The General Discussion Thread

I understood completely everything you said and that's what made it so tough to design siloh. My hugest issue was the fact that your right the whole world they will occupy hasnt happened yet and thus makes it tough to define thems elves 

But siloh has a personality as a character I honestly kinda pulled from myself.  Although not perfect I just thought the tlsame u9u thought. Reason is seeing how this rp is going to change them. He isn't depressed or sad or anything but this rp is kin da my escape.from my real life just as Sao is his escape from his real life

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I understood completely everything you said and that's what made it so tough to design siloh. My hugest issue was the fact that your right the whole world they will occupy hasnt happened yet and thus makes it tough to define thems elves 

But siloh has a personality as a character I honestly kinda pulled from myself.  Although not perfect I just thought the tlsame u9u thought. Reason is seeing how this rp is going to change them. He isn't depressed or sad or anything but this rp is kin da my escape.from my real life just as Sao is his escape from his real life



Anyway, now that your character is done (and I'm working on my post now), you'll be free to post when your turn rolls around.
Is it ok if we don't necessarily have an order? But just mutual respect for each others and our posting speed? Obviously if I post a monolouge about my chara it wouldn't be a big deal to break the order but I wouldn't post 100 either with another player. I guess rp ettiquite? I'm not the gm. But everytime rps are hosted usually we just do something close. Still there's an order but not super strict just common courtesy
Is it ok if we don't necessarily have an order? But just mutual respect for each others and our posting speed? Obviously if I post a monolouge about my chara it wouldn't be a big deal to break the order but I wouldn't post 100 either with another player. I guess rp ettiquite? I'm not the gm. But everytime rps are hosted usually we just do something close. Still there's an order but not super strict just common courtesy


I suppose the best time for the post order is when direct interaction is taking place. Other than that there definitely is the question of "why do I have to wait if I'm on my own?"

So yes. I shall henceforth amend the post order guidelines to only be incorporated when group activity is in progress.
Point understood. Can I suggest a minimum number of posts in between though? Say, I'd like to wait for at least 2 or 3 posts in between before I post again as long as my character is alone.
Point understood. Can I suggest a minimum number of posts in between though? Say, I'd like to wait for at least 2 or 3 posts in between before I post again as long as my character is alone.

That's more a self-imposed restriction than one for the entire group, but I understand what you're talking about. If your character is alone and you don't want to spam posts then you can wait for as long as you like before posting again.
That sounds like it could work. After all, if someone is online and waiting for their turn while another is, say, busy or asleep, then they might end up switching over. I'm pretty sure my time zone is completely different to you guys, so that might end up happening in my case.
I was thinking since I posted before shadow did I can wait on my post. So if any one wants to post go ahead. Also if any one wants to team up with my character you are more than welcome.
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Hey guys, I'm off for the weekend. I've left a post so feel free to skip over me for now. Till Monday, then!
Threw up a post as well by the fountain if anyone wants to interact.

Hey Veiled.

Could you give me the names and stats of the weapon and armor piece you bought please.

As flexible as I wish to be as the GM, I can't allow convenient random purchases IC without knowing exactly what happened.
The sword (Beginners Tachi) was literally a beginner trade out so it has same stats as long sword. I say this because im not sure what the stats for such a low level weapon should be.

The armor is (metal plate) which she fastened on her hip and the only stat it holds is +2 defence.

(( Also my bad on that wasnt paying attention when posting this morning))

The sword (Beginners Tachi) was literally a beginner trade out so it has same stats as long sword. I say this because im not sure what the stats for such a low level weapon should be.

The armor is (metal plate) which she fastened on her hip and the only stat it holds is +2 defence.

(( Also my bad on that wasnt paying attention when posting this morning))


No worries. Thank you.

Also, this goes for everyone: @Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @tammynorthland.

If you guys wish to design weapons, armor, accessories and items, please do feel free to do so. All that I ask is that you keep it reasonable and make sure that what you want to add to the RP's in-game materials is challenging enough to get that you can't grind for 100 of the in a single (or even 2-3) post(s), and that you can't spam/abuse its acquisition for monetary gain.

I trust you guys to make it so anyway, but still a friendly reminder never hurts.

So for instance when designing a new weapon that you want so you don't have to run around with the base version all the time, you could design a rare monster drop for a new longsword/broadsword and give it both a name and some basic stats. An example would be the following (and the example is just me being random so you don't need to stick to my formula):

* Illic Stormblade (Longsword)

* S4Q5H2 (Sharpness +4, Quickness +5, Heaviness +2)

Drop Rate: 3%

Monster: Goblin Scout (Level 2-5, Floor 2)

Sell: 480 Gold

Does this make sense? A basic named rare drop sword with a few basic stats to go on so we know the relative strength of the weapon.

You are all free to design whatever weapons, armor, accessories and items you wish so long as you make them reasonable and make is to that you can't abuse their acquisition. This blade's stats are fairly basic, and a 3% drop rate is fairly good for a rare drop at this early stage. Selling it for only 480G means you can't buy more than a handful of Heal Crystals or other items, so you can't abuse the monetary or weaponized uses of the item in question. Make sense?

So by all means come up with whatever you want for your characters, as this SAO has a near infinite number of possibilities to provide our characters. Whatever you add will be fair game for others to have as well, so remember that. The rare you make the item in question, the more it will be implied that you want it as at least a temporary exclusive for your character to make them stand out a bit more.

All weapons can be enhanced at a Blacksmith's furnace for rather high levels of Gold. But if you can shell out the cash, the Blacksmith, depending on their Skill Level, can forge even a basic weapon into a deadly killing machine that could last you for several floors leaving you free to grind for more Gold to spend on a better weapon in the future without having to go through various numbers of weapons along the way.

Due to the fact that this will be a rather massive undertaking for all of us as we move forward, I am going to open a new thread in the "Mechanics of the RP" Topic titled Acquisitions. It will be in this thread where you can post your own additions to the game's item lists without having to send them to me via private message. I will be checking that page regularly to see what has been added, and so long as it's reasonable and doesn't give you any excuses or loop holes to exploit for god-modding then you probably won't hear anything from me. If you are wondering whether or not you are taking things too far, then please send me a PM with the details of the item you want to add first and I will tell you what I think.

Enjoy you guys! The thread will be up very shortly.

i just want to verify something one last time before moving on with the posting

lets say my current weapon is

katana(one handed sword)


drop rate 4 percent

sell: 250 gold

and after dfefeating a boss he drops a weapon

katana of storms (one handed sword)    ((so same type weapon katana)


drop rate 3 percent

sell 300 gold

this weapon would be an perfect upgrtade for a samuraii based player because im gaining stats putting my weapn at


thus we could safely say that weapon is stronger than the previous one correct???

ps im working on my post but i had no idea to check the thread and realized we already started so im going to bust out a super long post hopefully of my chara opening up to the world. maybee even an hour time skip or 2 and eventually meet someone. i was shocked how werll you guys all write. None the less i will be hoping to have the post up tonight.. considering =ill be on sporadically throughout the day due to the fact im at work for another few hours. either way ill try to get it on asap because im very excited for this rp

also @Brokenbri @A Mysterious Figure @YanaAi

may i ask what your planning on specializing your chracters in weapon and skill wise down the roiad? Ill be aiming for a unique different character i have a couple ideas i just dont want 2 charas to be super similar. and siloh is straight for the record, and very easygoing so making friends wont be hard. but of course, this world will be able to mold and change our players over time which should be exciting to see how we all morph and change and adapt.
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i just want to verify something one last time before moving on with the posting

lets say my current weapon is

katana(one handed sword)


drop rate 4 percent

sell: 250 gold

and after dfefeating a boss he drops a weapon

katana of storms (one handed sword)    ((so same type weapon katana)


drop rate 3 percent

sell 300 gold

this weapon would be an perfect upgrtade for a samuraii based player because im gaining stats putting my weapn at


thus we could safely say that weapon is stronger than the previous one correct???

ps im working on my post but i had no idea to check the thread and realized we already started so im going to bust out a super long post hopefully of my chara opening up to the world. maybee even an hour time skip or 2 and eventually meet someone. i was shocked how werll you guys all write. None the less i will be hoping to have the post up tonight.. considering =ill be on sporadically throughout the day due to the fact im at work for another few hours. either way ill try to get it on asap because im very excited for this rp

also @Brokenbri @A Mysterious Figure @YanaAi

may i ask what your planning on specializing your chracters in weapon and skill wise down the roiad? Ill be aiming for a unique different character i have a couple ideas i just dont want 2 charas to be super similar. and siloh is straight for the record, and very easygoing so making friends wont be hard. but of course, this world will be able to mold and change our players over time which should be exciting to see how we all morph and change and adapt.

I'm going for the Kahana don't know for skills just yet though

i just want to verify something one last time before moving on with the posting

lets say my current weapon is

katana(one handed sword)


drop rate 4 percent

sell: 250 gold

and after dfefeating a boss he drops a weapon

katana of storms (one handed sword)    ((so same type weapon katana)


drop rate 3 percent

sell 300 gold

this weapon would be an perfect upgrtade for a samuraii based player because im gaining stats putting my weapn at


thus we could safely say that weapon is stronger than the previous one correct???

ps im working on my post but i had no idea to check the thread and realized we already started so im going to bust out a super long post hopefully of my chara opening up to the world. maybee even an hour time skip or 2 and eventually meet someone. i was shocked how werll you guys all write. None the less i will be hoping to have the post up tonight.. considering =ill be on sporadically throughout the day due to the fact im at work for another few hours. either way ill try to get it on asap because im very excited for this rp

also @Brokenbri @A Mysterious Figure @YanaAi

may i ask what your planning on specializing your chracters in weapon and skill wise down the roiad? Ill be aiming for a unique different character i have a couple ideas i just dont want 2 charas to be super similar. and siloh is straight for the record, and very easygoing so making friends wont be hard. but of course, this world will be able to mold and change our players over time which should be exciting to see how we all morph and change and adapt.

You are correct.

A weapon's given parameters (Sharpness, Quickness, Durability, Heaviness, and Accuracy), which are viewable only when using the Appraise Skill, are a direct comparison to the weapon you are currently equipped with. If your current weapon has S5Q5H1.5, and the new weapon is Appraised to be S1Q2H1, then those are all positive increases over your currently equipped weapon.

If you see "-" signs like S-1Q-2H1.5, then the new weapon has one less point in Sharpness, two fewer points in Quickness, and is 1.5 points more in Heaviness.

But again, this is only viewable when the weapon is Appraised which is a Skill available right from the start of the game though its chances of success are very low to start. To make things worse, the chances increase by only 1% for every 10 Levels gained. At Level 1, basic Appraisal has only a 10% chance to succeed. But if you use it several times and then finally it works, you will gain EXP and level it up. A very slow and tedious process, but if you stick with it and level the Skill up to 901 or max it out at 1,000, you will have a 100% Appraisal success rate.
Well since at the end this rp isn't a video game even tho the writing style is the same style as if it were to be a video game. Should we have it be automatic popup menu that shows if the weapon is worth getting or not if it is better? Otherwise writing and rping and using the appraise skill would kinda be pointless due to harsh leveling up issues it has. Just saying. I lm a hustler. I Ask questions ;)

Well since at the end this rp isn't a video game even tho the writing style is the same style as if it were to be a video game. Should we have it be automatic popup menu that shows if the weapon is worth getting or not if it is better? Otherwise writing and rping and using the appraise skill would kinda be pointless due to harsh leveling up issues it has. Just saying. I lm a hustler. I Ask questions ;)


I love questions. Don't worry.

The <<Congratulations>> notification window which shows up when you defeat the monster(s) will show you the name of the weapon you found in the rare drop. This notification window will give you an idea of whether or not the weapon is worth it, but won't give you the full story because the Devs want you to do some leg work to figure it out.

If the name is Green, it has at least 2 parameters better than that of the weapon you currently have. If it's gray, it's about the same. If it's red, it's worse.

I was going to introduce this in my next post with Miki (Valkyrie) getting a common drop weapon from a new Monster soon to be added to the Monster List, demonstrating this and having Miki explain the difference due to partnering with a newer player who's enjoying their first day in a VRMMORPG game. But explaining it here will do as well.

Still, I'll be posting it probably within the next day or two as I want to take a break and give everyone else the chance to get a post or two in.

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