement it immediately. If you have questions or concerns, please voice them now so we can discuss and fine tune the system so that everyone is comfortable with it.

Thank you!
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So essentially it's not a perect posting order nazi style but mainly a format to make sure we don't blast other players in the dust. I agree wit the points here and it all makes sense personally to me but as common an issue is when people dissapear from the rp

Sounds great so we should let everyone post their beginning Link start post and then begin the posting order?

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So essentially it's not a perect posting order nazi style but mainly a format to make sure we don't blast other players in the dust. I agree wit the points here and it all makes sense personally to me but as common an issue is when people dissapear from the rp


It will always be an issue, however I have asked everyone to keep me informed of their life circumstances so that if someone has to disappear for a while, we will all know why and can move forward knowing that either they'll be back later or we will continue without them.

Hopefully everyone will remember to do that for me, as I can only remember so many things at once.
Looks good to me. This way we can keep track of who's supposed to post next.

By the way, @ChoShadow will the floors be similar in construction to the previous Aincrad? I.e. towns, dungeons, teleport gates? I saw this floor guide on Wikia:

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Looks good to me. This way we can keep track of who's supposed to post next.

By the way, @ChoShadow will the floors be similar in construction to the previous Aincrad? I.e. towns, dungeons, teleport gates? I saw this floor guide on Wikia:

View attachment 167294

Yes, it will be very similar to the original. The only major difference is that there is no "end of the world" like in the original. Each floor is a procedurally generated world unto itself which players could explore infinitely. Towns, villages, dungeons, temples (something new you'll learn about later), shrines (also new), and more will all be procedurally generated as well, so there are potentially an infinite number of quests, monsters, and other such things as well which is another major feature of this SAO in the IC lore.
@Brokenbri @A Mysterious Figure @VeiledPariah @YanaAi @tammynorthland

For the time being the post order is going to consist of that list I provided, minus tammy until her character is finished. I will post tomorrow to get us rolling on this order, and remember that if you are unable to post within 48 hours of your turn beginning your turn is skipped. So if you know that's going to happen, please let everyone know ahead of time instead of us having to wait until the last instant to figure it out okay?

Thank you!
its not that. my other rps im

a blind girl with sniping skills

a fitness fanatic with good strength and zomie fighting weapon called the hydra(twin machetes connected to pole staff)

and a male assasin dark elf with a dark spirit he can summon

point is i try to make them very unique and sometimes i cannot come up with an idea
its not that. my other rps im

a blind girl with sniping skills

a fitness fanatic with good strength and zomie fighting weapon called the hydra(twin machetes connected to pole staff)

and a male assasin dark elf with a dark spirit he can summon

point is i try to make them very unique and sometimes i cannot come up with an idea

It's fine tammy. I understand.

When it comes to this RP, originality is a bit more difficult because the lore is grounded in at least partial reality where your palette is more limited than something purely fantasy based. You have to come up with a normal human being (boring), create a not-so-generic personality (boring), and give us a backstory that follows all the rules of life we know they would naturally (boring).

However, once inside SAO, your character can truly shine whether or not they seem "unique" in this character sheet. SAO is going to offer a near unlimited number of opportunities for Siloh to choose from, including that which he loves most: art.

Who knows? Perhaps his art work in SAO will inspire his art in real life and thus help lead his real-life side to a happier and more fulfilling future as the RP progresses?

After all, I plan to have the entire RP take place over the course of 3 years, so there's plenty of time for growth and unique development even if the character at this moment seems a bit more flat than you would have originally liked.
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