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Luka and Whacko
Luka stared dully at the man. “I learned of the gloscan crystals, thats why I came back. I intend to do research on them and further improve them., minerals are my field of research afterall, oh and ill also need a chunk of itika.” She added plainly. She seemed unconcerned with the reprocussions of such a request.

Whacko tilted his head to the side. This was certainly interesting. She didn't had a Gloscan of her own? He thought Nero gave one to each student once deemed necessary.
"Interesting, Miss Rabbi. So, you plan on further investigating the advantages of using the Viela ore. Or as you know it, a Gloscan Crystal," Whacko said camly, "As for getting a piece of Itika. Well, that's very interesting. But tell me, Miss Rabbi, why the sudden interest in such topic? Surely there must be a reason besides further improving the gloscan."

“Not entirely. My Sand magic lets me break down even the hardest minerals into a fine powder, and if i so chose, manipulate and reform them as i wish. Itika... as we know is a source of raw magic power. Ilegal but it can last for years. Combine that with a gloscan, something that can store magicto be used later and i think we can create a magic generating crystal that, in the proper dose, can purify itself so it wont be as dangerous as raw itika could be.” She explained.

"What an interesting theory, Miss Rabbi. I can see that you are very serious on this particular topic," Whacko answred while smiling, "But I think it would be sensible of me to warn you about something."
Whacko walked towards one of the many cabinets around the lab, he opened it and took out a small, smooth black stone on his palm before turning to look at Luka.
"Gloscans, while useful, can also cause some problems. If not used correctly, of course. Take this one for example. It can store energy, it can boost a mage's arcane prowess, but it also absorb more than it can hold," Whacko said calmly, "the excess of arcane energy is released back to the environment. But if the Gloscan keeps absorbing the mage's mana then it will reach a point where the mage will simply collapse for the lack of mana."
The old professor walked towards Luka and put the crystal in one of the tables.
"But, perhaps, as you just said, combining the gloscan and some itika could prove to be useful in the future."

“Imagine. A storage system that rapidy regenerates its own power supply. Weapons, vehicles, whole cities! They could rely just on this combined mineral. But for now the small source would tested on mages in the field. Specifically.. me. Ill use myself as the subject. My mana is excessive and my magical output is above average. All I need is raw itika and the location of these Viela minerals. Will you be able to disclose this information to me? In the name of science and progression for Somnum and the world.”

"You surely are quite an interesting person, Miss Rabbi, that's for sure. Some would say crazy even," Whacko said before laughing, "but only those who are crazy enough are the ones willing to make things move forwards."
The Professor looked around the room, trying to remember something important.
"This could prove to be a very important experiment that, in and of itself, is interesting enough," Whacko said calmly, "To have a self regenerating source of energy would change the world, hopefully for the better. That doesn't mean that there is no risk on such pursuit. Think of what would happen if, by some reason, such knowledge fell in the hands of those who could abuse such source of energy. It could be disastrous, Miss Rabbi. I should also warn you that, if not charmed correctly, then the gloscan would serve as an inhibitor ore. Capable of suppress the use of your arcane abilities permanently. Are you willing to take such risk?"

Rabbi grinned. “If it happens then we have data for another topic. So yes.” She replies flatly. “I presume this means you are onboard.”

Oh? But of course, Miss Rabbi. Why wouldn't I? We are scientists, after all. Experimentation is what we do. If there is no one to experiment, then no new things are ever discovered, if that happens then humanity cannot progress. We would be stagnant and we would perish," he said to Luka while smiling, "Viela ore can be found . . . right about . . . here! To the south of the court grounds, in the Mortem Mountains. Somewhere under the tallest peaks, often called the Dueling Peaks, or Twin Peaks, you will find an entrance to a small underground cave. There are tunnels there, but if you are smart, then you will find the path to the deeper caves. There you will find what you seek. It's a dangerous path to reach the peaks. Not many dare to go, and if they do, they usually give up and don't go deeper into the caves. Claustrophobia, I suppose."

“Ill head out in the morning. What of the Itika? Can you get your hands on some?” She seemed lively, ready to gather her tools and information.

"That can be taken care of, Miss Rabbi. In fact, I have in my possession some amount of itika ore. As you know, allowing unauthorized people handle itika could prove to be disastrous," he answered Luka, "But worry not. While I make the necessary paperwork, I will put you as being part of my research team. That way, I will be able to give you access to a piece of ore. You can come back to the lab and the piece of itika will be waiting for you in the morning. This is the beginning of another interesting experiment, Miss Rabbi. Let's find out what the future holds in this particular path of research."

Luka nodded, bowed swiftly before heading off to her room to get some rest before then next day.
Makoto Suzaku - Ignis - Camp Campfire

Makoto had snuggled up to Henry after pitching the tent, listening. As Yael fell asleep, though, Makoto tugged a blanket over, then smiled at Henry. "Missed me, hm?" She teased him, pressing closer. "...because I missed you." She wrapped her arms around him, before she too passed out from the day's fight. Sure, she was used to it...but still...that had been quite the fight. She'd hold onto Henry the entire night, and probably wouldn't wake up until after him, snuggling with him the entire night...and they didn't even use the tent she had pitched.

Scrapmaster Scrapmaster

Eden Silvius - Umbra - The Train

Eden then turned around to look at Ronin, finally done with setting everything up. "She is flying to Vivifica as we speak, to warn them." She then regarding Isabelle. "No, you are still whatever Court you still hold allegiance to. I will attempt to smooth things over when we return you to them." She dragged them all to the train station.


Eden was jostled awake on the train. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. "...dammit." She mumbled to herself, looking out the window. "...should be well on our way to Vita." She murmured quietly.

HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

Eclaire de Wynter - Umbra - River Bank

Eclaire groaned softly as she finally woke up. She bit her lip and looked down, feeling pressure. Right. Fyenne. Smiling softly, she ran her fingers through the girl's hair quietly, nice and gentle, letting her wake up on her own. She glanced over where Elle would most likely be, then settled back down. She didn't want to wake the girl atop her, really. Closing her eyes, she gently breathed. They were safe. Fyenne was safe, even after the Lagricius attack. She just gently combed her fingers through Fyenne's hair, ears lightly perked, scanning for sound.

Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

Kagura Sumeragi - Somnum - Sanctus Heights

Kagura awoke. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and slid out of his bed, nightgown flowing around him, he moved to the window and looked out. The dread fighters...would have killed them all. He gripped the windowsill, shaking lightly. They weren't like the monsters on the ship...but...he'd have died...was it right...? He lifted spirits and health...not fell the death. He screwed his eyes shut and tried to not hyperventilate. He wanted Nero...she'd help him feel better...but she was far away, and had trusted him here.
Why did he feel so alone now...?
- Thea Nero - Court of Somnum - Vita River Encampment -

Nero had spent a few hours meditating, only listening to the sound of the water of the river, and the voices of Henry and, and someone who she did not recognize, maybe one of the mages she hadn't spoke to. She could see her reflection in the water. Not a perfect one, but that was not important.

"Danger." The reflection said.

Nero tilted her head slightly. Again with the danger. They had fought a lagiacrus just a few hours ago. What else could be around that was dangerous to them.

"Beware." The reflection said this time.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Nero thought, "Something more dangerous than that creature? Something is going to happen to me? us? the High Priestess?"

Of course, no answer came. It never did. Sometimes she wondered if she was seeing and hearing things. Others she was sure that whatever was warning her of things to come loved to talk one word riddles. A few hours into the night, Nero finally felt that she had gathered enough mana back and so she want back to the camp, she saw an empty tent and went inside, ready to rest for the night.

Nero was one, if not the first, to wake up. Always an early riser, they said. And, of course, a cup of tea already half full, with a kettle nearby if anyone cared to have a cup. One by one the members of the caravan were waking up, getting ready for the road ahead. Meanwhile, Nero was thinking about what was on the road ahead. They could eaither go to Aeternalis or to Vita City. Vita City was a tourist spot, many people around all Regalia went there, it was almost like a second Santus Heights. This could be a problem if they wanted to remain outside the public eye. The High Priestess, three of the four Maesters of the courts, and a group of mages could raise a few eyebrows. That was something that they didn't need at the moment. Aeternalis was both a good and a bad option. It was closer to the temple, but it was not a tourist spot like Vita City. They could pick supplies, maybe rest for another night before finally reaching the temple. But since Aeternalis was closer to Vivifica that would mean that, perhaps, they would be quick to alert whoever was at the temple. Choices, choices.

The sudden appearence of Mel and the sound of battle made the Maestra quickly move in the direction of the ruckus. Once there she found the Heir of Vivifica fighting against someone in the distance. And yelling some interesting things.

"Perfect. And so early in the morning." Nero thought.

She quickly made her way towards Jynn and the mysterious woman who was attempting to choke him. Nero was about to command the water on the river, but Jynn was faster and shoved her face to the ground before picking her up, and throw her back onto the ground, creating a fissure in the shape of the woman.

"What is the meaning of this?! " Nero said as a stream of water came rushing towards Morpha. If she was not fast enough, then she would be trapped into a prison of ice, "What is going on here, Mister Venas? Who is this person?"

- Diane Corbeau - Court of Umbra - Sanctus Heights: Elvenwind Shop -
Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

- Diane Corbeau - Unaffiliated - Somewhere around Regalia -

It was a rainy day outside, the dark clouds covering all of the sky above. Very few people were wandering the streets, some trying to complete their jobs, others, mostly kids, playing in the rain. Not Diane, of course. No, she was, as always, taking care of the library, putting books back into their homes. The young woman was humming a rather relaxing tune. One Pietro Valonde was watching her as she did her work.

"Sometimes I wonder if you ever leave the library, Corbeau," he said quietly, "Besides going home, you are here all the time. Even on days such as these."

Diane finally put the last book on the shelf and then went to sit in the same table as the young man, s smile on her lips.

"Well, I think that that is to be expected now that I am the head librarian, right? Now that Mister Bramyr as retired, it is my responsability to look after the library, and to offer assistance to those who come to look for a specific book." Diane answered Pietro.

He nodded, then his head turned to look at the window. He could see his younger sister outside. So carefree, so innocent, so . . .

"How is she? Alouette, I mean?" Diane asked, a hint of worry in her voice, "Is she been feeling well these past few weeks?

"I dunno, she says that she is fine, that I shouldn't worry, but I can see that she is in pain," he answered, "every time, when she thinks no one is watching, I can see the pain in her eyes. I've tried everything I could to find someone who can help us find the cause of her illness, but no luck whatsoever. Each time they . . . they tell me that it is a miracle that she is alive. And money is running short . . . I dunno what else I can do to help her."

Diane stood up and walked behind Pietro, her arms slowly wrapped around the man's neck. She could feel the young man's body tense, but slowly began to relax.

"We will get through this, you'll see. I don't mind that we don't have a wedding, no honeymoon," she said as she looked at the copper ring on her finger, "your sister is more important to the both of us than all of that."

Pietro slowly nodded. Sometimes he wondered if Diane Corbeaus, a woman who had appeared in town out of nowhere, barely interacted with anyone outside the library, was only a dream, or a figment of his imagination. But no, he could feel her behind him, feel her heartbeat, her warmth. Asking her out had been something that needed a great amount of courage. Asking her to marry him? even more.

"Don't worry, my dearest. Things will work out. In fact, I think I know how we can hire the best doctor and healer from Santus Heights," she said as she quickly went behind the counter and brought back a piece of parchment, "I have been offered a job by a group of mages from the Four Courts. They plan to do some form of testing and, well, they pay is good. Very good, in fact. Some might like to say I am a witch, but if these abilities of mine can help us get money to help Alouette, then I can take their offer."

"Silly Corbeau, you are no witch. You are far too nice to be a wicked witch," Pietro said with a small smile as he saw his sister playing in the rain with other children, "but. . . thank you. I'm sure there is another way I-we can earn gold to pay for my sister's bills. If not, then . . . then we can talk about this offer of the mages. Is that alright?"

Young Diane knew that Pietro had a strange wariness when talking with mages. What that reason was, she did not knew, nor she wanted to intrude. It was better to wait until Pietro was ready to talk about that. But for now, both young lovers would enjoy the presence of the other.

It had been quite a long night for Diane and Miss Hassan. The Lieutenant's injuries had made him faint before arriving at Elvenwind, but Miss Hassan's help was what allowed the man to survive. Diane was currently standing next to the door of the Lieutenant's room, Miss Hassan came out of another room further down the hallway. She had been presentable, well-dressed, But now? Well, she was wearing more baggy clothes. Not that it mattered to the Lich.

"I have to say that last night was incredible, Puppy. More so than other nights. I was very excited," Vala said as she stopped in front of the door, "Did you enjoyed it too?"

"Whatever I felt is of no consequence, Miss Hassan. My priority was to keep the Lieutenant alive," Diane answered without any hint of emotion, "you have my thanks for keeping him on the side of the living. You might have prevented another situation that could have destroyed part of the city."

"Oh? Is he that important to you, Puppy? Your fiance, perhaps?" Vala asked, a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Important, yes. Fiance? No. Now, when is the Lieutenant going to wake up?" Diane asked.

"Aw~ And here I was thinking about asking if we could share," Hassan said as she rolled her eyes, "He is stable, but he lost a good amount of blood. He won't be waking up. Give him a couple of days, a week, at most. Then you can take him back."

That would not do, she needed him to wake up to question him about his relationship with the blue-haired man from the tavern. But . . . he had told her something back in there.
"A safe in his office. Elia. Drawings. What was he trying to tell me." Diane whispered.

"From what you told me, Puppy, whoever attacked the Lieutenant was a dangerous man. One that the device made by your friend didn't detect. Perhaps he was trying to give you a way to find out the truth in case he was killed in that room," Hassan said as she stretched her arms upwards, faintly showing Diane her midriff, and looking at her with one eye, "My best bet is to go and look for your friend, take him, and the other mage girl into the Lieutenant's office and look for that safe, yes? Whatever is there might give you the answers you seek. Oh, and don't worry about the Lieutenant. I will take good care of him while he is asleep."

The Lich stared at the young silver-haired woman for a few seconds. There was something about her that, for some reason, made her doubt her word. But as long as she made sure that the Lieutenant was safe and recovered, she could send someone to get him afterwards. Diane bowed slighthly at Miss Hassan before she walked outside using the backdoor of the store. Vincent was going to the office with Elia, if everything went fine, but since that was yesterday, where would he be at this point in the morning. The only place she could think of was, the cathedral. If Vincent took Elia back home then they would find the mess that happened there and she would be taken to a safe place. And what better place than the cathedral. And so, Diane began her walk towards the cathedral, always staying in the shadows, completely oblivious as to what happened the day before.

- Incarose Vassar - Court of Ignis - Grand Cathedral -

Last day had been pure, pure chaos. Everything had been alright in the morning. The Maestra and the others took the High Priestess to Vivifica. Those who stayed would either help with the restoration of the city or help in the investigation of the automaton incident. But apparently Fate had a way of screwing everything. Jari and her had found a strange man, one who was, apparently, protecting the mage who had disturbed the meeting. And THEN the cathedral had been attacked by some mysterious individual whose abilities greatly overpowered hers. Instead of trying to fight this man, Incarose had tried to protect one of the Ignis mages, Aquilla was her name, apparently. While everyone else was attacking the guy at the same time, she had taken Aquilla behind anything close to provide cover.

At some point, when the man had left and every dread fighter was either killed or detained, Incarose did her best to take the unconscious Aquilla to the infirmary. She had managed to find one of the staff who took care of the girl while she waited for her to wake up. After some time of waiting, and Aquilla not waking up, she returned to her room and almost fell asleep instantly.

The next morning was not any better. The mood around the cathedral was tense, which was obvious, after the situation they had the day before. Incarose was currently eating breakfast while absentmindedly looking around, she didn't knew many of the mages to actually go and sit with someone. Jari was not there, maybe he was still asleep. And the girl, Aquilla, was probably still in the infirmary. Anya, her master, was not there either, and so she was eating in silence. Waiting for whatever was going to happen next.
Quinn Lawrence
As usual, Quinn was up bright and early. She followed her morning routine as soon as she got out of bed. She wore a plain Black Sleveless shirt and some shorts to bed. Something that allowed for excellent mobility if she was caught off guard. She stood infront of her window and waited for the sun to peak the horizon before basking in its light. Gathering in its mana as she preformed light stretches and exercises. After about half an hour of that she proceeded to get dressed in her usual uniform. Less mobile to the average person
However Quinn has grown aquatinted to the clothing. Afterwards she moved to preapre for her travels, she packed her clothes and gear and then moved to the kitchen to prepare her rations. Directly afterwards she moved towards Vivifica’s entrance to wait for the others.

The bloodmage sighs at the answer, unsure if words would suffice. She always worried about the little things. After boarding. The train she fell asleep quickly. Her thoughts seemingly exaughsting herself.

Aquilla’s eyes slowly fluttered open as the mana returned to her body. She seemed tired having passed out from a lack of mana twice in nearly two weeks.It wasnt a good time for her. She felt weak and heavy. She didn’t want to get out of bed. Despite this, she sat up, dizzying herself for a moment but shaking it off soon after. She then looked around and sighed. “The Infirmary again.... I need to really work in my mana for the next few weeks... maybe even fix that issue with my fire magic....” she looked at her hand, nothing started freely except a thin layer of frost.
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- Arno Cross - Bounty Hunter -

The day went by and Arno did not get himself killed in some funky mage business, so he considered that a win as far as he was concerned, but he was also stuck with bureucracy and annoyiances of the modern world after the incident, he didn't really care about what the mages did after the man named Invidia vanished with teleportation magic, they ignored him well enough anyway so he simply went to look for survivors and release them so long as Soren allowed him, after making sure all the survivors or hostages were safe and sound he was going to leave and head back to Viridian, too bad he got caught up by security and brought in for questioning, much to his luck, Whether Soren liked it or not Arno was taken rather rudely by guards and officials for questioning. This was typical, they needed someone to have the blame pinned or regular questions, and because Arno wasn't a official mage, he was just an easy target.

You see, as a bounty hunter you forfeit a lot of your rights, comes to the part of being a manhunter, if guards want to mess with you they can, only thing they can't do is shoot you or lock you up for no reason. Not that non-official mages had any rights.

They didn't bother taking Arno to any real interrogation room or anything of the sort, they just pushed Arno around until one of their security offices and Arno had to explain directly to one of the security officials of the area. There they asked Arno a bunch of questions, many useless platitudes trying to get a rise out of Arno and the like, there were two men in the room alongside him, one official and one lower ranked guard.

The official sat in the table on the opposite side of him, a small ciggarete on his mouth and a half grin as if he had just earned his payday for the day.

"So, Mr. Arno Cross, you were at Sanctus Heights when the invasion began?"
"I was outside, had just saw a flare sent by one of the court mages"
"A Flare, you say?"
"Yes, a flare, bright light being shot up. I can tell you the color if you want."
"There's no need for that. So what did you do upon arriving?"
"There were already two mages by the door, one named Everyth and another named Soren."
"Soren? the ignis mage?"
"There another Soren?"
"No, not really."

The official extinguished his ciggarete as the other office in the room stared daggers at Arno.

"Right, and you say you don't know any of these men that invaded? Your timing was rather convenient"
"The Flare was rather convenient you mean."
"Right. Anyway, so you say you went with Soren and the Umbra mage-"
"Her name's Everyth."
"Right, Everyth, There you met with the leader of this group?"
"I arrived just as the fight ended, I don't know anything else."
"Mr. Arno please cooperate with me."
"I have already told you all I know, I am a bounty hunter, saw the flare, and I arrived at the place. And saw to it that survivors and hostages were safe"
"Yes, eye witnesses also provided us with some informations on the matter, I can't really hold you here anymore, you're free to go Arno."

Arno's words were interrupted by a slam of the lower ranked officer's hand slamming against the small table.
"You're kidding me right chief? We're just letting this criminal go?"
"He's not a crimina-" The official was interrupted by Arno making a hand gesture.
"Go on..." Arno spoke.

"You heard me, in my eyes you're nothing but a criminal, you came there to rob people didn't you?"
"If I did I wouldn't have escorted civilians out safely."
"Hogwash! you were just looking for a quick buck!"
"Look kid, I really don't care what you have to say to me, I am leaving." Arno spoke as he stood up, the guard's hand pressing against his chest as he stopped Arno from walking beside him.

"You're not going anywhere Thief, I am putting you under arrest."
"Because you have no rights and you're suspicious, file here says you're a non-official mage turned bounty hunter, you're not going anywhere."Ar
Arno looked at him with indifferent eyes, before glancing at the official, who just shrugged and stop up as well, "Kid stand down." The official calmly told the rather young and rather rude cop."

"This man is nothing but a scoundrel!" The boy said.

"Kid, you call me that again and I will break your nose." Arno taunted the kid.
"What'd you say to me? Scoundre- URK" The officer was interrupted by a vicious and quick headbutt right into his nose's base from Arno. Staggering back, clutching his nose as it bled. Arno simply stood there, waiting for the boy's reaction.

"You bastard!" The guard said as he took out his revolver angrily pointing it ar Arno. One hand on the revolver and another in his bleeding nose.
"Kid you really don't want to do this" The higher ranking official spoke.

"Listen to your elder kid, you have three seconds before I lose my patience." Arno threatened, his voice a lot more chilling and vicious now.

"Im taking you under arrest!"
"You can't do anything!"
"Put your god damn hands up!"

Having ignored Arno's warning, the guard found himself in the end of a self-defense takedown by Arno. Whose hands moved so quick the boy barely had time to register it, Arno's right hand grabbed and pushed the revolver to the side, his other hand quickly slamming into the boy's wrist, forcing the boy to let go of the revolver as Arno analyzed it. A double action Schofield revolver, a good and reliable revolver. Break action too!

Arno proceeded to unload the revolver harmlessly by breaking folding the revolver, revealing the barrel and taking out the bullets as the boy angrily ran at him. Only to be met with the butt of the revolver at his throat. Knocking the boy out of breath and onto the floor.

"We good?" Arno spoke, looking at the official who had an amused expression.
"Aye, we're good, sir, the boy needed some manners. Feel free to keep the revolver too! He clearly doesn't deserve it." The official joyfuly pointed out, prompting a small restrained smile from Arno as he ripped place the revolver in one of his holsters.

The revolver in question was crude and worn, clearly the boy didn't take care of his guns, nothing a few repairs and a paintjob wouldn't fix.

The revolver

.44 six rounds in the chamber, break action.

Arno would give it a name in the future, after it was really fit for use.

- Present day -

Arno had arrived much later than expected that night, but he would be with the others for breakfast, he didn't speak much, only saying he had questions for Vaike and that he was alright.

Sitting on opposite sides of the table from Vaike, regardless of where his partners Gabriel and Tibarn were, and the tag-along Saffron sat. Arno would look at Vaike, his lower face hidden by the collar of his overcoat.

"Vaike." Arno called him. "I have some questions for you, regarding yesterday."
"Now, I don't really care about who your friend is or what she means to you, it's none of my business, but could you answer me, what is The Ebon flame, and who is their leader, who goes by the name of Invidia?" Arno asked him, completely serious and cold tone in his voice as if he was half threatening Vaike as he asked him.

"Because as it turns out, this so called Ebon flame is a group of assassins, their leader was kind enough to tell everyone there who accosted him the reason why they were there. They were looking for the high priestess...and Invidia said they wanted to kill her to break some sort of cycle" Arno continued.

"So, answer me truthfuly, what do you know, and is this what you meant by keeping The High priestess safe?" Arno asked him. "Tell me everything you know, and what you want to do with the High priestess."

Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

- Vlad - The Somnum blood - Sanctus Heights -

The day before sure was weird and eventful, the leader of said groupd of assassins even took a liking to Vlad! who would've thought! After the whole ordeal was done Vlad went to do general mage things, help civilians out, flirt with some women, tease Mako and Jari, especially Jari regarding tackling the de-facto leader of an entire group of assassins. Before retiring for the night and resting a bit in one of the rooms provided for Mages.

As everyone was going to the cafeteria to eat he saw someone he knew from the day before! Vincy! The boy was kind enough to knock on his door even! how nice. Vlad would take a while to appear, not from the door. But instead he showed up from Vincent's shadow as the boy went to the cafeteria.

Halfway from spawning from Vincent's shadow, Vlad greeted the boy. "Top of the morning Vincy!" Vlad spoke, fully appearing from his shadow as he grabbed hte boy's shoulder from his side as if they were friends.

"So what were you doing yesterday?" Vlad asked, "Any progress on the investigation? Sorry for not showing up to help...I was dealing with assassins yesterday." Vlad explained with a cocky smile and a gleeful tone.

Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358

- Henry Heid - Ignis - Vita River -

Having stood most of the night on watch alongside Yael, the shapeshifter soon retired for the night and Henry had some time to think alone, until Makoto came at least, snuggling up to him and falling asleep soundly as she usualy does. The rather short and peaceful night came to an end as the sun rose, shining at his hair and visage as he held Makoto on his arm as he barely woke up from a hour or so nap. Looking over Makoto and Yael. Henry would stay still for a while at least, let them sleep. They've earned it. Seeing Lady mia head up to the campfire to cook fish, only greeting her with a smile and a good day.

Jynn's horse however, came and put their peace to end abruptly, Nero was faster in dealing with it and heading, the sounds of battle coming from a distance as Henry gently woke up Makoto and gently got up. "Stay with the camp, watch them." Henry told Makoto as he too headed off to see what the commotion was about.

There he saw Jynn, the heir of vivifica, and a woman, god knows who, fighting.

Henry fought back the urge to joke about her being Jynn's ex. But that would be both out of line and the worst possible time. Arriving just after Nero had asked who she was.
"Bad move, attacking someone who has backup!". Henry exclaimed to Morpha. "Now who are you and what do you want with Jynn!" He demanded. His sword appearing in his hand in a flash of fire and light.

Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Elrandir Elrandir Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza
- Vincent & Arun - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
Vincent was heading to the dinning hall, and he got himself some coffee and a simple plate of scrambled eggs. He was in thought, staring down at the reflection before he jumped at Vlad's sudden appearance. "By the gods-" He hissed, snapping his attention to Vlad. "Please do not do that, Vlad." He was stressed, anxious. Too many things going array in a little amount of time. "I was investigating. But albeit my experiment worked, it seemed to lead to a dead end. Then when I tried to escort Elia back to her apartment we walked into a crime scene and she had to stay here for the night and walk into another one." He turned to look over at Vlad fully. "I have heard from the staff and the other court of Ignis. I am glad that you are all alright but the victims..." He shook his head, leaning back. "I am hoping to speak with everyone today when they come for food. I want us to gather, share information that we have gathered, and form a more formulated plan than the mess that has been created." He informed the mage.

"Soren knows." Arun spoke, showing up. It was rare to see him speak up as it was. The mage approached the two and went to get his own food. "Soren knew of the man that attacked the cathedral. The way he spoke to him sounded personal. Once he comes down here, you should ask him about it." Arun spoke, turning away. Vincent blinked a few times and nodded, holding his head and drinking some well deserved caffeine.

- Yael - Unaffiliated - Vita River -
Yael would admit; there was some disappointment in the fact that Jynn was being interrupted. It was good that the others were being attentive to the member of Vivifica. But this young mage was meant to be the heir, was it not? Then he should be the one to deal with his problems. Yael was quick to speak out to Henry. "Do not baby him." The cat spoke, flickering his tail. "He has been able to fight back on his own without any trouble. Aggression should not be your first response upon encountering a situation." He explained, licking his paw and stretching his cat body. Purple eyes gleamed and watched the four mages, two of them backing up Jynn as the numbers of the fight had turned. "Allow Jynn to handle the responsibilities of his court."

- Arkane - Umbra Court - Vita River-
Now, Arkane originally went for the food. But when he came upon the small patch of flowers among the fog he just had to get involved. He could be found kneeling by the patch, admiring the red lilies. They reminded him of home. These plants could be found all over the cemetery and burial grounds. But such habitats were not their only home. The mage picked one up and brought it close. But their beauty alone was not what made its worth. Their bulbs were actually poisonous, and people have planted these around their farms and crops to steer away pests and mice. He smelled it and fixed it on his hair behind his ear. These were mother's favorite, too.
–Vita River–
Elrandir Elrandir , Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza , Thanny Thanny , RikuXIII RikuXIII , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , Xion136 Xion136

The young dark-haired mage awoke to fingers being brought through her hair, her cheek resting on Eclaire's chest. Something relaxed the child about listening to Eclaire's heart pound through her chest, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Eventually the girl stirred, shifting to Eclaire's side and lifting her head.

"Oh, good morning, Eclaire," she said sleepily, yawning widely before wiping her arm across her eyes. "I–I'm sorry that I climbed up on you. That was rude of me. I didn't mean to."

The smell of roasted fish wafted through the open panel of their tent, causing Fyenne's stomach to rumble. "Are you hungry? Is someone cooking? It smells good, whatever it is!"

Meanwhile, the high priestess emerged from her own tent, smoothing down her hair whilst raking her fingers in it. She was fully clad in her traveling attire, save for the hood lowered. Carefully she approached Mia while the elder roasted her fish, a frown furrowing her brow.

"Is something going on?" she asked, glancing toward Maelstrom and the mages rushing away. The sounds of battle assaulted her ears from out in the distance. She started to move in that direction until Mia caught her hand.

"No, nothing is going on," Mia said, tone devoid of its usual mirth. "Or, rather, nothing that the mages cannot handle. Sit, eat. We will be off soon."

"Yes," Mabel said distractedly, tearing her gaze from Henry as he bolted off, "o–of course. My apologies, Lady Mia."

With that the priestess sat, lifting one of the fish and considering it long and hard. Worry caused her stomach to churn, but she couldn't express it. Not now, and especially not after all of the accusations thrown her direction as of late.

–Sanctus Heights: Grand Cathedral Breakfast room–
Xion136 Xion136 , Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , Thanny Thanny , RikuXIII RikuXIII , Elrandir Elrandir , Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

The rap on everyone's door would summon them to the breakfast hall, where they would have an impromptu meeting on the events from the day prior. Even young Elia would attend, who would sit as far from the court mages as possibly, silently eating her breakfast with a solemn expression.

When any would arrive, they would find Everyth, sitting alone and sipping some coffee. Shiroo would come in shortly after Jari, seeming troubled whenever he would glance in his cousin's direction. When he noticed Vincent the mage's demeanor eased, walking up to his fellow Ignis Mage and giving him a one-armed hug, that was more a clap on a shoulder than an embrace.

"So, looks like you're getting more than just the Ignis court together, from the looks of things?" he asked, glancing around the room at those of Umbra and even Somnum attending this meeting. "What is it that you wanted to address? You look stressed."

–Sanctus Heights: Infirmary–
HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

The rooms within the infirmary were separated by curtains, making it particularly difficult for one to knock before entering. Aquilla would hear a young man clear his throat to announce his arrival, before he said softly. "May I enter?" It was Kolm, the infirmary patient from the day prior whom had tried to help the mages against the threat from the Ebon Flame.

If she agreed, he would emerge from behind the curtain. He was no longer dressed in the hospital garb, but rather dark garments with a sweeping black trench coat. He glanced over her before lowering his gaze. "I . . . just wanted to check in on you and see how you were doing. I am returning home, but"–he let out a sigh, running a hand through his dark locks–"I also wanted to apologize. I lied to you, to everyone in the room, and as a result I put all of you in grave danger. It's not true that I have no magic. I am, in fact, a mage, but I have been trying to deny it for years upon years."

Kolm closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. "A friend of mine was a mage, too. We tried to teach each other magic and learn about how to hone our skills. I wanted to try to get into the court of Somnum, with my affinity toward ice magic, and my friend was a fire mage. Things went well, until we were caught and . . . ." He couldn't press on, his lips in a thin line. Turning his back toward Aquilla, he sighed once more. "Long story short, I have never wanted to use magic again, or even acknowledge that I can. But that man . . . . He used my ice, so in my lie I hurt you all. Please forgive me, Aquilla. I truly meant no harm."

–Vita City–
Xion136 Xion136 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

Within several hours they finally rolled into the train station of Vita City. People were bustling outside their cab, crowding the halls of the train to depart and enter the platform.

"Hey, watch it!" Remy complained as a rather robust man nearly clobbered the redhead with his briefcase on accident, not having known that the young man was there.

After departing, the foursome would find themselves in a rather crowded train station. Vita City was a major hub, and thus many trains came and left from this particular station. People of all walks of life were present, the rich and poor, with every color of skin within Regalia. They could board another train to Cape ad Draco, if they wished, or find another means of transport to get to the Vivifica court directly.

–Vivifica Temple–
Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria , Xion136 Xion136 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , RikuXIII RikuXIII

Tiru would approach Quinn with a satchel over his shoulder. He wore a clean hunter green tunic over khaki trousers, his long blond bangs in his eyes as usual, with the remains of his hair tied back in a ponytail. He smiled and nodded to her in greeting. "Good morning, Quinn. I hope that you have rested well. I have packed plenty of rations that we will need during the trip, and I would assume that the others are bringing their own goods as well."

A frown furrowed his brow as his gaze swept across the room. "Speaking of which, where is Valery and Elliot? Surely those two didn't oversleep!"

–Sanctus Heights: The Viridian Villa–
Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

(BIG REVEAL – I'd recommend everyone read this segment Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , Thanny Thanny , Elrandir Elrandir , Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza , RikuXIII RikuXIII , Xion136 Xion136 )

The blond's gaze flickered toward Arno, teacup raised to his lips. Upon Arno's words Vaike dropped the cup onto the saucer, hot tea sloshing out and pouring over the tablecloth.

"Where did you hear that name?" Vaike demanded, seeming to grow paler by the minute. Eventually he gathered his composure, sitting back in his seat and rubbing his chin. "So that is what he is up to," he murmured, more to himself than to Arno. At last he shook his head. "Alright, you have helped me get Elena back, and for that I think I owe you at least a little bit of a storytelling session. But I'll warn you, it's going to be long."

Tibarn swallowed a bite of bacon, washing it down with a glass of orange juice before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He glanced over toward Gabriel before his gaze flickered back toward Vaike. "Well, we're in no grand hurry. Might as well get this out of the way."

Vaike rubbed his left temple, letting out a very long sigh. "All right. I should start from the top, I suppose, if I am to reiterate this story. My original name is Avarice Ivan Istahr, one that has been washed from history books in favor of the garbage that the courts want you to believe. This was the name that I was given over a thousand years ago, back when I used to serve the one court faithfully, unwaveringly. The First Court: Tenebris.

"I was a scholar, but above all, I adored my collections. I was the treasurer of the court, keeper of the wealth and manager of taxes. I could also see things, visions of a future that bode most ill. I thought surely these visions were nightmares, fragments of my imagination. But as time wore on, and more and more of my visions became a reality, I knew that what I was seeing was not false.

"The attitude of the Tenebris members began to shift, their wishes for order slowly waning toward the level of extreme. Smugglers were tortured in the prisons, and crimes scaling from murder to petty theft were punished severely, not limited to but including being burnt alive in the very Sanctus Heights Central Square for all to see and be warned of. It was Invidia who came to me one day, telling me that we must put a stop to them. He'd learned of their motives in wasting so much life: Itika. The very raw mana that is harvested, that has been outlawed to this day. It fueled them, granting them unimaginable power. With every step they wrought destruction, terror, and sorrow. Each new day brought tragedy, and the kind mages were lost to power-thirsty, war-mongering monsters, mass slaughtering mages in order to consume the mana that they harbored.

"There are seven others like me, with the gift of foresight. Together we erected a plan, and were able to at last put a stop to the Tenebris court. They vanished from this world, but it was not without cost. Half of the human population was wiped from existence, the very planet itself torn asunder. Have you ever wondered why Umbra now resides on a separate continent? I remember a day where it once was whole. The Outskirts? It was a location where all of the mages' bodies were ushered after their demise, where, over time, they would decompose and produce Itika, the life source of us all. Further, it killed me and my brothers and sisters of foresight, and yet . . . we lived.

"Somehow, in our attempt to seal away the Tenebris court, we have been gifted–no, cursed–with a reincarnation cycle. We are reborn over and over again, how and why I am unsure. For example, up until eight years ago I was merely Vaike, raised in a humble home in Vita City where I made my living blacksmithing, and then I remembered. I remembered everything, including the life that I led as Avarice, as Rhome, Magnus, and countless others. And yet some things have not changed. My beloved Elena was my wife as Avarice, and in many of our reincarnated lives we always seek out one another. Perhaps it is her that has kept me sane over these many lifetimes, or maybe I am just too self-centered to get too avidly involved, but some of my brothers and sisters of Sight are different. We have seen destruction, demise, and the return of the Tenebris court in our visions, resurrecting to be even greater than before. We cannot use the same means of destroying them, lest we do even further harm to the planet than we already have–and potentially wipe the human race from existence. There seems to be no way, though I think we are all trying, in our own way, to put an end to things.

"Invidia perhaps is the most desperate of us all. With each lifetime he has dedicated himself to becoming better, stronger, in hopes of countering the Tenebris court. He formed the Ebon Flame, a resistance force of rebels whom share his ideals and strive to protect Regalia from their impending doom and the return of something dreadful. They have no memory or proof of such a time, but their loyalty to Invidia is unwavering, who has returned to them time and again, as he has promised throughout his lifetimes. I, too, was once a member of the Ebon Flame, but something in Invidia isn't what it once was. I fear his desperation has clouded his better judgment, and he is starting to view the world from a different lens. 'Dispose the few and save the many,' seems to be the note he is playing, and thus I have disassociated myself from him. I think, if I am honest with you, that his heart is in a genuine place, but is he going about it the wrong way? Personally, I think so, but who am I to judge?

"My goal is to get to the high priestess first and stop her. She isn't what she seems, nor is the entire court system. It is a corrupt system which, I think, is run by a greater power that we do not see. From what I learned as Magnus Damora, the high priestess is responsible for the wraiths in our world, for the power which is being fueled to the Tenebris court on the Other Side. Heck, I am even wondering if the high priestess is one of them. Regardless, she is not the innocent sweet girl that she pretends to be. I don't wish to kill her, but rather to reason with her. If we can get her to stop that would be optimal, but if not, well . . . . Something must be done. If she continues fueling the Tenebris court they will resurface, and if they do, folks . . . we can't fight them. They will be back, and the dark ages will return."

Vaike chuckled darkly, sipping what remained of his tea, which now had grown cold. "Probably not the story that you expected me to tell, eh? But there you have it. Believe what you will, but it's the truth, and now you know everything. It's up to you if you still want to help me. Honestly, I didn't want to get you bounty hunters in so deep. You have enough on your plates, and troubling you with court business and the fate of the world seemed unfair. But you wanted to know, and I felt that it was only right that I answered your questions."
- Vincent & Arun - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
Vincent looked around, turning to look at Jari. He glanced at him and settled his coffee down. "I just wanted to have us all gather and discuss the recent events of the following twenty four hours." He explained, looking around the room. "Diane from Court Umbra and I have investigated possible leads in regards to the source of the magic that brought the automaton to life." He said, taking the device out. "And it led to miss Elia, or at least something she carries. Regardless we waited for the lieutenant and he never showed up at the office. After escorting her to her apartment we found it to be in disarray, and the lieutenant nowhere to be found. For this reason she remains here until we can find out where he went, and what happened." He glanced around, furrowing his brows. "Diane had gone off to do her part of the investigation, but she has yet to arrive..." If she arrived at all. He had no idea what she had been doing, only that he trusted her to do her thing. "At the same time this all happened, the cathedral was attacked by a man of the name Invidia. He is after the priestess, and was looking for a captive...whether he meant the priestess or someone else all together. Then there was the situation downstairs...It is obvious that all of these events have long gotten out of our control." He explained, looking around the room. "There are numerous things to be done. Continue the search for the source of the automaton, send a message to the group and warn them that someone is after the High Priestess, help rebuild the city...we have our hands full and not enough time on our side." He explained. "Obviously we are stressed." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We are waiting on Diane and her report on her investigation." He opened one eye. "If anyone has anything they would like to add now is your time. Besides that, we should attempt to contact the other group. Whether via messenger or messenger hawk...I do not care. They are big in numbers, but we cannot be too careful."

- Arkane - Umbra Court - Vita River-
Arkane held one spider lily when he walked over to the fireplace while everyone else chased after whatever the hell was happening. Whatever. Not his business. He would smell the scent of fish and glanced up to see the old hag and the priestess eating. There was something about lady Mia that Arkane did not like. It was most likely the fact that she was a lot of things that Arkane found annoying. Suffocating authority, controlling...sure there was respect. But if he were to be dragged around like a child by the ear he would be the first one to wait till she fell asleep before dropping a rat into her tent. He glanced at the priestess and looked back down at his lily. Ugh. He straightened his back and approached her. "Good morning." He spoke, approaching. "I did not know that spider lilies grew here. Want one?" He asked Mabel, offering her the flower.
- Jari Coriander, Somnum Court, before -
No mentions.

Jari found himself entirely thrown into the gloom of shadows, almost exactly similar to what Vlad had, if not exactly. He was swallowed up and, after what seemed like an indeterminate amount of time, spat back out again in a different location, assisted by none other than who he attempted to land a grab on. Why? Why did this man spare his life when he could have suffocated Jari in a shadow world? Was it out of kindness? Pity? A sense of requirement to save his skin? Maybe he was toying with them all like what Vlad would do. Whatever it was, the man was gracious enough to pull him out of the abyss, and that allowed him to live another day at the least. On his hands and knees, he gulped for air, glancing down below him before finally looking up to see Invidia. In a puff of teleportation he had witnessed before, Invidia was gone along with his man.

Swallowing hard and standing up, he looked up defeatedly at his fellows, avoiding eye contact. While he did not cause much stress to the others regarding his rush in to grab Invidia, he perhaps felt more useless than any of the others.

Going to sleep was hard that night. Not only was he faced with the idea that someone was faster than him without intending to, but he faced off against someone with overwhelming power that the others could not catch either. Both times his opponents held back, and this revelation made him feel the need to seek out power faster somehow, but with what time?

His last thoughts of the night before sleep overtook him were of Invidia's arm and the interlacing tattoos tracing across his skin which he ingrained upon a small statuette so that he did not forget what they looked like. After that came nightmares.

- Jari Coriander, Somnum Court, after -
Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

After a fitful night's rest and a short bout of stationary exercise, Jari washed, dressed in black, white, and green attire, and shortly afterward followed the summons to have a meeting. His eyes remained partially red, and every so often he felt the sensation of tiredness dog him. Others trickled in as well, answering the selfsame summons. He saw Shiroo in the bunch as well, but for some reason he could not help but feel worried when his chère cousin, once chipper around him, now dodged eyes with him. Sometime when they were alone, he would have to talk with Shiroo to get to the bottom of this. He was sure that allowing it to continue without being voiced was bad for the both of them.

He huddled up at the table, aiming to stay far away from Vlad or anyone who knew him and be out of the public eye. The fact that he was down in the dumps was probably palpable to those who knew him.

- Daruk Mordem, Ignis Court, before and after -
Elrandir Elrandir Scrapmaster Scrapmaster Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358

Daruk laughed good-heartedly at Nero's nudge about having anyone get hurt under his watch. He had a plentiful amount of mana, qualifying him quite well for a head mage, though he was always searching for new ways to improve. The Ignis court did not teach much outside of its choice applications of fire and earth and physical combat, so he was very warm to the thought of her tutelage.

"I only hope I have the aptitude. Water magic is not for everyone, no matter how hard they train, but I will welcome the possibility!"

Her healing was exceptional. What once was pain dulled to a mere ache, and the muscles and tendons seemed considerably better in just a short moment. He tested his foot and it exceeded his expectations, though he knew better than to tempt fate. Nero mirrored his thoughts, and tacked on a little inkling about his skinny dipping episode. And was that a flirtatious wink? Maybe this old, long-time bachelor had a chance with the lovely Nero after all, and he grinned ear-to-ear as a result.

"Gwa ha! I'll be canny, then! Don't want others to think else of me, after all, least of all my new tutor. Good night, Thea."

He noticed Henry on the way, smiling at the young man as he went back to set up his tent. Daruk did not last long when he entered. He dropped down beneath a blanket far too short for him for a long rest full of sighs and slight muscle spasms, interchangeably dreaming of Nero and giant monstrosities.

Upon waking up, he felt refreshed, happy, and ready to take on the world. The tent was dim still, meaning daylight was not yet upon them, but he was ready to leap forth from his blanket and fetch something to eat.

Mia milled about and came across some fish, which was fine and dandy in its own right, but a deer? Now we're talking. Daruk ran after a deer with blazing footsteps and caught it by the horns, steering it to the ground. Pulling a knife out from a satchel he kept on his person, he killed it honourably and with the least amount of harm by a knife to the heart. Dressing it came soon after, and slabs of venison were soon to arrive on the table, cut to easy proportions and kept safe from flies with the top of his own shrouding blanket. He will have to clean that later. As he learned from previous experience, deer blood did not mix well with sleeping blankets.

And then the incident occurred. A battle between Jynn and a strange girl seemed to break out, but Daruk thought it grand. A friendly rivalry between two people? This is top-notch, and he especially loved the fact that they treated each other so brashly even though they were friends (in his eyes). As he approached, he laughed and tut-tutted the two.

"Now now, you all, especially you two, Jynn and mystery girl. Play nice. We are at camp here and people might not get the right idea," the Ignis maester said, clearly not having the right idea himself. "Now, I have an idea. How about everyone just sits down, eats a nice plate of venison for breakfast, and cools off?"

- Pali Noirtier, Umbra Court, before and after -
Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , maybe

Pali returned in the dead of night, his strength spent after spending a fortune for feeding Jimbette with a high-quality meal and cooking it, then afterwards bringing with him the book in his pack. He was glad that his body did not require sleep, but it did require rest from time to time. When he meandered back to his old room from -- what was it? -- two nights ago when he was put to bed after he collapsed, he fell into an armchair, allowed a ghostlight to flicker above him, pulled out the Magicae Lux de Occultis, and started to read. His body relaxed, his mind was occupied, and a fresh bottle of eau de vie was brought from his manor to him via a summoning ritual and kept him company throughout the night. While alcohol did not easily affect him, he did enjoy the taste of good brandy.

A third of the bottle and a dawn later, he heard conversation from the hallway outside of his room and looked up from the book he brought from The Owner's house. Several tabs were inserted, stripped from a piece of paper on a writing desk. The page number was 347 that he was on, written with a jaunting hand. If the date was to be believed, the book was two hundred years old, untouched by printing presses and the rudimentary typewriters of nowadays. Some language was outdated, as most old stuff gets, yet the handwriting seemed too fresh, as did the pages. Was this not an original? Who wrote it? Why did it not have an author's name? There was commentary here and there, written in red ink that still stood the test of time, perhaps pigmented by cinnabar. Who wrote that? The Owner or from whomever he procured it?

He put away these questions with his book and migrated to the door, opening it up and finding Arun, an Ignis mage, bouncing back and forth to bring people to a meeting. He wondered why, but shrugged after closing the door and looked toward the washroom attached to his bedroom. Perhaps it was time to abandon his traveler's garb in search of more appropriate attire for a gathering. He would arrive late, but fashionably so.
- Diane Corbeau - Court of Umbra - Sanctus Heights: Grand Cathedral - Dinning Hall -
Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

Diane stood outside the cathedral, she had been standing there for a few minutes now. The scent of smoke still lingered around. That was strange, the fires happened in Central Square, not anywhere near the Grand Cathedral, then why the scent of smoke lingered there? Did something happened while she was gone with the investigation team? Or perhaps sometime in the night? The Lich had questions without answers, but she also had answers to a few questions. The next course of action was clear. Find Vincent and Elia and take them back to the Lieutenant's office.

The mysterious woman finally came back to reality and walked inside the cathedral, wondering what she would find inside. It didn't took much time to get an answer about the events that happened. According to some of the staff, a group of people suddenly attacked the cathedral, they had one powerful mage with them, one that had managed to hold himself against a group of court mages. That was interesting. Not many could claim such a feat, not even among the courts. One of the servants told the Lich that, apparently, the mages were going to have some sort of meeting in the dinning hall, and so she made her way over there. Most people barely noticed the Lich, staying out of sight was one of her specialties, after all, but once she was in the dinning hall she scanned the room to find the two she was looking for. The first one that caught her attention was the girl from the library, Elia. And so she made her way until she was standing behind her.

"Your expression tells me that yesterday was not a good day for you, child. It's understandable," Diane said, "being a suspect of an ongoing investigation, your father never coming home, having to stay in a place where, apparently, some group attacked."

Diane took a seat next to Elia, whether she wanted her company or not. Elia should recognize her, even when only the lower half of her face was visible thanks to the shadow of the woman's hood covering half of her face.

"We have work to do, Elia. And we need Vincent to keep this investigation going," she said calmly to the young girl, "it appears that the Automaton attack is something way bigger than what we originally thought."

- Incarose Vassar - Court of Ignis - Sanctus Heights: Grand Cathedral - Dinning Hall -
Thanny Thanny

Incarose had finished her breakfast already, and was merely looking around the hall, wondering when the meeting was going to take place. Some mages and staff arrived, others left to do, well, whatever they had to do in the meantime. She noticed that Jari entered the hall at one point, looking at one of the other mages. Shiroo, was it? He then went to sit alone, far away from most people. This made Incarose feel a little worried about the somnum mage, and so she stood up and walked towards Jari.

"Um . . . Good Morning Jari," Incarose said, "I, um . . . A-Are you alright? You look kinda under the weather right now."

The redhead took a seat next to Jari, never taking her eyes off of him.

"If you need someone to talk to, well. . ." she hesitated for a few seconds, "I can help you. Well, maybe not HELP YOU help you, but I can listen. People say that I'm a good listener."
Jynn and Morpha - Vita River

Morpha was angered by the presence of the two maesters and Henry. She was now outmatched, and she tries to make a quick escape, but Nero’s ice magic trapped her in a sphere, now she has to listen to Daruk’s irritating assumption. “We are not ‘friends’ you brainless brute. We never were.”

Jynn replies to Henry and Nero’s concerns. “This is Morpha. One of maester Gerik’s mages. Has an obsession with the thought of murdering me ever since she lost a challenge against me, one she herself initiated.” He still maintains uncertainty of the other mages, being the only Vivifican mage.

Morpha maintains a sinister gaze towards Jynn, but looks around at the other mages as well. In desperation, she tries to convince the three to break their alliance with Jynn. “Why are you even siding with him? He is part of a court that is regularly collecting Itika, an illegal mana. He might be tricking you all! You should kill him while you have the chance!”
- Thea Nero - Court of Somnum - Vita River -
Thanny Thanny Scrapmaster Scrapmaster Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza

Nero remained silent for a moment, taking in the information she had been given.

"Oh? an Umbra mage? Interesting. But I doubt that Maester Lockford would give the order to murder a member of another court," Nero said as she looked at Morpha, "A rogue mage, perhaps? In any case, an explaination from Maester Lockford might be in order when this is over."

For some reason the woman, Morpha, was asking why they were siding with the Heir of Vivifica, why do that when he was part of a court that was collecting illegal material, ignored the summon of the Elders, failed to explain their motives. Those were good questions, indeed.

"We are siding with him because he seems to want to correct the mistakes made by Aislinn Nosferi, fix the Court of Vivifica's current ways, and find out why they are doing what they are currently doing. He might be tricking us, and don't get me wrong, there might be severe consequences if he does," Nero glanced at Jynn for a moment, her voice eerily calm, "but the same could be said about you, Lady. Attempting to assessinate a member of another court can cause a problem that will destroy the bonds of trust that the Four Courts have with each other. You are a mage of Maester Lockford's court, I think he is the one who should decide your fate today."
Zion - Vivifica - Breaking down the gates of Heaven Vivifica

Zion tucked her wings in. "GET DOWN. OUT OF THE WAY. DOOR OPEN!" she shouted, a few people ducking in fear and one shoving the door open as her wings tucked in, shooting through the door. "MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY!" she screamed. "RICHTER. AISLINN. RICHTER. EMERGENCY. THE COUNCIL'S COMING." She tucked in and created small shields on her feet, kicking down and skidding, shoving confused people out of the way with quick flicks of her hand as she slowed down near the hall. "RICHTER."
The Archamgus, barely dressed, windblown, panting, looked less like a powerful mage and more like a panicked eagle. "THEY'RE COMING."

Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Scrapmaster Scrapmaster

Eden Silvius - Umbra - Vita City

The woman settled back to sleep, not disturbing the others. She almost seemed dead the entire time, only a bit of her chest rising and falling with her breathing. She awoke, though, as soon as they arrived in Vita City. Helping them all out, she led them all to a somewhat open spot, nearly dragging Remy away after he was nearly clobbered. They didn't need him to get into a shouting match. And once the four were there, she frowned.
"We either take another train to Draco, or find a carriage or horses to take us the rest of the way to Vivifica. I know the way, but. It's up to you all." She said plainly, looking at Ronin, Remy, and Isabelle.

HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

Eclaire de Wynter - Umbra - Vita River

Eclaire smiled softly down at Fyenne, shaking her head. "You're fine, promise." She said, rubbing her back. "I know I'm pretty soft." She giggled softly, sitting up properly. "And whatever that smell is, let's get us some of it." She helped Fyenne up, then shook Elle. "Hey, wake up. Food's cooking, I think." She then took Fyenne's hand, leading her out of the tent to where Mia was cooking the fist. She paused, looking down. Woolen shirt and boyshorts. She forgot to change. Sighing, she closed her eyes and breathed in. Body encased in fractals of light, she quickchanged into her normal traveling clothes. "....there." She said, leading Fyenne the last few steps. "Hello. Can we help ourselves?" She asked softly. "...mostly can she help herself?" Eclaire asked, motioning to Fyenne. She glanced over her shoulder. She shook Elle awake, but she wasn't sure if she had fully awoken yet...

Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

Kagura Sumeragi - Somnum - Sanctus Heights Meeting

The Water Dance trudged into the Breakfast Hall. Clad in a simple tunic and pants, with comfortable shoes, the boy's hair was flowing freely, no trappings or fancies. He made his way and sat near Jari, looking at his lap quietly. This was beyond his normal quiet...he was deeply troubled, even if he had saved and been approved of by Absalom. No...he had killed monsters and such, but those were monsters...and he wasn't quite sure whether or not the Dread Fighters he had fought in the Cathedral were fully human or not. Yes, his instincts to protect took over...
But he wasn't a magus to kill. He was one to heal.
And he was deeply troubled by what he had to do. His hands moved over to grab Jari's hand. His grip was tight, the boy lightly shaking, eyes glued to his knees. He felt the palpable air around Jari...but he didn't know anyone else...and he needed...contact...some...form of contact.

Thanny Thanny

Makoto Suzaku - Ignis - Vita River

Makoto groaned as Henry shook her awake. "Whasagonon." she mumbled, blowing hair from her eyes. "I dinduit." She began rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "....wha? yeah sure..." She stumbled up as Henry set off, the brawler nearly falling into the fire. "Gah...what the hell Henry...." she paused, sniffing. "....foood?" She turned around, searching for it before she saw Mia. She marched on over...somewhat. "Mnn....food?" She asked Mia, still barely awake.

Scrapmaster Scrapmaster Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice
- Soren Monroe, The Fractured Bulwark, Ignis - Sanctus Heights, Before - Scrapmaster Scrapmaster Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

The Dread Fighter was freed and though the shadows were burned away by Arun's shining blade, Invidia made his escape via an unusual form of teleportation, one that saw the mystery man visually distort into nothingness, leaving Soren and the other mages powerless to stop him. Quietly growling to himself, Soren would walk past Arun, seemingly deliberately.

"We'll find him again, for now, we need to clear this place up and figure out all we can about the Ebon Flame and the craven Invidia!" Soren instructed as he sheathed his blade and prepared to leave, but just before he would open the door, Soren looked to Arno.
"As far as I'm concerned, you're free to go. Stay safe." He uttered honestly and succinctly before departing and would be unaware of Arno's later arrest and interrogation.

- The Next Day, Sanctus Heights, Dining Hall -
Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358

Invidia's escape yet lingered on Soren's mind and while he wouldn't let it get to him, he couldn't afford to simply put it aside from his other thoughts. A dangerous man like Invidia simply couldn't be ignored and allowed to roam free as long as he had been, he had to be stopped.

For now, Soren walked into the Dining Hall, got himself a large, strong coffee, with two sugars, and motioned to sit down with Vincent and Arun, along with whomever else might be present.
"How are you two holding up?" Soren began cordially, sharply and briefly sniffing after he got comfortable, looking between the two mages as he held onto his mug with both hands.

"Have I missed anything? Any new developments in general? Talk to me." He went on in a relatively calm tone and though his wording was curt and fast, he tried to maintain a semi-friendly air, for multiple reasons, but namely as he felt something was somewhat amiss about Arun today, or rather, had been amiss for a little while now and it worried Soren, so he felt the best course of action was to get to business, while also making an effort to make Arun feel comfortable.

- Ronin of the Shade, One of Many Names, Unaffiliated - Vita City, Train - Xion136 Xion136 Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

The train ride was incredibly uneventful, save Remy's close encounter with a busy business man and his briefcase, but Ronin followed the thief, Eden and Isabelle silently up to the open area where Eden made her suggestions for what they should do next. It was then that the Ronin of the Shade would step up.

"I would suggest that we make for Vivifica with all haste. And know that what I say next is not in any offense towards your wife, but we need to get there before Zion stirs her entire Court into a panic or worse, into hysteria against the imminent parties. I would also prefer things in Vivifica are settled and their Maestra is present, so I can ascertain what exactly they intend to do with Itika. Believe me when I say that substance should be kept out of the wrong hands by any means necessary."

Ronin then directed his attention to Isabelle and Remy, pondering on them for a moment, before resuming.

"Isabelle, I'm wondering if you should return to your Court in the near future...on the one hand, you need to assure them you haven't left your friends for a presumed traitor, lest you too be branded an enemy of the state. But when I think about it, the more I worry that they've already marked you as such, meaning your return would just be met with imprisonment or worse, execution. I don't mean to frighten you, but I won't sugarcoat it, Isabelle: You've taken great risk following Zion out of the Court Hearing, in front of every mage of the Four Courts...that won't be forgotten any time soon, not with Vivifica's secrecy and Zion's declaration of war still fresh on their minds. What you do from here, I would suggest you undertake it with the utmost care."

"Thie--*ahem*, Remy. You should leave. Go. Run as far as you can, away from all of this. You've escaped imprisonment only to be foisted into the politics and true dangers of this world, narrowly cheated death on too many occasions, even for your ilk. Should you continue to follow us, I fear you may be at the forefront of a War between powerful, unknowable forces burgeoning on the horizon...and that is no place for a common thief. I already gave you a chance by not following up on killing you, so I implore you to seize it. If it means anything to you, I apologize. Now go."

"Eden, you know the way and thus, I would implore you to take me to Vivifica. After that, you should return to Umbra and prepare for whatever may come our way. I never wanted anyone else involved in any of this, nor do I now. If I play my cards right, I can stop something terrible happening before it even comes to pass, but should I fail, I don't want any of you to bear the immediate fallout."

Ronin was deadly serious and towards the end, he was almost pleading, as he made his suggestions, well, demands, of his accompanying parties, knowing full well what may come to pass in the future and wanting to keep his newfound allies as far away from it as possible, turning around to face the horizon, pondering on said future, before turning his gaze back to Eden, Remy and Isabelle. "This is my responsibility to bear. And I won't lose anyone else."

- Laguna, The Maelstrom, Somnum - Vita River, The Skies - Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza Thanny Thanny Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice

Laguna kept to themselves for the night, meditating in the skies, though the entire time, the Crimson Shade of themselves kept hovering around them, their presence repeatedly disrupting Laguna's concentration, persisting through the night until, finally, Laguna roared:

"Leave me, vile shade!"

"Ohh, you wound me, "Laguna", you truly do! How could you be so callous towards your own reflection?"

"You are no reflection of me, creature. You are an aberration, a vagary in the skies and a contemptible disruption on my meditations and personal space. Bother someone else!"

"Ahh, but none of them are so deserving of my presence as you, brother, sister. After all, we are two sides of the same coin."

"You keep saying these things and yet, you only confound me further, bewilder me! What are you, exactly?!"

"I am you! Your shadow, your darkness. And you are me. My reflection, my light. We are two halves, "Laguna." And I for one, do not hide behind a moniker, nor do I hide from our sins."

"What...what sins?"

"...*sigh*, you have hidden your memories too? Pathetic. But no matter. Given enough time and all will be revealed to you once again. Only then can we once more achieve balance!"

"And then what? What will this balance entail for the others? Hmm?"

"You will see. But you and I both need to make an effort for this to work. Without balance, we can never achieve our full potential again. Without balance, we are only a danger. Without balance...the entity "Laguna" is as an unpredictable, unassailable maelstrom. We must be tempered, brother, sister. And to do this...you must be honest with yourself."

The sounds of fighting below the clouds perked Laguna's ear, who swiftly dived down though almost thankfully, the fighting was over when they landed with a clap of thunder, a masked woman was restrained and Jynn looking more than a little shocked, whether that was due to Laguna's landing or the fighting from earlier they didn't know, but either way, Laguna shrugged and walked past Morpha, the presence of Laguna's "Shade" was still among Laguna's person and though any visual presence was invisible, Morpha for but a moment, would feel the malice and imbalance clear as day and quite strongly. Anyone else that was close to Laguna as they walked by would also feel this dark presence.

- Eleanor Le Doux, Fierce Shadow, Umbra - Vita River - Xion136 Xion136

Eleanor didn't wake up when prompted to by Eclaire the first time, not properly. She was conscious, had entered a state of meditation unintentionally, a half-aware state which kept Eleanor laid upon the ground and a faint aura of darkness was settling around her and upon closer inspection, one would see Eleanor's eyes in a state of REM and her forehead was sweating. In the time Eleanor was unresponsive, she could see something, an extremely vivid vision.

All around Eleanor were the bright halls of a Kingly Court, glistening with a Light like no other, yet even in the first seconds something was off about it all, a strange shadow was creeping all along the walls and embroideries, polluting the air and tainting the stone like a plague. Eleanor was afraid at first, unsure of where it was all coming from, but when the creeping darkness consolidated upon the Throne, a large figure took shape, seated upon the chair like all was well. The figure was completely clad, head to toe, in a set of glorious, ornate armour and was incredibly large and tall, his exact height unknown as he rested upon his throne. Before Eleanor could utter a word, the King's helmeted eyes flashed a deep red before he slowly rose from his throne, standing at easily 20 feet tall and an equally a large sword at his side that he soon took hold of and began a slow, menacing approach towards Eleanor.

Eleanor tried to call upon her power in a panic, at the very least her armour, but nothing responded. She was powerless...unable to move, barely able to breathe! The King's approach did not cease and as he got closer, several more figures folded out from behind him, all armoured and armed with their own weapons and all almost as tall as the Great King. The King and his Knights loomed over Eleanor before stopping, the King assuming a Sword Salute as his Knights hovered all around Eleanor, cutting off her escape and finally, the King's voice boomed with a godly, powerful demeanor.

"The Infection must be destroyed at its source! By my blade, you shall be purged and born anew, Eleanor of Umbra!"

It finally, at this moment, occurred to Eleanor to look down at her feet and to her utter horror, the Darkness that permeated the King's Court was coming from her, in a constant flow of malice and shadow, but her fear was further compounded when she looked up and saw the God King raise his sword and prepare to cut her down and at the very last moment, all she could see was Light...and all she could hear was Eclaire.

Eleanor awakened with a jolt, unconsciously clutching at Eclaire's Necklace as she sat up, breathing rapidly, unable to speak for a fair while as she tried to recover from the night terror.

- Elliot Luxmore, Merciless Protector, Vivifica - Vivifica Temple - Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Scrapmaster Scrapmaster

Unbeknownst to Tiru, who in spite of gazing around the room, had failed a spot check behind him as that was where the Elliot he sought was looming. The Knight of Vivifica sensed his opportunity and suddenly spoke up:

"Sleeping too long is bad for you, you know." Whether this scared Tiru out of his skin or not didn't matter, as now Elliot's presence was known, as Tiru wanted. "Maybe not as bad as undersleeping..." He eyed Richter, half jesting, half concerned. "A healthy eight hours a day is all one needs. Now, how may I be of service, my friend?"

- Gabriel Woods, The Soaring Raven, Bounty Hunter - The Viridian Villa - Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Scrapmaster Scrapmaster HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

For the most part, Gabriel silently listened to Vaike's tale, at first skeptical but as the details were laid bare, he unconsciously leaned forward with great interest, the tale of Vaike, Magnus and most distantly; Avarice, would be one for the ages, as it foretold the return of a terrible, powerful and dangerous Court known as Tenebris, the First and Mightiest, but also the one that history would prefer they forget about. From what Vaike had told them, Gabriel was starting to understand why historians had covered up the existence of Tenebris and the very idea of the Seers still being alive to this day intrigued him greatly as he took a sip of his water.

When Vaike had finally finished, Gabriel felt a multitude of things:

First and foremost, the Bounty Hunter held a newfound respect for Vaike. It didn't matter whether this tale was true or an extremely elaborate fabrication, the sheer boldness of telling as much as he could to these Bounty Hunter's he hardly knew was something to be admired, but something he could count on being true, was Vaike's unwavering dedication to Elena and her supposed previous incarnations.

"Well if that isn't love, I don't know what is...Elena, I mean, not everything else. That's...well, that's it's own kettle of fish. Hmm..." Gabriel mused, took a longer swig of water and cleared his throat. "So, Vaike, Magnus, Avarice...well first of all, how do you keep track? And secondly, why didn't you remember this eight years ago? And thirdly...well, what do we do? Proceed as planned and hope we can persuade the High Priestess to, stop poisoning the well as it were? Goddamn...I hope, really for everyone's sake, that she's not as vile as you say...I always thought she was sweet, but if she's not, that's my faith in Humanity shaken, friend."

Gabriel turned his attention to Arno and company swiftly, adjusting his hood a tad. "That's if it's all true...what do you make of this, Arno? Tibarn? Saff?"
“Tenebris...Tch... just what we need. A fifth group of people running around claiming that they are law and order. That they choose whats right.” Saffron leaned her chair back so it stood on only two legs. “If it were my choice the courts would be gone. Such systems spawn elitists amongst mage society. Bloodlines and Legacies all that sort of crap. So all in all, hearing that another court exists just pisses me off” she says to Gabriel before she looked at her hands hands, a ball of wind forming within the cup she formed with her fingers. “Yeah... Legacy is stupid...”

She could only smile at the boy. Accepting what he said as fact. “Ice and Fire... thats a story i know all too well.” She says to herself before speaking up. “Kolm. . . You are not the reason we were in danger...” she stood up, stumbling for a moment. “You did not get two people killed because you moved to save a group of people. You did not attack the Cathedral in search of the priestess, and you certainly did not shy away from a dangerous situation. You have nothing to apologize for. I should apologize to you for making you think Im someone worth apologizing to.” She sways slightly as she stands straight. “Perhaps you should wait for the Maesters to return. If you want to apologize to someone... Maester Daruk and Maestra Nero are the ones you are looking for.” She simply smiled hiding the worry behind a veil. She felt horribly weak but needed to appear strong.

Isabelle crossed her arms and looked down at her shoes. “Im not sure if i feel the same way...” she says to Ronin. “I would probably be fine if my brother were with them... but he’s been out on a mission for some time now... maybe if we could get into contact with him somehow he could talk to my father and they could all figure this out.“ she then simply sighs. “I just wanted to talk to Lady Zion. I didnt think i would create such a mess. Im sorry...”

“We leave them behind if they are too late.” She replies to Tcoldly before watching Zion barge through the doors and run off in search of Richter and the Maestra. Quinn’s expression was unchanging. “We should pay the Archmagus no mind. We have our own important bussiness. It would be best that we stay focused on this situation. I am not well known outside of Vivifica so simply approaching the library should be of no issue. What of you Tiru?”

The sand mage was up bright and early. She sought to reach the mines early to gather the Viela. As she walked her mind wandered on the thoughts of the Super Gloscan. The improvement plans also held a second theory beyond powering Somnum. With the added Itika the finalized product shouldnt just generate mana on its own but enhance a mages own abilities. Granting unimaginable power in the hands of someone like a Maester. The sheer though made Luka even more invested then she usually was. She walked down the halls of the Somnum court in search for Wacko.
- Vincent - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
Vincent would be drinking his coffee when he faced the incoming mages. He greeted them all, and would wave at them. He glanced up at Soren with a wary smile before lifting the cup and shrugging softly. "I am alive." He admitted, lowering his cup and glancing around. "I repeat myself in regards to what has happened. Lady Diane and I along with other members spent the day searching and researching for a possible cause. However it led us to one lead, and when we attempted to search within it, it only created more questions than answers. The lieutenant, which we waited for, never came, and upon going to visit him at his home, we found a crime scene and no man in sight. The scene is still being investigated. This, along with the attack on the cathedral...it would be obvious at this point that everything is connected. The automaton, the attack, the disappearances...all carefully planned and executed to divert attention." Vincent finished his cup and placed it down on the table. "...the city itself is hiding a secret, and as much as we want to think of its people as innocent, there might be a few wolf hidden among the sheep that we must call out upon." He looked around the room, eyeing the mages. "We are no longer divided by courts here. We are merely divided by those who these people look upon to resolve this mess, and those who cannot defend themselves from whatever it is to come. If anyone knows anything that has not already been shared, I insist that you speak right now before the meeting begins." He insisted, straightening his back. "We cannot afford to waste time running in circles due to missing information. We must work together, and share what we know. Let us no longer hide behind the banner of courts and work together as the ones placed to protect these people and resolve the mystery of this city. Even the smallest of details will help, no matter how insignificant you think they might be. Please speak up. There are many scattered pieces, and we have to start placing them together." He looked around the room. He walked over to the chalkboard where the menu was usually written up for the day. He picked up the eraser and erased the menu, picking up the piece of chalk and beginning to write what they did know. Automaton, Indivia, priestess, so on and so on. He made an arrow from Indivia to the priestess and wrote 'after' underneath. He also wrote lieutenant and missing underneath. He turned to the rest. "Best spill it out now. Please."

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Elrandir Elrandir

- Arun - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
Arun had noticed Pali, and it was a surprise considering he had not seen him since the meeting, but nevertheless he was glad to see that he was around and alive as a fellow mage would feel, he guessed. He would be in the meeting, sitting down and bouncing his knee nervously as he listened. Everything seemed to be falling into place. All of the events were all part of a bigger picture, and they were still missing too many pieces to make even half of the picture. What could they possibly do? Arun noticed Soren, and quickly looked away. He felt...guilty? Was that the right feeling? Lost? Concerned? Scared? The mage who had been taught all of his life to feel nothing but pride and focus on the mission now had no idea how to feel, what he was feeling, or what he was feeling. Was it fear? He did not know. He lost the feeling of fear so long ago, he figured. He did not know if he was capable of feeling it again. He played with his hands before speaking up. "We should send a messenger to the party and alert them that someone is after the priestess." He spoke. "She is surrounded by the best that the courts have to offer, but that does not make it any less dangerous for her. At least with a warning they can look out for any incoming trouble." He played with his hands and fingers.

Thanny Thanny Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

- Yael - Umbra Court - Vita River-
Yael scoffed as he watched. Now all he felt was pity. He stretched on his branch before jumping down from the tree, landing right on Jynn's head before walking down to his shoulders. "You speak as if you know what is best. You first attempt to fight him with the intent to kill, and now to try the route of diplomacy? You are but a desperate child." Yael said, licking his paw before using it to clean ears. "I would say you deserve pity but that would be too much for what you have." He admitted, wagging his tail as he looked over at Jynn. "The reason we are with him is because out of everyone of the court of Vivifica, he was the only one to show up and defend his court properly, even when the odds were against him. Even when belonging to the court, such merit cannot be denied...he is certainly braver than you." He added, yawning before leaning against Jynn's head and using it as a seat for himself. "We should leave her inside the sphere of ice. By the time it melts she should have had enough time to think on her actions." With that Yael proceeded to smack Jynn's head with his cat paw. "Jynn. I am hungry. Lets eat."

Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza Elrandir Elrandir Thanny Thanny
{Gerak Lockford - Umbra Court: Vita River}
"No, no." Gerik said, waving a dismissive hand.
He kept his voice soft, trying to keep the conversation as private as possible.
"I merely wanted to mention that you made an...indelicate observation about the High Priestess and the boy Jynn. While I certainly like to encourage my mages to think on their own, I do prefer if they think before they speak. I picked you as one of my caravan because I believe you to be a mage of great skill with a bright future in the court. But as part of that privilege is the responsibility of representing that court. A mage who blabs indelicate things at the wrong time could reflect ill on the Umbra Court and myself, making me regret placing trust in said mage."
The Umbral Maester placed a friendly hand on Arkane's shoulder. He smiled at the young mage, though his eyes expressed something entirely different.
"I do not wish to regret bringing you along. So, a word to the wise. Think before you speak. You will find this to be a skill that will enrich and prolong your life in wonderful ways."
Taking his hand away from Arkane, Gerik delicately used his hand to cover a yawn.
"I do apologize for disrupting your rest. I am quite tired myself, so shall retire to my own tent. I bid you a good night and sweet dreams."
With one last smile, the Umbral Maester left Arkane with his words and made it back to his tent for some study and rest.
****The Next Morning*****
Most of Gerik's next morning was spent looking over a tome he had brought to him before heading out on the journey. It was sadly not giving him any useful information on the magical gift of foresight, but he had to keep looking. He became aware of a sound of a fight. He sighed as he put away the tome and headed outside. If he was fortunate, it would be one of Daruk's eager pugilists getting into something. As he got closer, it seemed like it was going to be one of those days.
"My, my." He said as he strode up, giving Nero a nod, but his eyes fixed on Morpha. "What do we have here? A disgraced mage who was specifically told to remain at the citadel. Oh, Morpha. I had such high hopes for your rehabilitation. As I haven't had breakfast yet, I have limited patience for pleas of mercy. So, make such pleas wisely and expeditiously. Oh, and to save time, the Vivfica boy is currently more valuable to the Courts alive then you. Now, begin."
–Vita River–
Elrandir Elrandir , Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza , Thanny Thanny , RikuXIII RikuXIII , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , Xion136 Xion136

A deep blush of embarrassment colored Fyenne's cheeks at Eclaire's statement. "W-well, maybe," she admitted. "More so than me!" Realizing that her statement might have seemed rude, the young girl waved her hands in front of her frantically. "But that's a good thing! I mean, in a way it's–oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything bad."

It didn't take much to frazzle the young girl, though she was brought from the awkward situation by Eclaire guiding her toward breakfast.

Mia and the high priestess glanced up as the ex-Vivifica mage and the dark sorceress approached, a wane smile appearing on Mabel's lips before gesturing toward the fish nearby. "There's plenty," she offered tenderly, before Mia could state otherwise. "I am not very hungry anyway, so you two can have my share as well."

"You need to keep your strength up," Mia said, concern contorting her brow. "You ate barely anything last night, and already you're quite thin, dear."

The young woman was barely listening, however, her gaze straying into the trees in the direction of Jynn and the others. Somewhere in her being she knew that something was wrong, but she had to trust in Jynn, trust in the others, that they could handle themselves. They will be alright.

It was in fact the Umbra mage that snapped her out of her reverie. Mabel's green eyes shot up to meet Arkane's, before eyeing the flower that he proffered. "It's beautiful," she said, extending both palms to accept the flower. A soft smile stretched her lips as she brought it to her nose, trying to get a good sniff, and not knowing that it was poisonous. "Where did you find this, Arkane? May I see?"

–Sanctus Heights: Grand Cathedral Breakfast room–
Xion136 Xion136 , Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , Thanny Thanny , RikuXIII RikuXIII , Elrandir Elrandir , Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

Shiroo swallowed hard, eyes widening as he watched Kagura seize Jari's hand. Didn't the Somnum mage just state yesterday that he didn't have an interest in men . . . ? Was he perhaps lying for Shiroo's sake, and that he was indeed dating Jari in secret? Then again, grasping his hand at the breakfast table for all the mages to witness didn't seem particularly "secret" to him. Later he would have to speak with his cousin, but he didn't know how to stomach it. How would the conversation go, and what would he say? Jari being gay was fine and dandy to him, but it would take some getting used to, and he for one wouldn't be quite so at ease with all of their shenanigans now that the fox was out of the bag.

While Vincent was predominately addressing Jari, Shiroo listened in, as did several other mages present within the room while he explained their current predicament. It seemed only Elia that was disinterested in partaking in the discussion, though her eyes did rise upon the familiar lich appearing and then approaching her.

At Diane's words, Elia sniffed, wiping away tears that hadn't managed to fall. "I promise that I know nothing about this automaton attack besides that I was there with Vincent and the others when it happened. I healed a few injured, but that was it. It's a big mess, and I feel like nothing is going to go back to normal now." She folded her arms across her chest, raising her violet eyes somberly to look up into Diane's face. "Speaking of my father, do you know where he is? He didn't return to his office like he said that he would; Vincent and I waited for hours but he never showed up. It's not like him to make plans and then not see them through. Is he okay?"

Meanwhile, Everyth rose in response to Arun's suggestion of sending someone to warn the high priestess. "If I may offer my two cents," she said, striding over to the Ignis mage that she barely knew, but knew that he was in charge of the restoration of Sanctus Heights. "I am not so sure it would be wise for us to try to warn the others. They are a full day ahead of us, and they are large in number. If the Ebon Flame that ambushed the Umbra caravan is an indicator, they have eyes and ears everywhere. If one or a couple of us go to warn the others, we could be ambushed. We don't even know what route or where the others are. It could be sending a couple of mages to their doom. I will not go. Let the others handle it; they have greater numbers and will be more capable."

"Sorry, but did you not see those guys yesterday?" Shiroo interjected irritably. "And if this robbed guy disappearing isn't a red flag, I don't know what is. I think the others are going to be very hard-pressed to protect the priestess, especially without a warning. If Arun thinks some of us should go, then I will go! We've got to at least try."

A sigh escaped Everyth as she dramatically brought a palm to her forehead. "Whatever. It's your funeral."

–Sanctus Heights: Infirmary–
HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

Aquilla's sway didn't escape Kolm's notice. Before he could stop himself he jerked over and attempted to grasp her forearms to keep her steady. Aquilla would notice that there was something chilling about his touch, even if his skin seemed to be of a normal temperature. "You don't seem well," he observed. "Please, don't stand for my benefit. I will sit as well, if it will make you feel better."

With that, the cold mage sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her bed, so that she would still be above him even if she chose to sit on her bed. He let out a sigh. "That is all good and well, and I truly thank you for trying to comfort me, but I still feel wrecked with guilt, just as you do for what happened in the infirmary. That, too, was not your fault. You didn't know how lethal those dread fighters were, or how willing they were to leave casualties about."

He shook his head. "It seems that we all are faced with predicaments that we are put at fault for, even if we aren't truly the masterminds behind these crimes. But, regardless, you have nothing to apologize for. It is because of you that I survived, and that those dozens of injured survived the infirmary siege! It was thanks to your bravery, your magic . . . your very will."

He brought a knee up and propped an arm over it, musing over Aquilla's final words. "So, Maester Daruk and Maestra Nero? I assume that the maestra is of Somnum, since I know that it is now led by a female mage, but I do not know about Daruk. Is he your maester?" A sigh escaped Kolm. "I don't know. . . . I never thought about joining a court before, but after this I don't know how I can walk away without getting myself involved. Not with a clear conscious. You are from . . . Ignis, yes? I don't think I would fit in there, unless you folks house ice mages."

–Vita City–
Xion136 Xion136 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

The thief was grateful when Eden shielded him. The kind wife of Zion was perhaps not as beautiful as the archmagus, but she was kind, and a bit motherly. Something that, admittedly, Remy didn't mind. It was nice to be cared about for a change rather than shunned.

It surprised him when Eden asked for his opinion on how to get to Vivifica, and even more when Ronin suggested that he leave and even apologized! Remy's jaw dropped uncontrollably, and it took him a moment to collect himself and figure out what to say. "We were off to a rough start," Remy said finally. "Sure, you stabbed me to death, but I was being a stupid jerk, too. Did I deserve it? No, but did I deserve some kind of punishment? Maaaaybe a wee bit, especially now that I actually know what Itika is capable of doing."

The thief folded his arms over his chest. "But sorry; you're not getting rid of me that easily! I have a debt to repay to the Archmagus Zion, and I will not back down until it is paid. Sure, I know it might cost me my life, but truth be told: what's my life really worth? You said it yourself, Ronin: I'm just a petty thief. I've stolen, I've lied, I've cheated, all trying to find happiness or a purpose in life. Ever since running into you guys, though . . . . I've felt happy, a genuine sense of belonging, and even a purpose. I can see that this is definitely a very big mess, even if I am not too sure that this is really apocalyptic end-of-the-world stuff that you're spouting, but . . . . " He drew in a breath, before offering a Ronin a smug grin with a wink. "I'm going to see it through. And worst comes to worst, give me Itika and I'll just blow our enemies up! Seems to be something I'm good at, yeah?"

A forced laugh escaped his throat, though he wasn't sure if anyone else would find it amusing. Eventually he cleared his throat and straightened. "I think we should head to Vivifica directly, maybe with a carriage like Eden suggested. My grandma also has horses! She lives here in the city. If you want I can take you to her; I'm sure that she'd lend them to us for such a good cause."

He was so certain that they would get the horses, perhaps even if she didn't loan them willingly . . . .

Perhaps having a thief along wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

Meanwhile . . . in Vita City

On the older side of the city stood a rather decrepit building, with a lawn that was in desperate need of being manicured and a building that was in great need of servicing. A red-haired man in navy robes clambered up the stone steps to open a rather large oaken door, revealing a hallway with apartments stemming off from it. He traveled up several flights of stairs, footsteps soft on the rugged flooring. Eventually he rapped his knuckles on the one door that he sought, waiting several moments before receiving word that he could enter.

"Greetings," he said, closing the door behind him. He moved forward several paces, lowering a brown leather satchel to the ground and extending a sheet of worn paper in the direction of a seated figure. "I apologize for the delay, but I daren't risk slipping back into the city so soon after interrogating the post guard up north. For some reason security has been tighter than usual, my only guess being the drama involved with the rogue court."

He strode to a table and poured himself a glass of water, taking a long drink before turning back to face the figure. "I followed leads on a woman who reportedly was seen streaking across the sky, but it turned out to lead me to a dead end. It was not Mariel, and the sources that I used seemed to have nothing to offer on her whereabouts." He leaned against the table, resting an arm alongside. "I'm sorry, Raiden; it seems as though she has vanished."

–Vivifica Temple–
Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria , Xion136 Xion136 , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , RikuXIII RikuXIII

The commotion stirred from Zion's arrival quickly flooded the temple, reaching even the maestra's ears. She was clad in a long white gown, with a slit toward the center-left that went well up her thigh. An emerald scarf draped casually across her shoulders, more a fashion piece than a functional garment. The dark-haired woman approached Zion, grasping the woman's hand warmly and bowing her head.

"Welcome home, Archmagus. When neither you or Jynn returned from the council I feared the worst, but I trusted that you two had each other's backs. But pray tell, what is this about their 'coming'?" she asked, not having caught that the "council" themselves were well on their way. "Regardless of what is heading our way, fear not; our court is safeguarded, and only a Vivifican mage can successfully find this temple."

Little did she realize that the "council" had a Vivifica mage alongside them, and an ex-Vivifican mage to boot.

Meanwhile, Tiru looked stricken as Zion exploded into the temple, watching her back as she hit the ground and sought out Aislinn or Richter. "R-right," Tiru responded to Quinn, jerking his head away from the scene of the archmagus and the maestra, who recently appeared. "We should go, but, what about this arrival of some council? Maybe some of us should stay to safeguard the court, if there is indeed a threat?" He stood up slightly straighter. "I know the archmagus Zion; she wouldn't have fled here in such a frenzy if the situation was not grave."

–Sanctus Heights: The Viridian Villa–
Scrapmaster Scrapmaster , Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas , HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

Vaike propped his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers while listening to Saffron's concerns. "Well, the good news is that we don't have to deal with them. Not yet, at any rate, and my hope is that we never will. If there's anything I believe in, it's that the future cannot be written. Yes, there may be a proposed reality, but with the proper determination and mindset I believe we can shape our own future." He shrugged, allowing his shoulders to drop slightly in defeat. "Or, at least that's what kept me going over the years, for what it's worth. Have to keep trying, right?"

He turned his gaze onto the metal manipulator. "Solid words there. Eliticism does often form in cults, or in this particular case: courts. While I do believe there is much good at the hearts of the current four courts that rule Regalia, at its foundation there is a corrupted core."

A smile stretched his lips at Gabriel's words. "It is a lot to take in, I know," he said. "And you wouldn't be the first to laugh in my face at what I've just told you. Many lifetimes ago I would run around, blurting all of this to whomever would listen, but I have been ridiculed far more times than I care to count. Once I was even killed for my 'blasphemy,' as the elders called it. The fact that you four are hearing me out, and actually considering what I have to say, means a great deal to me. Thank you."

He looked down at his spilt tea, no longer interested in drinking the cold dregs that lingered in the porcelain cup. "For all intents and purposes, please call me Vaike. It is who I am now. While I once was a man named Avarice, I feel that man is no more. As for why I didn't recall these things sooner . . . . I do not know. I never recollect my past lives until after I've lived the first decade or two as another person. So, I guess you could say I am a combination of both Vaike and Avarice, if such is even possible. Elena has admitted that she has shared a similar experience, often not remembering me or her life until her teenage years."

At Gabriel's last question he stole a bite of toast, chewing methodically and postponing his answer until he was able to think of a proper one. "Honestly, persuading the high priestess or forcing her to stop summoning the wraiths is probably our only option, at this point. We cannot–which I cannot emphasize enough–allow the Tenebris court to return." He wiped his hands on a napkin before dabbing his mouth with said cloth. "If you guys don't want to come, now that you have the fuller picture, I understand. What I'm asking you to get involved in is huge, and a lot is at stake. You will be enemies of the courts, villains of the people, and yet you will be fighting for the greater good. To uncover the evils hidden within the walls, to put an end to the tyranny that secretly prevails. Make no mistake, I'm not Invidia. I'm not going to ask you to kill innocents, or even have to make sacrifices if it's the only way."

He drew in a breath, looking solemn at the mention of Mabel. "I haven't met this new high priestess, so I cannot judge her character. I have only met others, and each one sings the same song, and plays the same notes. I pray, for all of our sakes, that this girl will somehow be different and have the strength to defy her traditions and beliefs, unlike all of the others before her, but that is a lot that I'm hoping for."
{Anya Alighieri - Ignis Court: Sanctus Hights}
****That night, after the battle****
Anya was pacing in her room, racking her brain for all the details of the evening's events. She had to let Shaw know and fast. She took down the events of the eveing and what she observed of Invidia's abilities. It was all in a small notebook , written in a code she and Shaw came up with years ago. She carefully wrapped the book in waterproof paper, and tied it with twine.
"I'm out of my depth here, Shaw." She murmured as she opened the window of her room. "I hope you can figure out this mess."
In her free hand, she breathed a thin jet of flame. The magical flame twisted and crisscrossed until it formed a fire bird about the size of a carrier bird. She gave the report to the bird, who gripped it in it's talons.
"Go find him." The Pheonix Bearer told it before it took flight.
Using the Phoenix Flame to deliver the message to Gerik would be dangerous, possibly giving her away. But she had to get him word. The Priestess's life was in danger.
****The Next Morning****
Anya came out and joined the meeting in the dinning hall looking a little tired and worried. She took a seat next to Incarose, patting the young Phoenix on the back.
"Sorry I didn't check in with you last night. You okay?"

{Mako Koyl - Somnum Court: Sanctus Hights; Dining Hall}
Mako made it to the dining hall after one of the most restful sleeps she had in recent memory. Was that normal? People were dead, some by her hands, and here she was feeling better then she had in a long time. Well, she had til she started thinking about it.
"Ugh." SHe thought. "I just want things to go back to normal.
As she thought it, she knew it was a lie. What was with her lately?
As she looked around, she spotted Jari in the hall. She should go say hi. It was stupid that she had avoided him yesterday. Maybe She should get off the investigation team and see if she could work with him. No, don't put it like that. Maybe just mention that she needed someone to get her up to speed while he was around.
That was about when Mako Kagura holding hands with Jari. The teleporter's eyes narrowed as as the negative emotions she thought she had gotten rid of yesterday came flooding back. A moment later had her moodily sitting next to Vincent.

{Valery - Vivifica Court: Vivifica Temple}
Valery came up on Quinn and Tiru, looking distracted. She waved to them as she put a traveling pack down beside her. She looked over at Zion's return, a look of concern overtaking her distracted expression. She signed something as she studied Zion as best she could from the distance.
"What has happened?" The parrot familiar asked from his mistress's shoulder.
- Arun - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
"Children! Line up!"

The older woman would pull children over, Karma included. They were to be dressed in their best as they lined up in the foyer of the orphanage. Someone important was going to come and take a look at them, and they had to look presentable. It did not take long for the man to arrive. He wore noble robes, and the magical aura that surrounded him was almost suffocating. "Are they all magically inclined?" "Yes! These are all of them." The old woman would speak, one of the younger caretakers looking between the man and the children. Karma rubbed his eyes as children scratched against the clothes that they wore, itching uncomfortably against their skin. The man walked back and forth between them before deciding that they would do. And so the 'testing' began. One by one they were called separately at the small living room apart from the rest, the children having to remain behind until they were called for their turn. It was soon Karma's turn, and the young child walked past his friend and into the room, taking a seat at the table. "You are Karma, correct?" The man asked. Karma nodded. "Speak when spoken to." "Yes sir. I am Karma." Karma was quick to fix it. "I am told that you are capable of magic. I have placed ingredients before you. Show me your potential." He explained. Karma blinked, looking down at the plates before him. There were an assortment of leaves, gunpowder, wood, dirt, and clay. "We do not have all day." Karma reached over and pulled the plates of dirt and clay closer to him. He focused his hands on it, eyes gleaming as the edges of his iris glowed with a golden hue. The clay would raise from where it sat, following the movements of his hands. He focused on it, and created what could be a mediocre version of a dog. The man watched, and looked up at Karma, who smiled at him. The man reached over and created his own version of it. Of course, his was better built, and stronger, and looked much more like a dog than his. Karma gasped, watching. However the man's dog would run up and growl. "Go on. Make it defend itself." The man insisted. Karma blinked, looking down and quickly focusing on the dog. The dog would barely move, its walk clanky and shaky. It did not take a lot for the man's creation to destroy his, much to his disappointment. "Oh." He frowned. The creation did not stop there, and proceeded to try and bite at Karma's fingers. Karma panicked, quickly waving his hand as the magic would cause the creature to crack into pieces. Karma paused and frowned, looking up at the man. "Sorry."


"Did you pack everything, Karma?"

He had been chosen. The man chose to adopt him, out of all the children. The others watched and helped him pack as he walked down the stairs holding onto his small suitcase. "Come visit us, Karma" One called. "Karma! Send us a letter!" Karma turned and waved, having to be led out the building by the man he would now have to call father. They climbed into the carriage and Karma waved from the window as they drove off. He waved and watched until he could no longer see the building anymore. "When can we visit?" "Maybe one day. But for now you must focus on your studies when we arrive. Also, changes must be made." The man said. The young child turned, looking at him. "Change?" "Yes." He began. "Beginning with your name." Karma blinked. "My name?...what about my name?" "It will not fit someone of the Court of Ignis." The man scoffed. "From today on, you will be known as Arun. Arun Roshan. Am I understood?" He asked. Karma was confused. Arun? Why that name in specific? "Arun? But...my name is Karma-" The sound of the cane against the floor sent the young child jumping. "You are part of this family now. If you are to live up to the name, then you will comply. Am I clear?" The child stared with fear in his eyes. What had he gotten himself into? "I-I...I..." "What is your name?" "K-" The child eyed the cane as he felt his throat dry.

"Arun. My name is Arun Roshan."

Arun looked up as Everyth spoke her peace in regards to whether they should alert the group or not. Arun looked in between the opinions and frowned. "Well, if they had eyes and ears everywhere, they would have known that the priestess was not here." He muttered, playing with his fingers. "I understand that they are heavily protected as they are, but...to leave it to chance is just as dangerous as to send the warning." He explained, looking between Everyth and Shiroo. He looked up at Everyth. "Can Umbra mages not summon something to send a message? An undead?...I do not know how your magic works...maybe Somnum can send a bird? Maybe a pigeon?...I do not think pigeons are fast."

- Arkane - Umbra Court - Vita River-
The plague that came was merciless. Death did not discriminate between the sinners and the saints, of animal and man. Whatever it wished, it took without a second thought. The family took care of those who perished, as they had done for generations. But would be irony of the highest order that they would be its last victims to take away. Arkane did what he could. The doctors did what they could. The fevers were too high, the medicine was not enough, their bodies were weakened too far to fight the worst effects. It did no take long for Arkane to wake up attempting to wake a pair of corpses that were once his parents. The people respected them, and in their final hours on this earth they did them the favor to bury them within the family crypt, one next to the other. However, this would leave with a problem; Arkane. There was no family for him. He had no grandparents, no uncles, no siblings. And when he looked up to the people of the town, there was no sympathy.

"I already have three children. I cannot take care of another one." "I am too old for children. I cannot possibly take him." "My children are afraid of him. We will not be taking in that monster!" "Maybe if we ignore him he will leave on his own."

And so time moved on and Arkane was left behind. When the food ran out, he searched for food in the forest, and begged in the streets. When that did not work, he would eat the offerings left to the dead. At night he found himself entering the family crypt, only moonlight guiding his way. He would find a place between the graves of his mother and father to lay down and curl up. He just hoped that they would wake up again.

Arkane reached over to Mabel, quickly placing his hand between her lips and the petals of the flowers. "Do not go eating them, now. They are poisonous. They are used to keep rodents away from the crops for that very reason." He spoke, pushing the flowers away from her lips before pulling his hand away. "There is a patch growing nearby here, in between the trees. We can stop by and take a better look before we pack up and leave." He spoke. His mind was still weighing heavy on the words that maester Gerik left on him before he was left to reflect on them. It boiled anger in him, but only because he would not fight against such words as he usually did. Instead he had to go by them as expected...and he knew that it was for the better. The gaze in his eyes did not aid in any feelings either. Such were the maester of Umbra Court. Wise beyond their years both in life and in death, and yet just as cruel as the magic they wielded if pushed over the edge. He had to be careful in what he did, the words he spoke, the moves he did...at least, while the maester were looking. Arkane moved some hair behind his ear. "We will have to choose a place to go to soon. The maps suggest two possible paths. I believe Vita City will be a good place to go. It is big enough to hide the amount of mages without looking suspicious. Mabel can hide her identity better in a busy city where the eyes and ears are too much compared to the voices." He said, reaching over and picking up some fish. He stared down at it and began to eat up in a hurry. It needed salt, but he would not complain.
Jynn and Morpha - Vita River

As soon as Gerik gives Morpha a chance to speak, a smirk emerges on her lips, and begins to chuckle. “Oh maester Gerik. Always thinking you’re in control. Never worrying about what goes on behind your back.” She reaches inside her coat and pulls out a small sack. She opens it and reaches inside. “I should thank you for being such.” Morpha pulls out a handful of dust particles, and begins to seemingly crush it.

An ominous smoke emits from her body, and her veins begin to illuminate purple. A huge explosion of darkness shatters her icy prison. Jynn’s eyes widened. No way..... it could’t be....... Itika?! Morpha laughs maniacally, and begins to target the closest victims, Nero and Laguna. She fires incredibly powerful dark orbs at the maestra and her mage, but Jynn moves fast, and shoves Nero out of the way, and uses his powers to forge a shield, and hurls his sword at the orb heading for Laguna, destroying it.

Jynn manages to parry the attack, but the sheer power caused his shield to disintegrate, and a cloud of darkness impaired his vision. Using this opportunity, Morpha dashed towards him, and forges two blades. Jynn manages to block one sword, but the other slashes both of his eyes. Those nearby would see blood drip from Jynn’s closed eyelids.

But there was no bloodcurdling scream or shout, instead, Jynn slowly raises his head to Morpha, lightning crackling around him, and emitting a deep, rattling growl. Morpha merely laughs, but is blasted back by an electrified punch for the Vivifican mage. Jynn calls back the Leviathan and prepares for anymore attacks.
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- Yael - Unaffiliated - Vita River-
Yael continued to pat at Jynn's head before freezing in place. His head snapped up, purple eyes narrowing at the sight of the familiar crystal. "Itika!" Before he could do a thing Morpha was on the move. She was already attacking the group, and she took her prize without even realizing it. Yael watched in horror as blood sipped from Jynn's eyes. The scent of iron as he swung his blade with closed eyes made Yael's own blood run cold. Yet, for a single second, he just seemed annoyed rather than concerned. He blinked a few times, his eyes finally adjusting before he hurried to Jynn. He quickly crawled to his shoulders and reaching a paw against his cheek. His fur left an imprint of blood and the shapeshifter's eyes seemed to shift on their eyes, pupils slowly inflating until his eyes were fully black. He seemed absolutely annoyed as he stared down at the blood. Claws dug into Jynn's clothing as smoke escaped his lips. "What an insolent brat." Yael spoke, head snapping to Morpha. "How are you any better than the court of vivifica that you claim to shame and bastardize? You see yourself to be higher but all you have proven is that you are not even worth the earth that makes your existence!" He hissed, smoke covering Jynn and himself. It was thick and purple, but it soon dissipated. It would reveal a large creature of fur as dark as the night, standing tall as it stood besides Jynn. A grand wolf, a Fenrir of grand capacity whose eyes remained as black as coal, the pupils glowing the slightest hint of purple. The large canine stood by Jynn, leaning over and licking away the blood from his cheeks. "Do not let your guard down, Jynn...whatever move you make, I am right behind you, Jynn." Yael hissed, claws digging against the dirt below. "I will support you."
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{Gerik Lockford - Umbra Court: Vita River; Engaged in Court Discipline}
Gerik’s expression grew colder at Morpha’s words and actions. Such potential wasted on a scorpion with a criminal lack of vision. Such mages were less than useful to him.
“Cutting words.” He replies to the assassin in icy tones.
He snapped his fingers, his eyes briefly turning into pure black orbs. At their master’s call, oily black tentacles erupted around and directly below Morpha. Moving at speed, they sought to entangle the assassin, with strength to crush or strangulate what it got a hold of. Even if Morpha could evade the tentacles first appearance, both they and the dark pit they spawned from would follow after her, continuing their efforts. Should a friendly get to close, the dark matter appendages would flow around them, causing no harm.
“If you actually had the skill to finish the boy in that moment, I might have even been impressed.” The Umbral Maester continued, his voice eerily calm in the situation.
Thea Nero - Court of Somnum - Vita River -

Morpha's counter attack came as a surprise for everyone. Somehow, she had obtained Itika, and Nero knew that Itika in any quantity was always dangerous. She was ready to attempt to deflect Morpha's energy attack, but suddenly found herself being pushed away by the Heir of Vivifica.

"What are you-" was the only thing she could say.

Nero found herself in the ground and once she looked back at Jynn she saw tge moment Morpha slashes his face. There was no scream of pain, there was no sign of stopping, only Jynn standing ready to attack.

"Stay behind, you are wounded," Nero said to Jynn as she looked at Yael, "it is not worth the risk of further injuries. As for you . . . "

The Maestra waved her hand, the small fragments of ice that were destroyed by Morpha quickly gathering around her once more. Just as Gerik's attack came from below, her own attack would come from above.

"Take this!"

The fragments of ice reformed into spears of ice that would fly towards Morpha. Hopefully managing to strike the rogue mage.

- Diane Corbeau - Court of Umbra - Sanctus Heights: Grand Cathedral - Dinning Hall -
Mystics Apprentice Mystics Apprentice Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358

Something in Diane's inside was triggered when watching Elia wipe her tears away. Something hidden in the deeps of her mind.

- Diane Corbeau - Unaffiliated - Somewhere around Regalia -

"Alouette? Can I come in?" Diane asked while standing in front of a door.

The silence was the only answer Diane got from the room inside. As if no one was there. But there was no other choice, and so Diane grabbed the handle and opened the door. The room was dark, barely any light coming from the inside, except a single candle whose small flame illuminated the inside of the room. In the small bed was Alouette, having one hand on her mouth and another one clenching her chest.

"Alouette?! What's wrong?!" Diane asked as she quickly moved towards the young girl, "breathe, Alouette, breathe. It will pass."

For a few minutes, minutes that felt like an eternity, Alouette suffered in silence, until the pain went away. Diane could see some tears running down her cheeks.

"Have I been a bad girl, Sis? Is that why I have this pain?" Innocent Alouette asked Diane, "was I a bad sister that the gods are punishing me?"

"No, sweetie, no. Don't say that. It's not your fault," she said to the young girl as she put her arms around her, "You haven't done anything wrong."

"Then why-" Allouette trying to ask something.

"Sometimes we are born that way, sweetie. But we will get you someone from Sanctus Heights, a doctor, or a healer, they will know what illness is afflicting you, and then they will cure you," Diane said as she rubbed the girl's back, "and then you will be running outside like always. And you won't have to worry about more pain."
For a long time Diane tried her best to comfort her little sister-in-law. Wondering if, at last, Pietro would finally agree to let her take the contract with the court mages.

"It's alright, Elia. If you are innocent then you have nothing to fear. We will get the real culprit," Diane answered Elia, "As for your father, he is alive. Something happened when I left the library. Remember the blue-haired man? He went to the apartment in the tabern. And he attacked your father. I managed to save him, and now he will need to recover. Don't worry, he is in a safe place, and I promise that I will take you to him soon, alright?"

Diane's hand moved to the top of Elia's head, and she gently ruffled her hair. Why? She did not knew. She just felt a huge impulse to do so. She then got up and, after giving Elia one last look, she walked towards Vincent.

"Good morning, Vincent. I apologize for not showing up yesterday. There was a, what should I call it? A situation after following the blue-haired man for some time," She said to Vincent, "I followed him into a tabern, there he went inside an apartment in the second floor where someone was already waiting for him. That person was the Lieutenant, Vincent. The Blue-haired man knew the Lieutenant, and he was scared about Elia being blamed for the Automaton incident."

The Lich looked towards Elia for a moment. Maybe she was indeed innocent after all.

"The blue-haired man attacked him, but I managed to intervene before he was attacked a second time. I had to escape with the Lieutenant, so I had to cause a little scene with the patreons before leaving the tabern," Diane said calmly, "the Lieutenant lost a lot of blood, but I managed to find someone who was kind enough to help us. He is resting now, safe. He did told me something while we were in the apartment. There is a safe in his office. Apaprently it contains some sort of drawings. He also told me to bring Elia. Maybe she knows the safe and how to open it."

Diane thought about it for a moment, trying to remember the blue haired man. How he acted, his appearance, his eyes.

"There is something wrong with this man, Vincent. He is not human, not fully human, I suppose. He said that he regained a physical form once the automaton incident happened," she said flatly, "he said that the city is glistening with Itika after the death of that amount of people, and that's how he managed to return from the Spirit Realm. We need to be careful if we see this individual again. Something else is happening behind the scenes of this so called accident."

- Incarose Vassar - Court of Ignis - Grand Cathedral -

Rose was a little curious when Kagura came and held Jari's hand. Did the two of them were . . . Well, it's not like it mattered, helping Jari feel alright was the only thing that mattered. Incarose saw Mako in the distance, she saw her looking in their direction before she went to sit somewhere else. She wondered why. The feeling of someone patting her back made her turn around.

"Ah, Miss Anya, good morning. Don't worry about not checking in with me, yesterday was a . . . A very strange day," Rose said quietly, "I'm alright, I suppose. Just very confused at the moment. I just joined the court and suddenly this happen. And even strange is that it happened when the Maesters and Maestra Nero are not here."

Incarose closed her eyes and remembered how yesterday began. It was a day to help around the city. And they had done it! Until they went inside that building.

"Everything was going fine. But we encountered a strange man while we were giving supplies to the people. A strange man in a mask who tried to protect the mage from the meeting. Zion? He was going to burn anwhole building just to try and make us stop following them," she said as she touched her forehead, "I felt IT trying to come out. It was ready to unleash everything it had against that masked man, but I knew that if there was a fight in that building then more destruction would have happened to the city. He was talking about preventing something from happening. Something that had happened before, and only he could do it. For the greater good he said. He left in the end, and that's when me and Jari came back to the cathedral and saw what had happened. That was my day. How about you? How are you after last night?"

- Professor Tusk Whacko - Somnum Court -
HeartOfFerria HeartOfFerria

After some time walking among the different teachers, students, researchers, among other important looking people, Luka would reach a hallway that was mostly empty, music could be heard coming from somewhere, somewhere close. One room in particular, the same as the day before. The plaque said Tusk Whacko in golden letters. Once inside she would find the source of the music, a phonograph playing some form of classical music. And the Professor dancing inside. Alone. As if nothing else really mattered. Before even Luka attempted to say anything, Whacko smiled.

"Bright and early. I like that. Good morning Miss Rabbi, I hope you had a good night of sleep. Nothing beats a good Somnum bed. Or that's what people say, at least."

The Professor walked towards one of the tables, in which there was a small metal container, some strange glowing glyphs on each side of the box.

"As promised. I got what you asked for," Whacko said as he waved his hands in different patterns until the glyphs faded away, "a small fragment of itika. Small, yes, but powerful nonetheless. And in case someone ask, these are for you."

The box remained in the table, waiting to be opened, while the Professor handed Luka a few papers, the print somewhat small, but easily readable, explaining that the young Sand mage was now part of Professor Whacko's research team and that she was permitted to handle the itika fragment.

"Just in case someone ask if you are authorized to handle such material, yes?" he said as the music finally stopped, "you have the location of the Viela ore, you have a fragment of itika, you have the drive to perform research and experimentation, what else can I do to help you, Miss Rabbi?"
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- Vincent - Ignis Court - Sanctus Heights: Cathedral -
Vincent would look up, greeting Diane as she arrived. "Diane. It is fine. I was more concerned over your safety overall. I mean, well, I do not doubt your capabilities...but we can never be too certain." He spoke, watching he as he listened. She had discovered multiple things. The lieutenant knew more than what he wanted to admit originally, and this blue haired man was involved in all of it. Vincent walked up to the board, writing down the characteristics of the blue haired man as described by Diane. Blue hair, the eyes, possibly not human. He added 'safe' under the lieutenant and circled the blue haired suspect. "Then we have someone to look out for." He said, glancing at the rest as he pointed at the blue haired suspect on the board. "All we have is a physical description, but it is better than nothing. We are looking out for this man." He said, looking around the room. "This man could be responsible for the automaton incident. For the death of all of these people. We must cover the city in search of this man. Ask people. Search for this man and any other clues." He turned to Diane. "Then we must return to the office and get to whatever it is in that safe before this man or anything else that is involved in this mess gets involved and gets it before us." He sighed and turned to the rest of them. "Right! We have to search for this man, and to decide whether it would be worth the risk sending a warning to the group with the priestess. Any other concerns anyone would like to bring up?"

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