Junko Natsumizaka
Just a demonic overlord studying Earth firsthand.
"Do you have a lot of homework?" Lily asked Stephan on their way to their common room.
"No." Stephan replied. Is she asking because she's excited to spend more time with me after we finish our homework? He thought hopefully.
"...But I would probably learn better that way, as I need to read a lot before trying to experiment."
"A woman who doesn't have any instincts isn't a good choice." Nova said. "Being able to only make terrible food is a sign of bad instincts." Stephan nodded. It sounds like she's trying really hard. Stephan thought positively.
"That was awesome," Lily smirked.
Huh? Stephan nodded. He was clueless as to what she meant, but didn't want to seem less cool by asking what he'd done. Please explain what I did?
"You earned us house points today, keep it up and we will win the House Cup at the end of this year."
I'm not really into that...but I guess it might seem like a fun game to her...win enough points and you get a prize, right? It's not much different than a video game, I guess. I wouldn't mind helping her play if it helps us get closer... Stephan nodded with a smile. "Okay."

Luna knocked on the door. "May I come in?" She asked Elias.
When permitted, she entered, and greeted Elias formally. "I'd like to discuss an important matter with you."
"The incident yesterday has left me feeling as though I'm unfit to be the Deputy Headmistress. The suspect may not be the suspect, meaning the conclusion I arrived at was incorrect. Furthermore, the fact that the incident even took place suggests a lack of competence-" she put her hand to her chest, placing the responsibility solely on herself "-that I cannot ignore." Her anger increased when she envisaged Elias comforting her. "I'm not seeking solace from you." Don't misunderstand, I'm not asking you to lecture me, either. "Nor am I seeking a lecture. I'm seeking ways to improve. I've wallowed in my insufficiency long enough during this morning's investigation, but now I'm sick of it. Disgusting feelings." She shook her head. "I relied on Raven too much to watch this school, and last night, on the night when I would attack my enemies if I was in their situation, I had Raven watch my house instead. I don't regret my decision, as it allowed me to fully enjoy the party. However, it has come to my attention that we are ill prepared for a more dangerous incident. We were so focused on external threats that we did not consider internal ones...at least, I did not." She sighed. "Do you have any suggestions to improve our security to prevent a similar or larger incident?" She sighed again, trying to calm herself. She hadn't expected her sadness to turn to anger and a will to improve so quickly. She suspected the change took place somewhere between the investigation's conclusion and opening Elias's door. Whatever had caused it didn't matter; she was happy for the chance of mindset.

The Masked Man planned to remain quiet until he was asked a direct question. His silence didn't last long.
"Explain yourself." He demanded.
Direct and to the point. How refreshing. The Masked Man thought genuinely. "Holiday cheer potion. I was too distressed to sleep last night...I needed some piece of mind." The Masked Man answered easily. He pretended to feel slightly embarrassed about this, since only weak people were easily affected by such events. "Regrettably, it wore off too soon." He sounded even more embarrassed about the messing up the room. You fools should've let the house elves clean it. It's your fault in the first place that such an incident could even take place. It was too easy. And with such a short lockdown? What a huge problem.
"...Why did we have to find forty prank items in your trunk today?"
"If I was going to cause trouble, I would be cautious." The Masked Man replied. "I would try my best to hide those items, especially after being warned of an investigation, would I not?" He shrugged. "The Room or Requirement, perhaps?" He listed one example, his tone insinuating that he could probably think of more places if he needed to. "Besides, those are some of the worst prank items in existence. My pranks would be more creative. It's not my style to choose something someone else has already done over and over, and copy. Mediocrity is disgusting." All truths. So now any professor that knows me can agree. "I've made some enemies in my time, what man hasn't?" He shrugged. But for you, Athena, your time will not come now. "I have no idea which enemy it can be." He finished. Your punishment will be far more severe than a slap on the wrist. Besides, in case my beloved secretly cares about the house cup...Athena would most certainly lose the Slytherin house points if her prank was revealed.

Rosaleya explored the kitchen. A beautiful, spacious, and organized gourmet kitchen with large windows on three walls, and ample white birch cabinets. Pots and pans hung from nails above the island in the center, smooth, uncluttered beige countertops shined, and a large white fridge with clear glass double doors with an organized variety of delicious looking foods.
It was the perfect picture, until Jade asked "What is that?" He pointed to the corner of the room, where a small beige dog was curled up, asleep. It nearly blended in with the flooring.
The moment Rosaleya turned to look at it, its nose twitched a few times, and it sat up, looking straight into her eyes. "Darling-" Leigh stood and whispered in her ear "-you really didn't hang him from the ceiling with that noose?" Rosaleya shook her head. How...? "You're wondering if I'm responsible for this-" Claudia held up a moving picture of Chance in his last moments, and then he gradually stopped struggling "-right?" How...? "I told you 'everything is as it should be'." Claudia's sweet smile didn't falter. Rosaleya stared back into Chance's eyes in confusion. "You wanted it dead, and now that it is, you're relieved." Claudia said. "Chance? Nope, it's definitely an illusion."
Chance wagged his tail, and ran over to her with his usual stupid expression. Something about it was a bit different, he seemed more controlled now, as if his movements weren't so random anymore. "Master, I'm so sorry. There is something very important I must tell you."
"If this is an illusion, it might be Claudia." Jade said. "And if it's not..." He pointed to the Pet Collar on 'Chance'. "...it makes sense why you can understand him now."
"Okay, Illusion, go on." Rosaleya turned away, looking through the fridge as the dog continued.
"When I got here...Soren put a pet collar on me and Shiro told me everything I didn't know about a pet's role in a home...." Chance bowed his head to Rosaleya, continuing like that.
Meanwhile, Rosaleya muttered "Uh huh," absent-mindedly, grabbing some eggs and closing the fridge. By the time she was ready to crack them, Jade had found the bowls.
"...So I beg of you to forgive me. I'm so grateful that Claudia gave me a chance to atone for my errors..." Change continued.
She got some fresh cherry tomatoes out of the fridge, and washed them in cupped hands.
"...I love it here..."Chance continued. "...I can understand why you were always so sad at that other place. Sadness...that's another thing Shiro taught me...humans feel it more often than we do...or at least more than Shiro and I...but I felt it when Shiro told me that everything I did increased your sadness. I never knew I was doing so much wrong...Leigh never punished me or showed too much anger, and I regret that. I was acting like a hooligan...an animal..."
Rosaleya snorted. She added some fresh tomato to her sizzling eggs, let them fry for a literal minute, then slid the pan's contents onto a plate in one fluid movement. When she turned to 'Chance' again, he was bowing his head, awaiting her forgiveness.
"...Please forgive me...." He finished. "...I want you to be my master, not that awful dog."
Rosaleya laughed. "Nice job, Claudia." She smiled at 'Chance'. "The dog calling Leigh a dog. Nice. Can you come out now? I'd rather talk to you." She kicked Chance harshly. "Illusions are illusions." She said quietly.
"D-do you think I'm an illusion?" Chance seemed deeply hurt by her words, managing to talk through her kicks. "It isn't Claudia! What would give you that idea?"
"She told me you were dead." Rosaleya replied. Very heavy for an illusion...maybe she just took his real weight into account when she made it. Yes, that's probably it.
"Was that dog around? She was probably saying it so he would believe I was dead. That way I wouldn't have to go back to him." Chance said.
Jade cut in. "Then why wouldn't she tell you as soon as you were alone-alone?" He put his hands on his hips.
"Sure." Rosaleya set her plate down on the kitchen table, poured herself a glass of orange juice, and sat down to eat.
Chance lied down near her feet. "Please believe me." He whined.
"Get away." Rosaleya kicked him away.
Chance curled up into a ball, and whined softly for a bit before quieting down and eventually falling asleep. Meanwhile, Jade mocked his performance.
Rosaleya rose, washed all the dishes she'd used, and wiped the counters.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Claudia smiled, hugging Rosaleya as she was scanning the kitchen for anything she'd missed. Mid-hug, she caught sight of Chance. "Did you talk with Chance, yet?"
"Yeah, nice illusion." Rosaleya replied. "Can you please get it out of here now? I don't want to see it."
"Illusion?" Claudia stopped hugging her, taking a step back. "Why would Chance be an illusion?" She sounded dead serious.
"You" Rosaleya paused slightly "killed him, remember?"
"Who told you that?" She had a concerned look in her eyes. "Sunshine, please tell me."
"You did. Remember?" Rosaleya sighed. "Ok, forget it. It's fine. Just like Santa's real, right?" I know there's no proof that he is or isn't right now, but I'm really frustrated. When is she going to stop treating me like I'm dumb?
"He is." Claudia replied seriously. "And that's the real Chance. Why would I lie to you about that?"
There's no way for me to tell if she's lying...
"Her breathing and heart rate won't tell me. We'll have to serve her some demonic truth serum." Jade said.
"Nevermind." Rosaleya smiled. "Can we do something together today? I wanted to spend some time with you...like a mom and daughter would...without anyone else there." Unrelated to the Chance and Santa incidents. I was going to ask to spend time with you before I thought of this. The truth serum is just an add-on. "Are you busy today?"
"No." Stephan replied. Is she asking because she's excited to spend more time with me after we finish our homework? He thought hopefully.
"...But I would probably learn better that way, as I need to read a lot before trying to experiment."
"A woman who doesn't have any instincts isn't a good choice." Nova said. "Being able to only make terrible food is a sign of bad instincts." Stephan nodded. It sounds like she's trying really hard. Stephan thought positively.
"That was awesome," Lily smirked.
Huh? Stephan nodded. He was clueless as to what she meant, but didn't want to seem less cool by asking what he'd done. Please explain what I did?
"You earned us house points today, keep it up and we will win the House Cup at the end of this year."
I'm not really into that...but I guess it might seem like a fun game to her...win enough points and you get a prize, right? It's not much different than a video game, I guess. I wouldn't mind helping her play if it helps us get closer... Stephan nodded with a smile. "Okay."

Luna knocked on the door. "May I come in?" She asked Elias.
When permitted, she entered, and greeted Elias formally. "I'd like to discuss an important matter with you."
"The incident yesterday has left me feeling as though I'm unfit to be the Deputy Headmistress. The suspect may not be the suspect, meaning the conclusion I arrived at was incorrect. Furthermore, the fact that the incident even took place suggests a lack of competence-" she put her hand to her chest, placing the responsibility solely on herself "-that I cannot ignore." Her anger increased when she envisaged Elias comforting her. "I'm not seeking solace from you." Don't misunderstand, I'm not asking you to lecture me, either. "Nor am I seeking a lecture. I'm seeking ways to improve. I've wallowed in my insufficiency long enough during this morning's investigation, but now I'm sick of it. Disgusting feelings." She shook her head. "I relied on Raven too much to watch this school, and last night, on the night when I would attack my enemies if I was in their situation, I had Raven watch my house instead. I don't regret my decision, as it allowed me to fully enjoy the party. However, it has come to my attention that we are ill prepared for a more dangerous incident. We were so focused on external threats that we did not consider internal ones...at least, I did not." She sighed. "Do you have any suggestions to improve our security to prevent a similar or larger incident?" She sighed again, trying to calm herself. She hadn't expected her sadness to turn to anger and a will to improve so quickly. She suspected the change took place somewhere between the investigation's conclusion and opening Elias's door. Whatever had caused it didn't matter; she was happy for the chance of mindset.

The Masked Man planned to remain quiet until he was asked a direct question. His silence didn't last long.
"Explain yourself." He demanded.
Direct and to the point. How refreshing. The Masked Man thought genuinely. "Holiday cheer potion. I was too distressed to sleep last night...I needed some piece of mind." The Masked Man answered easily. He pretended to feel slightly embarrassed about this, since only weak people were easily affected by such events. "Regrettably, it wore off too soon." He sounded even more embarrassed about the messing up the room. You fools should've let the house elves clean it. It's your fault in the first place that such an incident could even take place. It was too easy. And with such a short lockdown? What a huge problem.
"...Why did we have to find forty prank items in your trunk today?"
"If I was going to cause trouble, I would be cautious." The Masked Man replied. "I would try my best to hide those items, especially after being warned of an investigation, would I not?" He shrugged. "The Room or Requirement, perhaps?" He listed one example, his tone insinuating that he could probably think of more places if he needed to. "Besides, those are some of the worst prank items in existence. My pranks would be more creative. It's not my style to choose something someone else has already done over and over, and copy. Mediocrity is disgusting." All truths. So now any professor that knows me can agree. "I've made some enemies in my time, what man hasn't?" He shrugged. But for you, Athena, your time will not come now. "I have no idea which enemy it can be." He finished. Your punishment will be far more severe than a slap on the wrist. Besides, in case my beloved secretly cares about the house cup...Athena would most certainly lose the Slytherin house points if her prank was revealed.

Rosaleya explored the kitchen. A beautiful, spacious, and organized gourmet kitchen with large windows on three walls, and ample white birch cabinets. Pots and pans hung from nails above the island in the center, smooth, uncluttered beige countertops shined, and a large white fridge with clear glass double doors with an organized variety of delicious looking foods.
It was the perfect picture, until Jade asked "What is that?" He pointed to the corner of the room, where a small beige dog was curled up, asleep. It nearly blended in with the flooring.
The moment Rosaleya turned to look at it, its nose twitched a few times, and it sat up, looking straight into her eyes. "Darling-" Leigh stood and whispered in her ear "-you really didn't hang him from the ceiling with that noose?" Rosaleya shook her head. How...? "You're wondering if I'm responsible for this-" Claudia held up a moving picture of Chance in his last moments, and then he gradually stopped struggling "-right?" How...? "I told you 'everything is as it should be'." Claudia's sweet smile didn't falter. Rosaleya stared back into Chance's eyes in confusion. "You wanted it dead, and now that it is, you're relieved." Claudia said. "Chance? Nope, it's definitely an illusion."
Chance wagged his tail, and ran over to her with his usual stupid expression. Something about it was a bit different, he seemed more controlled now, as if his movements weren't so random anymore. "Master, I'm so sorry. There is something very important I must tell you."
"If this is an illusion, it might be Claudia." Jade said. "And if it's not..." He pointed to the Pet Collar on 'Chance'. "...it makes sense why you can understand him now."
"Okay, Illusion, go on." Rosaleya turned away, looking through the fridge as the dog continued.
"When I got here...Soren put a pet collar on me and Shiro told me everything I didn't know about a pet's role in a home...." Chance bowed his head to Rosaleya, continuing like that.
Meanwhile, Rosaleya muttered "Uh huh," absent-mindedly, grabbing some eggs and closing the fridge. By the time she was ready to crack them, Jade had found the bowls.
"...So I beg of you to forgive me. I'm so grateful that Claudia gave me a chance to atone for my errors..." Change continued.
She got some fresh cherry tomatoes out of the fridge, and washed them in cupped hands.
"...I love it here..."Chance continued. "...I can understand why you were always so sad at that other place. Sadness...that's another thing Shiro taught me...humans feel it more often than we do...or at least more than Shiro and I...but I felt it when Shiro told me that everything I did increased your sadness. I never knew I was doing so much wrong...Leigh never punished me or showed too much anger, and I regret that. I was acting like a hooligan...an animal..."
Rosaleya snorted. She added some fresh tomato to her sizzling eggs, let them fry for a literal minute, then slid the pan's contents onto a plate in one fluid movement. When she turned to 'Chance' again, he was bowing his head, awaiting her forgiveness.
"...Please forgive me...." He finished. "...I want you to be my master, not that awful dog."
Rosaleya laughed. "Nice job, Claudia." She smiled at 'Chance'. "The dog calling Leigh a dog. Nice. Can you come out now? I'd rather talk to you." She kicked Chance harshly. "Illusions are illusions." She said quietly.
"D-do you think I'm an illusion?" Chance seemed deeply hurt by her words, managing to talk through her kicks. "It isn't Claudia! What would give you that idea?"
"She told me you were dead." Rosaleya replied. Very heavy for an illusion...maybe she just took his real weight into account when she made it. Yes, that's probably it.
"Was that dog around? She was probably saying it so he would believe I was dead. That way I wouldn't have to go back to him." Chance said.
Jade cut in. "Then why wouldn't she tell you as soon as you were alone-alone?" He put his hands on his hips.
"Sure." Rosaleya set her plate down on the kitchen table, poured herself a glass of orange juice, and sat down to eat.
Chance lied down near her feet. "Please believe me." He whined.
"Get away." Rosaleya kicked him away.
Chance curled up into a ball, and whined softly for a bit before quieting down and eventually falling asleep. Meanwhile, Jade mocked his performance.
Rosaleya rose, washed all the dishes she'd used, and wiped the counters.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Claudia smiled, hugging Rosaleya as she was scanning the kitchen for anything she'd missed. Mid-hug, she caught sight of Chance. "Did you talk with Chance, yet?"
"Yeah, nice illusion." Rosaleya replied. "Can you please get it out of here now? I don't want to see it."
"Illusion?" Claudia stopped hugging her, taking a step back. "Why would Chance be an illusion?" She sounded dead serious.
"You" Rosaleya paused slightly "killed him, remember?"
"Who told you that?" She had a concerned look in her eyes. "Sunshine, please tell me."
"You did. Remember?" Rosaleya sighed. "Ok, forget it. It's fine. Just like Santa's real, right?" I know there's no proof that he is or isn't right now, but I'm really frustrated. When is she going to stop treating me like I'm dumb?
"He is." Claudia replied seriously. "And that's the real Chance. Why would I lie to you about that?"
There's no way for me to tell if she's lying...
"Her breathing and heart rate won't tell me. We'll have to serve her some demonic truth serum." Jade said.
"Nevermind." Rosaleya smiled. "Can we do something together today? I wanted to spend some time with you...like a mom and daughter would...without anyone else there." Unrelated to the Chance and Santa incidents. I was going to ask to spend time with you before I thought of this. The truth serum is just an add-on. "Are you busy today?"
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