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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Drakon nodded slowly. "Of course. You think those fire tornados I can make in my hands are illusions? Their perfectly real." He laughed. In his heart though, that all Drakon had needed was friend. Now that he had one again he felt like a large burden had been lifted off his shoulders... It also felt very calm and peaceful to watch his kite soar up into the sky.
Nico was enjoying herself as well. She was so glad that she approached him and all. She took out her phone and took a snap of Drakon flying his kite. She giggled softly before turning her phone to take a selfie with her and Drakon. She held out a peace sign and smiled gently. Hopefully, Drakon isn't too camera shy..



Cody looked around the spa, it was very nice looking, he's never seen such well done cultural heritage items, meaning, they must have one of those bath things, which must be the sauna, he wanted to ask, but didn't want to seem the stereotype, so he stood by and waited for Moonstone to get everything done.
Kisaki said:
'God , she's warm', thought Kuro. He was more used to the cold. It's weird how this woman warms his cold skin.
"Okay ...are you ready ?"as he slowly released her.

(I'll just put male and female versions)


Female: [media]

(I'm on my phone ;- ;)

Serena skated away, spinning around, this was now pretty much like rollerblading, she was laughing all the while she skated, passing by Jack, then coming to a stop next to him, "This is fun. Thank you Jack. " she said, she stood there looking up at him, "Jack, I've been wondering... " she said, holding her hands together below her, "...if I could... Give you a real kiss. " she said, she wanted to, but didn't know how to go about it.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody looked around the spa, it was very nice looking, he's never seen such well done cultural heritage items, meaning, they must have one of those bath things, which must be the sauna, he wanted to ask, but didn't want to seem the stereotype, so he stood by and waited for Moonstone to get everything done.


Finishing things up, Moonstone was told where the male locker room was so they could store their clothes and get their towels, and then told them how to get to the sauna. After receiving all the information Moonston told Cody they were ready and began leading him to where the male locker room. "I didn't bring bathing suits, but some people go in with just their shorts and a t-shirt. I think I'm just going to use a towel though."

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Extra Information


The spa




Talking to Cody while leading him to the male locker room


Go to the sauna with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


:( {I guess different when you have a different. I can access youtube with mines)

Kuro blinked a few times. "Kiss...me. Why does a kitten like you deserve one , huh?". He was blushing ,turning his head to the side.

Redirect Notice

{I can't upload pics on my phone :( }

CERBERUS177 said:
(I'm on my phone ;- ;)
Serena skated away, spinning around, this was now pretty much like rollerblading, she was laughing all the while she skated, passing by Jack, then coming to a stop next to him, "This is fun. Thank you Jack. " she said, she stood there looking up at him, "Jack, I've been wondering... " she said, holding her hands together below her, "...if I could... Give you a real kiss. " she said, she wanted to, but didn't know how to go about it.



Cody looked at his attire, "...Guess I'll use a towel too... " he said, he wasn't self conscious, just, never was half naked in front of friends or even family for that matter, "So you've been here before, what does the sauna look like? " he asked Moonstone.
charleen said:
Nico was enjoying herself as well. She was so glad that she approached him and all. She took out her phone and took a snap of Drakon flying his kite. She giggled softly before turning her phone to take a selfie with her and Drakon. She held out a peace sign and smiled gently. Hopefully, Drakon isn't too camera shy..
Drakon smiled sheepishly at the camera. It was true, he was a little camera shy so he tried not to look too bad, but at least decent enough for the photo. He was mostly just quiet, enjoying himself for the most part.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody looked at his attire, "...Guess I'll use a towel too... " he said, he wasn't self conscious, just, never was half naked in front of friends or even family for that matter, "So you've been here before, what does the sauna look like? " he asked Moonstone.


Entering the locker room Moonstone grabbed a towel and found a place to sit, taking off their shoes and socks first. "I've never been to the sauna, all I did here was get my nails done. I've never been to any sauna before really, so, uh, sorry if I don't know exactly how this works." Once they finished taking off their shoes and socks, they quickly tried to take off their other clothing and put on the towel around their waist to avoid things getting awkward.

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The spa, Male locker room




Taking off their shoes and socks while talking to Cody


Prepare to go to the sauna

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Kisaki said:
:( {I guess different when you have a different. I can access youtube with mines)
Kuro blinked a few times. "Kiss...me. Why does a kitten like you deserve one , huh?". He was blushing ,turning his head to the side.

Redirect Notice

{I can't upload pics on my phone :( }
"Be-Because, I... Love you and, we haven't had a real kiss yet... " she said, feeling a bit upset ,"But if you don't want to... I guess we can wait..." she said.
"Oh!fine" he said.He pulled her to him and leaned close to her, going in for a kiss. He pressed his cold lips against hers.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Be-Because, I... Love you and, we haven't had a real kiss yet... " she said, feeling a bit upset ,"But if you don't want to... I guess we can wait..." she said.



...♅Akira watched as each of the battles ended infront of him, and after carefully reading through what his mother, Ariadne had written down, along with his own observations, he decided that it was time to end the class. Standing up from his resting position, Akira spoke out to the class, shortly before he spoke directly to his son, Haruo. After he finished talking, he smiled♅...

Okay, that's enough for today's lesson. Class is dismissed. You may now proceed to your next and final class for the day. Haruo, you'll need to stay behind. I have some things I must discuss with you. Don't worry, it's nothing bad.

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Cody kept his eyes closed, and made his way to the other side of the lockers, then he got undressed and put the towel around his waist, "That's alright. " he said, storing his stuff into a locker, then walking back to the door, waiting for Moonstone.
Kisaki said:
"Oh!fine" he said.He pulled her to him and leaned close to her, going in for a kiss. He pressed his cold lips against hers.
Serena had her eyes open, then closed them, 'Cold, but...warm...Strange, not sure what I was expecting on temperature...' she thought to herself, feeling stupid.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody kept his eyes closed, and made his way to the other side of the lockers, then he got undressed and put the towel around his waist, "That's alright. " he said, storing his stuff into a locker, then walking back to the door, waiting for Moonstone.


After getting their clothes off and having their towel around their waist Moonstone put their clothes into their locker. Once they were all finished they walked towards Cody and told him they were ready. They opened the door to lead him to the sauna by using the lady's directions, and waited for Cody to exit first before they left out to lead him. "What do you want to talk about first when we get there?" they asked him.

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Extra Information


The spa, Male locker room




Talking to Cody


Go to the sauna

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Roman said:

Roman looked at Misaki, his smile still remaining after he finished speaking to her and still remaining after Mal spoke. "You'd rather your mother give you the punishment too. I really don't want to punish my princess, but school is no joke and it wont be treated like one." He told her. "That being said, you can head to your room now. We'll talk later." He ordered her.
Misaki huffed and walked off, "Alright..." she mumbled, going off to her room.

Mal watched Misaki walk off "I'm not sure Seraph is even helping you get better" she mumbled before looking at Roman and smiling, "So are you finally back and I wont have to deal with her alone?" she asked.
After 15 seconds Kuro pulled away.

'He'll have to tease Jack about this . I kissed his girlfriend 'he smirked .

"I guess that it wasn't so bad."he said.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena had her eyes open, then closed them, 'Cold, but...warm...Strange, not sure what I was expecting on temperature...' she thought to herself, feeling stupid.
Kisaki said:
After 15 seconds Kuro pulled away.
'He'll have to tease Jack about this . I kissed his girlfriend 'he smirked .

"I guess that it wasn't so bad."he said.
She was smiling, "Yeah...that was better than expected, well, the feeling..." she said, not feeling much love through it though, strange, she was nuts about him before, and now the kiss didn't really feel like much. But, she hid it, and thought that a first kiss might feel like that.



"No idea, already talked about what kind of women I like with another friend, so I'll feel as though I'm repeating myself, and you're not the metal type now are..?" he said, leaving it open for an answer, "Oh, if the heat source cools, I just remembered that I can relight it, or if they use rocks, I can just hold the rock and heat it." he said, feeling quite smart thinking about a solution to a problem that'd never happen, "But...Yeah, don't really know..." he said, cars? Video games? He didn't know what Moonstone liked...
CERBERUS177 said:
"No idea, already talked about what kind of women I like with another friend, so I'll feel as though I'm repeating myself, and you're not the metal type now are..?" he said, leaving it open for an answer, "Oh, if the heat source cools, I just remembered that I can relight it, or if they use rocks, I can just hold the rock and heat it." he said, feeling quite smart thinking about a solution to a problem that'd never happen, "But...Yeah, don't really know..." he said, cars? Video games? He didn't know what Moonstone liked...


The sauna wasn't too far away, so Moonstone led Cody there pretty quickly. They wondered what he meant by being a metal type, but was distracted by his solutions to reheating the sauna if it cools down. "We can always talk ask questions about each other. I mean, we just met, we don't know each other that well. I wouldn't mind taking this as a time to have a casual conversation about ourselves." they told him as they opened the door to the sauna.

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Extra Information


The spa, The sauna




Going into the sauna, talking to Cody


Relax in the sauna

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hahaha...well, it is morning. She's probably in her room sleeping.''
Mayumi nodded and tapped her chin, "Well... That makes sense. She does usually sleep in sometimes... Especially after that crazy thing with the green guy." She added, remembering how he broke through the walls of their home and took her and her sister hostage. It gave her shivers.
Roman said:
Mayumi nodded and tapped her chin, "Well... That makes sense. She does usually sleep in sometimes... Especially after that crazy thing with the green guy." She added, remembering how he broke through the walls of their home and took her and her sister hostage. It gave her shivers.
''That guy is so creepy..''



"Alright..." he said, walking into the sauna and taking a nice spot in the middle of a seat. "So, what exactly should we talk about? Music, cars, video games...?" he left it open for an add on, he was stumped as what to talk about, he's be bled dry with information on himself, well...everything except secrets and how he actually is. Like, what he is deep down under the shell of a tough guy. But, he'd rather keep that hidden, and wait for someone special to crack that shell.
Kuro bit his lip and looked away from her. He didn't want to admit it. His heart was beating fast. These emotions weren't his, it was the other guys. Kuro looked to Serena.

"It's really weird. My heart is beating fast..it must because of you. These feelings are not mine , but his. Shall I reveal myself little kitten ?" he asked.

He's so bored acting like Jack. It kind of sadden him that he had to break his cover.

CERBERUS177 said:
She was smiling, "Yeah...that was better than expected, well, the feeling..." she said, not feeling much love through it though, strange, she was nuts about him before, and now the kiss didn't really feel like much. But, she hid it, and thought that a first kiss might feel like that.
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LunaCrosby said:
Misaki huffed and walked off, "Alright..." she mumbled, going off to her room.
Mal watched Misaki walk off "I'm not sure Seraph is even helping you get better" she mumbled before looking at Roman and smiling, "So are you finally back and I wont have to deal with her alone?" she asked.

Roman sighed and watched as his daughter walked away. "Well now that, that's settled." He said with a smile before hearing mention Seraph not being able to help. He didn't want to ask because he knew he couldn't do much about that. When she asked about his current status, he saw her smile, something he hadn't seen in awhile. "Yeah. I found the place we'll be moving into also. He other members of my family will be there too, like my cousin Han and his wife." He told her. "I wont be there for a few weeks though... Im helping a friend of mine withbher pregnancy." Roman said, his tone saddening a little. "We'll be alright though."

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