The Experiments [Inactive]

Jack slowly got out of the car, and nearly fell from not being able to stretch his legs. He quickly caught himself by grabbing the top of the car, and looked at her with a smile, as he stretched his legs. " Oh I don't know, do you want me to dress you again." He raised an eyebrow at her, and gave her a smirk back. " It seems the more, and more you talk about it. The more, and more you seemed to want the moment to happen again." He'd hit the lock button on his key ring, and turned from the car, and walked towards the mall.
Arabella shook her head a little, smiling. "Last I checked, I was barely conscious when the moment happened." She followed him into the mall and stared at the displays in the store windows. "Do we even have any money?" Ara wondered out loud, noticing that people were staring at her greasy hair and torn clothes. She seriously needed a shower, but until she could have one, some new clothes and deodorant would do.
" Yea we have money hah" He rolled his eyes at her, and held up his wallet to her. " Just ignore those other people , they haven't gone through what we have so far." His voice was filled with a jocular tone as he put his wallet away, and playfully pushed her. When they came to the mall door, he opened the door and held it open for her. " Remind me when your looking for your underwear to look away." The remark made him laugh lightly.
"Oh so you're saying you want to be surprised when you decide to undress me later?" She grinned and walked backwards into the mall, holding his gaze. This statement caught the attention of some teenager boys hanging out in front of a store. One of them looked like he was going to say something perverted to her, but as he opened his mouth, Ara shot him a glance and he froze. (Literally he stopped moving, even though he was still alive.) His friends started poking at him. Arabella laughed a little, knowing the spell would wear off in about an hour. She started looking in store windows. "Lead the way." She said to Jack.
He looked over at the punka*ss kid, and shook his head as he watched the kid become frozen in place. " I do believe you were the one who was originally choose to be in your bra, and panties. I had no control over that. As for leading the way, thats your job not mine." As she walked in he closed the door behind him. As she walked in he playfully smack her on her a*s. His eyes gazed at her, with a smirk across his face.
She gasped playfully, but the gasp turned into laughing as she kept walking. "I had a robe on, jerk." Ara shook her head, blushing a little bit. She couldn't help but smile. "Fine, this way." She turned right and walked into a large department store. "Want to split up and meet back here in 15 minutes?" Ara tried her best to cover some scars as people walked by.
Jack found the relaxing pace between him, and Ara was worth it. He laughed with her as she led them to the department store. " Sure, sounds good to me. Try not to get caught by anyone." he laughed lightly at her, as he pulled out his wallet, and handed her a dark blue Visa card. " Here's your 'money' try not to go too crazy with it. Try to get at least a duffle bag, and a week's worth of stuff." When they were done talk he turned, and walked off into the mall, and turned into a store with the sign of " Hot Topic."
Arabella smiled, "I'll try." She took the card and immediately went to the camping section to find a duffel bag. After that, she got a few snacks and bottles of water. And finally, she shopped around and found a few pairs of skinny jeans that fit her, a couple v-necks (dark blue, red, and black), and a few sweaters, nothing fancy. She grabbed two matching pairs of bras/panties, one teal, one black. As she was paying, she spotted a pair of Vans on sale, so she found her size, and added them to the pile. "Thank you." She told the clerk as Ara grabbed the bag and headed to the bathroom. She changed quickly into the teal pair of bra/panties, the black v-neck, and new jeans, slipping on the Vans. Ara promptly threw away her old clothes in the ladies bathroom. Then, she waited outside the store for Jack.
Lira felt the cold hard ground as she woke up. "So it's real." She uttered as she sat up and noticed she was completely soaked to the skin. Her stomach growled and she felt pain in both legs. "Why?" She asked herself before remembering the previous experiment where they attached to heavy metal objects to her feet and had handcuffed her hands behind her back. They had chucked her into a pool full of cold water to test her nature ability to breath under water and to see if she could affect it. She was unable to affect the pool and spent all day in there. They left her there overnight to see what would happen and had just returned her to the cell 3 hours ago. She saw her shoes by her bed and noticed that there were no clean dry clothes waiting for her. She sighed as she removed the wet clothes before dumping them onto the floor. She slowly and painfully walked towards her bed before collapsing on it. She hoped she would get some clean clothes first and was unsure how the containment area worked due to her having been captured 3 days ago.
Ryan walked slowly down the cell hallway, heading towards the half-demon girl's cell. He ran his sweaty fingers through his short hair, utterly stressed out about this ATLANTIS project thing. Why did his boss have to be such a creep? Ryan stopped for a moment, remembering that the doctor wasn't his boss. He shook his head, ashamed of letting himself be ordered around by some scientist who technically had no authority. He arrived at Lira's cell and was just about to give her her food when he realized she was naked. "Ummm... Do you need some clothes..?" His face was reddening.
"Argh!" Lira exclaimed after Ryan spoke to her and covered her features up with her hands. "Y-yes!" She told Ryan and blushed very hard. She got up and winced due to the pain in her legs before collapsing onto the floor. She let out a long cry of pain afterwards and kept her features covered up. "Who a-are you?" She asked him as tears ran down her cheeks as a result of the pain in her legs. The pain was caused by her time in the pool due to the metal objects being very heavy and the lack of activity in it.
Ryan's eyes widened. It's not like he didn't like seeing a beautiful woman's feminine parts, but she seemed very much in pain. He grabbed a blanket from the nearby supply closet. "Here!" He tossed it over her through the bars. "I'm Ryan..." For some reason, he couldn't quite place it, he felt like talking to this girl. Normally he'd call her a freak for having multicolored skin/hair and looking different, but this whole operation was starting to disgust him. He quickly opened the cell and put her food in the corner. Ryan offered her a hand.
Lira wrapped the blanket around herself to cover up her womanly features as she felt the pain flow through her legs afterwards. "OW!" she screamed out in pain as she tried to stand up and once again, collasped onto the floor. "My legs, they hurt!" she informed Ryan and hoped he would take pity on her by helping her to deal with the pain.
"Here." Ryan bit his lip, knowing he shouldn't do this. He reached into his pocket and took out a needle. He flicked it, and inject half of it into her one leg, and half of it into the other. "That should dull the pain. But, try to walk around, that will help too."
"Th-thanks." Lira said to Ryan and slowly got up after he injected it into her legs. The needle pentrating the skin was unnoticable to her due to the sheer amount of pain she was in. She felt much better as a result of the injection. She walked up and down in her cell at a slow pace. "Could i have some dry clothes please?" She asked him as she paced up and down the cell as her legs started to feel better from the walking. She wasn't looking forward to today and feared that yesterday was just a taster of what to expect from the people running the place.
Jack was a fast shopper, and knew exactly what he wanted to wear, and what he didn't. He was in, and out of five different store before Arabella was out of one. He returned to their meeting place after with a large gun carrying case on his back, and six bags in each of his hands. When he got near her, he thought to himself " It seems I made more fun than she did heh." When he next to her he gave he a small smile, and looked at her. " It easy to see who had more fun with the credit cards hah. But you look nice when your not in a bunch of torn clothes. " He gave her a small nudge with his elbow. " So you ready to go?"
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A man in a heavy over coat with a bowler hat stepped out of the Store behind Arabella. He paused upon seeing Jack walk up to her, he then squinted his beady eyes before spinning on his heels and walking down the sidewalk to a public telephone. He keyed in a seemingly random series of numbers and waited several seconds, before leaving the phone hanging and walking away.

"Hello?" Dr. Mooriales asked as he held the phone in his office. There were only three different people alive with access to his office phone. Ryan, him, and the Head. That didn't include the hordes of Undead Trenchers roaming the cities of the world. Once he realized that nobody would answer, he dipped into that Trencher's mind to ascertain a location.

"Oregon? What would...?" Dr. Mooriales sighed and quickly ordered one of the doctors to take some runners and check up on things up there. Maybe if those two idiots had been smart enough to join up with the Trenchers in the first place his patients wouldn't have GOTTEN THAT FAR!

Dr. Mooriales sighed, several of the security guards had to drag him away from the cell before he could activate the Auto-incinerate feature. They completely ignored the prisoner, he'd have to talk to the chief of architecture about those bar cell doors.

Meta-glass is so much more efficient.
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Rachel, having recovered from the drugs she had been injected with woke up to find her self in a cell alone. Sitting up as a human she looked around to see if she recognized the exact cell she was now to stay in, and she found that she actually didn't. Moving on from the fact of the new cell she stumbled a little in standing up when she looked at the walls of the cell, they were splattered with blood. "oh no..." she thought to her self as she started to stand up slowly. "W-where am I?.." making her way to the door of the cell she tried to call out to any one who might be around to try and find answers "Hey! Anyone There!?..."
Ryan moved to the supply closet and grabbed a grey uniform, throwing it at Lira. "There." He said, and locked her cell. He ignored the pleas of Rachel.

Arabella smiled, "You're good at shopping." She nodded, holding up her bag, "I've got everything I need."

((Sorry I don't have much time.))
"Thanks." Lira said to Ryan. After he left, she took off the blanket and dried herself before putting the grey uniform on. It wasn't comfortable and she wished he had given her some bra and panties. She sat down on her bed and stared at her pile of wet clothes for a few minutes. She felt fear clutching at her as she remembered every single second of the long experiment in the pool and feared that today would be a lot worse. She created a small horse out of water and made it race around her cell to pass the time.
Arabella felt suddenly like she was being watched, and her smile disappeared. "We need to go. Now." She grabbed at the sleeve of his shirt and started to walk quickly towards the car.
Pacing in agitated circles around her cell wasn't getting her anywhere. Each step throbbed and it only seemed to make her even hungrier. It was this moment of insight that helped her regain her more human senses. This form wasn't going to get her anywhere. She checked to make sure no one was making their way down the hall she shifted back. The sudden loss of fur and cover made her shiver. She had dropped her clothes when they took her in. Luckily however, she had smuggled in another outfit for such an occasion. Sorcha was slipping on her jeans when she heard Rachel crying out from some cell far off. Now that she thought about it she could make out some indistinct conversation as well. She regretted the fact that she hadn't smuggled anything warmer than a tank top. With a sigh she lay on her bed and waited for the next meal to come.
Ryan finished his meal rounds at Sorcha's cell. He eyed her up and down. "Aren't you cold?" A flash of Lira's naked body popped in his mind. His face immediately reddened. "Jesus, everyone's indecent today." He muttered.
Sorcha's first priority was food. It didn't matter what was in the meal, just as long as she was able to eat it as quick as possible. She eyed him carefully, not saying anything at first. She was puzzled at his blush and wondered if he really couldn't handle the fact that she was in a tank top. "Yes." She answered shortly between mouthfulls, having half a mind to lay into him that there was nothing indecent about the way she was dressed. Then again just eating something was more important. There was something different about him, something changed.
Ryan scratched the back of his head, "I didn't mean it that way." He smiled, but this time it wasn't in a menacing way. He didn't flash his fang or grin, but really smiled. "Have a good meal." He calmly walked back down the hall.

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