The Experiments [Inactive]

"Thanks." Lira said to Rachel and looked at the corner of her cell. She walked towards the corner of the cell. "Are you still able to see me?" She asked the neko.
Rachel would silently nod but turn away so used to the event now she didnt even care or have an opinion about it. Just fed up with being there anymore.
Lira sighed. She knew there was no privacy in her cell and knew she was stuck in here. She used the "Toilet". After a few minutes, she washed her hands by spraying each hand with water and wiped them on her uniform. She had a very large bladder and only needed to go to the toilet once or twice a week. She walked back towards the cell door and sat down. She made the cat in Rachel's cell jump onto her lap. The cat had the shape of a cat but it was still water.
Jack watched the man walk off to a pay phone, then looked back at Arabella." We gotta go, now.." He kept his voice low, and would grab his bags. Jack kept his head down, and started to walk to the exit. "These f*cking b*stards just don't go away.. They don't understand the meaning of escaping.. What if we have to keep going north.. If these guys have the power to simply pluck us off the streets, and out of our homes… Who knows what deal they have with the government." His mind began to try, and formulate three different possible plans. If one scape was this far north, that had to mean they had these f*ck ups across the entire state. Maybe Canada was the best refuge..
Rachel's eyes widened as the water cat jumped into her lap, she also shivered as the cold water from the cat went through her regulation prison uniform and hit her skin "wooaw that is cold"
"Sorry!" Lira exclaimed after the cat went through the Neko's suit. "I keep forgetting that the water is cold and humans feel the cold much quicker then i do." She told Rachel. She wasn't used to interacting with people and had forgot that humans are not as resistant to the cold water as she was. She made the cat run away from the cell before stopping it. It fell to the floor with a soft splash. She hoped Rachel would not be angry at her for her mistake.
Shivering one last time Rachel looked at Lira and gave a soft smile "its okay, Im part cat though, so its not that humans feel the cold, just being wet makes me a little unhappy. But I forgive you"
"Sorry." Lira apologise to Rachel again and resumed rubbing her bruises. A few minutes later, she asked "I hate asking this but what will they do to me?" She loathed asking the question and suspected she wouldn't like the answer. She was curious and wanted to pass the time by discussing stuff with Rachel.
Ryan ignored the cries from Lira and Rachel, unable to face them at the moment. He got a cup of coffee in the break room, feeling sick about the entire operation.

Arabella suddenly stopped as they were walking, getting an enormous migraine. "Shit..." She muttered, images suddenly flooding her mind, images of ATLANTIS and death to all of the subjects still in the prison. She shivered, trying to stop herself from thinking about these things, but it was as if someone was trying to communicate with her.
Rachel would nod "its fine Lira." Standing up Rachel would go to the front wall of her cell looking towards the warden's office and calling yet again for him "Hey! I know youre in there @$$ HOLE! Come out here and answer me!"
Lira was glad that Rachel forgave her for the mistake and continued to rub her bruises. She wondered who Rachel was calling for and asked "Who is refusing to answer you?" In a curious manner as she massaged her bruised ankles. She sighed after looking down at them and hoped that they didn't intend to put the metal objects around her ankles again.
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Sorcha sat in her cell puzzling over the smile. It had seemed so genuine. What was wrong with him? Something had changed his attitude and she was determined to figure out what exactly. Or at least to put his good attitude to the test. She could hear the two at the other end of the hall talking and sometimes shouting for Ryan, but he didn't seem to do anything. Gracefully she got up from her bed and made her way to the bars before calling out in a calm manor. "Hey Ryan!" She still desperately needed meat.
Lira continued to massage her bruised ankles whilst Rachel called for Ryan. She hoped that the neko wouldn't get the pair into trouble and tried to avoid thinking of the experiment that was preformd on her yesterday but without any distractions, it was impossible for her not to think about it. The halfling stopped massaging her ankles and curled into a ball. "They're going to preform more of those tests on me aren't they?" She said to the woman in a scared tone.
Speaking to the halfling but not actually looking at her Rachel tried to sound kind and reassuring but wasn't the best at putting on that kind of an act "not if I cant help it."
"How?" Lira asked Rachel in a bit of a doubtful tone. "We're stuck in here and they don't care if it hurts or not as long as they get what they want." She said after curling up into a ball.
Rachel backs away from the door of her cell and looks at Lira for a bit and then her eyes go wide and speaks softly to Lira in a volume only she would be able to hear. "Lira.. do you really want to get out of here? If so, what are you willing to do to get out?.."
"Yes but i'm not strong enough. I've not eaten in a week and they'll catch us. They'll torture us then experiment on us then torture us some more." Lira told Rachel as tears started to roll down her cheeks. She truely believed that escape was impossible and knew that in her current state, she couldn't use her powers to their full potential.
Jack stopped, and looked back at Arabella. The moment she stopped he knew something was up with her. He had never seen her get these kinds of headaches, but whatever they were it looked at if it was tearing her mind apart. " Arabella… Come on we gotta go now. They could be surrounding us by now." He voice was no more of a whisper as he kept look out for anyone else suspicious within their general area. He hated to sound like a self-centered pain , but he knew this thing wasn't going stop here.
"Dr. Mooriales, Chief of research, and Security Chief Ryan. The Head requests your presence in the conference room, immediately."

Dr. Mooriales flinched, he was the embodiment of sadistic pleasure. A host for the death and destruction of necromancy. But he knew how to respect those with authority over him, and the Head has some serious authority over the entire prison set up. He made his way to the conference room. He knew that the Head was killable, just like every other living being. But as an associate of this Institution he was designated to feel the same overwhelming respect for the head, just like all the other staff. He made it to the Conference room first, and waited for Ryan, there was no way in hell that he was going ditch out on him now.
Lira listened to what Rachel had to say whilst remaining curled up in a ball. After a few minutes of silence, she looked at the neko and whispered "I can't do it." to her. her stomach growled at the short amount of food it had recieved and she sighed. "I'm not strong enough to do it. I've not eaten properly in a week and i think i would get us killed." She whispered to her before sighing again.
Shaking her head Rachel stood up and looked around and directly at the warden office taking a breath before speaking "Hey Jerks! Its meal time! feed us already!" Rachel would wait to see if anyone would respond after that call out
Lira looked at Rachel after she called for the staff. "You'll make it worse." She said to the neko. She hoped she was wrong about the insults making their situation worse and her stomach gave another growl. She remained curling up in a ball .

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