The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

"Excellent. Well, as long as they do something to drink im okay." She said sunnily.

Looking down to Koa she saw he looked happy at the suggestion, then slightly antsy.

"Oh yeah. I guess you'd look pretty silly sat in a chair huh." Taking the lead she walked him around to the narrow gap between the side of the shop and the next one, figuring it was the least she could do, standing so she was mostly blocking the alley from view.

"Alrighty Coaco, I'll keep an eyeout while you turn into a not-dog."
((Has any one else been unable to access taptatalk?)) 
Vineres shifted a little, visibly worried about having Koa transform in public. She was right though, we would need him to transform. And if anyone asked he was a friend that came late, and they had already sent the dog home. Leaning against the wall, Vi pulled a grey beanie out of her bag. As she had looked up from sliding the slouched hat on, there was a group of about highschool looking girls coming down the street. They seemed to be pretty cheerful, and hadn't even noticed the group of people conspicuously hanging around outside of a store front.

"C'mon Koa, we've got some girl's heading our way. Either saunter out on four legs or have some clothes on." She said jokingly, trying to hide the fact that she was worried. The group was still a long ways away, so there wasn't really a reason to be. Just other than the fact that it was human.

My tail wagged as we walked between the buildings and they told me I could shift. I stilled, closing my eyes and pictures my human body. I pictured everything from the shade of my hair to my finger and toe nails.

My skin absorbed the fur with a small swish. The muzzle retracted while my bones cracked. It was painful from years of not being able to shift to I whimpered and collapsed onto the ground. My bodes reshaped into a human form. Fingers lengthened and hair grew into into its shaggy form. Finally my canines grew duller and more like human teeth although I did still have sharper than normal teeth.

Panting, I pushed myself up from the ground onto my knees. Luckily, when I shifted my clothes stays with me so I wore tan cargo pants and a red tight fitting polo shirt. "You can turn... around now..." I said through the panting breaths.
(Dont use it so I couldnt say Ayeaye, sorry!)

Florence yelped slightly as Vineres mentioned approaching company and since she had no pockets reached down the neckhole in her dress, pulling a set of juggling balls out of her chest, her liquid makeup letting her store all sorts of useful things (although most werent all that useful) from literally inside of herself, figuring she could pay Koa back a little for rescuing her hat.

She nodded her head for Vinere's to guard the hole and then walked out towards the girls juggling a modest amount of balls whilst skipping energetically towards them.

"Hullo girlies! I love your dress! Have a circus flier!" She warmly handed them a flier each in between ball throws, engaging them in slightly spontantious but otherwise normal chitchat to keep their attention away from Koa and their little group while he changed.
(It kept saying the forum wasn't available till this morning. I apologize for my lateness everyone! My phones the only way I can get on most of the time.)

Vineres quickly stepped in to fill Florence's spot, pleased to hear that Koa was fully changed. Watching Flow interact with the girls was quite fun in and of itself. Striding forword next to her, she decided to show off a little in front of the girls in hopes of making them want to go more, also to take attention away from the new boy walking out of the alley.

As Flow went to go toss it up again, she clicked her tongue on her teeth to let her know what move they'd be doing just like on stage as she walked behind her. "Arch. Let's give them a show" she said, but not out loud. Lightly touching her arm as she passed was enough to send the thought.

Vineres walked till she was far enough back, and turned back to Flow. Her stride morphed into a run before she kept forward, turning her body onto her hands in a hand spring once over, omg the second putting enough strength behind it to send Vi over the shorter Naiad. The balls Florence had been juggling arched right over Vi's back, landing safely back in her hands.

Landing on her feet, Vi stood one last time to bow for the girls.

"We'd absolutely love it if you came. There's more of that in store for the show." She said smoothly.

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(No worries :) )

Florence beamed at them as Vineres displayed her aerial prowess, and as the balls fell for the last time around Vinere's she caught each one in her mouth, quickly removing it and putting it seemingly into a pocket on the back of her dress as each fell.

As Vinvere's landed acrobatically she showed off her considerably lower amount of aerial talent by jumping onto Vinere's back like a Koala, popping her head over her shoulder to also look at the girls.

"There is indeedy! Much much much more- Im not actually even a juggler!"

I had walked out of the alley when Vineres had begun her routine, watching the fun show while catching my breathe. I clapped happily along with the group of girls who nodded their heads enthusiastically at the invite to the show and promised to go. They walked off as I walked towards the girls. "Sorry for the inconvenience, ladies. Shifting isn't as long or painful like that normally but I haven't shifted in a long time so..." I dropped my head, embarrassed of my past. "Next time I just won't shift back and just let you guys eat then eat at the tents."
"No, You eat with us, you're family. Plus its fun ensuring theres gonna be some cute human girls at the opening tomorrow." She said. Her voice was strong, wanting to assure Koa that forcing him to starve like that wasn't okay, that as long as he was with them he would be treated like family. But records the end it became obvious her stunt was.purely to impress the girls.

"So, are we all ready?" She said, smiling to every one. By now she was sure they'd all be starving like she was.
Florence stared at Koa for a moment, her cheeks dimpled slightly as she mulled over his problem before her eyes lit up with a solution.

"Well, sounds like the answer is for you to shift as often as you can to me." After a moment she added to her sentance "I mean, not right now. But once we get back. Then it wont take as long and wont be as painful, which is good!"

Still clinging to Vinere's back as she talked to Koa, she dropped off and daintily landed on her feet, then leaned against her older friends arm.

"Looks like you made a new friee~eee~nd." She sang in a fond, but slightly teasing voice, looking at the vampire with her eyes twinkling slightly.
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"Oh shush" she said jokingly, picking the naiad up bridal style. Over the past few years Vineres had taken a liking to the Naiad, and could tell the young one anything, knowing she's keep it.

"Hopefully I'll be making friends with the short blonde one from that group of.girls tomorrow" she said, walking to the deli with Flow still in her arms. The girl was remarkably light for being one big condensed mass of water.

It was funny to see the group act that way to each other and it almost made him smile. He didn't though for that was another thing he hadn't done in a while. Walking behind the girls he watched each one of them inwardly noting things about them like how Vineres and Florence were best friends it seems.

I nodded my head to Florence's suggestion knowing "That would work but I would need some help or a really strong cage. Shifters tend to go crazy when shifting over and over painfully. Our animal sides don't take pain very well. Even our human sides can't take it and slowly our sanity is melted away. Shifting freshly or after a long time is like rolling down a rocky cliff. Every bone in your body is snapped and your skin is being ripped apart. It would take me about 12 times for it to be easier but even after that it will be painful to a certain degree."

I didn't know why I was telling them this. I didn't want pity but I guess I wanted everyone to know what this was like as a warning of sort. If I lashed out at them in human or beast form I wanted them to know the reason behind it.
"Ah! Fiend!" Florence yelped as Vinere's swept her up before a fit of giggles took her.

Recovering she put her arms around her neck for support, but otherwise relaxed into it.

"Blondes the yellow hair right? Its so silly people use colour for everything else but a special word for that." As Koa explained she leaned over to look at him, eyes brimming with sympathy. "That's awful. I dont really know about painy pain, but if its like head pain Im not a fan. I do know a little about getting lost in feeling though. When Naiads are in lakes we drift together and thoughts interwine and its lovely, but there's kind of an impulse to just stay there and drift apart altogether."
"Then its settled. You change when you feel the need or when you feel you can but not when it will constantly be bringing pain apon you. You understand your limits most, and everyone in the circus will understand. When we arrive back home tonight, I'll see what I can do about making something to with it." She said, flashing a smile to the boy. She understood what he meant with the pain. Shed seen Dragos shift after years of not doing to, and it did bring him great pain.

"While I do not shift, I do know how being what we are can bring pain against our will. The worst pain I have ever felt is hunger. Going hungry for even someone of only half blood vampyre's is excruciating. Every bone in your body feels like hot rods, scorching the flesh around them and warping. Blood feels like acid, and the pain in your teeth and at the end of every toe and finger tip is the worst." Said Vineres, "its why I joined the circus. No pain like that has taken a single siren or vampyre over after they join, as we work together. The same goes for shifters."

Vineres hushed her sentence as she opened the door to the Deli, placing Flow back on the ground. A couple others had already come in, in search of food as one side of the shop packaged raw and cooked meats, the other side acting as the town's cafe.

The smell of food made my mouth water instantly. My animal side turned its attention to the raw meat side of the cafe/deli while the human side wanted a sandwich, cooked to perfection. And a glass of chocolate to calm his nerves after the shift. I had to force the animal side down as they panted for the raw meat hanging beside the large butcher man. 'I'm in control now so we will eat cooked meat!' I thought as I glanced at the other supernatural girls. As I glanced around the happy faces I was practically slapped with the realization that I was content with my life here. The small group of girl were fine with me and I'm sure I hadn't done anything against anyone else either so I wasn't in fear of the rejection I once was felt every day. I hope I don't screw it up like I did before.
Vineres stood next the the counter, practically drooling over the assortment of foods. To her excitement, the place had vegetarian burgers, non the less they were her favorite black bean ones. Ordering that and bag of chips Village waited for the others to order so that she could pay.

"Got any idea what you want?" she asked Koa, knowing Florence would be a little while before she decided.

I looked up at the menu of the little deli and saw that they also made pizzas. I turned to Vineres, quickly widening my eyes and shifting them to giver her true 'puppy dog eyes.' "A triple meat pizza and a glass of chocolate milk...?" I asked excitedly. I knew it was strange for a almost grown man to order a glass of chocolate milk but I needed it. To add to the pleading motion I pushed out my lower lip and whined quietly to where the man at the counter wouldn't here. "Please?"
Florence smiled as Vinere's ordered her food and then laughed at Koa as he pulled his puppy dog stunt enlarging his eyes, which was something Florence herself wasnt above doing on occasion.

She ate purely for entertainment so choosing food was purely for experiencing different tastes with her, but it was drinks that she really enjoyed, since she could taste the flavour of liquids with her entire self if she wanted.

Peering through the counter she looked it over, judging purely from how it looked.

"IIII of those-" She pointed to a small salad as she spoke "Aaaand Apple juice!"
Vineres couldn't help but chuckle, resting the moment on the counter for their orders.

"Yes, ofcourse." She said with a smile. The man behind the counter seemed happy to be having some new business and was quick to their orders. Vineres sat down, but not until a chair was pulled out for Florence and Koa.

"So you two, have any plans for tomorrow night?" She asked jokingly.
Florence waited for their drinks and carried them over to the table happily, putting them down and smiling to Vinere's and sitting in the chair she pulled out.

Taking a sip of her drink, rather than swallowing it conventionally she absorbed the liquid and shivered slightly as the flavour of the apple coursed through her body.

Taking Vinere's comment at face value and entirely missing the subtext, she looked at her and gave an earnest description.

"Well first im gonna be in my mirror box, and then when the show starts im going to be warming up the crowd with some improv before whoever Lilly decided is going to be the main act starts." She paused momentarily before adding "And then im going to sleep. You should know that silly!"

I say down happily taking my chocolate milk from Florence. I listened to what she was going to be doing and marveled at the idea. I've seen some of the acts because people had practiced them while I was around but I didn't know how the full circus went since I hadn't been here for long. I could imagine the sight and was in awe. In my life I haven't been to a circus before. I didn't really have the type of life where my 'parents' would take me outside much less to a circus.

Turning to Vineres I rose one brow "Oh yes! I do have plans to be at the circus I heard was in town! Are you going to be there?" I asked keeping a quizzical but strait face.
Vineres smiled at Florence, loving the girls pure honesty. "And I absolutely cannot wait to see your performance, love. I beleive Mother has got ours back to back, actually" she said before turning to Koa. Vineres didn't want to touch him, she didn't want to learn about his life like that. From their contact earlier she could feel that his childhood was full of pain, but refused to let her mind wander any further. His family threw him out she thought, so figured Dragos will have him in the crowd for the first couple of shows, just to see how they fooled the public, made it all LOOK like a hoax.

"Why yes, I am. Planning to meet a couple cute girls there, dontchaknow." She said, her eyes momentarily darting to the group of teenage boys clutching their girlfriends as if they might float away.

"With any luck they'll show, eh?"
"Well I'd show up for you, and they'd be silly not to do." Smiling at her warmly, she paused a moment and then frowned breifly "I mean, I wont show up for you, because you know, Im already going to be there. But I would."

Taking another sip of her drink she looked over to her shapeshifting friend.

"What act are you thinking of doing once you've figured out a routine Coaco?"

As she finished talking the owner of the deli came over with their food, placing the meals infront of them.

"Vegeterian burger and a salad for the two young ladies, and pizza for the young gentleman. Enjoy your meals."

As he nodded politely, Florence half got up from her seat to curtsey, then remembering it was somewhat out of fashion and might seem slightly unusual instead held out her hand for him to shake; which, was less old fashioned, but ultimatly no less strange.

"Thank you for the food, its nice to meet you."

Despite the look of slight confusion on his face he nevertheless shook her hand back politely as she smiled up at him.

"Er, nice to meet you too young lady."
Vineres smiled to the man, cringing on the inside a little bit when his confusion became evident.

"Thank you sir." She said this a smile, then shook her head with a laugh to Florence.

Seeing the food in front of her, Vineres could already feel her stomach growling. Hunger had been growing the past few days as she was fasting to cleanse her body for the new season. Today it had ended though, so she didn't hold back from eating. It was hard though to focus enough to keep her ravenous self back and polite.

"I don't really know. I can do anything from being the tamed beast or juggling if you had the time to teach me. I'm a quick learner and up for anything." He said. 'I just want to please everyone' I added mentally. Being around such a large group of people will be strange and a little alarming since I haven't been around anyone since escaping except for the circus crew.

When the food arrived I simply nodded my head to the cook as a thank you and also to Vineres for the food. I picked up a slice and rolled it up as I normally do. Taking a large bite, I closed my eyes and practically groaned in pure bliss. The pizza was fire cooked and absolutely amazing tasting.

Opening my eyes again I looked at the girls sheepishly with a smile. "Sorry. Manners."

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