The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

((Sorry, been super busy with school and stuff. I'll have my post up tonight!"))
Vineres could feel her heart shatter when she saw the Naiad hurting. There was no worse punishment.

"You aren't a monster. Please understand that. This is neither of your faults but mine." The girl said, fighting for composure with tears down her face already tolling again. Staring at the rings on the table, the blue haired girl fiddled her thumbs.

"Florence needed you. I couldn't let you get thrown out. And he was physically hurting... I just meant to make him pass out so we could fix him up and send him on his way" she said, moving her slender hands under her thighs.

"But he was weaker than I thought. The smoking and the drinking... it wore him down. He let go so easily because he had no one to go home to. He had no one... he just. He just left. I didn't mean to finish him. The boy just left." She said, almost pleading. Vineres wiped her face and nervously fixed her dress. Her through kept catching her breath and at this point it was a miracle she wasn't blatantly bawling.

"I swear I didn't do it out of hunger. God, you pull so much harder with plants. He was so easy." She said again.

Vineres knew what she had done was wrong. Horribly so. Family or not, the boy was alive but now was gone. With every word someone spoke to her she was only reminded of her first time accidentally killing someone. Vineres didn't trst herself anymore. The feeling of hunger had left her stomach in whole at this point.

"Florence its not your fault please. Please oh please don't think this is yours please."
Dragos shook his head, heavily dissapointed in the girl. He was grateful to have stopped Koa in sake of her sisters need for a brotherly connection, but even so, they had obviously over estimated her ability to know her strengths and weaknesses.

"I do hope you realize Vineres, that this means we have much more training to do... I will admit, I never realized the differences between the two life forms. But I trusted in your ability to gauge yourself." He said. The old mans hand scratched at the base of his beard, before clicking his tongue.

"but you I see your reasoning. And I can most of all feel your guilt."

"My dear Florecia, do not mourn over having lost her. You haven't. She is not one person from another, but is the same at heart. She may have done something rather uncalled for.... but it was in her instinct. Though not all the time is instinct the best action to take. It isn't your fault my child. Don't me hear another peep of such talk from you. The boy is gone yes, but he was gone long before your sister had finished him. Some people are already dead that walk right beside you. Yes they can talk and think and hearts are beating, but light has left their eyes. His foulness was just his body searching for a feeling. He had been dead long before he threatened you three."

the old man sat up straighter, smiling to the water girl. He would speak to Vineres later about this, but chastising her in front of Florence was not the solution right now. The two children needed to tell Vineres how they felt, and they needed to hear her part. Odin knows that Florence would only feel worse to see her sister lose touch with herself.
Florence sniffled quietly as she listened to Vinere's, while hearing her sister so upset was heartbreaking in and off itself, It at the very least reassured her her sister was still the same person deep down, and hadnt changed into some sort of monster.

While she wasnt exactly entirely okay with what the vampire had done, she at least knew she wasnt lost altogether.

She lifted her head from Lilly's shoulder; leaving a small damp patch as she did, and turned to properly look at Vinere's for the first time.

She gazed across into the pale girls face, a tiny reassuring smile on her face, which was still patchy with blotches of skin colour and blotches of clear liquid.


Lilly patted the girls head gently and then looked around the room, before looking to Drago.

"Well then, unless anybody particularly needs to add anything, I'd say we're about done, wouldnt you? Everybody should get some rest, we have a lot to do tommorow."

I nodded my head when Ms. Lilly said we should get some rest for tomorrow. I still can't believe that tomorrow will be my first circus. I hope we do well and that the crowd enjoys our performance.

I remembered what Florence had said about maybe being caged up while I shifted back and forth over and over. I just wish we had a cage or even an actual room instead of easily torn fabric slid between beams. I didn't know how we were going to lock me up during the torture but I definitely know we need to do so. I go mad with all the pain of constant shifting and could really kill someone.
Vineres smiled back to Florence, but only briefly. Even when the girl willingly showed kindness, the vampyre didn't feel worthy of it.

"You're right... I'll walk with Florence if she permits... its become dark outside. Koa, Dragos has planned to have barriers erected around your room of the tent, and he has placed vine trips. They will move if they sense you about to go after someone." She said, seeing that the old Leechy has already begun to dose off, fighting to keep his eyes open. He may be a near-immortal figure to the younglings, but his routing only had that much longer to engrain itself into his sleep schedule. He never did do well with transitioning seasons. Vineres stood, and hugged Lilly before looking to Flow. Her expression was clearly asking if she would be allowed by the Naiad to see her off tonight as always, or if the scardeycat vampyre would be walking by herself. She wanted to just let Florence know one last time before bed that she loved her, and that none of it was her fault. Vineres knew that Florence wouldn't be able to sleep without atleadt a little help, and if it wouldn't her her helping than she could at least fetch Lilly for Flow.

Dragos was truthfully trying to stay awake, but many of this animals had begun go settle and his flowers retreating into buds. Rubbing his eyes with a wrinkled hand, Dragos pulled the three children in for a hug consecutively. No matter the situation, he was never to hold bitterness while saying his biddings, for there was always the chance it might be the last note they leave. So he preferred it to be a good one. Not that the old man was a pessimist but hed been around long enough to know life isn't always nice enough to give you a goodbye without anger filled words.

So tonight, Vineres was still receiving of his warm beams.
Florence smiled up at Drago as he sleepily hugged her, a slightly meloncholy look on her face.

"Sleep well Father." She whispered quietly, standing on her tiptoes just to reach his cheek.

Whilst he generally seemed like an immovable fixture in existence, he always got like this around the transitional seasons and his age showed a lot more, making her more acutely aware of the face that his seemingly unending life maybe wasnt quite limitless.

The difference was made all that much more acutely aware when he was with Lilly; who despite being at least around the same age as him didnt have the slightest wrinkle or so much as a singular grey hair, and hadnt changed since the day Flow, or even Vinere's, had joined the circus.

She hugged Lilly afterwards as well, then turned to her peers.

Her crying and bad mood mostly over; though her face still had slight patches of clear water in it and her wasnt exactly bounding, she stood up and walked over to Vinere's, resting her head gently against her shoulder for a moment, before holding out a hand wordlessly for her to take.

Whilst not exactly perky, her actions still showed she'd still clearly mostly forgiven her.

"Come on Coaco." She said to their male friend, gesturing with her head to the door, letting out an exhausted yawn. "I need to soak. And your rooms in the same direction as ours, isnt it."


Lilly smiled softly as the girls seemingly reconciled for the most part, and stood up softly out of her chair, smoothing out a minute crease in her dress as she did.

"Dont worry about the shifting, Koa dear. We'll sort something better than some brutish iron out. It would perhaps be best if you wait for tommorow before you start to practise, though. Goodnight, children." She said, shooing them gently out of the room with a light flick of her hand.

She turned to pat the half dozing wood spirit on the head, kissing his creased forehead softly as she spoke.

"Goodnight, old man." She spoke fondly, her usual reserved tone washed away by a boundless love and respect that had developed over half a millenium. "Rest well."

With a little sigh, the days events and sleepy nature of her companion making her feel her age somewhat herself, she softly glided out of the room, following the young ones out.

I watched silently as everyone said goodnight to each other, nodding to Lilly and Drago. I was surprised when the old man pulled me kindly into his arms along with Florence and Vineres. I guess this place really did act like family. I paused for a second when Mrs. Lilly spoke about waiting to shift until tomorrow. "Yes ma'am." I agreed with a small smile and a polite bow as the girls and I walked out. I was to tired from the days events to stay up all night in pain and delirium. Maybe tomorrow I can get far enough away from everyone while they practice their routines that they won't hear me scream or the snapping of bones. Even I have a hard time tolerating it. As we walked towards our room I glanced around us constantly. Even in a "safe" place like this I was on guard. You know what they say: "You can take the man out of the wild but never the wild out of the man." In my case it is: "You can take the beast out of the torture but never the scars out of the beast."
Vineres took the girls hand, and placed her over coat over Flows shoulders before the had exited the cabin type building.

Smiling to Koa, Vineres beckoned him along too.

As the trio walked along the grounds, people were still mulling around. Groups hung out by the picnic areas, excitedly chatting about the events for tomorrow. Occasionally though, multiples of people at a time would stop and stare at Vineres. Lilly had once told her that after a creature such as herself feeds, for the next few days they will literally be a show stopper. Not that looks themselves are enhanced, but their energy is and the person retains an unfamiliar glow, most of the time if not all of the time pleasant. Even those creatures, even humans pick up on this. Vineres hated it though, as shes never been one for attention. So she kept her head down to the ground or at Florence's feet.

"So, shall I wake you both up early tomorrow? Or is it a day to sleep in." She asked, trying to break the silence.

As we walked along I nodded my head and occasionally tipped the rugged baseball cap placed over my ears to some of the people. Then I realized why they were staring at us: Vineres. She ducked her head under their gazes making me want to growl as someone. Vineres was on the other side standing the farthest from the curious people so I inched forward to block their view of her with my large human form. When someone tried to look around me I simply bared my teeth in warning. That usually deterred them from trying to stare at her. Florence stayed next to Vineres and blocked her side. In this formation we continued down the hall.
"Mmmm, I need to let me mind float in abstract for a while and not bother me, so I might be a little late up. It'd be better if there was other folk to mix my concious with, but just with the lake water in my tub'll do, I suppose. I usually feel fresher afterwards."

Whereas under most circumstances Flow would be running to greet and interact with the other folk, in this case she nodded her head but otherwise made little other acknowledgement, staying by Vinere's side until they reached the tent proper that they called home.
Vineres held open the flap to Florence's tent, and slipped past her to run her baths water. Ducking back out she looked to Florence.

"Come to me if you need anything... okay? Just... it wasn't your fault." She said before making her wat down the hall to catch up with Koa. Finally arriving to his room, she gave him a smile and a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

"Same goes for you. You tell me if you need anything. Just focus in on my name, and think what you need to say. I'll pick it up."

With that, Vineres made her way down her tent, at the end of the hall. The canvas door let only a little bit of light through the bottom and edges. The smells of herbs and different concoctions sent by her mother drifted off of the shelves and around the room as if pulling the girl inside of a safe place. The flap fell behind her, and strings tied themselves shut with ease. Arrangements of flowers and strange plants covered the walls, three hammocks hanging from the ceiling, and crystals seemingly floated, carrying currents and waves of energy with them. Shed had centuries to create this room, and it was hers in all senses of the word.

In places where adornments didn't hang, tapestries did, and in places where there wasnt something sitting there was a floor of moss, smoothing out the area. Lighting a couple candles, the light bounced around the room and dimmed evil thoughts. She needed rest, so she was going to get it.
Florence hugged the pair of them goodnight before Vinere's ran into her room to fuss over her, and then sighed a little wistfully as they both left and she was left alone.

She glanced around her room, which was homely but fairly sparsely decorated since she didnt really own all that much since Naiad's werent overly possesive; essentially all she owned was either things she'd made, or the materials for making said things.

Considering her bouncy and somewhat erratic nature her room was suprisingly neat, and she took her shoes off and put them in the corner.

With a little yawn she let herself fall back onto the water, floating ontop of it momentarily before she dissolved into it, leaving her dress floating on the surface, before a little hand formed in the water and pushed it over the side.

As she mixed into the water that came from her source lake her thoughts spread out along with her molecules, leaving her thoughts dreamily seperated and spread out, dreaming of multiple things at once until the morning.

(Unless anyone has anything specific nightime related they wanna do, we might as well skip to morning)

Seeing both girls off with a tight, warm hug to Florence and blushing cheeks to Vineres, I headed to my own tent. I ran a short bath, not even bothering with warming the water, before pulling on a pair of black shorts and collapsing onto the cot placed in the far corner of the tent room. The room was bared, almost as if no one used it, aside from the cot, a wardrobe filled with plain button up shirts and trousers, and a desk with a few sheets of paper and a feather quill with ink. All of it wasn't even mine. Once I found the circus and was taken in, I was sent shopping with one of the men for clothes and other necessary items for my stay. Lets just say that I felt like I was being a burden and came back with the least and most inexpensive items.

I placed one hand behind my head and flung the other thick, muscled arm over my eyes. Slowly, my muscles relaxed as I heard other sets of breathing slow and steady out. Finally mine did the same and I fell asleep.

(No action for my character until morning. Skip at will!)
The rest of the night passed without any even for Florence as her flowing mind dreamily flitted through abstract thoughts and memories, until the sun once again climbed its way into the sky.

With a slight reluctance to pull herself back together and face reality again, with a little sigh of bubbles she formed her head and arms from the water, leaning against the side of the bath.

She was still maybe a little down from yesterday, but while her emotions sometimes raged like a stormy ocean they also passed fairly quickly, leaving her surface emotions for the most part back to her old cheerier self after a good nights sleep.

Not the say the past nights events hadnt significantly affected her, and she still felt like her world had changed somehow, but it wasnt going to supress her nature overall.

She ran through her morning exercises; which for her consisted not of physical activity but of stretching her face into various peoples, she climbed out of her bath, and then turned and bowed to it.

"Thankyou for sheltering me again for the night." She said patting it fondly, before walking to her cabinet and selecting a dress from her modest collection of clothes.

Rather than pulling it on like you might conventionally, she simply pulled it inside her stomach, and then used her molecules to puff it up until it sat on her solid(er) outer layer.

Not bothering to even pretend she was going to wear shoes today, she poked her head outside of the flap of material outside her tent, and wandered along to see what was happening today.
Vineres woke up very early as usual, only about ten minuets before the sun began to rise. Pulling on a white dress that was crimped around her waist, and the bottom of it intricately laces the shoulder hung off of her right, and gathered on the left under a gold circular broach, gifted to her by Lily. The dress was put together by her as well, as it showed off not only her slim and tall figure but still looked well enough to be presented in. She did not wear heels, but simple white flats instead. The grounds was covered in moss so she didn't need to worry about them getting dirty. Blue hair was in a fishtail braid cascading down her back, paired with the matching pin to the brooch on her dress, and the inscriptions on the quartz crystal hanging on a long chain from her neck. Her hair pin was circular shaped, and simply kept the two halves of her hair neat.

Finally after her morning routine of getting ready, the vampyre walked out to observe the grounds. Not too far away Dragos was putting the final touches on the outdoor stage.

"Hello Father." She said with a bright smile, trying to put yesterday behind her so the others could enjoy the day without seeing her upset.

"Ah, hello there dearest. Excited yet?"

"Of course! If it weren't for Mothers tea, I don't think anyone could've fallen victim to sleep due to such anticipation!"

I had awaken to the multi-colored rays of morning light peaking through the gap in the fabric of my east facing wall. I had pulled the fabric back the previous night to both to allow the sun in during the morning and to cool off my room the previous night. Shapeshifters, because of their animal forms, tend to have very high body temperatures constantly. Yawning, I stretched out the cramped muscles from my sleep before standing and grabbing a pair of sweatpants lying across the chair next to my bed. I pulled on the sweatpants over my boxers and grabbed a long sleeve shirt even though I was hot already. I wanted coffee or tea to wake up fully for the day but I needed to cover all of the ugly scars that marred my body. After running a hand through my hair I walked towards the kitchen, surprised to see Vineres and Mr. Drago there already this morning. When I walked in, I quickly bowed my head to look at the ground, reverting back almost naturally into a slaves position. "Good morning Ms. Vineres and Mr. Drago."
With a little yawn Florence rubbed her hand through her hair, causing a gently splashing sound.

Padding along the mossy floor on her bear feet for a moment, she took advantage of the fact they were in the private areas of their tent to sweep along the floor instead, a little wave of surf carrying her along until she got to the common area, finding the small group gathered.

"Hullo Father." She said with a little bow before wrapping her arms around his waist for a moment. "Morning Coaco."

She disentangled herself from the Leshys frame, and looked across at Vinere's with her hands behind her back, looking down at the ground slightly, a little embarassed about yesterday, feeling slightly awkward.

"Um, hullo are you today"
Vineres smiled to them, trying to figure out how to make today less painful.

"Allos, Flow. I'm doing wonderful, well, as good as I can." She said, embarrassed as well.

"Are you excited for the day?" She finally asked.

People all around them made final touches, repainting signs, making sure the grounds were clean, and practicing rounds. Lilly was no where to be seen yet though, as she was probably helping some others.

The day was warmer than yesterday, and the sky clearer. Not too much so as to be out of the ordinary though, so townsfolk had already begun bustling in excitement according to some of the others who had already made trips out and back.

I looked back and forth between the friends acting as strangers. "What time will the circus start today? I asked no one in particular, knowing that almost everyone but me would know the answer. I was nervous today for both the circus and the constant shifting I would be doing as practice and to build up tolerance either before or after the show today.

I turned to the icebox, grabbing out a Yoo-hoo chocolate milk, before twisting the cap off and taking a soothing sip. "Okay now I am ready for what the world will throw at me today!" I said with a huff.
"Mmhmm, pretty excited. Ive done some extra face stretches to get ready for the maaaaa~gic mirror, and warmed up my vocals." She said in a bubbly voice, her usual excitement flowing back now they were on a comfortable subject.

She snorted at Koa's proclamation and giggled.

"I like that stuff but its too thick and i end up with browner splodges."

There was a swift little breeze and a small flurry of snow lightly tickled Flows face, and then Lilly appeared looking regal as ever, a warm but business like tone in her voice, and a clipboard with a papertrail of checklists running to the floor and curling over in a pile.

" children; Drago. Outside events are up at 4pm today. The Main show is starting at 7. Koa dear, me and Drago have a room prepared for you to train inside. Its doesn't look particularly cage like. But i assure you, it is in all but name."

When Mrs. Lilly appeared I bowed slightly in respect and courtesy. Glancing at the extremely long check list, I was almost glad that I was going through the physical pain of shifting over and over instead of the mental pain of going through such a long check list in about 8 hours.

The reassurance from Lilly made me realize just how much physical AND mental pain I'll be going through in the next few hours. It would probably take a good 8 or 9 hours to finish shifting about 20 times. I bowed my head with a quiet tremble of fear before speaking. "Thank you. It pains me to have you all be around while I do this. Please, try and block out the sounds I may make as much as you can. And whatever you all do, don't come inside." (Hint, hint.) (wink, wink.)
"Good job. If anyone needs me, whistle or look for the snowflakes." Lilly nodded her head slightly, and then as she turned away from them she was gone, leaving nothing but the light dusting of snow, which immediately started to disappear outside of her presence.

Flow looked between them, and then to Vineres. "Um, can you help me practise my speech, Vinnie?" She turned to Koa and smiled. "Ill come visit you later, 'kay?"

I watched as Lilly diapered before nodding to Florence and Vineres. I grabbed a bowl of cereal with milk and sat down at the table to eat. After finishing the cereal I got up, washed out the dish, and placed it back. I walked back to my room and grabbed some clothes to take a shower. I defiantly needed a shower to wake me up and calm me down for today's... activities.

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