The Fleets of Talavah

@Irubus - Ah sorry, that post came right after mine and mirrored something I said in that post (that I was concerned about splitting up effecting the focus of the story) so I thought it was aimed at what I had said.
Pfffft, now way, Jed and Hin have to head out right now. Right now. xD

Haha, I have multiple ideas on what could hold Jed and Hin up xD Ok... only really one but if Red Thunder has a better thought, I'm all for it. I'm not going to be dragging Jed and Hin out into the desert if it causes trouble for Wavebird though :)
Ah I shouldn't impose on a person's character like that. @Red Thunder would you mind the professional relationship Dezdin has with Hin during off hand visits to the location? Nothing like the Inn Keeper interaction, but at least some familiarity. Or maybe some higher friendship if you feel that they would've hit it off?
There! Time skip finally posted :) I am all to tired to proof read it... so... yeah. Anyway, those men in the hovercraft might be recognized as armed members of the local Fleet (the one that visits Artin from time to time). The 8th Northern Fleet. They're armed with swords and rifles or crossbows and most of them are light to medium armour med out of steel. Hope stuff makes sense. xD Good night! *Super tired*
DP but this is to test the waters and see what you have planned.

I'll get another post up later tonight in which Zazjh gets into the town. I'm thinking he'll be very interested and aggressive at the idea of the Fleet being in town (after all he has little understanding of the differences between the Fleets and Skadia and the other nations, he just sees a military unit like the one that just put him through hell) but his temporary tagalong partner will talk him out of doing anything crazy. I'll leave it at that until someone else posts something I can get ahold on. If nobody takes action he'll go to the inn and I'll figure something out from there, but if anyone decides to raise issue with the soldiers I'll have him move to back them up on the simple basis that he's not particularly fond of military types right now and...erm..."They all look the same to him".

Just throwing that out there in case anyone was having any ideas of moving against them. If not I'll figure something else out.
Sorry that was just me trying to be comical (like a, "nothing to see here, move along!" kind of thing... Ah I'm too tired right now.)

For the record Erevel is a temporary secondary character. I simply included him for Zazjh to have someone to play off of since I wasn't traveling with any PC and my posts would have been a whole lot of silence if I didn't include him. But he's not a secondary character that will stick around for long. I don't know what you intend to do yet but whatever happens he's only around for this first little bit and will be left behind in this village once we move on (dead or alive, that'll depend on the RP).

I just mention this because I know there was a rule about not having two characters and I just wanted to clarify he's very temporary.
Right, no problems. :)

Hi! Sorry for making such a crappy post last night, I was very tired :P I hope it is possible to understand anyway! But to clear:

Shifra is NOT going to catch first light. She stayed up drinking and didn't fall asleep till the early hours, so she's going to oversleep ^^

@Goldenkitten , I meant for the hovercraft to be outside the gates Artin, not in front of the infirmary. But we'll go with your version instead, it works out fine :) But, since they fleet folk are now all in once place, I want to state that there are six of them (including the one in the infirmary, so 5+1).
My goodness, where is all this hostility coming from. The only thing that came through my mind when I read them was "Oh, I guess someone's injured. Oh well. *continue to go about my day at the Inn*." haha.

I'll post later today, since I'm caught up in classes but I will get it in before the day ends. (Don't know what time it is for the rest of you.)
Well Jed is just hostile, if that's part of what you're referring, and has a great dislike and distrust of the fleet ot begin with- not to mention they have a great dislike of nomads since nomads often ambush and steal from then when they can xD So there's that :)

It's midday for me, just turning noon actually.
Well, for a character such as Dezdin the Fleets are probably sort of nice, they make it possible to travel in Talavah and are potential customers. For nomads it's another story, since they are often taken captive and stuff by the fleets. I will remind you that the fleets vary in size and in manners. And it is not THAT common for nomads to raid fleets as there are some very big risks. However, Jed and Shifra came from a clan with many warriors and stuff like that (Im sure you can tell from Jed :P ) and thus are more risky and bold when it comes to fleets. I will post some about this fleet in particualar in the Lore section later tonight, so we're all on the same page ^^

Oh, and for me it's almost bed-time! :)
Out of curiosity, is this an established world you've created and are slowly building up? Because I'd love to read more lore as time goes on if this is a world you're developing.

My friend and I are doing that with a race who's reached a galactic level in travel and has all that extra back story just as a side project, and possibly a future RP if we work it out.

It is far from an established world, and many things are developing as we play. But the planet Dranoh'ce has been a side-note in another RP we came up with long ago (RejjeN was in it, which is why he is the Gohlar cult expert). So... Would our characters ever (they will never) get hold of space-ships there is actually quite a big and developed universe to explore! xD

Also! Check out Lore in like 2 minutes, going to add the new stuff there!

@RejjeN @RubyRose @Goldenkitten @Irubus @Lucya Kunzenov @Red Thunder
@Wavebird - Ah, sorry. Rereading it I see what you intended but when I read that the "silhouettes" were making their way to the infirmary I thought you meant the silhouettes of the hovercraft above the town, not the people. Consequently I may also have interpreted the village as larger than it is soooo...I can change that if need be.

Wavebird said:
There! Time skip finally posted :) I am all to tired to proof read it... so... yeah. Anyway, those men in the hovercraft might be recognized as armed members of the local Fleet (the one that visits Artin from time to time). The 8th Northern Fleet. They're armed with swords and rifles or crossbows and most of them are light to medium armour med out of steel. Hope stuff makes sense. xD Good night! *Super tired*

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