Hikari Chan
Miss Hikari
"Well yeah I guess hehe, thank you, " Aislinn replied when she stood up. "by the way did you practice by yourself? I think I would have lost my patience if I would try to learn something on my own hehehe. Anyway, I think my problem is with the visualizing, I tried to focus on something green, but I must have imagined the hedge instead for the grass spot by mistake. Perhaps I have a strong will if I want something, because I managed to do the smoke manipulation but still it seems that my mind cannot recall the images of destinations clearly. It is still blurry when I close my eyes. I do not really have a photographic memory. Do you have any advises about the visualizing? Is it required to imagine the visions of a place or is it not enough to just to think the name of any place?"
Aislinn had forgotten about Aaron and she was full of all the events that happened after the gala, so she would never guess what Luna and Aaron could have done in the labyrinth even if she remembered that she peeked behind her curtains before, because she only caught glimpse of them entering the labyrinth
Aislinn had forgotten about Aaron and she was full of all the events that happened after the gala, so she would never guess what Luna and Aaron could have done in the labyrinth even if she remembered that she peeked behind her curtains before, because she only caught glimpse of them entering the labyrinth