The General Discussion Thread

Hello @VeiledPariah, and welcome to the RP!

I took a look at your character and so far it looks pretty good. I'd like for you to take a look at the following page, as the details for what's required for the character are provided near the bottom for you. Once your character matches what's required, please respond to this message and let me know you are finished. Once I determine that your character is indeed complete as per the character sheet, I'll give you the okay to post once my intro goes up (which should be very soon).

If you need help filling out any of the requirements, please let me know and I'll help you out.
Im a bit lost is it my bio length or personality length? Or both?


The personality.

It currently reads as a single big paragraph with one sentence on its own afterwards. If you can break it up into two distinct bodies of text, each with five sentences, then you're good to go.
Ok thank you and fixed


Perfect. You're good!

By the way @A Mysterious Figure and @Brokenbri. You two as well as Veiled are all set to start posting.

I just updated the first post in the Role-Play Area and the Intro Post is up. You don't have to do everything Miki did, but just know that the same process took place for your characters. If you'd rather skim through it rather than type ALL of that stuff out, you're welcome to do so.

If any of you wish to group up or at least meet one of the other player characters right away, please be sure to let the player know right away. Otherwise this RP could be played entirely solo if you fancy the Kirito loner route. But if you'd rather do the group thing please speak up sooner rather than later.

Thank you, and good luck everyone!
Anyone can team up with my character she is in the fields outside of ToB. Also i was wondering of anyone had plans to create a guild in the rp or just make friends and party
Anyone can team up with my character she is in the fields outside of ToB. Also i was wondering of anyone had plans to create a guild in the rp or just make friends and party

Personally I'm of the party option. Miki isn't much for guilds, having heard from Asuna about what happened in the Knights of the Blood Oath in the original game so she's going to steer clear of them.
@A Mysterious Figure @Brokenbri @VeiledPariah

Something I'd like you guys to do for me is the following: Please keep track of your character's in-game Level, Gold (500 to start), and Strength and Agility stats (5 each to start).

Eery time your character gains a level they'll get 3 Stat Points to give to allocate to Strength and Agility. So please keep a record of where your character stands. It'll be important as we continue the RP and as they continue the game.

Thank you!

If you want to make up EXP numbers and Gold earnings from early-game battles, feel free to do so. Just remember to keep them very low to start. A wild boar-type enemy will only give you around 8-10 Gold and about 15-20 EXP which is not very much.

I'll be working on a Monster List with EXP and Gold earnings to help with keeping track of everything as well as an EXP growth chart per level.

Thank ya!
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@Brokenbri @VeiledPariah @A Mysterious Figure

I have added an EXP chart to the "Mechanics of the RP" thread for your convenience. Apparently it's the official EXP chart, so it's the one we'll be using!


Also I will be working on the Monster List over the next few days. Please keep your eyes on the "Mechanics of the RP" thread for the newest Topic which will be titled (obviously enough) "Monster List."

Thank you!
@Brokenbri @VeiledPariah @A Mysterious Figure

I have updated the Monster List to include several new features including a rarity system and an explanation for a very important rule that you'll have to pay attention to IC.

In short, the rule states that if you are 5 Levels or more below that of the creature you wish to battle, the System automatically kicks in and nullifies all damage from your Weapon and Skills.

The reason for this is because all monster's levels are relative to a Player's level, not an NPC's nor are they used as a generic monster Levels that don't mean anything. In this version of SAO, even a single level difference between you and your target makes the target monster much, much stronger than it would be if you were of equal or greater Level by comparison. If your level is too far below it (5 levels or more), then the System basically forces you to flee or die by making you do zero damage while the monster can still hit for all the damage it would normally do.

This is to prevent "power leveling" and to keep players from exploiting the Level system to get ahead without doing the work. Normally MMORPG's are a bit unfair in that they allow very weak players to partner with much stronger ones to level up quickly without really doing anything. The SAO devs in this RP thought of that, and have nullified the cheaty method.

Also please be sure to read the "rarity" section, as it's important to understand how likely you are to find monsters in this SAO world and just how long you'll have to grind to find some of the rarest among them.

Thank you, and enjoy!
Just wondering will you be handling monster spawns? And if you need some help on the monster list i can think of some as well, so your not doing all by yourself

Just wondering will you be handling monster spawns? And if you need some help on the monster list i can think of some as well, so your not doing all by yourself


I could definitely use the help coming up with monster names and their respective stats.

When it comes to monster spawns, I plan to let everyone have the freedom to enjoy their experience. As long as what happens in the posting section is realistic given the amount of time which has passed IC since your previous post, then I likely won't have anything to say about it. The only time I'll likely bark at someone is if in one post they say they're going somewhere to level up and in their very next post they're 10 levels higher and have faced 2 Boss Monsters without my permission. Things like that are likely to tick me off something awful. But I doubt I have to worry about that from anyone here.

I will be taking control of spawns whenever our characters enter the Boss Chamber, as some Bosses will spawn in adds and have a few other surprises waiting for the unsuspecting players. But other than that, you're free to level up to your heart's content so long as it's believable given the time that's passed IC since your previous post.
ok so much stuff to read ive read aot of it but still got some left to go my biggest thing is weapons? will more skills be added based on different weapons you pick IE: axe 2 hand axe, dagger, lance, etc @ChoShadow
ok so much stuff to read ive read aot of it but still got some left to go my biggest thing is weapons? will more skills be added based on different weapons you pick IE: axe 2 hand axe, dagger, lance, etc @ChoShadow

Weapons are all the same as the original SAO, so if you check the Wikia page it lists several types of weapons in SAO including longswords, hatchets, knives, rapiers, etc. In my personal opinion any weapon that holds a blade would be fair game in this newer SAO, but if it's not something that was present in the original please be sure to run it by me first.

When it comes to Skills, they are all player created with respect to weapons. The Skills which are not player created are the Extra/Hidden Skills which are the direct result of the System providing players with new and unique methods of play and immersion. Some of the Sword Skills listed in the "Sword Skills" Topic were created either by myself or by MasterOfPuppets, and therefore are technically "player created" in an odd sense but made available for all players to access.

I believe it would be a good idea to incorporate that into the actual RP: the option to make your created Skills accessible to other players via the weapon type you designed it for or choose to keep it unique to you.

If anyone objects, then please speak up. Otherwise I think that would add a new level of depth and interaction among players IC as it would bring them together to help each other create newer and better Skills all the time as well as use their friend's skills in battle to honor and respect them and their prowess.

Hopefully all this makes sense. I'm a bit tired so if it doesn't make sense that's probably why. If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer (likely once I've gotten some sleep though).

~ Shadow

what might be smart,considering this is a fan style rp doesnt mean it strictly will play like original SAO, we moight benefit from character skill trees that thewriter for thei chara writes, once obviously accepted being fair at early levels and getting better at later levels we can add them to skill trees,




individual weapon skills and special attacks even could be added, for my chara whatever weapon i pick im probably gonna want to make the chara unique right? this being said everyone else will want to do the same so pitching skills that you learn upon leveling up individual weapon styles would be smart right? Im not admin but all suggestions
this all being said the skills for a rapier, IE a skill that allows the player to stab with more accuracy for a short time, or whatnot could be a skill any rapier user could use

or a lance user being able to throw their lance as a skill but in return their lance loses durabililty. etc etc these skills would be open world accessible to any player

what might be smart,considering this is a fan style rp doesnt mean it strictly will play like original SAO, we moight benefit from character skill trees that thewriter for thei chara writes, once obviously accepted being fair at early levels and getting better at later levels we can add them to skill trees,




individual weapon skills and special attacks even could be added, for my chara whatever weapon i pick im probably gonna want to make the chara unique right? this being said everyone else will want to do the same so pitching skills that you learn upon leveling up individual weapon styles would be smart right? Im not admin but all suggestions

Definitely ideas I will consider.

I'd like everyone to feel free to imagine that any basic activity or profession capable of being occupied in a medieval-style world is fair game in SAO including cooking, smithing, appraisal, fishing, farming, ranching, sales, thievery, tailoring, banking, pottery, being a grocer, working as a maid/butler (for a wealthy NPC character or a player/NPC Guild), and anything else you can really think of as extra "Life" Skills which you can do in your character's everyday lives to give them a real sense of existence.

When it comes to individual weapon skills and special attacks, I tend not to differentiate the two. To me a Sword Skill is a Special Attack, really, with the main difference being that a "Special Attack" is the version the player keeps for themselves and the "Sword Skill" is the one they make available to everyone once they've crafted it.

But again, I'll think more about it as we move forward. I'd like to give everyone else a chance to throw their two cents in as well.

next question. how fast do you intend on progressing the rp?

Obviously the first season of SAO was very rushed while they were on ancraid, each episode showing dramatic leveling up and such. would our first arc be our charas like you said settling into the rp. but then we set out on more arcs and battles, even storylines outside of the virtual world? I could imagine not to much outside but perhaps my chara could go to the same university as another player and we can interract there as well

next question. how fast do you intend on progressing the rp?

Obviously the first season of SAO was very rushed while they were on ancraid, each episode showing dramatic leveling up and such. would our first arc be our charas like you said settling into the rp. but then we set out on more arcs and battles, even storylines outside of the virtual world? I could imagine not to much outside but perhaps my chara could go to the same university as another player and we can interract there as well

I intend to take my time with this RP and enjoy it as an adventure to the fullest. I do not know how fast we will progress, but I know that my character will progress when she is ready and no sooner.
@Brokenbri @A Mysterious Figure @VeiledPariah @tammynorthland

Hey everyone!

My recent post should give you an idea of how combat will feel, and there's one very important detail about the enemy AI in there that you guys cannot afford not to know. So please read the post in its entirety.

Thank you!

Also before anyone levels up IC I wanted to take the time to explain something about EXP, since there are generally two different methods of EXP earnings and this RP only uses one method.

The first method is the cumulative method of gaining EXP. The cumulative method allows you to say "Oh, I need to reach Level 2. To do that, I need a total of 1,000 EXP. To reach Level 3, I need a total of 3,000 EXP. Therefore, I only need to earn 2,000 more EXP after reaching Level 2 to get there." Does that make sense? The 3,000 EXP to reach Level 3 is part of a total EXP requirement to reach said level. You earned 1,000 when you got to Level 2, so to get to Level 3 you just need 2,000 more EXP to hit that 3,000 EXP requirement.

That's one method.

This RP, however, does not make use of that method. This RP makes use of the non-cumulative method, meaning that every time you level up your EXP bar resets to 0 and you have to earn the next required amount of EXP to move forward in levels from there.

Example: Let's say Miki reaches Level 2 by earning a total of 1,110 EXP. She would level up, gain her 3 Stat Points to allocate to Strength and Agility, and her EXP bar would reset to zero with any leftover EXP from her last battle carrying over. Therefore, she would have 110/3,000 EXP needed to move on to Level 3. Does that make sense?

This RP's EXP system requires your EXP bar to reset to zero so that when you want to level up again you have to earn all the EXP that the chart in the "Experience Chart" topic dictates.

To reach Level 2, 1,000 EXP. To reach Level 3, 3,000 more EXP. To reach level 4, 6,000 more EXP. To reach level 5, 10,000 more EXP. So on and so forth.

Every time your EXP bar resets to zero you have to fill the entire bar from 0 up until the required number to level up again. This will make the game IC very time consuming if you plan on having your character grind for levels. Even if they grind for hours, because of the "reset to 0" system, you'll be lucky to grind 1-3 Levels per session depending on how long the character can stand to remain online killing the same enemies over and over again. Eventually it will grow tiresome and more trouble than it's worth, not to mention the law of diminishing returns as the requirement of EXP grows ever larger.

That's all I wanted to say!

Thank you, and good luck!

~ ChoShadow

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