The Experiments [Inactive]

Lira made the water horse gallop around her cell as she remembered every second of the day before. She couldn't help it due to her having nothing else to think off. Tears started to roll down her cheeks and caused her to accidentally ram the horse into the cell wall. She felt very hungry and hoped she would get something to eat but feared that she would be dragged off for some tests soon.
While his minions went after his patients, Dr. Mooriales put in a call to Ryan.

"Mr. Ryan, it's time we asked the top dogs for help with these escapees. Not to say that we couldn't on our own of course, but they'd probably punish us for not telling them in the first place. We need the full assistance of the nation's law enforcement, it would make this go by quicker and more effectively. I spoke with the chiefs of architecture and resources, they're both backing the decision. But we need all of us in order to pull this off, what with the ATLANTIS Project's activation date coming up. Look, they were just spotted in Oregon, they actually made it THAT FAR... We need to tell the heads. You're the chief of security for god's sakes! You of all people should understand how important a breach of security is."

Dr. Mooriales walked over to a bank of monitors, displayed on them were several prisoners.

"So tell me Mr. Ryan, are you in?"
As Ryan passed Lira's cell, he tossed in a paper bag containing the usual piece of bread, can of beans, and bottle of water. "Don't worry," He whispered, not turning his head, "They won't experiment on you for a while now." He got to the break room, where a call was waiting on him. "Doc? Yes, yes of course." Ryan felt sick to his stomache. He suddenly hoped that the runaways got away, out of the country. "Oregon, you say..." He scratched his head, "Okay. I'm in."
Lira remained silent as Ryan chucked the bread into her cell and slowly walked over to it after her tears stopped. She picked up the bag after walking towards it and walked back to her bed. She sat down and immediately started to consume the bread. She didn't care if it may have been drugged or not due to how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten for a week and was controlled by her hunger as she scoffed the bread. She started on the can of beans afterwards. She had no intention to drink the water due to her natural ablities providing her with plenty of water to drink.
Rachel would take her paper bag of food and hide it in her room under some lose floor, she then would go and bang on her cell's door calling out to the warden "HEY JERK FACE RYAN! You Forgot My Food!" Rachel continued to yell out hoping to get lucky enough and get a little bit more today because of the idiocy of the warden.
"HEY JERKFACE RYAN!" Lira heard a woman shout. She ate the rest of her bread and got the can of beans out. She walked towards her cell door. "Hey, would you like my beans?" She called to the woman. She knew what it was like to not have food and wanted to help the woman.
Rachel would look to the voice and get a little confused look "I didn't know we got a new prisoner. Well, at any rate no that's your food, dumb a*s RYAN! Will have to give me my own portion of food." Rachel would look at the warden's office direction and scoff a bit discussed that they wouldn't respond to her calling outs. Turning back to Lira Rachel would half sit on the floor her tail coming around her side to sit in her lap, Rachel kept one eye in the direction of the warden's office and one on the new prisoner in front of her. "Well I cant say I'm the first to welcome you but I can say I'm the first to formally welcome you to hell, population, 3 so far, and 2 lucky a*s b*stards who escaped."
"Thank you." Lira said to the woman with the tail. She couldn't help but stare at the tail for a few seconds out of curiosity. "Here, have this." She said to woman and gently threw it towards the woman's cell. She sat down in front of her cell door and noticed many bruises around her ankles. They had been caused by the metal objects and was very thankful Ryan had given her something forthe pain.
Rachel just rolled the can back over and pulled out her food from the hiding spot and began to eat nonchalantly. She would look at Lira and just stare for a bit before speaking softly "I wouldn't trust him if I were you."
"He seems nice and gave me something for the pain." Lirai told the woman with the tail. "He also gave me a blanket and this uniform." She said to her. She didn't really want to talk about yesterday and decided to try to avoid talking about it. "Want my water?" She asked the woman.
Rachel would shake her head and just look down eating a bit "don't let him fool you, he's drugged me so many times as to keep me from singing its not even funny, its horrible.. I song through everything... and I'm not allowed to here.."
"That's horrible!" Lira exclaimed in a shocked tone. "I'm Lira, nice to meet you." She said afterwards and rubbed the bruising around her ankles. It didn't do anything thanks to Ryan's injection and was doing it out of boredom.
Lira stuck her hand out of her cell and made a handshaking motion. "Would it be offensive if i asked about you?" She asked the woman. She wasn't sure if she would be offended or not by being asked about her tail.
Rachel shakes her head 'no' and her ears flop a little coming off her head some as she seems to relax a little "not at all, go right ahead"
"I don't mean to sound rude. What are you?" Lira asked Rachel. She looked at her in a curious manner. "You can ask me anything if you want." She said to the woman.
Rachel sighed a little as she could guess this was going to be the question. Sitting up a little Rachel began her story answer. "I'm what they call a Neko, its a half cat half human person of sorts, usually have a human body, but with cat ears and a cat tail like I have. I got this way when I was in a little laboratory accident that happened late one night with my pet cat Milo hanging around me. Turned me into part her so yea."
"Thank you for telling me." Lira said to Rachel. "I'm a halfling. Half human, half demon. My father was human and died 10 years ago. My mother was water demon and perished in a fire." She told Rachel. She let out a sigh afterwards. "I can control,asborb and create water. I'm very resistant to it and i think i can last a lot longer without drinking then the average human." She said to the neko woman. "I have gills and I age slowly. I'm actually 50 years old but I did just reach my 20s if i was a normal human." She said to the woman and smiled at her.
"I think most people would never guess what i am." Lira told Rachel whilst rubbing the bruising around her ankles. She stopped after a few minutes and created a cat out of water. She made it walk towards Rachel's cell.
Rachel seems to smile a bit and uses her tail to poke at teh water cat a bit "hehe, well isnt that fun and notot agaisnt the rules like singing"
"I often create things using my abilities. It's fun and passes the time!" Lira told Rachel and smiled a bit before needing to use the toilet. She got up and looked around her cell after making the cat enter Rachel's cell. The cat sat down next to the Neko and looked at her. "Do they let us out to use the toilet?" She asked Rachel in a bit of an embarrased tone.

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