The Fleets of Talavah

Yeah, I miss-read 5'11" for 5'1.1"! Derpaderp. But becuse mixing units is stupid I'll just have it all changed to metric units because it makes sense and is not stupid. Bah! Why did I even try xD

Got it fixed now, I'll put it in character sign-up as it makes for a good overview of characters :)
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Wavebird finished his drawing of Aliz, so I've updated the profile with that picture (including a closeup of her face)

Awesome stuff <3
Profiles up. Stuck it in Character Sign-Up since I didn't see anywhere else for profiles under review even though it claims that thread is for accepted profiles. If it's meant to be somewhere else just let me know and I'll move it.
2-4 hours in total I suppose, didn't really time myself. I work during the week so by the time I get home I'm not usually in the mood for writing a long post so I did it in bits and pieces each day, otherwise it'd have been up earlier.
You did a great job writing it GK! :) Your character is accepted. I suppose your character can arrive in Artin when the rest of us wakes up? It seems we're pretty close to a time-jump during the night anyway :P . Or do you (@RejjeN @Lucya Kunzenov ) have any grand plans that you want to start up before I make night pass and turn into morning?

Nah I need to read the RP to figure out what needs to be done anyway. I only read the first couple posts or so back when I started making the character to get a feel for it and asked RejjeN where you currently were to make sure I ended my profile with him headed in the right direction. You've posted like three pages on top of two others I need to read since I started that profile so I've honestly no idea where you are currently. So I've gotta set time aside over the next day or two just to figure out what the hell you're all doing and where it would make sense for me to show up.

Yes and no :) My plan was to keep player count down, and with GK just joined (and with @Wuya on the way?) we're getting pretty much full. However, if you know that you're going to be active and really want to join, just submit a character for sign-up anyway ^^ Impress us and we'll be glad to have you :)



Well, read up and get ready! :) You know to find me on steam would you need any pointers or explanation!

I trust it you will :) Looking forward to it!

Everyone, prepare for an incoming time-jump! We're going to have the night pass unless anyone is going to be up to fishy business (don't feel that you have to hold back!). I'll do the time-jump in a post really soon. Also, the inn has rooms and not only bunks. There was some confusion on my part about this, sorry.
Irubus said:
(I know this looks worrying and like a bit much, but it is not as bad, it'll all make sense once you read it! ^^ )

No, you're not. Your character is not accepted.

To be accepted you need to make some major changes. And I sure hope you do! Because I think your CS was very well written.

Before I go on, I will stress that I think you've made an interesting, and alive character, and it is obvious that you've put much effort into making it. I would hate to let that go to waste. However, there are some things I need to touch upon before I can even start thinking about letting your character exist on the surface of Dranoh'ce. I am going to be thorough (which is why there is so much text), and therefore appeal to all players, we should all read this for clarification!

The Problem? - Gohlar

See, I love the idea about Clan Peltin being nomadic merchants! That is exactly the sort of thing that fits into this setting! Coming up with ways for them to get resources might be hard but far from impossible! Like I said, I love the idea! However a big problem arises when the Gohlar becomes part of the picture. The Gohlar are considered monster, a plague of the land, by all and any people but the ones belonging to The Congregation of the Deep. Why? Well, because Gohlar are monsters that can not be tamed in any other way than becoming like them by drinking their blood, effectively fooling them that you're one of them.

Drinking Gohlar blood comes at a prize, and that is nothing you can get around by “being resistant” or “being one of the guys who remained sane”. That is just not an option. If you remain completely sane (and thus, are resistant) then your 'Gohlarification' is not as effective and the Gohlar will likely not consider you one of it's own kind. If you can control a Gohlar, you become like them in many ways, and will be more opt to follow your instincts and be very impulsive, easy to anger, and all that, rather than rational and calculation. Which brings us to the next part of the problem.

Merchants, as Clan Peltin and your character is supposed to be, can not afford to not be calculation and rational. And since Gohlar (and people from Gohlar cults) are pretty much hated by everyone, it'd be hard for you character to really get by.

All in all, it doesn't add up. Also, your character should probably not just be able to step up to guys who just proved crafty enough to kill a Gohlar and just kick their arses just like that.

Now, I feel like I am ranting and that is really not the point. I am being thorough for everyone’s sake, so we don't have more misconceptions about this. (After all, things like these are to be expected in a new and 'home-made' setting like this).

So, to sum this up: I love the idea with merchants. The idea of taking up you Gohlar's name and making armour from it's hide is great as well! But therein lies the problem; you can't have both. Either you have a Gohlar (Well, had) and belong the the Congregation, or you're a merchant warrior that can't be a Gohlar-blood-drinker.

Oh, and one other thing! - Average height

Now, this is nothing that made me reject this character in any way, so it's really just a side-note, but I might as well clarify this as you're not alone in getting this a bit wrong. The people of Dranoh'ce stands about the same height as people on earth (Where did all of you get the idea of them being tall from? Hin is considered a giant, and rightfully so! He is a whopping 213 cm!). On earth the average height for men is probably somewhere below 175cm, while women probably is just above 160cm. Even in the tallest nations on earth men only averages at about 180cm. But your characters can be tall, that is totally fine. Just remember that most people in Dranoh'ce won't be.

@RejjeN @RubyRose @Goldenkitten @Red Thunder @Lucya Kunzenov

I actually did think over how the Gohlar were implemented by the Congregation, and based it off the drinking aspect of the ritual. Viewing it as a adaptation by the clan instead of spiritual, since they see things on more realistic grounds. I didn't understand that aspect where it literally turns you more into one of their own kind, which needs to be met physically and mentally. I'll rework it and give it another shot. Thanks for the feedback.
[QUOTE="Lucya Kunzenov]Time Skip. Standard name for a 'time jump'.

Ah! Sorry, not a native english speaker so I sometimes translates things directly :) The time skip will be after next cycle of posts (me, you and RejjeN) unless anyone objects :) Just to get us to bed pretty much xD
Hmm, well I feel I bear some responsibility for the misconceptions regarding the Gohlar and the Cults. How they're viewed by everyone else is something I could have explained in better detail definitely.

And while Wavebird's criticism is pretty accurate I'd just like to point out that while most who drink gohlar blood and survive get a bit weird in the head, it generally varies in great amounts between how much they change(It's pretty rare for one person to show all the effects that Wavebird described is what I'm saying :P ), but as he said you can't be a Beast Master and not have something seriously wrong up in there. (You will notice signs of that with Aliz if you read my posts, it's only going to become more prominent as the RP goes along.)

Only a suggestion, but one way to tweak this without invasive changes could be to have them be merchants who trade exclusively with the sects, but have proxies set up in trading villages or through caravans to enable them to gather supplies. It would be a bit more deception and not entirely legitimate in the eyes of any outsiders (assuming they knew about it), but that's the best bet to keep the trading and the Gohlar keeping I suppose. Keep in mind people would shoot him on sight if they spotted someone walking around with a Gohlar at their side :P

Worth mentioning I suppose is that while Aliz has a Gohlar that travels with her, he will be keeping his distance while she hangs around non-cult people.
I propose that we should come together and have a discussion about the factions. We all seem to have good ideas, but some inconsistencies need to be ironed out before we proceed.
[QUOTE="Lucya Kunzenov]I propose that we should come together and have a discussion about the factions. We all seem to have good ideas, but some inconsistencies need to be ironed out before we proceed.

Good idea. So, what do you think guys? Let's start of with the Gohlar, was anything said in the wall of text above surprising? Did it change anyones' idea of the Gohlar? Please, add any thoughts :)
I suppose everything could work, although it doesn't seem like the Golhar would have much of value to trade for supplies. I saw them as a reclusive cult, but I suppose that can change. In addition, their "Tusken Raiderness" may have to be changed, in order to meet the suggestions.

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