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Fantasy The Few Wild Dragons


The one that uses too many smileyfaces :3
I think i'll keep this one simple. :3

* = Optional

Character Sheet

(Preferably something in latin, or a made up word)

Gender: (Male or female...)

*Age: (300-900 years, I consider 1000+ as adult dragons)

*Specie: (What kind of a dragon are you? Can be something made up or from a game, tell something about it!)

Power: (Nothing too OP like teleporting or mind controlling)

Personality: (At least 3 sentences would be great!)

Background: (Where does your dragon come from? Wild? Tamed but gone berserk? You can keep it short.)

Appearance: (Sorry, but picture is a must)

Height & Weight: (Height, length and weight. Min. 1m long/tall, Max. 10m tall and 15m long. Sorry for metric <3)
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Name: Tragiasa

Gender: Male

Age: 800 years

Species: Blizzard King

Powers: Ice powers, regeneration, Three brains, Three heads, Flight, Ice, Snow.

Personality: A love of puns, even the ones about torture. A love of eating potatoes.

Background: Tragiasa was a Dragon, he was captured

Height: 9m

Weight: 6 tons

Length: 12m

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Blizzard_King_EO2U.jpg.8b5bfcccb94d1be364065eb30e7ee038.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Blizzard_King_EO2U.jpg.8b5bfcccb94d1be364065eb30e7ee038.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Sheet








Regal Copper

These species are known to exceed the average weight and size of the average dragon (don't worry, I'll still go with your limits). Due to the extremely infrequent number of breeding of these dragons, they are considered very valuable, hence Lapidem's capture. This species also has a rather surprisingly decent speed, despite its size. They are known to "bulldoze", ramming large groups of enemies head-on.


Lapidem can get a quick burst of speed, "bulldozing" anything in the way.

Lapidem's claws have a unique venom in them, making wounds not seal for an extended period of time, approximately seven hours.

Lapidem can call on the power of Maximus, a powerful and well known Regal Copper. He summons a spirit form that can't be physically harmed and has a much more massive size than an average Regal Copper. It throws boulders and also rams enemies. Due to sheer energy needed to use, this ability can exhaust Lapidem massively and can even make him faint. He reserves this for difficult encounters.


Quiet but company-loving. Charming and caring to people he is close to but otherwise remains passive. Cheerful unless uncomfortable. He doesn't want to be very tenebrous in a group he is comfortable in.


Lapidem grew with his parents when he was very young but it had been short-lived; because Regal Coppers were really rare, humans attacked his habitat. His parents covered for him as he escaped and when he did, he never heard from them again. Lapidem thinks (and only thinks) that they are only captured, not killed. Before he left though, he was given a scarlet gemstone. Homeless and alone, Lapidem knew he had to fend for himself now. After a generation or two, Lapidem grew quite used to the fact he can live anywhere safe enough and evade humans. Lapidem does not know any other Regal Copper except for Maximus, a well known dragon he never met and is known dead but was told by his parents. His parents said before he left that he can use part of his spirit to call on Maximus with the scarlet gemstone he was given but they did not tell him how to activate it. After one magical trapped was triggered a few more generations later, he was captured by the humans. He hid the gemstone through swallowing it, not expecting it to return because if they found it and sold it, he would never have anything left about his family. Because of his merinthophobia (fear of being bound or tied up he got from his parent's capture), he is very restless in his cage.



(Disregard the human in the image for the fact that I lack a better visual aid)

Height & Weight:


Length: 14m

Weight: 39 tons

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-=My Character Sheet=-


Gender: Female

Age: 597 years

Specie: A Northern Stormglider.

Stormgliders are feathered agile dragons, often living in high locations. Northern ones have more cold colors in their fur or feathers, and their element/power is more likely to be electricity. They are very outgoing creatures that get easily aggressive around humans and/or when trapped. They are quite hard to find for humans as they live on the highest mountains, some of them spend 60% of their day in the clouds even.

Power: As you can guess, her power is electricity. She can create energy inside her (causing the blue markings glow faintly), that she can convert into blue-ish lightnings. They can be weak or strong, depending on how much fresh air there is to get. If she is in a cave, it might be even impossible for her to get the electricity out of her, which means that touching her will be a... shock. Sorry, i'll just move on.

Priemur is quite social. She necessarily doesn't need company, but without it for a long time can make her anxious. Around friends (If she has any) she is friendly, joking and even a bit awkward sometimes. So, towards dragons she is friendly. To humans however, she has hatred for. She would not however kill a human on sight, as that wasn't what she was meant to do. She rather knocks them out or just traps them into their own cages. If she's approached with hostile methods, she will respond back with anger, for long as she can.

Background: Priemur was born into an ordinary Northern Stormglider -family. She lived with her mother as his father was hunted down. That was, until her mother was captured when they were hunting. At least she was going to be captured, but she committed suicide with tears in her eyes. Priemur escaped that time, learning how to survive on her own in the cold mountains. One day was horrifying, as humans arrived to the mountain on dragons, way stronger than she was. She was tied down and captured, planned to be sold later. However her personality towards humans showed, that she was just going to be a tough one.



Height & Weight:

Height - 8m

Length - 15m

Weight - 3 tons​

Name: Kaimara

Gender: Female

Age: Roughly 345

Specie: Stormweaver

A very distant cousin to the Stormglider, the Stormweaver was bred selectively by humans from the Stormgliders and many other species with desirable traits to produce a featherless/furless, more potently magical and aggressive species. This species is much smaller, more lithe and lightweight in comparison to their roots.

( if that's okay? lemme know if not! )

Power: As is probably obvious, she's very adept at the manipulation of lightning.

Personality: True to her species, Kaimara is rather aggressive, headstrong, and more than willing to pick fights with everything and anyone. Sassy and snarky, with a love for bad puns, she's every bit the 'class clown'.

Background: With her species being captive bred, she was born into the human world. She still refuses to be tamed, killing and maiming even the most experienced trainers.



Height & Weight:

Height - 4m

Length - 8m ( 9m including tail )

Weight - 1 ton​
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Name: Spitz (formerly ???)

Age: 305

Species: Swamp Lurker

Spitz is an adolescent swamp lurker, a medium-to-large species of semi-aquatic dragon that inhabits small territories surrounding bodies of fresh water: preferably stagnant ponds, bogs, swamps, or brackish rivers. Swamp lurkers are a notoriously elusive breed that tend to choose their locations away from areas densely populated by other dragons or bustling human towns (although they will gladly frequent backroads in search of the odd wary traveler), they are excellent swimmers and have highly developed senses in order to navigate dark and murky environments, but have eyes very sensitive to bright lights and don’t do well in dry, hot climates for long periods of time. Swamp lurkers cannot breath fire, instead they are able to ‘spit’ a highly acidic form of venom that is capable of dissolving even metals in the case of a healthy well-fed dragon; they are immune to the effects of the venom which also leaks into their saliva, which in small amounts can be used to cauterize a wound.

(More info on venom and senses below)


Projectile Venom (extended/additional info): The venom of the dragon is continuously produced over time and is stored in a pair sacs located beneath the jaw. When the muscles surrounding the sacs constrict, it forces the venom through a small opening with enough force that it can shoot up to 15 feet away. Since the venom does not stop being produced even when there is no more room for it to be stored, it will secrete into the saliva and possibly overflow like drool. Since swamp lurkers are immune to its effects they will lick their wounds in order to burn away any foreign debris and bacteria, which keeps it clean and lowers the chance of infection; the same technique can be used to melt damaged tissues together as a way of stopping bleeding in another dragons wound, but it is considerably painful.

Thermoception: Swamp lurkers have hidden heat receptors along their snouts which allow them to perceive their environment through its heat signature, this effectively allows them to hunt and navigate in any lighting via infrared vision and can be turned on and off at will. It does not work very well underwater and may limit depth perception in areas without enough range in temperature, if the receptors become obstructed it will not work at all.

Electroreception: They also have a second set of sensors located in their scales, which are extremely sensitive to the electric wavelengths given off by all living things (as well as the lack of in the dead or inorganic) and create an adjustable field surrounding the dragon that works somewhat like the sonar of a ship. Swamp lurkers use their fields to navigate and hunt underwater, and communicate emotions to each other non-verbally. It is less effective outside of the water, and can be overwhelmed by stimuli in the environment.


‘Spitz,’ as he has been dubbed by the humans is a young drake with almost no recollection of life outside of the Hellhole; lacking the memories of a proper upbringing he’s been unable to gain much of any knowledge regarding his race or culture other than what he can glean out of his friendlier neighbours, which aren't as common as they used be. He’s got a buried stubborn streak built from the hope that things will get better if he keeps fighting the humans and it keeps him just cynical enough to avoid accepting things at first glance most of the time. However Spitz also longs for the attention and companionship of other dragons which can lead him into trusting the wrong people and being manipulated through his desire to fit in.


Spitz was one of five wyrmlings to hatch within the depths of one of the few uncharted swamps left solely to the creatures of this world, and there under the protective watch of their mother he and the others spent nearly 150 years growing rapidly and learning for themselves how to hunt, fight and hide from predators. After that time they left the shallows and began to explore new parts of the territory, unfortunately for Spitz humans had begun to send search parties looking to find resources within the swamplands and word got out about the dragon population within; he managed to avoid the hunters for roughly 50 years before he was finally caught at 200 years old. During his transport to the Hellhole Spitz attempted to escape his handlers and successfully spit at someone in the process, in the end the handler responsible for administering his punishment was a little too harsh with the blows and left Spitz unable to recollect most of his memories including his name. After the incident the keepers started calling him ‘Spitz’ and the name stuck with everyone else.

*Although parenting methods may differ between individuals most Swamp Lurkers behave much like a combination of crocodiles and snakeheads; one parent (rotates per year) will guard the eggs and eventual hatchlings while the other will patrol the territory (which expands to accommodate more dragons) until the time at which the wyrmlings begin roaming and guardian duty ends. Once the wyrmlings reach their 700th year they will be chased out to begin the search for their own territory.*

Appearance (aka dragons rule!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.4b8ed217b634f92a3e1200204e958383.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.4b8ed217b634f92a3e1200204e958383.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 2 meters at the shoulder, 4 meters with neck.

Length: 7 meters.

Weight: 500kg


Name: Ragnok aka ‘Red’

Gender: Male

Age: 825

Specie: Bloodstrike

Ragnok is a bloodstrike, a small-to-medium sized dragon species that was created by humans from captive breeding programs involving the now extinct Striker dragon, they are the product of the desire for humans to have a dragon that was both fast and agile in the air with enough stamina to be used for long distance flights; they are in the current running for the title of world's fastest airborne dragon. They are omnivores that will consume almost anything in order to satisfy the demands of their high metabolism, prefer to live at high altitudes, and are surprisingly social creatures that don’t do well in seclusion requires a high prefer to at high altitudes and are a very social breed, often preferring to live in groups of at least three to four dragons; they use their fins to display emotions and have an impressively wide range of vocalizations that includes hisses, growls, roars, chortles, hums, and more.

These dragons earned their from the offhand comment of a witness observing a demonstration of the new breed ‘those dragons are nothing more than a red blur in the sky, if this were taking place in the middle of a battle I might have mistaken them for just more blood in the air.’


Fire Breath: Bloodstrikes are capable of breathing out jets of flame that vary in color depending on heat intensity which is increased by stress. When preparing to unleash the attack these dragons emit a unique rasping sound that serves as a warning to those aware of what comes next.

Bloodstrikes are also excellent jumpers: their muscular, almost stocky legs are longer in the back than they are in the front which gives them a powerful boost when launching or leaping from the ground and this allows them to easily traverse over mountainous terrain in which one must jump from rock to rock or ledge to ledge, however these dragons find often themselves hindered by low stamina on the ground and require many breaks to recollect their energy. In order to save energy, many bloodstrikes will ‘belly walk’ or slither like a skink lizard.


Since his capture Ragnok has made it his goal to make the keepers at the Holehole regret the day he was ever brought in: he's agressive and unpredictable in their company, injuring keepers and only ever cooperating with them enough to be let out of his cage; effectively earning the nickname Red Devil or Red, due his destructful but manipulative nature.

Ragnok is an angry dragon, he hates everything about the Hellhole with a passion that fuels his determination to one day escape the place and return to the wild, it's his dream to be free again and he encourages this belief in other dragons trying to keep their spirits up and give them the will to fight also; however he absolutely despises to see dragons give in and be tamed, taking it as a personal betrayal and failure to protect them from the corruption of humans.

Ragnok is a dragon with a strong sense of attachment and loyalty to the rest of dragon kind; he believes in all dragons equally, that are all important and capable regardless of species, size, or power and doesn't tolerate segregation of any sorts in his presence, especially when he thinks that they should be fighting the humans together and trying to keep each other from giving in. Due to his behavior Ragnoks made many enemies throughout Hellhole that disagree with his views or think him naive for trying to ignore what could be considered the natural order, but even so there are some dragons that also support these beliefs, are willing to humor him, or simply enjoy the change of atmosphere around him.


Thanks to the perseverance and cunning of his parents, who were able to escape captivity and find a way to return to their ancestral territories in the eastern mountain valleys Ragnok was one of the three bloodstrike dragons to have ever born in the wild free from human influence. However despite their intelligence Ragnok’s parents had no experience with living as true dragons or rearing young and so they struggled, often by trial and error for the first thirty years or so to keep them all alive, in the end losing one hatchling in the process.

One day in their early thirties the remaining two hatchlings, Ragnok and his sister Frysta became restless and bored with their usual antics so they snuck off when their parents were hunting to go explore some caves and tunnels at the other end of the valley. During their exploration they became lost underground for several hours until they finally found an opening to the surface; the passed time meant it was dark out and they couldn’t tell what valley they had entered, unfortunately while out in the open they attracted the attention of a nocturnal wyvern looking for prey which promptly attempted to ambush them from above, but the wyvern wasn’t the only hunter in the area and before it could strike a massive third dragon intervened and prevented it from causing any harm. This third dragon Noculus, was part of a dragon colony hidden literally within the mountain range and had been patrolling for any sign of slavers in the area; he returned Ragnok and Fyrsta to their parents but offered the bloodstrike family the chance to join them, they accepted.

785 years later the colony was discovered by a scouting party; they were attacked soon after and out of the 313 dragons that occupied the valleys and underground caverns 25 escaped, 83 were captured and 205 dragons were killed or left for dead.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.6eaaf7d9e3cce68fbb819a35f0359063.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.6eaaf7d9e3cce68fbb819a35f0359063.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His eyes are bi-color with the right a dark evergreen ringed with amber and the left a golden orange.

Height: 2 meters at the shoulders, 2.3 at the hips, roughly 6 meters tall in total with neck fully extended upwards.

Length: 15 meters including tail, 6.3 meters without.

Weight: 1 ton



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MidnightStar89 said:
@Abyss Accepted! Cool characters, finish the second one when you have time~ ^^
Thank you! I'm finished now ,owo, tag me when it starts.
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Character Sheet

Name: Acalia

Gender: Female


*Specie: Facilis est Draco. This species' name literally means Playful Dragon. A race bred for patience and friendliness, they are both small and light dragons. Facilis est Draco has large feathered bodies with colours ranging from white to an array of rainbows. Although Facilis est Draco are the least temperamental of dragons, they have a harsh bite, and jaws that can lock, like the common bulldog. Facilis est Draco have retractable claws and are very agile, on both land and in air. They make great trackers with extremely sensitive noses.

Power: Tracking, agility, and can generate high velocity winds.

Personality: Acalia herself is the run-of-the-mill Facilis est Draco. Having a playful demeanor and patience of a saint, she is a best friend to all. But, when in danger, Acalia can and will defend herself and others. She forms strong bonds easily and enjoys the company of others. Acalia is very naive and curious.

Background: Acalia was bred in captivity like many of her species. Many think that she would not survive in the wild due to the very kind demeanor they share. Acalia was separated from her family soon after birth and has grown accustomed to not having much freedom. Acalia does not resent humanity, because she was taught that way.

Appearance:Dragons rule

Height & Weight:
1.5 meters at the shoulder, 1.5 at the hips, around 5 meters without the tail, around 11 with it. Her neck is relatively short, maybe 1 meter? Around 1500 pounds.

(I hope your still accepting..)
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Name: Vitreus

Gender: Male

*Age: 638

*Species: Crystal

Power: Vitreus is a dragon born of the earth, and stays close to it. being from a race of drake born without wings. he has no way of leaving the ground. that, along with his heavy scales and rocky exterior, he is one of the heaviest dragons around. with strong legs and a durable hide, he is the tank of the dragons.

along with incredible strength and durability, he has an uncommon way of combat. while most dragons breath fire, he fires light. the crystalline innards of his form magnify the light given off by the fire inside, and turns it into a beam of raw energy. this burns, and disintegrates most humans caught in the blast. however, lasting effects are minimal. aside from the burns left behind, there is no lasting fire, and its very accurate. even missing by a hair can leave the victim unharmed, as no heat is given off until it makes contact.

Vitreus is also one that refuses meat. instead, he gains his nutrients straight from the earth, eating rocks and minerals for sustenance. any gems or special stones eaten are simply integrated into his form,through either spines or armor.

he also is subterranean by nature, and can tunnel beneath the surface at high speeds. while he may not be able to fly, he can keep up. especially when hungry...

Personality: stubborn, aggressive, and defiant, Vitreus is a loner by nature. born and living in solitude, he doesn't care for interaction. well, that what it seems. In truth, he isn't used to personal interaction. he has always fended for himself, and most dragons he's met simply wanted his territory. This makes him very defensive about things he finds precious. Vitreus will not back down. and he wont give up. this is a beast that no one should challenge

Background: Vitreus comes from the human mines. he has always lived there, since he was a hatchling. unfortunately the humans had managed to stumble into his cave system through a new shaft. the authorities were called shortly after.Vitreus is a recently captured dragon, and his captors hope to train him for labor, such as construction and shipping.



Height & Weight:

Height: 7m

Length: 13m

weight: 1,072,000 lbs (536 tons) ((This is a realistic measurement, taking into account the size))
Character Sheet

Name: Zora

Gender: Female

*Age: 493

*Species: Razor Gem

Power: Zora has the ability to touch the minds of others, not control them or read their mind but she can read their emotion and put a glamour over them. As Sh is a razor gem she has the ability to camouflage into her surroundings and can also shoot her spikes at people.

Personality: Zora is a shy, mysterious dragon. On her good side, she can be bubbly and playful and really supportive. Her bad side, she can be cruel, sharp and will do whatever it takes to bring you down.

Background: Zora was born in a cave with no one but her mother to look after her, after a mysterious illness took over her mother she passed away. She has learned to fend for herself and was caught while drinking at a stream.

Appearance: see file attached.

Height & Weight:
2m tall and 3m long tail. Weighs 97kg.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.49ac1279f5bca90073cbdbfdf8dd746e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.49ac1279f5bca90073cbdbfdf8dd746e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Musicomar4 said:
Character Sheet
Name: Zora

Gender: Female

*Age: 493

*Species: Razor Gem

Power: Zora has the ability to touch the minds of others, not control them or read their mind but she can read their emotion and put a glamour over them. As Sh is a razor gem she has the ability to camouflage into her surroundings and can also shoot her spikes at people.

Personality: Zora is a shy, mysterious dragon. On her good side, she can be bubbly and playful and really supportive. Her bad side, she can be cruel, sharp and will do whatever it takes to bring you down.

Background: Zora was born in a cave with no one but her mother to look after her, after a mysterious illness took over her mother she passed away. She has learned to fend for herself and was caught while drinking at a stream.

Appearance: see file attached.

Height & Weight:
2m tall and 3m long tail. Weighs 97kg.

Mistory1997 said:
Name: Vitreus
Gender: Male

*Age: 638

*Species: Crystal

Power: Vitreus is a dragon born of the earth, and stays close to it. being from a race of drake born without wings. he has no way of leaving the ground. that, along with his heavy scales and rocky exterior, he is one of the heaviest dragons around. with strong legs and a durable hide, he is the tank of the dragons.

along with incredible strength and durability, he has an uncommon way of combat. while most dragons breath fire, he fires light. the crystalline innards of his form magnify the light given off by the fire inside, and turns it into a beam of raw energy. this burns, and disintegrates most humans caught in the blast. however, lasting effects are minimal. aside from the burns left behind, there is no lasting fire, and its very accurate. even missing by a hair can leave the victim unharmed, as no heat is given off until it makes contact.

Vitreus is also one that refuses meat. instead, he gains his nutrients straight from the earth, eating rocks and minerals for sustenance. any gems or special stones eaten are simply integrated into his form,through either spines or armor.

he also is subterranean by nature, and can tunnel beneath the surface at high speeds. while he may not be able to fly, he can keep up. especially when hungry...

Personality: stubborn, aggressive, and defiant, Vitreus is a loner by nature. born and living in solitude, he doesn't care for interaction. well, that what it seems. In truth, he isn't used to personal interaction. he has always fended for himself, and most dragons he's met simply wanted his territory. This makes him very defensive about things he finds precious. Vitreus will not back down. and he wont give up. this is a beast that no one should challenge

Background: Vitreus comes from the human mines. he has always lived there, since he was a hatchling. unfortunately the humans had managed to stumble into his cave system through a new shaft. the authorities were called shortly after.Vitreus is a recently captured dragon, and his captors hope to train him for labor, such as construction and shipping.



Height & Weight:

Height: 7m

Length: 13m

weight: 1,072,000 lbs (536 tons) ((This is a realistic measurement, taking into account the size))
Accepted too! (He'd literally going to crush the others :'D)

Nudge said:
Character Sheet
Name: Acalia

Gender: Female


*Specie: Facilis est Draco. This species' name literally means Playful Dragon. A race bred for patience and friendliness, they are both small and light dragons. Facilis est Draco has large feathered bodies with colours ranging from white to an array of rainbows. Although Facilis est Draco are the least temperamental of dragons, they have a harsh bite, and jaws that can lock, like the common bulldog. Facilis est Draco have retractable claws and are very agile, on both land and in air. They make great trackers with extremely sensitive noses.

Power: Tracking, agility, and can generate high velocity winds.

Personality: Acalia herself is the run-of-the-mill Facilis est Draco. Having a playful demeanor and patience of a saint, she is a best friend to all. But, when in danger, Acalia can and will defend herself and others. She forms strong bonds easily and enjoys the company of others. Acalia is very naive and curious.

Background: Acalia was bred in captivity like many of her species. Many think that she would not survive in the wild due to the very kind demeanor they share. Acalia was separated from her family soon after birth and has grown accustomed to not having much freedom. Acalia does not resent humanity, because she was taught that way.

Appearance:Dragons rule

Height & Weight:
1.5 meters at the shoulder, 1.5 at the hips, around 5 meters without the tail, around 11 with it. Her neck is relatively short, maybe 1 meter? Around 1500 pounds.

(I hope your still accepting..)
Awesome, accepted! ^^

Now come to roleplay! :3



"Even when I'm gone, I'll always be here."

I'll never




300 Years Old



Earthbound Arrowhead [Western]

Species Overview Earthbound Arrowheads are a common breed of Earth dragons whose habitat ranges from the cold tundra of the north to the burning deserts of the south. Their names are derived from their slender heads as the spikes protruding from the back of it make them resemble that of a darkened arrowhead. For the most part, the species tends to live in large dens depending on location. Northern Earthbound Arrowheads live within caves deep within the frozen mountain, making them one of the rarer ones of their species. Southern Earthbound Arrowheads, create burrows underneath harden rocks to keep cool as well as for "Ant Pit" type hunting. Western Earthbounds live within dens found on grassy plains and or large tree trunks. Most of their kind live within small to large clans although this varies between each race.
Species Overview

As young hatchlings, they have very tiny wings that are normally clipped off before they develop harden scales. Humans often times use them to herd cattle or sheep seeing as they make for better shepherds then their canine counter parts. The species is known for their slow growth but a fully developed adult Arrowhead can stand at a whopping thirteen meters in length. However, they are killed before they reach their full potential. Supposedly their meat sells for a good price in farmer markets and is said to be a delicacy, especially those of the Northern Earthbound Arrowhead.

One special trait of the Western Arrowhead is their ability to breathe out a sweet scent that has the capability of soothing wild animals. Humans, on the other hand, seems to find the smell intoxicating and end up in a drunken like state. One of the many reasons as to why Western Arrowhead are in such high demand by those of higher standing. Due to their longevity, they are able to be passed down through generation until their butchering time, and then can be sold off for a hefty sum.
Leave you
Personality: Ambrosia has always been a bit on the clumsy side when it comes to taking care of herself. She also tends to forget things she needs to do or the chores she sets out for herself. She is much more better taking care of other animals than she is at caring for her own self. She has a deep understanding of the world and can make cold analytical decisions without involving her feelings. She can make the hardest of choices in a matter of seconds if she takes in account the logical idea behind it all. A realist at heart, she doesn't shoot for dreams she know is folly and idiotic as she considers it a waste of time. For the most part she keeps to dreams that she knows are within her boundaries. Can be sarcastic at times when she hear something incredible stupid, and can really ... really means what she says. Not quick to anger, but has a enough sense to know when to get pissed she is normally calm and collected. Kasca does have an overly annoying side when she makes an awkward and untimely puns about every and anything. Overall a realistic goofy dragon who capable of caring for others more than herself. Her puns are horrible. She also harbors a strong dislike of humans.

Biography: What makes one a dragon? Is it the many scales on their hide? The sharpened fangs that decorate their maws? Maybe the breathing fire or acid tidbit that seems to have humans awing in astonishment. Ambrosia had the scales. The decently sharpened fangs that hung within her mouth. The fire was something her kind didn't do, but they, nonetheless, spewed something from their mouth. However, even when she fit three-fourths of the bill, she wasn't a dragon. No. She was a sheep.

Ambrosia, unlike most of her kin, was born outside of captivity making her what many would call "feral". Feral was a term used to call domesticated animals who were born outside of captivity or ran away from their human caretakers. She had been born into a wild group of Western Earthbound Arrowheads, who had made their home in a large den west of the Great Plains. She was still an egg when Mother Nature took her away. It was she who took away a mighty dragon and turned her into a sheep. It was during a rather bad wind storm, her parents with the rest of the clan, attempted to make a blockade in front of their den in order to keep the winds out. While their efforts kept most safe, the one they wanted to keep inside the most rolled away. She tumbled like a weed in front of Nature's breath until it stopped the next morning, the egg landing between the legs of a feral cottonball, a sheep.

Since sheep were herbivores, there was no need to worry about getting eaten, only kicked. And boy could a sheep kick. When she broke through her shell, she caught sigh of a rather large female sheep standing above her in the midst her grazing along with her herd. Naturally disposed to imprint on first sight, she had taken to the sheep as her mother. Oddly enough, the beast took her as her own, and that's how a strange sheep mother and dragon child pair was born. As a mother should, she taught Ambrosia all she needed to know about living. They cleaned their fur or scales together, ate grass together, and milked together (her mother did all of the milking). It wasn't until she came upon her 20th year that she realized that she wasn't like everyone else.

Mother grew old and senile while Ambrosia retained the youth she had since she was little. The only thing that differed about her appearance was that she had a small pair of minuscule wings on her back. Not large enough to fly, but even though they had yet to gain their proper function they were still wings in name. She noticed her differences further when she went for a drink with the herd at a nearby river. They were different. Different entirely. She was covered in scales from head to claw, her mouth extended further then their's which proved rather difficult whilst eating grass, she wasn't white but a burned ebony. It was apparent even in her young mind that she wasn't a sheep. But what was she then? She had seen lizards and none had ever compared to her size, but they were the closest thing to her in their physical aspects.

She had the mind to ask her mother, but by the time she had formulated the question she had already left them. It seemed that she had died within her sleep the night prior, leaving the young hatchling to her own devices. No longer concerned about her species, she was more worried as to what to do now she was all alone. Well, without her mother. She lived within a herd, but none of them could ever compare to her mother warm wool or that sheepish 'Ba' of hers. The only thing she had ever been sure about, was now dead. Saddened and depress by her sudden loss, she reveled in her mild depression until one day she couldn't cry anymore.

The herd moved on and so did she, unaware of the monsters she would soon come to face known as humans. They traveled slowly across the field until a loud boom caused them to scramble forward. Nets were thrown at them from all directions, catching nearly all of her herd, including herself. When they found her, they were astonished to see a dragon in the mix with the sheep they captured. Delighted to have a dragon on their side, they decided to keep her. However, before they allowed her to roam free they had to clip her wings. Painful. The cutting of flesh was excruciating as they tied her down onto a steel pillar. Her wings had already hardened in her thirty years of living, so unlike other hatchlings who could barely feel the knife against their backs, she felt it all. The bone broke as they sawed through thick scales. Two in a half hours later they were finished, a seared Ambrosia, vomiting as she watched her wings get thrown down into the fire. They were gone.

From that day forward she was trained to herd sheep, but refused to do so on the account that she was a sheep herself. Irritated by her mimicry of the animal, they forced her into learning the ways of a dragon by placing her in a cage with another of her kind. Since then she refuses to speak about her experience under them and that horrid thing they called her kin. Ambrosia during her two hundred ninetieth year, she finally managed to escape from that family of hunters/farmers after killing them due to excessive exposure to her breath. That son of a bitch that she refused to call kin, attempted to stop her, but even he wasn't able to outrun or outsmart the little Arrowhead. From that point on, she lived in the wilderness alone. No sheep came across the area she lived, but humans did. So very often. It was her fault for not picking a better place to inhabit. But she'd soon learn that stupidity does not breed second chances as she was taken and thrown into a isolated taming center dubbed "Hellhole". Dastardly name given to it by dastardly creature she supposed.


Powers Aromatic Fumes: Most of her kind has the capabilities of releasing a lovely fume from their mouth. This is their equivalent to other dragon's fire and acid breath. This causes animal to calm down and relax making them easier to manipulate and approach while making humans who smell this drunk and intoxicated. Too much can kill a person due to alcohol poisoning or something similar to it.

Enhanced Physical Qualities: Being a dragon this is to be expected. When compared to a human her physical capabilities is far stronger then their own. However dragons are a different story. She is weaker then many of her brethren, and her lack of wings doesn't make her any more of a threat. However, she has developed strong leg muscle and due to her size she is capable of maneuvering easily on the ground and on rocky terrain.

Heightened Smell: No dragon's nose can ever compare to that of a Western Arrowhead, not even their own kin. Being without many things that make dragons capable of surviving on their own, they have grown their sense of smell. This part of their anatomy is capable of smelling scents miles away through earth, water, and fire. If it has a smell it can be found. This is used for both tracking and defensive purposes as the acid in another dragons body give off a foul scent. Although this also means that too many scents can prove harmful to their noses.
Physical Attributes Height: 1 meter from front claw to tip of the head. 2 meters while standing on her hind legs.

Length: From tip of her snout to her tail she is around 3.5 meters long.

Weight: Due to her mixed diet she weighs quite little coming in at 336 Lbs
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-=Character Sheet=-

Name: Morfis

Gender: Female

Age: 979 years

Specie: Midnight Ice/Crystal Dragon

Midnight ice dragons are one of the rarest dragons spices known at this time, only 5 left in the world, wanted for they highly low numbers and extreme beauty. Known only for there swift, and agile movements, high alert, and strong hard crystal scales worth more then a lot, and her ability to grow crystal and then having them shatter to prices.

Power: Her powers are not as simple as other dragons, her highly enhanced sight, smell and flight are twice as strong as other dragons. Her ability to control moon light, change the tides at times, turning water to ice, and any rock into crystals.

Zora keeps to her self most the time, as she hates being used as a prize. But at most times she will talk to the others, having a rather sweet side to her cold and broken heart. Even if the need is to come for her to stick up for another dragon she will.


Hight - 14

Lenght - 7

Weight - 2 tons​

((Will get the rest done later...))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c87d77f66_unluckyscavenger.jpg.e2b044f720e145c6375fc8d073f718ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c87d77f66_unluckyscavenger.jpg.e2b044f720e145c6375fc8d073f718ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Maldur

Gender: Male

*Age: 900

*Species: "Unlucky Scavenger"

The humans have taken to calling this particular species the "small curse"- seeing one is known as an ill omen. As a whole, the scavengers are some of the smallest truly wild dragons left in the world- about the size of a fully grown man. Where many dragons rely on their hardened scales, their mighty voice, or their dreadful claws, the scavengers are fragile, quiet, and skittish. Men had the strength to capture and kill these dragons before magic weapons were around- they just knew that it was a bad idea. The scavenger has evolved to be excellent at avoiding others and being avoided. While not the best at flying, running, climbing, or swimming, they can do all four very well and will rapidly switch between all of the different types of movement to evade predators or prey. They will eat almost anything, alive or dead, as long as they think they can eat it safely. Often times they will eat what remained of another dragons meal when the leftover scraps are forgotten, but if they choose to hunt they will follow their prey patiently until the right moment. Solitary creatures by nature, it is rare for any individual being to see more than one in a lifetime- if one is seen at all. The scavenger is able to manipulate the pigment in its skin to mimic it's surroundings- not perfect invisibility but very helpful for avoiding notice. If spotted and threatened it can rapidly change color to a bright purple in an effort to startle or intimidate predators. These dragons cannot breathe fire, instead they can breathe a curse of varying intensity depending on the dragon's emotions. The curse can range anywhere from causing blows to miss and clumsy pursuit to accidental death. very old scavengers can- if harmed enough- emit a curse that lasts eons, slowly bringing a civilization to ruin. When a scavenger is killed, the killer and every descendant of the killer are cursed to live a painful life and suffer in death. They primarily live in dark environments such as forests or swamps or inside a mountain. Bright light irritates them so they are nocturnal.


pigment alteration: An unlucky scavenger dragon can change its skin's color much in the way that a cuttlefish can. To allow this, unlucky scavengers do not have the hard scales that other dragons do, instead having a soft leathery skin.

Cursed Breath: When experiencing strong emotions, an unlucky scavenger can breathe out a curse to inhibit or eventually kill whatever is hit with the curse, depending on the strength of the emotion. Upon death of the unlucky scavenger the killer and all descendants are subjected to a painful life and death.

Maldur is very shy, keeping to the outskirts of the hellhole and doing his best to avoid the other dragons- stealing food where he can and staying in the shadows. He tries his best to remain unnoticed and notice everything, to find a way out where others may have failed. If he trusts you, you'll find that he has sarcasm, puns, and a quick wit.

Background: Maldur learned how to keep himself hidden and how to escape in the dangerous swamp lands. When caught they thought he was a young black dragon. Now he's being dragged into the hellhole- and he has no idea what they're planning.

Height & Weight: nearly 2 meters long and 1 meter tall. Wingspan of 2 meters when fully open

Dragons Rule!



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