Teifling Rogue
Vineres smiled, nodding and grabbing the girl's hand. "I'd love to!" She said, before walking them to the nearby table. Sitting across from her, Vi thought through what possible accents she could use on the girl. After a moment, she looked her in the eyes and stiffened up.
"Sunt încântat de circ în seara asta. Multe spectacole va aduce de mirare pentru ochii muritorilor."
Trying her best to imitate her families' thick Romanian accent, Vineres said 'I am exited for the circus tonight, the performances of many will bring wonder to mortal eyes.'
For tonight, there would be plenty of people coming, so she wanted to make sure Flow was ready for anything.
"Sunt încântat de circ în seara asta. Multe spectacole va aduce de mirare pentru ochii muritorilor."
Trying her best to imitate her families' thick Romanian accent, Vineres said 'I am exited for the circus tonight, the performances of many will bring wonder to mortal eyes.'
For tonight, there would be plenty of people coming, so she wanted to make sure Flow was ready for anything.