The Fleets of Talavah

Wavebird said:
Good idea. So, what do you think guys? Let's start of with the Gohlar, was anything said in the wall of text above surprising? Did it change anyones' idea of the Gohlar? Please, add any thoughts :)
I thought it was all straight forward in the original description as well as the second. It's all worked for me.
I think I've got a better concept of the Gholar, now, thanks... I didn't see the problem at first but after reading what you had to say, @Wavebird, I now understand :)
You might want to restructure the part about the Congregation and the Gohlar with what was said here.

Though there's nothing particularly wrong with the original explanation, because we're open to anyone joining and not a more tight-knit community it means your inevitably going to get different interpretations from people who weren't there when you discussed it in the first place. So it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to iron out exactly what it means to drink Gohlar blood, become like them, and what array of deficiency's it can cause and to what degree in order to avoid any other future members from interpreting the loose explanation in their own way. Though I'm not sure how necessary that is since you mentioned we're kind of full in here so we're unlikely to bring on anyone else and need to explain this to them. All the same it couldn't hurt to have a more complete explanation for reference for all of us since this is doubtless a subject we'll run into during the RP.
Finished the update, hope this fits into the story better than the last one did. Let me know!
Looks like a good compromise to me, but ultimately it's up to Wavebird to decide if you're accepted or not.

A note though, the Congregation is not a unified force so while many might trade with the Peltin, others would not know about their arrangements while others would be too secular. But I imagine there would be enough that agreed with them to trade for it to be worthwhile.

@Lucya, the Tusken Raider example is pretty fitting, because that's pretty much how they're viewed by most outsiders, and though there are extreme Sects that behave a lot like them (in terms of hostility) most aren't worse than the Fleets in how they deal with others. They're crazy, but mostly in a religious fervour kind of way.

And as for them not having resources of value. Keep in mind they're the best bone (and other organic materials) artisans of Talavah, they can make weapons and armour that are almost as efficient as steel not to mention trinkets and other random stuff that would probably sell in some areas.
Thank you. That's just the first thing that came to mind to me, although Native American cultures may be more similar, in retrospect. I still think all of the factions should be discussed, however, just to clear up any possible confusion.
Alright I've read through the backlog now so I can work on a post, but any ideas for how to get me involved with this little show? As I figure it my post will start with Zazjh coming into town (either just before dawn or just after dawn depending on when the post goes up, doesn't really matter I suppose, it's all the same) and having a brief discussion with the one man that survived. My initial point for having him survive was for him to direct Zazjh to the tavern/inn for work (since they don't have "inns" or "bars" in the Clan since they don't let outsiders in he was going to have to ask where one finds work) since having absolutely nothing to his name right now he'd know the only way to get anywhere is to sell himself out for work to somebody and get paid in goods along the way.

But with the direction the RP's taken I'm not entirely certain how that would work since they aren't really looking for additional partners at this point. Additionally they're unlikely to even come across one another at this point unless we force it as they've got completely different plans. And additionally Zazjh has little to offer that would even draw their attention other than being obviously strong and sturdy, the soldiers from my bio left him with little besides the clothes on his back so he has nothing to give.

In short does anyone have any idea for how he could even become relevant enough to end up with them talking? I mean...short of running Aliz over because she's a shorty and claiming it was totally not a forced insert at all. I can think of ways to just sort of forcefully blast my way in "HEY! I'M HERE!" but I'd prefer a way that actually makes sense within the context of the world.

Any ideas? Thanks for any feedback.

That is always a tricky thing, and the way we've played doesn't seem to invite for too much, no. Being so many, we maybe should have two groups to begin with, that can later merge?


Well done! :) Accepted!
Well it's late and I'm going to sleep so I'll pick this back up tomorrow. But then what are you suggesting we do? Because that's sort of vague.

Also I can see that turning really confusing if we use the same thread for both groups because it'll turn into a cluster**** of unrelated posts. It's your idea so it's up to you and I don't have any better ideas given the current situation, but I do wonder if that wouldn't turn out more convoluted than is necessary. If it is what we do we definitely need to talk about it in extensive detail here before committing or it could kill the RP if one group moves slower than the other, or just stops altogether ruining the plans for convergence. Not to mention that it's likely one group (probably the first) would be the one running into the more important plot points while the second one probably wouldn't have as much to do since I doubt you planned for two groups from the start. So, how would the story be divided into two without taking away too much from one group or the other? And how would we link the two up without being really unnatural and just forcing them to link up midst a giant world where two groups could go their entire life without meeting up?

Anyway just some thoughts that come to mind. Once some of the others have responded and we can iron out the details it will make more sense. But for now I'm going to bed, I'll join back in on the discussion later.
While I'm certain there's a plot established, I'm more than welcome to post just one more prior to the time skip. Having my character drive on in before the full night hits. Or I could just have him wake up at the inn, in the morning, having been there the whole time hours before the situation. Either way I'll think of something if you post the Time Skip, and integrate myself somehow.
As a side note, I read the whole thing, and noticed the imperial rupees as a currency. Since this is important to my character, is that the global currency? With different values like gold, silver, copper. Or do the continents have different currencies.
Imperial rupees are the official currency within the Skadian empire. It is used as a global standard for pricing even though people often pay with other means. In Talavah most currency (even raw pieces of gold, silver and copper) are accepted
Kk, up and out. Pretty sure that's enough to start it off, and get something rolling for my character.
Great :) I guess the TS will take a while longer, but I have RejjeN ready, so we'll do our best to speed things up to get the others back in the game again ^^
Shouldn't be that much longer, maybe just one series of back and forth so that I can get some form of communication and then he'll call it a night with plans for the morning already set.
Irubus said:
While I'm certain there's a plot established
I never suggested there wasn't a plot established. I was talking in regards to his previous post which suggested we split up into two teams, which I highly doubt was the original intent, it was likely always intended for one group. Thus, one of the groups was likely to either be left out of the plot until they managed to link up, or the plot would simply be chopped up and make less sense if you tried to split a plot that was originally intended for one group between two. That's what I was saying, and I was trying to get feedback on what he meant by splitting up into two groups since I've seen enough RP's sink when something that wasn't in the original plans gets introduced.
The TS is coming up, and I urge you all to help each other to get into the the RP, try to invite people somehow and don't be afraid to take the bait. Chanses are there will be more than one group after the TS, but I do not intend to let that last forever even if it happens. As for the the main plot: it's is dynamic and has not started yet, so we can chill with that till we're all together. Let's see if we can make this work out naturally, let's all get to know eachother and find reasons to hang out :)

That wasn't in regard to your post or anyone elses, I was just speaking on my own grounds on how I had my mind on entering the RP. hehe.
I think we need to introduce a plot device to bring all of the characters together. I won't whine if we don't, but I agree with Golden that the RP would be much more healthy if we keep all the characters in one group/location. Just my opinion.
Hmm. Like it is now I have a plan for most characters. The loose thread is Hin/Jed. But if they hang around we'll probably be able to make everyone keep in one group. So, if Jed and Hin can find stuff to do in town for one more day, or half a day or whatever. I'll have time for a plot device.
Wavebird said:
Hmm. Like it is now I have a plan for most characters. The loose thread is Hin/Jed. But if they hang around we'll probably be able to make everyone keep in one group. So, if Jed and Hin can find stuff to do in town for one more day, or half a day or whatever. I'll have time for a plot device.
I imagine @RubyRose and I can come up with some reason to stay local. Right, Ruby?
I can establish my character as the anchor for both parties. I had already planned to make Hin some form of old off hand acquaintance due to Dezdin's need for gear maintenance every once and a while when he visits. I'm certain we can think of something as the dialogue comes up and interactions occur. I always prefer winging it as character development occurs and we get hints from the GM's character.


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