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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

CERBERUS177 said:
(Not like that, introduce on what your character is doing, and then ask who's open with (...) with the question there)
((I've asked "Whose open?" before and its worked just fine... And so have you I believe.))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((I've asked "Whose open?" before and its worked just fine... And so have you I believe.))

(He's new, so I thought it'd make sense that he would do so, but he also forgot the OOC brackets..curves...whatever, but yes, you have me there.)
CERBERUS177 said:
(He's new, so I thought it'd make sense that he would do so, but he also forgot the OOC brackets..curves...whatever, but yes, you have me there.)
((Speaking of which... Whose open? XDDD))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((Speaking of which... Whose open? XDDD))

((I think I may open my character Moonstone cause my partner sort of disappeared on me again.))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((I think I may open my character Moonstone cause my partner sort of disappeared on me again.))

((ugh... I suppose I have to list off my characters off then... I have a thief named Klepto, an angle named Dante, a whole group of criminals, a weird child named Rael))
The Royal Keen]((You can pick whoever you want that you think fits well with my character. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fantasy-highschool-grand-reopening.115287/page-107#post-5942937 said:
Moonstone[/URL] was about to fight their friend Nico in combat class, but I'm just going to have it where they stopped and took a break during the class. Would you like to start or should I?))
((ugh... reading....I'm just gonna go with klepto, dante, or Rael then. take your pic... also does she have a umm.... human appearance? ya know? not 4 armed humanoid monster thing? sorry, just calling it like I see it.))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((ugh... reading....I'm just gonna go with klepto, dante, or Rael then. take your pic... also does she have a umm.... human appearance? ya know? not 4 armed humanoid monster thing? sorry, just calling it like I see it.))

((I had their human appearance drawn... until my computer crashed and all my artwork disappeared. So yes, they do, I just haven't drawn it yet. I'd like to interact with Klepto btw.))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((I had their human appearance drawn... until my computer crashed and all my artwork disappeared. So yes, they do, I just haven't drawn it yet. I'd like to interact with Klepto btw.))

((wow you actually do your own art? Nice! I'm far too lazy to do that xD Be warned, Klepto will steal Moonstone's wallet, any jewelry, and any other valuables she has on her. you care to start?))
Mayyflower said:
Since they lived very close to the amusement park, she knew they wouldn't have to walk far. "It's not that far from here" she says
Lillith began walking faster, leaving a big distance between them, the excitement made her start walking ahead
Hiro sighed and looked at her. "I just hope she doesn't bribe us later again. I can barely afford for the amusement park right now because I'm supposed to get my paycheck for delivery services tomorrow." He said with a weak smile.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance sighed as he stood in the midst of the flames, or rather around a mile away from the flames, through a spacial rift. Stepping through the fire Lance walked in front of Haruo and through a spacial distortion flicked Haruo's forehead boredly.

"This just isn't fair... Lets see, would running you over with a car or slitting your throat with a knife work?"
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie shook his head, his face lightly flushed with embarrassment, "I just lost track of direction, that's all." He personally didn't know why he went towards the Gamestop, their Wii U was at their home, hundreds of thousands of miles away. Wylie enters the supermarket, noting the sudden change in temperature due to the market's attempts to keep the food fresh.



Klepto boredly leaned out of the third story window of the school next to the combat field and looked down on a.... "girl"... writing something in a note book near too the combat class. Klepto wasnt much one for fighting so he saw no use for him to participate, so seeing what the girl was writing would provide a far more entertaining venture. Moving so he was sitting on the window sill, Klepto let his lower half dangle in the air before pushing out and side ways where he grabbed a drain pipe which creaked slightly in protest but remained attached to the wall. Sliding down to the end of the drain at the second story and stepping out onto a windowsill he paused briefly. Then using a series of looser stones he climbed down to the ground level. Completely suppressing his physical for and presence he walked up besides the girl and peered over the girls shoulder reading the paper thinking to himself... was this girl really designing a power she wanted? that's just kinda sad... Then walking out in front of the girl he completely dropped his suppression and asked boredly, "What you writing about there?"

((Klepto can Completely suppress his presence. Literally the only things that can detect him when he's hiding are sanctums which are Akira's "God" things which are above everything else. He's not the god of thieves for no reason.))
Kisaki said:
(Sure , can ya start?)
Serena just got done with her next song, and got dressed, wearing some jeans and a tank top she walked out of her dorm, and made her way to Jack. When she reached his dorm, she knocked, and waited with a nice smile.

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