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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


Avatia watched the combat class from afar, not interested in participating in such a class. She found fighting and starting fights enjoyable, but being graded on something she liked always ruined it for her, and at times made her purposely try to be bad in the subject. She watched as the students use everything at their disposal to fight, including bringing in the teacher to fight. She couldn't help but find such a thing entertaining, and almost tried to join in to find herself a partner. Avatia wasn't sure what would be more embarrassing though, entering a class and not knowing how to use her powers, potentially hurting others. Or joining the class late and it being obvious she hardly knows what to do. It also wouldn't be a good thing for her to join in, then get bored later on and leave when the class no longer suited her needs.

Watching satisfied her for the moment though, standing by a building while she twirled her gas-like hair. Her eyes tried to keep track on all the moving figures battling, but some of them moved so fast it nearly made her sick from confusion. Other times clones would get involved and she would end up just ending her attempts to keep track on the battle. Avatia did enjoy the flashy colors and battles though, and wished to see more from her other classmates she should've been with. Perhaps she would join if she could find a partner she found suitable for someone of her status and ability. Someone strong, but sensible, knowing when to stop and when to continue. Avatia would particularly like a person who would help her improve in combat, instead of her having to help them instead. She never disliked feeling better than others, but she disliked feeling like she had to carry an incompetent person.

She sat down in the green grassing, letting her hair droop lightly onto the ground as she sat on her knees. Avatia listened to the grunts, laughs, and other sounds of the students fighting, whether enjoying it or not. She took note on each of their fighting styles and on their faces when she could, hoping she could learn from these people. She particularly found interests in the two fire people fighting against one another, finding it useful to learn their moves and approaches to battle. Avatia admired that she didn't even need to join the combat class to learn from it, and when the time came for her to get in trouble for skipping out on the class, or perhaps just coming late, she could at least say she leaned something from watching.

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Extra Information


Nearby Combat Class


Relaxed, Interested, Focused


Watching her classmates battle


Learn from her classmates battling one another

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


@Fukushima Akira[/URL]








...Haruo sighed and reverted back to his previous form, his black hair turning blonde and his Tengan deactivating in the process. He grinned and replied≭...

Oh well, I suppose it can't be helped. I believe it's time for you to wear a maid costume.

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...ΨKenji's hair slowly dropped down to his face. He now wore his previous clothing, and his power returned to it's dormant state. Upon seeing Lumina's reaction, he couldn't help but laugh slightly, a faint blush appearing on his face as he did so. Without wasting any time, he placed both of his hands onto Lumina's waist and spoke, his ever present smile remainingΨ...

Hard to believe that we'll be married to one another soon, and yet we've still to look at venues and hold taste tests for the cake~ .

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...☬Ariadne finished writing in her notepad and began making her way towards Akira, stopping as she approached her son's side. She handed her findings over to Akira and spoke as he began looking through the pages. As she finished talking, she bumped a clenched fist against her open palm, as an idea had just arrived within her mind. She then spoke her thoughts☬...

From my observations, I have seen many of the students abandon their defence in favour of offence. I got it, why don't you force them to fight multiple people at once? That should make them keep up their defences.

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...♅Akira shook his head and raised his eyebrow, replying to his mother as his irises shifted from her to the students who were sparring infront of them. As he spoke, he couldn't help but look over at his son, noticing that he had won his sparring session against Lance. He grinned slightly and returned his vision to his mother, replying as his eyebrow remained propped upwards♅...

That would be pretty extreme for a class like that this early in the year. Most of the students aren't ready for taking on multiple people at once, and creating a divide between those who can and those who can't will only cause problems further on down the line. We should reserve something of that calibre until later on in the year, so that they're more prepared and their powers are more matured.

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Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed lightly when Astrid tried to stand using the rifle. Her attempt wad successful as she was able to stand, but at the same time it wasn't easy for her to do so abd he could tell. She had probably noticed his limp by now too. When she had took hold of his hand, he could tell she grateful for his help, even through her comment about him. "I'm fine. Just a bad ankle. You on the other hand are in need of help. I've learned the hard way that it's best to help your partner when they're in need..." He stated as he slowly began towards the school once again.

"And I don't want to see you like this. It's... Out of character to me... Seeing you like this." He told Astrid. He had stopped walking as they made it to the doors, his eyes closed as he took a quiet breath. "Weird... That has to be what you're thinking. I came to a realization about a lot of things, so... Don't worry about it. You will understand later." Alejandro said quietly as he used his free hand to push open the door. "C'mon." He said as he gave her a gentle nudge as if notifying her.

More Info

Location: Main building

Mood: Injured, calm

Status: Helping Astrid to the nurse, despite his own injuries

Objective: Get Astrid to the nurse's office

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina



With Alejandro's limp and her less-than-ideal position, it took a while to actually make it to the nurse's office. As they walked, Alejandro spoke, and Astrid glanced up only to look away again just as quickly. He seemed much more beat up than he was letting on and yet he was much more concerned about her own well-being. Granted with her head in the shape it was, she might have been in a worse shape than him, but still. That first moment seeing him in such a battered state reminded her so much of when she went to visit Skylar in the hospital. She didn't admit it to herself, but there was a moment of panic and just utter sadness and worry seeing him in the bed next to her best friend. So to see him again in such a bad state, it just reminded her of it, and it wasn't something she wanted to be reminded of.

Astrid didn't say anything as the nurse's office came into view. She wondered if she should say something, but no words seemed right. As Alejandro spoke again, she could have sworn she felt her heart beat a little faster, but she wrote it off as due to her current condition. It's not like his words really meant that much... right? She felt the nudge, which snapped her out of her thoughts, and the two entered the office.

Almost immediately they were met with worried nurses rushing over to check them out. They took Astrid from Alejandro's grasp before taking him to be checked out. Astrid was moved to a bed where her head and shoulder were immediately checked out. It looked like she had a severe concussion and a fractured/nearly broken shoulder, as well as several bruises all along her body. After a test, it showed that she was anemic as well, combined with the concussion was the reason behind her near passing out. Of course, they wanted to know what happened, though from where Alejandro was he couldn't hear much. All he'd be able to hear was Astrid, who was much louder than the nurses.
"It's fine, I'm fine, just check on Alejandro.... it was nothing... no, it wasn't self inflicted.... yes, there were four of them... no... I don't know who they were.... probably gone by now... I didn't provoke it, I didn't do anything..." Astrid didn't want to make a big deal out of what happened, especially with Alejandro in the room. She too had attracted some unwanted attention during the day, and had been targeted because of it, and the last thing she wanted was to remind Alejandro of what happened with Hyou and Skylar. Plus, she hated being the center of attention with her injuries. Shed be out of here tomorrow or even tonight, whether they liked it or not. Alejandro on the other hand... that's who she was most worried about. She glanced over at him as the nurse's checked him over, looking away after a moment so as not to come off as weird. After a moment, the dizziness returned, and Astrid slumped backwards into a laying position, closing her eyes to stop the world from spinning.

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@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...ΨKenji's hair slowly dropped down to his face. He now wore his previous clothing, and his power returned to it's dormant state. Upon seeing Lumina's reaction, he couldn't help but laugh slightly, a faint blush appearing on his face as he did so. Without wasting any time, he placed both of his hands onto Lumina's waist and spoke, his ever present smile remainingΨ...

Hard to believe that we'll be married to one another soon, and yet we've still to look at venues and hold taste tests for the cake~ .

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...☬Ariadne finished writing in her notepad and began making her way towards Akira, stopping as she approached her son's side. She handed her findings over to Akira and spoke as he began looking through the pages. As she finished talking, she bumped a clenched fist against her open palm, as an idea had just arrived within her mind. She then spoke her thoughts☬...

From my observations, I have seen many of the students abandon their defence in favour of offence. I got it, why don't you force them to fight multiple people at once? That should make them keep up their defences.

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...♅Akira shook his head and raised his eyebrow, replying to his mother as his irises shifted from her to the students who were sparring infront of them. As he spoke, he couldn't help but look over at his son, noticing that he had won his sparring session against Lance. He grinned slightly and returned his vision to his mother, replying as his eyebrow remained propped upwards♅...

That would be pretty extreme for a class like that this early in the year. Most of the students aren't ready for taking on multiple people at once, and creating a divide between those who can and those who can't will only cause problems further on down the line. We should reserve something of that calibre until later on in the year, so that they're more prepared and their powers are more matured.

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Kenji was a lot meaner than he let on. He was acutely aware of every weakness that Lumina seemed to have and was more than willing to use it against her. It was all she had to not make any weird noises in the middle of class. Thankfully, and to Lumina's surprise, Kenji's appearance returned to normal as he shifted his hands to her waist and started talking about... wedding planning?? Lumina blinked and stared up at him in utter confusion, not even noticing her own appearance turning back to its normal blonde haired blue eyed one. Why was he talking about their wedding and cake tasting? Weren't they in the middle of training? Weren't they in the middle of combat class?? Her expression grew more and more confused as she looked up at his slightly blushing face and listened to him talk.
"I-I... uh... yes? W-wait, I thought we were training? I-I mean, I can't believe it either, b-but..." That reminded the phoenix that she had thought little to none about their wedding. With everything that happened, from her death to everything else, there wasn't much room or much time to really think about that. At least, that's how it was in her head. Apparently Kenji had been thinking about it more than she had, and she was going to be the bride! A slight blush found her own face at the thought of putting on a white dress and doing all the stuff you'd do at a wedding... wait, what do you do at a wedding? Thoughts of training were thrown out the window as Lumina's thoughts were overtaken by their upcoming wedding. All the planning was overwhelming and the scope of it all seemed so huge, the sense of despair in planning something like that was showing on her face amidst the confusion. Her eyes darted back in forth in thought, and Lumina ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down. It wasn't really the time or place to get so overwhelmed, but Kenji was the one to bring up the wedding, now of all times.

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Lumina said:


Kenji was a lot meaner than he let on. He was acutely aware of every weakness that Lumina seemed to have and was more than willing to use it against her. It was all she had to not make any weird noises in the middle of class. Thankfully, and to Lumina's surprise, Kenji's appearance returned to normal as he shifted his hands to her waist and started talking about... wedding planning?? Lumina blinked and stared up at him in utter confusion, not even noticing her own appearance turning back to its normal blonde haired blue eyed one. Why was he talking about their wedding and cake tasting? Weren't they in the middle of training? Weren't they in the middle of combat class?? Her expression grew more and more confused as she looked up at his slightly blushing face and listened to him talk. "I-I... uh... yes? W-wait, I thought we were training? I-I mean, I can't believe it either, b-but..." That reminded the phoenix that she had thought little to none about their wedding. With everything that happened, from her death to everything else, there wasn't much room or much time to really think about that. At least, that's how it was in her head. Apparently Kenji had been thinking about it more than she had, and she was going to be the bride! A slight blush found her own face at the thought of putting on a white dress and doing all the stuff you'd do at a wedding... wait, what do you do at a wedding? Thoughts of training were thrown out the window as Lumina's thoughts were overtaken by their upcoming wedding. All the planning was overwhelming and the scope of it all seemed so huge, the sense of despair in planning something like that was showing on her face amidst the confusion. Her eyes darted back in forth in thought, and Lumina ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down. It wasn't really the time or place to get so overwhelmed, but Kenji was the one to bring up the wedding, now of all times.

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...ΨKenji continued to smile as Lumina talked to him, shortly before he began to notice the signs of Lumina feeling overwhelmed, such as the fixing of hair and rapid eye movements. Kenji gently pulled Lumina closer to his body through the use of his hands that was positioned on her waist and placed his lips against her cheek, shortly before he spoke. As he talked, his head leaned out from the previous kiss and maintained a short distance between his face and Lumina's, his blush remaining ever present. Normally, he'd be embarrassed, due to the surrounding students and the kiss he'd just placed on Lumina's cheek, however he was only focusing on her movements. His world. What he hadn't told Lumina, and probably wouldn't tell her, was that when he died and went to the Throne World, Kenji was haunted by Lumina's grieving face, the face he knew she'd inevitably make upon the news of his death. The same picture took hold of his thoughts and forced him into a despair like none other, constantly torn his normal self, and his Lost form. The only reason he trained was because the elder Sanctums wanted to take his mind off of his pair, which worked, during the days. Each night would be filled with pain, the days filled with frustration and anger. For two hundred centuries, his mind remained fixed on Lumina. His trained turned from a simple distraction, to the main motivation for escape; To smash his own way out of the Throne World, and back to Lumina, yet it never happened. Every twenty years, he'd try again, only to fail miserably. in spite of this, he never lost hope. He continued to try, fail and try again until finally, Akira was able to bring everyone back. He wasted no time returning to Lumina's side, and quickly found that Akira had never told her of his demise. So, in a split moment of rash thinking, Kenji withheld the information of his death, in order to keep his love's cheeks unstained with tears. He knew he'd have to tell her, and he knew he'd have to do it before the wedding, as he didn't want their marriage to begin with a lie. All the while he was thinking this, he was smiling at Lumina, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. Of course, this was for her sake. It always was. He'd never do anything that would directly or indirectly harm her, it just wasn't his nature. But then the thought kept creeping up that he would have to. He would have to tell her of his demise, and hope that she'd be fine, knowing that he was there, with herΨ...

Yeah, but I was thinking about it, and I remembered that we still had a lot to do planning wise. Besides, I'd like to end the training here, as you'll need some time to perfect the thrusters, as well as pulling your wings back at the appropriate time. We can pick up the next time we train, there's no rush~ Don't worry, I'll be helping you plan for the wedding as well, so you won't be alone. I'll be here. With you, so you can relax~

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@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...☬Ariadne finished writing in her notepad and began making her way towards Akira, stopping as she approached her son's side. She handed her findings over to Akira and spoke as he began looking through the pages. As she finished talking, she bumped a clenched fist against her open palm, as an idea had just arrived within her mind. She then spoke her thoughts☬...

From my observations, I have seen many of the students abandon their defence in favour of offence. I got it, why don't you force them to fight multiple people at once? That should make them keep up their defences.

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Lance blinked boredly before replying, "If you have a maid outfit just lying around, I am really going to start questioning your interests...."

((Well as long as they're not #$@&^%$ BULLET PROOF!!!! ))
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Klepto smirked, "Of course there's always something going on, but i mean something BIG like out of the frying pan into the fire big. I don't know what it is, but its going to be game changing... any way.... what exactly are you? I mean nothing at this school is ever as it seems, but someone who is drawing there own wishful abilities is something you dont see every day."
Kisaki said:
Kagami smiled. "Thanks". She was shaking Hisaki back and forth.
"Are you happy! Finally we can hang out with another person".

"Kagami-San p-please stop". Hisaki took ahold of Kagami's arms to stop her from shaking him.
Salvador gave short bark of laughter, the sound muffled by his gas mask. He then ordered a taxi, and moments later, the taxi arrives
"Our ride has arrived. " Kagami stood up and walked over to the taxi.

Hisaki also got up . "Do you want me to pay you for the ride? "he asked.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador gave short bark of laughter, the sound muffled by his gas mask. He then ordered a taxi, and moments later, the taxi arrives

Kisaki said:
"Our ride has arrived. " Kagami stood up and walked over to the taxi.
Hisaki also got up . "Do you want me to pay you for the ride? "he asked.
Salvador shook his head, "I called in the taxi, so I'll pay for it." I've stolen enough stuff to pay for it he thought secretly as he got in the taxi
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"You know," Wylie said, "Unless there is an amusement park somewhere, there isn't much to do. Roy's probably going insane back at school." he glances at Junchi, "What do you think? Head back? I'll give you a ride, even though it probably is slower than making a flying flower carpet."
JJKab said:
Lena sighed, and slowly stood up, her expression that of anger.
"Yes.... I agree.. I'll have to speak with him..." She said, looking at Vis.
Vis blinked a few times and gasped. "B-But you'll get killed!" She yelped. "W-We could try talking to him..."
"Okay " he said , he sat inside the taxi.

"We should buy some cosplay costumes. Do you think I would look good in a maid outfit?"Kagami smiled.

Hisaki nodded "I guess "he layed his head against the window.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
Salvador shook his head, "I called in the taxi, so I'll pay for it." I've stolen enough stuff to pay for it he thought secretly as he got in the taxi

Mayyflower said:
"Yea but you just said it yourself, that you dont have alot of money" she says
Hiro blushed a little and pouted as he looked to the side. "I... Don't want to be useless." He said. For some reason it reminded him of when they had started their relationship when they were young. He had saved her from a strange magic bottle and then... Cupid just took it from there.
Kisaki said:
"Okay " he said , he sat inside the taxi.
"We should buy some cosplay costumes. Do you think I would look good in a maid outfit?"Kagami smiled.

Hisaki nodded "I guess "he layed his head against the window.
Salvador requested to head to the mall, and buckled up his seat belt. He turned around to talk to Kagami and Hisaki, "I don't know much about cosplay. You'll have to help me find a costume or I might end up in a Final Fantasy IV costume." He laughs "The mask would ruin it."
"You could totally dress up as Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul". Since he had a mask , she thought it would be a great match.

"He just needs the white hair" Hisaki added.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador requested to head to the mall, and buckled up his seat belt. He turned around to talk to Kagami and Hisaki, "I don't know much about cosplay. You'll have to help me find a costume or I might end up in a Final Fantasy IV costume." He laughs "The mask would ruin it."

Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie leads Junchi to a completely normal electric BMW car. Wylie reflects that Junchi, liking flowers, should approve of the ride, since it was completely electric powered.
Kisaki said:
"You could totally dress up as Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul". Since he had a mask , she thought it would be a great match.
"He just needs the white hair" Hisaki added.
"I could always dye it, or get a wig." Salvador said, he turned around, searching around on his phone for ideas.
"Great! Now what should I dress up as. Oo! I should dress up as that girl from Blood c +". Kagami took her phone out and started to play some games. She probably should buy a key chain for her phone.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"I could always dye it, or get a wig." Salvador said, he turned around, searching around on his phone for ideas.

Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie takes out the keys, tapping the unlock button, then heads into the driver seat, closing the door after him. The inside was okay-- the seats were made out of fabric, not leather or fake leather, and things were still in the back of the car that he and Roy hadn't unpacked for some reason. Probably because the dorm turned out much smaller than expected.
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