The General Discussion Thread

Ok solid I'm just dealing with shitty ass customers at work while I have my free time I type my.long ass reply


And that makes sense I could agree there with you. On the weapon or item rarity and such
Wow, I'm quite excited for weapon creation now. I was thinking of perhaps trying to make or find a light weapon with good accuracy or something, as my character is more of a quickness and accuracy kind of girl, but she can't wield heavier weapons. I was also wondering, could we perhaps do a double sword thing? I know in SAO, Kirito's double sword stuff (sorry for my constant stuff and things, I can't quite remember the actual story, it's been a while) was pretty special for him, but could we make it a bit easier to get a handle of, perhaps because of his fame double swords could be more popular? I don't mean too easy, obviously you would have to work hard for it, but yeah. Sorry for my awful explanation.

Wel he was able to.wield double swords because of how high his leveling up and how many battles he fought with it. Technically it wouldn't make sense for it to be an easy skill to achieve just like it wasn't easy for kirito. It would make sense that after a while.of battling your ability to dual wield will occur. I got a couple ideas for siloh and how I'm gona go about his weapon of choice. Of course this is all in due time and I also gave to consider the other weapons everyone else has been considering and now I know not to do katanas. Which I most likely wasn't going to do. @A Mysterious Figure
Wow, I'm quite excited for weapon creation now. I was thinking of perhaps trying to make or find a light weapon with good accuracy or something, as my character is more of a quickness and accuracy kind of girl, but she can't wield heavier weapons. I was also wondering, could we perhaps do a double sword thing? I know in SAO, Kirito's double sword stuff (sorry for my constant stuff and things, I can't quite remember the actual story, it's been a while) was pretty special for him, but could we make it a bit easier to get a handle of, perhaps because of his fame double swords could be more popular? I don't mean too easy, obviously you would have to work hard for it, but yeah. Sorry for my awful explanation.


I know what you meant. No worries.

I'm going to be updating the Extra/Hidden Skills list fairly soon. Keep your eyes on it over the next few days and your question should be answered.
I know what you meant. No worries.

I'm going to be updating the Extra/Hidden Skills list fairly soon. Keep your eyes on it over the next few days and your question should be answered.

Wel he was able to.wield double swords because of how high his leveling up and how many battles he fought with it. Technically it wouldn't make sense for it to be an easy skill to achieve just like it wasn't easy for kirito. It would make sense that after a while.of battling your ability to dual wield will occur. I got a couple ideas for siloh and how I'm gona go about his weapon of choice. Of course this is all in due time and I also gave to consider the other weapons everyone else has been considering and now I know not to do katanas. Which I most likely wasn't going to do. @A Mysterious Figure

Ah, yeah that's right, it was a pretty high level ability. What I meant was perhaps the creators could have potentially lowered the level so that more people could use it, possibly because of higher demand (I mean Kirito did save everyone, so he was quite well known, and people love to be like their idols/celebrities, right?) Of course, I don't want to ruin the mechanics of the game, so I'm more than happy to stick with one sword, but have my character be aiming for the dual wield skill.
Now another note to add. Considering this game is kinda well.....we are fucking writing it. Turn based battle won't be occurring corrct? That wouldn't make sense? Just want to verify with everyone. Because otherwise combat would kinda suck. 

And another note is how we are all gonna find and do missions. Would it be ok to make up missions to add to the mission list as we go that way we don't HAVE to pick from the list of missions. And admin could add them for future players or to let other players redo the mission?

Ah, yeah that's right, it was a pretty high level ability. What I meant was perhaps the creators could have potentially lowered the level so that more people could use it, possibly because of higher demand (I mean Kirito did save everyone, so he was quite well known, and people love to be like their idols/celebrities, right?) Of course, I don't want to ruin the mechanics of the game, so I'm more than happy to stick with one sword, but have my character be aiming for the dual wield skill.

 I personally agree with yu I think that's a great idea. And also it'd be uniqe. But it'd be cool once you dual wield you potentially take twice as long to level up a sword skill since each slash is per sword. 

Siloh will have a unique skill but it will most definitely be later when I think it up
Now another note to add. Considering this game is kinda well.....we are fucking writing it. Turn based battle won't be occurring corrct? That wouldn't make sense? Just want to verify with everyone. Because otherwise combat would kinda suck. 

And another note is how we are all gonna find and do missions. Would it be ok to make up missions to add to the mission list as we go that way we don't HAVE to pick from the list of missions. And admin could add them for future players or to let other players redo the mission?


Turn based battle is not a thing in SAO except for one specific circumstance. The rest is all real time.

The only time turn based battling would become a thing is if your character were to challenge one of our own to a duel. At that time, for the sake of fairness, we'd have to ensure that both participants had the chance to post for an action and a reaction. The best way to do this is to do so via private message with whomever your character is fighting with. But this is OOC turn-based combat. IC it would all be happening at once and in real time still.

If an agreement cannot be reached on the outcome, bring it to my attention and I will sort it out. Not to brag, but as I am a martial arts instructor with 18 years of experience if anyone will be able to accurately analyze your Skill sets and respective strengths given your weapon and equipment to determine a realistic outcome, it's me.

When it comes to Quests, the Quests I have listed in the Quests section will be the only way to unlock the particular Extra/Hidden Skills (and soon items) which they provide as a reward for completion. So if you want to make use of Skills like Monster Taming as well as the good old Hide and Detect Skills (and whatever else appears on that page as I continue working on the list), you'll have to go through those Quests.

When it comes to designing Quests you may do so OOC, and if I approve of the Quest it will be added to the RP. But the IC game of SAO does not allow for player designed Quests. It does allow for player designed Sword Skills (such as Miki's new Swallowtail Skill), weapons, armor, and accessories, but that's all it allows. The rest including Quests, NPC's, Monsters, environments, etc, are all pre-determined by the Development Team or are part of very advanced procedurally generated algorithms.
lol i dont have no martial arts expieirence. but i sold shit since i was a kid. i sell cars


ack to business that is very AGREEABLE with the duels @ChoShadow

I read your post and there's one detail I need to clarify for you. You listed your HP correctly, but both Strength and Agility start out at 5, not 50.
@MasterOfPuppets, I am going to need to either hear from you or see something from you within the next couple of days or I'll have no choice but to kick you from the RP.
Just wondering if anyone was planning on being a spear user, or two handed sword user? I really would like to know so i can pick whichever isnt being used.
Hey, for item creation, how would we do that? Do we have to, say, kill a monster and then create it as a drop? Or can we go to an NPC shop and buy it? 
Hey, for item creation, how would we do that? Do we have to, say, kill a monster and then create it as a drop? Or can we go to an NPC shop and buy it? 

Sadly item creation IC is not a thing. You are free to design items, weapons, armor, accessories, Quests, and Skills OOC all day long so long as you present them to me so I can officially add them to the RP.

But IC, Skill Creation is the only type of creative power players really have outside of Blacksmiths who can fashion weapons and armor for players as well as enhance them to become more powerful and their effects made more potent.
Sadly item creation IC is not a thing. You are free to design items, weapons, armor, accessories, Quests, and Skills OOC all day long so long as you present them to me so I can officially add them to the RP.

But IC, Skill Creation is the only type of creative power players really have outside of Blacksmiths who can fashion weapons and armor for players as well as enhance them to become more powerful and their effects made more potent.

Ah, that makes sense! Sorry, I was a little confused. Thank you for that! Maybe when I manage to find myself a nice sword (potentially created... who knows) I might make some cool skills. I like the one you made, by the way!
@A Mysterious Figure, @Brokenbri, @YanaAi, @tammynorthland, @ミラクル, @VeiledPariah

For those who have been curious, please pay a visit to both the Sword Skill thread and the Quest threads.

I think the most recent addition may strike a few chords with some of you, however please bear in mind that what you will see is not the final product meant for circulation in-game. It is, exactly as it says, something of a test run being used by the developers. If the test proves successful and popular, it may be refined and turned into a proper Skill. For now it is merely a test, but it is there all the same for you to get an early game fix of one of the most coveted and beloved Skills in SAO. But also bear in mind that you pay a heavy price to use it.

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I'm leaning on using a Rapier in the future, @tammynorthland.

@ChoShadow, for the Sword skills can we use the given skills in SAO (e.g. Horizontal and Vertical slash)? I guess my question really is if I can submit them to be added to the list or would all skills need to be original? To be honest, I found it difficult to write without identifying the most basic Sword skills that I can use at my character's current level. I did include one in my last post but I'm still not sure if that's alright.
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I'm leaning on using a Rapier in the future, @tammynorthland.

@ChoShadow, for the Sword skills can we use the given skills in SAO (e.g. Horizontal and Vertical slash)? I guess my question really is if I can submit them to be added to the list or would all skills need to be original? To be honest, I found it difficult to write without identifying the most basic Sword skills that I can use at my character's current level. I did include one in my last post but I'm still not sure if that's alright.

It seems there has been a slight misconception about Sword Skills and how combat works, and I blame myself for letting it slip by me thus far.

So allow me to clarify. Mind you, I literally just woke up and checked my computer, so if some of this doesn't make sense it's because I'm not a morning person.

Anyway, here we go @VeiledPariah, @tammynorthland, @Brokenbri, @A Mysterious Figure. Please pay close attention to the following information...

In this game of SAO, you can fight without using Skills. Regular everyday techniques such as basic slashing or stabbing motions do damage to your target, but the damage, compared to a real Sword Skill, is highly mitigated which is why it's taking so long to kill the Boars even though they only have 50 HP.

In fact this is exactly what our characters have been doing so far: fighting without Sword Skills.

Those basic techniques are all recognized by the system, but the system does not assist in your use of them as it does for a real Sword Skill.

A Sword Skill in this RP is defined as "A player-created series of attacks which the system will directly help to interpret upon creation and execute in combat," which is why they are so much more powerful and why Miki was able to kill a Boar in a single use of her Skill. Without the system's assistance, those same 8 strikes that Miki uses in her Swallowtail Skill would do far less damage.

Does that make sense?

When you start SAO, you have no Sword Skills at all. They are entirely Player-Created in this version. The Developers didn't give your character any Sword Skills to start the game with. They only gave you the fact that the system will recognize your weapon as an object capable of damaging your target and let you loose on the world.

That is also why, for those eagle-eyed players who may have been wondering about it so far, Miki hasn't experience post-technique mortem (PTM) yet. She would have after using her Skill for the first time against that one Boar, but because the Boar was the only enemy and since the battle came to an end right away the PTM was nullified. PTM only affects you as long as you remain in combat after using a Sword Skill. Had she used that Skill in the paired battle against two Boars, she'd have experienced PTM and I'd have written it out in full how it made her vulnerable to the second Boar's next assault.

But to be perfectly clear I will reiterate: You currently have zero Sword Skills. Everything your characters do in combat right now until they create their own Sword Skills or download one from another player are ordinary techniques which are entirely unaided by the system. Thus you will experience no post-technique mortem, and your strikes will all do varied levels of comparatively mitigated damage.

When you actually dig in and create your own Sword Skills, that's when things will get interesting and fun for you. You can use any known techniques for sword combat to create the series of motions that compares your desired Skill which the system will recognize, interpret, and then transform into a full fledged Skill for you (and/or others) upon completion.

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