The Fleets of Talavah

Hah, yep. Hin knows how cold the world can be. So he'd rather give a hand to everyone and basically tell the works to shove it. I detailed it in his CS. :)

Along with Hin's new picture, courtesy of @Wavebird. It's so awesome!
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Updated my profile with a WIP coloured version of Aliz. Still a lot of detailwork to be tone (and I just noticed I forgot the eye colour... Blargh). Will probably finish it once I figure out how to do a convincing bone colour for the bow and sword knob. Not nearly as good as Wavebirds stuff, but one shoddy sketch/colouring job at a time :)

If ever you'd want to look at the non-coloured version instead just click the image xD

Next up... Sifirh! When I get around to it... (I want to do a proper drawing of him since a Legion of Everblight Raek isn't exactly what I picture, but it's close enough for now in terms of shape honestly. He's not gonna be present a lot while Aliz is with other people for obvious reasons.)
Ah now I see :P Of course that works.

Anyway, I must applaud @Red Thunder and @RubyRose ! The mood and atmosphere you're setting right now is great! :) And same goes to @RejjeN and @Lucya Kunzenov ! So far it's been pure joy to read all your posts, and I sure hope to see more of them! :) Thanks for playing, keep it up!

So, help a non-native english speaker out! What should we call the people that work and live on the Fleets? Sailors doesn't quite do the trick since it's not really boats. I went with Fleethand in my post, but is that really a proper term? Suggestions please :)

Also, @Goldenkitten and @Wuya, I'm looking forward to seeing your characters very much! :) Hope all is going well with creating them, and if there are any questions, just ask!
Ok, I think we'll go with Fleethand in that case, because it feels like thousand years of not being a sea must've changed how to speak. Probably they said seamen back in the day. So Fleethand, all aboard for that?
Look! I made a char over our characters sizes! It looks a bit wonky since they're all in different poses, but it should give us a general idea of how the measure beside each other! As for Jed, I have no idea how tall he is, so I just shot something I figured fittig, I'll change if he is to tall (or short). Hope you like it!

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Sorry that you didn' know Jed's height but you nailed it ^.^ That works perfectly, though if Jennifer is 5'11 shouldn't she be on the other side of Shifra?
Heh, we're used to the decimal system so some mistakes are bound to happen :P

REALLY happy with Wavebirds version of Aliz. Captures how I imagined her almost perfectly :)

Edit: Metric System, derp...
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Haven't you ever had to turn your height in feet into height in... ummm... whatever the nicer number is but it usually has a decimal instead of the fancy apostrophe, right? Or am I completely off base... maybe I'm just off base here.

Yes, Centimeters instead of feet and inches. Thank you @RejjeN

I do apologize, I almost walked into a wall when I was going to the front of the room to present. A wall that's always been there... I'm having a bit of an off day.
Ah. Nope. I've always dealt in feet and inches. I find the metric system annoying, honestly. I likes me fancy apostrophes and quotation marks. (^.^)
Because of growing up with feet and inches it's so much easier to comprehend for me... but if you study the metric system, there's actually a lot of beautiful logic to it that makes me question why America didn't use that system to begin with...

But then a 12 base number system is much smarter than a 10 base, so if our number system was 12 base the feet and inches system would actually be smarter- as well as hours. Have you ever looked into a 12 base system? BECAUSE YES, It is genius! Why are we base 10 anyway?! :P
Heh, well different strokes for different folks :P I'm the opposite of that, though I THINK I've got a decent grasp of feet and inches (Mostly from wargaming). And now I feel like I derped for miss-remembering it as "decimal system" *derp*

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