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Fantasy The Few Wild Dragons

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The Priceless Nothing, also called Inaesti Mabilis (One word: Priceless)

These dragons are winged serpents of grace that have legs attached to their slender bodies. They comes in hundreds of hues, though they all have a striped design on them and a sleek body. They wind and weave, able to make intricate patterns with their bodies. They often communicate using their incredibly versatile body patterns. Their beauty is a renowned thing, the species themselves being a rarity.

They are highly sought after by those of higher standing, as they show wealth, power, and (you guessed it) beauty, grace, ect. However. This species is known for that of its beauty, yes. But for nothing else. They are most often used as pets or watchers of other dragons because of how loyal they can become. Their tail is proficient as a whip, often used by them as such.

Recently, its become known that a small number of these dragons are able to support riders upon their backs. Not many have done it, but its beginning to happen. These dragons also have some skilled voice mimicry, even able to emulate human speech. Pricelesses have been known to speak to humans, but it is slightly uncommon. As stated before, these dragons are rare. Why? Well, because they had no way to truly defend themselves. Humans are what really saved them.


She doesn't.... Have any powers. The only note-worthy traits being her wings, her downright beautiful design, whip-like tail and her ability to emulate sounds.


She enjoys taking in the small oddities and wonders of the world, being thankful for all that she is around. Her face almost never falls as she's off in her own dream-land. She could tell you about these small details one would never look into, but make it somehow intriguing.

However, when faced with a huge, overburdening task, her smile falters. Null herself falters on what to do. Reality hits her like a boulder, smashing her out of her wonderland. The whole idea causes her to become anxious and it physiologically burdens her. She can get over it herself, but she will often need to be reminded of the small things to ease her mind of the very large burden in front of her. She tries to avoid large burdens like the plague, as its even seen in most of her behavior. Such as, her preferring her small body movements to just outright shouting what she feels (i.e. Her saying "Dragons Rule" or something absurd like that. ;3).

She can get animated about certain subjects that she feels sore over, and often times refuse to talk to someone she is frustrated with. In actuality, she just gets so caught up that she again wanders the plains of her dreamland. With one small poke to get her out of it, she may have forgotten the whole thing


She originated in captivity. Though, before her hatching, her parents had escaped for a total of 3 months. That was the only time she had before they were taken again. So, in short, she had only had the taste of freedom once in her life, with only droplets left to bitterly remain in her mouth. How would a fierce dragon react to such a thing growing up? Well, not in the way one might expect. She just shrugged and moved on.

Though, she still has memories of seeing the slightest petal of a delicate flower move in the wind. Seeing the trees dance. Watching it all in her entranced state, seeing the clouds go by... She wants to go see it again, but not enough to make her need to leave. In recent years, her parents suddenly disappeared. This caused her owner's family to frantically find someway to train her into a dragon of her kind. One that could be as amazing and graceful as the best of them.

It was hard without her parents, so they turned to the Training Facility. They requested she be taught to learn English, how to behave, watch other dragons, possibly carry a rider and be as regal as possible. They accepted, taking her in only just recently. She has indeed been taught that humans are alright, so she has no contempt.

Height & Weight:

Length/Height: 6 meters long / 2 meter tall (With legs)

Weight: 617 kg



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"Is there no middle ground for us? "

This is a story older then time itself.




2798 Years Old




Silver-furred Bahamut

Species Overview Silver-furred Bahamuts are an incredibly rare type of dragon that live deep within the frozen tundras of the North. They are defined by the white fur that tends to grow all over their body as well as their serpentine structure. Despite their serpent like appearance, due to their size and capabilities they are to be classified as dragons, not snakes. These dragons are very territorial, preferring to spend their time alone instead of in clans like many dragons of today's era. They do not take kindly to trespassers and although not aggressive they will attack when threatened. Due to their isolated location, not many know of their true appearance with very few depicting them as overgrown snakes and others furred dragons.
Species Overview

This species does not have wings, but are capable of short distance flight by propelling themselves upwards through the use of high pressurized air they create by absorbing air around them and then forcing them out through multiple holes hidden along the sides of their body. However, due to their incredibly ability to shapeshift, they rarely use it since they find it an easier task to change into something with the capabilities of flight.

These dragon are one of the few dragons who have indeterminate growth, meaning that as long as they live they will continuously grow until death. Due to this dragons long lifespans and their rarity, they are capable of growing to extraordinary lengths and heights. Not many know of the species, but many clothing manufacturers only dream of capturing this beast as it is said that their furs are softer then the finest silks and fabric. The sheer mention of this beast name to a tailor brings them to their knees.

We've heard it for thousands of generations yet here we all are.
Personality: Gentle and wise, Cephalus is very fatherly towards the younger generation dragon. Not one for unnecessary violence, you may consider him a pacifist, but he understands there is a need for fighting at times and is not completely against it. Some may think of him as cold or uncaring when he decides to watch instead of helping when others are being reprimanded. He think one learns best from having experienced it rather than being told, so if one most kill each other than so be it. Calm and sometimes cruel he might entertain himself by playing a little joke on someone, not all the time, but with old age comes a prolonged boredom that is quite hard to get rid of. Lastly he is quite secretive about himself, telling no one his past nor telling them anything of worthwhile information. His sense of humor is frightening. Finding death and harm to be quite funny he tends to come up with jokes that depict mutilation, strangulation, intoxication, and any other gory thing there is to life. He Has no filter when it comes to joke telling, and acts confused when he sees frightened faces wondering why no one is laughing. (His threats may be included with his jokes, one never knows.)

Biography: Humans. A race of barbaric creatures incapable of understanding anything around them other then their selfish greed. In the name of 'evolution' they proclaim themselves as the greatest species known to man, but in fact they are childish sacks of destructive flesh blinded by their own avarice. They murder in the name of their God, they destroy the homes of millions of creatures rationalizing it as progress, they even kill their own in bloody wars for their own personal gain. In short, they're a race of idiots. That has always been Cephalus' thoughts on them, it was what he had come to learn over the many years he spent in this frozen realm of his. He's seen them all. All the bloodshed, the senseless violence, the corpses that lay in wake to their destruction. Idiots, all of them. He had told himself this but . . . had he really believed it?

Cephalus was born in the frozen mountains deep within the north. When he awoke, there was no one but himself along with the layers of snow that fell before him. Silver-furred Bahumuts were not like mammals or most dragons who raised their young until they reached a suitable age to leave their care. Instead they'd simply give birth to them, wait for their eggs to hatch, and simply leave the nest as well as their child. Alone on the mountain, he learn to fend for himself as well along with controlling his abilities over ice and shapeshifting. Much isn't known about him when he was a hatchling. However, it is said that he had faced many challenges in his adolescents making him one of the most feared among the Bahaumuts in the northern region. Like many of his kind, his main goal was to eat, sleep, and grow until death. Survival was something important thing that all life strives for, and that had always been dependent on the individual. Who would have thought that he would soon need to rely on one of those incorrigible humans he had grown to hate over the centuries.

Sleeping within his den, he was unaware of the impending danger that lied in wait. It was sudden, the loud sounds of metal clanking as sharp projectiles rained down upon him. He awoke to the noise, but was unable to avoid most of the daggers that targeted him. He was dazed and confused as to what was going on. Slits staring at the mountain above, he saw them. Men in the hollowed flesh of bears, running down towards him. Humans. He hissed as they approached him, but his body began falling limp. It seems what he had been hit with was not simply metal spines, but some sort of medicine that was causing him to go numb. As they ran, he knew he would not be able to thwart them with his body failing him like this. Angered, he decided the best thing to do at this moment had been to run. He shifted into a Northern Eagle, sloppily flying over his attacker, another thorn shot into his side. He could feel his eyes closing, but with the hunters behind him, he fought against the drug and flew off into the snow covered distance.

When he awoke once again, he found himself in the presence of a human female. She carried with her the sent of sunflowers accompanied with a barking dog that carried a scent he rather not describe. The woman had wiped him down with a small cloth, small hands tugging at the metal stuck within his fur. Unsure of her plans, Cephalus hissed, the woman jumping in surprise. She stumbled back a bit eyes shaking at the sight of the large injured dragon. Holding her hand, she took a deep breath and continued plucking metal from his scales. What's with this human? She was tending to a beast two-hundred times her size, but she still went out of her way to heal him. Unable to move, he silently watched as she threw metal into a basket, the annoying dog attempting to climb his back as she worked. He knew it. Humans were all idiots.

This continued for a few days, the girl bringing him large pieces of raw cow hide as she worked on his body. At first, Cephalus had been wary of her intentions. Had someone found him and ordered this child to make him look presentable? He didn't know, but as soon as he got his strength back he was not sticking around to find out. As days turned into weeks, he regained back some of his strength the woman seemingly pleased by his new found energy. As this meeting between the two continued, he realized that the two had never spoken a word to each other throughout this whole endeavor.

"Why do you help me so?"

He asked on one particular day, the woman making her way to his sharpened tail. She didn't answer. As he repeated his question to her, she still gave him no answer. Annoyed by her silence he swished his tail, knocking the woman over. He snickered at her fall, the woman finding joy in that as well. What the hell was wrong with her? He soon found out that she wasn't answering him because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. Apparently she had lost her voice at a very young age. She attempted to write to him, but due to his lack of reading skills he was unable to understand it. So the two communicated through speech as well as body language. As they spoke, she taught him human language as to make it easier to speak with one another. This is how they spent most of their days together until the time had finally arrived when he had fully recovered.

She had found him wiggling his body as he slithered thorough the trunks of the forest. Somewhat happy for him, she had shown him an expression he had not known her to have. Was she sad? Surprisingly worried about her, he slithered to her and gently patted her on the head with the fur decorating his hood. Soon, he felt a slight wetness on his fur as she began crying to his disbelief. What should he do? He was too big to comfort her. Confused, he did the only thing he could do in this situation. He shifted into the shape of a man and hugged her. Shocked at his transformation, she didn't question him and simply hugged the naked dragon/human before her. Now normally, one would leave after regaining his strength back. And that had been the initial plan all along, but for some reason he had found himself compelled to stay with the woman named Sicily. A few more days wouldn't hurt, so he decided to spend some more time here. Those few more days turned into years, and eventually Sicily's entire life.

Cephalus had planned to stay there in order to repay his gratitude, however, it turned into something more. He always thought that humans were idiots, and they still were. But Sicily had been different. She didn't ask him for anything, she didn't want anything, she simply lived. Maybe she had been an idiot, since fear obviously did not exist within her. But she was his idiot. Whenever he was with her he felt something warm in the cold body of his. Something he had never expected to feel in his entire life. He loved her. He loved her so much that it hurt. But he couldn't love her, because they were different. So as they lived together as humans, she eventually found love for him, but knowing what he was he simply couldn't allow it. Sicily cried that day, but understood his reasoning behind it all. He didn't want to ruin her. Didn't want to corrupt her anymore then he had already did. Sicily understood this and they lived together. She never married, and he never aged. They spent to her entire life together until she had eventually passed away due to disease. It was from that point on he understood how short humans lives were.

He never loved anyone after that. He simply watched as time passed along with the frozen corpse of his love, Sicily. As time flew, he became careless which eventually led to his capture to the facility known as "Hellhole" by most.

Back in the beginning where it all started.

Powers Shapeshifting: The ability to shapeshift is a powerful thing indeed. As the name states, Cephalus is capable of shapeshifting into any living animal, including humans. However, he does not gain any special abilities given to that certain species, only the physical aspect of them. Due to his imprisonment in Hellhole, they have long since sealed his ability to half of it's potential. He is no longer capable of shifting into anything shorter than 1 meter.

Ice Control: Living in the frozen tundra, he has the ability to control ice. He can use his fangs to inject ice into the body which freezes the target from the inside out. His tail is also capable of injecting ice as well but for the most part he uses it as a tool to chip away at it. Cephalus does have the ability to freeze thing with his breath or make a solid object of ice.

Speech: Celaphus has the ability to speak both dragonic and human language verbally. Unlike most dragons, he has developed a more complex system of lungs which allow him to create words which allows him to speak. He is also capable of writing with the sharpened tail of his, but he never does and refuses to speak to any human other then his beloved.

Physical Attributes Height: 10 meters tall from stomach to secondary pair of horns.

Length: From tip of his horns to his tail he is 15 meters long.

Weight: Cephalus weighs a whopping 900 tons.

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