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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jack got finish dressing. He opened the door and stepped out, locking the door.

" Okay, I'm ready"

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena just got done with her next song, and got dressed, wearing some jeans and a tank top she walked out of her dorm, and made her way to Jack. When she reached his dorm, she knocked, and waited with a nice smile.
Kisaki said:
Jack got finish dressing. He opened the door and stepped out, locking the door.
" Okay, I'm ready"
Serena nodded, "Should we drive or walk?" she asked him, since she had no idea where the mall was. Or how far it is away from the school.
"Its pretty far from school ,so driving is the best choice." he replied.

He took out a map of the town. "Its 30 miles away. A quick drive".

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena nodded, "Should we drive or walk?" she asked him, since she had no idea where the mall was. Or how far it is away from the school.
Kisaki said:
"Its pretty far from school ,so driving is the best choice." he replied.
He took out a map of the town. "Its 30 miles away. A quick drive".
"Alright!" she said, walking with Jack, smiling a bit, "How was the rest of your night?" she asked him, since he had to leave while they were enjoying the cake.
" It was great. Kagami stopped her whining when I bought her the ice cream."

He remember yesterday that he kissed Serena on the cheek and how her face went all rd. It was cute.

He shook his head and told himself to stop thinking about that.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright!" she said, walking with Jack, smiling a bit, "How was the rest of your night?" she asked him, since he had to leave while they were enjoying the cake.
Kisaki said:
" It was great. Kagami stopped her whining when I bought her the ice cream."
He remember yesterday that he kissed Serena on the cheek and how her face went all rd. It was cute.

He shook his head and told himself to stop thinking about that.
She giggled, "Maybe we can stop by moms bakery and I can get you some of the candy she makes, let's see what Kagami thinks about them." she said giggling, remembering Cody's words on the candy, 'Oh God! Tastes like diabetes!'.
"I'm sure Kagami will eat them. If its food she will eat it" Jack chuckled.

Kagami was peaking out of the corner and then she jumped out.

" Did someone say candy. I'm going with you guys" she walked over to Jack grabbing his arm. She turned to Serena.

"You wouldn't mind, if a come along? "she asked in an innocent voice.

Jack sighed , looking down at her.

CERBERUS177 said:
She giggled, "Maybe we can stop by moms bakery and I can get you some of the candy she makes, let's see what Kagami thinks about them." she said giggling, remembering Cody's words on the candy, 'Oh God! Tastes like diabetes!'.
Kisaki said:
"I'm sure Kagami will eat them. If its food she will eat it" Jack chuckled.
Kagami was peaking out of the corner and then she jumped out.

" Did someone say candy. I'm going with you guys" she walked over to Jack grabbing his arm. She turned to Serena.

"You wouldn't mind, if a come along? "she asked in an innocent voice.

Jack sighed , looking down at her.
Serena didn't know what to say, but she wanted to be with Jack, "Yes, I would mind Kagami...I-I would like to hang out w-with Jack, just the t-two of us." she said, holding her hands behind her back, ready for anything.

Kagami blinked and stared for a while. Then she laughed "Okay! I won't go , but you have to get me a bucket full of candy when you come back."

Kagami smiled and bowed and started to walk away. Jack looked at Serena.

"That's odd. I guess your lucky that you didn't see the wrath of my sister"

Next time on Fantasty Highschool...

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena didn't know what to say, but she wanted to be with Jack, "Yes, I would mind Kagami...I-I would like to hang out w-with Jack, just the t-two of us." she said, holding her hands behind her back, ready for anything.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro sighed and looked at her. "I just hope she doesn't bribe us later again. I can barely afford for the amusement park right now because I'm supposed to get my paycheck for delivery services tomorrow." He said with a weak smile.
Harper shook her head. "I came up with the idea, Ill pay. Plus Lillith would get in free because shes a child" she says "Lillith come back here, stay close" she called out

Lillith stopped and turned around. "Hurrrrry uppppp then" she groaned



...?Ariadne sat on a bench that was situated towards the side of the combat field, pen and book in hand. She was writing about each individual student, as well as detailing the strengths and weaknesses that she saw in both their offence and defence. It was easy to see that she was enjoying the way she spent her time, given that a smile was evident on her face, and the faint, gentle humming that came from beneath said smile. She tapped her feat rhythmically against the ground, following the melody that she hummed. Occasionally, she'd take quick glances at both her son and grandson's battles with a slight gleam of interest, shortly before she'd bury her head back into her book and continue writing. In truth, Ariadne hadn't experienced peace for as long as she had currently, as something would always come up which would surely cause chaos to ensue. She found the peace to be relaxing, hence why she was using her time to help her eldest son, Akira with his job as principal and the combat instructor. Ariadne continued to sit on the bench and write notes, the same faint humming coming from her smile?...

no slide no slide no slide

TheDragoon said:
With that Vis super speeded her home. She then let her out gently. She was frowning. "I can't believe what just happened..." She muttered. "To have your wedding ruined by our true leader... I'm sorry." She said softly as she looked up at Lena. "This wasn't supposed to happen..."
Lena sat down on the ground next to her doors, anr buried her head in her hands, calming herself down.

"I.... D-Don't know what happened.... B-but we have to get him back... Once we do, I'll have a little conversation..." She exclaimed, breathing slowly.
JJKab said:
Lena sat down on the ground next to her doors, anr buried her head in her hands, calming herself down.
"I.... D-Don't know what happened.... B-but we have to get him back... Once we do, I'll have a little conversation..." She exclaimed, breathing slowly.
Vis shook his head. "I have a little secret... I know what's happening to Shuu. Shuu is being controlled by a thing named Zam Thane. He loses his ability to control his body and has to sit back and watch everything Zam does like a puppet. It's frightening in my opinion. Apparantly our true leader doesn't like you either..." She murmured. "Do you really think you could talk to Shuu?"
Mayyflower said:
Harper shook her head. "I came up with the idea, Ill pay. Plus Lillith would get in free because shes a child" she says "Lillith come back here, stay close" she called out
Lillith stopped and turned around. "Hurrrrry uppppp then" she groaned
Hiro nodded softly. "That's good to hear, but doesn't the guy usually pay most of the time? Like on dates and stuff?" He asked her curiously.
TheDragoon said:
Vis shook his head. "I have a little secret... I know what's happening to Shuu. Shuu is being controlled by a thing named Zam Thane. He loses his ability to control his body and has to sit back and watch everything Zam does like a puppet. It's frightening in my opinion. Apparantly our true leader doesn't like you either..." She murmured. "Do you really think you could talk to Shuu?"
Lena sighed, and slowly stood up, her expression that of anger.

"Yes.... I agree.. I'll have to speak with him..." She said, looking at Vis.
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TheDragoon said:
Hiro nodded softly. "That's good to hear, but doesn't the guy usually pay most of the time? Like on dates and stuff?" He asked her curiously.
"Yea but you just said it yourself, that you dont have alot of money" she says







Maybe it was over confidence, but Lumina expected her attack to at least do, well, something. But alas, Kenji seemed much more ready for her than before. Before even getting close, despite her increased speed and decreased distance, Kenji seemed to predict what she was going to end up. There was a rush of heat and a flash of red, and he was gone, and Lumina barely had enough time to register what was happening before she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders. Before she knew it they had slowed down, with Kenji bursting out his own energy go slow their movements. She barely got thr chance to look up at him before his hand slid down to the base of her wings, and it was at that moment that her focus was completely shot. Her breath hitched as her wings did indeed tuck closer to her body. Lumina had to try very hard to not let out some weird sound in the middle of class. His hand was making her mind go slightly blank, and her hair returned back to its normal black color. With his hands on the base of her wings, she couldn't focus on combat, and focus was one of the things she needed if she wanted to use this form effectively in a battle scenario. A blush found her cheeks that only seemed to increase by the second, her voice trying to deny what her body was feeling.
"H-hey, that's not f-fair...!" Of course he'd do something like this, Kenji was the only one who knew all of her weaknesses.

no slide
no slide
Kisaki said:
Kagami blinked and stared for a while. Then she laughed "Okay! I won't go , but you have to get me a bucket full of candy when you come back."

Kagami smiled and bowed and started to walk away. Jack looked at Serena.

"That's odd. I guess your lucky that you didn't see the wrath of my sister"

Next time on Fantasty Highschool...
Previously on Fantasy Highschool...

"Yes I would mind..", *Kagami laughs* "Okay I won't go, but you have to get me a bucket full of candy... "...........

Serena looked at Jack, "Sorry for sounding a bit rude about that... It'd be nice to hang out with you... " she said with a kind of upset face.

(I thought adding that previously thing would be funny )
"It's fine. " He gave her a small smile.

He tried to comfort her with a smile.

CERBERUS177 said:
Previously on Fantasy Highschool...
"Yes I would mind..", *Kagami laughs* "Okay I won't go, but you have to get me a bucket full of candy... "...........

Serena looked at Jack, "Sorry for sounding a bit rude about that... It'd be nice to hang out with you... " she said with a kind of upset face.

(I thought adding that previously thing would be funny )
Kisaki said:
"It's fine. " He gave her a small smile.
He tried to comfort her with a smile.
"Alright..." she said as they walked, "I don't really have to bring her a bucket do I? " she asked, Serena wasn't scared of Kagami, but won't mind keeping it a neutral relation between her and Kagami.
"No. Maybe two handfuls of candy will suffice." Jack said. That would be enough he thought. He didn't want Kagami going on a sugar rush.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright..." she said as they walked, "I don't really have to bring her a bucket do I? " she asked, Serena wasn't scared of Kagami, but won't mind keeping it a neutral relation between her and Kagami.
Kisaki said:
"No. Maybe two handfuls of candy will suffice." Jack said. That would be enough he thought. He didn't want Kagami going on a sugar rush.
She smiled, "Alright." she said smiling, "Do you know if they have a skate shop in there? The mall I mean... " she asked, she wouldn't care if there was, but knowing that there is one would be nice. Since they sell clothes and stuff she likes at skate shops.
"I think they do. Every mall I been to has a skate shop." He wad planning to buy more clothes. He had a lot of winter clothing and needed some clothes for the hot summer.

CERBERUS177 said:
She smiled, "Alright." she said smiling, "Do you know if they have a skate shop in there? The mall I mean... " she asked, she wouldn't care if there was, but knowing that there is one would be nice. Since they sell clothes and stuff she likes at skate shops.
Kisaki said:
"I think they do. Every mall I been to has a skate shop." He wad planning to buy more clothes. He had a lot of winter clothing and needed some clothes for the hot summer.
"Cool I... We should go there last, maybe we browse the shops? "she said questionably, she's never been to a mall before, if she has then she can't remember. But would love to see Jacks style of clothing, other than what he wore the last few times she's seen him.

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