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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"I guess there is a few shops I want to visit. My father sent me 1,000 dollars for this 2nd weeks allowance , so I need to spend it on something"

He'll probably buy plushies from Tokyo Discount for Kagami.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Cool I... We should go there last, maybe we browse the shops? "she said questionably, she's never been to a mall before, if she has then she can't remember. But would love to see Jacks style of clothing, other than what he wore the last few times she's seen him.
Kisaki said:
"I guess there is a few shops I want to visit. My father sent me 1,000 dollars for this 2nd weeks allowance , so I need to spend it on something"
He'll probably buy plushies from Tokyo Discount for Kagami.
"I might buy a school uniform..." she said, only if they have the Trinity Seven uniform, that is the only one she would ever get and wear for cosplaying.
"Your into cosplay?"he asked

He's seen Hisaki and Kagami wear Japanese school uniforms to conventions before.

CERBERUS177 said:
"I might buy a school uniform..." she said, only if they have the Trinity Seven uniform, that is the only one she would ever get and wear for cosplaying.
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Kisaki said:
"You into cosplay"he asked
"Y-Yeah... I'm very much into it. " she said with a smile, "I have mostly Ghost In the Shell and GATE cosplay outfits... " she said, she was planning on getting into the school girl cosplay soon. So she might as well buy the suit at the mall.
"My sister forced me into dressing up like a butler. Other than that, I never wally cosplay before". Hisaki and Kagami really love cosplaying. She bought a Black Butler costume and made him look like the Butler Sebastian.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Y-Yeah... I'm very much into it. " she said with a smile, "I have mostly Ghost In the Shell and GATE cosplay outfits... " she said, she was planning on getting into the school girl cosplay soon. So she might as well buy the suit at the mall.
Kisaki said:
"My sister forced me into dressing up like a butler. Other than that, I never wally cosplay before". Hisaki and Kagami really love cosplaying. She bought a Black Butler costume and made him look like the Butler Sebastian.
"I'm more, school girls with guns, cosplayer, but I would like to get into a regular school girl thing... " she said looking at Jack, "Do you think I can pull it off? " she said holding her hands behind her back and smiling.
He looked up and down at her.

"I think you can pull it off." He thought she would be cute in a school girl outfit , but he didn't dare to say it outloud.

CERBERUS177 said:
"I'm more, school girls with guns, cosplayer, but I would like to get into a regular school girl thing... " she said looking at Jack, "Do you think I can pull it off? " she said holding her hands behind her back and smiling.
Kisaki said:
He looked up and down at her.
"I think you can pull it off." He thought she would be cute in a school girl outfit , but he didn't dare to say it outloud.
She kept her smile on, "Nice." she said, "I wonder if they have Halo armor... I'd like to get some ODST armor for me and Cody... Maybe, I can convince you to wear something?" she said giggling, "Maybe, a school outfit for yourself? " she looked at him, "I think you can pull it off... " Serena now looked a little bit embarrassed but hid it well.



Klepto laughed and plopped himself down on the bench besides the girl, before ticking off on his fingers the things he currently wanted, answering completely honestly. "Lets see, I want ten thousand dollars, the hope diamond, an A in combat class even though I've never attended, a cheeseburger, and to know why on earth a girl is literally designing a power she wishes she had. I mean isn't that kinda depressing?"
"W-what..me. I guess I'll try on some costumes". He wasn't much of a cosplayer. Maybe he will wear the school uniform.

CERBERUS177 said:
She kept her smile on, "Nice." she said, "I wonder if they have Halo armor... I'd like to get some ODST armor for me and Cody... Maybe, I can convince you to wear something?" she said giggling, "Maybe, a school outfit for yourself? " she looked at him, "I think you can pull it off... " Serena now looked a little bit embarrassed but hid it well.
Kisaki said:
"W-what..me. I guess I'll try on some costumes". He wasn't much of a cosplayer. Maybe he will wear the school uniform.
She nodded as they reached the car, "I can't wait to see what the mall looks like. " Serena said opening the door, and getting in. She hopes Jack doesn't stay quite through out the whole ride there.

(Time skip?)
Jack got into the car also.

"I hope it isn't too big. I got lost in the last one I went to."he said while buckling himself in.


CERBERUS177 said:
She nodded as they reached the car, "I can't wait to see what the mall looks like. " Serena said opening the door, and getting in. She hopes Jack doesn't stay quite through out the whole ride there.
(Time skip?)



Klepto smirked, "Being able to manipulate emotions isn't any kind of super power darling, its a basic psychological skill and can be learned by anyone, including a for armed gal like yourself. You just need to know how to steer the conversation in any direction you want, pick up any tones of voice the other party is using and understanding the emotional principles behind it, and a number of other techniques. Such things all belong to the category of cold reading and are key parts of any good con artist's arsenal. By the way, If you were designing a super ability wouldn't you want it to be as ridiculously powerful as possible?"
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie scrunched up his eyes, thinking, "Well, from experience and from my tribe's advice, they tell me that if you have a cold, what you need is vitamin C... so I would get fruits and juices." He picks up a basket, and an Italian soda from a cooler
Kisaki said:
Jack got into the car also.
"I hope it isn't too big. I got lost in the last one I went to."he said while buckling himself in.

They reached the mall, Serena parked in the little garage parking lot area, "Wow, this is a big mall... " she said as they walked in. The inside was massive and filled with people.



Klepto smirked at her reply, "Controlling your own emotions? That's even easier, all it takes is practice and realizing when you aren't in control of yourself anymore. besides, you cant handle any more powers? that likely means you cant use them properly. its not about quantity, its about how you use them. I only have two powers, yet there's no one greater than me at what I do because I've mastered my abilities usage."
"Yep" . He looked around. "There is at least 4 floors to this mall" . His feet are definitely are going to be sore after this.

CERBERUS177 said:
They reached the mall, Serena parked in the little garage parking lot area, "Wow, this is a big mall... " she said as they walked in. The inside was massive and filled with people.
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Kisaki said:
"Yep" . He looked around. "There is at least 4 floors to this mall" . His feet are definitely are going to be sore after this.
"Cool! We should go to the phone store before we do anything else. Since we might get carried away... " she said, her sister just put a good sum of money into her bank account, so right now it's burning a hole in her pocket.
He nodded "Si, what type of phone are you getting" he asked. He was thinking of getting an computer instead of upgrading his phone.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Cool! We should go to the phone store before we do anything else. Since we might get carried away... " she said, her sister just put a good sum of money into her bank account, so right now it's burning a hole in her pocket.

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