The Experiments [Inactive]

Arabella listened intently, trying her best to understand. The lack of sleep was taking its toll on her as well. "Oh... uh.. okay. Well, maybe you'll think better in the morning... after you get some sleep." She offered, and laid back down, yawning as she went under the blankets, "I know I will. Good night Jack." She closed her eyes and after a few minutes, fell asleep.
A single Runner had come across subjects who matched the description of the escapees. It was perched on a roof across from Caso del Rio, watching and smelling the air with vigilance. In the next instance, two other runners leaped onto the roof from other buildings and slid next to him to watch as well.

One of the doctors checked the viewpoints of the three runners to confirm their sightings from the roof of a far off building as the other doctor kept his eyes on the sky. Pleased with what he saw, the doctor turned to his partner and nodded. Then together they contacted their master.

Dr. Mooriales was VERY busy at the moment, he wielded the handheld, rotating saw-blade with ease as he worked on his patient. The sudden influx of knowledge from those two doctors he had sent out made him smirk to himself. He stopped the procedure and danced over to the staff phone that was placed against the wall near the airtight steel door.

"Mr. Ryan, our lost kittens have been spotted. I request that you scramble some of your off-island forces and send them to the coordinates I'm sending you." Dr. Mooriales was a happy little doctor, and continued the message with glee "Also, I spoke with the Heads of the department. They've finally come through, we now have authority to activate the ATLANTIS Project. I do hope you will join me and the chief of architecture later to discuss this turn of events. Well, I have work to do Mr. Ryan. Ta-ta~!"

And with that, Dr. Mooriales ended the call and prowled back to his patient. It was a young harpy.

Starting up the saw again, Dr. Mooriales sawed through her thin left arm. The screams were muffled by the thick piece of plastic taped to her mouth. Dr. Mooriales went to work on the next arm, and after it met its twin on the floor beside the restrained harpy, Dr. Mooriales pulled a cord hanging from the ceiling. A shower of pixie powder sprinkled down upon the harpy's bleeding form, and her wounds instantly began to heal. The arms began to heal, but instead of the cute, half-human wings she had had, she now had completely bird-like wings. Dr. Mooriales was pleased to announce that they looked hideous on her, even more hideous than the last regeneration. He wanted to see how deteriorated the regenerated wings could get. He hefted his saw once more and then got to work.
Jack had let his eyes peer through the windows of the building across from them, as he saw the three men staring down at him. " Oh… Sh*t!" He quickly turned off all the lights as the room went completely black. He quickly rushed into the bathroom, and grabbed Arabella's clothes,and quickly sat her up. He knew this was gonna put him in the dog house for a week, but it had to be done, for both of their safety. He pulled his the robe, and quickly clothed her then made for the windows where he quickly pulled over the window curtains to conceal their position. Once he had made sure he left nothing of this personal belongings be grabbed her by her hand, and pulled her along.
Waking up from the tranquilizer Rachel mentally slaps her self for being taken down so easily. "You were so close, and you just had to be weak didn't you?". She would look to Chi and find that the guards also were found and took back the key to their cell that Rachel had swiped when she had the one chance. "D*mn it Rachel. Way to go. you blew your one shot at freedom."
Arabella didn't know what was going on. One minute she was asleep, in a bathrobe, and the next, she was awake in her dirty clothes. Did she put them on in her sleep? No, that wasn't possible. "WHAT THE HELL" She automatically tore her hand from his. "What's going on?!" Her eyes widened as she realized that Jack had seen her in her bra and panties without her being awake. "Oh my god, oh my god," She muttered over and over again, her face the a bright shade of red. But she kept running with him, knowing that they must be in danger.
" Just shut up ,and run. You can completely disown me later." His voice was tense, as he moved down the stairs at lightening fast speed. He was not about to be caught after getting out of that place. Even though he had only been in their for seven hours. He definitely didn't enjoy it. When the reached the ground level, he went stopped for a moment to catch his breath, and to wait on Arabella.
Arabella shut up, and focused on running. It really wasn't that big of a deal, was it? I mean, he was obviously trying to save me. It would've looked suspicious if I had been running in a robe... and besides, it's not like he saw me naked or anything. She thought, trying to rationalize the situation. She caught up with Jack fairly quickly. "Okay. Let's go."
The runners glanced at each other. One of the doctors landed on the building and quickly started gesturing for them to get going.

"Come on boys you can do better!" Dr. Mooriales said from his office as he twirled a cane with the severed eye of a werewolf as a gem piece "Just make sure you give Ryan's boys a shot at them, wouldn't want them to feel left out now do we?"

The Runners took this to heart and began fanning out as they continued there fancy free-running maneuvers through the buildings and alleyways in an effort to reacquire sight of their prey.
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Ryan followed the Doc's orders, phoning in to his off-island guards. He explained the situation, and they immediately began searching for the witch girl and the baykok boy.
He nodded at her, and made his way through the staff only part of the hotel. Most of the staff was still asleep, and no one saw them. He rushed through the kitchen, and quickly made his way out the back door on the opposite side of the hotel from where the minions had seen them. Waiting for them on the side parking was a Black. Scion Rx-7. Jack quickly unlocked the car, and opened the door for Arabella, as he slide across the hood of the car, and quickly made his way inside, as he slammed the keys into the ignition, and immediately started the car, while putting it into drive. The moment he heard the sounds of the zombie men nearby he floored the acceleration ,as the car lurched forward away from the others.
One of the Runners leaped through several of the others and dug his nails into the back of the car. He began beating at it savagely in attempt to slow it down in any way.

The closest doctor grumbled at the sight of the vehicle speeding away, and quickly took to the air.

He hefted his machinegun as his disgusting wings carried him a viable distance before he began opening fire on the vehicle, completely ignorant of several nearby Runners.

Dr. Mooriales was now listening to loud rock music as he viewed the scene through the eyes of the undead. He was strumming his cane as if it were a guitar, enjoying every second.
Jack swerved the car so that the gun fire sawed off the hands of the runner which had dug his nails into the car. Once they were free of runner Jack turned the car to the hard right, and began entering the highway. He knew the men wouldn't follow him into a heavily populated area, especially since the sun was beginning to rise. " F*ck… This is getting too close.." His voice was shaky, as he rubbed his face, and followed the highway west. " I don't know if we can help the others.. at least not for now.."
Arabella braced herself for the rough, swerving car ride. "Where do we go from here..?" She suddenly said. She was only a little bit disturbed by the fact that they couldn't go back for the others yet.

Ryan picked up Rachel and made sure to inject her with drugs yet again before putting her in the cell with Sorcha. "Let's see how you two get along, eh?"
"Hmmm..." Dr. Mooriales said "A heavily populated area."

He tapped his cane against the desk for a minute.

He spoke to the many undead following under his command, and spoke softly.

"I have a good idea as to where they're going. But for now, stay out of sight."

He sighed to himself.

"I'll send you all your instructions soon. Nobody eludes their appointment for long."

He then called up Ryan.

"Mr. Ryan, we may have to go through with the ATLANTIS Project sooner than we realized."
As Rachel is thrown into the cell with the shifter she drowsily turns cat and attempts to slide back into the cell with Chi not really trusting the beast to NOT eat her.
" We go west.. go all the way to Nevada if we need to.. we need to know what the f*ck they are planning." After a moment of thinking he shook his head to keep himself awake. " They know every place we are going to to… So we need to go somewhere they won't think of looking…" He merged through traffic, and after they were at least another hour outside of their previous location he took an exit which took them to another highway taking them north to Oregon. Once he knew that they were going in a direction which was not expected he sighed, and looked at Arabella. " Look I'm sorry for the rude awakening, and for well… You know.." He blushed slightly, and return his eyes to the road ahead of them.
"Oh? What is this we have here?"

Dr. Mooriales stared down at the cat.

"Awww, what an adorable little escapee."

-Disturbing chuckles-
Rachel decides not to listen to the doctor stumbling a bit from thh drugs and having difficulty squirming her way past the newly reinforced walls back over to her original cell mate.
A vein bulged above Dr. Mooriales' eye at the small creature's ignorance. His smile morphed into a frown of horrifying proportions.

"Fine, if that is how you want to play." He spat, he pointed at a guard stationed nearby "YOU, THE PASS FOR THIS CELL, NOW!!!"

The guard flinched, "But aren't you only head of the science division?"

Dr. Mooriales rolled his pale eyes, he looked the guard in the eye and twisted his neck in an unnatural angle "Need I remind you, that I have enough power within these walls to lay you out and fill you with your mother's feces?"

The guard shrank and shakily handed Dr. Mooriales the pass, which the doctor then pressed to a panel beside the cell door that slid open. It revealed a keypad that Dr. Mooriales began fiddling with. The guard stood behind him with a look of confusion and fear.
White lights. Pain. Blood. She can't escape. The binds are too tight. She can't move. She can feel the scalpel cutting through her fur. She thrashes against her bindings. Her muscles refuse to work, her mouth is taped shut. It's too bright. She can barely make out laughter, it's as if her ears are full of water. Blood. She can smell it, she can see it dripping on the floor. She knows it's hers. She can't escape.

Sorcha jolted awake, her teeth bared. She was struck with an acute soreness as she put her full weight on her right foreleg. She tried her best not to cry out. How dare the humans do this to her. Every part of her ached and she wished she hadn't woken up at all. Then again she couldn't go back to that nightmare. She was dimly aware of a little black cat tottering away from her cell. She gave a low growl at the thing that had infringed on her territory. The thing that was able to run around so freely. It was after this that she realized how hungry she was. She needed to hunt, to kill. A voice in the back of her mind was warning her against staying in this form any longer. The longer you are an animal, the less likely you are to return to human form.
Arabella blushed furiously and stared down at her lap. "It's fine." She laughed a little, "I know what you were doing, so it's not like you're some pervert or anything. And it's not like I was naked so there's that." The witch stared out the window. "How long will it take to get there?"
" We are going north now.. I'll take us to oregon.. They won't travel that far north to get us.." His voice had calmed down, and he laughed lightly at the fact that her face was a shade of red which he had never seen a girl turn. " I will say this, for the quick moment of your body I saw, it was definitely quite jaw dropping." He smirked at her, and playfully winked at her.
She nodded in agreement to traveling to Oregon. "Sounds good," Even though she had turned to look out the window, she could tell he was looking at her. Ara put a hand up to her mouth to keep from laughing in embarrassment. "You bet it was." She finally said, and winked back at him.
The trip lasted well over five hours, but they stopped in Eugene Oregon. He made sure that he kept them both in a heavily populated area. Even though Jack truly was exhausted, but he knew Arabella needed new clothes. So he pulled off the highway, and drove them to the nearest mall. It was now 11:08 am, and the sun was almost in the middle of sky. He turned off the car, and looked over at her, "I suppose it's time for both of us to get some new clothes. eh?" He laughed slightly, and would gently rub his eyes while yawning.
She nodded, and blinked a few times before opening the car door. It took a few moments for her legs to adjust to not being cramped in a car after she slid from the leather seat. "Are you gonna let me dress myself this time?" Arabella grinned at him, resting her crossed arms on the top of the car and leaning her weight onto one leg.

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