The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]


I listened intently to the groups conversation. Studying each person I got the feel of their personality. Each person was different yet similar because they are all one family. When I first arrived the idea of being with others was shocking much less being in a family. I came to quickly realize that this group truly did run like one big, happy family. Being from my past the first week I hid from everyone even to the point of almost starving. Someone noticed my absence at meals and began leaving plates piled with food at my door. I ate what I could since my stomach was use to smaller meals because of starving for years. I was grateful to the unknown person.

Snapping out of my thoughts I heard the comment about trying not to be eaten by a dog. I stiffened at the comment immediately before pulling off my jacket and shoes. I tossed them to the side neatly then closed my eyes. My skin began to melt away, replaced by thick, smooth black fur. My face elongated into a muzzle, my bones snapped and reconfigured into the shape of a large dog. After a few moments the paws of a large German Shepard hit the floor.

Just for the fun of it I bared my teeth towards Florence and said in a gruff voice "Try not to get eaten by a dog."
Vineres immediantly waiting until the ground was well out of sight from Mum and pa, before grabbing Koa stiffly by the neck and pulling him to the ground. She did not want to harm him, only make her point clear.

"I understand you have fun in scaring people. But if you are to accompany this family, you are not to ever bare your teeth at my sisters. Lest I bare my fangs at you." She hissed, her seldom ever used fangs showing from the corner of her mouth.

Standing up again, Village regained her composure and led them from the small village of people and onto the main road. Pulling a collar and leash from her bag, she knelt again.

"I'm very sorry. I honestly do not believe in these things, but humans find them necessary." She explained in a guilty tone. Smoothing the hair on Koa's head, she smiled to him. Mostly in apology for her harshness a couple moments prior. Vineres always hated being rude.

Looking back to the others, the blue haired girl smiled.

"Where would you all like to go first?" She asked, standing beside koa.

I didn't even see the girl walk near me much less move to put her hands on me. Because of this I was easily flipped by the vampire and pinned to the ground. My joking tone quickly turned into a snarl of hate and fear. I snapped my jaws shut ready to open them for an attack when I heard the girl speak. It took all of my will not to struggle and attack the vampire but I knew that if I attacked her then I would most likely be viewed as unstable and unfit to live here. Then I would be kicked out and on my own again.

I snarled once again when I felt the girl loosen her hold and stand. Once I was free I quickly sprung to my feet, or paw if you will, and turned to glare at the vampire girl. When she pulled a leash from her purse to clip to my collar, already placed around my neck, I bristled up. I didn't want the girl near me but decided to allow her to place the leash anyways. I calmed slightly when her hand stroked over my fur but remained glaring at the girl who had bested me. I could see the apologetic look she gave me but ignored it determined to keep her away from me as much as I could. This wasn't because I was mad or hurt but because I needed to be careful around her. She obviously didn't think of my temper, past, or strength so I had to be cautious. If she did that again I might not think before reacting and end up hurting her and ultimately my chance at a family. i wouldn't let that happen.
Florence clapped as Koa transformed into a dog and kneeled down to pet him.

Some people might of found doing so slightly awkward given he was actually a person, but given her affinity for physical affection it didnt really make much difference to her what form he took.

As they left the tent she walked along with the group happily with a skip in her step, climbing up the wooden railed fence that kept the sheep away, walking along balanced on top of it with her arms out, imitating one of the tightrope walkers she'd seen.

As she passed one of the sheep that was close to the fence she breifly considered attempting to jump onto it's back, but decided that probably wasnt kosher behaviour, particularly considering she'd just said she'd be on her be on her best behavour.

When Vineres pulled Koa off to one side she felt slightly guilty, but while she wasnt personally intimidated by the display of teeth she could see how some people might be, so she refrained from comment.

As they came towards the end of the open area they were nestled in and to the start of the village proper she hopped off of the fence, her body rippling slightly as she landed.

"When I was hanging up posters before the village started waking up I think the shops were over that way, but I dont really mind what we do first."

She knelt down and smiled sympathetically as Koa was leashed, patting his head.

Looking around she her eyes lit up and she pointed excietedly "Look Mally, there's one of the straw roof houses."
Malane was, like probably most of the company, not paticularly frightened by Koa's sudden change and his somewhat agressive behavior. It was because every animal was a child of mother nature. And aside, most people had already taken note of Koa's dangerous nature. However, Malane wasn't sure how to react to the threatening Vi, who apparently did not take kind to Koa's behavior. Malane covered her mouth as Vi seemed to show dominance over Koa. It was strange to see Vinny act like this, but that may just have been because Malane had gotten used to her more kind side.

As the group departed, Malane's joy got the best of her and as they started walking, she happily skipped and danced her way down the path. Most of the people were probably used to this as this was something she'd do often. Along the way to the village, she looked around at the nature. The grass that grew here and gave the air such a nice fresh scent. The flowers that lay imbedded everywhere. The insects that were flying and hopping about the grass. The sheep that stood in the fields like clouds on the grass. The birds that flew above them, pointing them to the village. She could feel how the nature was in their favor. A good day to stroll around.

When they finally reached the place, Malane stopped next to Flow and didn't take much note of the whole 'leash' thing. She was way too busy to look around the village. The old houses. The worn sandy roads. The fields around the town. It was all interesting to her and she eyed everything like a kid in a candy store. Flow pointed to one of the strange houses she talked about, and Malane looked with a curious eye. "Wow! A city truly not familiar with the tale of the 3 pigs and the wolf!" She said almost mockinly.

When suddenly a butterfly passed by, her eyes darted to the small creature and she followed it with a smile on her face. When she reached towards it with an open hand, the butterfly flew away and she just giggled for a moment. She then turned around to the group and suddenly said. "Remember when I used these flying beauties in my act, but they accidentally made our home their home, and we had to chase them out?" She chuckled once more covered her mouth with her hand. There nostalgic tone in her voice as she seemed to be looking down at the ground with a smile.

Suddenly though she'd snap out of it and shake her head a little. "I say we chase after the tea first." she said as she looked at Vi.

I enjoyed the petting from Florence, happy that she took the joke as just that. A joke. As we walked towards the village I was a little annoyed at the least part considering I couldn't run as I wished to. It was nice to be out anyways so I didn't complain. Maybe when we get back to the valley they would let me run but I understood that humans tend to fear unleashed dogs since I was captured once in my escape by what they call a "dog catcher." It was amusing to see the humans face when the woke the next morning to find the muzzle on the floor and the door opened.

When we entered the village, I moved closer to the girls actually walking protectively in front of the group of girls. I may not have been raised all that kindly but I was raised to guard and protect whom ever needed that protection. I also learned that every chance you get you should be kind to someone. It might just save their life. One strangers kindness sure did save my life when I so desperately needed someone too do so.
Aileen received the money and carefully put them in the inner pocket of her dark jacket. “Thank you, father,” she said, again tilting her head forward, this time as a thank you ans a goodbye to both Dragos and Lilly. The other girls seemed excited and ready to go, and she couldn’t help but feel excited as well. It wasn’t every day she got the chance to visit the town for a whole day, doing as she pleased (or almost as she pleased), and at these rare occasions, she always tried to make the best out of it. She didn’t have to make any great effort making the day good, though. It was enough just walking through the streets among people she had never seen before in her life, while looking in stores and cafes she had never been to before. She had always loved England anyway, even though the weather got a bit too cold for her taste sometimes. In addition, she really didn’t mind being with the others, because even though she did like to spend time alone, she liked other people’s company as well, unless she had something against them. As this was not the case with the four others, she actually looked forward to explore the town with them.

Aileen didn’t need anything special, maybe just some more chocolate since she was starting to get short on it. Yes, she was a bit of a sweet tooth really, but she didn’t eat that much unhealthy food, so she never really worried about it.

As the group took off, she walked peacefully beside them, enjoying the fresh air on her face and the smell and sounds of nature. She only stiffened up when Koa and Vineres had they’re small fight, but as soon as it seemed like Vineres had control, she relaxed again. After that, Koa behaved well, and he even accepted getting a leash placed around his neck, which surprised her a bit. She guessed he wanted to show them that he didn’t mean any harm, since they’d only met him a couple of weeks ago.

At first, she just enjoyed listening to the girls chatting, and smiled at Malane’s skipping and talking.

“Tea sounds great,” she agreed, having no wishes herself of where they could go.
Vineres smiled, nodding her head. "Then to the shops we go." She said, finally standing again. It took her a while to get her teeth in right, and to calm down the energy fields around her. Even with three and a half centuries under her belt, her powers still were not completely under control. Hybrids or genetically modified cases often took extremely large amounts of time to even get the slightest grasp on their abilities. Sadly for her, her parents were confident Vi had stronger will power then she really did, and it ended distrously. Most opponents were no match for the girl, but those like Lilly and Dragos she never dared challenged. They were the ones teaching her, and she still had much to learn. Yet far too often was her ability or strength underestimated as people picked fights with her.

As the group walked, she looked to Koa again with concern.

"Would you like someone else to carry your leash? It is up to you" she said, hoping to somehow gain the boy's trust back. Vineres didn't quite realise how unsettled she had made the group, and it made her stomach flip to think anyone might be angry at her.

I glanced back at the vampire girl as we walked not quite caring much about who held the damned chain. I don't want it on me in the first place. Shaking my head slightly I turned back to face forward but I slowed my steps to walk closer to the girls. Deciding I had to make Vineres feel better about the whole ordeal I brushed my fur against her hand and made a quiet sound of forgiveness. I glanced around at the rest of the group allowing my tongue to lull out of my mouth as I panted happily. This was the first time I had been in a city with the circus and i was glad that we could enjoy the smaller town. I also felt bad for leaving the rest of the crew to walk about with the girls but we had almost everything set up and they were probably finished by now.

I blinked confused slightly. I was warming up to these people. After only a few days here I was okay with being leashed and even touched by these people. Maybe it was the family like setting or the people's constant happy emotions. That was it I guess. Hopefully I didn't revert back to the old me. (Hint Hint. Plot twist. Mwahaha.)
Aileen was happy that Koa seemed relaxed among them, and that they could all walk in peace through the streets of the small town. She wasn't very eager about having to break up a real fight, especially not out among people who knew nothing about them. She wasn't even sure if she could have stopped it even if she wanted to, something that made her concerned. Vineres was most definetly not someone you would want to pick a fight with, unless you knew exactly what you were doing, and Aileen would't voluntarily go against Koa either, unless she absolutely had to. She was therefor releaved they could at least work together, if not being friends. Aileen stopped outside a shop where it looked like they were selling tea, and tea only, and figured it was probably a good place to start. The strong smell of herbs reached her nose as soon as she walked in. The shop was small, yet big enough for the five of them.
Almost completely oblivious to the fact that there even was any tension in the group, Florence ran to the window excitedly and pressed her face against it, her nose squashing ever so slightly flatter from the pressure on her liquid features.

Backing up she readjusted her hat to be absolutely sure not even the slightest hint of her hair was visible under it, and crouching down she patted Koa's head fondly.

"You'll have to stay outside because I dont think they like dogs pawing around inside their shops very much. " She stuck her head around the door of the shop for a moment and inhaled deeply, breathing in the aroma of the herbs and spices.

Quickly performing a circuit around the shop and smelling as many different things as she could in the short period she was in there, she smilied politely at the owner and nodded her head to him.

Passing Aileen in her little race around, she stopped for a moment.

"Remember Lilly wants Earl Grey, alright? And probably get her some lapsang souchong to give her as a present, so then if she gets mad at something you can use it to mollify her. Like, If you spill some paint on one of her dresses. Which I might have done once."

Less than a minute later she was out of the shop, before everyone had even finished filing inside of it

"I'll stay here so I can keep you company while they buy the tea, and also since it might look odd leaving a dog unsupervised. Alright?" She sat down next to Koa cross legged and scratched behind his ears gently "Dont actually answer if thats alright though; it'll look super wierd."
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Vineres smiled to Koa and Flow, having waited for Florence to get situated before speaking.

"I'm going to run in very quick and get Lilly's tea, and then I'll be out here with you two as Mal and Aileen are in the shop, okay? Can I trust you to not go anywhere Florence?" She asked, knowing if the girls very fluttery nature. She often forgot instructions easily, not on purpose though. She just paid attention to what was in front of her.

"Koa, keep an eye on her for me?" She asked, awaiting a response before looking into the shop.

"I'll only be a minute you two!"

Walking inside, she quickly looker around, wanting to get back outside. In a small section of the shop there was a display of insense, the smells immediantky catching the blue haired girl's attention. Dragons breath and twighlight were her and her mother's favorites, so she picked a bag of both along with the Earl Grey. The owner seemed a tad big perplexed by her hair, but the transaction and small talk was pleasant nonetheless. Apparently the small village hadn't seen a circus for Years, and he couldn't imagine a single person who wasn't going to be there some times during the week.

"Well we are all very excited to be here. Such a lovely little town. Many of our preformers have absolutely loved the local markets. Especially the cooks." She said, rising a laugh out of the man.

"Well we are surely happy to see some newcomers. Might I ask, your accent isn't anywhere I've ever heard. Where are you hailing from?"

Vineres thought for a moment, trying to think of something to say.

"I am personally from Romania. But lived in France with my mothers family. The circus owner is a very good friend of my fathers, and when I wished to study abroad they took me along." She said, not wanting to lie completely to the man.

"Are you a preformer?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes I am, but you shall just have to come to find out what I do." She said, provoking yet another laugh.

"Deem it may, I just will huh? Well, it was very nice talking to you."

"You as well, sir. Have a good day." She said, finally turning to leave. The conversation lasted longer than she wanted, as she was eager to go get Florence, but he was a pleasant man and acting skiddish wouldn't help keep attention from them after all.

I didn't mind being petted by Florence because she was the one who first decided to allow me into the circus and not throw me out into the streets again. It must have been weird accepting a creature who came from such a past as mine. Even more so I was a shapeshifter, a lot harder to control or trust. I was actually about to abandon the idea of asking to join when I saw the family like setting the circus had. I'm glad I had asked to join but I was so nervous I actually grew dog ears that had lain flat against my head. Thinking about this had a wolfish grin on my face.

I sat down just outside the shop as they wandered about. It was a actually sunny day outside, peaceful and nice. I enjoyed the rare days in which England had sun. I soaked up as much sunlight as I could as I waited with Florence outside the small shop. The strong smell that radiated from the shop was probably okay for a human but with my enhanced sense of smell it was overpowering. I snorted shaking my head to rid my nose of the strong odor. It didn't help much and I ended up sneezing.
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"Aye aye Missis Captain Milady Vin Vin." Florence said with an energetic salute, suprisingly well versed in polite curtesies, but knowing very little in the way of naval or military adress.

While such behaviour might seem dismissive or even mocking from someone else, for Florence it was just how she was.

And despite the way she expressed herself being jovial, she had nevertheless taken her instructions to heart.

She smiled and watched as they filed into the shop, idly stroking Koa's back and humming to herself as she waited, enjoying the sun and the warm breeze.

The breeze however prooved to be slightly too pleasant, as a mischeviously strong breeze blew her wide brimmed straw sun hat from her head, carrying it into the air.

With a little yelp the young Naiad quickly looked around as her hair splashed out of her hat to flow down.

Thankfully since it was still fairly early in the day there werent all that many people round, and she instinctively ducked behing Koas bulk.

Having left her coloured dyes at the tent she couldnt colour her hair, and she still wasnt quite able to completely slow the flowing of her hair to a total stop.

Rather than risking being seen with hair that was a dozen different hues of blue and pulsing softly, she retracted her hair inwards entirely until she was left with a prefectly normal looking, but very bald, head.

"Wait here Koa!" She exclaimed, standing and dashing forward, though unused to having her feet covered and not being able to adjust their size for minute changes in balance she wasnt as fast as she normally would be, and forgoing her feet entirely in favour of a wave to ride on wasnt on the table at the moment for obvious reasons.

She chased the hat up the some fencing by the edge of the moors, and half climbed up it before halting still and biting her lip.

The hat landed a little past the fence. But while she could have reached it with her abilities, stretching her arm to reach for it was a violation of their agreement not to do anything to draw attention to themselves.

For a moment she considered jumping the fence and chasing after it, but she had just promised Venere's she wouldnt wander, and literally no more than minutes ago.

Sighing defeatedly she watched the mischevious wind pick the hat back up again and sail it away far out into the more.

In a rare display of anger, or a rare display of any negative emotion at all, she stomped her tiny foot and muttered an expletetive she usually pretended not to know, and then returned to Koa and flumped down against the wall pouting slightly, resigned to spending the rest of their trip bald.

I watched as Florence's hat sailed away on the wind and she unhappily stalked back to me after chasing the thing. She had promised Vineres not to wander but I did no such thing. Nudging my nose into her hand as a "wait here" sign, I stood up and walked over to the fence. Studying the height for a second, I bunched up my muscles and sprung over the fence. I landed on the other side effortlessly and picked up the hat. I turned to show the hat to Florence happily. Once over the fence again I tossed the hat into the air and ducked my head slightly to where it landed on top of my head like a person wearing a hat.
Aileen paid for all of the tea Vineres had picked out with one of the twenties Dragos had given her and smiled shortly to the owner, before leaving the shop. To her surprise, Flow was standing against the wall with a unpleasant look on her face, completly bald.

"Flow, what happened to your..." She cut of her own question when she saw where her hat had gone while looking for Koa. She had no idea why he was wearing Flow's straw hat, and why he was all the way over by the fence on the other side of the street, but now he was heading this way, so there was no need to call for him. At first she thought Koa had stolen Flow's hat but the now bold girl didn't seem mad at him at all.
The sour look on Flow's face evaporated almost instantaniously as Koa came padding back with the hat, and then giggled as he put it on his head.

Kneeling down she nuzzled Koa and put her arms around his neck, hugging him.

"Thankyou Coaco." She said with a smile in a sunny voice, taking the har off of his head and wedging it firmly onto her own, letting her hair grow back underneath it with a pleasant sigh.

"I dont like not having hair very much, it feels...itchy." she smiled up at her darker haired older sister as Aileen walked out of the shop "Did'ja get the goods?"

I was padding back to Florence when Aileen walked out of the shop. First she noticed Florence's baldness but then her eye had turned to me as I crossed the street. She looked at me with questioning eyes but under the confusion I could see disappointment. She thought I took the hat? I dropped my head in shame. I padded over to the girls and stopped before them expecting a punishment from Aileen. Instead I heard a giggle then arms were thrown around my neck in a hug. I glanced up to the smiling Florence as she moved to grab the hat slowly for my sake. Once she had wedged the hat on her head I turned my eyes to look up at Aileen. Was I going to be punished for leaving when we were told to stay? I bowed my head again and prepared for the slap or kick by stiffening my muscles.
Aileen noticed how Flow hugged and thanked Koa, but while he seemed happy for the hug, he looked up at Aileen afterwards. She could clearly see him shrinking, like he was ashamed. She didn't like the feeling of her being responsible for that look, just like a dog that waited for it's owner to punish it.

She slowly bent her knees until she was sitting in front of him, looking the face of a dog, but also the eyes of a human.

"Good boy," she then said quietly with a tiny, yet friendly smile and only hesitated for a second before she reached out and placed her hand gently on his head between his ears. She hoped he didn't find it rude that she treated him a bit like a dog, because even though he sure did look like one, she talked to the boy inside as well.

She looked up at Flow when she asked the question, and stood up.

"Enough to last for awhile," she said, even though it was Lilly they were talking about.
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Other's would have been angry at being treated like a dog, but I quite enjoyed the affectionate words and petting. I was in fact in a dog form so it was even better. Happy to have Aileen's approval, I started to wag my fluffy tail a mile a minute. I liked how everyone was patient and kind to me even going as far as to run a hand over my fur or say a few kind words when I did something they liked.

In my old home I was viewed as a monster not a human. I wasn't petted I was beaten, burned, cut, and attacked daily. Not a family member but a slave.

Here he was a human. Maybe even a friend to some. He wasn't beaten, or forced to do anything. Even in animal form they looked at him like he was a human. I never want to leave, hurt someone, or even have these people be disappointed in me.
Vineres walked outside, a small canvas bag full of good inside. She smiled when she saw how everyone was reacting to each other, especially Koa being the newest addition to the family.

"Where to next, everyone?" She smiled, leaning again the wall. Her hair was pulled side to side a bit by the wind, her dress spoofing out slightly from under her coat. Surprisingly enough, her matching white tights were still clean even though the walk here was more than a little muddy.
"We both stayed here and behaved like a good girl." Florence said smiling up at Vinere's proudly "Well, Koa was more like a boy. Because he is a boy."

She smiled looking at the group, enjoying their presence and the pleasant atmosphere.

She inadvertently copied Vinere's, leaned across the wall next to her big sister, thinking.

"Hmm, if people are hungry we could have din dins?"
Aileen was actually getting hungry since she hadn't gotten anything for breakfast that morning, except for chocolate and some tea, so she nodded.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," she said with a shrug. She looked at the others and then down at Koa to see if he would nod or wag his tail for approval, since he couldn't speak to them at the moment. He at least looked happy, so Aileen was glad he wasn't mad at her.

The others seemed ready to go as well, to where they didn't know yet, but she guessed they would find somewhere to eat pretty fast.
"sounds good." She said, setting the back down for a short moment to put her hair up in a messy bum using one of the bands on her wrist.

"There's a deli down the street that I've heard sells some pretty good subs."

Vineres smiled, ready to eat something. Obviously she couldn't eat what she really wanted to out in public, as the public might be off set by thing dying around the group. But human food could sustain her for a very long time, and honestly she preferred it.

Food sounded good right now and I was starving. The thing about shape shifters is that they are always hungry. Shifting and maintaining the form tends to burn 3 times as much calories than normal humans or other supernatural creatures. So we needed a lot more food.

I glanced up at the girls hoping they would let me shift so I could eat normally. It would be the same to eat in this form but maybe a little weird for villagers to see a dog eating a sandwich.

Besides that point, I wanted to shift because my skin was starting to itch, most likely from a stray flea that desired to use me as its lunch. I really didn't want to scratch it like a poor dog. I was human after all. Underneath the fur and sharp canines if course.

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