Junko Natsumizaka
Just a demonic overlord studying Earth firsthand.
"You think that what happened to my sister may be related to the case with Cattermole, don't you?"
"Yes." Luna sighed quietly. I love that I didn't even have to use my pendant for him to understand what I meant.
"But it could also be a method the culprit is using to confuse us, to make us think that these cases may be unrelated while they actually could be related."
"Exactly what I was about to say." Luna replied. A method to work towards an 'unforeseen reveal' later on.
"Anything could be possible."
Luna nodded, both irritated, and relieved that she was agreeing with him. He's pointing out that I shouldn't try to connect everything, so of course I'm irritated that I allowed myself to become irritated by the most worrisome theory I could put together. I'm also relieved he didn't immediately shoot my theory down. In all of this mess, we're still a team, and we love each other. She knew he had the power to be condescending to her at her thoughts, or try to get her to doubt herself...through all this, he'd never questioned her leadership or judgement. He was pointing out the flaws in her logic, and helping her fix them. She listened to the rest of his speech with the same mix of emotions, nodding along whenever he made a good point. She never broke eye contact.
"So no, absolutely not. No more than Pyrites was attacked and that my sister saved his life."
"Less is more." Luna agreed.
"Well, if you do not need me anymore, I will go to the hospital wing to take some dittany."
"Yes. Thank you, Professor Pyrites. Good luck." Luna replied, following him to the door to lock it after him. She hadn't meant good luck with the dittany; she'd meant with the media hounds who'd be bombarding him soon.
After the door was locked, Luna sighed with a soft laugh, visibly disappointed in herself. "Of course..." She turned from the door, to Elias. "my first instinct was to resort to lying and attempting to cover it up...." Her eyes moved from Elias's matching pendant to his eyes. "...and you caught me. Less is more." She slowly walked towards Elias, sighing deeply before she put her arms around his neck in a loose hug. She looked up at him, her lips curling into a serene smile while her eyes remained solemn. "Thank you, Elias." After a few moments she moved one hand to touch her pendant, thinking A lapse in judgement, corrected by the man I am proud to call my future life partner. Handled professionally, formally, without negative emotion. How perfect it felt...so perfect I could not describe it with words. She wished her feelings could get through via their pendants. She let go a second later, moved her hands to intertwine with both of his, then kissed him on the cheek. Her lips lingered for five seconds, then she took a step back, hands still intertwined. "Are you sure-" her eyes met his with a worried look "-Lily will be alright for now? Right now, I'm picturing looking back after some attack that was more...well thought out, and telling myself 'I could've prevented this'. Not the picture I'd love to see come to fruition." She finished logically. This was his sister, and as he'd said...there was a possibility that she was unreasonably connecting the threats and overestimating the attacker or attackers' malice towards Lily specifically.

Rosaleya didn't read the Quibbler due to disinterest; if her friends, or the staff, would bring up any relevant news in conversation anyway, why spend time sifting through the boring, inaccurate news? The Masked Man only looked through old articles when he needed information on someone he needed something from. Soren read through the Quibbler to scoff at how wild and inaccurate the media could be - he believed nothing. Athena read through Soren's old articles on occasion, mostly for the comics section and whatever crosswords Soren hadn't finished - it was fun rubbing those in his face.
Stephan was the only one who'd gotten steadily more and more angry about the lies they'd told about Lily. He remembered Lily expressing a desire to improve in class, and lamenting the fact that she could only read and study recipes outside the classroom. He knew she wouldn't commit such atrocities. As for her alleged crush on Flynn Pyrites...she was the way he looked at him. Unless all those looks were simply a cover for her feelings...I can't ask that...And then, he'd seen Lily being escorted out of Hogwarts, to a carriage leading her to who knew where. He had no idea what had happened. I just hope this can cheer her up, and maybe help me understand what happened... Stephan handed his letter to a solemn-looking Black Owl, and watched it fly off. He'd sent a perfectly folded white paper crane, which would unfold to read, in his tidiest handwriting:
Dear Lily (from Stephan),
I saw you leave Hogwarts with a serious escort. I do hope you're alright...I saw you were able to walk on your own, but still...I won't pry, but it would be a relief to know enough to stop worrying about everything I can imagine. I wish you well, and would love to help in any way I can. Just...let me know if you think of anything.
I just want you to know that, whatever happens, I'll always believe your word over whatever anyone else says. I remember how hard you told me you were working to improve at your Cooking with Magic classes...I found it admirable. And I saw the looks you'd give to Professor Flynn when you thought no one else was looking. My point is, I know it's probably true that none of those rumors are anything close to what's really going on, but I still can't figure out why you'd give him meals. It's probably some really obvious reason, too.
I was going to wait until later to talk about the Quibbler's nonsense with you, but now that I've procrastinated for so long, and I saw you leaving in the carriage, I was worried I wouldn't get a chance. If anything, I hope we can talk again, face to face, on winter break. I might be able to get some tips for your magical cooking from an expert, if you could give me just a few things you seem to have the most trouble with. If we focus on what's the hardest for you and conquer that together, everything else will seem easy.
It was only after he'd sent it that he realized he'd mentioned it was from him twice. He called to the owl, but it kept flying without any sign it'd heard him. "Oh, come on!" He groaned, heading back inside.
"Yes." Luna sighed quietly. I love that I didn't even have to use my pendant for him to understand what I meant.
"But it could also be a method the culprit is using to confuse us, to make us think that these cases may be unrelated while they actually could be related."
"Exactly what I was about to say." Luna replied. A method to work towards an 'unforeseen reveal' later on.
"Anything could be possible."
Luna nodded, both irritated, and relieved that she was agreeing with him. He's pointing out that I shouldn't try to connect everything, so of course I'm irritated that I allowed myself to become irritated by the most worrisome theory I could put together. I'm also relieved he didn't immediately shoot my theory down. In all of this mess, we're still a team, and we love each other. She knew he had the power to be condescending to her at her thoughts, or try to get her to doubt herself...through all this, he'd never questioned her leadership or judgement. He was pointing out the flaws in her logic, and helping her fix them. She listened to the rest of his speech with the same mix of emotions, nodding along whenever he made a good point. She never broke eye contact.
"So no, absolutely not. No more than Pyrites was attacked and that my sister saved his life."
"Less is more." Luna agreed.
"Well, if you do not need me anymore, I will go to the hospital wing to take some dittany."
"Yes. Thank you, Professor Pyrites. Good luck." Luna replied, following him to the door to lock it after him. She hadn't meant good luck with the dittany; she'd meant with the media hounds who'd be bombarding him soon.
After the door was locked, Luna sighed with a soft laugh, visibly disappointed in herself. "Of course..." She turned from the door, to Elias. "my first instinct was to resort to lying and attempting to cover it up...." Her eyes moved from Elias's matching pendant to his eyes. "...and you caught me. Less is more." She slowly walked towards Elias, sighing deeply before she put her arms around his neck in a loose hug. She looked up at him, her lips curling into a serene smile while her eyes remained solemn. "Thank you, Elias." After a few moments she moved one hand to touch her pendant, thinking A lapse in judgement, corrected by the man I am proud to call my future life partner. Handled professionally, formally, without negative emotion. How perfect it felt...so perfect I could not describe it with words. She wished her feelings could get through via their pendants. She let go a second later, moved her hands to intertwine with both of his, then kissed him on the cheek. Her lips lingered for five seconds, then she took a step back, hands still intertwined. "Are you sure-" her eyes met his with a worried look "-Lily will be alright for now? Right now, I'm picturing looking back after some attack that was more...well thought out, and telling myself 'I could've prevented this'. Not the picture I'd love to see come to fruition." She finished logically. This was his sister, and as he'd said...there was a possibility that she was unreasonably connecting the threats and overestimating the attacker or attackers' malice towards Lily specifically.

Rosaleya didn't read the Quibbler due to disinterest; if her friends, or the staff, would bring up any relevant news in conversation anyway, why spend time sifting through the boring, inaccurate news? The Masked Man only looked through old articles when he needed information on someone he needed something from. Soren read through the Quibbler to scoff at how wild and inaccurate the media could be - he believed nothing. Athena read through Soren's old articles on occasion, mostly for the comics section and whatever crosswords Soren hadn't finished - it was fun rubbing those in his face.
Stephan was the only one who'd gotten steadily more and more angry about the lies they'd told about Lily. He remembered Lily expressing a desire to improve in class, and lamenting the fact that she could only read and study recipes outside the classroom. He knew she wouldn't commit such atrocities. As for her alleged crush on Flynn Pyrites...she was the way he looked at him. Unless all those looks were simply a cover for her feelings...I can't ask that...And then, he'd seen Lily being escorted out of Hogwarts, to a carriage leading her to who knew where. He had no idea what had happened. I just hope this can cheer her up, and maybe help me understand what happened... Stephan handed his letter to a solemn-looking Black Owl, and watched it fly off. He'd sent a perfectly folded white paper crane, which would unfold to read, in his tidiest handwriting:
Dear Lily (from Stephan),
I saw you leave Hogwarts with a serious escort. I do hope you're alright...I saw you were able to walk on your own, but still...I won't pry, but it would be a relief to know enough to stop worrying about everything I can imagine. I wish you well, and would love to help in any way I can. Just...let me know if you think of anything.
I just want you to know that, whatever happens, I'll always believe your word over whatever anyone else says. I remember how hard you told me you were working to improve at your Cooking with Magic classes...I found it admirable. And I saw the looks you'd give to Professor Flynn when you thought no one else was looking. My point is, I know it's probably true that none of those rumors are anything close to what's really going on, but I still can't figure out why you'd give him meals. It's probably some really obvious reason, too.
I was going to wait until later to talk about the Quibbler's nonsense with you, but now that I've procrastinated for so long, and I saw you leaving in the carriage, I was worried I wouldn't get a chance. If anything, I hope we can talk again, face to face, on winter break. I might be able to get some tips for your magical cooking from an expert, if you could give me just a few things you seem to have the most trouble with. If we focus on what's the hardest for you and conquer that together, everything else will seem easy.
It was only after he'd sent it that he realized he'd mentioned it was from him twice. He called to the owl, but it kept flying without any sign it'd heard him. "Oh, come on!" He groaned, heading back inside.